Unbelievable Contrast of China! Why I’m Leaving Xinjiang…

  Рет қаралды 17,573

Dany Dev

Dany Dev

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@Danygotaworldtosee Ай бұрын
Traveling from Urumqi, Xinjiang to Shenzhen in China! 🇨🇳 🎉Join me on My Instagram : instagram.com/danydevv/ . Full Urumqi Video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eHWpd4ahpLBgbMk Full Hong Kong Video: kzbin.info/www/bejne/l4W2lYJuqsh3lac . My Travel Medical Insurance by SafetyWing (Needed for many Countries): bit.ly/3BsdPyN . Check out my Level8 Travel Luggage with Worldwide shipping (Code"Dany15"): www.clkmg.com/LEVEL8/DanyDev . My E-Sim to Get UNLIMITED Data in every country I go to (5%Off with my link code is "GOTAWORLDTOSEE"): shorturl.at/qW5m7
@YCHTT Ай бұрын
Your title itself is "controversial." There is nothing controversial about Xinjiang unless you believe in all the lies from US led western media, think tank and the whole 5 eyes propaganda infrastructure.
@TBone-xr3xu Ай бұрын
Xinjiang is only controversial if you believe the Western media lies. Maybe do some research and look up the history before you spread more misinformation
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
​@@TBone-xr3xu Sounds like you believe the communist country's lies so which is worse?
@lainfonet Ай бұрын
Once you understand why some countries cannot find genocide in Gaza, then you immediately understand why they can find genocide in Xinjiang.
@baxtiyorumarov3846 Ай бұрын
You forget about Uzbekistan ? Why ? 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿
@arafsadventures Ай бұрын
I’ve been in China 6 years and it’s been an amazing experience ❤ I’m hoping to be here for another 6 years 🙏
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Why, what's si interesting there?
@peanut0brain Ай бұрын
​@@golokavrndavana29.2M foreigners visited China in 2024 and there are tons of youtubers. Go there!
@华敏邢 Ай бұрын
Peace and security, where people can enjoy their lives without endless politicking. And a never-ending supply of delicious food and a technological life beyond Western countries
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
​@@华敏邢propaganda lol
@richardlo4867 Ай бұрын
​@@IMSiegfriedAmazing ignorance lol
@mynameissack6262 Ай бұрын
Between 1989 and 2019, there were 368 terrorist attacks in China killing more than a thousand people and injuring thousands. While these terror attacks were conducted by Uyghur separatist terrorists, many of the victims were also Uyghur. Yet, the Vlogger keeps stressing the police presence. Very disingenuous of him, as far as I am concerned.
@teatree6228 Ай бұрын
He has evil intentions in China Chinese people- beware of this evil creature lurking in china
@huyuhsuan Ай бұрын
The police help people a lot like we Taiwan.🎉
@evanku-bv8jn Ай бұрын
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
