Travel to Quarantine in SOUTH KOREA With Me!! || room tour, vegan food + study abroad

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UnJaded Jade

UnJaded Jade

3 жыл бұрын

I MADE IT TO SEOUL!!! aaaaaaah my university study abroad programme (Minerva!) took me from Berlin last semester to Seoul, South Korea this semester! For the next 14 days, I'm staying in a mandatory government quarantine facility. I get (questionably vegan) meals 3 times a day. Enjoy a quarantine room tour and travel with me to Seoul during the pandemic! I also show you how I got my visa for Seoul :)
also little disclaimer, my intent is never to ridicule the food I'm given. I'm genuinely so curious what everything is and I feel like an ignorant foreigner! super excited to learn more about Korean food and culture this semester 🥰
Music by Mark Generous - Meganne -
Business Enquiries:
Instagram - @unjadedjade
TikTok: @unjadedjade
🌞 MORE 🌞
Casual Magic of the Day: I was given a sweet Korean mungbean rice cake today and it was AMAZING! I'm really craving sweet food so it made me v happy :)
Song of the Day: Crystal Snow by BTS
Book I'm reading: The History of Bees
What are YOU grateful for today?
How old are you? ~ 20
Where are you from? ~ The UK! Near London.
Where do you go to university? ~ Minerva Schools at KGI. I spent my first year in San Francisco and now study in Berlin :)
Did you take a gap year? ~ Yes! From 2018-2019, I interrailed Europe, worked in London, backpacked Australia, did a French language immersion in France and spent 3 months in Uganda. It was the best year of my life.
CURRENT FAVOURITES - things I love recently (these are all affiliate links):
Laptop stand:
My beloved ukulele:
My vegan Doc Marten boots:
Pip and Nut Almond Butter:
Lifechanging productivity app Notion (free!):
Two of my fave hair products: and
I also love the Chrome extension Momentum!:
if no one has told you today, you are enough. 💛

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@ljessica5779 3 жыл бұрын
So I can't legally go back to uni which is 1 hour away yet travelling to another continent is fine? Not hate but there are clear issues
@lucy-wn4xe 3 жыл бұрын
So I can’t go to my uni 2 hours away because it’s non essential (which is 100% the correct and safe decision) but u can go to an entirely different continent for the same thing? Surely the whole appeal of Minerva is that you can study online ?? So stay in Berlin or go home ?? Government quarantine facilities are a last option for emergency situations, not because you want some ✨ casual magic ✨
@elliem526 3 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering why you consider staying in Berlin a better option than going to Seoul? Obviously being at home with her family would be the safest option (although it would also mean she has to travel there, probably passing through London which has a lot of cases of the new and more contagious virus mutation), but if you compare Berlin with Seoul, Germany has far more cases than Korea at the moment, many of which are probably in Berlin. So there would be a higher chance of her catching and passing on Covid. With all the rigourous precautions (covid tests, strict quarantine, the plane was quite empty etc), the travelling itself is not really a big risk factor, the bigger question is how likely it is to contribute to the spread of the virus once she lives in her new location. Seoul seems a comparatively safe option in comparison to Berlin or London, in my opinion.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@elliem526 This is what I find exasperating. Many viewers, myself included, cautioned Jade against picking Berlin over London last semester. In case the situation worsened, borders closed, and she was cut off from her family and the UK. And guess what happened? I was howled down in the comments, called a party pooper, told that Berlin was "much safer" than the UK, and accused of fearmongering when I expressed concerns regarding airborne microdroplets on flights. This is a conversation that didn't need to happen, and a situation that didn't need to eventuate. She should never have left the UK. Period. She would have been home with her family *long* before this. Not crying over spending Christmas in Berlin without them. And then consoling herself with a jaunt across the border to Switzerland for a "casually magical" experience.
@lucy-wn4xe 3 жыл бұрын
@@elliem526 Honestly, I wasn't directly referring to Berlin being a 'safer' option because I have no idea what the situation is like in Germany and so I'm unable to make an informed decision on that. I was trying to note the selfishness of travelling for a non-essential purpose during a pandemic, which is extremely unsafe no matter how much testing and time in quarantine is done. From the start is has been reiterated that travel should only be for essential purposes due to its level of risk, and I think it's fair to say that this is not essential. Rather than analysing Berlin or Seoul's cases (where I'm assuming they aren't desperate for more individuals to pass around a deadly virus), I was making a point on the contradictory nature of Jade's actions and, to put it simply, how much of a privileged and naive move it was to do. Anybody should be called out and critiqued for travelling for a non-essential purpose during a pandemic, including influencers who make money from posting videos about it. Also, from reading additional comments it seems as though she broke rules by going to Switzerland, and as such, questioning her actions is fair. I'm sure Jade, like everyone, has had to make sacrifices and adjustments recently, however, this is non-essential and a selfish move to do then broadcast it as if it's a *vibe*. That's all!
@elliem526 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx I agree with you that staying at home would have been the safest decision back then (staying at home, NOT staying in London, because London had far higher numbers than Berlin as far as I'm concerned). I just find it striking that there is such a high amount of critisism now (in comparison to when she moved to Berlin), now that she is moving to a country with strict quarantining procedures and comparatively low numbers of infections..
@elliem526 3 жыл бұрын
@@lucy-wn4xe I kind of disagree that travelling itself is 'extremely unsafe' when there are good quarantine procedures in place. Of course there might still be small chances of transmitting the virus, but as everyone else on the flight has to quarantine as well, I think it is a small risk. I think it is more important how Jade will behave once she is out of quarantine, and if she breaks the rules or behaves irresponsible she can be called out about that then
@ljessica5779 3 жыл бұрын
lol my working-class friends were heartbroken when their year abroad got cancelled what is this
@user-es7ui5mc1m 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, my friend is "studying abroad" in China from her childhood bedroom in Germany, taking online classes at 2am, this seems so tone deaf
@singleplantparent 3 жыл бұрын
Same here, I’m doing my Erasmus year abroad from my childhood bedroom, still not made it to Germany all year yet non-language students get to zoom around- seems a tad unaware:/
@ljessica5779 3 жыл бұрын
@@singleplantparent ikr :/ I hope you make it to Germany! x
@blythe2732 3 жыл бұрын
I mean working class kid here from London who came back to Paris in Jan coz it was legally allowed for study. I understand ethics debate behind it but it's not a class issue...
@user-es7ui5mc1m 3 жыл бұрын
@@blythe2732 The difference here is that for jade, she does this every semester (because she can afford to do so), so sitting one semester out wouldn't have made a huge difference for her whereas for students who can only afford one semester (and either where going to go to countries where they legally couldn't or chose not to go for their safety and/or the local people's safety), it does make a huge difference. It was a one-of chance that you might have missed now, whereas wealthier students could for example easily travel abroad post-pandemic or do an unpaid internship abroad. If you're a language student, you might have to take a semester/year longer than what your degree should be taking you because you can't travel, depending on where you are, that's a hefty sum of additional tuition fees. It's great that you could go obviously, but this (and the pandemic in general) disproportionally affects working class people, even if your individual experience was different
@xy8804 3 жыл бұрын
The whole concept of Minerva seems extremely questionable, but even more so in a pandemic. Its ridiculous how their students are sent from country to country to benefit from communities who themselves haven't left their city in almost a year, who haven't been able to see family etc etc. It's an online uni anyways, where's the need to travel?
@xy8804 3 жыл бұрын
@Vicar Amelia that's almost worse. I remember when she crossed borders a few weeks ago from Germany to Switzerland, to go on holiday when the situation in both countries was extremely critical, and then cried about not being able to see her family for Christmas. Now she's going to a whole other continent. That's just hypocrisy by now :/
@jasminakochanowicz1007 3 жыл бұрын
I think the whole Minevra as an uni is very legitimate, but they should reconsider the traveling part during corona. I 100% get how AMAZING it is to travel and experience diffrent cultures, but being ripped out from a home that you build every semester and kn top of that having new roomates etc does not sound as the most pleasig experience
@KB-lh9il 3 жыл бұрын
Her decision (and Minerva’s encouragement) to go to Korea during the pandemic proves to me that the uni actually doesn’t care about cultural enrichment, it’s more of a vacation with some neoliberal indoctrination sprinkled in. There is no way you can fully immerse yourself in one semester, esp when you aren’t attending a local university and barely know the language. If Minerva cared so much about cultural and the communities like Jade raves about, there is no way they would let their students travel during a pandemic, potentially spreading Covid, to live in a city where they can’t even have valuable interactions with locals. It’s disappointing that Jade has bought into this, she’s getting a mediocre education and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’ll come out of this with some mental health issues.
@KB-lh9il 3 жыл бұрын
@Irene Many students paid for school with the intention of being on campus + face to face interaction with professor and they are not getting that. Minerva students aren’t exempt from the pandemic.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@KB-lh9il You hit the nail on the head. There *isn't* any face-to-face interaction with professors. All lectures are delivered online, and based on Minerva's "active learning" model, said professors are only allowed to talk for ___ minutes continuously. They supposedly supplement this with "deep" and "enriching" offline learning experiences. But based on what Jade did in San Francisco (attend a climate change rally), this appears perfunctory at best. Which leads to the question, what exactly is the USD28,000 a year paying for?
