Ultralight Paramotor Trike Incident - Failure to Maintain Control

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Reported Date of Incident: Sunday March 20, 2022.
Location: Humbolt Municipal Airport M53 - Humbolt, Tennessee
Weather: Calm
Operator: Male; Injuries: non-fatal
According to an article published in the Humbolt Chronicle by Danny Wade, the pilot, Raymond Gunn age 73 sustained multiple back injuries after crashing a paramotor on Humbolt Municipal Airport property. Mr Gunn was air lifted via Vanderbilt Life Flight to the Med in Memphis, TN for medical treatment and subsequent surgery. The pilot's injuries were reported to be non life-threatening as of the time of the reported incident.
This was reportedly the operator's first pilot in command (PIC) flight - in any aircraft, although some are reporting it was his 4th flight ever.
(Updated) There are a number of comments stating the pilot blacked out while taking off. While this could be true, I have no source information to date that can verify the statement as fact.
What is the "Take Away" of all this? -
Thorough training with a certified instructor, and one's state of physical fitness/condition, no matter what kind of aircraft you intend to operate, cannot be overlooked.
Video provided to me by a fellow member of the general aviation community and is being published as a reminder to all aviators and students of aviation that there are no shortcuts to proper instruction, training and preparedness.

Пікірлер: 136
@12vibaba 2 жыл бұрын
looks like airdesign makes some fantastic safe wings. i don't know how other brand wings would hold up in these situations but this was impressive. This guy was very lucky.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
The wing is what caused the issue. It is not roll stable but will oscillate worse and worse under power unless the pilot fixes the problem. Fixing oscillation is the opposite of intuitive so newbies don't really know how to do it and if you put them on horrible gear like this with fake "instruction" then then will happen as it has over and over in the exact same way for years as people bash, trash and lie about real experts while they push total death trap gear and pretend to be "instructors" when they literally can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do. It's horrifying to watch death trap gear like this and those who got scammed with a fake instructor.
@jeremysadventures8031 Жыл бұрын
Dell didn’t you sell all your gear because you have killed another student? “Death trap gear “ 😂😂🤡🤡🤡 keep selling your outdated flat top/ dominator from 20 years ago 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤡
@edtotman2952 2 жыл бұрын
One of those extreme oscillations could have easily resulted in the trike falling through the wing, which would have been fatal. He's very lucky.
@usuariouser224 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe bad setting?
@stevendegreef93 2 жыл бұрын
@@usuariouser224 73 y old, fighting cancer, 4th solo flight, blacked out, kept full throttle, broke neck and spine in the resulting crash.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevendegreef93 He did not pass out. That glider is horrible and increases oscillation without pilot input. There are many death traps like that ons the market that are "certified wings" but certifications don't test oscillation under power. Even the XXXXXS Dominator which is only 14sm is roll stable and will immediately stop an oscillation if the pilot does nothing. Brand new wings from many companies out there like Gin, Macpara, U-Turn and others will do this exact same thing. Stop selling crap gear and pretending to be an instructor. The problem is those that know nothing about the sport pushing horrible gear and pretending to be instuctors when they know nothing and don't give one crap about people's lives or the truth. Just watch my video about this exact thing as I explained it and showed it on an EN-A certifed wing.
@dasppg9737 2 жыл бұрын
The wing did very well considering the improper glider control/loading during the flight. I hope for the best for the pilot and his family
@Patristica 2 жыл бұрын
He broke his neck and back but he is a live. He was an old gentlemen.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
The wing is what caused the problem as it's NOT roll stable. What the heck do you mean the wing did well??!!! Seriously?? It's the wing that caused the problem with the fake instructor chucks a guy into the air without any real actual SUPER training and with no clue how to address oscillation and no radio to walk him through it. There are many wings like that which are even EN-A "certified" that will oscillate worse and worse until you crash. I've shown this very cleary in my oscillation video I did many many years ago but scammers ignore actual truth and facts and just keep pushing death trap gear like this and scamming people with fake "training". It's horrifying.
@geoffmaxwell4461 11 ай бұрын
@@superdellschanze9616 The oscillation was pilot induced. His continued bad inputs only increased that oscillation. This was NOT a wing problem and considering you have made videos on the 'ease' of correcting oscillation with proper training, you should know better than to post this reply. Jackass.
