What's the most hurtful thing a doctor has ever said to you?

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@Chickpea_Pancake 8 ай бұрын
I had a doctor tell me in physical therapy that the goal was no longer to help me get better, and I should instead shift my goals to simply being able to live with the pain. Absolutely destroyed 12 year old me and all the hope I had. I am still disabled now, but every other doctor has used better language than she did, and helped me keep hope.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
Good God! I could understand that for someone with chronic pain that has responded to nothing, but someone who's trying to heal with physical therapy??? That person should be fired!
@Adthereccomendationsguy 8 ай бұрын
@Chickpea_Pancake 8 ай бұрын
@@Adthereccomendationsguy ???
@jjjjjjj225 8 ай бұрын
had a similar experience when i was sixteen i was about to comment. my physiotherapist gave up on me because i was too bad for them to help me at the time. i’m now in medicated remission at 21 but it’s been a steep hill to get here. i laughed it off at the time and told people “my physiotherapist broke up with me” but i was absolutely crushed
@EthersMysticalChildTarot8014 8 ай бұрын
False hope is not good understandable though
@jessicajayes8326 8 ай бұрын
Heard of a doctor who told an autistic patient it would be difficult if not impossible to make friends. Patient went to a different psychiatrist who suggested D&D groups. Scheduled visits and need of imagination is a great way for neurodivergents to make friends.
@OddlyElly 7 ай бұрын
D&d is so great for neurodivergent people! I am a dungeon master myself and always make sure to accommodate differences 😊
@Mikustan39 2 ай бұрын
I want to get into D&D. Unfortunately I don’t think even that would help me.
@xanithdegroot5407 8 ай бұрын
Not my story but about me, and with a lack of details for reasons that shoyld be obvious. When I was an infant, I constantly projectile vomited every time I ate. Everything that went down came right back up. My mother took me to a doctor who told her that she was just overreacting, and spouted some BS about new mother hormones and whatnot. I was my mother's third child, so she was well beyond the point of making new mother mistakes, a point she stressed to the doctor and demanded I be examined. As it turned out, the "exit valve" for lack of the proper term, or the point that connects the stomach to the large intestine, didn't open. So everything I ate just sat in my stomach and eventually came back up since it had nowhere else to go. I still have a scar on my chest from the operation. I cannot imagine letting a child almost die because you just want to assume that a mother is freaking out over nothing. For some people, the title "medical professional" is a bit of a stretch.
@samnnykat9665 7 ай бұрын
My mom had a similar experience with me, except she was a first time, so people assumed she was freaking out over nothing. I had this condition as a baby (forgot what it was called) where my head would tilt to the side, and I wouldn't be able to pick it up, vomiting all the while. They said that I was just spitting up or something like that
@GAMER32231 5 ай бұрын
“A bit” is an understatement.
@mari.s752 2 ай бұрын
Far too often the the word ‘professional’ (one who is compensated to work in a particular field irrespective of education or experience) is confused with the word ‘expert’ (one who stands far and above the average professional in experience, training and knowledge). It’s not called medical practice because all is known. I have never trusted any Dr who could diagnose me in a single 15 minute visit.
@Silver103 8 ай бұрын
With the gynos I would love to tell them, "Just because it's your job to look at them doesn't give you the right to be one." I seriously don't understand how any of these people became doctors let alone why. They clearly don't give two shits about their job.
@Roadent1241 8 ай бұрын
Doesn't give them the right to be a... Cat? I don't get why our parts are used as a coward insult when they're built to push out a baby XD
@Silver103 8 ай бұрын
@@Roadent1241 Not a cat, but a C U Next Tuesday 😎
@Roadent1241 8 ай бұрын
@@Silver103 Fair enough. Especially with the monthly, it can definitely be a jerk!
@WendyDarling1974 8 ай бұрын
Not exactly hurtful, but teenage me was absolutely shocked when my female GP told me that if I wanted to get over my depression, I should get a boyfriend and get stuffed. Like… wrong on so many levels.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
Oh ew wtf
@Mikustan39 2 ай бұрын
That’s disgusting.
@PikachuLittle Ай бұрын
I mean… it might have helped…
@DameNickum 8 ай бұрын
Had nausea and vomiting with stomach pain off and on for 35 YEARS. It wasn’t until I saw a great surgeon for another problem that he said He wanted to remove my gallbladder. That problem was ruled out at lease 20 times, and I was treated for painful periods. A few days after the surgery, the lab returned a pathology report that showed an extremely scarred, inflamed gall bladder. The pathologist thought that I’d been having episodes of inflammation for years. And they found the stones that everyone denied I had. Just another woman with abdominal pain.
@murasakirin8998 8 ай бұрын
A comment on the last story about birth control: people go on birth control for a variety of reasons, not just to be active in the bedroom with less worry of pregnancy. For example, me. I am by no means active in the slightest like that, either before or after going on birth control and have no intention of looking for a partner any time soon. I started birth control after lengthy conversations with my PCP where we quickly determined I had a pretty bad hormonal imbalance. The imbalance was causing pain in other parts of my body, and the severe period inconsistencies were taxing on my mental health. So yes preventing pregnancy is one of the most common reasons for being on birth control, but its not the only one, and doesn't indicate that the one on it gets around. There are really bad problems with female reproductive health being pushed to the wayside and the individual's choices being disregarded. I could go on for hours about the various problems, but a youtuber called mama Dr. Jones who's a board certified OBGYN covers it all really well, so I'd direct those that care to check out her content.
@AdorableFloof1999 7 ай бұрын
Yeah when I first got on bc it was because of almost debilitating period cramps after practically collapsing in my Spanish class.
@darkstarr984 2 ай бұрын
I know all of one person on bc for contraceptive purposes, and it’s my sister who stopped it because she’s reaching menopause. Meanwhile I know several dozen who are on it for hormone regulation and because of extremely painful periods.
@protomop76 8 ай бұрын
One of these stories reminded me of a time I went into anaphylactic shock. Went to my mom because my lips were feeling really weird, she became concerned because they were swollen and blue. Quickly became very dizzy, and unable to breath. During the ride to the ER I thought I was going to die. ER Doc took one glance at my file, saw that I had anxiety disorder listed, and told me I was having a panic attack and to calm down. Bro, I didn't start panicking until AFTER I stopped breathing! Broke out in hives and he finally caved and gave me the proper meds just to appease my mother and I because we weren't taking his bullcrud, not because he was convinced I had an allergic reaction But the most hurtful thing has to be when I told one doctor I am aroace. She frowned at me and said "That's not possible, you can't just turn that stuff off." Idk buddy, it's off. Never felt anything. Also let me know where this magic button is?
@jadamiller7485 8 ай бұрын
I heard the misogyny in the man that generalized teenage girls.
@PinkNinjanerd 8 ай бұрын
5:44 - Can corroborate. Had really bad pain in my back and Dad took me to the ER to find out why. Was literally throwing up bile. I spent EIGHT HOURS in the hospital, only for the doctor to come back saying "it was just a stomach bug". I'm just lucky someone took a double take at my MRI. Turns out, I had a 14 cm cist that had twisted up my fallopian tubes. (I'm fine now, don't worry)
@kelleywyskiel3478 8 ай бұрын
Floored at how awful medical professionals can be to patients. I was told I probably had stds by a new np at my drs office. Because I was a single mother and having abdominal pain. I wasn’t even active or seeing anyone but she was rudely horribly convinced because I was single that I was sleeping around with multiple guys or something. I could even hear her arguing with my dr about it and heard him at least defending me and explaining I had been his patient for years and how out of line she was. Ends up I had OVARIAN CANCER.
