Parents who Force their kids to go to College | Michie Rambles

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@fluffycrystal99 5 жыл бұрын
don't forget about parents who over shelter their kids from doing ANYTHING. I couldn't get a job when i was 16 because my parents said i didn't need it even though literally all of my other family like my cousins and grandparents were asking my parents why don't I have a job. They over protect you then they get mad when you don't do anything because you literally can't.
@clarerodri8080 5 жыл бұрын
Ah man that sucks buddy :( I know many friends who are extremely over sheltered and struggle a lot in the future . Life is always balance , I hope you can start doing ya stuff soon.
@protoluigi2047 5 жыл бұрын
My mother in a nutshell. Seriously some parents are just psychos.
@elaineivysart9743 2 жыл бұрын
Makes me lucky I'm quite young but because of how much money we had I had to hold down the fort sometimes and sometimes I have to go with her and walk and clean with her and I learned how to cook although I think I grew up to fast I know all these things and I'm 11 but at least I'm ready for the real world alot more than people who over shelter there kids
@necrosis5453 5 жыл бұрын
My parents told me that I have to go to college. They told me I can be a voice actor all I want but I HAVE to go to college. I’m literally 13. And I don’t want to go to college. I don’t like school. It’s just the dynamic that I really don’t like, I hate being in a classroom and all the debt kinda scares me. If I really need to go to college, I told my parents that I would do online college. But NO. I don’t understand..
@jestrel 5 жыл бұрын
They can't force you. If you don't want to. Then don't. College is not for everyone.
@Luke-lq9rn 5 жыл бұрын
My advice is to start practicing your Voice Acting and getting practice on like for free online roles for like webseries and such. Build up a Demo Reel and a Portfolio of work as well as when you can get a part time job and save up like mad, so in 5 years time when you're 18 you're able to get away and hopefully get a job as a voice actor instead of needing to go to College. Just make sure to plan your life around this; you got like 5 years from now so you got time to prepare! Good luck!
@victoriatube159 5 жыл бұрын
tbh if you live in an area with a running start program i suggest going into it in high school its free college you can try it out for a quarter then if you decide you don't like it you can stop. I did that and if you do it right you can get your associates degree by the time you graduate high school its about the same difficulty just a bit more time outside of class but it evens out since your 6 class a day high school becomes 3 classes of about the same lengthen also I would time it so id have an extra month and a haft of summer or only 1 or 2 classes for the last 3 months of your school year. i did it that way so the amount i worked went with the amount of drive i had.
@missm2925 5 жыл бұрын
You're 13, you don't know what you're going to do when you're 18. If youre 13 then that means your in 8-9 grade which means you already have credits counting towards graduation. College is such an amazing social experience and their just thinking of the best for you.
@TheNyleve16 5 жыл бұрын
@@missm2925 Just because parents think something is "good" for their kids doesn't mean that they should decide their childen's whole future. Maybe for them could be good but for the kid it could be useless. Not everyone can deal with college or the debt that comes with it, not to mention, if not prepared, all the emotional and physical toll that can take on them. Parents aren't there to decide the life their child wants, parents are there to give the support and teach the skills the child needs to be able to survive on their own.
@xchilledtee 5 жыл бұрын
I hate it so much when people assume just because you are an adult, suddenly you can just do whatever you want and not still be affected by your parents' demands. In my case, I'm a photography student and my abusive parents are so against it and they never let me be independent and I'm pretty sure that because of that, I'm stuck with social anxiety from not socializing and poor self-esteem. I'm now 19 and they still have a big impact on me, it's not that easy but not everyone can understand that
@spaghetie 5 жыл бұрын
You need to try to get away from them if you haven't already. You should have much more freedom since you're older, especially from abusive parents. Good luck on being happy and stuff, that doesn't sound very fun.
@analogstic1972 5 жыл бұрын
@@crowmisfits "4.0 or higher" I'm pretty sure GPAs don't go higher than that, and expecting a perfect gpa is ridiculous. I hope you're able to get away from them soon and things get better.
@analogstic1972 5 жыл бұрын
@@crowmisfits Ah, that makes a bit more sense. Still incredibly dumb, glad you got out of there.
@theburgerking1236 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly even if you do get away from them, their impact will remain with you for the rest of your life cause your parents are always the most influential people in your life. If they’re good people then yeah that’s a good thing. But if they’re bad, your gonna have that mark on your psyche forever. Like you said it’s not easy to get away from the influence of your parents: from birth a lot of the time they affect your life
@datoneboi4877 Жыл бұрын
Man I hope your doing better and living your dream
@KlutzyNinjaKitty 5 жыл бұрын
A couple points I want to add: 1.) These idiots pushing their kids through college are simultaneously devaluing it. It’s just like what their parents did with the high-school diploma. When people are hiring for higher positions, they’re looking for something to show commitment and a good work ethic. Back in the 40-50s, most kids dropped out to help on their parents’ farm or business, this made a high-school diploma a token of how hard an individual was willing to work for their goals and was attractive for businesses. College was, of course, still there; but, it was solely for fields where more book learning was necessary (doctors, lawyers, etc.) Meanwhile, all those kids who dropped out grew up unfulfilled and had kids telling them “You have to get an education,” and pushing the next generation through high-school. Then you had a flood of young workers all with high-school diplomas. Now people needed a new measure for hard working people, and college was the next best thing. Now you’ve got parents from the 70s and 80s who didn’t go to college pushing their kids to go. It’s a cycle that’ll end up bleeding future generations dry economically, mentally, emotionally, and maybe even physically. 1.5.) Because of all these people the colleges have to take care of, it costs more since they have to supply food and lodging for these people. 2.) With all these kids going to college, we’re losing people willing to do trade or maintenance jobs. Yes, doctors, lawyers, and engineers are important; but, so are plumbers, electricians, and construction workers. At the end of the day, they’re the ones keeping our country running. Plus, these are jobs better suited for younger people who are at their physical prime, and can handle some of the strain. Instead we’re wasting this important resource by keeping them busy with essay writing that should be saved for when their joints start to ache. 3.) Most people don’t actually know what they want to do when they get out of high-school. They may have loose ideas about what they want; but, you can’t fully know until you try it. Which sucks when you realize that you find law boring as sin, or that you don’t have the logical mind to be in the sciences, or whatever it is AFTER you’ve paid massive amounts of time and money that you’ll never get back just for something you may never do. There may be some ways you can use that degree even if you’re not in that field, physics is the best example since it’s basically the rules for everything, but even then that doesn’t even remotely soothe the sting of just how expensive college is. So far I have wanted to be a vet, but I couldn’t do that because I’ve learned I can’t stand seeing animals in pain. I’ve also wanted to be a chef, though I handle pressure poorly, so I can’t really be in a professional kitchen though could maybe run a small bakery; but, starting businesses is incredibly expensive too. I just turned 18 last fall, and now I have no clue with what I’m going to do with my life. I think I want to be an author, so I’ve been working on my writing and have been writing an actual book to make sure that I’m okay with the process. Luckily I’ve got parents who don’t pressure me into college and we all get along, so they’re fine with me hanging around until I figure things out. In return, I pay my ‘rent’ through my chores and by watching my brother (who is autistic) on the weekends so they get a break from being parents for a while. Even if I spend a day relaxing I still help around, and when I finish up my basic schooling and learn how to drive I’ll find some retail job and save up the money from that for other things. And the funny thing is, this plan will probably change since I still don’t know me or what I actually want yet. No one does, and it’s silly to expect them to know and spend all this time for a specialization they don’t actually care for.
@uzybeens6748 5 жыл бұрын
What's your book called o would love to read it when it's out
@sablemoreno5095 5 жыл бұрын
Also, I just moved to new Mexico with my mom, and any job shes looking for that's even half of what she was making before in California requires degrees. Adding to the problem is that all these jobs started using algorithms that throw out any non-key words in resumes and dont even start looking at skill or experience until after. (Larger companies with trade jobs included)
@kesha.m 5 жыл бұрын
Can I add on to number three a bit? I've had MIDDLE SCHOOLERS 5th/6th graders worried about what they'll be and if they'll be successful. This mainly come from someone who wants to be famous bless his heart, but others... I've had issues of some thinking because they aren't book smart they won't amount to anything and it's heartbreaking because I know they have a talent reading people. Some are scarily good at it considering I know one picks up on when I'm feeling "off" (aka sick, exhausted or depressed) and changes how he acts and he's spent only roughly around 1 hour a day around me. I don't even have to SAY anything it's like he looks and he KNOWS. Whereas other people I'm around for hours pick up on jack diddly squat. I'm sure he could find a use for that somewhere. Another example of what you're saying on number two is there's a shortage of drivers especially school bus drivers. MOST of them are 40+ and there's not many younger ones who want to do it for one reason or another, but what will happen when they all retire or pass away? I know a lot of the baby boomers go on and on about having to walk for miles to school and how the kids should find their own ways, but that's not feasible now. Some live way too far away to walk and not everyone has a car or can afford to ride city bus unless there's a student discount for them. Even then there's a safety issue for younger students who's parents may not be able to take them because it's not just kids on the bus. Even if it was A LOT of younger ones have a bad habit of driving everyone up a wall because many don't like to stay seated or keep things in their bag. I could go on, but I'm gonna stop here. I think the point is made that we're losing a lot of the essential people who do a lot of important things we don't think about. I mean TRULY what'd happen if all the bus drivers. truck drivers etc stopped driving? What'd happen if the janitor or maintenance person just stopped showing up and no one stepped up to the job. What if any one who does all these things that we take for granted just stopped doing these things?... We'd be in for a rude surprise that's what'd happen.