@superdellschanze9616 10 ай бұрын
Yes and no. So if he killed power and just shut the engine off and did absolutely nothing the glider should recover and fly straight but would be dropping like a rock and he would hit the ground. The real problem here is without a doubt incompetent instruction and death trap gear. This is not opinion, this is fact without a doubt and without question. He was put on a glider that is not roll stable so holding power the oscillation will increase on it's own and get worse and worse until you loop face first into the ground just like you saw. It's a ridiculously simple solution, don't go to totally incompetent dishonest crooks like Tucker Gott, Honeycutt, Trevor Steele or others as they don't have a freaking clue what they are doing. They don't have the knowledge, experience or honesty to do things right. Had he simply been on the correct glider that absolutely would not have happened. He could totally pass out and if he held throttle it would simply climb in a gentle turn to the right until it ran out of gas. A quality glider like the Dominator absolutely would not do that. Most any good name brand certified glider would not have done that. Pushing Ozone crap and Gin or other specific gliders with this problem is the problem. These dishonest crooks pretending to be experts simply have no clue and they don't test this stuff and don't listen to real actual experts. Instead the fake experts lie about the real experts and try to pretend they are the experts. This stuff happens all the time with numerous injuries & deaths. It's very common. Most of it is hidden or you will see a video go up and then in days they are threatened and attacked until it's quickly taken down to hide the truth. This sport is ridiculously safe if you get proper gear and get real actual SUPER training. Just on training it's kinda insane as there is only one school in the world teaching real actual skills to address things exactly like this. It simply doesn't exist outside of SUPER training as it takes a ton of time and effort and other instructors only care about quick easy money not actually training people correctly. Hope that helps. I could go into more detail on anything specific if you ask. I've tested many many gliders for this exact thing as don't sell gliders that are not roll stable. The Dominator even in the tiny tiny 14sm is roll stable. Certified beginner class gliders of different brands are NOT roll stable. So you really have to know what the heck you are doing getting into the this sport and don't trust your life to anyone but the best. There is a reason they all bash, trash and lie about me, it's because they can't refute a single word I say so they try to discredit me as a person with trash talking.
@shadowban481 Жыл бұрын
If anything this video show how safe and forgiving this machines can be.
@darkcognitive 2 жыл бұрын
Tucker Gott says the pilot blacked out right after take off, hence the continuous throttle and zero input to correct the oscillation. Apparently the guy was 72 years old and had cancer, and had 4 previous tandem lessons or something along those lines...... he broke his neck and his back, but is thankfully still alive.
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
The description will absolutely be updated with any new factual information. If Tucker Gott or whom ever it may be has interviewed the pilot or anyone else who knows about the incident firsthand, they can contact me with names of the interviewed, dates, witness accounts, etc., so I can verify it to be fact. Everything I have described was reported that way so I am certainly open to new verifiable information so it can be reflected in the description. Thanks all!
@ikefork2606 2 жыл бұрын
Pilot blacked out.......yeah right. Ha. A person who "blacks out" usually looses all motor control of his/her body and goes limp. That didn't happen here. Here is my analysis of the video: (1) the "pilot" or operator completely looses directional control ON THE GROUND at the beginning of his takeoff roll. (2) you can hear the engine throttle down at least two times during the brief flight. (3) who is the numbskull that agreed to let a 72 y.o. cancer patient to get in that thang and fly it in the first place? (4) more likely the idiot pilot froze on the controls....plain and simple .......he choked. It's a miracle the pilot didn't kill himself given he wasn't wearing a helmet ....., or start a serious fire, or injure other persons on the ground. In fact the guy filming this video had to duck to avoid being hit by the out-of-control paramotor. One final thought....this was a very poor choice of location for an untrained beginner to be flying given the numerous buildings, hard pavement, and towers in the immediate vicinity. Dangerous sport for the general public to be participating in.
@darkcognitive 2 жыл бұрын
@@ikefork2606 I'm just repeating what tucker gott said, apparently he spoke to the people that were there.
@av8tor261 2 жыл бұрын
@@ikefork2606 I agree.
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkcognitive Thanks
@cabanford 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a full time professional tandem paragliding pilot in Zermatt, Switzerland and fly a (non-powered) 41m/2 tandem wing. The comment that says the pilot passed out would make sense, as there are "zero" control inputs (brake movement) + 100% power for the entirety of this clip. Incredible luck that it kept flying and he survived.
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
@cabanford - Thank you for your input.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
He didn't pass out. It's just a lie people tell to hide the fact that crap gear oscillates and actually increases oscillation if the pilot doesn't specifically react correctly to stop it. Many wings on the market do this and many have died because of this exact thing. Wings from Macpara, Gin, U-Turn and others that are "certified" wings can up and kill people exactly like this and they have.
@ernestfdd4589 6 ай бұрын
Hi, I live in Switzerland too. Is it legal to fly paramotor here? Thanks
@alishanmao 2 жыл бұрын
What wing is that. this much bad input and wrong moves but it still did not collapse. and even at the fall it got back to inflation and kept flying. This guy should thank the wing maker
@TheGreatMrBill 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing that this should be a commercial for that glider. I don't think he could have made that a worse situation if he had tried and that glider took it like a champ.
@flierbill 2 жыл бұрын
I hear , he lived !
@superjon78 2 жыл бұрын
Has characteristics of a Mojo Power 2
@MyNameIsJef 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like an Air Design Ride
@12vibaba 2 жыл бұрын
@@MyNameIsJef it is
@nicholascrown4788 Жыл бұрын
It did seem like he was running the motor at WOT? I would think you might power down to re-gain some control?