@elinorrose344 3 жыл бұрын
Honest question: surely it’s better for the environment to eat the non-vegan stuff since you have no other option. Like it would be more wasteful to throw it away. I know it would probably be hard to eat animal products after not for like half your life but it’s always been something I question about super strict vegans. Like if your accidentally given milk in a coffee, surely it’s better to drink it then get a replacement.
@mydecember4822 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, thats what I always thought. To me veganism/vegeterianism is more about the intent and long-term effect. Eating animal products a few times out of necessity is not that bad. At least you dont waste food and dont skip meals
@hannahbridgetprice4237 3 жыл бұрын
I guess I'm a 'super strict vegan'?? But I've eaten stuff that accidentally had cheese on it, like a takeaway, n stuff like veg stock cubes with milk sugar in them bc I didn't want to waste it; but actual meat I wouldn't be able to bring myself to eat at all 😩 different vegans have different limits I guess!
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
This hits home. Especially given that a scant 50km+ away, there is starvation in North Korea. Many adhere to veganism due to ethics, but how ethical is it to let food go to waste?
@duck6100 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a vegetarian and have been for around 9 years. Sometimes I accidentally buy pesto that has that cheese that also has meat in it (I forget what it's called) or some food from the local Asian supermarket that has dashi (stock usually made with fish) in it. I still eat these things because once I've spent the money it would be a waste not to. The reason I don't eat meat is because I don't want to support such a harmful industry with my money but if it's already spent accidentally then I don't see why I should create extra waste. However, I probably wouldn't eat straight up meat (like a steak or something) if I was given it because meat kinda grosses me out after so long not having it and I think I would feel quite sick.
@harleyquiinnnn 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, we dont need a few people doing it perfectly, we need many people doing it the best they can, so little things don't make you ditch the whole concept just because you dont do it perfectly. 💫 Veganism isnt about a strict concept to keep up so you can "be vegan" it's about the overall effect and that wont change if you eat that one birthday cake or drink that one latte.
@gracewaterlilly8023 3 жыл бұрын
The content didnt sit right with me from the Start of Minerva, but well people have different life experiences and opinions. BUT this Video screams Privilege, ignorance and Not those critical thinking skills that Minerva supposedly teaches their students. This is Not okay, pretending it is wont change this.
@saumya6166 3 жыл бұрын
Jade, here's just my two cents on the veganism thing.. I've been vegetarian my entire life and vegan for the past one. And I think that since you're getting foods with dairy and potentially poultry in it, try to eat it if at all morally possible, because at the end of the day, eating it is better than wasting it. That's why I always tell people that veganism is relative, and avoiding all dairy can sometimes be worse morally speaking.. Love your videos by the way!
@ahknLoveMusic 3 жыл бұрын
It’s about demand an supply - if they reject the non vegan food they show that there is a demand for vegan food - therefore earlier or later they will start to provide vegan alternatives.
@emmagasseau-dryer6968 3 жыл бұрын
Yup, let's travel half-way across the world during a pandemic... I highly doubt this counts as essential travel seeing as your uni is online. I understand it's heart-breaking when you can't travel but some people haven't left their rooms since march! you have a choice. Suck it out until things get better or act like it's ok and just prolong this for everyone. Nice to know which side you're on...
@teenagegirl43 3 жыл бұрын
Trust me. The furthest I've been anywhere since March 2020 was school which is 15 mins away
@lunao4707 3 жыл бұрын
"Nice to know which side you're on": Just want to point out that not everything is black and white and has only two sides. Jade's behaviour is not the same as Kardashian flying her friends to an island to party, and it isn't the same as staying at home and following every precaution - point being: there are not just two sides to how people treat this pandemic. There are people who are more responsible and people who are less responsible, more privileged and less privileged, yes, and it is more of a spectrum than one side vs. the other. I wish we would approach this conversation in a more nuanced and less polarizing way, while maintaining our positions (which I find legitimate). From her videos Jade is someone ready to accept criticism and acknowledge her own privilege and I hope she does address the mounting criticism at this point. However, I feel the need to react to these "cancel culture"-sounding comments. This type of language is so detrimental to important discussions among us young people, since most of us are obviously intelligent and capable of more constructive conversations. Obviously there is a LOT of criticism on this and it should be addressed by her but I don't see how this preachy tone helps the conversation. This is not to disagree with your standpoint Emma, I believe we would agree on many things about the pandemic, but just reacting to the language which I find very common in comment sections of especially female youtubers.
@rosiebee5099 3 жыл бұрын
I do completely understand your point however travelling for study abroad is considered essential by the UK government if it is an essential part of the degree. I study languages and as it is compulsory to study/work abroad for a year I was sent to Spain in September (though I did feel guilty doing so) but have cancelled my second semester placement that was due to start next month
@II-bn8gc 3 жыл бұрын
@@rosiebee5099 but is her going to Korea essential considering she appears to be interested in neuroscience not Korean, if you do Spanish at a uk uni it’s essential to go to Spain normally
@emmagasseau-dryer6968 3 жыл бұрын
@@rosiebee5099 That is a good point, and I do understand that, however as you mentioned, you decided to cancel or at the least delay your trip to Spain. As I also had a year abroad with my course, I know if the pandemic happened then I would have also cancelled. Regardless of whether we can or we can't, we have a choice. My point is that regardless of the amount of precautions she's taking, she still chose to fly to Seoul and contribute to the problem. The best precaution she could have done would be to just stay home and tell Minerva listen I don't feel comfortable flying right now, I would prefer to stay home until it is safe to travel again.
@hannah1230 3 жыл бұрын
Guys this isn't inspiring. This is literally 20 minutes of a rich person thinking lockdowns and COVID restrictions don't apply to them. Watch Ruby Granger, or Eve Cornwell, or Holly G or one of the many other youtubers who have actually followed COVID rules this year and still managed to be productive if you want to be inspired.
@jeanneseguineau6922 3 жыл бұрын
I understand and feel the same frustration you're feeling, but the oppurtunity Jade got while entering this uni program is never gonna present itself again. She won't be taken back if she drops out of the program to avoid travelling. I don't want to assume anything, but considering all the precautions that the governements, the uni and the students are taking, I think we would all do the same if we were in her shoes.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeanneseguineau6922 Only no one is asking her to drop out? Minerva no longer mandates stints in host countries, due to the global pandemic. Jade was given the option of completing the semester online. She rejected this, citing the inconvenience of attending classes in a different timezone. So to be perfectly clear, her travelling to Seoul was non-essential. All she needed was a computer, and an Internet connection, in order to complete her coursework. In this context, do you still stand by your statement that most of us would do the same?
@jeanneseguineau6922 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx To be honest i think that yes, all of us would have done the same. I'm not trying to blindly defend her or whatever, but she also sacrifices so much while doing these travels and depriving herself of so much of the joys of travelling because she doesn't want to risk anything. We all did sacrifices, I did, you probably did, and quite often it was mainly because de didn't have the choice. But refusing to travel with this program would have probably been one of the biggest sacrifice to choose, and I feel like it's already a lot of pressure to travel in thede conditions, Jade really tries her best, and I don't think she is the enemy here
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeanneseguineau6922 I'm sorry, but are you aware she travelled from Berlin to Switzerland for a holiday in December, at a time when cases were on the rise? And subsequently failed to self-isolate upon her return to Berlin? Is this the same person whom you claim has been "deprived of the joys of travel"? Someone who has travelled from San Francisco, to London, to Berlin for university, all in the past year? Then subsequently a jaunt to Switzerland for leisure? She obviously didn't publicise her Switzerland holiday. But she appeared in the Instagram Stories of her travel companion, and it didn't go unnoticed. No one is saying she is the "enemy". But some of us do expect her to show some accountability.
@jeanneseguineau6922 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx But she did post about it!!! She talked about it in her instagram, about the fact she went by car in an empty cabin with 2 people, which did not put anyone at risk!
@adna6100 3 жыл бұрын
wait you didn't go to Switzerland in the meantime?
@nualadiamond7710 3 жыл бұрын
@@TimeTraveller2054 I didn’t even realize. At the same time as much as I am surprised by her decision making - it isn’t really our business :/
@Marie48210 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know she went to Switzerland? When did she say that?
@aleksandrag.1620 3 жыл бұрын
@@TimeTraveller2054 as long as she didn’t get in contact with people without wearing her mask it’s not too bad
@chloetunnell6767 3 жыл бұрын
@@aleksandrag.1620 she legit went with someone outside her household and came into contact with people on her return to Germany. Makes me sad to see her ignore this over and over :((
@nicoleguo8724 3 жыл бұрын
London was in tier 4 and now the whole country is now lockdown. There's no way she wouldve been able to go home and then go to korea
@elealu7274 3 жыл бұрын
Just a thought, expressed with a lot of kindness and appreciation for you. North Korea is currently experiencing one of its worst famine and economic crisis since 1994. People are dying of hunger, 80 kilometers from where you are right now. 80 km, that's the same as London to Brighton... Please have a thought for your new neighbors whenever you receive your meals, vegan or not. What is an inconvenient for some means survival for others. (I know you are a very good and well intentioned person, this is just a kind reminder :)
@lunao4707 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying this. We all need to remind ourselves of the things we take for granted.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
It blows my mind to think they are complaining about eggs and mayonnaise, when there is starvation just across the border in North Korea. Minerva touts its semesters abroad as a "totally immersive" experience, aimed at producing "culturally adept" graduates. Complaining about the lack of vegan options, in a country that has known war, privation, and starvation, doesn't scream "cultural sensitivity" to me.
