Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1.10 - A Quality of Mercy

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@baltmatrix 2 жыл бұрын
I'm shocked that there's no mention of the cinematography homage to TOS. The dramatic face lighting! The extreme closeups! The overall darker coloring! It's was such a wonderful throwback!
@thatblastedsamophlange 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The line of light across Ortegas' eyes really harkens back to the original series.
@728GT 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that immediately
@bigfatsumo35 2 жыл бұрын
Yo Balt nice review on Sludge, didn’t know you were a Trek fan too
@baltmatrix 2 жыл бұрын
@@bigfatsumo35 Been a huge Trek fan my whole like pretty much. :)
@al3k0 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly
@ProdCritic 2 жыл бұрын
Strange New Worlds has kind of pulled off the impossible. Respected the past while giving us new Trek stories in an original way. P.S my god Anson Mount hit it out of the park
@airrider-jk9ik 2 жыл бұрын
Has is that impossible Star treks been doing that ever since TNG started
@jonfreeman9682 2 жыл бұрын
It's a nice recovery after discovery and Picard kinda missed the mark. The last episode was really nice. This is what Star Trek was about.
@TheGrandmaster1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah he has utterly nailed the role. Best Captain I believe we've seen depicted since the Glory Days of the Big 3, TNG/DS9/VOY. So over 20 years since we've seen a Captain this good.
@NeuroD369 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGrandmaster1 so basically just Cap’n Sam the Brow who acted like (and rumored that) he wanted off the show so he WAAAY overacted and refused to groom his eyebrows… I’m assuming that last part…
@jonemeigh5588 Жыл бұрын
@@airrider-jk9ik Discovery and Picard did not do it…Abrams Star Trek didn’t do it…casting huge doubts as to whether the new ownership even knew what Star Trek was supposed to be. Strange New Worlds and, surprisingly, Lower Decks, have been the only current shows to recapture the spirit of the original while also being their own thing. It’s not as easy as you think…especially when the show runners have grown up in an entirely different culture and tried to impos their own culture on Star Trek.
I'm old. I'm so old I can say I watched TOS on first run. I was just a kid but nonetheless. Back then and even up until 10 weeks ago I always had a difficult time accepting the fact that Spock would betray Kirk specifically and the enterprise in general by taking the Ship and kidnapping Pike. I also even figured up until 10 weeks ago they'd find a way to keep Pike out of the chair. I can say I've made peace with Spock's loyalty to Pike and the fatalism of his fate. This series was everything anyone could have ever hoped for. Perfect? Nope. But pretty damn close. It's gonna be a long wait for Season 2.
@michelegoremg 2 жыл бұрын
I had about the same reaction, but I think they ended up making some damned fine lemonade out of lemons, considering that that TOS episode was largely just a not too well considered use of preexisting film used as a cost saving technique.
@jfilm7466 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you're still with us then 🤣🖖🏻
@edbouhl3100 2 жыл бұрын
Ditto. Watched the original airings as a child, watched this as a retiree. This was exceptional writing and acting - a breath of fresh air.
@misterlau5246 Жыл бұрын
I watched it in 1980 think. Cause the motion picture. But I loved the second movie, and after that, there was a rerun so I just got to watch the episode of khan 's
@spsmith1965 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you.
@MarkTolmanMA 2 жыл бұрын
I always questioned Spock's choice to destroy his own career for Pike. It seemed too irrational. NOW I understand it - he is paying him back for THIS. This episode set that odd behavior up nicely. It all makes sense now.
@brooklyndweller 2 жыл бұрын
100% that's totally what I thought as well.
@JaimeWulf 2 жыл бұрын
I think that he never did aspire to Captaincy anyway... It wasn't in his nature... If you were referring only to his actions in "The Menagerie" then You are correct...
@wsconsn 2 жыл бұрын
Not just his career but his life, he was facing the death penalty for his actions.
@JasonWardUCLA 2 жыл бұрын
It was never really questionable. In The Menagerie, they specifically call out that Spock served with Pike for many years before Kirk became captain of the Enterprise. It's not a surprise that in that time they'd have forged a close friendship.
@Mhotepful 2 жыл бұрын
To me, exploring the circumstances that effected Spock's extreme actions in "The Menagerie" was pure brilliance; PLATINUM up!
@shaneblackburn8910 2 жыл бұрын
This finale and season was incredible. This show is a Trek fans dream come true. Each episode has ranged from being enjoyable to masterfully done. I'd give Strange New Worlds season 1 10/10. And I think its safe to say, Star Trek is BACK FOR REAL.
@WilliamHBaird-eq2hp 2 жыл бұрын
@thechronicnoizeco.6675 2 жыл бұрын
Star Trek being Star Trek …that’s all we wanted.
@WilliamHBaird-eq2hp 2 жыл бұрын
@@thechronicnoizeco.6675 We got it! Finally~
@ZulcanPrime 2 жыл бұрын
Me too! I am a big fan of TOS and TNG.
@JasonWardUCLA 2 жыл бұрын
I thought it was pretty good, but not a dream come true. There were too many contradictions not just with established canon, but with *its own* canon. For example, when Una and Uhura walked out--sans space suits--on the Enterprise hull to sign "the oldest unreplaced panel on the ship", the place they walked to was OBLITERATED in *Discovery*. There were obvious scientific and technological bits of stupidity as well. The aforementioned scene on the hull without space suits. Shields don't create a breathable, human safe climate controlled environment *outside* the ship.. Shield or no shield, you need a space suit. Another was very early in the season, where they used a force field catwalk and people walked between two ships. That catwalk opened directly into a major interior corridor of the Enterprise, where dozens of crew members with no protection at all walked as they traversed the ship, with NO AIRLOCK. You would *never* design a starship ship that way, nor would you rely on force fields, which fail all the time, as the sole protection for people moving between ships.
@kristagdesign 2 жыл бұрын
I just realized that the reversal of Spock being the one who would end up in the beep chair packs the emotional punch that Star Trek Into Darkness failed to pull off with the Kirk/Spock reversal. So well done in the writing, directing and acting and without the almost two hours of setup. Very impressive.
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
Oh FFS, both of those were poorly executed and emotionally vapid.
@danardone 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t look at it that way, but I totally agree.
@esecallum 2 жыл бұрын
2 hours would have been must be a tick tocker
@kabobawsome 2 жыл бұрын
​@@willstikken5619 "STOP ENJOYING THINGS!"
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
@@kabobawsome You're welcome to wipe the drool off your chin and enjoy whatever you like...
@smstnitc 2 жыл бұрын
Strange New Worlds is the best Trek in a long time. I loved this season as a whole; this was a great finale to the first season; and I look forward to the next season.
@purpleskiesforever 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope we can get at least 12 episodes next season. 10 just wasn't enough.