@SnareTrapSurvive Жыл бұрын
I dont think he blacked out. I think we was concentrating, over correcting and forgot to throttle back. had he just throttled back, stopped trying to correct the swing he could have pulled out of that oscillation. Notice at one point he cuts power then slams it back in.
@bb19873 4 ай бұрын
I heard that as well
@Patriottoo2 2 жыл бұрын
That was difficult to watch.
@sandorerdelyi4680 2 жыл бұрын
The full throttle is a smaller issue in that accident, but that is not the reason. The main reason is that some experienced level wing tends to oscillation without pilot activity. It's easy to stabilize these wings with some smooth brake, but if the pilot just travel under the wing, it starts to oscillate and within 10-20 secs it reaches a dangerous level. That happened in this footage. You can see l the trailing edge of wing, there was no brake applied at all. Poor training, not beginner wing!
@iantherealg 2 жыл бұрын
This is what happened. That's just normal wing behavior left unchecked. I'm surprised anyone would attempt to fly without lessons. I know it's legal and all
@MyNameIsJef 2 жыл бұрын
I see brake input on both sides pretty much the whole time, actually... Also, it looks like it's a AirDesign Ride, which is a beginner wing.
@iantherealg 2 жыл бұрын
@@MyNameIsJef I think that's the normal profile of a non-reflex wing. The brake would be checking the oscillations, like a kid swinging sideways in a swing you would want to pull brake on a side as you finish oscillating upward to that side. That would sort it out very fast. On a side note that's the biggest wing over I've seen a trike do. I hope the pilot recovers fully and gives it another shot with some instruction.
@sandorerdelyi4680 2 жыл бұрын
@@MyNameIsJef As I checked the Ride is EN-B.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed it. There are many beginner wings that do this as well though from many main companies like Gin, MacPara and others. Total incompetence on the part of the fake instructor that didn't train him, didn't have communication with him and didn't put him on proper gear. Then they lie and pretend he passed out. Blatant lie.
@wompstopm123 11 ай бұрын
he just floored the accelerator and didnt ease up at all the whole time, did his throttle get stuck?
@razorsharpbt124 Жыл бұрын
People are saying this person "blacked-out." If you lose consciousness, you let off the throttle. It's the same when operating machinery like a motor vehicle. I heard this guy modulating the throttle in the video. Apparently, somebody just threw this guy on a trike and said, "HIT IT!" He had no control of the wing from the very start.
@glasstuna Ай бұрын
Is the throttle spring loaded?
@DAS-Videos 2 жыл бұрын
He does maneuvers that no other trike pilot has ever done. It looked amazing when his machine shot vertical straight into the air like a rocket and then looked to become weightless just before the wing corrected itself, for a perfect transition.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
He wasn't doing maneuvers. That death trap glider is not roll stable and with a totally fake instructor he had no clue or ability to fix the oscillation. The glider oscillated worse and worse and worse until he crashed. There are MANY gliders like that on the market that are even EN-A certified that oscillate violently under power. Even the XXXXXS Dominator is roll stable which I've shown in my videos. It's one of the very first things I test with a glider as this exact thing has been killing people for years. Another fake instructor just killed a buy putting him on a Macpara which is NOT roll stable. Exact same thing happened but he died.
@Superterminal 27 күн бұрын
Gotta say actually that's about the best possible outcome that could have happened there! So many times it going have stalled and fallen into the wing, or hooked it into the ground... but actually managed to be fairly straight, level and low and rven clipped a pole with the wing too, that helped slow the trike down! Does anyone know if the pilot was ok?
@JustOutHereTinkering 2 жыл бұрын
If I recall correctly this pilot had a medical emergency upon taking off and just stayed full throttle making no corrections until his crash. Real shame.
@paulnelson5314 9 ай бұрын
That is incorrect, he changed direction of that out of control spiral a couple of times which takes conscious effort. He crashed after inducing line twists which caused him to be facing backwards at impact. We call what he suffered from “ whiskey throttle”. The only medical episode he had was an ambulance ride and a hospital stay
@JustOutHereTinkering 9 ай бұрын
​​@@paulnelson5314 What you are seeing there is called an Oscillation. If left completely unchecked, some paragliders can get into an oscillation, rocking or turning back and forth by itself like you are seeing here. This is a very classic case of completely uncorrected oscillation with full throttle being applied. There was no active piloting taking place here.
@TONYPARAMOTOR 2 жыл бұрын
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, there was no significant change in throttle/engine sound to me. Like it was kept nearly wide open the entire flight.
@Mike-01234 2 жыл бұрын
Likely a panic attack not unconscious that is why it stays at full throttle.