@ana-jg5en 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx In all fairness, it's not fair to interpret what she's saying in this way as this isn't the case for everyone. I know that for people who are vegan it is very important to be vegan, but for someone like me who has an egg allergy, eating eggs would mean a trip to the hospital, so I physically cannot eat it. Some people are vegan for this reason; it's just easier to describe their dietary requirements in this way. So please don't assume that someone being vegan is them being culturally insensitive, as you don't know their dietary requirements or medical situation. (disclaimer: I personally think that Jade is right in being upset about this as she has been vegetarian/vegan for so long and it is immensely important to her, I am just providing another possible side to the reasons behind some people not wanting to eat food given to them without acknowledgement of their dietary requirements)
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@ana-jg5en Jade is on record saying she is vegan for ethical and/ or environmental reasons. If there is a medical basis (eg: allergies or intolerances) to avoid certain food(s), then that is an entirely different story. There is no suggestion whatsoever that this is the case. In this context, how would you suggest Jade's comment be interpreted? Also, while it is upsetting to not have your dietary preferences acknowledged, I would like to point out that this situation is entirely of Jade's making. She had the option of not travelling to Seoul, and doing her semester online. For all of her (and Minerva's) vaunted "cultural adeptness", I am not seeing a lot of that being displayed.
@luce9470 3 жыл бұрын
@@ana-jg5en why even bring up allergies when we know Jade isn’t allergic to egg? She made a choice to go vegan for ethical reasons, she also made a choice to go to Seoul during a global pandemic. Her not being able to eat vegan while attending a cool university is first world problems.
@juheldance 3 жыл бұрын
It's so weird to see someone traveling trough the whole world when u urself basically locked up at home since March 2020 lol and not even travel to another city in ur own country.
@ilaria1726 3 жыл бұрын
I feel you 😅
@mydecember4822 3 жыл бұрын
What country are you in? I thought in most countries theres no more complete lockdowns since June, only partial lockdowns
@ruthblack8411 3 жыл бұрын
@@mydecember4822 Not sure what country they're in but in the UK some cities have had it really hard in terms of only having a few weeks in between coming out of the big lockdown to going into tier systems which usually above tier 3 (which your still allowed to do things) prevent across city travel
@calistayasmin3833 3 жыл бұрын
@@ruthblack8411 @decembernell UK is on full lockdown again, our cases are worse now than last March :(
@ruthblack8411 3 жыл бұрын
@@calistayasmin3833 I know 😭 in Scotland and SO BORED
@loes6010 3 жыл бұрын
"omg my plane was so empty!!! complete lack of passengers!" yes that is - the idea - of a pandemic : we don't travel
@Chillvibesguy29 3 жыл бұрын
Shhhhhh stfu n do as your told your jealous
@liesvanespen292 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chillvibesguy29 It’s not jealousy, it’s true.
@Chillvibesguy29 3 жыл бұрын
@@liesvanespen292 i smelll bullshit n jealous🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓👇👇👇👇👇👈👈👈👈👈👈👈
@Chillvibesguy29 3 жыл бұрын
@@liesvanespen292 scared to fly cause of covid😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ayoooooooooooooooo
@loes6010 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chillvibesguy29 lol im not jealous or scared, I was just suprised by her reaction & thought it was a bit enthusiastic. turns out I wasnt the only one thinking that!
@Sophie-gf9rz 3 жыл бұрын
I live less than a kilometer away from my university but I am not allowed to go there because of COVID-restrictions, which is understandable. However what I can't grasp then is that it is considered essential travel to move from Berlin to Seoul for an online university program. I would also rather be doing my online university in Tuscany or frankly any other place in the world at the moment than from my tiny apartment. Please be more considerate in the future. I get you want the full experience, but we all want that. Every student in the world right now is missing out on so much.
@biancacecchinimurua706 3 жыл бұрын
Don't starve! You won't become less vegan for trying to eat properly in challenging circumstances💜 do your best and enjoy
@emmarijsman04 3 жыл бұрын
true but if it has been a habit for a very long time your body might not be used to it and you can get really sick and you don't want that.
@harleyquiinnnn 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I always say we dont need a few people doing it 100% perfect we need many people doing it the best they can, so little things don't make you ditch the whole concept just because you dont do it perfectly. 🌿 But you have to be conscious when eating animal products for the first time again after a long time, cheese always makes me feel ill once I've eaten it again
@elisabethp3699 3 жыл бұрын
I also think that it would be tossed away otherwise when someone‘s not eating it in quarantine, which would be even worse
@hollymackintosh2270 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmarijsman04 that's not true. no need to fearmonger
@drewd4801 3 жыл бұрын
@@hollymackintosh2270 not necessarily for everyone. i haven't had meat since i was 13 but about 6 months ago i accidentally had some meat and had a really bad stomachache afterwards cause of it. just depends on the person
@lila3372 3 жыл бұрын
Jade, I'm sure you mean well but please consider the hypocrisy of international travel in these times for a university that's not even in person while so many of us are waiting out the pandemic to live our lives again. International travel without then going into necessary quarantine in Germany? Commenting on gentrification but then acting the exact opposite? I wish you would comment on this/acknowledge your wrongs in some way. I'm sure you're a major influence to a lot of younger people and this is troubling me. You seem so thoughtful and intentional but then don't quite act it.
@lila3372 3 жыл бұрын
@maximebisschop4031 3 жыл бұрын
Jade did go into quarantine in Germany for two whole weeks and has taken a lot of covid tests already. She has been responsible during this pandemic and is not breaking any rules whatsoever, unlike other youtubers, who don't receive any bad comments. I know it is hard seeing other people travel, and staying inside yourself, but I don't see why you should comment negative things if she is really trying her best. But anyhow, it is good that you are concerned about covid and that you take it seriously. Just wish people weren't so negative. She is a sincere person. Stay safe
@nightcorelove2626 3 жыл бұрын
@@maximebisschop4031 she was in Switzerland right before flying to SK and didn‘t took the quarantine...
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@maximebisschop4031 She went grocery shopping during her supposed "isolation" period in Berlin. She is treating the whole thing like a joke. It is not "negativity" to call out irresponsible behaviour. Particularly when Jade promotes herself, and her channel, as being "woke", socially responsible, and culturally aware.
@maximebisschop4031 3 жыл бұрын
@@nightcorelove2626 she wasnt in Switzerland before going to South Korea, she was in Germany and took all the necessary Covid tests and went into quarantine. Watch her videos, you'll see.
@dlnrosee2528 3 жыл бұрын
we’re in a pandemic and you’re just traveling around like it’s nothing? first germany then switzerland and now south korea? im sure u dont mean bad but this is just disrespectful? girl stay home it aint that fkn hard it can wait.
@fionamcgregor5687 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I don’t see how she hasn’t addressed this yet.
@luce9470 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know why she decided to post this video and then not address any of these comments. Her ignoring them makes it worse , but hey she ignored the fact that there’s a global pandemic so...
@msmith6617 3 жыл бұрын
confused, didnt she say it was for the semester so it's part of her course? if she does languages, i think its fundamental to her progression but not sure
@fionamcgregor5687 3 жыл бұрын
@@msmith6617 yes and it turned out to be a lie so she deleted wherever she wrote that. Other people at her uni have said that they were all given a choice. And she doesn’t study languages. As far as I’m aware she’s doing business studies or something
@msmith6617 3 жыл бұрын
@@fionamcgregor5687 ohhh i didn’t know she had the choice. the bio thing down below said it was for uni so i assumed. i guess if SK govt said it’s fine, then it should be okay. obvs ideally she’d stay home, but...🤷🏾‍♀️
@user-es7ui5mc1m 3 жыл бұрын
How convenient that this video makes it seem like you didn't go to Switzerland and then broke German covid regulations after re-entering the country ✨
@charlottejung9405 3 жыл бұрын
Who actually hasn't broken some covid regulation. She's bahaving just like everyone else in her position would have but obviously it's really easy for to expect perfection from people you only now as a KZbin channel and not as a person
@sannejordaan2627 3 жыл бұрын
@@charlottejung9405 sure, we’ve all been to close to our friends at one point or passed someone who wasn’t 1.5 meters away, but breaking a mandatory quarantine upon returning to a country is on another level. What she’s doing - breaking quarantaine rules, flying to the other side of the world for online uni etc. - is very tonedeaf.....
@tinar1477 3 жыл бұрын
@@charlottejung9405 i haven't seen my best friend in 4 months even though we would be allowed and we live 15 minutes away. i have never broken a covid rule, even though we have strict lockdown at the moment. apparently i'm the only one who has a grandfather who would die if he got corona and gives a fuck about it
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@charlottejung9405 I have never broken a Covid regulation. If you want to blindly defend Jade, then do so off your own bat. But don't drag anyone else into it.