@KlutzyNinjaKitty 5 жыл бұрын
@@kesha.m Exactly. In America, we've got this nasty habit of undermining all these tactile, minimal-schooling jobs despite the fact that if you let one service take the day off, the entire country would be scrambling to get everything back in order. Yes, things like doctors are important; but, without plumbers and trash collectors we'd be wading in filth and sewage, ultimately getting ourselves sick in the process. If anything, they should be seen as more honorable since they're putting up with the stuff no one else wants to deal with.
@KlutzyNinjaKitty 5 жыл бұрын
@@uzybeens6748 Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near that point. So far, I've finished the first draft for one book and I'm preparing my notes for another; but, there's a ton of potential for change between the first and second drafts. If I'd already finished the third or fourth draft, then I could answer your question much more easily. As of right now, the basic plot of that first draft is this: A group of cats escape from a shelter and travel across the country to find a cat sanctuary. Along the way they meet and lose friends while fighting to survive the wilderness. The next book I'm planning on writing is about an old teddy bear and a stuffed bunny saving a little girl who was taken by the monsters under her bed (this one's more oriented towards kids and tweens than the other one.) I have other ideas; but, I haven't gone through and properly fleshed them out yet.
@myf1lthyhands43 5 жыл бұрын
Okay this is not my parents but my entire school unit as soon as you hit the 6th grade your expected to know what college your going to what job or major you want to pursue or what branch of the military your going into if your not doing college and knowing all these things is forced and constantly reminded to students. I get that's what schools are for education and getting kids ready for the real world but if your reminders are as constant as my schools it is annoying. Thanks for reading my ramble if anyone does. Edit:Thanks for the likes:3) Edit2: I have never had this many like thank you all)
@talaa.8350 5 жыл бұрын
Oh fuck that's rough mate, at my school in 6th grade they teach you more about jobs and they force us to learn about the pay and everything you need to know, but they don't force us to know our whole future at that moment. It's just like to make you think.
@jellyboned6420 5 жыл бұрын
My school does the same thing, I'm a junior and if I don't apply to a college and get accepted the school won't give me my high school diploma
@myf1lthyhands43 5 жыл бұрын
@@jellyboned6420 thats dumb :/
@jellyboned6420 5 жыл бұрын
@@myf1lthyhands43 it is and sometimes I cry and consider going somewhere else to study but I only have a year left
@asmxdeuss 5 жыл бұрын
My school crams the fact that graduations are to be on the top of our lists and want us to select our jobs already. They hold a school event just to explain branches of work. They'll tell us students that if we didn't work then we'd be field workers in town
@ookami305 5 жыл бұрын
My mother never forced me or my two older brothers to go to college. All three of us actually went to college but had to stop because we couldn’t afford it. It’s also interesting that parents assumed you can’t afford to live by yourself if you’re a retail/fast food/restaurant manager. I met plenty of manager position people who can afford to live on their own. What bothers me is that some parents don't tell their kids that when buying or renting a house or apartment (or a car) you need to meet certain requirements and need to put a down payment, while also paying the first-month rent. It’ll also be nice if parents could teach their kids about the importance of having good credit. Things change, and sadly, some people don't believe it.
@Twist3dDisast3r 5 жыл бұрын
Mhmm I completely agree!
@darkmoonthedirewolf9231 4 жыл бұрын
My mom and dad just want me to get a good education and only *consider* going to college lol
@Atr00pad00p 5 жыл бұрын
For personal experience my mother tried to force me ; then tried to bribe me after I decided that I was moving out instead. I realized she wanted me to go to make her look good in the eyes of where I lived. Since she essentially ran the town her eldest kids had to be prime examples of her accomplishments. I don’t currently talk to her much now since I moved away but she has since apologized for how she chose to raise my sister and I compared to the youngest two.
@storagehydraaccount 5 жыл бұрын
came for the splatoon drawing.. left with some wisdom and advice. nice.
@simonthesplatoonobsessedne6377 5 жыл бұрын
@toruuoikawa3737 4 жыл бұрын
same and I'm only in the 6th grade so this puts a outline on life also i have a counselor how said were expected to go to collage but her husband didn't go to collage an makes more than her in a year . she went to school for seven years
@TheAnonyomusGuy 5 жыл бұрын
A lot of degrees are becoming rather useless it's almost getting to the point where unless you're going to be a doctor or a lawyer or something like that you almost don't need a degree almost
@spacecrusade 5 жыл бұрын
My parents forced me to go at age 17 [graduated early from high school] during a time where my mental/emotional state was very unstable, mental illness and other life issues were stacked on top on of me and it basically became a "when will I finally crack" situation. I told them 40 times over "I don't want to go, I can't handle the stress and demand" but they didn't care. Second term in, I had the worst breakdown to date and shut off for 3-4 days straight. I walked around like a fucking ghost and spoke only when needed and just cried. Did my parents care? Somewhat. Still expected to finish college when CLEARLY I was not well. My mother was very abusive and it was futile to fight her on it. She prevented me from working or even seeking a job because "it will distract from school". In mid 2018 I graduated with a 2 year associate's degree in English, I do enjoy writing but only as a hobby but I had to pick a major. I feel proud of being the only person in my family who has graduated college to date, but I still wish I never went. My mental/emotional health wasn't worth it.
@lilylavenderart5034 5 жыл бұрын
In my experience they do it for their own pride. "Oh look my child is a DOCTOR" " Mine's studying Law, whats your kid doing?"
@GayDracula_ 5 жыл бұрын
So I guess I'm the only person in this comment section who wants to willingly go to college. (Ofc I'm against forcing your children to.) I have a career path I want to follow, and in order to be qualified to both do that path and teach for the subject I have to get a bachelor's degree. This shit is important to me, and if I do it carefully, it is completely possible for me to not get in debt. I don't have the option to walk up into a school and teach, or start applying for auditions without being qualified via college education. That's just me though. I have a plan and I'm working on improving it. So I have some type of value for it.
@GayDracula_ 5 жыл бұрын
@@crowmisfits I am an aspiring artist lmao. I make art, I'm a writer, and I plan to learn film/directing + acting. Career doesn't equate to having some nonartistic job. And debt isn't mandatory which is something that tends to worry me about the "even if you need to get in debt" side comment... It is completely possible to go to college or do anything in life without having to just dunk yourselves into debt. It's important to do what makes you comfortable, however, its also important to make sure people know debt is not inevitable. It's not something that just happens. People get themselves in debt, and if I need to drop out, or get a job, I'll do so. When it comes to college and money, the main goal is to be reasonable.
@GayDracula_ 5 жыл бұрын
Furthermore, everyone else is ranting in the comments. I have a right to say I want to go to college without someone telling me why others wouldn't. I know why others wouldn't. I'm speaking for myself lol. Some artists want to go to college for their own reasons, some don't. Either way, it's still fine. Additionally, I need to leave my semi-mentally abusive home. That's on top of the list. Getting a job in art/film that doesn't result in me coming back home is the best option for me. I don't have a place of comfortability to just stay in whenever I finish high school. Not everyone does. And I'd prefer to not be stuck in a job I hate.
@GayDracula_ 5 жыл бұрын
@@cal4906 That's great. It does really suck for the people who don't have a choice. Whether or not they want to go, everyone deserves the choice.