@vg23air 4 ай бұрын
fyi he is not passed out, i can see his arms on the controls moving them, advantage of not using a phone and watching on a 20 foot wide 10 foot tall screen with zoom in
@dannyaxten04 2 жыл бұрын
Training or not wouldnt have mattered. The pilot blacked out shortly after take off and therefore was giving the wing no input
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
Total flat out lie. Unconcious people don't hold their arms up and hold the throttle down. Stop lying. The guy was not trained properly the fake instructor didn't have communication with him and he was put on death trap gear that is not roll stable and required a very skilled and competent pilot to stop the oscillation. I showed this clearly in videos long long ago and people have continued to die because of this exact issue on many wings out there that are even "EN-A certified". Don't even try to lie about him passing out to hide the truth and facts. It's seriously freaking sick.
@vaclavvinklarek7102 2 жыл бұрын
The pilot "froze" on one of the first flights. It happens. Unfortunately, He flies on an inappropriate combination of glider and engine. The glider itself increases the oscillation under the thrust of the engine . The "frozen" pilot can't do anything to prevent it, he can't move, let alone make the right correction. In the event of a gas failure, he would at least pull the steering wheel chaotically. That 's not happening. The mistake is clearly that the beginning pilot did not have to fly on this oscillating combination at all! There are engines and gliders that do not fit together at a certain pilot weight and oscilate!
@matf4505 2 жыл бұрын
Pilot lost consciousness
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@matf4505 Total flat out lie. He did NOT pass out. Don't even try that lying pile of crap. It was the wing and the total lack of real training EXACTLY as this guy also explained. Nice to see there are other people in the world that do have a clue and know that this problem exists with many brands of gliders that are even EN-A "certified". Macpara, Gin, U-turn there are many that are NOT roll stable. The Dominator XXXXXS which is only 14sm is even roll stable. If the pilot starts a bad oscillation and then does nothing even the tiny 14sm Dominator will immeditely fix this problem. People have been dying because of this exact issue for a very very long time. Another guy died on a Macpara because of this. A scam instructor chucked a guy up on a trike without him going through SUPER training and this exact same thing happened and he died. It's freaking sick. Listen to the guy above as he nailed the problem 100% to the letter. It's blatantly obvious to any actual pilot.
@LarryHermanInc 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not trying to be funny, but for a little while there, I was saying, wow this guy is pretty good! If you didn’t tell me he was a newbie, I wouldn’t think that. I thought he was just hot doggin.
@dasppg9737 2 жыл бұрын
I thought so too at first. The last feelw oscillations had me thinking “oh no”! It seems that the risers twisted due to improper loading and glider control. If he truly passed out at the beginning of the flight it all makes sense
@jimsimard 2 жыл бұрын
Lance would you be able to connect me with the pilot? I am wondering if he would be willing to share his experience with us on clearproptv.
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot but someone here may be able to help on that.
@PeterCiesla Жыл бұрын
Sounds like pilot was on full power the entire time.
@michaelgraham4650 2 жыл бұрын
When he oscillated to the left he probably pulled it to the right and kept doing the same thing back-and-forth which is why he was totally out of control
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
False. You can see clearly by the trailing edge of the glider that he did nothing at all. It's just another death trap glider that will oscillate worse and worse until you crash unless you are trained properly. The problem is the fake instructor that didn't train him, didn't have communication with him and who put him on total death trap gear like that. I did a video explaining and showing this issue a very long time ago. Many have died on death trap wings from Macpara and others because of this exact issue and the fake instructors who push that crap.
@michaelgraham4650 2 жыл бұрын
@@superdellschanze9616 I think it was examined the guy passed out or something right after take off
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelgraham4650 These liars tell lies like that every time they kill someone or put someone in the hospital. Seriously dude? The guy was modulating his throttle and had his hands locked above his head. They chucked a 72 year old guy into the air on crap gear with a wing that isn't roll stable. The trike didn't even have certified height hook in points. The facts are obvious to any pilot. Don't even try the passed out lie with me. These people are freaking evil ripping off 72 year old guys and scamming them with totally fake training from people who are totally incompetent. They belong in prison.
@LovelyCaptainHat-tw6ul 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I noticed
@vincentwhite9603 4 ай бұрын
Awesome skills
@bassmaster3145 2 жыл бұрын
looking good!
@NCPPGpilot 2 жыл бұрын
Yikes! That’s a large unit & large glider, 42m I believe. A white le lotta NO in this one. Controlling oscillation is similar to when we were kids on a swing. Reducing throttle & hands up would’ve been helpful too.
@miroslavvach1486 2 жыл бұрын
Hero, we are looking for a voice like that
@liveisnotbeautiful 2 жыл бұрын
Just release the throttle control and the glider will correct itself.
@ioderov 2 жыл бұрын
There’s something pretty wrong with this guy since the beginning
@urbanstrnisnik1655 2 жыл бұрын
wtf, it is like he is flying for the first time, there was no brake input at all. Not even cutting the thtotle. Nothing..
@UniteWorldPeace 2 жыл бұрын
was there a malfunction of the throttle?