@Tan-ns2hr 3 жыл бұрын
She should actually be prosecuted for this. The rest of us face hefty fined for breaking covid regulations like that
@rosej5424 3 жыл бұрын
She seems Iike a nice person and all but I don’t understand this.. at all. Like what part of this counts as essential travel? Isn’t Minerva supposedly “innovative” and base their focus on online learning? What’s the point of giving your students options to travel in a freaking pandemic if your whole purpose is to InNovAtE leArnInG via online modes of delivery. Also, idk if it’s just me but I feel as though she romanticizes almost anything?? Like enough with the toxic positivity and cAsUal mAgIc, this is not a YA movie/book. She’s so out of touch with reality that it’s almost humours. I get it it’s tough transition from country to country and that this could be her way of “coping” but don’t show it to viewers as something ✨magical✨. There is absolutely NOTHING magical, to me, about her current living situation. I’d rather take online classes at 3am than whatever this is.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
There's positivity...and there's being out of touch with reality, like you said. Guess which one this is? NGL I spat my coffee when you said this wasn't a YA book or movie LOL The reality is that Seoul is in the grip of a third wave. And at Level 2.5, a breath away from total lockdown. Jade neither knows, nor cares, that 60% of locally acquired cases are in the Greater Seoul area, that hospital beds are at capacity, or that hundreds of patients are waiting at home, unable to be transferred to overcrowded medical centres. She is at the COVID epicentre of South Korea. That's the reality of it. As one Korean viewer said "But why are you here? This is hell". Why indeed. The South Korean President is appealing for people to refrain from meeting up, or even leaving their places of residence, as much as possible. But that wouldn't make for a nice "cultural immersion" experience, for someone like Jade. So I am pretty sure the President's words are going to fall on deaf ears. Because Jade and her friends will be out exploring, "making memories" and seeking out "casual magic", while Seoul-ites try to do the right thing. She was above the rules when she crossed the border from Germany to Switzerland for a holiday. And again, when she failed to self-isolate for the required period upon her return to Berlin. There is no reason to suppose she would start adhering to COVID restrictions now. Even if she is in a city fighting off a third wave, with medical resources stretched to breaking point, and a breath away from total lockdown.
@user-pz5ik8zm2b 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl i thing u r kinda judging a liiiiitlle too much, like, my gurl, just let things be, idk about u but for me judging things makes me angry and i hate being angry lol, and if u think she romanticizes almost everything, then that s fine and lemme add my point of view, im not the most positive person, but hear me out, being positive and appreciating the small things in life and realizing how special and magical sth almost meaningless can be it s a big thing, like that truly helps u to be grateful for what u have and it can really improve ur mental health, like a lot. And that “she s so out of touch with reality” im just wondering what s the “reality” u r talking about, like i dont wanna sound rude but like, it s true, we all have problems, and maybe some of us have more problems than others but there s no competition, and there also is no competition in having “the perfect life”. Indeed, we have to evolve as human beings and try to become are best selves, and yes, it might be very discouraging seeing people living their best life but, u need to start by being grateful for what u already have, and happy for what other people have, ik it s really hard but, can u ever feel be truly happy if u dont appreciate what god gave us and if u dont stop judging that much? And when u r bothered by sth like this video, try to think about the good parts in it, not just the bad ones and that might help or at least it sometimes helps me
@Camila-yo3mq 3 жыл бұрын
I love Jade but seeing the way she acts recently seems very disconnected from reality. I know she’s from a first world country so she doesn’t have much experience with the reality of some parts of the world. I would recommend that she listens to news and be more aware of how people in some parts of the world live. Also i don’t understand how they are travelling in a global pandemic. I live in a poor country and now that the second wave is coming experts say we wont be able to handle it. We don’t even have vaccines coming😔
@mariamaroni8104 3 жыл бұрын
Where are you from Cami?
@Camila-yo3mq 3 жыл бұрын
@@mariamaroni8104 I’m from Peru☺️
@gracemorrison2555 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear that - it must be so difficult as well feeling like it’s being almost rubbed in your face by someone like Jade who is still travelling. I know she doesn’t mean it in a spiteful way but it still comes across as ignorant, especially as I haven’t been able to see my own family in months and even then, it was through a glass screen with masks and gloves when we weren’t in lockdown :/
@EllieLydia 3 жыл бұрын
I've really enjoyed your videos but this one doesn't sit right with me. Most of us have made huge sacrifices during the pandemic including not travelling and this trip doesn't strike me as essential at all, precautions such as quarantine aside. Nothing that can be done about it now, of course, but please think carefully in future.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
You are correct. It isn't essential. Minerva KGI made travel optional, in light of the pandemic. Jade simply didn't want to take classes online, because it was in a different timezone.
@briannabergman8381 3 жыл бұрын
IMO I would have qualms but universities have been unforgiving in online formats. It's her decision and either way, it's pretty clear that all the precautions were taken
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@briannabergman8381 Minerva may have been inflexible (with regards to timezones), but I would hardly call them unforgiving. Jade has admitted that some of her cohort are *not* in Seoul, and are doing the semester remotely. I would like to know if their course credits will be affected, as Jade seems to be insinuating? She has cleverly phrased it (by saying it was "less her choice" and "more their choice"), so that she can shift blame onto Minerva. But she stops short of saying they *mandated* her presence in South Korea. If she was required to be in Seoul, why not come straight out and say so? Why deal in insinuations, and wishy washy statements? As for precautions, Jade is only complying with quarantine, because it is mandatory. She has said on social media that she can't wait to get out and "explore" Seoul. For context, Greater Seoul is at Level 2.5, which is only a breath away from total lockdown at Level 3. The President has asked that people refrain from meeting up, and stay home, as much as possible. Do you think Jade, or her cohort, are likely to comply?
@xylema. 3 жыл бұрын
It’s the privilege and selfishness to choose to travel to another country and study there during a global pandemic where people’s lives are at risk when it would be much easier to stay at home and study there since Minerva or whatever that little cult is called is online for meeee 🥰☺️
@naomis2308 3 жыл бұрын
And the being wasteful of food which, since vegan food is not accessible, would be completely ethical to consume for me.
@xylema. 3 жыл бұрын
Naomi Solomon can’t agree any more! It’s selfish to assume a foreign country somewhat unfamiliar with Veganism is going to cater to your needs. It’s different when the actual government are serving you food! I mean, if she’s extremely strict, I completely understand but then again if she was, she should have at least done research to be aware of the type of food served (there’s quite a few videos people have done on KZbin of the Seoul quarantine) and if she thinks she can’t give it up for the quarantine weeks, simply don’t go and save yourself the hassle, time and inconvenience. This really saddens me as people are risking their lives to work during the pandemic, people are dying and infection rates are increasing. Pretty much everyone had to sacrifice something, but Jade is flouncing about the world without any need to really be doing so! Berlin, Switzerland and now South Korea.
@lunao4707 3 жыл бұрын
She isn't travelling, she's moving there and staying for an extended period of time. There is not a single person who hasn't made decisions that weren't perfectly covid-friendly but were prompted by other conditions and circumstances in our lives (which is different from straight-out irresponsible behaviour, but that is not at all what we are seeing with Jade). I'm also an international student in another country and I am going to travel back to that country after my winter break because that is where my university is, where my friends are and where I have access to certain resources and circumstances which make my education better. That is no different than what Jade is doing (except that the destination changes each semester). You literally have no idea of the steps she took to get to this decision which is why I find these type of comments so arrogant. It's not a celebrity flying to Korea to have a birthday party, it's literally a student travelling there for education purposes while taking serious precautions and doing everything as needed. If she travelled to Switzerland for tourism and broke rules - that would invite legitimate criticism. But this - no. She's not doing this in a way that is dangerous nor irresponsible.
@xylema. 3 жыл бұрын
Luna Luna I don’t think you realise that Jade didn’t NEED to go South Korea. Yes, she is a student in a ‘university’ that requires travelling but she was given the choice to either go to South Korea or stay at home. Given the circumstances at the moment, I think it’s extremely selfish that she picked to travel when she doesn’t need to. Her university course is all online, and she’s not going to be using any of South Korea’s facilities to aid her in studying (except for mooching of their cafe’s WiFi). Not only is she unnecessarily traveling but she’s glamourising it too. I think it’s unacceptable. There’s literally no other reason for travelling to South Korea other than for her own personal gain, not for her education at all. Call it what you want, but all the comments are correct. This is selfish. And this is without taking into consideration the fact that she has already travelled to Switzerland for a holiday. It all comes down to her privilege and she’ll just continue to get away with it from said privilege.
@tarabuxton5968 3 жыл бұрын
@@xylema. maybe she didn’t NEED to go to South Korea, but she literally CAN’T go home. She moved to Berlin when there were very low cases both there and here, and now circumstances have changed and going home is impossible for her. She pays for her course, she sticks to the guidelines outlined by her university and the countries she travels to (such as this quarantine), so technically, everything she’s doing is perfectly legal. The poor girl spent her christmas alone, so to call her selfish for partaking in her university course that is and has always been online is not correct. I know we’re all upset about how our lives are having to change, but don’t bring down others for living when they aren’t actually doing anything out of line.
