Uralic Languages Comparison: Animals

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2 жыл бұрын

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@harczymarczy 7 ай бұрын
"eb" is very formal, "kutya" is colloquial. "ebrendelet" means "regulation/law concerning dog keeping", "ebadó" means "tax paid by dog owners" (e.g. in Austria). "here" does not mean just "testicle", it also means "male bee".
@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 11 ай бұрын
sertés is hungarian word from sörte =bristle, animal who have bristles. Like szarvas is from szarv ( horn) animal who have horn (deer, stag), or farkas (wolf) from farok (tail) the animal who have tail.
@harczymarczy 7 ай бұрын
Hungarian "tehén" is believed to have Indo-Iranian origins, cf. Sanskrit धेनुः (dhenuḥ) "cow".
@peternagy6067 2 жыл бұрын
Great work, thanks a lot
@pauli2951 2 жыл бұрын
Tosi hyvä video!
@harczymarczy 7 ай бұрын
Well, "cica" is used in children's language, "macska" is more formal. "cica" may have originated from the cat call "cicc-cicc-cicc". "kutya", too, may have originated from a dog call.
@nikocat2008 Жыл бұрын
For macska we use cica aswell. We use kutya for dog, not just eb. And tehén the same as marha etc....
@RyanRyzzo Жыл бұрын
in Estonian we have the word "Kuts/Kutsa" for "Doggie". Kutsikas is a puppy.
@nikocat2008 Жыл бұрын
@@RyanRyzzo 👍 I do not know how they made these videos .... We have a lot words from finnugric origin and even the archeogenetical research shows the same. Just because one word is not exactly has the same meeting IT can mean something similar which also show the origin. But I do appreciate that they deal with the topic and spend time to make it.
@nurrnena7798 5 ай бұрын
Also "kiisu" is a cute word of "a cat" in Estonian, similar to Finnish.
@jozsefvadon3086 7 ай бұрын
The common origin of Hungarian and the other Finno-Ugric languages is very old, dating back to the Mesolithic. 12,000 years ago, with the end of the ice ages, the ice boundary stretched further north and east. Some of the Central European hunting tribes remained in place (ancestors of the Hungarians), while others followed the migration of prey animals and moved with them to the north and northeast and populated those areas. Due to the common origin of the language, there are similarities in the basic words, but at the same time, due to the separation that took place 10,000 years ago, there are so few word similarities. Note, which also belongs here: not the IX. "occupiers" arriving in the 19th century brought the language to the Carpathian basin. They were a small, Turkish-speaking, warrior ruling class. They reorganized the territory of the Avar empire. They founded a kingdom. The official language became Latin.
@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 11 ай бұрын
macska is from Hungarian mancska, means small paw. slavic cat is kot ! Like kovács is from kovás (flint man, who have flint ) means smith, slavic smith is kuznets, familar name is Kuznetsov !
@farmervillager8651 Жыл бұрын
3:03 did proto Finnic potentially borrow *kana before Grimm's law, or was it common for Proto Finnic to pronounce Proto Germanic *h as *k?
@elwont 11 ай бұрын
nice catch!
@e1gr3co 2 жыл бұрын
1:22 The direction of the borrowing isn't opposite? Bulgarians have had turkic, hun language. So i think bulgarian "macka" isn't relevant here maybe it is from their turkic layer. Rusins and slovaks are neighbours for hungarians.
@user-kp1gb7cp8g Жыл бұрын
"Mačka" is in every South Slavic language, and it's from Proto-Slavic *mačьka, from *maca (“female cat”). Bulgarian: мацка, Macedonian: мачка, Serbo-Croatian: mȁčka, Slovene: mȃčka and Slovak: mačka.
@GaborSzabo747 Жыл бұрын
As I know the original Hungarian word is 'cica', but now it is used only for 'kitty'. And 'macska' is borrowed from Slav.
@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 11 ай бұрын
csirke and chicken have same origin like house and ház, lace and lánc, red and rőt, kupa and cup.
@kevinszabo6936 Ай бұрын
A csirke és chicken hangutánzó eredetűek, egymástól függetlenül hasonlítanak, a ház levezethető a protouráli „kota”-ból is(mélyhangrendű szó elején a k›h, a máganhangzó közötti t›z, és a tővégi magánhangzó lekopása szabályos változások), a többi tényleg közös eredetű, a rőt a németből, a lánc a szláv „lancuh”-ból, a kupa a latin „cupa”-ból jön.
@kevinszabo6936 Ай бұрын
A csirke és a chicken hangutánzó eredetűek, egymástól függetlenül hasonlítanak. A ház levezethető a protouráli „kota”-ból is(a mélyhangrendű szavak szóeleji k›h, a magánhanzók közötti t›z és a szóvégi magánhangzó lekopása szabályos változások). A rőt német átvétel és rokon a többi germán nyelvi megfelelőjével, a lánc a szláv szláv lancuhból jön, a kupa és a cup egyaránt a latin cupa átvételei.
