Naive… trump is a businessman, if the deal is right would u think not sold Taiwan out? When tw takes action on foreign relationship based on allies’s promise… the result already shown u in Ukraine
We in germany always see the american election campaign that is talking for multiple months as a theater show. Bcs It never matters who became president. They always put our (german) lives at risk with stationing more weapons on our grounds, making as the first country to attack, if war with russia would happen. Therefore most of the east of germany and now more on the west are voting for the Afd. The Nationalists of germany. There goal in the foreign affair politics is to distance oneself from US and focus more on Europe. As our current government is the most pathetic after being used to a strong foreign leader for years (Mutti/ Angela Merkel) 😂
有人說,根據《CBS》報導,一集名為〈通往未來的巴特(Bart to the Future)〉的劇情於 2000 年播出,劇中描述了在 2030 年,主角麗莎·辛普森(Lisa Simpson)成為美國第一位異性戀女總統,她身穿紫色套裝並配戴珍珠項鍊的造型,與賀錦麗於副總統就職儀式上的穿著驚人地相似。不僅如此,劇中還暗示她接替了川普的總統職位,並承擔著他任期所遺留的「預算緊縮」等重大經濟問題。這段情節引發網友強烈聯想,認為辛普森家庭的「神預言」或將成真。 但是咱認為,既然卡通說的是2030年,那就不應該是本屆2024年,也就是說,本屆的總統應該是川普,下一屆才是哈哈哈哈里斯。