据不完全统计,自1990年至2016年底,“三股势力”在新疆等地共制造了数千起暴力恐怖案(事)件,造成大量无辜群众被害,数百名公安民警殉职,财产损失无法估算。 暴力犯罪案件主要形式: 1. 疯狂残害普通民众。1992年2月5日,正当中国各族人民欢度春节时,恐怖组织在乌鲁木齐市52路、30路公共汽车上实施了2起爆炸案件,炸毁公共汽车2辆,造成3人死亡、23人受伤。1997年2月25日,“东突”恐怖分子实施了乌鲁木齐市2路、10路、44路公共汽车爆炸案,炸毁3辆公共汽车,致使9人死亡、68名乘客重伤。2011年7月30日,2名恐怖分子在喀什市美食街路口劫持一辆卡车,持刀杀害司机后,驾车冲向人群,并下车持刀砍杀路边群众,造成8人死亡、27人受伤;次日,恐怖分子在该市人民西路香榭大街步行街疯狂砍杀路人,造成6人死亡、15人受伤。2012年2月28日,9名恐怖分子在喀什地区叶城县幸福路步行街持砍刀袭击群众,造成15人死亡、20人受伤。2014年3月1日,8名新疆籍恐怖分子在昆明市火车站广场和售票厅持砍刀疯狂砍杀群众,造成31人死亡、141人受伤。2014年4月30日,2名恐怖分子混入乌鲁木齐市火车南站出站口人群中,1人持匕首袭击群众,另1人引爆手提箱内爆炸装置,造成3人死亡、79人受伤。2014年5月22日,5名恐怖分子驾驶2辆越野车冲破乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区公园北街早市防护栏,冲撞碾压群众,引爆爆炸装置,造成39人死亡、94人受伤。2015年9月18日,一伙恐怖分子袭击阿克苏地区拜城县一处煤矿,造成16人死亡、18人受伤。 2. 残忍杀害宗教人士。1993年8月24日,2名恐怖分子将喀什地区叶城县大清真寺主持阿不力孜大毛拉刺成重伤。1996年3月22日,2名恐怖分子蒙面持枪闯入阿克苏地区新和县伊斯兰教协会副会长、清真寺副主持阿克木司地克·阿吉家中,将其枪杀。1996年5月12日,在中国伊斯兰教协会副会长、新疆伊斯兰教协会会长、喀什市艾提尕尔清真寺哈提甫阿荣汗·阿吉前往清真寺主持宗教活动途中,被4名恐怖分子连刺21刀致重伤。1997年11月6日,恐怖团伙受境外“东突”组织指挥,将中国伊斯兰教协会委员、新疆阿克苏伊斯兰教协会会长、拜城县清真寺主持尤努斯·斯迪克大毛拉枪杀于赴清真寺做礼拜的途中。1998年1月27日,该恐怖团伙又将前往清真寺做礼拜的拜城县大清真寺主持阿不力孜·阿吉枪杀。2014年7月30日,74岁的新疆伊斯兰教协会副会长、喀什市艾提尕尔清真寺居玛·塔伊尔大毛拉在主持完晨礼后,被3名恐怖分子残忍杀害。 3. 严重危害公共安全。1998年5月23日,“东突解放组织”派遣境外受训恐怖分子入境,在乌鲁木齐商贸城、批发市场、旅社等多处人员密集场所投放40多枚化学自燃纵火装置,制造了15起纵火案。2008年3月7日,恐怖分子携带经过伪装可致机毁人亡的破坏装置登上从乌鲁木齐飞往北京的CZ6901航班,企图制造空难事件。2012年6月29日,在新疆和田飞往乌鲁木齐的GS7554航班上,6名恐怖分子试图劫机,计划效仿美国“9·11”事件发动恐怖袭击。2013年10月28日,3名新疆籍恐怖分子携带31桶汽油、20个打火机、5把长短刀及铁棍等作案物品,驾驶吉普车闯入北京天安门东侧人行便道,疯狂冲撞游客及执勤民警,撞上金水桥护栏受阻后,点燃车内汽油,致使车辆燃烧,造成包括1名外籍游客在内的2人死亡、40余人受伤。
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
4. 公然袭击政府机构。 1996年8月27日,6名恐怖分子乘车到喀什地区叶城县江格勒斯乡政府,割断电话线,杀死1名副乡长和1名值班警察;随后又将3名治安员和1名水管员绑架到10公里外的戈壁滩杀害。1999年10月24日,一伙恐怖分子携枪支、砍刀、燃烧爆炸装置,袭击喀什地区泽普县赛力乡公安派出所,连续投掷燃烧瓶和爆炸装置、开枪射击,枪杀1名联防队员和1名被羁押审查的犯罪嫌疑人,击伤1名民警和1名联防队员,烧毁派出所10间房屋、1辆吉普车、3辆摩托车。2008年8月4日,恐怖分子驾驶一辆偷窃来的自卸货车,在喀什市色满路从背后冲撞正在出操的公安边防支队武警队列,并投掷自制手雷,造成16人死亡、16人受伤。2013年4月23日,喀什地区巴楚县色力布亚镇一伙恐怖分子制作爆炸装置时,被入户走访的社区工作人员发现,3名社区工作人员当场被杀,闻讯赶来的镇政府工作人员、民警遭恐怖分子伏击,共造成15人死亡、2人重伤。2013年6月26日,多名恐怖分子先后袭击吐鲁番地区鄯善县鲁克沁镇派出所、特巡警中队、镇政府和建筑工地,造成24人死亡、25人受伤。2014年7月28日,一伙恐怖分子持刀斧袭击喀什地区莎车县艾力西湖镇政府、派出所,其中部分恐怖分子窜至该县荒地镇,砍杀群众,打砸焚烧过往车辆,造成37人死亡、13人受伤,31辆车被打砸、焚烧。2014年9月21日,巴音郭楞蒙古自治州轮台县阳霞镇派出所、农贸市场、铁热克巴扎乡派出所、县城一商铺等处遭到恐怖分子爆炸袭击,造成10人死亡、54人受伤,79辆汽车受损。2016年12月28日,4名恐怖分子驾车冲入和田地区墨玉县县委院内,引爆自制燃爆装置,砍杀工作人员,造成2人死亡、3人受伤。 5. 蓄意制造暴乱骚乱。 1990年4月5日,在“东突伊斯兰党”的组织策划下,一伙恐怖分子携带冲锋枪、手枪、炸药包、手榴弹等武器,纠集200余人攻击克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州阿克陶县巴仁乡政府,劫持人质10名,残杀武警6人,炸毁汽车2辆。1997年2月5日至8日,“东突伊斯兰真主党”策划、制造了伊宁市“2·5”严重打砸抢骚乱事件,残杀群众7人,打伤群众、公安民警、武警198人,其中重伤64人,毁坏汽车30余辆,烧毁民房2间。2009年7月5日,境内外“东突”势力里应外合,组织策划实施了震惊中外的乌鲁木齐市打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件,数千名恐怖分子在市区多处同时行动,疯狂杀害群众,袭击政府机关、公安武警、居民住所、商店、公共交通设施等,共造成197人死亡、1700多人受伤、331个店铺和1325辆汽车被砸烧,众多市政公共设施损毁。
@KenKevin-pp6fp Ай бұрын
Because there have been terrorist attacks in Xinjiang before, there will be many security checks. The CIA trained terrorists in Afghanistan and then sent people back to Xinjiang. Many people died, which is very terrible.
@peanut0brain Ай бұрын
Ćïą create the terrorists and then claim to be fighting terrorists around the world.