@kathryn9626 3 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with most of the other comments. This is not essential. Sure you might end up having a wonky lecture and study pattern but everyone is currently making adjustments to their life during this time. People have lost jobs and had to find a new source of income. Peoples plans of marriage and travel have been completely disrupted and put oh hold. Others are working as hard as ever to fight the pandemic, putting their own lives at risk. People have lost family members and friends and have been unable to even say a final farewell to them. For a school that teaches it's students to be forward thinking and culturally observant, they should have advised it's students to either return home for the foreseeable future, or remain in the current country they're in. You'll still get the education you're paying for, it's completely online. Sure you'll temporarily miss out on the 'culture emersion' but planes will still be running when we reach the other side of the pandemic. You'll still be able to see all the places you want to, and you'll have a better time doing so as the experience will be without restrictions. Also seeing you watch videos and read about the history and culture is just proving that you don't NEED to be in the country to completely learn about it, you can learn many aspects remotely and just put a hold on the 'experiencing'. I understand that as time passes and things aren't seemingly improving we grow increasingly frustrated and agitated still having to be stuck in lockdowns etc. But these sort of actions, along with all the influencers who are partying, people socialising excessively etc will only make it longer.
@clemencecharlotte4821 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Jade, I really think that you are an inspiring person, but I just can’t understand this video. I’m not mad at you for travelling because it’s your choice and you certainly had good reasons. I just think maybe it wasn’t really sensible to do a travel vlog. I’m also an university student and I’m stuck in my room since March 2020 and it’s making me really anxious. I just feel like I’m stuck in a hole and I just want it to stop. I just feel sad and I cry all the time. I know that I’m far to be the only one in this situation and I try hard to keep fighting and to hope for all of it to end soon. I’m happy for you, really but watching this vlog just made me jealous and aware of how unfair things can be. I really hope that you’ll have a good time though. I just wanted you to be aware of the current state of a part of your community. I wish you all the best. (Please forgive my language errors... English isn’t my first language.)
@gentlewanders5181 3 жыл бұрын
Just sending you my support! I have also been “stuck” in my room for most part of the year and haven’t seen my family for months. You are not alone, and it will get better 🌻
@redorangeyellowgreen 3 жыл бұрын
came here to say basically the exact same thing!
@jakeblinkk3453 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like my childhood is being wasted lmao
@Littlmouse 3 жыл бұрын
While this is an amazing opportunity and I'd applaud a move like this any day, not during a pandemic? How can you justify moving to Berlin, traveling to Switzerland and now moving to SK for a degree you do fully online? Everyone has had to make huge sacrifices this year, why not you?
@mydecember4822 3 жыл бұрын
So what? I travelled this year too, and everyone i know also travelled, for work, education, and family reasons. Her university requires her to go to another country, so she does it, taking all safety precautions that exist. You are acting as if by flying Berlin to Seoul shes killing thousands of people. Mind your own business
@Izzy-yy1er 3 жыл бұрын
Not trying to justify her trip to Switzerland, but I don’t think Minerva left her with much choice regarding her move to South Korea as the online classes were based on the time zone in SK. Therefore if she was in the UK or Germany she would have been doing class from like 1-5am in the morning (she said in a previous comment). That really isn’t compatible with good mental health or wellbeing. So as much as I agree that if possible she shouldn’t have travelled to SK, she really didn’t have another option and she has mitigated against as many risks as possible by testing and quarantine etc.
@charlottejung9405 3 жыл бұрын
@@miaw9749 so you personally would have really chosen to take classes from 1-5 am?
@user-es7ui5mc1m 3 жыл бұрын
@@Izzy-yy1er In another comment, someone said Minerva doesn't require its students to travel this semester, but they still give the option to do so and "highly encourage" it
@ronaldbrugger4770 3 жыл бұрын
you're in the honeymoon phase of culture shock
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
Given that Jade only has four months in each city, you could say the entire semester is a honeymoon phase?
@julieenglert3371 3 жыл бұрын
Or each semester is a culture shock!
@LM-te9qj 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ellar0we also regarding language learning: jade is trying to learn a language for 4 months before she's already leaving for the other.
@gc6053 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe not travelling to SK for non essential travel during a pandemic would have been a better choice? Your uni is online anyways.
@UnJadedJade 3 жыл бұрын
My uni don't actually make it that easy from an online standpoint (which is honestly shocking in a pandemic, I know). They don't accommodate timezones other than the given rotation city, and once the decision was made for Seoul, I'd have to take classes between 1-5am UK time. South Korea are also handling the pandemic much more rigorously, so being here is not as risky as other global cities. I completely understand your concerns though, and don't wish to glorify travel!!
@sharks2571 3 жыл бұрын
@@gc6053 I am a real stickler for being beyond safe when it comes to covid, but let's be honest, within her abilities Jade has been very safe. She probably couldn't stay in Berlin next semester, and traveling back home to England would have been less safe, as their travel and quarantine rules are far less strict than South Korea's. We also have a massive surge in cases in the UK right now, so it really wouldn't make sense to travel here.
@sof6527 3 жыл бұрын
I have international friends who decided not to travel back to the UK because of the pandemic and have to take class at odd hours of the day as well online. They could have come back to make taking class easier, but they decided not to. It isn't an ultimatum 🤷‍♀️
@n2a349 3 жыл бұрын
stay tf at home ugh my friend here in Germany who is from South Korea hasn't seen her family in a year and even she manages to just stay at home
@samdonelan6495 3 жыл бұрын
Too late now
@RKhere97 3 жыл бұрын
So just because ur friend suffered, she shudnt go? Ur logic is dumb lmao.
@n2a349 3 жыл бұрын
@@RKhere97 no, it is dumb to not give a fuck about others and travel to the other side of the world during a pandemic that costs millions of people their lives just for fun and views. "lmao"
@AmberWoodMusicx 3 жыл бұрын
@@RKhere97 your logic is worse. The point is others managed it so why is it okay for Jade to go/why don’t the rules apply to her?
@vanessam3444 3 жыл бұрын
People recommending Parasite to her as if she isn't the exact type of person that the movie's about. I don't hate Jade and I l enjoyed her content for a while, but this is just so selfish and a huge sign of her privilege and lack of awareness of how much people are sacrificing during a global pandemic. We're all experiencing this differently and it's so jarring to see how rich people live in a completely different reality to others.
@emmazichelouis4213 3 жыл бұрын
Do you mean the fact that she's travelling? That's she's able to go to an expensive uni and to a foreign country? No hate just trying to understand your opinion!
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmazichelouis4213 It's because Jade had the option to attend classes online in her home country (UK), but chose to travel (to Berlin and Seoul) during COVID. The reasons she cited were that 1. She wanted the full experience 2. Classes would be in local (Seoul) time, so it would be inconvenient for her to log in from the UK. Uni aside, she also travelled for leisure (to Switzerland).
@jasminakochanowicz1007 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutly agree with this comment, exept I absolutely do not think she is being selfish. Not only would she be wasting money and experiences by not going there, but so many other students from the university and other have traveled this year, she takes it really sage though with many covid tests. Its is 100% her buisness and I believe she is aware of the consequences. Netherless, I love her content and I dont want her not to show her true life, just because she knows its not perfect. At the end of the day, we all have a bad impact on the planet and i dont think she is by any meens selfish.
@LL-wu5ui 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think it's that deep. They are recommending Parasite because that's korean movie.... and you can clearly see she is watching a lot of documentaries and movies about korea.... she justs wants to learn about the culture. That' why they are recommending it. Nothing more.
@tarae6587 3 жыл бұрын
@@jasminakochanowicz1007 it is indeed a shame that students would miss out on travelling if they were to stay at home instead, but i'm afraid it's a necessary sacrifice. we've all had to give up so much over the last year. we all had travel plans that were cancelled, we all were unable to see our families over the winter break, and we all missed out on countless opportunities and events we would've otherwise been attending in 2020, had it not been for the pandemic. you can't excuse her behaviour by saying "oh it's a wasted experience". you also cannot say that "oh it's fine because other students are doing it too!" - that INCREASES the likelihood of them all catching covid and then spreading it from country to country.
@johanna1262 3 жыл бұрын
Besides the fact that we're in a global pandemic, am I the only one wondering how beeing vegan and a FFF activist fits with flying around the whole world every four month?
@JohnDoe19840 3 жыл бұрын
It’s not all or nothing. If doctors took that approach we would be in a crisis. “Ohh we can’t help all patients, we shouldn’t help anyone then”.
@Sukkulents_ 3 жыл бұрын
No, being on a plane once every 4 months is not anti-activist If she were taking private jet trips regularly, then yeah that would be hypocritical
@khezya9491 3 жыл бұрын
Girly it’s a university course she can’t just cancel everything this is for her education
@ellex2553 2 жыл бұрын
@@khezya9491 girly it’s a pandemic ..
@khezya9491 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellex2553 I get that and I agree with you but she’s not travelling for fun she’s travelling for her education. I’m pretty sure she’s following the rules when it comes to travelling safely.