@GayDracula_ 5 жыл бұрын
@@lexijunk6511 Nah I meant you don't have to be in debt. Not that you can't ever get in debt. Or it's not an option for some. It's just that some people whenever I say I'm going to college just EXPECT me to get in debt. And not everyone does depending on their situation. My family isn't rich, so I'm most likely going to take the cheap route, amongst other ways to avoid debt, they're not willing to pay for my debt, schooling? Yes, debt? No, they can't afford it, and neither can I at the moment. But if you have to get in debt, I understand that it happens. My point is that going to college doesn't automatically mean debt for life, nor does it mean expensive or fancy. It truly depends on your situation. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that. Debt can be avoidable. Not that it doesn't happen, or people don't choose it when they can't afford things. I cant afford debt so I'm not going to get into it. However some people do, and that's chill too. I wish you luck as well!
@blacklyfe5543 5 жыл бұрын
@@crowmisfits my mom forcing me to go to college
@fuzzyaj5759 5 жыл бұрын
Ah, another ramble to add to my binge watch playlist while school is canceled :)
@allimarie1135 5 жыл бұрын
Fuzzy AJ we love being the new Antarctica
@spaghetie 5 жыл бұрын
My friend has had 10 days of no school in negative degrees while I'm sweating in Arizona.
@gorlheck5574 5 жыл бұрын
Same bish whassuuuuuuup
@atticusthegremlin3239 5 жыл бұрын
Same woo
@kittencatperson 5 жыл бұрын
Lol my school was canceled also
@lilahb.8698 5 жыл бұрын
That’s the good thing about my parents. I can live rent-free in the house SO LONG AS I’m in school, doing a job, or just generally working towards something. I can’t hang around til I’m 30 doing nothing. Granted they expect me to go to college, but they a) have some funds set aside so it’s not going to be as hard on me, b), are willing to help with scholarships and just have the general knowledge to help me with credits and all that jazz (they both went to college and also have other inside info; won’t disclose more). And while they would be disappointed if I didn’t go, they would still support me and let me live in the house so long as I’m working towards something. They’re the exception to the rule. They know what they’re doing. They know that if I choose I might end up in debt, and they’re not hiding it (and also are willing to help ease that burden a little by setting aside money). They also teach me skills I’ll need when I’m independent. Basic household chores, we’re going into finances now (taxes, eugh), and all that stuff, and because of it I’m not trapped, and they won’t forever have control over me to force me to go to college or something (which they aren’t really even doing in the first place tbh). TL;DR, they’re doing the college thing right. They want me to go but they’re doing it in the right way. I’m pretty privileged in that. Also, they’re bringing me up to be a fairly functional human who can care for herself, so I’m not gonna be dependent on them for basic things.
@hannahdavis5725 5 жыл бұрын
I did drop out and that's because after a few years I realized that it just wasn't for me. It did help improve my art and I am grateful for it but college really wasn't for me. And I can always go back, but I'd rather go back to learn a trade over getting a degree. Frankly part of my decision WAS because I didn't want to take out loans, I didn't want to deal with debt after graduating. Instead I got a job at an office supply store and I've been working at the store on my career as a comic artist since. My family has actually been pretty supportive of everything, which makes me pretty happy.
@gorequillnachovidal 5 жыл бұрын
Now, do one on kids who think they are forced to do anything their parents tell them to after reaching legal adult age. The day after I graduated high school my dad told me to pick up sticks in the back yard. I moved out that day.
@Luke-lq9rn 5 жыл бұрын
@diamondcreeper28 5 жыл бұрын
I understand what you were going through but yardwork in a house you still live in isn't demanding or forcing
@Luke-lq9rn 5 жыл бұрын
@@diamondcreeper28 The dude is trolling
@gorequillnachovidal 5 жыл бұрын
@@diamondcreeper28 If they tell me to do yard work I can't just say no if I live there. So, yes, I would be forced to do it. So I moved out. All involved were happy.
@notorious_catkid8508 5 жыл бұрын
I'm also lucky enough to have parents who never forced this kind of thing on me. I have pretty severe social anxiety - always have. It wasn't until I was a young adult that I acquired the resources to work through it. I'm currently working on recovery. If you have poor mental health, for one reason or another, don't count yourself out. I admit, I was blessed with a solid support system, in the form of my family. My parents have been very patient and encouraging. The truth is, I'd love to go to college and I'd love to be able to support myself. How I am now, it's not possible. I get terrible anxiety attacks. But, I'm getting better. I can have short conversations with strangers now. My point is, if you feel like you're stuck because of your mental health, there are options. This isn't the case for everybody, but don't count yourself out from the start. If you're trying, that's still something, even if it doesn't feel like a lot.
@ashspikachu3370 5 жыл бұрын
The day after I graduated high school my dad was on my ass about what I was going to do next so I decided on cosmetology school. I wasnt sure about it and was worried about taking out a loan right out of high school but he swore he would “figure it out” and that him and my step father would cover it. Even while I was working weekends from 8am to 9pm and at school the same hours every other day of the week he was still asking me what I was going to do next. I ended up having a mental break down and having to leave school. Now he claims since Im an adult Im on my own and need to figure it out for myself while still trying to push me into continuing school for something else. I blame no one but myself for not seeing this coming. Glad to see im not alone in this, I never wanted to seem ungrateful im glad he cares but... I want to be passionate about my future career.
@wr3nity74 5 жыл бұрын
I want to go to college but not for the learning part, I want to go to college to escape from my house and live on my own. I know I've been babied my whole life and I hate it. My older siblings treat me like a 5 year and tell me what to do all the time. No has even taught me how to do the laundry or how to properly cook. I've been teaching myself this stuff and looking to other people other then my family to help me. I have been dealing with depression for a while now and no one in my family can help me with it so I've been seeking help online. I'm being babied and forced to stay quiet and stuff. My mom wants me to go to college but doesn't want me to get a job. My siblings call me lazy and that I can't get a job but they are truly the lazy ones, I get that they are tired from their jobs but me and my little brother (mostly me) have been reduced to babied maids and I can't do anything about it. I need and want a job, I want the experience, I want to know. I want to learn and grow and develop. But I can't because of this anchor called my family. My dad is the only one who fully supports me. (Extended family no included)
@miserablepumpkin9453 5 жыл бұрын
I believe in you.
@m0thm4nn 5 жыл бұрын
The fact that you want experience and growth means that you're mature and are already making progress. I believe in you too.
@peloidvoid1619 5 жыл бұрын
You and me buddy
@Deadchannel700 5 жыл бұрын
So I attend one of the Middle Colleges in California and our Middle College is special because we're in college classes starting your first semester in 9th grade. We have had a lot of situations where parents will force them into this program and the students will purposely flunk to drop out of the program because they can't handle the program and they don't want to be in college while they're in high school but no, their parents just know best. I had to attend and education fair with my guidance counselor and there were so many parents trying to force their kids to apply and you can just see how distressed they are and it's sad. Like they're literally 13-14 and their parents are trying to funnel them into something they don't want. Like to succeed you have to want to be there.
@mercy5004 5 жыл бұрын
My parents had the same mindset of " do something. Go to school or go work". but it had a second set of rules. "if you go to school, we'll support you, if you go work, you can live here as you have been (no bills of any kind) for a year then you are expected to move out." I had a family member who was basically the "40 year old virgin in his mother's basement", minus the virgin (had three kids of their own, but no intention of ever paying for anything themselves at the time) mooching off of my grandparents. That's precisely what my mother sought to avoid, but wanted to give us the chance to go to college with minimal debt, or give us some time to prepare to live on our own before kicking us out. I chose College, and unlike some parents who simply "say" they're going to help, my parents really did help. They allowed me to live essentially rent free on campus (i literally go to school 2 hours away), and with my scholarships, I basically had free tuition. (but they only lasted 4 years so I've been slowly accruing a small debt). I'm absolutely grateful that I've had this opportunity, and only wish more parents would do something similar for their kids. One thing that definitely helps is though while my parents did not force me to go to college, they DID force me to enroll in a state scholarship program waay back in elementary-middle school. It sucked because i had to keep my grades up ever since then, but it was done on a "if you do decide to go to college, it will help you immensely, if you don't, eh its still there if you need it. ". What i find ironic, is all the kids who made fun of me for having the scholarship, or who refused to complete the program (because they were too focused on parties, boys, whatever) or simply chose to opt out because "i don't want no extra school"...are all the same people who I meet on the street who lament that they want to go to college, but couldn't afford it and thought i was "lucky". I just sit there and were eligible for literally 4 years of 100% free college tuition to ANY school in the state, and all you had to do is get a 2.0 average and APPLY. Smh.
@novakaiser7949 5 жыл бұрын
My parents tried forcing me for the longest of times, so I eventually just gave up and gave in. Found something neat that I was genuinely interested in, decided to follow that path to do something I'd love as well as getting them off my ass. But now apparently that's not good enough because it's not a career they wanted me to pursue as well as it being out of country (I did it on purpose because I didn't want them constantly bothering me), so here I am, scratching my head with my already applied submission without their knowledge. It's all of the fun.