@merricat3025 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. I can't stand Discovery and Picard. I loved Next Generation, TOS and Voyager..SNW is a welcome addition
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
SNW is easily the best of new trek but it still fell flat for me more than it succeeded. It has potential, I just hope they figure out how to reach it.
@QuintusAntonious 2 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite things was the Hell on Wheels easter egg in the cold open. When asked if he misses his beard, Pike says, "It felt like it belonged to a different captain of another time." Anison Mount plays Cullen Bohannon in Hell on Wheels, a former Confederate Army Captain, who of course sports a large beard.
@jaredbeever4629 2 жыл бұрын
The engaged couple are standing in opposite positions to 'Balance of Terror', foreshadowing the swapping of who dies and who lives.
@terryhall1010 2 жыл бұрын
That is a great catch right there!!!
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
@@terryhall1010 I think we're just lucky they didn't miss that opportunity to race swap the characters...
@charlie-obrien Жыл бұрын
@@willstikken5619 If you look at the TOS wedding scene, there are plenty of representations of people of different races. Roddenberry would do this on purpose with minor characters that filled out a scene.
@CaptainJack2048 2 жыл бұрын
I've been a Star Trek fan since the 1960's when it was first airing; I saw "Balance of Terror" when it first aired (I remember it was around Christmas). After this season, I must say that of all the different series and movies, "Strange New Worlds" is now my favorite. This show is the best combination of characters as I remember them and the characters as I want them to be. Great acting, writing, use of music, everything.
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
I'm curious, which characters in SNW do you believe are as you remember them from TOS?
@CaptainJack2048 2 жыл бұрын
Ethan Peck does a great job of bringing out the nuances of Spock (Leonard Nimoy had some great facial tics and gestures to fill out the monotone of much of his delivery implying interesting undercurrents) while giving us a broader background for his behavior. Celia Rose Gooding's performance is very much how I imagine Uhura would have been as a younger person, informing the thoughtful confidence of Nichelle Nichol's work. It's most easy for me to imagine Babs Olusanmokun's performance merging straight into Booker Bradshaw's as M'Benga.
@catherineperry2344 2 жыл бұрын
I love when they play the music from TOS.
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
@@catherineperry2344 If only they knew how to use it effectively. For me this show is just a series of OH wow! followed by WTF! until they get overwhelmed by the WTF moments.
@AmanCreatesArt 2 жыл бұрын
You KNOW I sat down and re-watched "Balance of Terror" yesterday before watching this episode! 😍 And it (thankfully) increased my enjoyment of the SNW finale! So many shots recreated perfectly, the lighting, lines/scenes from the original. Stray observations: -They recreated the scene revealing the Romulans' appearance right down to Spock's eyebrow raise perfectly, with a slight update to explain better how/why we're seeing the Romulan bridge. - The wedding! Though this time it was "Martine" that died at the end. - The off-screen Scottish engineer! Ortegas taking the role of Stiles. - Wish they'd referred to the Romulan sub-commander, Decius, by name since he's clearly the same character as the original. Missed the presence of the Romulan centurion, but it made sense as he was unnecessary with sub-commander Decius having a bigger role on the Bird of Prey. - Eye-lighting still works! - The only thing I wasn't prepared for was getting Maroon-ed. And I wish I wasn't distracted by the shiny sleeves as much as I was! 😅 - The Praetor is mentioned a LOT in "Balance of Terror." So it would be interesting to watch it with the idea in mind now that the Romulan armada is actually right there on the other side of the Neutral Zone and basically didn't attack because Kirk's actions prevented the Bird of Prey from returning to them. - I would again re-watch both this and "Balance of Terror" back-to-back, which is saying a lot for SNW!
@GoGreen1977 2 жыл бұрын
I want to laugh when someone suggests viewing "Balance of Terror." I'm of the age that I watched its first airing of the episode in 1966 and have viewed it countless times since then. I could repeat the entire script from memory, at this point. But then, my love for and familiarity with TOS makes me so aware of the break with TOS canon in such things as the relationship between Spock and T'Pring in SNW. That bothers me to the extent that I fast forward through many of their scenes. They were NOT a romantic couple, and Uhura and Chapel had NO idea T'Pring existed.
@Heymrk 2 жыл бұрын
I normally watch the new episodes before my mom does. While she loves Trek and has since the 1960s, she doesn't have an encyclopedic knowledge of it like I do. I always tell her which classic episodes she needs to watch before new episodes just to help with context. This week, after SNW was over, she called me and thanked me for getting her to rewatch Balance of Terror before this. It's been maybe 30 years since she last watched it.
@angelaraber 2 жыл бұрын
@@Heymrk I wish I had watched it but I didn't know SNW was going to be about that. I haven't seen Balance of Terror in ages so I plan to watch them both back to back.
@drstevej2527 2 жыл бұрын
@ProuvaireJean 2 жыл бұрын
I had no idea what this episode was going to be about, but when I realised what they were doing - with Pike jumping into the wedding and then the mention of Outpost 4 when he got to the bridge - I actually paused the episode, re-watched "Balance of Terror", and then finished watching "A Quality of Mercy". It made the viewing experience so much cooler seeing what exactly they kept the same and what changed; in part because BoT is possibly my favourite TOS episode. While I did have a few quibbles here and there (eg the Romulan commander lacked Mark Lenard's melancholy gravitas, and the cliffhanger felt like bit of a repeat of the season finale of Lower Decks), overall "A Quality of Mercy" might be the first truly great Star Trek episode of the Kurtzman era. I'd need to rewatch it a few times to see how it holds up, but right now I think it stands among the very very best of Trek.
@crunchydango 2 жыл бұрын
My god, this was a PHENOMENAL episode! My addition to Cetatian Observations is the seemingly apparent callback to TNG All Good Things where Picard suddenly finds himself in another time and place with the crew standing before him waiting for a speech that he is stumbling through. Rather fitting that such a parallel is in the final episode of this season and the final episode of TNG.
@ltdowney 2 жыл бұрын
Surprised there's no mention of the almost-throwaway line that there's no peace with the Romulans in any timeline if Spock doesn't survive. Someone else said here in the comments that there's three timelines in the episode, and I suppose there are three directly, but there's a fourth by reference. Spock sets in motion peace with the Romulans through the events of Unification, and everything that follows in the 24th century. 🙂 Oh, also, the Romulan commander mentions that he's old enough to remember a time of peace, implying he's 100+ years old, so Romulan/Vulcan lifespan.