@bambi9609 3 жыл бұрын
So, you can travel from country to country, do school assignments, and edit long videos, but you can’t make a unedited 5 minute video addressing why you chose to travel the world, break lockdown regulations, ignore people and overall act irresponsibly considering the circumstances. You go as far as not even acknowledging the comments critiquing you. You *chose* to travel abroad while many people were losing family members and losing their jobs. So many people haven’t left their *cities* since March, and yet despite this, you think it’s okay to go skipping from country to country. This isn’t said out of bitterness that I can’t travel, it’s said out of fear I have for my immunocompromised family, out of empathy for others in the same situation, and empathy for those who are struggling mentally or have lost their jobs. If only you could address these issues and stop acting in a way that comes off as both ignorant and apathetic. In this situation you were wrong. No way of spinning it. Before anyone gives the time zone excuse, everyone has been affected by time zones if they aren’t local to their school. Search for a few minutes on KZbin and you’ll find students attending classes anywhere from 10PM-5AM, it’s no longer an excuse- she would have just had to adjust her sleeping schedule and patterns. *This entitlement is out of character for you, and as someone who has viewed your content for years it’s honestly just sad.
@carinamancinone8724 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you and your family are safe! As an immunocompromised person myself, it pains me to see people (and institutions, in this case Minerva...) blatantly breaking the rules or thinking they’re the exception to unanimous health advice to rethink travel unless absolutely essential. People’s lives are at stake, I don’t know why this is so difficult to understand.
@bambi9609 3 жыл бұрын
@@carinamancinone8724 thank you so much, I hope you, your family, and friends are also safe and as healthy as possible
@redorangeyellowgreen 3 жыл бұрын
as for the time zone things, the school could have made that easier for people...... i mean, they didn't *have* to set everything up around south korea time, did they?!
@bambi9609 3 жыл бұрын
@@redorangeyellowgreen yes, but that doesn’t excuse individual students not taking personal responsibility during this time. College is shitty and to me Minerva seems like a well-advertised scam, but that’s irrelevant to the point. What I’m saying is many universities had weird times that made it harder if you weren’t going to school in the time zone the school was based- so once again, not an excuse. Minerva is an international school, meaning that for everyone who opted to stay home (like responsible people), struggled with time zones (because Minerva was forced to use the Korean time zone because they couldn’t completely cancel travel as it’s part of their tuition fees). Jade wouldn’t be the only one attending Minerva who has an out of wack time zone trying to complete classes, I think it’s ridiculous to fully blame the school rather than emphasizing personal responsibility in this situation. Keep in mind, Minerva is international and has tons of students in all time zones, so now a question: which time zone should they have chosen? No matter what, many students would end up screwed and have been throughout the pandemic.
@II-bn8gc 3 жыл бұрын
@@redorangeyellowgreen and they do have lessons in gmt as staying in London was an option
@emilyneve2589 3 жыл бұрын
Jade, if you actually think about what you’re doing does this feel right? Yes the plane was empty, because the rest of the world is staying at home due to a global pandemic where we fear for our lives and the lives of our loved ones. If everyone took the approach of Minerva students then the world would be in even more of a pickle now than it currently is: check your privilege. Just because you *can*, doesn't mean you *should*: millions of the people in the UK formed household bubbles over Christmas because it was allowed by the government, and now we have almost 70,000 cases per day I understand your argument, that you are quarantining and taking tests so the chance of you bringing it into the country is slim. But once you are out of quarantine are you really going to stay in your bedroom all semester? No, you are going to go out and explore because you are in a new and exciting culture. Now is NOT the time for that. Movement of people spreads the virus. We all have to make compromises at the moment: privileged university students are not exempt from that
@user-es7ui5mc1m 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly what i was thinking! I know so many students rn who are "studying abroad" from their childhood bedrooms at their parent's houses, bc the uni they are "visiting" is also online. I don't understand how a school like Minerva - where the entire concept is online anyway, so they don't even have to change anything in the way they deliver material, etc - is encouraging them to fly to different continents (not to mention that apparently Jade already broke covid regulations when she came back to Germany after visiting Switzerland)
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-es7ui5mc1m Minerva actually made stints in host countries optional, in light of the pandemic. Jade opted to travel South Korea, as she found it "inconvenient" to attend online classes in a different timezone. She was given a choice, and she chose to be irresponsible. It sits squarely on her.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@CaliMel184 Some stans are glorifying her actions. They actually claim she is doing the "right thing" by vlogging her trip, and the quarantine process. Because it shows her "following the rules", and that "she cares". For eff's sake. They are acting like she had a choice, and is doing the South Korean authorities a big, fat favour, by deigning to comply. Quarantine in South Korea is mandatory, and a condition of entry to the country. They are missing the point entirely. She shouldn't be in Seoul *at all* Just like she shouldn't have been in Berlin. Or crossed the border for a holiday in Switzerland, before returning to Berlin, and failing to self-isolate for the required ten days, instead opting to go grocery shopping. They even had an excuse for that. Apparently she would have "starved", had she not gone out to purchase groceries herself. Obviously asking her friends to help out, or buying groceries online, was out of the question.
@Tan-ns2hr 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx she's the typical privileged white student *choosing* to travel during the pandemic even though legally she shouldn't be and banging on about lacklustre vegan food. Her uni is entirely online, she should be at home and not travelling like the rest of us. It's not "inconvenient" to adjust your sleeping pattern for online classes, this just reeks of privilege and a lack of any sense of responsibility during this pandemic
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@Tan-ns2hr If I may, I would like to point out that her trip to South Korea was "legal", although it may not have been "ethical". Obviously, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. She has just posted another quarantine vlog, where she attempts to justify her semester abroad, by claiming her course credits were at stake. She also tries to deflect blame, stating it was "less about her" and "more about her uni choosing for them to be there". Make of that what you will. Personally, I am not buying it.
@RubyGranger8 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck with the rest of your quarantine period Jade!! I can't wait to see everything you do this semester in Seoul!! 💕💫
@hollymcconnell1538 3 жыл бұрын
LOVE U RUBY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@sarahbroekmeulen1099 3 жыл бұрын
I love the healthy friendship you two have!!✨
@antoinecharlesdegaulle580 3 жыл бұрын
Love you Ruby
@yidenekuyehuala8666 3 жыл бұрын
Ily so much Ruby!!!
@astoldbyjun3952 3 жыл бұрын
My question as a uni student, how are you traveling during this pandemic? My university canceled all study abroad.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
Because her uni (Minerva KGI) prides itself on being "subversive", that's how. The founder has told university chancellors to their faces, that they are "obsolete" and that he intends to "smash" the institutions of learning they head. Someone like that isn't going to let a trifling matter, like a global pandemic, get in their way. Minerva has made stints abroad optional, but programs in host countries are still running. Jade had the option of returning to the UK, and doing classes online. She rejected this option, stating that she didn't want to deal with different timezones. Obviously travelling halfway across the world, to a city that is a breath away from total lockdown, is preferable.
@mikaahoni1097 3 жыл бұрын
Minerva makes most of its money off of their students traveling and kids have to pay a lot for it even if they decide not to travel I think...shady
@dilo7911 3 жыл бұрын
some of the people I follow here go abroad. Its nothing unusual and doesn't have anything to do with her being in Minerva
@zara4529 3 жыл бұрын
"there are not vegan, there is egg and mayo in every single meal." I'm dead 😂😂😂
@Tan-ns2hr 3 жыл бұрын
The white middle class privilege jumped out of the screen
@vaibhavijha4182 3 жыл бұрын
It seemed as if it was yesterday when Jade was packing for Berlin 😂
@WhatieatinKorea 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome to Korea! I’m living in Seoul so dont hesitate to ask me about korea(especially seoul) :)
@WhatieatinKorea 3 жыл бұрын
serin__ohh is my instagram ! Dm me :)
@megan4399 3 жыл бұрын
although im sure youve figured it out by now, Naver is widely used in korea so i definitely recommend this app for translations, news, 'google' and also for getting around the city with maps and train/taxi services etc.! definitely worth a look if you havent heard of it already! also its so weird but so nice to see you talk about kpop having been a fan of kpop for over 3 years and an avid watcher of you since gcse days!! hope you enjoy korea!!
@sof6527 3 жыл бұрын
Just a pro tip, if you wear just a cloth mask outside and around Korea, people may look at you funny unless you have a filter on the inside... everyone there pretty much wears some type of kf grade mask and a cloth mask doesn't really do anything compared to it. Just be prepared for potential looks!
@UnJadedJade 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I now have a kf94 mask which I'll wear :)
@Pr1ncessYak 3 жыл бұрын
Is it because cloth masks are less effective m?