@whyisfallhere 5 жыл бұрын
This is more of a school things , course my parents say I must go to collage but they won't say it over , and over again. But the school does tell us or teach us that if we don't go to collage we won't be anything. Of course I will go to collage only because I want to go to art or animation college . But then again schools push it on us so much it is annoying . Unless your parents are very pushy when it comes to education. But i love the your video, and the art. Have a nice day
@kesha.m 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly I was lucky my parents themselves didn't try to force me into college too much. I did some community college got a two year degree the same year I graduated high school (did both at the same time because I HATED my high school) and did some later on when I was having issues finding work because our town was less then 750 people so jobs were near impossible especially if you didn't have connections. That last one didn't do well because online classes and me don't click and I've made note of that for the future. MY PROBLEM HOWEVER IS WITH 1. high school classmates thinking we HAVE to go to college straight outta high school, 2. other family members 3. A guy at my current work crapping on my general studies degree. Like dude. I got it at 18. I was a certified nurse aide at 16 (can't remember much now because it wasn't the field I want to go into, but I got straight A's and kept up with the 20, 30+ in the class sooo SUCK IT COWORKER). I'm sorry if at 23 I just want a job, work and just I don't know exist awhile while recovering from (AND working on) a lot of emotional junk. So I'm not ready to go back. I don't know what I want to do past I want to work with kids. Other then that I don't know and not knowing is FINE. Sometimes we just me to be allowed to find out on our own be it dabbling in college or just going out and working because that's how I found out HUH I like working with kids. I do one day want to go back to college because I think things like child psychology would be good to learn, but I'm not ready to go back NOW. SO JUST LEAVE ME BE AND LET ME DO MY JOB.
@sakura_bliss854 5 жыл бұрын
I honestly am dead set on college. My mom wants me to go, but if I didn’t want to , she’d say it’s ok, but she isn’t going to help me get a job and such. And that’s understandable too. I guess it just depends on the person ?
@RadiantBleu 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah... My school doesn't teach us anything about surviving in the real world... out health class was filling fill in the blank papers. They were (I'm guessing) from the late 90s or early 2000's
@vincent1935 4 жыл бұрын
I agree! School is more preoccupied with teaching skills well never use in our lives as opposed to important life skills, such as money management, 401k, cooking, sewing, doing laundry (yes really, a lot of young adults still don’t know how to make time for it or even know how to do it at all). Also school reteaches the same things over and over again because we can’t retain the information for long if at all.
@saturn9685 5 жыл бұрын
This is what I needed today 🙏
@violetprincessgreen8 5 жыл бұрын
My parents (mom specifically) do this. My dad didn't finish college, but my mom had to keep going back because she screwed around and didn't have a high enough GPA to graduate. She later went back and got all A's and became a teacher. Not only does she expect me and my 2 siblings to be in college, but she also expects us all to have her work ethic that she had THE SECOND TIME she went to college. She is one of those who will ignore your successes and look at the B and say "You need to get this up." A fucking B. She is also one of those who refuses to let us drive or work. I don't know how to do anything for myself outside of my school work. I don't live on campus either, so I can't work on campus. I want to do art commissions in order to pay for things, because I despise living off my parents wages. I dislike having to work through a middle man to get the things I need. Btw, I'm not an art major, I'm a journalism major.
@xxemii5679 5 жыл бұрын
*I'm literally so happy that you were drawing The Squid Sisters in this video, I can't even-*
@inyourroomyousay8380 5 жыл бұрын
$1000? In England, which is where i am, rent is on average about £550. In dollars that`s like $721. An expensive one would be like £1000 ($1311). Though i have heard it`s expensive in California, it`s still a pretty big gap. Also this would be for like a terraced house, middle of a town half an hour away from a big city, kinda average back yard and a private landlord. I hope I don`t come off as boastful at all saying this because that really wasn`t my goal I just find it interesting how different prices and stuff are for different places.
@ookami305 5 жыл бұрын
In Florida a 1 bedroom apartment can cost around $1,000-$1,600+
@inyourroomyousay8380 5 жыл бұрын
@@ookami305 Wow
@bezzycay9939 5 жыл бұрын
Dang Michie, you are on fire in this video dialog! I could tell you really wanted to get that out of your system. :P
@psilicybins_ 5 жыл бұрын
god i relate to the being forced to go to college so hard lmao it was either go to college or go into the workforce forever. it was actually both lmao i was literally raised to be the perfect student
@gabby6173 5 жыл бұрын
wow i didnt know you were into splatoon, looks great btw! i love listening to your videos while i draw!
@milkyfleurs3138 5 жыл бұрын
Well I stress about going to college a lot because all of the adults at my high school (I'm a junior in high school) force us to have a mindset that college is the best thing ever and you need it to be successful. My parents of course want me to be successful but they don't tell me like I HAVE to go to college. I do want to go but I'm not so sure if I should go or go to culinary school.😶👀
@bonestheartist 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to my uni for a Bachelors in Fine Arts in Theatre Design (Costume Design Concentration). At first I was forced into going to college, but it's grown on me the longer I've been there. I'm currently a junior in my four year college, and I've been trying to get a job for the longest time, but nobody wants to hire me because I don't have any work experience. How am I supposed to get experience if nobody wants to hire me?!? I've opened commissions to try to help fund my uni expenses, but I haven't been commissioned much. Of course I receive FAFSA, but it doesn't cover my full tuition costs. I just wish colleges were less expensive. Preach, Michie.
@StargazerSkyscraper 5 жыл бұрын
I was actually forced to go to college twice. It's a really dumb, complicated, and frustrating story, so I won't go into it here. Like you, I have every intention of going back eventually. I just want to wait until I'm independent, free from my family, and know for sure that I can afford it. I support getting a college degree if you have a passion for it and if you have at least some sort of plan for how to pay for it, but I am very much in favor of giving kids at least a year or two after high school graduation to simply work in retail or food service, find themselves, and figure out who they want to be first. There is no age limit to college, so there's absolutely no reason to rush into it.
@cathair_the_nerd2017 5 жыл бұрын
My friends and I last year would consistently talk about "what do we want to do when we finish high school? What career do we want? Will we go to university? If so, will it be straight after high school or will we take a gap year or two?" We were in year 8 last year, 13-14 years old at that time. And it wasn't even "oh I wonder what I should do" it was "we have to actually decide on these things right now or we'll end up doing being homeless straight out of high school". People in my class at my new school (I moved very recently) talk all about work. We're all expected to have jobs already, which everyone does, except for me because I just moved a couple of months ago and it was very sudden so we're still sorting stuff out, and because I've been nonverbal since we moved and the town I'm in now doesn't really have anything to help handicapped or disabled people, especially with mental disabilities rather than physical, so no one wants to employ the anxious weird kid who can't talk. Because of this and my family being extremely poor, I'm not going to be able to afford university. Even if I manage to get a scholarship (which mum says I might, since I was in PEAC and I'm in all the honours classes and I've always got off-the-charts NAPLAN scores and very rarely get any grade below a B (and here we're expected to Cs, Cs are average "you're right where you're supposed to be" level)) I still won't have enough money to even just pay for the rest of it. Basically, I've already accepted the fact that I'm not going to university despite really wanting to, and that I'll never be able to afford my own house or really support myself in any way. Maybe I could if I moved to a bigger city with more job opportunities for people such as myself with disabilities or handicaps, but bigger cities are also more expensive, so I'm kind of stuck. Tl;dr: I'm gonna be either homeless or relying on my mum until the day one of us dies because the economy sucks and people in my town are dicks. I mean, seriously, I do carry a pen and notepad around with me everywhere I go, I can always just write whatever I need/want to say, or I can sign it to people if they know Auslan (Australian sign language) or ASL (American sign language) (I know a fair bit of both). And I know for a fact that this is most of, if not THE reason why I haven't got a job yet. I've applied to places, but they've always said something about me not being able to talk when they turn me away. It doesn't help that my mum tells everyone that I just choose not to talk and that I'll start talkig again soon (which I probably won't for a while still. She just thinks this because I used to be verbal most of the time, it was just when I was particularly stressed or anxious or overhwelmed that I would go nonverbal, and never for very long, only up to a day or two at a time, but usually more around an hour or so, it's just been this big move across the country that's sort of been the trigger for me going nonverbal for almost three months now). I ADD rambled again. Sorry. That was pretty off-topic. But I'm gonna keep it in now that I've typed it I guess. Mainly because I want advice, I suppose.