@legoqueen2445 6 ай бұрын
That is so horrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you! I've had so many shit comments from medical professionals that were inappropriate and unprofessional, with stories from friends with similar experiences, I wanted to start a Facebook page about it! I thought it was just an issue with male doctors but listening to the video and reading stories in the comments I can see it's everywhere and happens to everyone. There needs to be some sort of accountability on doctors for their conduct, verbal trauma is real.
@ms.krueger2660 8 ай бұрын
My Mom was laughed at by an orthopedic doctor (for her back) when she told him she had fibromyalgia! He does not believe that it’s real. She never went back!! A lot of doctors think it’s made up. I have it too. So do most of my cousins and my Moms sisters!!😢 When I was young my Mom had bad headaches for two years. She went from doctor to doctor. She was told she needed a psychiatrist. She finally found a doc that would help. He gave her a shot in the back of her neck and the pain went away and never came back. This was about 45 years ago.
@haplessasshole9615 8 ай бұрын
Do you or your mother remember what the injection was? I have chronic migraines and have been seeking a solution since 1990.
@byereality7492 8 ай бұрын
Fibromyalgia started out as a general catch-all term for chronic pain before gaining the more specific perimeters it has now. It's frustrating that people go into a field that's constantly updating with new research but refuse to progress with it
@legoqueen2445 6 ай бұрын
I have fibromyalgia but wasn't diagnosed for years. I knew something was wrong because I felt sick all the time but tests showed everything was fine. Finally changed doctors after ending up in ED with random extremely high fever and illness. At least that stay in hospital meant every single test was run. New doctor diagnosed fibro straight away and listed off symptoms I had experienced but never told anyone about. Was relieved to finally have a diagnosis but then learning how to live with the condition has been another journey.
@shaggyirl 8 ай бұрын
All the doctors turning people away or making the wrong decisions and writing of the complaints should hand their medical licenses in and get the hell out of the profession
@robirvine6970 16 күн бұрын
And then tou would run out of doctors..except for the ones that are basically useless because they absolutely stick to the rulebook.
@wristdisabledwriter2893 8 ай бұрын
After 36 months of no period and repeated being tested for pregnancy despite telling every freaking doctor I’m a virgin my gynecologist promises to do her own test (when I refused to pay or let the insurance pay for the same one over and over again), she tells me if the results are negative than it’s because I’m fat. Next week my mom gets a call from them while I’m at school (mom’s my emergency contact) and can’t answer the phone. It ends up being up I have high prolactin levels. My levels are the same as a breastfeeding mom. This explained my lack of period but not the lack of breast discharge. My number one surgery in my chart should have quickly answered that instead of being confused by it. In 96 I had breast reduction and was told because of the size I was (triple j) I probably wouldn’t have been able to breast feed without. It was implied they cut the nerve. That was when I finally found out I’ll never be able to breast feed. A year later I found out my pituitary tumor shrink slightly since the last mri. I said “what tumor”? So it seems pregnancy and fat are not the only causes of not having a period for 3 years straight
@chirondurham 8 ай бұрын
That nurse’s comment on the pregnant woman made me gasp audibly. How can people be so cruel? I hope they got fired for that.
@maniacalworm 7 ай бұрын
i would just start throwing hands
@Tarsha.C 7 ай бұрын
That was so cold and unkind. Seriously, how can someone be so hurtful!! I would assume that the help is for all the patients that need it. It's just someone being deliberately cruel.
@BlackslooklikeHarambe 6 ай бұрын
It's hilarious 😂😂 that always looks disgusting though
@veritycloughly8771 8 ай бұрын
The last story was about an optometrist (eye doctor) not a gynecologist.
@kannlowery 8 ай бұрын
I’m glad I didn’t imagine that…lol!
@macylouwho1187 7 ай бұрын
I had a misogynistic Doctor when I was pregnant with my first baby in the little backwoods middle of nowhere town that I grew up in. He wouldn’t talk to me, he would only look at my husband and tell him everything about my body and my pregnancy. If I got on the scale and my weight had went up too much according to him, he would whistle at the number on the scale and look at my husband and tell him that I needed to eat less so that I didn’t have this much of a gain between appointments. When I stated that I wanted to breastfeed, this idiot told my husband that he still thought that babies should be fed only goats milk-I kid you not (pun intended 😂). For my second pregnancy I insisted that we drive an hour to get to a better doctor, only to have him explain that I was now bleeding because I was losing my baby. He looked positively relieved that I was miscarrying and it was soul crushing. I cried and he just looked…content with the outcome. Like I had no business having a baby. I had no one to talk to about it and it was pre internet days so I couldn’t look up information myself. It took me a few years thinking about it to understand the only possible reason for his reaction was that we were young parents. Early twenties. He must have thought we couldn’t possibly do a good job raising kids or something. Funny because I came from a bad childhood and was determined to do better at it. I raised my two plus fostered a few kids for the state, and ended up pretty much raising a young cousin with addict parents and a little friend of my son’s who had absentee divorced uncaring parents. He moved in here and barely ever left. I managed to get all four kids into higher education (even the two that never would have gone if I hadn’t been there to help them from the beginning) and I managed to turn out a cyber security specialist, a licensed psychologist, a police officer, and a structural engineer. Not too shabby for the backwoods young mother from the middle of nowhere. The other two kids had zilch for parental involvement. It was me up late helping them with projects, paperwork, forms, study sessions, homework etc. It was my husband and I who took them on family vacations. When they stood in the ocean for the first time, it was with me-not their parents. When it was Christmas, their gifts came from under my tree. They were fed in my house, not their own. When their clothes wore out, we replaced them. If they were sick, it was me asking their parents to call a doc and I would take them if they couldn’t. It was me who tended to them while sick and cleaned up vomit or whatever happened. We did as good as we could have and I just wish that azzhole doctor knew that. He clearly judged me as unfit to be a mother. I wasn’t. I wonder how many other young women had to suffer this treatment after me.
@ChuramiNakahara 2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry that happened and I hope he wasn't married/had kids cause he just seems awful plus aren't you supposed to be professional in these jobs?
@macylouwho1187 2 ай бұрын
@@ChuramiNakahara thank you, yeah you would think. Maybe it’s our little country area, we probably don’t keep the good ones here in the middle of nowhere farmland. They probably get out of here as fast as they can for more profitable places.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
I had an ER doctor (an OBGYN) tell me "every girl has multiple cysts" when they in fact, do not. I nearly screamed at her in that ER because I was in massive pain from those multiple cysts bursting right on my ovaries. Didn't even give me at least pain meds, and as she walked away I heard her mumbling "faking asshole" like bro, wtf? I was 16, in severe pain. She did such a horrible ultrasound that now no one can even do one, I don't know wtf she did but I can't even get anything confirmed anymore with my current, very sweet, OBGYN
@alexacarrillo4339 8 ай бұрын
My kid developed a dermoid cyst(type of ovarian cyst that does things like grow hair and occasionally teeth and stuff)during Covid when I couldn’t go in to the gyn with her. She had one talk down to her and shame her out of the office claiming all girls get cysts each month even though my daughter knew this wasn’t typical monthly small cyst pain. She lived with the pain for months before I could convince her to go to another Dr. The other Dr did imaging and set up a surgery right away because the dermoid was leaking fluid that caused adhesions.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
@@alexacarrillo4339 I hope she's doing okay now! Those type of cysts suck... I'm glad I don't have quite that bad of them, but I suspect I have PCOS, but can't even get it done because none of the OBGYN offices even an hour from me will knock you out if it's too painful for a transvaginal ultrasound. Being a woman can suck
@thisisavivistanaccount7866 8 ай бұрын
i need these doctors to go back to school bc women do not in fact get cysts every month and it’s very ignorant for them to say such things.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
@@thisisavivistanaccount7866 Technically they do (cysts are usually what are scientifically refered to as follicles, what the ovary produces; but they only make one fully grown follicle, what we average people call cysts, a cycle), but only one. Having multiple is PCOS
@alexacarrillo4339 8 ай бұрын
@@thisisavivistanaccount7866 we get a tiny cyst that bursts when we ovulate. Some women can feel it happen(in my family we tend to be able to)but we can also tell when it is a big one that isn’t popping.