@joec1576 2 жыл бұрын
YES, YES, YES!! This show is awesome. All the actors have their Legacy characters down perfectly. It's surreal how the shadow of Jeffrey Hunter is seen in Anson Mount's portrayal of Pike. Also, the contrasting differences between the more seasoned, careful Captain, and the young, brash James Kirk. One of the last scenes between Pike and Spock, "You mean a great deal to me Spock." "And you as well to me, Captain." This had me in tears knowing that in a few years Spock would risk EVERYTHING to get his former Captain to Talos IV, so he could have some quality of life. Star Trek truly Lives.....
@taramichelle2972 2 жыл бұрын
I was hoping it be a perfect up score, it was an outstanding episode. I’ve said it many times this series has been just the best series of Trek since DS9, Anson Mount and the whole of the cast have been pure magic. My only gripe is it was too short, 10 episodes is not enough of the awesome show. Thanks for the Ups and Downs for this show Seán and Kris. Loved every episode of it.
@grahamvaneck8906 2 жыл бұрын
Deep Space 9 was always my favorite and and I was willing to die on that hill up until Strange New Worlds came along and turned my world upside down.
@taramichelle2972 2 жыл бұрын
@@grahamvaneck8906 Strange New Worlds was the show I needed. I enjoy Picard and Discovery and I love Lower Decks. SNW however blew me away with its humor, action and stories. The cast are spectacular and for me it all just works as a show. The episodic nature is something I throughly enjoy. It’s been a superb first season, it just hits all the right notes. All I dream about now is wanting more. I loved Trek from age 8 and now 15 years later I’m an absolute Trek nerd. This series even drew my Mom in as a fan that’s how amazing it is. It has such appeal to people with a cast that absolutely work perfectly together. The Enterprise is absolutely gorgeous as well marries the classic TOS look with a modern update. I’m rambling but I am so blessed to be a Trekkie right now. Having found a community via Trek Culture as well I’m in Trek heaven.
@hisokamorow1816 2 жыл бұрын
It’s the general trend of tv now of shorter but higher-budget episodes. I prefer it as there was never a season of trek that had as such high quality as this.
@taramichelle2972 2 жыл бұрын
@@hisokamorow1816 That is a really good point 👍I would rather 10 episodes of Strange New Worlds at this season’s quality than 20 of mediocre episodes.
@alefunzouzzle4049 2 жыл бұрын
@apple_jar 2 жыл бұрын
Epic conclusion to a superb series. Especially love how it explains Spock's actions and all he did to save Pike
@ImranChaudhry 2 жыл бұрын
At the wedding that Captain Pike is conducting, he says "Since the days of the first wooden sailing ships..." - this is the same words used by Captain Picard conducting O'Brian and Keiko wedding in TNG "Data's Day" - it's one of my favourite episodes so I know the dialogue :)
@Martiangrl86 2 жыл бұрын
It was also used by Kirk presiding over the same wedding in BOT. My guess is that it is a standard opening for ship captains presiding over vows. Either that or Picard was such a Kirk fanboy that he stole his wedding speech from him
@GoGreen1977 2 жыл бұрын
@@Martiangrl86 Thank you for pointing out that it was Kirk who first used that opening to the wedding ceremony. It's obvious to me, a TOS fan girl since 1966, that so many commenters on SNW episodes have little or no knowledge about TOS. Or certainly don't seem to care about it.
@user-xu4ow3bu6f 2 жыл бұрын
Yes and throughout the episode we see some of the exact same dialogue from balance of Terror. Especially one that one Outpost is being bombed and the fellow is just about to be obliterated and he's talking about what's happening. Kind of courses word-for-word from balance of Terror because it is word-for-word the exact same history that Pike is now in this alternate timeline experiencing. Just brilliant
@williampilling2168 2 жыл бұрын
The lines said by Picard in TNG were an intentional nod to the lines said by Kirk in Balance of Terror.
@simoneanne01 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to give an 🔼 to Uhura saying "Captain, the Romulans are calling." I laughed so hard! I loved the humor in this series. I love how the crew and captain were so easy with each other on the bridge. I wish my work environments had been so comfortable.
@JROD082384 2 жыл бұрын
You DO understand how the first name familiarity of the officers with Captain Pike with the exception of Spock and Una is wholly inappropriate and unprofessional, and breaks down established canon and normal decorum.
@drogusmaxwell6640 2 жыл бұрын
I spent the entire episode thinking to myself, "Ferrick is going to have a lot to say about this".
@TokoGT 2 жыл бұрын
The classic TOS pad on Pike's desk was a great easter egg, as well as the updated uniforms with gold rank bars instead of matching the uniform colors. And I think for a split second when Kirk scolded Pike for hesitating firing for a second, he scrunched up like he was reminded he got command of the Farragut because he hesitated firing before and the captain was killed by the cloud creature. Absolutely fantastic season ending to an absolutely smash hit series. SNW might replace TNG as my second favorite Trek series behind TOS at this rate. What an amazing time for Trek fans. A new Star Trek every week for MONTHS. Now to wait patiently for Lower Decks S3 to arrive!
@lerts22 2 жыл бұрын
With Strange New Worlds you have a story teller back at the helm for the first time in a long time when it comes to Star Trek. They got back to telling good stories with great flare and artistry and sensitivity about what makes a good tale and it is GREAT!
@Francois424 2 жыл бұрын
They had BALLZ OF STEEL tackling "Balance of Terror", which depending what kind of trekkie you are, is arguably the best episode of the entire ToS timeline. It was awesome. VERY glad to see someone at Paramount did their homework, and did them VERY well. I hope the series continues in this direction.
@planesportraitaviationmedi6873 2 жыл бұрын
I love some scenes where they close up on the actors, and used a similar lighting effect where they have a beam of light illuminating the eyes and brows of the actors only. A very similar effect was used in Balance of Terror. Beautiful work!
@user-zh4vo1kw1z 2 жыл бұрын
I know that lighting only as "Kirk eyes"
@xandersnyder7214 2 жыл бұрын
YES! I came here to mention that, I noticed it and felt it was an amazing stylistic choice to add in!
@spacetimegeek 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that was great reference to the TOS lighting up the eye area.
@jimseibyl5140 2 жыл бұрын
Now they just need to use green and red lighting on them :)
@digicinematic 2 жыл бұрын
I came here to mention the eyes-focused lighting, too.
@jbuford04 2 жыл бұрын
I was so onboard with the Retcon the chair, this episode, and Pike's performance really sold me on not doing it...I'm so depressed at that, but excited for the eventual heroic tragedy that I hope we get to see on screen. I was also hoping for "Sarek" to also be Romulan commander just for that little nod. This season was 10 for 10 wins in my opinion, great season
@illyth63 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that there wasn't any mention of how this episode reflects back on "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach" -- here, Pike is himself put in the position of sacrificing a child for the good of his whole society.
@tulinfirenze1990 2 жыл бұрын
Wow - good call!