@allymonville6491 3 жыл бұрын
My mom did that to me! She said she would pay for my very first semester of college. I ended up have to wait until the next semester because I didn't sign up for financial aid because she told me she would help! I don't talk to her anymore for other reasons but yeah. That was a great beginning to my college education.
@Liinaii 5 жыл бұрын
My mother pushed for me to go to collage becuase she never went and she hoped that I'd be able to have a job to support myself. I really didn't for mental health reasons but I did anyways. I attended collage for about a year before the stress really got to me and I began to fail one class after another (not on purpose, I really did try to pass). At that point I convinced her that it wasn't a good idea and I dropped out of collage. I decided to try to work on my art and try to become a commission/adoptable artist (at the time I was selling consistantly, even if they were under-priced at the time) but that required a lot of work from me and ate up a lot of my time. I worked very hard for months and just as I was beggining to gain some traction and makeing a headway my parents sat me down and begged me to stop. They were in tears and very worried about my health, they didn't see me spending 5-8 hours working on my art almost every day as a good thing. This is of course after many months of them supporting me while simultaniously undermining me, they belived that I could do art for a living but they wanted me to do so in a way they belived was "proper" i.e. a graphic artist or some other sort of artist that makes merch. I gave up on pushing myself, seeing my parents so distressed made me upset and demotivated. It stung, but they were my main form of support so if I wanted to keep them from doing something drastic I had to listen to them. After that I decided that I'd settle for something I might not love but I knew would be fairly stable for me. I became a crane operator, and though I didn't expect to love it I really do. That and with all of my downtime between picks I draw or work on my knitting/crocheting so that's nice.
@FuchsiaMuffin 5 жыл бұрын
My mother explained to me the whole “you have to go to college or you will not get a good job, have money, it’s important, blah” I’ve been hearing it since 14. I’m like fine I will go and then I took my first classes, I wanted to do business. It didn’t work I wanted to quit college, my mom begged for me to stay to college. I was stressed and depressed but I was like fine I’ll continue. Tried to get a certificate for German language. This was a point I was super depressed and didn’t want to continue. I was very suicidal but my mom still pressed on for me to go. I told her I want to go on later on and I can’t deal with the stress. She told me I can take a break I took a break after that break she pressured me to continue college. I chose a random ass class just to make her happy. Now I was doing it just to make her happy, I told her she’s paying on from this point because I don’t want it. I took the baking classes and had to stop because I wasn’t in the mentality to take 2 6 hour classes. Not just one class that’s 6 hours for two days, no two separate classes. I’m now taking a certificate for professional writing and almost done. I’m done with college for few years and I’m making my mom pay for it since she forced me to. It’s ridiculous how my forced me to go into a depressed and suicidal state. She wonders why I never talk to her about how I feel. I recently moved with my boyfriend to get away from her. I went to college to make someone proud of me and sacrificed my happinesss for it. Never force your children to go to college. It’s not worth the hospitalizations (bills) for it.
@shinysmeargle2037 4 жыл бұрын
I always get upset when I hear stories like this. I’m currently in college but I’m in college because I want to be in college and I’ve improved tremendously as an artist because of it. My parents never forced me to go to college and have actually helped me with paying for my classes. I agree with you, a lot of the parents who force it onto their kids are only thinking of themselves and they’re not considering what their kids want to do with their lives.
@wistfulfables 3 жыл бұрын
I know this is an older video but I'm binging your videos and I just wanted to say, thank you for this video. I was forced to go when I felt I wasn't ready. I was getting my stuff together in highschool too and I also ended up dropping out of college in my last year. A lot of stress of the industry and running out of money, having to move from school housing to my own apartment and having to change jobs all at once was insane. I was given a week to find a job and $150 of money to live off of until then in a completely different city. And I wasn't allowed to move back. Idk just, it is so nice to find out another artist had a similar experience. So thank you for talking about this.
@animelady001 5 жыл бұрын
I honestly think that I am not all that suited for college based on some mental health issues, and just generally a lack of confidence to handle something like that. Although, I am currently enrolled in a dual enrollment between my college and high school, I still feel wary of actually continuing my education after I graduate. However, my parents (more specifically my father) kind of push the idea of college without knowing. They always talk about how it was for them, and how many more jobs will be available to me (as well as financial benefits) if I would go. I respect them and what they had to go through with regards to their education, but I have found that they never tend to listen when I bring up how I feel about college. It's a weird double edged sword, as you said, and I feel these topics should be talked about more between children and their parents.
@Detective_asparagus 3 жыл бұрын
Both my parents are like this, it’s honestly just draining. My father didn’t go to college, he didn’t finish high school, but if I feel like college isn’t needed, I’m a failure? And yes, he said “I can’t have three more failures who don’t go to college”. My parents hold me at a higher expectation than they hold themselves. They act as if there’s no other fucking option than that. My father willingly call his other children failures for not finishing school (which he didn’t do either) and is ready to get rid of us and call us more failures. Me and my siblings all have issues with school for several different reasons, and something that dad thought would encourage us is just bringing us down.
@kieranduffy2899 5 жыл бұрын
My mom always says she wants us to go to college, of course she would never FORCE us to go to college, but she wants us to. She only wants the best for us, it gets annoying when she brings it up every time we talk, but I know she's just trying to help us.
@arianafalarski8500 5 жыл бұрын
My mom tried to force me to go to college, said I wasn't being an adult if I didn't. But all i would want to do is take lessons to get better at art, though she told me I would never make money at it, then complained I gave up on it.
@LimeLion12 5 жыл бұрын
Unrelated but I love putting on your videos as background noise when I draw, it gives me something to think about instead of listening to the same few songs on repeat haha
@twizzlytwist 5 жыл бұрын
In Sweden the parents just... force their kids to go because it basically costs nothing taking no consideration into how their kids feel. My parents forced me to to engineering and I almost got so depressed that I killed myself.
@fionafiona1146 5 жыл бұрын
Dose letting me live at home and study "anything" count while I don't get into debt and plan on saving my money?
@Botanymajority 5 жыл бұрын
@letsgotocollegeeducational744 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you TwistedDisaster for making this video!!!!! As an Educational Consultant, I was really impressed with all the topics you touched on. The fact of the matter is, COLLEGE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! I know that may seem counterproductive to say as someone who has spent the entirety of their professional life helping students go to college, but it is nonetheless the truth. I actually just covered that point in last week's Livestream on my channel. As someone that makes part of their income from youtube, I am sure that you understand that there are thousands of other career paths that people can follow. And the beauty of it is, THEY will be the one following THEIR dreams. Parents shoving THEIR expectations (and personal regrets) on their children is something that any good college counselor keeps an eye out for. I can't tell you how many artists I have seen forced into being Economics majors, and how many entrepreneurs I've seen shaped into corporate cogs against their will simply because "they aren't the one paying for this". That's why having a College Counselor/Educational Consultant on your side can be a good thing. A professional and another "adult" showing parents the errors of their ways can literally change lives.
@scorchinglizard 5 жыл бұрын
My parents from the get go had two big rules, the more important one in this discussion is that they will not force their children to go to college, but if they so wish to go, they will NOT support in any way financially. My parents have warned me to not follow in my brother's footsteps by going to college with a full tuition without any scholarships so I won't be in a lot of debt. Honestly, it's the pressures of my teachers and classmates that made me look into college, as their the ones that talk about my future and what my only choices are. However, as this year has gone on ((I'm a senior in high school,)) I have found myself really wanting to go to college, to surround myself with others who have the same interests as me and who I can learn from and have teachers to help me get better at my skills. I think I'm going to major in advertising and graphic design, but all in all I'm really excited for the future!
@missm2925 5 жыл бұрын
My parents told me that I either go to college, join the military, or get a day job. And honestly I REALLY want to go to college. Going to college helps you getting a stronger career like nursing and teaching. I mean I'm not not paying for my first year of college and I'm getting a scholarship for the next 3 years. College is a great social experience and I believe everyone should be able to experience it.
@appletater1624 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. I love this video based of the title already.
@WolfeWrangle 5 жыл бұрын
I was never forced. I was lucky enough to have a community college near me. People take those for granted and think they need to run up to an expensive 4-year University. Nope. My classes are fully covered with financial aid. I am an art student and my community college has a wonderful art program and I'm now perfecting my art skills and using mediums that I truly thought I'd hate (and initially did hate), and also learning how to use a Mac and industry-level art applications. No student debt. And I can quit whenever I want. Also, I can't be too mad I'm up there. It's where my I met my girlfriend~ However I completely understand how it's bad to force kids to go to college, especially one that'll give them tons of debt and stress. Honestly, we need the laborers and people non-career oriented jobs. Not everyone needs college to make it.