@Analheme 7 ай бұрын
When my little sister was about 10 she was a real pain in the ass, always nagging me, trying everything to get on my nerve. I know that she only sought my attention but it was infuriating. One sunday afternoon I was quietly finishing a painting that took me the entire day and that I was pretty proud of. She barged in my room for like the 10th time that day, ignored me when I told her to leave, went directly for the painting, destroyed it without warning and tried to run away laughing. I instantly saw red, I can't remember feeling that enraged before. I stood up, grabed her by the collar and... Broke my finger. She was unharmed btw. In the ER, when I told the nurse how I managed to hurt mysefl, she said very coldly : " you deserve it, that's god punishment for being a bad person". I was only 13, and felt bad for a long time after that...
@CelluliteYogaPants 8 ай бұрын
I brought my son to an appointment when he was a few months old. We had been there a few times already. I attended OB appointments, delivered, and was seeing the pediatrician all at the same hospital. Is this your son? Yes I mean are you the biological mother? yes Um, did you give birth to him? Yes, you came to my delivery room to check him. But was it your egg? I am trying to figure out if you are the bio-log-ic-al dna contributing mother? I know what biological means and yes he is my child from my egg with no fertility treatments and I gave birth to him. He looks nothing like you ( glances at my older daughter who I also brought to the appointment) and neither does she. I started to tear up but was not crying. She then said “You should make an OB appointment because I can’t diagnose post partum” So I have 3 kids and none of them look anything like me… I get it but it’s still very hurtful. It was also needless as they could easily have check records.
@eveieteatoo 7 ай бұрын
“You just need to get over it” about my traumatic miscarriage a month prior. 🙄😂
@anthropology.studies8816 8 ай бұрын
When I was like 16/17 I was seeing a lot of different doctors to figure out severe joint pain that I was having. The first pediatric rheumatologist I saw talked to me for a while, asked about my family while she was examining me... Didn't run any tests and instead told me I was "probably just fat and depressed" and that was causing my pain. Turns out I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and while there's no cure and I'll be in pain forever, at least knowing what it is is better than being written off as fat and crazy
@Chancetheflapper 8 ай бұрын
This happened to me but I was 12/13 and I was “just making it up for attention”. Ehlers danlos 👀
@Braids5719 8 ай бұрын
My daughter had a baby young and the doctor said to her “omg your the age of my daughter, how did this happen?” I was gobsmacked…it was from SA…the arrogance of that man!
@Dark_Matt3rK1tt3n 8 ай бұрын
Seriously, why did he jump to conclusions- So sorry that happened to your daughter btw, it’s disgusting how people are awful enough to be willing to do such a thing :(
@PrevTsukasaRui 7 ай бұрын
Mine wasn't a doctor, it's a counsellor: "we've had people worse than you" This was after I had told someone I wanted to die. I have never talked to the people who told me that ever again. I refuse to be near them as much as possible. For those people: I do not care if there are people "worse than me" I was in a severe depressed period and I needed some help. I almost actually tried to do it. But I stopped myself from trying it. To those people: SHUT. UP. If your dealing with someone who needs urgent help, you shouldn't say people have it worse than you. I'm still in a terrible condition, but I've become a more happy person. Those people better not even talk to me again.
@grymhunter2849 8 ай бұрын
That they didn't care about saving my life, all they wanted to do was save the baby I was pushing out. They were just going to let me die in childbirth
@a.n.9800 8 ай бұрын
Good grief that’s awful, I’m so sorry.
@hwgray 7 ай бұрын
Catholic hospital? When I was a child, back during WWII, it was made pretty clear that, if a choice had to be made, the mom had to go, lest the original sin on the fetus's soul force All-Merciful God to condemn the innocent soul to eternity in limbo, with no possibility of the Beatific Vision. OTOH, assuming that the mom was in the state of grace, easily obtained via a "good" confession before going into labor, her soul would just undergo a period of cleansing by fire in purgatory, before receiving the Beatific Vision. Of course, if the mom was not in a state of grace, her soul would be condemned to burn in hell for all eternity, with no possibility of the Beatific Vision. People have believed this for 2000 years.
@lynnemhall 7 ай бұрын
Went to my first ever Gynecologist visit months prior to my Wedding date to begin a birth control. The doctor told me if I thought his rough handling of the speculum was uncomfortable I would probably never have a satisfactory sex life. He was wrong. Well, later I learned I had a tilted cervix and that had to be taken into account for a comfortable exam. That guy was a jerk. Never went back, found someone else to be my doctor.
@fernandareyes4439 7 ай бұрын
I found out I was severely allergic to any dairy products as a kid. (I would break out in hives if I ate anything that had milk or cheese). I went for my annual doctor visit and he told me “you’re not allergic you are being dramatic, the only way you will be able to grow is if you drink milk daily!” We did tests that showed I was allergic but he suggested I tough it out or else I would “grow up to have brittle bones”
@darkstarr984 2 ай бұрын
That doctor is an ignoramus who should learn basic nutrition. People can get nearly as much calcium from broccoli and spinach as they do from milk (and it’s in a form your body can use easier), vitamin D your body makes after a few minutes of sunlight exposure, and is also possible to get from organ meats, fatty fish, mushrooms, and oddly enough, lettuce.
@jaypaint4855 8 ай бұрын
My brother, who has epilepsy, had multiple seizures per day on average. Until the age of eight, he was nonverbal and no doctor could figure out how to treat him. One particular doctor that he had actually said to my mom, “You need to quit worrying about him and put him in a home somewhere.” That psychopath of a woman was legit a doctor. How people like this make it through the cracks is beyond me.
@leileyaravencroft 8 ай бұрын
This is one of the many reasons why I'm not keen on having children. I would end up in jail because of assault.
@rebeccacrow9427 8 ай бұрын
I have bad eczema on my nose. I'm not bothered by it since it only impacts my appearance and isn't horribly uncomfortable, but while I was in college I still got prescribed a medication to treat it due to my mom encouraging me to keep going to the dermatologist. My primary care doctor made some comment about it during a visit because it was flared up really bad, and I told her that yeah, I'm really bad at taking the medication for it. She literally told me that I need to grow up. I realized recently that most of the reason I could never get myself to take the medication for an aesthetic issue is because of undiagnosed ADHD. Thanks doctor for a lot of trauma over a completely optional medication for an issue that I'm not even all that bothered by.
@ax9aethynforbiddenunwritten 7 ай бұрын
Quite recently a doctor told me that I couldn’t get pain medication even though I had gotten surgery a few days to prior to speaking to him. For context, I have been through my fair share of surgeries, but this was in three places at once. This was the first time I cried due to the pain I felt, I’m an adult so I was told by the E&R doctor, who I was on the phone with “pain is in your head. It’s not like you’ll die”. This did not go down well with my dad who took the phone from me. I eventually did get some pain medication luckily
@lydiapetra1211 7 ай бұрын
Story #4.... That nurse was so heartless and cruel...so insensitive....so shocking...