@sof6527 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pr1ncessYak They are more effective in preventing moisture from leaving the mask which is how the virus travels. Also because kf masks are more widely available in korea, it is considered the standard. People would wear them for city pollution too, helping to prevent breathing in particulates :)
@dakshaini5453 3 жыл бұрын
Not exaggerating, I'm 17, an Indian student, preparing for a competitive exam. I don't know if 2020 was my best year or not, but one thing I certainly know, is that the best part of 2020 was finding YOU. You have an impact on someone you've never met and probably won't even meet (waiting for you to come Hyderabad,I hope to meet you someday). I lost myself, my energy 3 years back to some tragedies of life. If I can get myself back on path of goals and studying, discipline and all of it, you had a unrealistic amount of impact. Just a big THANKYOU Jade. You give me strength ❤️ wish you the Merriest Christmas and all the happiness this universe has to offer. Much love ❤️
@jasminakochanowicz1007 3 жыл бұрын
You sound like such a strong person!! Keep going🌼🌼
@jueedhar1545 3 жыл бұрын
All the very best Dakshaini ! I can completely relate to the turmoil that these competitive exams give (once sadly a jee student, now a happy IISERite), and I had found Jade in my grade 11 which was 3 years back and I agree this community is very wholesome and supportive. Just as a random senior who found this comment relatable, know that u are loved and u are not alone, and try ur best. Because that is good enough. You are good enough. Sending a warm hug, loads of strength and love.
@dakshaini5453 3 жыл бұрын
@@jueedhar1545 thankyou so much, that felt amazing ❤
@titaflores4388 3 жыл бұрын
can I just say how much I love how you go out of your way to understand the culture and actually respect it, not just critique it for being different than your own... it's really refreshing to see and I appreciate you a lot more for it!
@mariahallawala2677 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know why but watching this, I started imagining myself in this situation and all of a sudden felt so claustrophobic, lonely and sad! Jade, you are truly a one of a kind positive person!
@bethanygallagher7487 3 жыл бұрын
The thought of it was giving me a panic attack, I could NEVER do what Jade is doing wow
@taniamanik2012 3 жыл бұрын
I had the same thought, especially with the white walls and no balcony.
@ataleoftwomeows8086 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could travel around and study abroad
@marinad6892 3 жыл бұрын
Say what you want about her breaking covid rules but can people in the comments stop bashing her for sticking to her veganism. Veganism is an ethical/moral choice, its not that simple for vegans to just simply switch to eating meat/dairy/eggs when it gets difficult, I could never considering I’m extremely against unnecessary animal death. Regardless of ‘sustainability’ (which is a funny term for meat eaters to use), most vegans are vegan because of animal cruelty/death and thus won’t eat meat even if in a tricky situation. Bashing someone because of their choice to stick to their moral code and adjust to a country’s eating habits is ridiculous and unfair. Expecting her to give up her morals in under a week is frankly idiotic.
@RKhere97 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Half these ppl in the comments are just mad that they couldnt afford the travels. 🤦
@maz0320 3 жыл бұрын
@@RKhere97 no ones mad they can’t “afford the travels” yah twat there is a whole pandemic this is clearly not essential travel ?!!?!?
@boo8822 3 жыл бұрын
So my graduation got cancelled, haven’t seen my friends or family in months and this bitch is plane hopping around the globe for no reason whatsoever. Lord give me strength
@booksandquills 3 жыл бұрын
So interesting to see your experience! Good luck with the rest of your quarantine :)
@UnJadedJade 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Sanne!! 🥰
@bravo_hero392yt7 3 жыл бұрын
@@UnJadedJade Please Jade we need you right now. You have what it takes to get out voices heard. I don’t want my teacher or my government to decide my grade. I just want to sit my exam. Please can you upload a video about this or do something to spread it. Petition: Give students the option to take exams or receive assessed grades for 2020/21
@user-bk2zk6rq2b 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome. But why are you come to S.Korea this time? This is hell.
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
Because Jade thinks she is going to get a "cultural experience". And because she didn't want to attend online classes in a different timezone. This is someone who travelled from Germany to Switzerland for a holiday last year. Then failed to self-isolate as required upon her return to Berlin. She was spotted on social media out and about (grocery shopping, and socialising). I don't think she should be there at all. But seeing as she is, I am glad that government facilities in South Korea are stringent (eg: doors are alarmed if kept open for longer than 30 seconds etc). Would you trust someone like that, who thinks she is above the rules, to be able to self-quarantine?
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@dylan mae All for "casual magic" and "cultural immersion", no less
@aaaa-fq1ue 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx you are a freak for caring so much lol
@MC-ko2mx 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaaa-fq1ue And some could call you conscience-less for not caring. If everyone did what Jade did, and hopscotched between different countries mid-pandemic, do you think we would be better off, or worse off?
@aaaa-fq1ue 3 жыл бұрын
@@MC-ko2mx yeah but everyone doesn't, a small section of naive people do it because they're oblivious, but it's utterly lame to get bent out of shape over one person you've never met doing something you think is bad
@ninalovestheworld 3 жыл бұрын
I also cried my eyes out, when I left my studies abroad. Just enjoy every moment and be proud, that you have the chance to study in Korea ❤️
@ioannap8977 3 жыл бұрын
Korean houses normally have heated floor so maybe that's why the room temperature was too hot for you! Koreans used to sleep with blankets on the floor like a mattress, although we hardly do that now.
@oliviaball4068 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it more environmentally friendly to eat all the food instead of having food waste? Food waste is so polluting! Obviously it's not ideal and breaches your ethics and principles but not eating some of the food only because it isn't vegan seems even more unethical I feel?
@haileyespinosa8400 3 жыл бұрын
It might make her really sick - and that could mess up the temp that you have to take twice a day
@asapkpoptv5352 2 жыл бұрын
If you didn't believe in eating dogs, but there was a bit of dog meat in your food, would you still eat it?? It's a waste if you don't eat it. I agree, food waste is terrible but I'd say eating an animal is worse because animal agriculture is worse for the environment and it's unethical.
@CiaraGan 3 жыл бұрын
@UnJadedJade 3 жыл бұрын
@elijah2859 3 жыл бұрын
and luv ur videos btw :)
@Anna-ug8cq 3 жыл бұрын
Wait wait wait, you know each other?? I follow both of your channels separately, that’s awesome 😂
@annekadawkins3492 3 жыл бұрын
You are unbelievably strong, what you're doing and how you cope with it is so admirable xx
@lululolo200 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a bit mad because of this strict veganism. For one, I think you can't go to another country with a whole other culture where they eat meat in every meal and then don' try their food. Where's the problem in being a bit more flexible? And secondly, when you can't choose another meal and the only other option is to throw it away you should just eat it (but of course I'm not you so I don't know how hard it could be for your consciousness, but nevertheless I think you should overcome it for those reasons)
@momentmemos 3 жыл бұрын
You can still respect and enjoy the culture even if eating animal products is against your ethics hence not eating the food that has animal products in it.
@lululolo200 3 жыл бұрын
@@momentmemos yeah respect it for sure! But not really experiencing/trying it
@carastorme4026 3 жыл бұрын
For a translation app, use Papago. It’s developed by Naver and is significantly better than Google. It also has image translation function
@zeynabshjai9671 3 жыл бұрын
please jade vlog every single day. Seoul would definitely be a cultural adventure for you also enjoy learning k-pop dances 🇰🇷💕
@afff337 3 жыл бұрын
seeing you so excited and taking the effort to understand the culture is just ✨✨✨ also you basically giving us a visual representstion of casual inspires me. ty jade🙂🖤
@isoldebui4039 3 жыл бұрын
Your gorgeous! I appreciate you’re radiance and positivity so much! Thanks for doing you x also so inspired and excited by how excited you are about new forms and structures of education! Absolutely love it
@rachelrachel827 3 жыл бұрын
I strongggly recommend u to watch “crash landing on you” and “sweet home” on Netflix and the movie “Along with gods”, they’re all from Korea and are rlyyy goood and time killing!
@agie24 3 жыл бұрын
Crash landing on you omg yes
@ilovedumplings123 3 жыл бұрын
Also Itaewon Class and Hello, My Twenties!😍
@cb2578 3 жыл бұрын
and hospital playlist! :)
@cohleenmichellemejia6685 3 жыл бұрын
Reply 1988 too!
@anthonywilson9133 3 жыл бұрын
I fucking love crash landing on you... ngl I thought I would hate it, but its fucking good.
@mihirbapatwritings1234 3 жыл бұрын
4:05 Jade, my heart was full seeing this sight. You were literally a meter away from those people and still couldn’t see their faces. DEEP. That’s life, that’s what a virus can do. Loved the editing and the vibes as usual ✨
@dominika5252 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this Jade! Your positivity and excitement are inspirational and your videos are always such a joy to watch. Best of luck with your studies!!!
@Sohamsta 3 жыл бұрын
yessss after regular instagram teasers the video is finally out 🤩
@francescahedden3341 3 жыл бұрын
Jade: "I don't really like olives but from now on i do!" A few seconds later: *realises they were eggs*
@eitherway_8r9 3 жыл бұрын
imagine not knowing what a quail egg is... help
@Suhanibingpot 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't understand the concept of shifting students to a new country every semester. Can anyone help?
@LM-te9qj 3 жыл бұрын
It's just to learn to be flexible, learn different cultures and perspectives, be able to adapt etc
@whyisgamora4191 3 жыл бұрын
It's a stupid concept, that's probably why you don't understand. There's no point in moving students around the world every 4 months when all they do is follow classes online behind a laptop. All it does it rip you away from new friends and the short time span doesn't even allow you to fully understand and adapt to a different culture.
@user-ju9hr8hs9i 3 жыл бұрын
@@whyisgamora4191 don't they go to partner universities when there's no pandemic?