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
No malfunctions - Operator Error
@darkcognitive 2 жыл бұрын
@@lanceair151 Tucker Gott said the pilot, a 72 year old with cancer, blacked out right after take off and was unconscious for the entire flight, which would explain the full throttle with zero pilot input. Can it really be classed as operator error if you are unconscious? And shouldn't the description be changed to reflect these circumstances so at least people have an idea of what actually happened?
@Mike-01234 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkcognitive Panic attack likely not unconscious how does the throttle stay full if he is unconscious??? People don't continue to contract muscles when unconscious. This was likely an excuse made up to cover for the man by someone else.
@Lodestar1 2 жыл бұрын
The description will absolutely be updated with any new factual information. If Tucker Gott or whom ever it may be has interviewed the pilot or anyone else who knows about the incident firsthand, they can contact me with names of the interviewed, dates, witness accounts, etc., so I can verify it to be fact. Everything I have described was reported that way so I am certainly open to new verifiable information so it can be reflected in the description. Thanks all!
@gustavsusota6258 17 күн бұрын
So sad crash of parachute
@ralphbooger4756 2 жыл бұрын
the source is just another youtube comment, but supposedly the guy himself claims to not have blacked out at all, and after takeoff all he could see was sky because of the hangpoints were wrong. ive never flown a paraglider but it seems to me that he had very little understanding in general of what he was doing, maybe something he decided he wanted to do on a whim without any real concept of how it works. reminded me of other videos ive seen of people that never have driven anything getting on a little 50cc scooter and just mash the throttle expecting the thing to drive itself and wreck within 10 feet. i took a skydiving class myself on a whim 20 years ago, before i took that class i just might have been crazy enough to do a base jump if someone handed me a parachute thinking it was as easy as just jumping of and pulling the cord... after the class i realized if i had done that i would probably have hit the ground without ever even trying to pull that cord.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
It's the gear that causes the oscillation and that alone with a totally fake instructor that didn't train him and didn't have communication with him caused the problem. There are many gliders from big name companies that are even beginner class certified that will do that and MANY have died in this exact way over and over and over because they don't listen to actual experts. I did a video about this many many years ago and explained it and showed it. It's just sick how so many try to pretend to be instructors when they know nothing about the sport. Then they push death trap gear like this on those who don't even research who the heck they are trusting their life to. It's seriously messed up.
@ralphbooger4756 2 жыл бұрын
@@superdellschanze9616 not sure if this is true, i also did read somewhere that he had no training with a powered paraglider, but that he ha some training with a powered parachute... not sure what the difference would be there but supposedly he took off on his own accord. now... mr. Superdell, although i never got around to it, i have had an interest in ppg for a long time. and while doing research about it, your take on the safety aspects of the sport concerning gear and instructors is very hard to miss! it is very aggressive and confrontational in a no compromise you against everyone else kinda way... this makes it really confusing and difficult for someone looking to learn about powered paragliding and what type of gear/instructions is best for them. don't get me wrong here, my conclusion is that you have a lot of valid points, but i think the manner of how you present them pushes as many, if not more people away as they pull in... have you ever considered toning things down just a little bit? i mean when you come in swinging and call out someone with decades of experience in the sport as a "totally fake instructor" that "knows nothing about the sport" pushing "death trap gear" it just hurts your own credibility, it is not reasonable, there is no response to that but a full on fight that does nothing but create a divide in the sport. a calmer more rational approach where you simply address specific issues and make your point about how to make improvements and certain dangers related to specific gear versus the benefits of other gear leaving out the personal attacks, would invite a dialog more beneficial to the sport in general and certainly make it less confusing for newcomers trying to figure out what choices to make... anyways, like i said... i think you make some valid points, but it took some time to come to that conclusion, you are making it easy for your "opposition", they do not have to argue against any specific valid point you may have, they just have to point out the over the top, all or noting, overly dramatic, listen to me or you are going to DIE, way of presenting them... no offence intended, i enjoy your videos, obviously you are a skilled ppg pilot, but you do come off as a little bit crazy at times!
