Valve's Deadlock: Dead on Arrival?

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9 күн бұрын

Deadlock is a game that's been leaked and talked about for quite some time now but there's been an apparent lack of resounding answers to people's questions.
How does the game play? look? feel?
Is it fun? enjoyable? action-packed?
Is it for Shooter Fans or MOBA fans?
And the answer to all those questions is "No."
I obviously played the game coming more from the Hero Shooter side of it but I have actually played several MOBA's before, primarily the big 3 being LoL, Dota 2 and Smite. I may not have thousands of hours in that genre of game like I do with Shooters, but I feel confident that I've played enough of it to understand why does games are appealing to people. I've also talked to several people who enjoy Dota 2 and League and none of them have responded positively to this game.
If you have further questions about the game itself, I'll try to represent a somewhat non-biased view of the game as a whole and answer your question on how it currently is.
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@TheJukebox. 7 күн бұрын
I'm surprised there's a lot of people trying to defend this game in the comments, just waving the points made in the video away with "oh it's in alpha" while the points brought up were more about the base concept of the game and the execution instead of diving into the nitty gritty on why FartyMcShitston has the worst ability that only does X or Y damage and whatnot, and telling people to be a bit cautious because Valve has a history of abandoning issues with their games such as CS2 which was released like a year ago but the developers already seem like they left en masse to work on Deadlock instead, leaving them with a few developers like some other Valve game with 2 in it's title. Even if you think that TF2 is a dead oldie game that people should stop playing and caring about, CS2 is not that, it's a brand new game Valve made that is getting a similar treatment to TF2, like how newly added content is community made, while having it's own different issues, such as the game launching with SEVERAL features missing that have STILL not been added back but were in the games predecessor (which got completely replaced by CS2), cheaters still being as rampant as ever, with the anti-cheat guys working way too slow to combat cheaters (probably because they are understaffed), now I'm not saying this will happen to Deadlock as well, and I hope it doesn't, I think the game looks promising and I would like to try it for myself, even if for a little bit, but with the track record of Valve practically abandoning every game that isn't DOTA 2, I'm not really sure this game will see extended support, I hope they prove me wrong, though. All in all, I hope Valve actually works on this game even a little bit post launch, or that it at least has that Valve charm and polish by the time it's released, because Valve knows how to make a good game, but they don't seem like they want to. Oh and Alyx was a great game I don't know what the point was with calling it a tech demo, other than that good video, I enjoyed it.
@d0ct0rz3d4 7 күн бұрын
Holy shit, I'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed there being a lot of people who are defending this game as well. For a game that's only in alpha like they say, it sure has a lot of people defending it for some reason. No one even asked for it.
@CoqueiroLendario 7 күн бұрын
Half life Alyx is a great technological marvel... but as a proper game, it is extremely short. To the point that the game seems to have been made second, and the technology for it first... so, tech demo.
@IAmSpecialCreature 7 күн бұрын
Yap yappington (agreed)
@luizfma3244 7 күн бұрын
@@CoqueiroLendario half life 2 playtime is 13 hours, alyx's is 12. Stop lying out of your ass lmao, just cause the game is short doesn't mean it's a tech demo, if that were true than every single player game valve ever made would be one.
@CoqueiroLendario 7 күн бұрын
@@luizfma3244 For the price tag asked for alyx... yeah it is too short. Thats the main difference.
@tombraiserzombie2581 7 күн бұрын
People who remember Day of Defeat be like
@shinyrayquaza9 7 күн бұрын
Day of defeat is fun
@Tabby3456 7 күн бұрын
Damn, i wish we got a Day of Defeat 2 that got as much attention as CS:2
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Bro day of defeat is fun
@somerandomkid9976 7 күн бұрын
​@@Tabby3456 So practically no attention?
@Kacper42PL 7 күн бұрын
Alien Swarm
@Maranara 7 күн бұрын
Spending 1/4th of your video reading the Wikipedia page for Valve Corporation is peak KZbin video essay rot
@skyeunknown8076 5 күн бұрын
Noticed that too Creativity is dead
@khanzy. 4 күн бұрын
@d0ct0rz3d4 4 күн бұрын
@@skyeunknown8076 which is why valve is producing more esports bullshit.