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
Cool story bro. 🙄
@mqy1635 Ай бұрын
cool? why your blood was so cold!
@TaiwanSausage Ай бұрын
nothing new really....most of islamic radicals or terrorist groups were usually funded & trained by Mossad & CIA.....i.e. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Balochistan Liberation Army, ETIM, Hamas....were all funded & trained by Mossad or CIA. sometimes there were blowbacks to the US or Israel such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Talibans, and Hamas...
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
​@@IMSiegfried Go find out about the long history of CI@ De@th Squads.
@cnmd1636 Ай бұрын
The tight security in Urumqi is necessary to make sure that the city has a peaceful environment for the people. It is because about 10 years ago, there were some terrorist attacks in the city.
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
据不完全统计,自1990年至2016年底,“三股势力”在新疆等地共制造了数千起暴力恐怖案(事)件,造成大量无辜群众被害,数百名公安民警殉职,财产损失无法估算。 暴力犯罪案件主要形式: 1. 疯狂残害普通民众。1992年2月5日,正当中国各族人民欢度春节时,恐怖组织在乌鲁木齐市52路、30路公共汽车上实施了2起爆炸案件,炸毁公共汽车2辆,造成3人死亡、23人受伤。1997年2月25日,“东突”恐怖分子实施了乌鲁木齐市2路、10路、44路公共汽车爆炸案,炸毁3辆公共汽车,致使9人死亡、68名乘客重伤。2011年7月30日,2名恐怖分子在喀什市美食街路口劫持一辆卡车,持刀杀害司机后,驾车冲向人群,并下车持刀砍杀路边群众,造成8人死亡、27人受伤;次日,恐怖分子在该市人民西路香榭大街步行街疯狂砍杀路人,造成6人死亡、15人受伤。2012年2月28日,9名恐怖分子在喀什地区叶城县幸福路步行街持砍刀袭击群众,造成15人死亡、20人受伤。2014年3月1日,8名新疆籍恐怖分子在昆明市火车站广场和售票厅持砍刀疯狂砍杀群众,造成31人死亡、141人受伤。2014年4月30日,2名恐怖分子混入乌鲁木齐市火车南站出站口人群中,1人持匕首袭击群众,另1人引爆手提箱内爆炸装置,造成3人死亡、79人受伤。2014年5月22日,5名恐怖分子驾驶2辆越野车冲破乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区公园北街早市防护栏,冲撞碾压群众,引爆爆炸装置,造成39人死亡、94人受伤。2015年9月18日,一伙恐怖分子袭击阿克苏地区拜城县一处煤矿,造成16人死亡、18人受伤。 2. 残忍杀害宗教人士。1993年8月24日,2名恐怖分子将喀什地区叶城县大清真寺主持阿不力孜大毛拉刺成重伤。1996年3月22日,2名恐怖分子蒙面持枪闯入阿克苏地区新和县伊斯兰教协会副会长、清真寺副主持阿克木司地克·阿吉家中,将其枪杀。1996年5月12日,在中国伊斯兰教协会副会长、新疆伊斯兰教协会会长、喀什市艾提尕尔清真寺哈提甫阿荣汗·阿吉前往清真寺主持宗教活动途中,被4名恐怖分子连刺21刀致重伤。1997年11月6日,恐怖团伙受境外“东突”组织指挥,将中国伊斯兰教协会委员、新疆阿克苏伊斯兰教协会会长、拜城县清真寺主持尤努斯·斯迪克大毛拉枪杀于赴清真寺做礼拜的途中。1998年1月27日,该恐怖团伙又将前往清真寺做礼拜的拜城县大清真寺主持阿不力孜·阿吉枪杀。2014年7月30日,74岁的新疆伊斯兰教协会副会长、喀什市艾提尕尔清真寺居玛·塔伊尔大毛拉在主持完晨礼后,被3名恐怖分子残忍杀害。 3. 严重危害公共安全。1998年5月23日,“东突解放组织”派遣境外受训恐怖分子入境,在乌鲁木齐商贸城、批发市场、旅社等多处人员密集场所投放40多枚化学自燃纵火装置,制造了15起纵火案。2008年3月7日,恐怖分子携带经过伪装可致机毁人亡的破坏装置登上从乌鲁木齐飞往北京的CZ6901航班,企图制造空难事件。2012年6月29日,在新疆和田飞往乌鲁木齐的GS7554航班上,6名恐怖分子试图劫机,计划效仿美国“9·11”事件发动恐怖袭击。2013年10月28日,3名新疆籍恐怖分子携带31桶汽油、20个打火机、5把长短刀及铁棍等作案物品,驾驶吉普车闯入北京天安门东侧人行便道,疯狂冲撞游客及执勤民警,撞上金水桥护栏受阻后,点燃车内汽油,致使车辆燃烧,造成包括1名外籍游客在内的2人死亡、40余人受伤。
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
4. 公然袭击政府机构。 1996年8月27日,6名恐怖分子乘车到喀什地区叶城县江格勒斯乡政府,割断电话线,杀死1名副乡长和1名值班警察;随后又将3名治安员和1名水管员绑架到10公里外的戈壁滩杀害。1999年10月24日,一伙恐怖分子携枪支、砍刀、燃烧爆炸装置,袭击喀什地区泽普县赛力乡公安派出所,连续投掷燃烧瓶和爆炸装置、开枪射击,枪杀1名联防队员和1名被羁押审查的犯罪嫌疑人,击伤1名民警和1名联防队员,烧毁派出所10间房屋、1辆吉普车、3辆摩托车。2008年8月4日,恐怖分子驾驶一辆偷窃来的自卸货车,在喀什市色满路从背后冲撞正在出操的公安边防支队武警队列,并投掷自制手雷,造成16人死亡、16人受伤。2013年4月23日,喀什地区巴楚县色力布亚镇一伙恐怖分子制作爆炸装置时,被入户走访的社区工作人员发现,3名社区工作人员当场被杀,闻讯赶来的镇政府工作人员、民警遭恐怖分子伏击,共造成15人死亡、2人重伤。2013年6月26日,多名恐怖分子先后袭击吐鲁番地区鄯善县鲁克沁镇派出所、特巡警中队、镇政府和建筑工地,造成24人死亡、25人受伤。2014年7月28日,一伙恐怖分子持刀斧袭击喀什地区莎车县艾力西湖镇政府、派出所,其中部分恐怖分子窜至该县荒地镇,砍杀群众,打砸焚烧过往车辆,造成37人死亡、13人受伤,31辆车被打砸、焚烧。2014年9月21日,巴音郭楞蒙古自治州轮台县阳霞镇派出所、农贸市场、铁热克巴扎乡派出所、县城一商铺等处遭到恐怖分子爆炸袭击,造成10人死亡、54人受伤,79辆汽车受损。