@Samthemule2003 8 ай бұрын
The one with being to young to have pain, I can vouch for the rudeness from people especially the ones more than twice my age. I am just barely 21 and have had a bad back since a month after I turned 16. So for 5 years I've had a bad back, which is in my medical records, it causes a lot of pain at times, yet people write me off as over dramatic and a liar.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
Same. I have a family history of EDS and thank god if I have it, it's only mild, and I also have a ton of other disorders. My own "father" called me lazy and a faker for being tired and in pain all the time. Turns out I have a blood disorder (thalassemia), sports asthma, possibility of EDS, I also a giant chest so my back is always in some kind of pain, as well as cluster migraines. Of course I'm tired and in pain with all that
@Samthemule2003 8 ай бұрын
@@lovelysakurapetalsyt I used to have pretty severe asthma which I was lucky enough to grow out of eventually. Family history of asthma, cancer, lung problems, and back problems. I got my stature and build from both sides of my family but face, hair, and height from my mom's side. I come from a long line of a bunch of different cultures most of which is just German mainly on my dad's side. Though to me as much as I still love him he was not a father to me. I am lucky enough to be big but genetics and having at one point being obesity and bad posture I only grew to 6ft. Was supposed to grow all the way to 6ft 6in. I'll just say this, I'd rather be shorter still.
@Greyisdrowning 7 ай бұрын
“You’re not thin enough to be sick” - a nutritionist who refused to believe I had anorexia at bmi 13
@azilie 7 ай бұрын
This was back in 2019 when i had just recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Asked my then neuro if the frequent migraine attacks i had were a symptom that could have diagnosed the illness sooner. He told me 'No. Women just naturally get migraines a lot. Its normal, youre fine'. Wouldnt even broach the idea of prescribing me some form of preventative ir rescue med. Switched to a new neuro, he told me 'Yeah, in your instance, it likely was a symptom of disease progression that went ignored by other providers, lets get you some relief for it'. Oh, and because i wanted second opinions about my MS diagnosis, i have a permanent statement in my chart that 'i am a combative patient' from that first neuro. Good times.
@rosewilson1417 8 ай бұрын
When I was 7 I would throw up every day only at lunch and then feel fine after the 15 minute car ride home after a week of this we went to the hospital I was diagnosed with the flu 2 DAYS later I was diagnosed with a brain tumour ( I am now 8 years cancer free)
@mariewraight4969 7 ай бұрын
Not to me but to my grandfather who had suffered for a long time with stomach ache and weight loss: “Mr Harding, you have lived too long”. He died less than a week later from widespread cancer and leukaemia.
@SushiSashimi8 8 ай бұрын
I was in physical therapy and the doctor told me to lose hope because it wasn’t helping. I cried so much (I was 10)
@sharonhutchins5784 8 ай бұрын
When I was 18, I developed a flap of skin in the back of my throat. It was horrible. It felt like I always had a lump in my throat. I went to dr after dr…ear, nose and throat drs. They said it was in my head, suggested counseling and prescribed Valium. Found out it is some rare condition that can’t be detected by the usual tests. It quite literally was extra flap of skin in my throat. The surgery to fix it would probably make it worse. I opted not to do surgery. I learned to ignore it…distract myself with something and after awhile, I didn’t even notice it anymore…well, rarely, I still will. But, just knowing that it wasn’t in my head and that I was finally believed, helped me deal with it.
@autisticwitch7581 8 ай бұрын
I had a nurse tell me and my mom that we needed to go to family counciling. I was my mother's oldest daughter and a teenager, and we were in a gynecologist office for my first check up (we didn't know they don't do that until people started to have intercourse nowadays). As is typical for teenage girls and their mothers, we disagreed on something. We weren't arguing, just trying to fix a communication error. To make things better, my mother was a family councilor. She was in absolutely no place to suggest that and was generally rude and unhelpful.
@jgamer2228 7 ай бұрын
The high school mean girl to nurse pipeline is absolutely real
@morgue.dweller 3 ай бұрын
the amount of doctors who have told me that I'm "too young" to have my symptoms is insane. I guess they think people that are young just can't get sick??
@Zynt0xik 6 ай бұрын
I was in a psychiatric ward for attempting to unalive myself due to ptsd after having had a break-in in the middle of the night that resulted in SA. I had forgotten to lock my door before going to bed and got unlucky. When I told a psychiatrist at the ward about the reason for me being there, she just dead pan told me "well.. now at least you have learned the importance of locking your door" it took all I had to not highfive her in the face with the chair I was sitting on
@puckmunro2162 8 ай бұрын
At 20, I went to the doctors for reoccurring hip pain. I was sent for an ultrasound and the entire time the person doing it was saying shit like "you're too young for this". 7 years later, turns out it's hypermobile Ehlers Danlos
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 8 ай бұрын
My sister has the fullblown thing of EDS (never asked what type). It's a family history, and I likely have a very mild form of it, and even that very mild form HURTS. I can't imagine the pain you're in :(
@kevinnguyen3389 6 ай бұрын
Worst thing my family doctor has done was waiting 4 years to refer me to a specialist for the pain I was having. Turns out, I have arthritis. Started with foot pain then I noticed pain/discomfort in other parts of my body. My family doctor kept refusing to refer me because he thought the specialist would say the same thing as hime, which was "I don't know what's wrong". He didn't refer me until my physiotherapist sent a note. Thankfully the specialists I see now are great but it shouldn't have take 4 years to see them
@Jessa_Blurb 7 ай бұрын
Not me, but when my dad was first diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer he had to get a CT scan done. This guy was 6’2 and well over 200 pounds and very built but my dad was also TERRIFIED of needles and they would make him very dizzy. Well my mother went in with him for moral support (again this man knew he was dying and was also terrified of needles so quite a bit of emotional things also going on) and the nursing staff had the fucking audacity to make fun of him and laugh at him to his face. They commented on how big of a guy he was and literally couldn’t stop themselves from laughing at him being nervous for the needle. Yeah… my mom called their superiors over and absolutely berated them cause my poor sick dad came out of that room crying because he felt so emasculated. I’m currently in school it go into the mental health field and I cannot even imagine the headspace these people have to be in to think its okay to behave this way when you’re working in the medical field or at all even. Bedside manners are so damn important… we were VERY lucky that the nursing staff at the hospice house where he stayed were nothing but supportive and made him feel so damn brave every step of the way, even when just drinking water and it made us all feel a little bit better about the whole situation. Moral of the story… always have compassion, empathy and good bedside manners cause you never know how long a person has left and no one should ever have to feel ‘less than’ just because they have a fear that another person doesn’t.
@mariewraight4969 7 ай бұрын
I was accused of being an alcoholic when I developed fatty liver disease. I’m almost teetotal, I can literally go for a year without drinking alcohol at all. My doctor still doesn’t believe me.