@TheoStarlight 5 жыл бұрын
its much less my parents forcing me to go to college, actually it's not them at all. I graduate high-school in 2 years and the school itself is pushing on me to start looking at colleges and applying and saying "you'll never be truly successful if you don't get a job." and yes i plan on going to college for something in graphic design since i live to draw (Drew my profile pic) and the school is like "why don't you pick afield that gives more money." and i'm pretty much like "bitch, why would i go to school for something i don't enjoy?" like i would rather have my job as something i love to do and make less money then something i don't like and make a bit more money.
@AshleesBathroom Жыл бұрын
My mom encouraged me to go to college, but my mom didn't force me to go to college. My mom's only "requirement" is that my siblings and I graduate high school, as she didn't graduate high school. So far, my sister and I are the only ones who went to college, but neither of us finished. (My sister dropped out after a little over a year. I dropped out after a semester. We both dropped out for mental health reasons.)
@puppyhowler 4 жыл бұрын
my teachers: you wanna be an artist? well you're going to have to go to college and learn about art me online looking up tutorials on the basic essentials of art: wut?
@MrWereWolfGirl 5 жыл бұрын
I screwed myself over when I listened to my grandparents telling me that I should go for something that will guarantee me work - even though I didn't enjoy it. My original plan was to go to the art college because I love art and it's something that I enjoy doing. They told me that it's not a real job and it's not going to bring me money so I didn't go there, I wasted three years going to history and tourism classes because I would be guaranteed to get a decently paying job in tourism- even though I hate working with people. In the end it was just too much and I ended up giving up college because I just ended up despising it even though I was supposed to enjoy it. I went and got a job at a local factory and it all worked out in the end since I enjoy the work, I like most of the people I work with and I don't have to deal with people- And if I want to go to college I can still quit and go to college or go to college and work alongside that. Funnily enough - my family was perfectly okay with that but I got a lot of shit from my best friend because "factory job is a low job and you should aim for something better that shouldn't be your ambition." - btw - it's not my ambition, I just like it, and both of her parents worked their entire life in that factory just so they could raise her, her dad was a boss of a department and her mom still works there- and if it wasn't for this factory half of my town would be out of work and a lot of families wouldn't be able to provide for the kids- Yeah the pay is not great and the work is intense but it's a job, and I don't think that you should be picky or attack others just because they enjoy a job that you might find bellow you because you went to college- factory workers, cashiers and waiters/waitresses are extremely important job especially if it's your first job, they might not be great but at least they give you experience and you can then get on to work somewhere better. And I don't think that a degree is necessarily better than not having one- my aunt worked her butt off to get the diploma, she worked on it until she was 35 I believe, only to find out that the field that was really prosperous and promising when she started college didn't hire anymore because there were way too many people with that diploma (biology btw), so I really don't think that you should listen to people telling you that you should go to a certain college because you will be guaranteed a good paying job afterwards because it might not necessarily be true and you may waste all that time only to end up working at a factory or store or a bar right afterwards. Go to college if you want to and feel like it will benefit you and go to college that you will enjoy. Don't waste your time going somewhere that you don't enjoy and that your family wants you to go to but you don't.
@SacramentalSims 5 жыл бұрын
I was dumb and listened to my mother who was drowning in debt herself and went to college. Now I'm nearly $20k in debt and had to drop out to work full time anyway. If you don't want to go to college DO NOT GO! Even if they kick you out if you don't. You'll figure it out. Idk what I'm gonna do.
@navjotsingh2251 4 жыл бұрын
Not only am I being forced to college, I’m being forced to pay for my own car (I told them I can’t afford it rn and want to do that later, but they paid for it and forcing me to pay them back in instalments), pay for my own and rent to stay at home (which is reasonable but they get really bitchy about it). It’s at the point where I’m looking to move out because they are getting too much to handle. I don’t mind paying for my own things but they are just being straight up toxic and try to control every corner of my life and I hate it, it depresses me.
@mitsukibakugo8994 5 жыл бұрын
I’m still young so I don’t have to worry about college, *yet*. Luckily for me my parents have told me that they don’t care if I go to college or not but they just want me to actually do something.
@Lacapi 5 жыл бұрын
I was peer pressured into college, for my parents, me going to college was more of a status symbol within their families than anything else, at the end of the day I’m a graphic designer with a minimum wage job at a printer. I am working on my field, but I could literally do any other job with less stress and commitment and still get paid the same. Even tho I love what I do, what I get in return, makes me feel is not worth it …Consireding I worked my ass off for that piece of paper.
@TheAnonyomusGuy 5 жыл бұрын
When I was still in high school it was constant scussion about not 100% parents but from school and everything was just what you going to do when you get get out of here what are you going to go to college for and all that and like I got to the point where I pick something just to get people to shut up and flunked out of one college so I went to a community college Closer by and tried to get my Basics until I finally just decided I'm going to do what I really want and that's basically been the last 7 years of my life
@velvetfang1148 5 жыл бұрын
Im so glad you decided to make a video about this. it makes me feel good that you have a point of views on both sides and what you would do in a fair way whenever you have kids. I really asked for a video like this because my mother is forcing me to go when..1 I don't have any funds to actually live with the part-time job that brings me down and cuts my hours. Which my mother gets angry at me because I can't get another job right now because where I live they are very picky with people by their weight..which I feel isn't right. heck, my mother still forgets that I had to support her along with my grandmothers help whenever she had no job and ran off with bad people and gave herself a bad reputation. her excuse for yelling at me and forcing me to go to college is "oh jobs will look at you and laugh at you because you never went to need to become successful so you made something of your life" my mother never even finished high school but talks like college is a wonderful thing that you don't even have to pay for housing..which from the get-go I already knew everything in life wasn't free so she just wants me to make her look good in the end even tho she says that is not the case. plus with my bf that I had been dating for over a year...I know it might be fast because we are planning on living together..but we felt like we know each other for years..and he even has ways of promoting me out there and can help me get to a good spot and tools that I can ever ask for...she always told me to try new things and do stuff I never did that would help me..and now in today's time..she brings me down that I actually had a great time in Cali for 1 holiday because it always ends in fights at my house on holidays and had belittled me for it when she didn't even pay for my trip. just wish she could see how much of an opportunity I actually have right now when I don't have to go to college atm. I plan on going later when I HAVE money..just not now because I'm so broke to even pay my insurance let alone get a new phone for myself that I had been waiting for months for. Sorry this was much for a comment I'm just so happy people understand what I feel right now and that I'm not alone
@leahpellecer2245 4 жыл бұрын
I don't want to go to college but I'm also worried that I will miss out on the whole "college experience" that everyone keeps taking about.
@magdak8108 5 жыл бұрын
@Squigbits 5 жыл бұрын
My mom wanted me to go to college so she could use the money from a loan she took out in my name. It wasn't fun and I pretty much have to hold a lawsuit over her head to not get destroyed by it. It maked it really difficult to stay in touch with her because every time I turn my back she wants to open a credit card or do the this stuff to my younger siblings.
@acaciaevans4185 5 жыл бұрын
I'm in college right now and I don't enjoy it at all. I'm doing poorly, despite doing all of my work and no one believes that I am doing it. I try asking for help and everyone says, 'It's on the syllabus', which doesn't help me at all. I was forced into college with the classic, 'What if you lose your job?' I'm stressed out and It's taking a toll on me. I want to stop, but I get talked out of it.
@Wolvesbane39 5 жыл бұрын
For me the problem was I wanted a break from college to get myself together, especially because I was having the hardest time trying to get any classes so I could transfer to art school. However that break has now turned into years due to life set backs and financial strains. My aunt is constantly breathing down my neck anytime I'm around her to either go to school (And get a loan because her daughter did it, who is MUCH older than me and has adult children) or to make her a custom book cover that she won't pay me for. Only royalties. The book has one review. ONE. Now I don't really want to visit because I fell like I'll be judged for not doing what she thinks is the best course of action. I'm currently looking for work in general and I'm not even having luck there.