2016年12月28日,4名恐怖分子驾车冲入和田地区墨玉县县委院内,引爆自制燃爆装置,砍杀工作人员,造成2人死亡、3人受伤。 5. 蓄意制造暴乱骚乱。 1990年4月5日,在“东突伊斯兰党”的组织策划下,一伙恐怖分子携带冲锋枪、手枪、炸药包、手榴弹等武器,纠集200余人攻击克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州阿克陶县巴仁乡政府,劫持人质10名,残杀武警6人,炸毁汽车2辆。1997年2月5日至8日,“东突伊斯兰真主党”策划、制造了伊宁市“2·5”严重打砸抢骚乱事件,残杀群众7人,打伤群众、公安民警、武警198人,其中重伤64人,毁坏汽车30余辆,烧毁民房2间。2009年7月5日,境内外“东突”势力里应外合,组织策划实施了震惊中外的乌鲁木齐市打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件,数千名恐怖分子在市区多处同时行动,疯狂杀害群众,袭击政府机关、公安武警、居民住所、商店、公共交通设施等,共造成197人死亡、1700多人受伤、331个店铺和1325辆汽车被砸烧,众多市政公共设施损毁。
@Amen7801 Ай бұрын
Even today also
@Amen7801 Ай бұрын
Recently Turkish Islamic force threatening China
@pussnbootsxL Ай бұрын
it is not for the people, it is for the government don't get confused
@myintmaunmaun Ай бұрын
Fun fact: the report the west loves to quote to say there is slavery and forced labor in Xinjiang or even genocide was done by ASPI (Australian strategic policy institute) They love to tout themselves independent from government and corporations... Well... go look at the year the report "Uyghurs for sale" came out... They were being funded by US and Australian government and their militaries, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing... Basically the military industrial complex... yup, no bias at all...
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
There's plenty of videos evidence of the slave labor in China. 🙄
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
While those same establishments say nothing bad happened in Gaza, all is well there. 😂
@Camus886 Ай бұрын
True,also fund by National Endowment for Democracy for make rumor to China
@paulchung8296 Ай бұрын
The ETLA an Uyghur separatist group, used to be designated as terrorist by the US is now part of the new Syrian government. They vowed to return and forment a revolution in Xinjiang. So I would be surprised if security doesn’t get even tighter, especially for travelers coming in from Central Asia.
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
How are they connected to Syria?
@paulchung8296 Ай бұрын
They joined up with the “ex” Al Qqeda group that overthrew Assad.
@zsarimaxim692 Ай бұрын
@@golokavrndavanaObviously ”someone “ paid them to fight against the Syrian government.
@peanut0brain Ай бұрын
​@@zsarimaxim692paid by the govt that can freely print ŰŠD without consequence, until now because of brics
@bingliu-china Ай бұрын
The Uyghur East Turkistan is protected by the Türkiye, Exiled to the Middle East, the East Turkistan Group is helping the then rebel group against government forces in Syria
@valarqvinn Ай бұрын
10 years ago,a bomb-and-knife attack occurred in Ürümqi Railway Station,the terrorist attack killed 3 people, and injured 79 others. From Wikipedia,April 2014 Ürümqi attack
@林木老寄卖 Ай бұрын
发生的事情远不止这些 !
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
You're way behind the times. Check out The China Show for much more current information about such things.
@internationaldailytv6179 Ай бұрын
@valarqvinn They are supported by the US which trains them in Afghanistan, and that is probably the only use they had for their war in Afghanistan, using one nation to attack another.