@seanwilliams4087 2 жыл бұрын
Although the child will be a young adult when he dies, and any suffering will be *much* shorter.
@spoke2639 2 жыл бұрын
Except, in the episode The Menagerie, it is stated that Pike was the only one injured in the accident, which means that he had to still sacrifice himself, but he figured out a way to save the 2 cadets.
@seanwilliams4087 2 жыл бұрын
@@spoke2639 The quote is: "He went in, bringing out all those kids that were still alive.", implying some of those "kids" were not "still alive".
@KentuckyKaiju 2 жыл бұрын
@@seanwilliams4087 It also gives enough wiggle room to allow that Pike didn’t just stand there and let those who died walk into their fate even if he doesn’t just start giving out spoilers to the cadets like his original intention. He probably just goes in even more determined to save every last person in the moment itself (and may even succeed since we know the timeline can be averted; butterflies be damned). He may not succeed ultimately, but still… We just know that Pike has accepted his own personal destiny as a necessary sacrifice for the betterment of everyone. Coming to peace with knowing his future is a difficult thing, sure. But to me, the hardest part of something like that by far would be the emotional weight of *knowing* there are innocent lives that will die (and knowing their names) and having years to sit on that, ultimately to have to just… let them walk into their doom despite no information being given that those cadets being saved has a major effect on history (which I imagine would have been shared by Future Pike as part of his Doctor Strange-esque deep dive into alternate timelines to help ease his past conscience). That would just be ghoulish and soul-destroying. It’s one thing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, but it’s hard to abstract letting others die with a ‘needs of the many’ argument without a damn good justification.
@danielweisman496 2 жыл бұрын
Sean, I know you have limited time for Easter Egg discussions, so I'll do some here: Rod Serling was all over this episode! The episode title, "A Quality of Mercy" was the title of a third season "Twilight Zone" episode from Dec. 1961. It was written by Rod Serling, based on an idea by a Sam Rolfe. The story, set during World War 2, has to do with seeing conflict from both sides and how futile war is--a theme Rod Serling explored in several scripts for the show--having served in the war. Leonard Nimoy was in this "Twilight Zone" episode. Captain Batel is the captain of the U.S.S. Cayuga. Cayuga Productions was Rod Serling's production company name. There was a TOS episode, "Errand of Mercy", this episode changed the Federation/Klingon relationship.
@brandonsmith-qo7nf 2 жыл бұрын
This episode really explains why Spock took enterprise later on to help piike. Also you see Kirk question pile at the end for being diplomatic which you then see Kirk surrender when the Klingon chancellor was killed in order to avoid a war in discovery country. I felt this episode was the best one so far. The actors in strange new worlds continue to do amazing work.
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
No, it really doesnt...
@EmperorSteele 2 жыл бұрын
This episode is the "No Way Home" of the Star Trek universe. Because it takes what we've seen before, and re-contextualizes it. On it's own, it's good... but if you've seen ToS and TNG and the JJ Films, it becomes sublime when you're able to see all the connective tissue.
@superpaperdude 2 жыл бұрын
one cet obs you of my favorite Uhura wearing the Nichelle Nichols Uhura's big green ear hoops. really great connection to the original there.
@roberthill7051 2 жыл бұрын
I caught that, too!
@joermnyc 2 жыл бұрын
I think the line by Admiral Pike, “In every timeline he dies” about Spock is a bit of an Easter egg to Wrath of Khan, since Spock does die, but he gets better, though he isn’t the same for a while too. (Also having the Captain meet a future Admiral version of themselves: Voyager finale.)
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
They yadda yadda past how he knows that in every timeline he dies...but thats about what you expect now a days.
@brefasdra 2 жыл бұрын
@@willstikken5619 I assumed the monks on borath / time crystals informed him. Maybe he viewed 14,000,605 timelines and didn't win any.
@rhark25 Жыл бұрын
He gets better...I see what you did there 😂
@wimpymcsteel4458 Жыл бұрын
Two things that are in danger of being over used - Time Travel - which seems as common as skipping out to the pub for a pint - and the Mind Meld. Come on writers - you can find some other way to get the same result - please !
@katrineroberts4084 2 ай бұрын
The KAHHHN Easter egg is fine.
@DragoonMS 2 жыл бұрын
Season Finale Wins. Flawless Victory. Didn't see that coming...a perfect run of ups with no downs?? Impressive...most impressive.
@grandmasmagic3858 2 жыл бұрын
it was the same for the first ep, so we've come full circle...
@Ramsiusthx 2 жыл бұрын
I was assuming 3 latinum ups.
@Cdr2002 2 жыл бұрын
Good MK reference
@dakker5292 2 жыл бұрын
The first and last episode with no downs.... they are also the two episodes that Captain Batel was in... I wonder if they have anything to do with each other?
@Cdr2002 2 жыл бұрын
@@dakker5292 we need more of this queen confirmed?
@LordBloodraven 2 жыл бұрын
For me, the twist/cliffhanger ending where Una is taken into custody gives validity to the risks in the series. We've know any of the characters who aren't part of the original series could die off. We've known Pike has to wind up in the chair. However, seeing his close friend being taken into custody reminds us that Pike still has fight in him, because he's not in the chair yet.
@tomtommasovaleriano962 2 жыл бұрын
those last few seconds, where Una beams out and Pike's view shifts to the camera. 4th wall breaking? totally gave me some chills
@tharrigan5661 2 жыл бұрын
This was an amazing episode that completes an incredible Season 1. I need to rewatch this season. Loved Anson Mount’s performance this entire season. The entire cast was fantastic.
@georgeandritsakis1482 2 жыл бұрын
Was it just me, or does that Romulan commander remind anyone else of the aliens from Galaxy Quest? 😂 Sean, fantastic analysis, btw. I’ve been seriously impressed with SNW, and this episode made me tear up a little.
@suesutherland3243 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yes!
@y_fam_goeglyd 2 жыл бұрын
That's it! 🤣🤣🤣 Absolutely spot on. I replied to someone who says Simone Biles resembles Nichelle Nichols, and that answered who I had thought Simone reminded me of (when not blown away by her talent of course), so that can be put to bed, so to speak. And during the video I did get one of those flashes of recognition but I just put it down to makeup or something. But yes, it's a Galaxy Quest X Star Trek universe 😂
@kanaric 2 жыл бұрын
Ya, because of that I thought it was Rainn Wilson for a second then I thought it was the actor who played Dr Phloxx.
@barbarapohl887 2 жыл бұрын
You are right! Not just the overall look of him, but that super shiny skin, which kept bothering me through the episode.
@josearganaraz6004 2 жыл бұрын
YES! That was my first reaction! Galaxy Quest!
@jonstone2466 2 жыл бұрын
BIG shout out to Ali Hassan for his role in Star Trek Strange New Worlds. Must have been like living a dream for him.