@palomathereptilian 8 ай бұрын
When I was 9, my pediatrician told me straight up to my face I needed to lose weight and wanted me to get into a restrictive diet with no lactose and gluten... And she didn't said that to my mom, she said that TO ME in a vile and disgusting way And then she wondered why I didn't came back when I was 10... She was the same pediatrician of my younger brother, so in the next year my mom only took my brother and I straight up refused to go to her ever again Imagine being that insensitive to a 9 year old CHILD... It turns out I just had that weird phase that you gain weight before you grow A LOT (is that called a height stretch?, English isn't my 1st language) right before puberty, in that 1 year span I went from 1.34cm to 1.49cm... I ended up with 1.61cm overall, that was just the beginning and I lost A LOT of weight during that 1 year period... My BMI was normal when I was that 9yo "chubby" child, at 10 my BMI got below average Now context aside, the way this pediatrician acted to me changed my mind forever... I'm still battling to have a normal relationship with food, that shit was my 1st trigger to my eating disorder I developed some years later, and I'm still fighting to not end up starving myself even nowadays Idk how my mom didn't reported this, bc this was so fucked up coming from a pediatrician... If there's any weight concerns I guess you should speak to the child's parents about it, after all they are the ones responsible for their children's diet... Not me at age 9, I had no choice over this and ate what my parents cooked or bought it - even at school, I would bring my lunch from home with what my mom made it to me, and she always made sure I was eating healthy (fruits, homemade juice, sometimes a sandwich with either a veggie filling or tuna/chicken filling with either a whole bread or a pita bread) Seriously, some ppl shouldn't be working with children... This pediatrician is one of them, bc I'm sure I wasn't the only child she was rude about the weight
@yvonnecowan5994 8 ай бұрын
Hi, the Fraser looking for is growth spurt. I hope that helps. Sorry to hear about that doctor. My whole life is kind of a repeat of nothing but bad doctors giving crap advice. I’ll have to send in some of my experiences the next time he does one of these.
@maryscott9430 5 ай бұрын
1:32 ugggh god. Ive lost 7 pregnancies and 9 babies. When i had to deliver my last set of twins stilborn at 25wks, i was sobbing and crying and in pain. My nurse told me to stop being so dramatic, im interupting people magical moments. When i asked for pain meds she gave me tylenol and said its not full term it doesnt hurt that much. I sobbed begging for pain meds snd was told no and that she didnt know why i was acting lije this… its not like this is shocking since its not my first time. I SHOULD BE USED TO IT!! Soooo i “accidentaly” kicked her in her face when she checked me and said oh god. Guess ill gave to deal with you for a while linger since you arent dialated much. I screamed st her to get out. I wish i coukd say i feel bad for kicking her in the face.. but i dont. We filed complaints and went to the news stayion. She was fired
@Rave12612 7 ай бұрын
Not once, but TWICE i was falsely diagnosed with cancer, both times i was freaking out, i just finished treatment for when I actually got cancer, but when they diagnosed me i was waiting for a recall
@nationalinstituteofcheese3012 5 ай бұрын
When I was 17, my dentist (an old Arab man) got offended I flipped the bird (not to him but more as a way to manage the pain) rather than finishing my root canal and asking me why I did that at the end, he got up and left a hug hole in my tooth. I was incredibly scared and anxious, my mom was yelling at me to calm down and scolded me in the car to the point I cried. My whole family said I was wrong. I hate dentists
@annemariewilliams180 4 ай бұрын
Misdiagnosing someone with an STD could ruin relationships. It should be common sense to always test before telling someone they have one.
@RaidenDragonClaw 6 ай бұрын
A dr to my face Have you ever thought about losing weight we don’t want to jump to conclusions I have severe hip dysplasia severe arthritis and now only way to fix it is surgery but no one wants to do it
@loffafm 7 ай бұрын
My brother was born with esophageal atresia and after the surgery the doctor said to my mom my dad and I that he was going to have cancer and die early. Turns out it is like a 50% increase over normal to have esophageal cancer
@georgiewatson8688 8 ай бұрын
I had and still have, a permanent scar along the full length of my leg, i was about 7 years old, not even slightly overweight, perfect weight for my age and this massive fat, and i mean obese, doctor tells me and mum it's stretch marks. Turns out it's Lichen Striatus although it was diagnosed as Morphia when i was 10 and then to LS when i went to Sheffield medical library when i was 16, looked it up and saw the picture of my 10 year old leg staring back at me. Turns out my mum gave consent to use my picture from when i had a load of tests done and i think it's still there, 35 years later. Anyway, that fat doctor gave me a weight complex for years and years after. Ba**ard!
@KrazyKatLady9393 8 ай бұрын
Most hurtful thing, while I was miscarrying. (We called to find out if we lost it because they weren't going to call until Monday, and we went into the ER on a Friday.) Dr "So your HCG levels are 4..." Me "Wait, so I am losing the baby?" Dr"...yes," proceeds to yammer about stuff as if she delivered news I had a tooth ache. Me "I'm looking for the baby so I can bury him" Dr "its not a baby, it won't look like a baby" I cry, and the bish hangs up...
@retr0robbin 7 ай бұрын
It’s super common that a woman is referred to a psychiatrist instead of a surgeon.
@theconfusedvampire 6 ай бұрын
I was once in the psych ward for unaliving thoughts and a student doctor overheard me say that summer was my least favorite season and made a joke about me kicking puppies and hating rainbows. I was 15 and cried for an hour.
@s.h.6858 5 ай бұрын
Summers are my least favorite, too. I think there must be a spring/summer version of seasonal affective disorder - I always come more alive during autumn and winter, everyone else in my family brighten perceptibly in summer.
@evedaemonium2399 7 ай бұрын
TLDR for the Last One; The next time someone Demandingly asks "So WHEN are you having Kids?", just change the conversation by stating that you "Can smell their genitals, Pls close your legs or I'll have to leave the room" BC if they can get So Personal So quick than Why NOT let them Gently know they've Overstepped. 😅
@erichanastacio9695 8 ай бұрын
The doctor said.... "Here's your medical bill. Now go pay it to my secretary." 😂😂😂😂
@kitteninsanityki2122 6 ай бұрын
maybe not exactly hurtful, but EXTREMELY frustrating. when i was 15 i had extreme pain in my left arm (im left handed and an artist and musician, so pain in my dominant arm is BAD) and i went to doctor after doctor saying shit like “its tennis elbow” “you’re blowing it out of proportion” “its just an overuse injury, itll be fine in two weeks” and this went on for at least 3 MONTHS. my mom was livid as she herself is physically disabled and knows that i dont just lie about physical pain like that. finally we make one last ditch attempt with a chiropractor and all he does is say “anyone check your neck yet?” we say no, so he x rays the neck. turns out i have a vertebrae that was pushed off to the side and pinching down on a nerve from a massive fall i had a few years prior. i owe that man my LIFE because now, at 20, i know whats wrong and exactly how to handle it and its gotten me out of some tough situations a fair few times. downside is the nerve pain has spread to my leg after an injury at my previous job :(
@M_IAWIA 6 ай бұрын
I was struggeling a lot mentallt, had googled a lot and thought I might be autistic and went to my doctor for help. My doctor immediately said i wasn't because I kept eye contact too well. Then she asked why i wanted to get diagnosed, and I said I was struggeling a lot with my studies and such. She told me to study part time and that "university isn't for everyone". Turns out I have mild to moderate depression and a form of PTSD from my brothers suicide. Might still have autism or adhd, but still haven't been tested for either so no way to know for sure. Oh, and I finished my university degree by studying almost 300%. Clearly studying wasn't the problem. Took me 4 years longer than necessary and a lot of mistakes before I finally got a new doctor and got the help I needed. Doing great now. Bonus: During the medical examination with the military doctor before my potential drafting (everyone in my country can be drafted, but only if they pass some tests) I answered to a question that I had seen a psychologist due to my death anxiety. His response? Condensendigly saying to me "Not everyone have had a simple life." Like me having death anxiety was my fault. I wasn’t even using it as an excuse to not go to military, i was simply answering the question. Lost a lot of respect for the military that day.