@bobbyteng8420 28 күн бұрын
@@internationaldailytv6179this is not the first time that the Americans used this kind of tactic against foreign governments. They had done that to Africans countries and South Americans. This kind of thing will continue to happen if this evil empire is not stopped.
@lainfonet Ай бұрын
Once you understand why some countries cannot find genocide in Gaza, then you immediately understand why they can find genocide in Xinjiang.
@DannyChean Ай бұрын
Trust us when we say that we love to see the police's presence on the streets, which is counter intuitive to people from countries where 'defund the police' even becomes a topic.
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Explain more.
@Egal0190 Ай бұрын
@@golokavrndavana He means in CN the police is a people's police, its purpose is to help and protect the people. While in capitalist countries the police has the role to protect the capitalist class from the working class. That's why in CN people feel save when police is around while in the US people feel threatened when police is around.
@peanut0brain Ай бұрын
​@@Egal0190 police in China don't have guns. When they misbehave they get harassed by the common people lol
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
​@@Egal0190the police in China are there to protect the government's image to the rest of the world. Lol. That's why police shut down any type of protest by arrest and prison. It's also why police carry large umbrella like structures or screens so that they can hide any incident from the public that appears unflattering such as someone complaining about unfair treatment in the hospital (happened recently). If you like dictators and no civil rights China is a great place to live. Having a LOT of money always helps.
@OSTARAEB4 Ай бұрын
@@Egal0190Did you feel “save” during 1989 Tiananmen Square Beijing police and MSS and PLA beat people in so called “People’s Republic of Zhonguo? 😮😅
@lizachaika Ай бұрын
Such a unique region of China🇨🇳👏🏼
@harleyqueen3968 Ай бұрын
We Love China ❤❤❤
@richardlo4867 Ай бұрын
I see in the commentaries many probably Chinese viewers blame the man for not knowing or mentioning the history of terror attacks in Xinjiang and other parts of China when he's mentioning the heavy police presence. I can see your point. But I can also see it's hard for a foreigner to be NOT ignorant of the things that happened in China. I guess what grates me a bit is he does speak with an authoritative air and this ignorance will be more easily imprinted on western viewers. Maybe if they get off their double standards, right? After all I've seen carabinieris carrying submachineguns at Fiumianco airport (why?) smoking under the no smoking sign. I've seen soldiers with assault rifles outside the (tourism site) Topkapi palace. I just saw fully armed French soldiers guarding the cruise port entrance and patrolling Noumea, New Caledonia. Very sinister.
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
There were military soldiers stationed inside the New York City subways, checking people and their bags. The TSA in USA is notorious for causing problems for travellers inside airports.
@richardlo4867 Ай бұрын
@@Anonymous------ Oh I forgot the long gun armed national guard in the New York subways - thanks for the reminder!
@龙舌兰-g6f Ай бұрын
@hades5164 Ай бұрын
@jadebell2889 Ай бұрын
You keep commenting on the heightened security issue like it is a bad thing - proves you have not done your homework. This is a border area and has experienced violent terrorist attacks for years where many people were killed. China took action and has put a stop to the attacks. Security has to be enforced for the safety of the people living in this region. If you have not noticed, people are moving around freely. No one stopped or intimidated you.
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
I just wonder what he says about the US military presence in many countries around the world.
@ArnoWilson-d7g Ай бұрын
Traveling in Urumqi felt very safe and the city did a great job of policing the city, allowing one to explore every corner with confidence.
@TamraMagan Ай бұрын
The people of Xinjiang are warm and hospitable, making it a place where people feel safe
@ChinaTravel240h Ай бұрын
Shenzhen is definitely one of China's most dynamic cities. Compared to other citys, Shenzhen feels much "newer". Have a great trip!
@ValerieBernard-x9t Ай бұрын
The people of Urumqi are warm and hospitable. Whether in scenic spots, hotels or street corners, locals will offer help and guidance to tourists.
@erturtemirbaev5207 Ай бұрын
Happy New year 🕛🎊. Best wishes from Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
@electromega3077 Ай бұрын
To be fair, the law enforcements in many European cities are also heavily armed.
@alexracoon4513 Ай бұрын
Go to London or Paris, this guy has his agenda
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
There's a big difference between the two groups. One is there to protect the government's image to the outside world and one is to protect right leaning figures, property, and the general population. The latter would be in the US. Can't speak for the EU except to say it's completely different than the US. In the EU, especially the Netherlands the police are there to assist the public full stop. Even when a crime is committed the police are there to assist the criminal in finding the best possible solution to the problem so that they will no longer feel the need to commit crimes in the first place. It's hard to explain via text. Read, A Letter Home by Serpico if you care to know the difference between the US system and the Netherlands policing system. Something for the US to aspire to.
@RedHotTopicsNow Ай бұрын
@@IMSiegfried Really? If that's the case in the U.S., why is there so much violence, robbery, rioting, and other criminal activities?
@kimi-2025 Ай бұрын
@@IMSiegfried All I can say is that you are ignorant with your solidified western mindset!!!
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
@@RedHotTopicsNow The one group is protecting the China government's image. Not the USA. 😂
@jimhasan-c9w 29 күн бұрын
Thanks to this VLOGGER for letting us know and understand Xinjiang better. I look forward to traveling there.