@Jimorian 2 жыл бұрын
First and last episodes pitched shutouts against the Downs! My main personal reaction to this episode was how the tension just never let up. I think the stakes of "what single decision in this branching tree is going to be the trigger" really drove the narrative strength of this episode.
@TheUluxian 2 жыл бұрын
two syllables... EP- -IC! Loved every bit of it. The alternate timeline version of the wedding between Lt. Tomlinson and Ensign Martine. Ortegas playing the role of Lt. Stiles in questioning Spock's loyalty when they get a look at the Romulans. Scotty's voice coming up through the Jeffries tube. The exact same quote from the Romulan commander to Pike that his alternate counterpart gave to Kirk. "You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend." Fantastic way to end the season, and a nice cliffhanger with Una to kick off Season 2..
@ImranChaudhry 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the dynamic between the two Captains in this episode - Pike more cautious, seeks consensus and Kirk being the hotshot, risk-taker... Starfleet needs both of them out there.
@brentgranger7856 2 жыл бұрын
I saw this episode as similar to TNG’s “Tapestry” where Picard is shown by Q how a near-death experience was a significant event in his life.
@willstikken5619 2 жыл бұрын
Except with more magic Klingon crystals and no explanation of why Pike was actually talking to himself in the past. You just have to take it on faith that he Klingon Guinan knew time was wrong, tracked him down and got him to fondle the big throbbing crystal.
@kev30631 2 жыл бұрын
That's what you get when you place new stuff into a classic character arc. Blame star trek discovery. They created and introduced the time crystal. They created the narrative that pike now knows his own tragic accident. I think him knowing this info changed the future in that moment in star trek discovery. So old pike was from the future that was altered, the moment pike was exposed to the time crystal and saw his accident. The time Klingons catch this and transport future old pike with the mission to right the wrong that (they) created by showing pike his future in the first place Now that pike has accepted his fate it goes back to canon as it should be. Star trek discovery time crystal is what created the dark future. Because if pike didn't have the info he wouldnt have tried to change his accident in the first place.
@williamomalley6060 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting, it felt to me like "Yesterday's Enterprise" but paced strangely, with some super cringe moments (so hammy) which did a disservice to the wonderful SNW cast who were sorely underused in favour of a very flat lot of kirk-worship. There was more depth and real drama in Una's five minutes on screen than in the dull drawn out 'conflict' with the Romulans
@edkwon 2 жыл бұрын
What a fantastic Ep and it once again shows Pike's courage and lack of selfishness to finally accept his horrible fate, knowing how much worse things could be if he tried to cheat his fate. Also we really see the deep roots of Spocks friendship and loyalty to Pike where he is willing to commit treason, betray Kirk and risk his career for Pike in The Menagerie, and it totally makes sense now. Those final scenes between Pike and Spock had me tearing up thinking of their context in TOS.
@cryofpaine 2 жыл бұрын
Every episode should start with an automatic Up for Anson Mount. Also, "Scotty" played by "Matthew Wolf" - does that make him a "wolf in the fold"?
@TheHongKongHermit 2 жыл бұрын
A wolf in ship's clothing
@debra9908 2 жыл бұрын
Good one!! 😆😆
@PrincessToyNerd Жыл бұрын
I see what you did there.
@PlayerOne2013 2 жыл бұрын
They've done it! I wanted the purpose of this show to be to explain why Sisko's medal is named after Christopher Pike, saving cadets would get you one of those medals of valor, it takes a whole other level and a much bigger hero to get the actual medal named after you, and they did it. Pike's going in the chair to save all those people as well as those cadets, and its going to be a conscious choice, it's the man he is to make that sacrifice, its such a good tragic story.
@R.a.f.a.e.l. 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, they nailed it and I was not expecting it. Really good stuff.
@bobcolleton6690 2 жыл бұрын
I always wait for your breakdown of all Star Trek, this is my favorite channel! I’ve been watching Star Trek since I was a kid in the 60’s & I’ve never missed a film or series. Strange New Worlds is the best series in a long time. Sean you are a great host!
@jenniferwilliams9612 2 жыл бұрын
SNW might have had the best first season of any Trek thus far. That was an outstanding season, and this is an amazing show!
@thecaptain6730 2 жыл бұрын
A better first season than any of the spin-offs, but TOS had a near perfect first season which has yet to be bested. 😀
@caracticusthirdaisi2986 2 жыл бұрын
...because we love our episodic Trek! Other Treks have done full-season arcs that SHOULD have been just 4 episodes. Having a season of Discovery with three 4-episode arcs would be AMAZING.
@Keither754 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed 100%. The first season Strange New Worlds was *nearly* perfect in my opinion.
@TheHongKongHermit 2 жыл бұрын
@@thecaptain6730 I wish I could agree. I love everything about TOS: the sets, the costumes, the actors, the characters... I just find it impossible to watch. I've spent the last 20 years watching one episode every 6 months because I just can't get into it. The first season has three "first" episodes, keeps retconning stuff between episodes, and the the first 10 or so are all really creepy with their attitudes towards women. I mostly love the idea of TOS, and the good TOS films we got out of it. I get to love SNW without caveats.
@tomepfi 2 жыл бұрын
Guy I went to highschool with is the officer front and centre when Pike addresses them not knowing they were getting married or not, then again in sickbay. He got some good screen time and face recognition. Congrats to him and a great first season.
@hammerman199374 2 жыл бұрын
24:14 - The mining colony commander's badge isn't just different than those worn by the Enterprise, it is in fact exactly the same as the one worn by the colony commander in "Balance of Terror". Really excellent continuity point there.
@simoneanne01 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing that out. I noticed the difference but I didn't know why.
@rrrosadorr 2 жыл бұрын
Actually Outpost 4 isn't a mining colony it was one of a network of outposts whose job it was to maintain the treaty by monitoring the Neutral Zone for violations and provide the first line of defense against a Romulan invasion. Janus IV, however, was a mining colony.
@HermanVonPetri 2 жыл бұрын
The best first season of a Star Trek show since the original series, in my opinion. It's a shame it was only 10 episodes, but of course that allows them to focus their time and budget on the highest quality which really shows onscreen. The original series had three times as many episodes in its first season, but had to really stretch that budget. Yes, it's a bit of a nostalgia fest, but this was a pleasure to watch - and I'll be re-watching. Star Trek, you've come home again.
@gaiusross2440 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but Uhura had her green ear rings from TOS.
@TheUberTrekkie 2 жыл бұрын
LOL, "Back to you in the studio, Sean". This is my first time here and I LOVE it!
@tmarofvulcan 2 жыл бұрын
It's wonderful to watch a Star Trek show that has genuine love and respect for the source material.