@kennymcormic5663 2 күн бұрын
This entire video is just "waa" "I dont like deadlock :(" Theres also so much out dated info, especially regarding the bot problem in TF2. any TF2 player knows that (suddenly) valve has been MASS banning cheaters. "Left 4 dead is being left 4 dead due to how insecure their servers are" This shows this man doesnt understand anything. "I dont know anything about dota but im going to assume its not in a good spot" Dota 2 is literally steams 2nd highest played game just under CS2. Half-Life alyx is BEYOND being a tech demo for valve... The game feels more like paladins than dota. This entire video goes to show that the uploader A: Never actually played the game. B: never played paladins ever C : Every played DOTA D : have any idea what theyre talking about talking about. OR E, all the above. This man does not understand what moba's function the way they do
@d0ct0rz3d4 2 күн бұрын
@@kennymcormic5663 not everyone plays mobas, ever think of that?
@novostranger 7 күн бұрын
Insane how Valve could technically just make TF2 Source 2 using CS2 as a base but they decided to make a game that isn't needed on the current gaming landscape. I dont know why is Valve so obsessed with mobas
@flamingscar5263 7 күн бұрын
reminder that Valve is not 1 company, while they are legally, devs are given free roam to make whatever they want, and deadlock is being lead by the same person, Icefrog, who made Dota, that should explain a lot, with Valve its best to imagine them as a bunch of indie teams with infinite money Edit: to add to what I am saying, Valve did not choose to make Deadlock, Icefrog chose to make Deadlock, Valve as a company makes 0 decisions, its ENTIRELY the devs at Valve that make the decisions, no managers, no executives (other than Gaben), only devs
@novostranger 7 күн бұрын
​​@@flamingscar5263 it's no longer like that, valve themselves said it in the hla book.
@flamingscar5263 7 күн бұрын
@@novostranger they said that for Half life Alyx SPECIFICALLY they changed the way they make games, the company culture did not change at all, but the way they make games changed SPECIFICALLY for Half Life Alyx, Valve didn't say anything about changing how the company as a whole works, just that for Half Life Alyx they changed things up, but not that it was a permanent change, after Half Life Alyx, things went back to normal, at least normal in Valve terms
@Goat_Girl_Gwen 7 күн бұрын
Except that CS2 messed up so badly I wouldn’t even want Valve to do that to TF2
@novostranger 7 күн бұрын
@@Goat_Girl_Gwen You're comparing release CS2 to today's CS2. CS2 now has perfected Source movement
@atb4255 7 күн бұрын
As right as you are about Valve Half Life Alyx is absolutely not just a tech demo and is one of the best games they’ve ever made and the best VR game at that
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
I agree, Ill admitt I undersell it. But you look at how technically impressive Alyx was and then look at CS2 or this, not as remarkable I find.
@kornflakes8983 7 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline Have u even played the game?
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
@@kornflakes8983 I haven't played Alyx because I don't think it's fair or smart to buy a 300 dollar VR headset on the low end and then a 80 dollar game and only use it for that purpose. But with the knowledge that I haven't played the game, are you going to argue that I shouldn't sing it's praise? Even though I've admitted I under sold it?
@TheMikirog 7 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline The issue I feel is talking about games and having opinions about them without playing them. But that seems to be the standard on social media these days.
@stormer7502 7 күн бұрын
lmao yeah that was the most lazy ass opinion. as expected he hasnt played it.
@LordRemiem 7 күн бұрын
As a diehard Final Fantasy XIV player with a good 1300 hours in Warframe, it's the first thing I noticed: the camera in Deadlock is so SUFFOCATING. It's so up close to your character that it takes half of your screen, and you can barely see what happens around you. It feels like playing with TF2's default 75 degrees fov
@hevnet 7 күн бұрын
As a random KZbin user, I will take your comment as Gospel simply due to the fact that you listed 4 different games.
@bounceycake1 7 күн бұрын
Hope you're enjoying Dawntrail, fellow Eorzian ;)
@LordRemiem 7 күн бұрын
@@bounceycake1 I am, fellow eorzean ❤ you too
@falco5148 7 күн бұрын
​@@hevnetquit yapping. the game should give us the option to change FOV if valve is still good at making games
@Teal_ST 7 күн бұрын
​​@@LordRemiem Random question What is your main job, and what race do you play in FFXIV?