@shayshay513 7 ай бұрын
I have fibro. Because it’s an overactive nerve problem not only can you have HORRIBLE pain, you can also have a TON of Branching side effects (I have insomnia, ibs, and muscle spasms to name a few.) sometimes they do use it as a catch all diagnosis but it’s not
@shirlseddon587 7 ай бұрын
Early 1990's and i (early 20's) started getting cramps in my calves. So bad it would make me collapse. GP said there is nothing wrong with me. Few weeks later i went to get up out of bed, but instead i got instant pain and i collapsed and couldn't get up again as my legs were so weak. Ended up in a wheelchair. Same GP said there is nothing wrong with me, get up and walk. I ignored her as i clearly couldn't. Few years later, new GP, sent for scan, told I had osteoarthritis in my spine. Outcome is I'll either die from it, if it reaches near my heart, or I'll become paralysed... Same rude GP tried to do a removal of a lump on the back of my dad's neck (he'd had it for years and it never bothered him, basic fatty tissue). Anyway, she ended up cutting it off, it bled profusely, and she couldn't stop the bleeding, and ended up having to call an ambulance...
@qwerty2008100 8 ай бұрын
Not to me, but to my parents when I was in a coma after a car wreck. The doctors told my parents to start making funeral arrangements. That was two years ago and I'm still very much alive. Nothing ever came of it, but that seems like a very wrong thing for a doctor to say while the patient is still alive. I get being honest, about the long odds, but this doesn't seem like the way to do it. I'm actually the one who planned my dad's funeral, six months after my wreck. Edit. A news article about my wreck said that I died on the way to the hospital too.
@cloverseer6305 6 ай бұрын
Had a male doctor not only being dismissive about my periods telling me they were normal (I was bleeding for over a week every time and often couldn’t stand up), but outright lie about my iron levels. Ended up switching doctors when my previous one wouldn’t do anything to help. New doctor put me on the pill for my periods (one of the best decisions of my life), and looked very surprised when she checked my iron levels after I told her my periods doctor said they were only a little low. She explained to me that for females, normal iron levels range from around 50-100 and something. My iron levels were in the single digits. And we wondered why I looked like I was dying (heavy eye bags, constant fatigue, deadly pale almost yellowish skin, lightheadedness). Thankfully I’m doing a lot better now! Have been on iron supplements for over a year that got my iron levels into the normal range again (still have to take them, for some reason even though my doctor says I get enough iron in my diet, whenever I go off the supplements my iron levels plummet).
@firehawk641 7 ай бұрын
Remind me of the time when I was 17 I had a rust flake in my eye. It got stuck and had been there for so long my eye made new layers of skin over it. A week later my dad notices something is up and takes me to the ER. The doc puts a numbing eye drop in and tells me “rest your chin here, if you move your eye you can permanently louse vision in it. He then drives a needle into my eye while I’m fully conscious and sober and scoops it out. Like, I’m literally watching the needle as it’s being driven into my eye. This freaks me out so fucking much I go into shock, afterwards I slump back and I’m cold, sweaty, and shaky. Do you know how hard it is to NOT move your eye? Anyway, my dad called me a wimp and a girl for being freaked out and the doc agreed with him.
@chuuyashut9959 5 ай бұрын
Man, the amount of times doctors would'nt even listen to me just because I have somatic disorder. A somatic disorder is not, like one op stated, making symtoms. You're actually in pain but there is no physical cause for this. I have been living with this for almost 7 years now and it sucks. So many things I could'nt do because I was in severe pain.
@meagancall5005 8 ай бұрын
The last doctor was an optometrist not an obstetrician. 😆 I mean, that doesn't make the attitude *better* (if anything it's even more inexplicable to be judged for reproductive choices when you're trying to update your glasses) but an optometrist is VERY different from a gynecologist. (I find this even funnier because I always used to consistently and embarrassingly mix up the two words when talking and still take a sec to think about it before I try to mention either one out loud.)
@AirwrekaDoesntRead 7 ай бұрын
Had a therapist when I was in my mid teens who told me “I sucked all the air out of the room”. It’s been 10+ years and I still think about that every single f-ing time I start to get sad or depressed. Might as well isolate when I suck the air out of the room.
@tesuniekataren46 5 ай бұрын
As a sufferer of Fibro, and a male at that, it's not easy to get that diagnosis. They always suspect everything else causing the pain. It's far more common in women than men, so I was once told "No way, no how" by one doctor because "I was too young, and male". Went and saw a specialist for arthritis at a much later date, and was instantly diagnosed (as they already had crossed everything else off). For two years I had to suffer with "mystery ailment". Worst part with it is, it comes and goes. I went 4 years barely being able to bend my knees due to the pain and needing a cane to hobble around. I finally just this year got to the point where I no longer need a cane, only for it to go through another episode I can feel starting in my arms... Fun times abound.
@GiordanDiodato 8 ай бұрын
as a medical professional, I never have complaints about patients. It's always the nurses who are dumb. granted I do work in the lab, but still.
@poxie2637 6 ай бұрын
it wasn't directly said to me but my mom instead. i was like 4 or 5 years old at the time and my mom took me to do some essential bloodwork (from my finger and then from vein), i wasn't explained what would hapen to me at all, only told it would hurt as much as a mosquito. but then they took a blood sample from my finger and it hurt enough to push me into a panic attack. i didn't know i would also have to give some blood sample from the vein. They let me calm down for ten minutes before calling me and my mom into a different room. I saw the syringe and immediately understood that it isn't over yet, the resulting panic attack was so bad i had difficulty breathing, like literally to the point i was going dizzy from lack of oxygen. My mom was told to grab me and hold my mouth shut, i will never ever forget the feeling of her hand on my mouth and nose trying to restrict me from screaming and worsening my breathing problem. (i don't blame my mom, she was young, didn't know better and was taught to listen to authorities always, so much so that she never filed for a lawsuit or anything like that) i don't think I felt the syringe, i just remember the nurse holding my arm tightly to the table. Frankly i don't remember much else beyond the nurses saying "it's just a pinch, calm down sweetie" i definitely remember that it felt like ages until it was over. and then my memory is blank until me and mom left the clinic. i think it took me like, ten minutes to comprehend what happened and i deliberately decided to start wetting my pants the second i fully realized in my young might that i had went through something really bad. i still have the occasional weekly accident of involuntarily wetting myself to this day, though I've been working on it and have made strides in stopping myself from having accidents as im now nearing my 30's and have a job so i can't afford to make these accidents, not before or during work. i think the mental damage from that medical trauma is something I will have to deal with for the rest of my life, i not only am terrified of going to the doctor (any doctor for the matter) to the point i have to seriously strain myself to go if i must. but the mere sight of a syringe makes me panic and then after the procedure (lets say dentistry) i have bladder problems for weeks or months. and before you say that i should go into therapy, realistically i know deep down that no talking and no drugs will help with my trauma, its so deep rooted that im convinced for like 99.9% that even hypnosis will fail as it takes the mere sight of a syringe to cause problems and the second i think of this event i feel uncomfortable tightness where they took my blood from the vein. also somewhat interestingly i can push through this fear and trauma if i need anesthetics or vaccines, I'd be ok with an epipen as it looks nothing like a syringe, im okay with syringes not made for humans, sewing needles don't affect me at all, I'd be okay with blood work as long as they respect my wish to only do anything on my other arm that wasn't affected by the trauma, and somehow im perfectly okay with bloodwork from the finger as i only really was seriously traumatized by the vein bloodwork. anyways, i think i still hold some resentment on my mom for listening and doing what the nurses told her to do to me, but i have worked on trying to understand why she did it so i have largely forgiven her. P.S. it didn't help that i was bullied from kindergarten to third grade was unable to pass 2nd and 3rd grade a few times an was moved from school to school pretty much every school year and that in one of the schools i suffered from religious trauma and low-key religious discrimination because of being from a different christian denomination (i was only able to finish middle school when i was moved to a spec-ed school in fourth grade).