@chetdalski6538 2 жыл бұрын
I am so impressed by the incredibly enjoyable Star Trek Strange New Worlds series as a whole. It has done exactly what it said it would do by being the "old Star Trek" that we loved growing up! Kudos to everyone involved in this series. This last episode for the 1st season was hit so far out of the park, it's now in permanent orbit around the planet. I'm so looking forward to the next season!
@FreakDaMIghet 2 жыл бұрын
I love that this episode gives Balance of Terror more weight. Before, I just thought of the episode as a minor incident. Now, it's almost like the ending of Avengers Endgame. There is only one way in millions of alternate timelines in which the Federation can avoid war with the Romulans, and it all hinges on who is in command of the Enterprise at that moment.
@peterc.810 2 жыл бұрын
This perfect season was just too short!! 10 Fantastic Episodes! and as Always a perfect Presentation as only Sean always does! Thank You Sean!
@Sk8rToon 2 жыл бұрын
My two gripes: - I wanted future Uhura’s hair to better match Nichelle’s Uhura from the TOS episode - I was perfectly content with the Una in jail tease from the alternate flash forward as subtle as it is. Throwing it in at the end felt a tad rushed. Plus, I like her character & don’t want her written out yet!! Tiny thing I liked: Kirk calling for a Tiberius maneuver while fighting the romulan ship.
@Jenn.J 2 жыл бұрын
I am so happy they didn’t straighten Uhura’s hair. The actress fought hard to keep natural hair.
@rubaiyat300 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah they kinda forced out by saying it was seven years ago from Balance of Terror. Means it has to be happening soon for the show. My guess is they change history somehow
@suzygirl1843 2 жыл бұрын
Simone Biles looks a lot like Nichelle Nichols. Throwing that out there if they are still doing Tarantino's movie concept
@Seal0626 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jenn.J sure, but it could have been longer and still moved her closer to the original look.
@y_fam_goeglyd 2 жыл бұрын
@@suzygirl1843 damn! I _knew_ she reminded me of someone! I was always trying to think of sport stars, because, well, Simone Biles! Maybe there's a sporty gene - an aunt or some such relative. Though I never gave it too much thought because watching her always blew me away. That young lady has too much talent for one person lol. But you're right! There is a certain resemblance. It would be fun if they could bring her on board! Edit: it's not the sporty gene, it's the bloody talented one. And the beauty one, of course. Some people get all the luck!
@michaeldobson107 2 жыл бұрын
Anson Mount. Literally the BEST Star Trek Captain EVER. And when Spock says, "You are very important to me..." really sets up the TOS "Pike/Spock" rescue episode. Gives us the color that the TOS episode could not, as to their deep friendship and Spock's loyalty to Pike. Brilliant. Could not have asked for a better episode. And Number One's arrest at then end setting up Season Two? Again, brilliant!
@kev30631 2 жыл бұрын
What you just wrote...... brilliant
@Aussiechic196 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to let you know that in the Balance of terror the commander of the outpost that talks to Kirk is named Hansen. Well in the strange new worlds the outpost 4 commander’s first name is Hansen, Hansen Al Salah. Its in the dialogue when they contact outpost 4. I watch with closed captions, that’s how I noticed.
@jamieroberts4543 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I thought that was so cool.
@joerider3769 2 жыл бұрын
Live, live, LOVED this episode, and I love it when Ups & Downs is posted!
@JacobStJules 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this season's ups and downs. It's been a joy to tune in to see them. Thank you to the writers, editors, and to Sean for presenting. See you all soon.
@jimseibyl5140 2 жыл бұрын
Wow what a finish and such a nod to TOS!!! So well done!!
@zkd5258 2 жыл бұрын
The farragut is basically a TOS era Nebula-class, and this makes me happy
@mertyol 2 жыл бұрын
Which adds up with USS Farragut being a Nebula Class ship that comes to help evacuate the crew of the 1701-D at the end of the Generations movie :D
@DarthVader-1701 2 жыл бұрын
This Farragut looks like a stylized Ptolemy class from the Franz Joseph technical manual.
@joeswanson733 2 жыл бұрын
or a miranda class with no rollbar.
@thedoctor755 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarthVader-1701 Definitely a Ptolemy class sans the cargo container.
@thedoctor755 2 жыл бұрын
We all grew up with the Farragut being a Constitution class ship in side-canon for years... it was even on Franz Joseph's original list of 12 Connies. But, we never saw it on screen, so I guess I'm OK with it not being a Connie after all. Good to see another solid class of ship out there.... after the Peregrine, I was beginning to wonder if there was any variation in design between classes!
@xunit62 2 жыл бұрын
One of TREK’S best ever! 10 thumbs up!🖖🏿
@MichaelPhillipsatGreyOwlStudio 2 жыл бұрын
What I love about the cliffhanger ending is that Pike has settled in his mind the issue of changing his own personal timeline, but in the alternate timeline Una had been imprisoned (presumably) for 7 years. We don't know if that was a matter of the alternate timeline or not. Can that even be changed? It could be that Pike's efforts to save himself and the cadets distracted him from helping her. So, now, he's got someone else to fight for. It's a brilliant move that adds another layer to the show.
@jonstone2466 2 жыл бұрын
The events of The Cage happen later in the timeline. Ins was Number One for that. So only two things possible: Una gets a reprieve and us reinstated or SNW is in a different timeline which is what I expect. Also a quick reference was made to George Kirk serving on the Kelvin, not dying on it.
@farmkid230 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonstone2466 The events of The Cage happened before Pike took command of Discovery
@SNBgames 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, don't know when the next episode of Star Trek is coming out, eh? Time for the retro Ups & Downs!!!
@dwaynejackson3935 2 жыл бұрын
I liked how Pike broke the fourth wall at then end when he looked into the camera after Number 1 was beamed off the ship
@ijmad 2 жыл бұрын
This was one of the best episodes in the history of Star Trek
@Tom_YouTube_stole_my_handle 2 жыл бұрын
Of all of the Trek review channels this one has the highest quality content by far. Well done all.
@davidthomas4489 2 жыл бұрын
A few things. I LOVED some of the dialog and lines from Balance of Terror in this episode!! Especially Spock in the briefing room talking about the Romulans being an offshoot from his heritage, and how he was stared at by Ortegas when they first saw the Romulans. Even some of the music! I agree with Shawn in that having James Frain as the Romulan commander would have been a good character addition. I think Kirk commanding the Farragut for that timeline was appropriate, because he was the phaser station officer on that ship under Capt. Garrovick. So, I see it as an appropriate promotion for him. Nice touch writers. Also, this came to mind, as I was typing. Kirk's personality is slightly different in this episode because he never assumed command of the Enterprise and that his friends McCoy and Spock never served with him. So I think although he was a bit of a hotshot commensurate with his character, the dynamics of the trio he belonged to and the Enterprise would have showed us a different Kirk than this one. When he appears in the next season, he will even be more different. Paul Wesley has his hands full but I am sure he will pull it off!