@fabienalla_ 5 күн бұрын
> Tell about shooting far without fog of war > Doesnt tell about damage fall > 10:43 9 shots, 4 of them is headshots, total damage : 24. Genius
@redpanda4102 4 күн бұрын
also there is fog of war, just only at key doors and locations between lanes, because having mobs style fog of war would be super jaring in a shooter
@Markm8 7 күн бұрын
I just wish they made more single player games like hl or portal (new ips are perferd) then they also dont need to keep up with them as well. Portal is still fine after all these years
@tunnelrunner8253 7 күн бұрын
I would prefer new IP's too but I also want them to finish stories that they start first and foremost.
@PhoenixFox5577 7 күн бұрын
@@tunnelrunner8253All they really need to do is finish Half-Life with a Half-Life 3 and then make the Team Fortress 2 Comic Finale and then they can make all the new IPs they want. Portal’s story is already done and so is Left 4 Dead’s!
@tunnelrunner8253 7 күн бұрын
@@PhoenixFox5577 Yeah, this is what I'm thinking perfectly. I don't need TF3 or HL4 or whatever. Valve just needs to do a Max Payne 3-esque sequel for HL3 and Comic 7 to put a bow on the TF story. L4D though I think could use a more concrete answer for the fate of the L4D2 survivors, something like a Sacrifice campaign for them would be great too. TBH though I could take just HL3 and walk away happy.
@Boomrainbownuke9608 7 күн бұрын
@@tunnelrunner8253 none of that is happening. most of the people that are needed for those are no longer working at valve.
@tunnelrunner8253 7 күн бұрын
@@Boomrainbownuke9608 If Alyx can happen, then any of those things I listed can happen. I KNOW the TF comic can happen as the person working on the Deadlock VN is the same person who did the TF comics, IIRC.
@StevenHolub 6 күн бұрын
You mention nothing of the damage fall off at range, which is how they're attempted to negate having no fog of war.
@localidiot450 6 күн бұрын
pretty sure he mentioned something about the bodyshot damage being horrible at range, but still preventing the enemy from being able to regen and headshots being able to do good damage even at range so not exactly?
@fabienalla_ 5 күн бұрын
@@localidiot450 good damage? 10:43 9 shots, 4 of them is headshots, total damage : 24. Did someone even watch the screen?
@localidiot450 4 күн бұрын
@@fabienalla_ to be fair this is a more audio focused video, and i mostly just commented that due to him directly saying something that the original comment said he "mentioned nothing" of
@cataphor 4 күн бұрын
@@localidiot450 no, not "to be fair"; his assertion is a complete lie and the video accompaniment completely contradicts it. bullets cannot and will not do significant damage at that range.
@jandamz1119 4 күн бұрын
@@localidiot450 Then people use cover or movement abilities/tech when falling back or running away. It's no different with top down MOBAs and using a blink, jump, or just moving around a piece of terrain to escape someone's attack. I also haven't seen any abilities that go through walls which in the likes of DOTA and LOL, are pretty common. Rather than relying on just the terrain, abilities, and line of sight blockers, now players also have to rely on their mechanical skill to _not_ get hit much.
@ultrawhitebread 7 күн бұрын
Man hearing about this game really makes me miss Battleborn. It wasnt perfect, but it blended the FPS and MOBA styles pretty well. I loved how unique each character felt, the PvE story was fun, the map designs for PvP were pretty good from what i remember as melee characters weren't completely screwed by egregious sightlines or anything. I hope it can come back one day, but it probably won't.
@markhirsch6301 7 күн бұрын
Never know, an offline mod or even player ran servers might be developed
@drivanradosivic1357 7 күн бұрын
Good news, Battleborn Discord guys made a in progress Reborn Project mod that allows you to play it offline. I missed it so much!
@ohno5507 6 күн бұрын
It really was a wrong place wrong time kind of affair. If it came out today I think it would be a lot more successful.
@d0ct0rz3d4 6 күн бұрын
@@markhirsch6301I highly doubt that will happen with deadlock.