@bhuv278 3 жыл бұрын
@@whyisgamora4191 especially during this pandemic, it's just stupid to risk the safety of your students. Moving to a new country every four months is not economical either
@barborabicovska9877 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-ju9hr8hs9i They don't, it was an online school even before corona. They can meet if they want to, but there are no contact classes even when everything is ok
@Sohamsta 3 жыл бұрын
Having seen some of this is on your stories already, i feel like we had VIP access to your content early 🌝
@gds5959 3 жыл бұрын
I find it so weird that westerners aren’t used to eating rice with every meal, hope you’re having a good time jade ✨
@jueedhar1545 3 жыл бұрын
Indians are a good middle of the road I guess then, with some communities on more rice based diets, while some based on flat breads ! 😁
@valnntinav 3 жыл бұрын
latin people do :3
@whyisgamora4191 3 жыл бұрын
I only eat rice about once a week :p
@jas_313 3 жыл бұрын
Black ppl are kinda like Asians in that we’re in the middle of the road! We don’t have rice with every single meal but it’s defo more of a rice based diet :) ofc not speaking for everyone but I think most would agree with me!
@charlottevickers2592 3 жыл бұрын
jade’s energy is something everyone needs!! it is beautiful ✨
@bomchoi2536 3 жыл бұрын
The reason why it comes back to 30 degree is because, that 30 means ‘present temperature’ and 10 degree is the goal temperature you set up correctly. It basically shows ‘present temp’
@seanyraps 3 жыл бұрын
Jade man you are one heck of a human being...! Your positivity and bravery travelling to South Korea all by yourself is so so awesome man. God bless you and protect you throughout your whole journey!🙏🏽 I wish you all the best life can offer you your just such a light to so many human beings during this global pandemic that we are all going through!❤🌏🌊✌🏽 Take care! All the best! You got this man!
@paulamorales5191 3 жыл бұрын
i love watching your videos!! i feel so jealous of the experience you’re living, it’s amazing. hope everything goes great!!💖
@kristinahesse3039 3 жыл бұрын
As a half Korean and half German who lived in both countries before, it's so interesting to see your experiences in those countries!! I hope you're having a great time in Seoul! :)
@not-a-ghost2206 3 жыл бұрын
I am SO jealous right now 😪 i cant even get a job cause of covid..
@dominika1348 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos make me bolder and more curious about the world. They touch my inner soul so deep that I wish everybody watched you and could experience such a blessing. You are changing the world and you are incredibly young. Can't believe how inspirational you are. I love you Greetings from Poland! ❤❤❤❤🤗
@yep4emy 3 жыл бұрын
hey, just wanted to say im so proud of you and you inspire me so much. love you jade!
@minnie9467 3 жыл бұрын
To get around Korea I’d recommend downloading Naver it’s like the Google in Korea and it’s more accurate in terms of getting around the country, as well as getting the Naver dictionary as it gives you correct meanings to words and translates as accurately as possible. Papago is a life saver if you can’t speak Korean at all! I’d say it’s 90% accurate and it can help you a lot in terms of understanding what signs say along the street. For entertainment purposes, webtoons (manhwas) are very popular in Korea it’s like a coloured manga if it makes sense, and it has a variety of genres! To practice your korean you can get both the English version of Webtoon and the Korean version! It really helps with learning daily expressions, I hope your experience goes well ^^
@jessd4770 3 жыл бұрын
Jade and Ruby uploading at the same time!!!! Truly blessed
@ellengomm6972 3 жыл бұрын
The true queens of studytube
@joyfied1196 3 жыл бұрын
yes 😀
@nigaraovlyakulyyeva9682 2 жыл бұрын
İt is actually my first time watching your vlogs and i really loved your energy🧡
@inidavies9469 3 жыл бұрын
Aaaah! your excitement about everything is infectious💖
@milest1732 3 жыл бұрын
Jade there's film called Parasite (2019), filmed in Seoul and is a storytelling masterpiece, there's also korean zombie film Train to Busan (2016), starts out cliche but becomes philosophical
@arvs_17_ 3 жыл бұрын
Yessss amazing movies!🤩
@ALifeofLearning 3 жыл бұрын
I loved Parasite! Such an amazing cinematic take on poverty in the modern world
@tobe4real 3 жыл бұрын
hey jade i have just been made aware of the switzerland situation and I think it’s really irresponsible as an influencer to gloss over this and glorify travelling to a high risk zone (deemed by german government) and back to berlin without isolating yourself during a pandemic. it is really disappointing to see this and I’m not one to hate or even criticise you tbh but this isn’t going to go away
@superlalabbz 3 жыл бұрын
How lucky you are to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard ❤️ Enjoy your new adventures in Korea! Can’t wait to see them all
@padmo1531 3 жыл бұрын
i love man’s search for meaning, life changing book for me
@sharks2571 3 жыл бұрын
The food situation must be quite annoying. I have accidentally eaten meat or dairy 2 or 3 times since going vegan and it is such a bad feeling realizing what has just happened. I definitely do not envy you having to decide whether to eat non-vegan food or go hungry. From an ethical standpoint in my opinion it is fine to eat it- you have tried, and literally have no other choice, and if you don't eat it it will go to waste, but I totally get that it would be really weird and jarring
@nicoledagostino5102 3 жыл бұрын
What a slap in the face as there are thousands dying daily and you can't do your part. You think choosing to travel during a global pandemic exemplifies skills of personal responsibility and cultural enrichment on your CV? Many students are having to deal with time zone differences and sacrifice the on-campus experience during their university studies, yet the thought of having to face the same consequence of a global pandemic for the sake of others' safety is beyond you? Pandering to your audience about climate change, gentrification, privilege and the like is pure virtue signalling at this point as you're contributing to all that you preach against. Know your influence - breaking quarantine rules and taking holidays to Switzerland is not 'casual magic', don't twist it. This hypocrisy should not be inspiring and the positivity seems forced and bizarre considering the situation at hand. It is worrisome that anyone would follow your example.
@marlieshogeveen 3 жыл бұрын
I wish you the best of time in South Korea Jade! I know you can make an unforgettable lovely experience out of everything, even given the circumstances I feel you are always able to find positivity! Hope these last days of quarantine will treat you well (and that the food will be better everyday)
@georgia3123 3 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to see your adventures, Jade!!! Omg I'm so excited for you!
@izzygeorgia1274 3 жыл бұрын
Ahhhh who else is so excited for the Seoul content?! 💕
@fatisummer9106 3 жыл бұрын
she is at a point where even if she saw a fly she will be "OMG THIS IS SO AMAZING" but who blames her, she's living the dream
@morven8168 3 жыл бұрын
i love jades adventures so much, i'm so excited for her new semester
@hazykiid 3 жыл бұрын
i feel like i’m living another life through you 😊😊 i’m so happy and excited for this next chapter in your life ❤️❤️
@jasante9891 3 жыл бұрын
Omg welcome! I've been here in Seoul for about 5 months and I also moved from a place that I was totally not ready to leave lol. My experience is a little different than yours but because of Korea's amazing policies dealing with Covid, you'll be able to see a lot more than you probably think!! Congrats and enjoy this snow, it really is sticking!!!!
@katiieproctor 3 жыл бұрын
i loved this video Jade!! just a quick recommendation, I don’t know how much this will help because i’m not vegan myself but i follow a youtube channel called Q2HAN, it’s run by some twins from seoul and they were (not sure if they still are) vegan! they’ve posted a few videos about vegan food recommendations in seoul so it might be worth checking out? they’re really funny and their content is great anyway, similar to yours in a lot of ways i feel, so i would defo recommend them but maybe that will help? of course no good for now but when you’re out of quarantine. lots of love from a fellow pisces babe x
@charlotte6175 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy you made it there safe, thanks for taking us along on the journey via YT! Good luck with everything this semester
@annamullan9377 3 жыл бұрын
Love your journey - through uni yes, but mostly your self growth and how you’ve helped my self growth. Stay safe, happy and inspired!
@jasminakochanowicz1007 3 жыл бұрын
It really feels like we got to see the real jade here and im all here for it🌼
@kasiazamojda3049 3 жыл бұрын
never clicked so fast! so excited to watch 🥺
@thebookbelle 3 жыл бұрын
This was such an interesting video - I loved seeing your reactions to everything. Best of luck with the rest of your quarantine, Jade! x
@lancyduif 3 жыл бұрын
Jade, good luck in Seoul this semester!! This whole quarantaine building experience sounds so interesting to me, can't wait to see what else you get up to this semester!
@periodt6795 3 жыл бұрын
jade gets happy and exited for every. single. little. thing and it’s just beautiful:’)
@happystress9903 3 жыл бұрын
who's korean here?! 👋 i never expected this experience at all!!
@anjalijha5014 3 жыл бұрын
FINALLY YOU ARE IN SEOUL! I was waiting for this since you got into Minerva!❤️
@itsjule8871 3 жыл бұрын
Jade ispires and motivates me so much. It always makes my day so much more positive when i watch ur videos. You always make me be the best version of myeslf. Have nice day! All the love to you ✨
¡Puaj! No comas piruleta sucia, usa un gadget 😱 #herramienta
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