@adrianokury 2 жыл бұрын
I liked how the creators of this show are fleshing out some parts which integrate so well with other incarnations of ST and bring a depth and dimension that only decades of developing can provide. Of course not all minor details of canon are kept in the process, but in my humble opinion it is well worth it... I don't mind some retcon....
@TacticalOni 2 жыл бұрын
So, a few observations I made: -Even though Kirk next to Pike in this episode made Kirk look a little more juvenile and rakish, I did notice that every time Kirk talked or shared some idea of a plan it's like Pike stopped existing in that space. The synergy between everyone who is *supposed* to be on the Enterprise in the Prime timeline is very clearly there. Maybe Pike caught that too, which helped him make the decision? -I understand why you said the "another reality we could be friends" line didn't quite hit. For me, its a complete difference in how Kirk and Pike handled the situation. Kirk handled the situation like a Romulan might have, therefore the Romulan would see some kinship in Kirk in that way. Pike on the other hand, approached the situation diplomatically, and the Romulan commander, who stated he tires of constant war, saw kinship in Pike in that way. Same line, two completely different meanings. I loved it. -Also, the part where Pike and Kirk sit and talk absolutely sells the fact that Pike is resigned to going in the Chair, but also that he knows full well why Kirk is destined for the captains seat, and Pike has the opportunity to get something he didn't get in the Prime timeline as far as we know. He basically gave Kirk a job interview, and Kirk doing well in that interview likely lends a hand to why he ends up as the captain of Enterprise in TOS.
@trekaddict 2 жыл бұрын
This episode also wonderfully underscores why we need Jim Kirk in that command slot, with all due respect (and it's a lot) to Pike. Way, way, way too many incidents that happened during TOS and the movies were too critical and *would* have gone pear shaped but for James Kirk in command. It's also something to be said for older Pike that he doesn't mention that the "fate of the galaxy" stuff is very much at the side of Kirk and the as yet unseen McCoy. EDIT: Now I cannot help but wonder how Space Seed played out in that timeline. EDIT EDIT: And now I want them to re-do The Cage as the grand finale for SNW.
@filthycasual8187 2 жыл бұрын
@@trekaddict A remake of The Cage would be a great send-off. Could even have Pike's accident happen in an epilogue.
@trekaddict 2 жыл бұрын
@@filthycasual8187 Honestly, I haven't enjoyed a single Star Trek episode as much as the finale of SNW S1 since... hell, since the ENT Mirror episodes. So yeah, after this, I fully believe that the team could come up with a proper take on The Cage.
@brachiator1 2 жыл бұрын
@@trekaddict TOS makes it clear that there have been a slew of great Star Fleet captains, and captains that Kirk learned from and looked up to. The idea that Kirk is the most badass captain ever is nonsense.
@JasonWardUCLA 2 жыл бұрын
@@filthycasual8187 The Cage happened years *before* where SNW takes place in the timeline.
@obsidiansands 2 жыл бұрын
The lighting on the closeups of Future Pike with the TOS movie uniform in some of the scenes somehow made him look a bit like William Shatner - it sent chills down my spine, it was *perfect!* Kudos to whoever updated the TOS Wrath of Khan movie uniform - it was amazeballs! Pike and Kirk have two very different command styles - Pike is almost as much as a diplomat as Picard - maybe to a fault - while the guy playing Kirk showed a bit of that "cowboy" diplomacy when he argued a more pro-active approach to the aggression from the Romulans. This is how you do a GOOD time-travel ep to bridge the gap from pre-TOS to TOS territory. Also, the Easter Egg of Kirk serving as captain of the USS Farragut was another nod to TOS and of Kirk's fictional backstory. TOS Kirk did serve on the USS Farragut - but as a lieutenant, NOT as a captain. Lore has it that Kirk was one of the few survivors of a deadly attack on the USS Farragut that killed most of his crew - including the actual prime timeline USS Farragut's captain, Garrovic. Supposedly, his survival in that instant with probably him being the most senior officer left on hand got them all safely back to the Federation earned him his captaincy of the Enterprise after Pike.
@harleywebe 2 жыл бұрын
There is a TOS episode I believe is called Shore Leave where Kirk fights a classmate named Finnigan. Would love to see them revive that role somehow to find out what the hell was the conflict about.
@jimlee911 2 жыл бұрын
@@harleywebe Finnigan was depicted as a playful bully, while there were references to Kirk in academy days being over-serious--the perfect target for such a character to torment
@randybentley2633 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who knew only TOS growing up the Spock center of attention & the R BOP Commander line moments was perfect for me to be sure.
@arcraventree 2 жыл бұрын
The cinematography was a great call back to TOS too; the having everyone’s eyes lit and everything else in shadow during the serious bits.
@itstoad5779 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the eye-bar lighting throughout the episode. Great throwback.
@GPsarakis 2 жыл бұрын
This episode was great, solid way to end the season. They tied so many plot threads together between SNW and TOS, it's done very very well. God I hope season 2 isn't a long way off.
@NankitaBR 2 жыл бұрын
They already wrapped up filmic for season 2 a short while ago, so we can hope...
@yankeesrule587 2 жыл бұрын
Probably next year
@JaimeWulf 2 жыл бұрын
I truly enjoy watching the videos your page produces! They are informative without being snobbish about things the way many others make theirs... Having said that, take the time to watch "The Ready Room" from now on before writing this... I'm glad you mentioned that because it helps me understand where you might be getting some things wrong... Remember that it is better to be correct slowly than misinformed quickly... And I agree, no thumbs down whatsoever for this episode! As a side note I think ST:SNW's has shown that the rest of the franchises must take a more episodic approach from now on... Because it doesn't keep you from having a long story arc, but it does allow a faster payoff on a weekly basis... Which I didn't even realize I missed that much till now...
@maureentuohy8672 2 жыл бұрын
I was skeptical about 'Strange New Worlds' but...Holy Mike! I find it Brillant! I just can't say enough about how I love this series. I am officially a fan. Episode 10 was marvelous and heartbreaking. It had echos of City on the Edge of Forever. Capt. Pike was Like Edith Keeler, right answer wrong situation. Giving in to bullies is never the right thing to do. PS This Kirk is spot on. I found him a worthy image of Shatner's early portrayal of Kirk in seasons 1and 2. This was the Kirk I love. Also PLEASE bring back Number One!!! She is such an intriguing character that one season isn't enough. 🖖♥
@bartley3742 2 жыл бұрын
I have just loved this show. Certainly the best first season of a Star Trek ever. Will it remain consistently wonderful? Have faith in your Captain!