@alexracoon4513 Ай бұрын
So your best comment about Chinese cities is "chill" You didn't enjoy the trip, chill is also the Amazon River Forest. Other travellers describe it as amazing, I just noticed the difference in appreciation
@muadline5989 Ай бұрын
He is allowed to give his opinion and it's "chill." Stop bullying people to think like everyone.
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
Perhaps he will have more to say after he leaves China because he doesn't want problems while he's still in the country but I am not holding my breath. Not sure that I trust much of what this dude says, honestly.
@JJr-ce3vv Ай бұрын
Dude, you better not be rude like a stupid baby.
@alexracoon4513 Ай бұрын
@@muadline5989 I do not bully anyone, just I am free to make a comment as you are, as I said I just noticed the difference, this is my opinion
@vegamoonlight Ай бұрын
Maybe, he is still in the state of cognitive dissonance. Some Westerners, though this guy claimed to be Eastern European, are still wrapping up their heads about cultural differences in China. Moreover, some Westerners are 'urging' the Chinese to learn the English language because they believe English is the 'superior' language. Many Western vloggers prefer countries with English speakers as this is one of the criteria that they want their Western audience to know for travel convenience. Honestly, Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world. And I have come to love it eveb though I am slowly learning it. Like very slow. 😂😂
@Austine1452 Ай бұрын
Urumqi is a City built during the qing dynasty after the Dzungarian genocide, the main population is Han with minority hui, uighur, kazakh and other smaller groups. If you really wanted to explore Uighur life and culture, you could have gone to thier land in southern Xinjiang eg yangisar, kashgar, aksu, hotan etc
@peanut0brain Ай бұрын
Jěnócïdę committed by the qing dynasty Manchurians?
@nuo.not1033 Ай бұрын
​@@peanut0brain Nooooo. The Dzungars were one of the Mongol tribes. After Genghis Khan united Mongolia, his family Boriz clan became the "golden family" of all the Mongolians. Deuros of the Dzungars was also the first to break the tradition of the Mongol golden family rulers. He became the head of the Mongols in Xinjiang, and Yexian's descendant, Deodros Gardan, was defeated by the Kangxi emperor during the Qing Dynasty.
@evanku-bv8jn Ай бұрын
@@peanut0brain 西部蒙古集团和满洲八旗集团各自扩张,对抗百年,直到乾隆皇帝再也无法忍受无止境的叛乱,趁漠西蒙古瘟疫和内乱,采用灭族政策永绝后患。准噶尔瘟疫死亡30%,战争和杀俘(屠杀)死亡40%,部族人口还30%(但是分散安置和逃亡到青海),新疆北部再无成规模的准噶尔部族,形成人口真空,后来由清政府主导其它民族人口到新疆北部。
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
Central Asia was mostly peaceful Buddhists before there was any lslm, then when lslm appeared it was forced on the Buddhists, those who refused lslm were gino side by the lslm invaders.
@未央笑笑生 Ай бұрын
@@peanut0brain The Dzungars rebelled three times, and Emperor Qianlong suppressed and pardoned them three times. But every time the Qing army left, the Dzungars immediately rebelled again, attacked the surrounding tribes, and attempted to monopolize Xinjiang. The fourth time, the emperor did not forgive them.
@ArthurByron-x3e Ай бұрын
The food here is so amazing! From lamb scrumptious rice to barbecued meat, every bite is the ultimate temptation for the taste buds, Urumqi is definitely a food lover's paradise.
@veiking Ай бұрын
There was a failed flight hijack a decade ago in Xinjiang.
@Billy张 Ай бұрын
Come to Fuzhou when you are free. There are many delicious and interesting things in Fuzhou.
@Danygotaworldtosee Ай бұрын
Going there this week 📸👍🏼
@Billy张 Ай бұрын
@Danygotaworldtosee Sincerely suggest you go to Dongjiekou in Fuzhou, which is a very prosperous business circle in Fuzhou. Especially in Dongbai Center, the commercial street on the lower floor is linked to the subway station. I think you must experience this feeling.
@dicky-duck6632 Ай бұрын
UK and Ukraine passport can stay in China's Hawaii - the Hainan Island for 30 days visa free. Since you have a deep pocket , you can enjoy the nice beaches there
@BrianEdwards-l1k Ай бұрын
Whether exploring historical sites or enjoying natural beauty, Urumqi is an ideal destination worth visiting.
@pacifist9805 Ай бұрын
So good. It helps a lot to watch yours and Liza's videos. Together they give a better understanding. It would help also to see these cities in a map. I use google earth but still...
@Sara-cx5it Ай бұрын
Happy new year Dany and welcome back to China😄
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Where are you from?
@pacitadulaca4679 Ай бұрын
Dany Dev - Traveling alone sound like ,good vlog adventure ,looks like so cold there.
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Not so cold.
@tomsunuwar6940 Ай бұрын
Beautiful city 🏙 Urumqi of great china❤
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Do you know how the name came to be?
@markjack4214 Ай бұрын
来自蒙古语 优美的牧场 清朝前期北疆蒙古人多 康熙皇帝平乱后才迁入维吾尔族
@sddsadgsfadesgdgash Ай бұрын
The hospitable people of Xinjiang will entertain you with delicious dishes such as kebabs, pilaf, and grilled naan, and will also present you with singing and dancing performances, so that you can fully feel their sincerity and friendliness.