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@ralphbooger4756 Imagine you watched others murder over 80 people. Would you then talk about them nicely and never tell the truth of what happened? How do you refer to Hitler? As a newbie you simply don't understand the magnitue of the fraud and sheer numbers of deaths in exactly the same ways over and over and the years and years of my explaning and showing the truth all of which none of the liars can refute because they simply can't. The fact is if what is said were wrong in the slightest degree any intelligent person would simply explain why. Where are they? Why can't anyone at all refute what I say or show their skill level is beyond that of my students? Since you also cannot in the slightest refute what I say are you not horribly wrong ignoring that life & death critical fact and going off on a tangent trying to pretend facts don't matter if the truth makes people look bad. Seriously? Do you think a competent instructor chucks a 70 year old guy without even the most basic skills and likely without the reflexes to even attain them if he tried into the air on a glider that oscilates uncontrollably without pilot input? How can an honest person say anything less than that such a person either knows nothing or is blatantly incompetent? Do you think people more concerned with how they feel about what's said that the truth of what's said shoud have anything at all to do with aviation? How would I be competent if I tried to get ALL people into this sport instead of just those who are mentally strong enough for it? Do you really think I want people so mentally weak that they whine about how I might have offended a truly incompetent person acting as an instructor?? Nope. I would be without honor if I didn't stand up for the real truth bolding and very strongly. In fact it's a commandment from God to warn thy neighbor of pitfalls that lay before them but notice how you spend all this time trying to change the guy telling the truth instead of actually being concerned about the real actual truth causing serious carnage & deaths. Seriously? So you put all this focus on feelings while you don't even try to understand the actual FACTS??? Does that make you someone competent for avaition? Think about that without being emotional. You have to be honest with yourself. When these peopl cause constant carnage & death and you watch over 80 people die in exactly the same ways over and over and the liars tell the same lies over and over are you going to say oh they are nice people and maybe one shouldn't say anything to hurt the murderers feelings.... Seriously dude??!!! Sadly I don't think you have the honor or mentality to care about the truth. I CHALLENGE YOU up and down to try to prove me wrong. Please by all means LEARN the facts just so you can show how wrong I am. How about SHOW a video of these "instructors" doing what my brand new students show on video just so you can prove me wrong in saying they can't do what my students do. Do you have the integrity to actually seek out the truth and share it? Nope you don't. I've actually had sooooo much experience with people just like you I know exactly what you will do. You will get butt hurt by the sheer facts of this truth, call me a few names and then just pretend you know everything about how people should act and that those with massive experience and knowledge know nothing. Please prove me wrong.
@PhilippeLarcher 2 жыл бұрын
passive wing overs ?
@paramotorfun9649 2 жыл бұрын
Take lessons
@jamesturncliff5960 2 жыл бұрын
Somebody's been watching too much Tucker Gott 🤔
@vg23air 4 ай бұрын
clue, pull the throttle back, would have been just fine
@gonebabygone4116 7 ай бұрын
Quite the video from a non-pilot perspective. I watched it and assumed he was hot dogging and it got away from him. Per comments this is his first solo flight? Who chooses a crowded urban area for something like this?
@lewis7315 2 жыл бұрын
extreme sports / extreme risk / no margin for error
@lostinthedesert6149 3 ай бұрын
I’ll be ok, I’ve been riding motorbikes since I was a kid.....
@tjwright 2 жыл бұрын
one comment said the guy passed out in flight which might make sense
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
Have not been able to verify that comment as factual with anyone yet.
@DAS-Videos 2 жыл бұрын
I think he must have passed out or had some sort of medical crisis because it was at full throttle the entire flight, even when hitting the ground.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
It's a lie to try to cover the fact that they screwed this guy with bogus training and death trap gear. That wing is not roll stable and when you oscillate it will get worse and worse until you crash unless a very skilled pilot knows how to fix it which is backwards to what's intuitive. Another guy just died on a Macpara because of this exact issue. I showed this on video long long ago and warned people to LOOK at the skill, competency and honesty of the one they plan to trust their life to. It's seriously sick how people sell crap gear and pretend to be instructors when they don't care about people's lives and don't know jack about the sport and literally can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do. I challenge any instructor out there to SHOW a video of themselves demonstrating they can do what brand new SUPER students can do. Let's see it.
@DAS-Videos 2 жыл бұрын
@@superdellschanze9616 I don't know. If he was conscious, I would think he would of at least yanked on one of the brakes to try to turn around and land. He must have at least been taught to yank and bank. Maybe he would have face planted doing so but he didn't even try to turn.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@DAS-Videos Unconscious people don't hold and modulate throttle and hold their hands up. I didn't even have to look at that as just look who you are talking about. You know they will come up with a lie to cover their incompetence. That's what he scammers do every single time. Lie up and down. From Michael Mixer pouding in on a hoaxflex death trap that they blamed on "sand in the wing" to Jeff Toll dying and they claimed he flew into power lines. Every time they kill someone on death trap gear they just lie up and down about it. I even warned them over and over not to fly the death trap gear and explained to them exactly what would happen if they did and of course they ignored it and then it happened exactly as I explained. Over 80 people dead because of these same stupid issues over and over and over in exactly the same ways and they just make up lies every time and then tell lies about me as well. Just imagine if they had any integrity and actually just took SUPER training and learned how to fly. 20 years of carnage & death they could have prevented in 10 days of SUPER training and getting Flat Tops & Dominators. It's seriously insane. New people don't know about all the bashing, trashing and lying these people have done only to cause death and carnage exactly like I warned about.
@Jim-ku6ry 10 ай бұрын
Typical toll oscillation and a pilot that doesn't deal with it properly. Roll is one of the most difficult conditions to deal with on a paramotor. New pilots need to stay on the ground if there is any wind. Learn the basics and slowly increase the difficulty levels
@usuariouser224 2 жыл бұрын
Out of control
@bobjoatmon1993 2 жыл бұрын
another case of evolution in action
@rcdogmanduh4440 28 күн бұрын
So many arm chairs no wonder easyboy is Americans favorite!
