In this video a few things were missed. The original video was taken down due to political arguments. Musicians that gave their time to be featured were eliminated, local talent. Huell was a personal friend. And I was one of those that donated my time. I hope some day people will just let us do what we do best with out all of that. Just had to say that. You know who you are. Another little bit of knowledge. John Huff just passed away. Another artist that gave his all for the community. With out him I would have never been inspired to give what I gave. Love you John. He through me will live on in infamy. He said, "You all need to get it together". From what I have seen, he was absolutely right. Two posts after the fact. 1,213 views. Every one skipped out on this one for the first. lol Let me see if I can find the first and post it again. Under this one.