@goldeklee 6 күн бұрын
@@ohno5507 Battleborn had a *bit* more than that, but that definitely was a heavy aspect of its demise. The other problem was that people didn't know what the hell the game was supposed to be. Was it a MOBA? An FPS? An RPGFPS? We got a bunch of different answers from Randy, and the answers kinda changed around here and there before finally being described as, and I shit you not, "FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!" Needless to say, it's hard to want to buy a game that seems to be to be trying so hard to be everything, but gets coy when you want specifics. The game was good, but holy shit was the marketing mismanaged to hell and back. Which makes me wonder where Deadlock is going to stand on this weird Shooter MOBA space.
@2eviljake 7 күн бұрын
actual video starts at 5:30
@Raiman099 7 күн бұрын
thanks, im adding a sponsor block segment
@Maranara 7 күн бұрын
@@Raiman099 Sponsor block my goat...
@trevororchard3152 7 күн бұрын
​@@Raiman099 what?
@taureon_ 7 күн бұрын
​@@Raiman099 why?
@lordghastly9537 7 күн бұрын
this comment makes no sense
@shallowgod5539 4 күн бұрын
“You’ll have dealt a good chunk of their health from complete safety” *does twenty-four(24) damage*
@Yee-Haw_Bird 7 күн бұрын
Remember BattleBorn? Valve does apparently.
@drivanradosivic1357 7 күн бұрын
I remember, plus if you have it on Steam, madlads made a mod that allows you to play it. Battleborn had Story mode, PVE, vs bots and PVP, if it was offline capable and server hosting and LAN hosting capable, people would make community servers.
@ProxyDoug 7 күн бұрын
Or Super Monday Night Combat
@drivanradosivic1357 7 күн бұрын
Super Monday Night Combat is also good. Battleborn and SMNC need a relaunch with offline capability and server hosting.
@bhaalgorn 5 күн бұрын
Deadlock is awesome, and many people who are getting invited to test it are saying its got huge potential. These videos are going to age very poorly.
@johncruelty1 5 күн бұрын
@@bhaalgorn its shit
@BoshMind 5 күн бұрын
I think for me the most shocking thing about the Deadlock footage is how I literally can't keep up with it. Maybe it's just my adhd brain. But the combination of the constant flashing colors, immense amount of ui elements, constant camera movement trying to keep up with the player model, all the health bars, character portraits, dozens of icons that mean God knows what... There's so much visual stuff happening all at once in this game play that I don't think I could play it even if I wanted to. This looks legitimately stressful to play.
@brigeter 5 күн бұрын
This is what everyone says about every MOBA until they actually play it
@d0ct0rz3d4 5 күн бұрын
@@brigeter mobas are shit.
@brigeter 5 күн бұрын
@@d0ct0rz3d4 Almost like people can enjoy different genres of games, amazing!
@d0ct0rz3d4 5 күн бұрын
@@brigeter Do you like esports and mtx?
@nicoleuswhite2192 4 күн бұрын
Mobas are stressful by nature that's why people get riled up
@ZombieFobby 7 күн бұрын
Man calls Alyx a $900 tech demo made to push the Index, casually ignores that it natively supports multiple VR headsets of competing brands and is the only VR game I've played to date that I'd actually call a game and not a tech demo or "experience" Seriously , if you connect your existing gaming PC to it via USB, Alyx can be played on an Oculus Quest 1, 2 or 3 all which run $300 or less. Not saying you're trying to mislead people or anything, just that some of the facts are missing.
@americanschoolsystem 7 күн бұрын
it wasnt an integral part to what he was talking about
@2pizza847 7 күн бұрын
still for very rich people, so yeah, a tech demo for a toy that only 1 in 10 000 can have
@gowanlore2434 7 күн бұрын
>It's a tech demo because I'm poor.
@godmer1020 7 күн бұрын
@@2pizza847 they are really not, you can look into pico 4 headsets or quest 2, they are priced like a ps4 and do their job well
@RedHeavy- 7 күн бұрын
@@2pizza847a quest 2 is not that expensive though 200$ new and like 140$ used. (You don’t need a high storage if you’re gonna play pcvr.)