@AmericanMadeAdventures 2 жыл бұрын
@jeff28092 2 жыл бұрын
@talusranch990 2 жыл бұрын
This guy needs to go ..... Tuck gottttttt told me I'm gonna win a million bucks
@pbarnwell 2 ай бұрын
Pilot induced oscillation
@blackrhino3442 2 жыл бұрын
Is this the old guy that passed out on take off?
@mateuszjakubowski5068 2 жыл бұрын
"This video was sent to me by the general aviation community and is being published as a reminder to all aviators and students of aviation that there are no shortcuts to proper instruction and training." - no, this video reminds of nothing as long as there is no comment from published about what exactly happened. This video has 0 educational value without extra information - we only see there was full throttle all the way (throttle blocked or managed by the pilot?) and some weird turns (induced by the pilot or by resonance of the machine?).
@lanceair151 2 жыл бұрын
A new update on the cause of the crash. The operator, in his mid 70’s,(not a pilot) has never flown an aircraft of any sort. I will update the video description with more detail as I get it. I will not speculate as to what happened. I will post facts as they come to me.
@hikeflytatry 2 жыл бұрын
Niestety temat oscylacji skrzydła wywołany pracą smigła jest słabo rozumiany wśród niektórych instruktorów paraglidingu w Polsce o czym świadczą wpisy tychże instruktorów na polskich forach. Temat oscylacji jest tak stary jak paralotniarstwo silnikowe i wielokrotnie osobiście poruszałem go w moich filmikach, które polecam Ci do obejrzenia :) Na naukę nigdy nie jest za późno ! kzbin.info/www/bejne/j5K7kHuejduSg80 kzbin.info/www/bejne/o2TcZnWcgdllnrc kzbin.info/www/bejne/aIjOg616fsmHkKs kzbin.info/www/bejne/aKu8h3mCeJmLr5I
@张张-o3o 2 жыл бұрын
@df446 2 жыл бұрын
Portrait orientation video should be a KZbin T.O.S. violation. #verticalvideosyndrome
@MarkusPilot77 2 ай бұрын
This is how it looks when trying to fly without even 1 hour of flying school. Para and Motor Para summarized 👎👎👎
@paralamamotos375 2 жыл бұрын
Quem procura acha!!!!
@kneel1 2 жыл бұрын
the pilot blacked out while taking off at full throttle thats why it happened
@ДенисКараблев-л3ч 2 жыл бұрын
Крутой испытатель надеюсь с ним все в порядке
@reggiepaulk 2 жыл бұрын
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread…
@mikebreen2890 Жыл бұрын
Attempted suicide?
@przemeklicznerski1659 2 жыл бұрын
Wing was stalled - the only thing to do was to rise hands up. Just take a look at trailing edge. If it was not possible - that means that brake lines were too short.
@TrevorSteele1 2 жыл бұрын
That’s not true. The wing was not stalled. A stalled wing falls behind the pilot violently.
@glydrfreak 2 жыл бұрын
Trevor is right. The wing never stalled. The pilot swung too high with no input so lines went slack.
@przemeklicznerski1659 2 жыл бұрын
​@@TrevorSteele1 - the oscillation happened because the airflow was broken repeteadedly on one side, then on the other. The angle of attack was critical. Trike had plenty of power, but pilot did not allowed the wing to fly - either by braking both sides or having too short brake lines. Wing wanted to fly - it needed just clear airflow. Just take a look at the trailing edge. Brake were applied all the time.
@TrevorSteele1 2 жыл бұрын
​@@przemeklicznerski1659 Brake was applied equally on both sides and did not change. You can watch as his hands don't move at all and were pulling 8 inches or so of brake. The wing was flying just fine. If the wing wasn't flying fine, he would have stalled it out of the sky. Which he didn't. Some wings will increase the oscillationif not corrected until you loop over top like he did in this video. His lack of inputs lead to this. Not the fact he was pulling brake or holding throttle. He just didn't correct or respond to oscillation.
@przemeklicznerski1659 2 жыл бұрын
@@TrevorSteele1 - IMO a lot of thrust, brakes applied for all the time resulted in high AOA, what is clear indication, that the wing itself was flying below the minimal speed and this resulted in turbulent airflow. When one side was accelerating - it was generating more lift, then the other side accelerated... and again - more lift on one side, more turbulent airflow on the other. The wing wanted to fly - even when he almost made a loop - it stayed inflated - the pilot did not allow it to fly. It would stabilize if the pilot would hold his hands higher / or steering lines would be longer. There is a decent chance, that even a little less thrust would also help to stabilize the wing. Paragliders have CG placed very low and even normal wings have high self-stabilizing tendency. Moto-paragliding wings go even one step further - those wings have reflexive profiles - so tend to be even more stable. At the end crash was caused by pillot error.