@Arkryal 8 ай бұрын
There are good doctors out there, but as in any profession, there are some who do only the bare minimum and aren't especially good at their jobs. Medicine is no exception. I have learned how to deal with them. Any time they make a claim, demand to see the evidence that supports their conclusion. Medicine is science, and science is based on evidence, not conjecture. But when they make assumptions, they need to be called out on it and you need to demand evidence supporting their diagnosis. Their "Experience" doesn't mean shit. Experience is good to have when interpreting data, not as a substitute for it. Never threaten litigation or use the word "Malpractice". If you do, patient care becomes a game of Hot-Potato, and you're the potato, lol. They will bounce you around to other doctors and you get stuck in a cycle of pointless referrals. If you have to go that route, you don't tell the doctor, you tell a lawyer and they will tell the doctor.
@LadyTarasque 6 ай бұрын
didn't hurt my feelings, but a doctor got angry at me because I was falling asleep on him (I was a kid, mom was with me. My sleepiness had to do with my condition, hadn't gotten to point where I got prescribed medication yet). Ended up seeing a different doctor in a different city because mom didn't like his attitude.
@IrishPlagueDoctor 7 ай бұрын
I definitely feel for that man. I had abdominal pain for several years and I went to several doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. No tumors, no abnormalities, and it wasn’t lactose intolerance either. Turns out it was just stress! I took medication that raised my serotonin levels and haven’t had any issues since!
@achimsinn6189 6 ай бұрын
When I did my apprenticeship with a large company, part of their program was a mandatory health check up for all apprentices. The doctor who did that checkup was a heck of a jerk and pretty incompetant. He started by slamming the measurement stick for the hight check so hard onto my head that I went an inch down in reflex, then for some reason he took my weight in full outfit and shoes which made me about 4 pounds heavier that i actually was, leading to a comment about me being overweight despite not looking that way. He followed up by misdiagnosing my astigmatism and shortsightedness and had the nerv to call out my optologist for prescipting me the wrong classes. The absolute highlight was that he also took a hearing test with an open window right next the the freaking main train station of the city and in a street with a lot of traffic noises. Obviously I also failed that test and needed to see a specialist in order to actually get the job. When I told my doctor and optologist they just laughed out loud and said they would right my a correct prescription to make sure nothing comes out of that and I was going to let it slide as I was still young and didn't want to cause or get into trouble. But later I found out that he was doing similar stuff to every apprentise who was hired at the same time as myself and some of them told my even worse stuff. Because of that we decided to file complaints against him and it turned into almost a predesessor of the speaking out movement as several longer term employees also joined in with their complaints leading to the company terminating the contract with the doctor and getting a different one for their health program.
@ZiggaMau 3 ай бұрын
"sad you have to live with a body like that." 😮😮😮😮 Sad you have to live with a personality like that 🙄
@HavikXIII 7 ай бұрын
Most hurtful thing a doctor has ever said to me was "this won't hurt a bit" right before he removed my toenail with some pliers and cutters. The local numbing agent didn't work
@lillianaguthrie2047 2 ай бұрын
I have stomach pains a lot and the doctors always dismiss it and being a teen they think I’m lying to get out of school and several times I’ve been brought to my knees (luckily at home) bc the pain was that bad and once I was in a deep sleep and it woke me up and I wanted to die so bad at that moment bc that’s the worst one I’ve ever had to this day.
@kannlowery 8 ай бұрын
I had seen several doctors trying to diagnose a skin condition. Went to one doctor who said that he didn’t want to interfere with the treatments being done by other doctors. I was in pain and trying not to cry. He patted me on the knee, looked at my husband, then back at me and said “it’s okay your husband loves you anyway. Here’s a prescription for Prozac.” (For a fricking rash!) Nope. Other situation…had been having irregular cycles for several years. I kept telling my doctor. He kept blowing me off. I switched doctors…soon after I was scheduled for a hysterectomy.
@Rave12612 7 ай бұрын
11:43 ngl if i heard that i would either be be hurt, or holding in my laughter, probably wasnt funny in the moment tho
@astrobabeyyy 6 ай бұрын
story two: as someone with stretch marks, they really arent that big of a deal. to anyone else with stretch marks, you're beautiful the way you are no matter the way you got them
@They_Call_Me_HeartFace 5 ай бұрын
"Don't freak out... but your father has cancer."
@Juzokinnie 8 ай бұрын
And to think I'm still salty about the time my doctor called me fat because I was 153 lbs at 5'1 when I was 14. I was a little bit overweight but I also have H cups and those add serious weight. There were times at that age where I was intentionally trying to starve myself because I felt fat (and didn't get very far, also starving oneself can sometimes actually have the opposite effect.) 4 years later and I still have problems with properly balancing food to this day. The things doctors will disregard and the blatant lack of empathy is mind boggling. This is the profession where you get paid to understand and comfort people, not hurt their feelings and disregard their pain.
@BaknPancakes 7 ай бұрын
I was going to the doctor to see about getting medication for depression. The nurse came in and said they never suffered from depression, because God loved them more than he loved me. I had no idea how to respond and just stared at them.
@kokokat06 6 ай бұрын
"I've never suffered from depression and you currently are, so I'm going to actively make you feel worse about it~" ????????
@Adthereccomendationsguy 8 ай бұрын
Do a push up before liking this comment
@gabrielg2395 8 ай бұрын
I did 5
@Kanako_ketsunake 8 ай бұрын
Was I that bored?
@Adthereccomendationsguy 8 ай бұрын
@@gabrielg2395 very good
@DylJ 7 ай бұрын
I needed some times off from work because there was so much going on in my life that I was dealing with a lot, I wanted to work my scheduled shifts that were already out and then take my leave so I don't inconvenience my work place. it totally went over me that when you take sick leave it's something you take right away because when you're sick you're sick it's not something. you post date. Any ways I went to my doctor and my doctor just lost it on me saying I'm playing the system and I'm trying to scam him for Vacation time and was just awful and said "I'm only approving this time and don't come back asking for me". Instead of being professional and maybe saying "When you're sick you're sick and you take your leave right away" because not everything is intentional sometimes like in my case the patient just failed to realize the point. I was debating for the longest time to any ways switch doctors because he was quite dismissive when ever you'd bring anything upto his attention and the wait times were horrendous even with an appointment (we're talking 45mins to 2hr waits). After this disgusting encounter I switched doctors and eventually my family followed suit because of the same reasons and I've never been happier.
@Tigrika16 8 ай бұрын
I kept having severe abdominal pain. It felt like I was being stabbed from the inside out. The two times I went to the ER they kept thinking I was pregnant but not really doing other tests. My primary doctor referred us to a top of the line gastroenterologist. The day of my appointment, I was rushed to the hospital again. They did so many tests before they finally did an ultra sound. I was in pain and in and out of consciousness. Morphine did not help. Next thing I know, I was rushed into surgery...my gallbladder imploded. It was so bad, I almost needed a pee bag for the rest of my life. I never made it to that other appointment. Also, I was never pregnant. This all could have been avoided if they did the proper exams the first time around.