@norman7566 2 жыл бұрын
There was an audio Easter egg when they mentioned a signal coming from the Bird of Prey when the subordinate officer sent a signal to Romulus. It was subtle but it was the same audio garble in Balance of Terror...
@albertjackson832 2 жыл бұрын
I am going to miss your reviews as much as the show. Thanks for the enjoyable work you put into this channel and the reviews of all the shows!
@monkeymixology3280 2 жыл бұрын
Loving the TOS kirk style lighting on the eyes... Nice Lil touch
@scs-yt 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant episode, best Star Trek I've watched in years. What a beautiful effort by every single person involved. Also, great video. Thank you!
@scs-yt 2 жыл бұрын
BTW I have to point out that I've been watching you guys since the start of the season and I want to thank you for the quality content you create. All ups from me to you Sean and the team.
@rrad8106 2 жыл бұрын
The KIRK LIGHTS!!! You forgot the use of the KIRK LIGHTS over the eyes!!! The only quibble I had with Paul Wesley as Kirk in this episode was... his mannerisms remind me more of Jim Carrey doing James T. Kirk.
@RedComet1701 2 жыл бұрын
The biggest Easter egg is honestly the filming technique of the episode. The focal point on the eyes of the characters, where the eye area was well lit while everything else was darkened, was 100% lifted from that episode.
@cprowell74 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Sean, love what you do. You did miss easter egg for Uhura. Did you notice the green loop earrings she was wearing in the alternate timeline? Definitely a callback to Nichelle Nicholas wearing the bright green earrings in TOS
@seanhill4535 2 жыл бұрын
Also a captain Pike called her Nyota
@kurtoogle4576 2 жыл бұрын
Strange New Worlds has won me over to the point that it is my new favorite Trek. :) Thanks for covering this series so thoroughly!
@williamfarnham5452 2 жыл бұрын
i find it kind of funny bearing in mind the time of ending, the cliff hanger for this is basically the same as lower decks season 2, command officer arrested and escorted off the ship.
@soniafletcher9208 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely howled at the romulans reveal and Spock's raised eye brow 😁🤣 love the homage to TOS
@TheRecoveringCreative 2 жыл бұрын
This episode was so good! I LOVE when the music from the original series plays 😄😄 I’m so pleased with this show 🙌🏾🙌🏾
@t.h.r.1832 2 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see you tackle ups and downs for classic trek episodes when new trek is on hiatus! Not even full seasons, but maybe best of/heavily connected to new trek. Keep up the great work, and thank you for these great videos!
@bluebull399 2 жыл бұрын
That's actually a great idea!
@ZGundam83 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect Score. I was expecting either the reveal of Captain Kirk or Scotty's voice to be the Latinum Up, but beggars can't be choosers. The Monster Maroon was a good choice.
@JohnnyWednesday 2 жыл бұрын
That's because the cringy fan service isn't welcome - little melodies when Kirk appears? yuck. Tell new stories and stop setting up a TOS reboot!
@kalvinravn8431 2 жыл бұрын
Just thinking that Thank You Is In Order Here. Very good analysis Sir of the finale for season one. We could have a beer and I could listen to your dialogue.
@illwind56 2 жыл бұрын
In both Balance of Terror and A Quality of Mercy, the scenes where the Enterprise approaches Outpost 4 are identical, one lift from TOS that people seem to have missed. All in all, almost a perfect episode and I can't wait for season 2!
@psu2dcu 2 жыл бұрын
Straight up this is one of my favorite episode of the ENTIRE Star Trek universe. Absolutely superb. A 10/10. It was so well done I just can't think of anything in the episode that I didn't like, no make that I didn't love. This is the series I am anxiously awaiting a new season. The other series (Discovery and Pikard) are just meh for me.
@midago7332 2 жыл бұрын
Great ups and downs series and a fantastic show, not 100% on this version of Kirk but this show has nailed the true legacy of Star Trek. Bring on season two and hopefully sooner rather than later.
@angelaraber 2 жыл бұрын
He's definitely no Shatner... not even close. He reminds me so much of Jim Carrey... especially when he spoofed Kirk on SNL. And the way he nods his head when he talks.🤦🏼‍♀️ Loved everything else 👍👍👍 but sorry, he's a 👎 for me.
@markevans8206 2 жыл бұрын
@@angelaraber I thought the same but was biting my tongue. I kept seeing Captain Ace Ventura and it was distracting. I don't think it's Paul Wesley's fault and I still loved the episode but I hope there are not a lot of Kirk episodes in the future.
@the_real_littlepinkhousefly 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. Could NOT get Shatner-Kirk vibes at all from this actor. Agree he looked too much like Jim Carrey. I had to not look at him as it took me right out of the story every dang time. Not ragging on Paul Wesley, I just thought they could have done a better job of casting (as they did SUCH a great job with Spock).
@angelaraber 2 жыл бұрын
@@markevans8206 It was extremely distracting which is such a shame. Not so much his acting which was adequate but he just doesn't look the part. I kept seeing Jim Carrey! I'm surprised that no one realized this before giving him the role! Captain Kirk is such an iconic role and this was a big casting mistake IMO.
@thomashill6347 2 жыл бұрын
Good afternoon Sean and THANK YOU ALL that make up TrekCulture FOR THE GREAT CONTENT for Strange New Worlds season one.
@RockneOliver 2 жыл бұрын
SNW has become one of my top 3 favorite series already, next to the original and TNG. This has been consistently good to great for every episode, and this finale was and outstanding ending to season one. I can't wait for season two.
@jacksonhahn2982 2 жыл бұрын
I watched this for the second half hour of my jog thanks for the distraction I love your channel. God bless you all!
@KingfisherTalkingPictures 2 жыл бұрын
At the end when Kirk talks about his dad serving on the kelvin, I could clearly hear Kirk say they settled on Tarsus. Btw, I would have loved a wig on Uhura, matching Nichelle Nichols’ hair.
@luckywallace 2 жыл бұрын
The lack of hair for future-Uhura was the only thing missing from this episode. Oh, and the lack of La'an, more of her is always good.
@barkasz6066 2 жыл бұрын
@@luckywallace Agree about Uhura, but I hope La'an comes back more chill next season. I liked her more when she wasn't angry all the time.
@peterthx 2 жыл бұрын
Uhura - different future, different hair.
@AgentM79 2 жыл бұрын
+1 on Uhura with big hair! The young actress playing her is great!
@astra_official4179 2 жыл бұрын
I would have liked to have seen Chapel in the beehive hairdo, as well.
@semuhphor 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Sean. I try to watch the episodes as quickly as possible so I can settle in and have a few moments with my good friend at TrekCulture! Thanks so much for UPs and DOWNs.
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