@wachamwacham8390 Ай бұрын
Hey Dan, I think your Chinese city tour videos are great, you should keep up with them 🎉
@lizachaika Ай бұрын
Video is beautiful and entertaining👍🏼😍
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Воно заслуговує на більше.. Це цікавіше, ніж здається на перший погляд. Ще є що дослідити.
@CassyTownsend-s8n Ай бұрын
The hospitable Xinjiang people will treat you with delicious food such as grilled lamb skewers, pilaf, baked naan, etc. They will also present singing and dancing performances for you, allowing you to fully feel their sincerity and friendliness.
@OdenWarman Ай бұрын
So grateful for the many places you have shown me over the years. Often what you show us changes my mind about a culture completely. Looking forward to 2025.
@Danygotaworldtosee Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching 🙏🏻
@Antinonsens Ай бұрын
Thanks for showing the real Xinjiang.
@yuanshuan7099 Ай бұрын
Good video ❤
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
What did you like?
@HOYINGU-y9m Ай бұрын
Dany, I love your videos, enjoy your journey
@gortondrury Ай бұрын
Xinjiang is the place where the police can dispatch the fastest. The security is ridiculously good. It feels like the safest place in the world.
@stonetrouble5053 Ай бұрын
He has the deepest thoughts about China. For example: ""Is (China) chill? I don't know."
@davidchung4691 Ай бұрын
I just read news that the US is banning DJI drones for security reasons! 😃🤐😫
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
While USA has been giving drones to Is Not Real to "work" in Gaza.
@moyoyo7575 Ай бұрын
Hey welcome to Guangdong and welcome to my city Guangzhou!
@lelandteigan Ай бұрын
Each city in China has its own characteristics and is very suitable for traveling and appreciating the local customs. Welcome to travel to China
@AntpnioVettorazzi Ай бұрын
Beautiful place, thanks can you can show us such beauty.
@leoqiao_china 27 күн бұрын
Actually if you missed the train, you can adjust and book the ticket again. Only partial fees need to pay
@jayshar659 Ай бұрын
What up Danny? Happy new year. Wishing you the best my friend and safety while you travel. Good job and excellent content and editing, as usual. Salute Sir
@mariaperea9949 Ай бұрын
Beautiful video,👍👍👍👍🎉
@Kawah_Kawah Ай бұрын
Now in China, HongKong is more controversial than Xinjiang! The anti-Chinese atmosphere in HongKong is still quite strong... HongKong seems to be not a part of China until now. HongKong young people love USA rather than China.
@laifamily7804 Ай бұрын
hong kong young people just want to be WHITE, MAGAs period. They hate muslims, south asians, africans, etc..only love whites. decades of brainwashing by western propaganda, The moment the UK granted them BNO passport, so many of them just left for the UK thinking it's paradise and gloat about becoming british and freedom/democracy, yaddi yadda, completely brainwashed.
@thetreekeeper143 Ай бұрын
Where's the forced labour camps?
@Goye41 Ай бұрын
In America. . . And I'm not joking!
@thetreekeeper143 Ай бұрын
@marvinfok65 Ай бұрын
Guantanamo Bay 😂
@VerkaterterStiefel Ай бұрын
out of sight, behind security controls.
@VerkaterterStiefel Ай бұрын
@@Goye41 Chinese only got one topic in their life: USA!
@DamionDonicia Ай бұрын
I feel like not many people who come to Xinjiang want to leave because the food here is so delicious.
@LeeWilliams-mw3te Ай бұрын
The colorful celebrations of different ethnic groups display the charm of multiculturalism, leaving a lasting impression.
@IFS_Zephyr Ай бұрын
Fascinating location
@gangliu-x8h Ай бұрын
Now it seems that the transit visa has been extended to 10 days and can travel across provinces
@internationaldailytv6179 Ай бұрын
China is gorgeous! 😘😍🥰
@theoadelaidabondocabe7261 Ай бұрын
Mr. Dany Dev:Happy New Year to you in peace January of 2025 to shows this remarkable city of Xinjiang, China 🇨🇳 this weekend in great joy January of 2025❤❤❤
@ragnarokws2670 Ай бұрын
FREE Xinjiang!!! Wait but Xinjiang already free... 🤔🤔
@hermesliteratus882 Ай бұрын
You mean Free Texas?
@Anonymous------ Ай бұрын
But Native Americans are still waiting to be freed.
@petercao8844 Ай бұрын
Come to shenzhen guangzhou. I can be your tour guide for free😊
@allenlee9449 Ай бұрын
Be your guide就可以了,为什么非要for free?感觉好cheap
@petercao8844 28 күн бұрын
@ 交个朋友哈哈哈
@roro-v3z Ай бұрын
Before covid, there was some violence there, so that's why, there is extra security.
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
What happened?
@tolurker1 Ай бұрын
@golok Just Google “terrorists in Xinjiang”…thousands killed in the streets…over 15 years of terrorist activity
@joyyyy777 Ай бұрын
Very Good
@SaimonZimmerman Ай бұрын
Xinjiang is very safe and you can travel and shop in Xinjiang with peace of mind.