@naomiharding-smith1221 8 ай бұрын
I went to the emergency ward one time because I had suddenly lost control over my body and was completely paralysed for ~30 minutes and then partially paralysed from onset until a good few hours later. I was still partially paralysed when we arrived at the ward, and I thought I had become completely paralysed again because I had tried to move my arms and they wouldn't obey. The doctor was doing some tests and held my arm up in the air before letting go while I was telling him about how I couldn't move my arms. My arm stayed up in the air (which means I could control it). He looked me dead in the eyes, hummed disapprovingly as though he thought I was lying, and said something alone the lines of, "Are you sure about that?" I eventually found out that I have a neurological disability which has a number of symptoms including, you guessed it, paralysis. But, damn, that one interaction set me back so far in coming to terms with my disability and I still have times where I think I'm just faking it all. I needed someone to believe me, because I had just gone through something pretty traumatising, and all I got was contempt.
@uncutshrimp2933 8 ай бұрын
6:04 I hit puberty at 6 and I was a fat black little girl and I’ve had some shit like that too especially here in the Midwest I kinda related to that one Ogbyn’s can be brutal
@AshendrisSilvermist 8 ай бұрын
Similar story for me tho I was about 8 and in the Dakotas. I'm mixed Samoan/Tongan/white and encountered racism at a young age via my teacher and my obgyn who both thought I was Native American and made comments that I didn't understand at the time but once I repeated them to my grandparents (they raised me) the shit hit the fan.
@Bunny_Gee Ай бұрын
My son was diagnosed with a rare, fatal illness when he was 2 months old. He was my first and ultimately my only child. We had no idea this could be a possibility. It is a genetic disease so it could happen again. None of the doctors had ever seen a child with that disease so doctors had no idea what to tell us to expect. A month after the horrible day they told us our baby would likely die before age 2 and they didn't exactly what that would look like, I realized I had an appointment with his pediatrician for vaccinations. The appointment went okay but I was overwhelmed and really sad looking around at other babies who were likely healthy and nervous because the pediatricians office was in the same building where we got the devastating news. I couldn't find my baby's immunization card. The doctor said, "It's okay, it's not like he is going to kindergarten." During that same appointment, she had medical students come in and look at my baby. As if I wasn't there this doctor says to the students: "this child has xyz and since he shows signs of the disease so early he is unlikely to make it to 2 years of age, which is the life span of children with this illness ..." Nobody had told me that. I burst into tears, packed up my son and left. I called the doctor who specializes in this type of illness (who actually gave us the sad news) and she agreed to take over his care and I never had to see that rotten doctor again. The bad doctor called me at home to apologize. If didn't help. I remember it 35 years later as if it were yesterday.
@Undidiridium_ Ай бұрын
Went to my first obgyn at 16 due to having some pain. They asked I've I was sexually active and I said no I was a virgin. They kicked my mom out, asked me again and I said no. They did not believe me and said girls my aged lied all the time. When they did the exam it was painful and I asked for them to give me a moment. One of them told me to toughen up and stop crying. They were so forceful I bled and I saw blood on the speculum when they pulled it out. Not a little, like a good amount. Traumatizing. They then saw a zit and assumed I had herpes and ran test despite me saying I in fact had never had sex. It came back negative and they tried to run it again and I refused. I ended up having a yeast infection and turns out I have a skin condition that causing lesion like zits. Not herpes. Took me 5 years to go back to a gyno after that and I'm still traumatized. My mom was upset when she found out she had no idea they did the examination without her.
@extremchiller410 5 ай бұрын
i have a positive one: my Doc is the kind of take no bullshit and direct type (within reason). i have a history of depression and from time to time i need a push from someone else to do things (some of them are important as well. also, i haven't been in a serious relationship yet and are a bit overweight. not breaking the 100 kg mark i had visited him because it was time for my yearly blood testing and i also wasnt feeling well in general. efter the excam and with the returned test results. he says, I quote:" you are just fat. (short break) hit that gym once a month for a full body training and switch half your chocolate consume with some fruits, and you should get better and by chance can impress some girls. result: -10 Kg in 3 months
@ZiggaMau 3 ай бұрын
I went to doctor after doctor for years for vomiting, stomach cramps and the symptoms were constant I lost a couple of jobs and had one dr. tell me it wasn't his job! He was a gyno and the pain had been in the bottom of my stomach all day but migrated to the top and that made it not his problem. Had several say they couldn't give me pain meds even though I never asked. Finally diagnosed with IBS and endometriosis, doing much better now with a combination of treatments.
@LittleGreenCar514 Ай бұрын
On the gal who went in for her first pap smear (story 20, I think), yeah... my OBGYN used numbing cream for my first pap smear. The next year, I asked him when he was going to add the numbing cream. This arsehole doctor looked me straight in the eyes and told me that they NEVER use numbing cream because pap smears don't hurt. Hard to believe that there were allegations brought against him by teenage girls that he was inappropriate during their appointments... /s BTW, I distinctly remember that numbing cream was used because I went to my then boyfriend's house, did the dirty and his member became numbed. *** Bonus memory about this OBGYN: I was having my menstrual cycle every 3 months and was embarrassed by it all. I was hiding it, so as far as my mom knew, I had one period at age 12 and no more for 2 years. Mom takes me to OBGYN who recommends putting me on birth control to regulate my menstrual cycle. When I try to explain that I do have a cycle, he ignores me (the patient) and talks to my mother. My family has a history of blood clots, strokes, all that fun stuff. As in my mom and uncle both have new blood clots in their legs each year. Guess who gets blood clots in her brain at age 16? This gal!
@rewto5131 2 ай бұрын
I've had 3 doctors with appalling behavior towards me. 1st. I was having extreme chest pain at the age of ~10yrs. The doctor said to take pain medication every time I had the pain. I was having the pain every other hour. Yeah, didn't follow his instructions. 2nd. Was looking for a new primary care doctor since I was too old for a pediatrician ~15-17yrs. Doctor's first 2 comments/questions, "Your acne is pretty bad." "Do you have a girlfriend?". I was appalled as was my mother. That doctor was eventually found guilty of illegally prescribing meds to non-patients. He was also arrested for other things. 3rd. Doctor refused to see me after primary care doctor MENTIONED that it MIGHT be a good idea to stop a medication. He blew up on me for not defending him, instead of contacting my primary care to discuss the action.
@GnosticAtheist 5 ай бұрын
Every time I go to the doctor he never mention that I should loose weight even when I am obviously fat. This is because of the weakness that plague the western mind. Thankfully I dont actually care as the human specie is to weak overall and will self-delete soon enough, but it is very cringe.
@urgon6321 29 күн бұрын
"Don't cry! It doesn't hurt!" said my dentist after drilling through my baby tooth into my gum. I've had odontophobia ever since. Over 30 years...
@CreamDollYT 7 ай бұрын
Not me but my Mom. My mom had my sister and there was complications. My sister had to be in a hospital extremely far away from home (I believe in ICU) while my mom had to stay in the hospital she gave birth in. One night a nurse from my sister's hospital berated my mom for not being there (they were calling my mom's hospital to give updates about my sister to mu mom) and my mom's blood pressure went so high it alerted my mom's nurse and the nurse got on the phone with the nurse in the other hospital and chewed her out and described the situation with my mom to her while doing it. That shut up the nurse nicely lol
@izzyisbored 8 ай бұрын
I had a nurse who was in fact my "mother" (I use quotations because she wasn't much of one) tell me I had acid reflux without any test or anything. It turned out I was just sick and unwell because I wasn't fed enough. About a year later being fed correctly I am now completely fine.... (edit because I forgot to add it) she also tried to put me on multiple other medications because my poor health and never got me tested for any of them. She also did the same home diagnosis thing to my older brother who got messed up because the medicine that did absolutely nothing.
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