@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 Ай бұрын
@@kevinszabo6936 a kupa magyar szó. azonos a koponya, koppány szavakkal. mi szkíta népek készítettünk ivócsészét, kupát az ellenség kupájából. az angolba a jász lovasok révén került, a latinba a rómaiak által. kopjafa, der kopf, kupán vág stb.
@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 Ай бұрын
a lábszár csontból pedig sípot készítettünk, ki nem találod melyik ez a csont. az, hogy egy szó megvan más velünk érintkezésben lévő nép nyelvében, nem jelenti autómatikusan, hogy mi vettük át. lásd pata, patkó, zabla egy lovas nép venné át egy lovatlantól? zab, zabál, zabáló (száj), zabálóba tett alkalmatosság (zabla). Ez a helyzet a lánccal is.
@kevinszabo6936 Ай бұрын
@@hungarianhistoryiii.1359 Az, hogy a koponya és a kupa közös eredetű legyen közvetetten az elég valószínű, maga a kupa viszont közvetlenül az egyházi latinból való át(vissza)vételnek tűnik. Meghatározod, hogy kiket tartasz szkíta népnek, mert ez eltérő, a legrégebbi görög forrásikban valószínűleg altalánosságban a sztyeppén és erdős sztyeppén élt lovasnomád népek, függetlenül attól, hogy iráni, finnugor vagy török nyelvet beszéltek, jelenleg (többnyire) egy hajdani iráni nyelvű népet azonosítanak velük(bizonytalan, hogy a nekik tulajdonított nyelvemlékek tényleg tőlük vannak-e, illetve felmerül a több népből álló törzsszövetség lehetősége is). A pata az eredetileg lábfejet jelentő indoeurópai tőből származik(angol foot, indoiráni pat/pata). Az ezer évvel ezelőtti szlávok lovatlannak nevezése kissé erős, attól hogy nem voltak lovasnomádok, már használhatták haszonállatként, hiszen a magyarok érkezése előtti pár száz évben más lovas népek is megvetették itt a lábukat, sőt az avarok valószínűleg elkezdtek nyelvileg asszimilálódni a szlávok közé, bár a Kárpátmedence belső részein is meglévő szláv település nevek (pl. csongrád) az avarok asszimilációja mellett arra is utalhat, hogy egymás mellett éltek, viszont az utóbbi esetben is valószínűtlen, hogy a szomszéd faluban élő lovas nép mellett ők ne vennék át annak tartását.
@thulex 2 жыл бұрын
Horse would been interesting
@GaborSzabo747 Жыл бұрын
Hungarian: ló.
@tovarishcheleonora8542 Жыл бұрын
@@GaborSzabo747 Also "paripa".
@anotherhistoryenthusiast5874 Жыл бұрын
​@@tovarishcheleonora8542 Comes from greek/latin paripos.
@tovarishcheleonora8542 Жыл бұрын
@@anotherhistoryenthusiast5874 That not makes my statement false tho. Because i only said that we use that word too, never said the origin.
@karcsi-sp Жыл бұрын
I feel like the reconstruction of proto-uralic is massively finno-centric, all of the proto-uralic words are always most similar to Finnish, if not almost identical, when Finnish has been subject to just as much evolution, mutation and outside influence as any other European Uralic language. Finnish was massively influenced by Swedish and other north germanic languages like how Estonian was massively influenced by Baltic languages and like how Hungarian was massively influenced by South Slavic and Turkic Languages. So why have we just decided that Finnish is the most faithful to proto-uralic? When if u look at Samoyedic and Ugirc languages, it becomes hard to see how they would become so different yet Finnish would remain so similar to proto-uralic. I'm not sure what proof the proto-uralic reconstruction has to attest to it, but it really seems to me that whoever's responsible for it had a massive preference for Finnish, believing it was the most true to the original Uralic language. To me it makes more sense that proto-uralic, which would've been spoken in Siberia, would sound much more like the Samoyedic and Siberian Ugric languages, which have been subject to much less outside influence and have remained in the origin place of the Uralic people. Instead people have decided that Finnic languages would bare the most similarities to proto-uralic, even tho they have been spoken outside of the Ural region for their entire existence, as the proto-finnic people were the first Uralic peoples to leave Asia and settle in Europe, meaning their languages have had the most time to evolve seperate from their Uralic relatives and have had the most time to be contorted and mutated by indo-european influence. It just doesn't make any sense to me, if someone can provide a reason as to why this is I'd greatly appreciate it.
@RicardoBaptista33 Жыл бұрын
I think the reconstruction for the Proto-Uralic is from the 19th century (like majority), at that time people still had a lot of limitations on the languages, how they worked and even understanding them, capable that the rest of the Uralic languages for the interior of Siberia still was unknown at that time. Also, it was in the 19th century that the most bizarre linguistic theories existed, such as the linguistic groups that created, or even tried to recreate a common past of languages. But, I don't have an answer for you either, because there is very little information about it, when it appeared, who did it etc.