@VideVert 7 күн бұрын
As someone with over 100 hours, I enjoy the game immensely. The sliding and air dashing being changed together makes encounters very fun, and melee allows even supports to get significant DPS in. It's a MOBA with most of the fat trimmed, and most of the art assets are going to be replaced. We're seeing a game in very early development, a large amount of the cast is getting wholesale entirely new designs, and I think it's a bit too early to judge this. Clearly so, as they haven't announced this project in a public way. A lot of characters are still using portraits and models from Neon Prime, animations aren't finished, etc. but I find it to be a blast to play when you're playing with friends who are also locked in.
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
I do genuinely enjoy the artstyle, 1920's Occultism is unique, new and fresh and Seven is by far the highlight of that design principle. That being said though, the gameplay needs to go into the oven longer.
@TrafficPartyHatTest 7 күн бұрын
Pardon me, but, I don't really see much of an art style that's really different from Overwatch. I mean, I can kind of see it whenever it's calmer in footage (which is rare).
@1e0isfdkorblpg 7 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline idk gameplay feels good. Much better than anything remotely similar to the game.
@2pizza847 7 күн бұрын
You could've used less words to say that you are a shit eater. Ig you are dine with ai generated characters and tons of cancer mechanics
@2pizza847 7 күн бұрын
​@@SpaceGuyOnlineshitlock has no style lol. It looks generic and gives off riot games vibe for some reason. Even valorant at least has a bit of personality, unlike this hot garbage
@helohel5915 7 күн бұрын
HDR lighting didn't come to HL2 until the episodes. That's what lost coast was for - to show off the new HDR tech that source engine had
@thesensur6214 6 күн бұрын
@@helohel5915 Reading through the comments I'm realising that entire opening portion is filled with so many lies lmao
@pinkddpat 7 күн бұрын
Correction: 1.6 is way, WAY faster than cs. Not slower. Faster. Numerous amounts of people that migrated from 1.6 pointed out that csgo felt slower and clunkier, BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE CSGO NECESSARILY WORSE. It's just that their movement and gunplay are very different. There are hundreds of things cs improved on but movement (ESPECIALLY movement) is not one of them.
@Pinkooru 7 күн бұрын
The vibe of playing 1.6 and getting instantly domed by some guy bhopping with a deagle was completely lost on CS:GO and CS2 The whimsy got sucked outta it, 1.6 is the best one.
@pinkddpat 7 күн бұрын
@@Pinkooru Preferences and biases are not valid in determining which is "best", only valid in determining which YOU like the best. i like csgo the best for many reasons. you like cs 1.6 the best for many reasons. i like 1.6's movement a bit more than csgo's movement, but many other things that are present in csgo that arent in 1.6 make the experience better for me (such as matchmaking, its a goldmine of hilarity) If you want to have the discussion of "WHICH IS THE BEST ONE????" then do it without your bias, cuz csgo IS objectively better as a competitive fps for MANY MANY MANY reasons that i am too lazy to type in
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
the creator of this video is talking out of his ass. He wasnt around when all of these "groundbreaking" games were released, he doesnt actually understand their significance, he's just regurgitates someone else's opinions
@queuedjar4578 3 күн бұрын
@@AmelpsXett I actually caught onto that when he started talking about Half-Life 2, though I might have a bias since I think in many ways Half-Life 2 is a step down from Half-Life 1 in its core gameplay aspects and beyond Valve circle jerking the havok physics and facial animation in the Source Engine. This guy said Half-Life 2 had no scripted sequences and proceeded to show a bunch of scripted sequences in the game lmao.
@scottieb6442 3 күн бұрын
@@Pinkooruwe lost that uniqueness on source with the orange box update and never got it back
@fathermahler1078 7 күн бұрын
I feel that describing half life alyx as a tech demo is a bit underselling it. Its arguably the best vr game on the market.
@Lenn869 7 күн бұрын
doesnt mean much
@jackattack347 6 күн бұрын
@@Lenn869 right
@ChesterManfred 6 күн бұрын
Source 2 with VR support gives people endless opportunities, what the first one did, 2 can probably do it better, as long as you have a pretty penny
@queuedjar4578 3 күн бұрын
It's one of the best entry level VR experiences for sure. Though quite a few other VR games outdo Half-Life Alyx in many ways. Into The Radius and Boneworks for example were games that Valve took inspiration from when designing some mechanics for Half-Life Alyx including the gravity glove item pick up mechanic. Those are basically the next step up if you're new to VR and wanted something beyond what HL:A had to offer in terms of VR FPS. Then there's genres outside of that like rhythm games (beat saber), vr hack and slash (blade and sorcery), action adventure (Skyrim VR especially modded).