@neatlas Ай бұрын
Your English is very good. Which language do you now think in -- English, German, Ukrainian, or Russian??
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
In fact, if you travel all over China, you travel all over the world, in terms of climates and and geographical diversity.
@CoreyPedrogo Ай бұрын
The people of Xinjiang are living happily, there is no genocide, this is a lie
@GeradRebeckah Ай бұрын
Xinjiang's public security is very good, ensuring people's safety when traveling. Those rumors about Xinjiang are all slander.
@LenaLebedevapsychologie Ай бұрын
@ConniSabrih Ай бұрын
Taiwanese media: another compromised gweilo🤣
@alexalex3618 Ай бұрын
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
What did you like?
@davidlee7997 Ай бұрын
Didn't see any police on street
@杜子腾-w8l Ай бұрын
❤❤❤去中国三亚玩吧 单独免签30天
@cloudwithwind574 Ай бұрын
rich is really good
@WabuhWabuh Ай бұрын
this mf was drooling when he saw the drones at the dji stand...
@IMSiegfried Ай бұрын
Why do hostile?
@adrianacanyon Ай бұрын
Xinjiang is very safe and the folk customs are very simple.
@xuzhang-pz8si Ай бұрын
@rollingdownfalling Ай бұрын
Damn you didn't visit Kashgar (Ancient town and cool architecturs), Turpan (where the desert is, the ruins of ancient civilization(s), Buddhist cave and a city known for fruits like grapes). And I suppose you're leaning towards vegetarian style, because you've hardly ate any iconic dishes like lamb skewers, lagman, Uyghur buns baked from a tandoori, platter chicken, naan with lamb, even Uyghurs döners, lol. My point is, you need a revisit, I think you could do more in this province. And next time try a hostel in Kashgar, the buildings might surprise you. Additionally you are right about tight security measures. If you film closely, the food vendors from Xinjiang province has all their equipment such as knives tied to a wired (which means certain equipments are highly controlled) because I saw that from an Indian Vlogger. There was another incident where one of the vlogger was dancing with the local Uyghur people and after a while , a local official just came in interrogating 🤷, just wow.
@国家安全举报受理平台 Ай бұрын
Hěnduō bó zhǔ dōu qùguò kāshénle, nǐ zhēnshi wúzhī, qù sōusuǒ yīxià qítā qùguò kāshén de bó zhǔ ba! Bié zàoyáole
@rollingdownfalling Ай бұрын
@@国家安全举报受理平台 I just said about equipments tired to wires and officials coming into a hostel interrogating the owners only because they were dancing and singing for cultural exchange purposes, which were recorded on videos from different vloggers, I didn't know this hurts your feelings and upsetting you so personally. I am just making an objective statement based on other people's vlogging evidence. Tbh I've also said a lot of good things and recommendations about Xinjiang such as food and culture but you've completely ignored that part of the comment. This really paints a picture about your selective information intake.
@刘冰-l3w Ай бұрын
请问 中国如你们国家媒体报道中一样吗?
@markjack4214 Ай бұрын
@4thDeutschesReich Ай бұрын
your english is beyon excellency, but you are russian right?!
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Він переважно українець.
@豆子Zach Ай бұрын
你是我见过最爱走路的KZbinr😂😂😂 没看错的话,你是开始喝开(热)水了吗?😅
@crisjerickcruz8548 Ай бұрын
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
What is so funny?
@Siolengung Ай бұрын
Thank you.introduce true china in the world.
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Цікаво.. Цікаві відчуття. 😊
@ybeuhie Ай бұрын
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
Что там думают о русских в наши дни?
@tedwong7037 Ай бұрын
generally positive
@Oldbrow Ай бұрын
@秦老师-q4o Ай бұрын
@Isweir 29 күн бұрын
This guy travel from north west to south of china, this is like travel from south Alaska to Texas, lmao
@ccptroll1966 Ай бұрын
@user-ju8cn Ай бұрын
@花祈-o9k Ай бұрын
@xianshengtan5041 Ай бұрын
@lainfonet Ай бұрын
@markjack4214 Ай бұрын
他对新疆历史一无所知 张口就说1950年才开始属于中国 而事实上远在公元前的汉朝 新疆己经纳入中国版图
@TravelPalettes Ай бұрын
🎈 Awesome job! Your tips are always practical. 🩷
@golokavrndavana Ай бұрын
What have you taken from this?
@MaxOdom-b1g Ай бұрын
The food here is so amazing! From lamb scrumptious rice to barbecued meat, every bite is the ultimate temptation for the taste buds, Urumqi is definitely a food lover's paradise.
@Good-p6i2b Ай бұрын
The people of Urumqi are warm and hospitable. Whether in scenic spots, hotels or street corners, locals will offer help and guidance to tourists.
@MaxOdom-b1g Ай бұрын
The food here is so amazing! From lamb scrumptious rice to barbecued meat, every bite is the ultimate temptation for the taste buds, Urumqi is definitely a food lover's paradise.
Shocked in China! First Day in Shenzhen (City of The Future)
THIS is What I Found in Xinjiang CHINA: I was WARNED Not to Come Here
Try this prank with your friends 😂 @karina-kola
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