@simoteus6535 Жыл бұрын
Well finnish tends to use more unborrowed words and tends to make new words of the already existing words. Also finnish's spoken language is much more like estonian because the written language was made in the 1600 and it hasnt changed much since. However the other languages had their written language only in the 1900 like estonian. But also why hungary isnt like proto uralic at all is because it is i think the most uralic language that has been influenced because it only has like 10%, that is proto uralic origin. And also finnish has tried to make it that at least the written language doesnt change that much.😜😘😘💅
@simoteus6535 Жыл бұрын
And i also think hungary became written before finnish but thats unrelated🙄🙄😻💅
@tovarishcheleonora8542 Жыл бұрын
@@simoteus6535 For the writing, a very old Hungarian text is the most oldest known written document in an uralic language. And for the "finnish didn't change" part: How do you know? What if they actually changed a lot?
@Tingletonttu 10 ай бұрын
@@tovarishcheleonora8542 Finnish is considered a more conservative language than Estonian. While it has evolved for sure there's preference to come up with original Finnish words rather than simply adopting loanwords from other languages.
@mysteriousDSF 10 ай бұрын
Kissa sounds like kiscica
@eliasnjetski1146 Жыл бұрын
We do not real uae or say "Hane" for cock. "Hane" is a male animal.
@rozsdasusz Жыл бұрын
The most used form in Hungarian for dog is „kutya” , not „eb”. Noone use eb nowdays.
@GaborSzabo747 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but 'kutya' is borrowed word. The original Hungarian word is 'eb', so the video is right.
@nikocat2008 Жыл бұрын
Officially we use eb aswell..... Eb rendelet for example..... Never kutya rendelet..... Remember vowel harmony ....
@istvannemeth1026 Жыл бұрын
@@GaborSzabo747 No, "kutya" is imitative word as "cica" (kitten) or "csibe" (chicken).
@anotherhistoryenthusiast5874 Жыл бұрын
I use eb 'couse it's cuter.
@rapermini3467 8 ай бұрын
In Udmurt language there dog is "puny" but puppy is "kuchapi" ( pi = boy , son ) . I have no idea where word "kucha" is borrowed from but definitely it means dog
@mysteriousDSF 10 ай бұрын
Eläin = élőlény.
@user-ke2np7sh5x 6 ай бұрын
Ez az egész csak azt bizonyítja, hogy nem csak genetikailag, hanem nyelvészetileg sincs semmi közünk a finnekhez. Még csak nem is hasonlít egy szavuk sem a magyarra. Még az angolban is több hasonlóságot lehetne kimutatni. Egyébként a szabályos hangalakváltozás törvénye ( Grimm ) csak a magyarra vonatkozik ? Mert ezek az uráli nyelvek eléggé hasonlónak látszanak. Pedig ők is elváltak egymástól. Nem szabadna ennyire egyformának lenniük.
@kevinszabo6936 Ай бұрын
Semmit nem bizonyít néhány szó összehasínlítása a több ezerből, magyar nyelven belüli nyelvjárások szavait is össze lehetne rani ilyen kis számban úgy, hogy alig legyenek hasonlóságok. A finnben legalább kétszáz hasonló szó van, valamint a személyragok és a képzők jelentős része is közös eredetűek. A Grimm-szabály kimondottan a protogermánban végbement hangváltozásokat jelenti, de az uráli nyelveknek is meg vannak a maga hangváltozásai, de az egymástól elkülönült nyelvekben nem ugyanazok a változások mennek végbe(pl.: a depalatáció csak a finnségi nyelvekben, a p›f csak a magyarben, de vannak egymástól függetlenül végbement azonos változások is, pl. a proto urál [ð] a permi és az uɡor nyelvekben is [l]-lé vált, k›h változás mélymagángzó előtt szó elején a magyartól függetlenül a manysi és hanti egyes nyelvjárásaiban és a szamojéd nyelvekben is végbement). Az egymástól távolabbi rokonságban álló nyelvek, például a finn, az udmurt, és a mari körülbelül annyira hasonlítanak egymásra mint a lett, a hindi és a görög az indoeurópai nyelvcsaládon belül, elképzelni nem tudom, mi olyan egyforma rajtuk.
@florinalfonse4163 2 жыл бұрын
The Mongolian language must to be included in the group!
@tommeiner9983 Жыл бұрын
It's not even Uralic lmao
@tovarishcheleonora8542 Жыл бұрын
Mongolian have it's own family called "mongolic". X'D
@elwont 11 ай бұрын
no. it has not. the uralo-altaic theory was withdrawn decades ago
@tovarishcheleonora8542 11 ай бұрын
@@elwont Just because at least half of the linguists wasn't believe it. Which is not a too professional way to falsify a theory.
@elwont 11 ай бұрын
@@tovarishcheleonora8542 Are you aware of any proto-uralic cognates whose phonetical sound shift laws match with corresponding reconstructed roots in altaic ??
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