@tenyearsinthejoint1 3 күн бұрын
​@@Lenn869 I can tell that you never played it
@tf2crusader1914 7 күн бұрын
Y'all remember Ricochet? Me and the boys love Ricochet. Also, recently I just watched a video about Rainbow Six Siege. The guy in it said that Ubisoft was nerfing guns to make utility more appealing, because early on in the game's life cycle people relied on utility, but then they got better and started running and gunning, and Ubisoft wanted to make people use utlity again. I can very easily see something like this happening, where mechanical skill far out paces the MOBA elements, so either the game's gameplay is balanced to put a stop or it just turns into over complicated Overwatch. It's almost like First Person Shooter game's shooter elements will usually steal the light, and people should stop making non-fps genre games in a first person perspective with guns and being surprised when the first person shooter elements take over. People with either have to work around that, work through that, let their projects suffer, or revise their direction.
@aoooso6000 7 күн бұрын
its like, wooh that a big shocker we designed a game around shooting and shooting and not being shot became the best strategy. why would you make a shooter if thats not something you want to happen
@ChesterManfred 6 күн бұрын
I fairly prefer rocket/sticky jumping over tapping a single key to perform a big jump
@gergom.8310 6 күн бұрын
Ricochet ❤
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
lmao how dense can you be? "and people should stop making non-fps genre games in a first person perspective" Because why? Why limit creativity like that? Have you ever played Siege btw? Have you ever actually tried understanding that game, or are you under the belief that all fps games are meant to be played with head turned off?
@aoooso6000 5 күн бұрын
@@AmelpsXett he is not saying we shouldn't make none fps games, he is saying if your making a fps game dont be surprised wen the shooting in first person shooter is the most important mechanic.
@morallyconflictedtortoise6494 7 күн бұрын
For the record Dota 2 is extremely active with constant balance and content patches, much like how TF2 used to be in the day
@PurpleJak3 7 күн бұрын
@kiwicrusader1001 7 күн бұрын
gigantic did not succeed at anything. Theres a reason the game has 60 players
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Okay now then why would deadlock succeed then if the genre is a failure?
@Morgan_grail 6 күн бұрын
Making a paid moba is the absolute stupidest idea I have ever seen
@freestyler7117 4 күн бұрын
@@greenoftreeblackofblue6625deadlock will succeed because it’s a game being developed alongside with a community.
@jandamz1119 4 күн бұрын
It's 1st release did fairly well but the devs couldn't keep up as the only avenue of revenue they had was a founders pack people can opt to buy. Studio outright having devs laid off after a month and was at threat of being shut down. It's 2nd release was paid when people originally thought it was going to be free. Other MOBAs are free, so why pay for this.
@myntypaws 7 күн бұрын
Poor artifact wasn't even mentioned. And fair to be honest I barely remember that game.
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Another possibility they shut that game down it's possible they shut this game down too.
@ChesterManfred 6 күн бұрын
​@@greenoftreeblackofblue6625I really want a Heavy Update, gladly
@notthesharpesttool555 5 күн бұрын
it was tho @ 4:40 but fuck that game, waste of time and resources
@ParallaxSound315 7 күн бұрын
8:35 Smite is a 3rd person MoBA instead of top-down and it's done it fine. I don't think that's necessarily a negative point against Deadlock, because the people who love Smite, cite the camera and aiming as being major reasons why they prefer it over something like LoL or DotA
@taibro3868 6 күн бұрын
smite is slightly top down decently zoomed out, so you have complete vision that follows your natural eye field
@ParallaxSound315 6 күн бұрын
@@taibro3868 it's not top down at all. You control where you aim and the camera follows that. The zoom is also up to personal preference. You can zoom in and out, which would probably be an issue if Deadlock doesn't have that feature
@terminl1327 5 күн бұрын
@@ParallaxSound315 Given how early on we are I absolutely think we will either see an adjustment to FOV and/or a variable setting for it in the future
@jiaan100 5 күн бұрын
​@@ParallaxSound315deadlock has up and down aiming, smite doesn't (if I remember correctly from 10 years ago)
@ParallaxSound315 5 күн бұрын
@@jiaan100 it doesn't have up and down aiming, but you can move the camera up and down
@xtsxbobt.s.h.a681 7 күн бұрын
Holy fuck, that Ui....