@peachsphinx6287 5 жыл бұрын
I never really wanted to go to college, but I was grated a large scholarship, so I kind of felt obligated. And yes, my parents played a huge role in pressuring me to go. From the time I was in 6th grade to the time I graduated college, almost every conversation I had with my parents was "college this, college that." I was a full time student for 5 years straight taking between 15-18 credit hours per semester, all while holding down 1 or 2 part time jobs at a time. I was never very studious, and always half-assed my work, so I have no idea how I managed to pass all my classes. I don't really remember a whole lot of my college experience, because I think I was just exhausted and constantly taking in and then regurgitating information most of the time. I graduated a little over 2 years ago. My BFA is pretty much useless and gives me 0 credentials. I spent my entire senior year and some time after seeking employment in the commercial art industry, but it's so competitive, and I had absolutely no success. I have some experience with graphic design, but I couldn't land an interested employer that would offer to pay me more than minimum wage. I've recently been working on building my own brand and being self-employed. I'm finally getting my art out in the community, but still working on my online presence. I figure if no one will hire me for more than the bare minimum or "exposure", then I'll just be my own boss. Right now to make ends meet, I'm grooming dogs for a living. It's okay but I don't think I can do it as a permanent career, as it's a lot more stressful and emotionally taxing than most would think.
@SarahKochera 4 жыл бұрын
I often wonder what scares teachers and people more: The fact that many people are forced to go to college via threats or the conditioned idea that college will undoubtedly and always provide a better life or the blatant honesty that students like myself are beginning to have with their professors that they are in college because they were told to be in college and they are here to be indoctrinated to be a better working member of society.
@toruuoikawa3737 4 жыл бұрын
Does any one ever think that once your 18 you legally an adult . you can move out or not go to collage or anything and no one can force you anymore. No offense to anyone who's having a rough time but think about it your 18 an adult .
@saidan0_02 5 жыл бұрын
Not sure if it's the same for everyone but another thing is that around where I am at least people generally have to earn at least twice to three times the cost of rent somewhere just to qualify to apply to live there. I've seen it at several different locations and it's absolutely crazy cuz after doing the math I found someone would have to work at least 2 jobs for what's ultimately a studio.
@betsareoff6821 5 жыл бұрын
Came for Callie, stayed for the super true premiere rant at the start and the rambles.
@princessserena1035 5 жыл бұрын
tbh my mom never forced me to go (still havnt gone, just not for me tbh) but a lot of my friends kept trying to push me to go to college. they kept like trying to pressure me into going, trying to scare me into going too. it got to the point i just avoided any topic that would even lead to the mention of school or college around them just to avoid them getting on my case about it. apparently telling them that i didnt really wanna go into debt and waste a shit ton of money just to say i attended college. like i was a D-F average student in school and am very much the type that if i'm not interested in the subject, i just really cant make myself put effort into learning said subject or doing anything concerning it. so i knew i'd just flunk out within the first month if not week. so it was just never appealing to me to spend all that money just to deffinitly have it wasted. plus that college spot i wouldve had probably went to someone who wanted it more
@nasaii_8924 5 жыл бұрын
This is off topic but I love the way you drew Callie and Marie they're so adorable 😁
@alexlikestodraw458 5 жыл бұрын
For context I'm a 16 years old as of last month, but college always looms over my shoulders for I know my time only continues to dwindle until boom baby, you're an adult and the world won't be as forgiving that you're a kid. In addition to me having autism(specifically Asperger's) as well as anxiety, I tend to dig into rabbit holes VERY often. My parents have always been there for me and they are the world in my heart. But when I go out on my own, I've had experiences in my life where I've had many losses, been technically 'sexually assaulted' but I'd rather not dwell on that too much, been taken advantage of by seeking comfort in a 'friend' only to be used later on the next year, being diagnosed around school starting for me which hindered me, adults trying to force me to act one way when I am not even confident in myself as a person, and etc. Going off on my own can be extremely terrifying to me as I'm also very sensitive alongside my allergies (For example, Dyes give me negative allergic reactions, nuts dry my throat to degrees where I cannot get the salt out, and whenever I dig my hands into grass they get loads of hives everywhere) There's also the brace I wear on my left leg and the rather peculiar food diet I have due to not being very fond of eating, maintaining a diet of foods I like even if they are unhealthy due to the fact I'm underweight to an unsafe degree. It's really scary thinking of having roommates who might push me to do things like alcohol or drugs(I've already learned the consequences as I've witnessed it within my own family) or get manipulated into being someone's pet to get taken advantage of to where I won't stand up for myself. Granted, I'm trying to value every second I have till I turn eighteen, as I know it won't last forever, all I want to do is make people smile and happy like Pinkie Pie does. I'm incredibly thankful I'm at a special education school where I can actually work at my own pace~ Technically I'm in my second year in high school, but my work is far enough to be nearly 70% in 3/4 of all my courses for the third year courses!~ I love to learn because I always want to think of new ways to apply it all into anything plausible in my life as much as I can! Heck, before I even finish it's possible I might work on college work before I get out of high school haha. Much of the staff at my school really try to help me in order to not be so anxious 24/7 and I love them all(Even if the new kids this year make a lot of noise playing Minecraft hahaha) Though I remember something from the channel Telltale Atheist about preparing for finances and that being studying in economics. Sure there may not ever be such a thing as a perfect economy, as the farther back into history you go, mere dollars to cents by the decades were considered highly valuable in contrast to the thousands of dollars on average needed today by the clock. So it's understandable in a sense to see where financially they may be coming from. Then again with so many advancements in society itself, I sadly don't think it's very likely it's going to generously go down anytime soon D: I could not be more grateful for the life I have now and all it's done for me, cherishing every memory even with some gone and others very active in my daily life. A major pardon if I've rambled on for quite a while, and thank you for taking the time to read this OuO I wish luck towards your way whatever may be troubling you. Also ps, Michi I really like the squid sisters art! =D Marie's my personal favorite but I think they look really cute in your art style. Thank you so much for all your interesting topical videos. Fun Fact: You were one of the first artists to inspire me to use t h i c k lines in artwork, so thank you! AHH its 10pm i need to go to bed um bye love, Alex
@psachickennugget8617 5 жыл бұрын
I honestly never thought about having a choice. I know my parents aren’t forcing me to but I’ve always had this idea in my head that there is no other way I have to do it right now. I guess I really don’t have to, but I really want to and I have he means to so I will.
@notactivemovedchannelsd4039 5 жыл бұрын
My school is LITERALLY all about getting us to college. Which is great and all... until you realize that they only give you your diploma once you go to college. They force it down our throats that we need to go to college or else we won’t be successful. I personally want to go to college, but I also don’t want to be in debt for who knows how long.
@sakuhin9770 5 жыл бұрын
I'm just glad that Australia has the hex dept don't have to start paying that back untill I reach a certain threshhold in pay
@DawnScribblesGamin 5 жыл бұрын
I tried telling my grandpa that I wanted to maybe take a year off and getting a side job so I could choose a college, he didn't like the idea of it and wants me to go straight to college, he said he'd pay for it, I'm at that age where I feel guilty asking for stuff from my family even if they are willing to do it, but I wanna have my own savings and I kinda wanna save up to maybe be able to pay for it myself. It may sound like a stretch but it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Well still got a few years but time is limited and I wanna make plans before I do make the decision to pick.
@Mwothyman 4 жыл бұрын
Super late to the party, but I am actually thankful for my parents. I want to go to university because I love learning, and I want to do something dealing with people. I am actually surprised that my parents never even forced the idea of me going straight to uni and getting a degree. I find it surprising because my father only did year 8 (freshman) and just never went back, my mother dropped out 3 months before graduation (year 12). I will admit, part of it is so I can feel accomplished and so I can help out at home. I even have a plan and everything of how I want to handle going where I want
@elaineivysart9743 2 жыл бұрын
I live in a situation where moneys tight so my mom who also works told my brother to to get a job and work for a year and use that money for college or something else she doesn't force us but we have to be ready for anything because she wasn't
@frydraws5619 4 жыл бұрын
I have a disability and for the most part, I am lucky to not be going to college as I have no means to actually pay for it. Yeah, I have had times where my parents have threatened to kick me out, but then again, my parents have 8 other children to get angry at and I'm stuck in the middle of that rage. Right now, I'm focusing on making money and hoping to move out soon.