@ikefork2606 2 жыл бұрын
Pilot blacked out.......yeah right. Ha. A person who "blacks out" usually looses all motor control of his/her body and goes limp. That didn't happen here. Here is my analysis of the video: (1) the "pilot" or operator completely looses directional control ON THE GROUND at the beginning of his takeoff roll. (2) you can hear the engine throttle down at least two times during the brief flight. (3) who is the numbskull that agreed to let a 72 y.o. cancer patient to get in that thang and fly it in the first place? (4) more likely the idiot pilot froze on the controls....plain and simple .......he choked. It's a miracle the pilot didn't kill himself given he wasn't wearing a helmet ....., or start a serious fire, or injure other persons on the ground. In fact the guy filming this video had to duck to avoid being hit by the out-of-control paramotor. One final thought....this was a very poor choice of location for an untrained beginner to be flying given the numerous buildings, hard pavement, and towers in the immediate vicinity. Dangerous sport for the general public to be participating in.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you don't get SUPER training or proper gear. You can see his hands never move as he has not had any real actual training. Just fake scammers who chuck people into the air with no real ability to properly control a glider. Then he is on a glider that oscillates violently. There are quite a few that do this actually. The Emotion 3 from U-Turn, different Maparagliders, Gin Spring Evo... under power they will oscillate and if the pilot doesn't stop it then it will get worse and worse until they crash exactly like you see in the video. This guy did absolutely nothing. I made a video showing this problem clearly before. Many have died because of fake training and horrible gear like this. With a Dominator even the XXXXXS which is only 14sm is auto stable. So if you start an oscillation and just do nothing it will automatically correct. Even the tiny sizes of Dominators do this. If you put a newbie on one of the wings that oscillate this can easily be the result. It's a nightmare of people like Macpara and so many others that don't care one single bit about truth or facts or people's lives. I actually saw an instructor about to launch a student on a wing I know will oscillate and warned him not to do it and he just ignored me and did it anyway. They don't test oscillation under power during "certifications" so even if a glider is EN-A "certified" it means absolutely nothing. I personally test things like this before I ever sell a glider. More people need to speak up about the horrible gear being pushed onto people and total scam instructors. Seriously is there any other school in the world other than SUPER training that teaches real actual skills? I challenge ANYONE to show me a video of other instructors even doing what SUPER students can do. It's horrifying. I've never even seen a "first flights" video with an "instructor" giving real actual instruction which would be to immediately walk them through controlling torque and oscillation. It's very sad and sooooo many serious injuries & deaths are totally unnecessary if people would just use a few tiny brain cells to research and compare.
@johnelliott8630 2 жыл бұрын
Where do I go to get SUPER training?
@billbuchanan7794 2 жыл бұрын
Le plus dur c’est pas la chute c’est l’atterrissage
@mariuszkos1989 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not due to lack of training. It was just stupid. I have an impression that the pilot does not understand basic aerodynamics of the wing
@RwP223 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, can't fix stupid no matter how hard you try. I have a feeling, possible hypothesis here; you know that really quiet person you may have worked with or went to university with who heard that they should be 'more outgoing' and then you see them at a party, 1-2 beers in they go over the top wild, over-compensating to the level of cringe trying to be out-going, exciting, center of attentoin. This old dude here may have never done something exciting before in his whole life, and he over-compensated by chasing flight even though he may have never ridden a motorcycle before so he is totally handicapped in that he's never managed a hand throttle (motorbike, quad, jetski, sled, etc) while never being put in an precarious position such as flying an aircraft with extreme consequences.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
Here is a video I did about oscillation control: kzbin.info/www/bejne/d6GnZ56Hbd9mqqc while you can explain it and show it you can't really teach it from the ground. It has to be taught in the air. Since pilots take off for their first flights without this skill it's absolutely critical they have a competent instructor that know's to put them on a glider like the Dominator which is roll stable even in the tiny 14sm size. So if they lock up and do nothing the glider will automatically fix oscillation. The second a pilot takes off a real instructor will immediately start walking them through torque and oscillation control. If they were SUPER trained on the ground they pick up the oscillation control in the air quite quickly. There are many gliders out there even beginner class certified that are NOT roll stable and many have died because of this. Another died a bit ago on a MacPara because of this exact same issue. Let's see any first flight videos where an "instructor" is walking the student through oscillation control other than my videos where it's every single one of them. It's very messed up that this same thing happens over and over. There is no reason these fake instructor's can't just take SUPER training themselves and learn real actual skills and learn how to train people BEFORE they go acting as instructors and then use real actual gear which would be a Flat Top & Dominator.
@superdellschanze9616 2 жыл бұрын
Watch a video showing what happens when a glider isn't roll stable. It's shows the cause of this incident and has been known for years: kzbin.info/www/bejne/b53EpoeuiNChbbc
@arthieshow5156 2 жыл бұрын
"You better call 9-1-1..." :-)
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