@Befish 5 жыл бұрын
Thought I'd add in some personal experience. Really long, but hope peeps while find it interesting. So my school had a counselor that everyone ever didn't like. Even the other counselors would understand if you came into their office and said "can I switch into another class, I'm assigned to so-and-so but he won't let me." This guy actually pissed not only me off, but my mom. He forced his whole "go to college", "get paid" ideology on every student. He couldn't understand if you needed special ed classes, because he refused to look into it and believed that no matter if you got help on a test or not, you should be forced into honors classes cause they look good on college degrees. He actually forced me hard enough into a honors class my first year of high school that I failed most of my freshman English. He even wouldn't let students, including seniors, switch classes because he believed that only their parents could be told BY GOD if they could. He told my mom in his office "Im not allowed to say this but you believe in god so that's why I won't let children change their classes." There are two experiences with this teacher that make me really, really pissed off. He was in charge of a career day. He went through, explained that careers are there to make you money, and then sat down and said "I want you to come up here and tell me what your dream job is." He told absolutely every student that they were stupid, and they chose a stupid job, and they should choose something else. And then he'd push them aside. I'm an artist. He told me specifically "do you know how long it took for all the famous artists to be famous? They're DEAD." And the second time was one lecture he gave to my mom. He went off on a whole thing about how his kid wanted to go into this one field, but he knew that it wouldn't make a lot of money. So he forced him into something else. He was severely proud of himself for pushing this kid into what this kid was doing, and now he makes money and all this stuff. But then he starts going off "but he now doesn't have any time for visits, and never sees anyone, and he's unhappy but he does make a lot of money." How.... how do you not be that self aware? To a point where you acknowledge that your son has no time and is unhappy because of what you're proud you forced him to do? I don't understand? I'm really glad my school let you hop from counselor to counselor. I was lucky because I had a special needs counselor that, after Freshmen year, came in and would change my schedule instead.
@A_JinglyRabbit 5 жыл бұрын
Ooo nice squid sister fan art!
@Angelbabi3 5 жыл бұрын
im in school still and when we talk about college most teacher are ok with us not going to college, we talk about specialized schools and community colleges because they dont want the next generation in giant debt and its really healthy but so many of my friends parents are forcing them into college and its really frustrating, I want to go to college but college isn't for everyone
@Rikkiroo1008 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know when my parents started telling me to think of college, but I know it was something told to me at a young age like back in elementary school. I wouldn't say it was forcing, but I was diffently never given any other option. And when they suggested things I could do, I didn't want to do that, like accounting. They're reasoning because I was good in math. I tried college 3 fucking times. And 2 out the 3 made me incredibly depressed, 1 one of them was complimented to why I couldn't go anymore. But I never liked school to begin with so college wasn't something want, and I didn't even know what I wanted to do to begin with. And I've quit, I've been out for a year now, and I still get told about going to college and I don't know what to say anymore, for them to get it.
@dirtyjamsgot1795 5 жыл бұрын
I'm blessed that my parents are paying for my college. They know how expensive it is, and they want me to go, so they're paying. Of course I'm going to pay to, but that won't be until I get a job.
@lagle8 5 жыл бұрын
Paying for school (especially in the tens of thousands) is stupid
@LanxPenzenpepper 5 жыл бұрын
Here in our country the society is basically school dependent... If you didn't finish college. No business will take you in. Even if the smallest business requires deploma.
@Dargoonies 5 жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to go into either an art career or a science career, so lately I've been looking into something that has both. I've decided to do something like have a STEM career with art as a side job/project/hobby. It's reassuring in a way to believe that I have a backup since STEM careers are niche and in demand. My parents have been kinda training me from the start. I'm realising now that I'm always looking for discount items, second hand items, managing my money, and cross-pricing purely by habit since I've seen them do it so often. They've always suggested, not directly telling me, but make little suggestions to pursue a career in medicine or teaching because 'You have the ability'. I always kept changing my mind on want I wanted to do in my life, so I kept challenging them on it. Eventually I decided to pursue a career or at least degree on engineering because it's constantly promoted here and 'They're loaded'. I admit it's equally interesting, hard work and an 'easier ride' (sorta), but I've thought it through so much that I just don't want to think about it anymore and get on with it. They've always told me that it doesn't matter what I go on to study or what I'm gonna do with my life. But the golden rule that always came up was 'As long as you get a decent job out of it'. That could be absolutely anything, but in the end they just don't want to see me go through the same hardships they went through. So what I'm saying is, it's best to think things through and start getting into good habits that'll help you later in life, get classes if you have to. But know that parents want what they think is best for you in some shape or form. You don't have to agree or like it, but know that it's there, even if just a smidgen. (Sorry for the comment rant ^^; )
@mariewakahisa3916 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to an expensive private college for a degree that my local one didnt offer and my father even tho he has enough money to pay for it no scholarships and still live comfortably says that I have to pay it back in full. Fyi my dad is already 62 and I'm only in my first year. He's the one who told me I has to go 🙄 not to mention the only money he had saved up for me only covered 1 quarter
@Raxel1447 5 жыл бұрын
So my mom wanted me to open a restaurant, because I have a talent in cooking. I never want to work in the food industry. The fact that I'm working at a deli breaks my heart and soul, but it's the higheat paying job I can have w/out a car. I managed to squirm out of going to a culinary arts college, but she still FORCED me to pick a major and apply for many different colleges. I picked Graphic Design (because I thought it would help me w/ illustration and I could write on the side). After I started attending, I'll admit, I liked it at first. Then I moved out. Then I got fired from my (at the time) cleaning job. Then I couldn't afford food and was always hungry. Finally, I ended up dropping out after A YEAR and am now stuck owing close to $20,000 in student debt! All thanks to a "mother" who forced me to go to college when I wasn't ready, and still is angry at me for not following HER dream.
@Raxel1447 5 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna add here that I WANT to go back to college (for creative writing and maybe world studies), but I dunno if I ever can, now, due to debt I didn't really agree to and can't pay off.
@JuliaNightmare 5 жыл бұрын
I consider myself lucky that my mom has assured me several times that I don't need to go to college if I don't want eed* to, just to get a job after I get my licence. (Technically I already have a car, my aunt's old SUV that she sold to my mom after a car she had got totaled in an accident, it's now mine since the SUV blew a head gasket (and something else might be wrong with it) and my mom got a new car and my uncle is trying to fix it for us.) She encourages my want to write books as well (super grateful for that), and I always agree when she has told me to find a stable day job to support myself and write my books on the side. *I say need to because I never know if a job I might have and really enjoy in the future might offer me a higher position that'll require me to have a certain degree.
@mythnyx3791 5 жыл бұрын
My parents are currently trying to force me into college. It got to the point that I was not looking forward to the next day if it were a weekday because my stepdad would come to my apartment and knock until I answered, then take me to their house to make me fill out an application for the community college here. Just yesterday, they picked me up saying they wanted to go out to eat. My husband was not invited. Looking back on it, it’s likely because he doesn’t and won’t put up with their bullshit. They took me to Red Lobster to lecture me about how being LGBT is a sin and I should go to college. Seriously, we didn’t talk about anything else at all. It’s worse because my mom is an MA and she graduated just a couple years back. And is currently about to start school again. So she *knows* it’s a lot of money and a lot of debt, but is still trying to push my minimum wage ass into it like I’ll have the same pay as a medical assistant in the top hospital in the state. Nope.
@AleTitan 5 жыл бұрын
College was never a choice for me. It's an expectation. Entering my 3rd year and I still nowhere near halfway finishing because I kept chanting majors. I'm not even declared bc I went in blind without knowing what I want and what I'm capable of.
@Br44n5m 5 жыл бұрын
So a little different from the example but I'm not presently employed or in school. In fact, I dropped out of high school maybe six or so years ago and haven't gone back since. Trick is I've been helping raise my niece in that time and have worked two separate jobs in the time, not for long in either but I don't want to get into the reasons for that right now. Point is I tried to work and if I needed to I can, I will work again. So technically I'm part of the group you mentioned where I'm rotting away at home in my early twenties not being really productive, but also I'm providing much needed assistance for my family. Honestly I'd rather be back in retail than childcare but this is the card I've been dealt for now. I'm gonna use this time to learn some much needed basic skills so that when I can work I don't have to quit to fix an issue or start to crumble when I'm finally in my own place.
@PhantomDragonexe 3 жыл бұрын
My parents weren't that forceful about college, my older sister ended getting certified ( I think she got associates, I'm double-checking with her), she took a break at one point to get knee surgery, I went and got a bachelors I was all for going to college I just regret maybe not waiting for a year or two after high school and really weighing my options on which school to attend, and my younger sister couldn't decide what she wanted to do and only took a couple of general education classes before our dad passed away and then stopped going to college completely. The thing for me though is my dad thought the life insurance we were paying into that was like 20K we could withdraw on it to pay off some of my college loans because I was 127k in debt but turned out my dad misunderstood what we could do with that life insurance policy and yeah it wouldn't have amounted to even 1k to withdraw on it. Granted because of a clause in one of my loan agreements I don't have to pay it back due to my dad passing away so I'm down to pay back 30K of my college loans( I would rather have my dad alive even if it meant having all this debt). Looking back I have my regrets, but I'm glad for some of the people I met in college. It was definitely an experience. Sorry for commenting on a year old video.
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