@joltganda 7 күн бұрын
I think it could be a lot worse. All the super important info is big and in your face (maybe too big) and the info you don’t immediately need to know is small and out of the way. But like. Please god make the top part smaller.
@d00gz_ 7 күн бұрын
I thought the same. League has a lot of info onscreen, but it does a really good job of condensing it into small easily readable chunks that keep the screen largely open. It’s pretty much all divided into two main pieces on the bottom middle and bottom right corner, plus the tab button showing you a larger view. Deadlock looks like it’s trying to give every hud element its own spot on the screen and it’s visually claustrophobic.
@kuricodes_ 7 күн бұрын
tfw the closed alpha of a game has issues that need to be ironed out 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
​@@joltgandahe literally points out how being stunned is on the far left if your screen.
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
​@@joltgandahe literally points out how being stunned is on the far left if your screen.
@xXYannuschXx 5 күн бұрын
"Half Life Alyx is largely held back by being a VR exclusive title, with a 900 dollar buy in to play" 1. How is the game "held back" by being VR? Its a VR game, it was meant to be VR from the very beginning. It wouldnt be Half Life Alyx if it wasnt VR. 2. I dont know who started that idiotic myth that you NEED an Index to play the game, but the reality is it supports every single HMD on the market. You could have gotten a WMR at launch for around 200$, or right now a Quest 2 for 300$. 3. "Tech demo" also applies to HL1 and HL2 by that logic, because those games were showcases for Valves GoldSRC and Source 1 engine at the time.
@RadioactiveBowl 2 күн бұрын
It's being "held back" by the fact that a lot of people won't get to experience it because they can't afford the $300+ for a headset plus the game. It's a steep price for what might be a single game if you have no interest in other VR titles.
@lada-uw3fg 5 күн бұрын
Since you decided to leave your match IDs in the video I downloaded and spectated some of your games, safe to say it makes sense why you don't understand any of the mechanics of the game.
@YouYubeEnjoyerNum1 5 күн бұрын
elaborate pls? This comment is useless if you're being so vague. What did he do wrong
@SpaceGuyOnline 5 күн бұрын
@@YouYubeEnjoyerNum1 He's probably going to criticize the fact I haven't spent 100 hours mastering a single character and as a result play said character poorly or don't buy the meta items for them. MOBA's have a wide cast of characters and currently Deadlock doesn't have the best system in place to check or see what you get or who'll you be fighting. The point of this video itself wasn't also to critque or criticize the nitty gritty details of each character and how they play and are currently balanced.
@whointhewho 5 күн бұрын
Your a G for that ngl
@lada-uw3fg 5 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline No what I would criticize is that you are tunnel-visioned in your lane ignoring the game happening around you (macro) on your mini map until laning phase is over where you then run it down that same lane until you either die or zip back to shop (usually you went back to fountain skipping shops that you used before) and then repeat. You walked over objectives (the urn) while healthy and fed and then let a solo enemy take it for no reason other than walking down an empty lane. You completely ignored every advantage laid around you that that didn't include brute forcing your way down a lane and death matching. You did this several times where they had exposed Tier 3s and Shrines and instead of focusing on them you just completely ignored them, went a different lane and looked for a fight. You think games are 40 minutes long but they are really more like 20-30 you just don't know how to close them out. One of your criticisms about the game is that you get caught easily because the poking and harassment is penalty free because there is no "fog of war" (completely ignoring the immense bullet damage drop off which you literally show later in your video to be causing you to be doing virtually no damage) and that you can't get away in the lanes or the jungle because of this "line of sight" completely ignoring all the different movement mechanics in the game (which I didn't see you do in your replays) like double jump, sliding, jump air dashes as well as all the items that increase stamina (how many dashes and jump dashes you get) and movement speed. You even bought Majestic Leap (item that lets you jump large distances) in one of your games so you obviously know it's not hard to slip away from enemies but I don't know if you ignore this out of bad faith or you simply just don't understand. There is a TON of movement tech in Deadlock so both this coupled with you not even acknowledging the massive bullet damage drop which totally negates your whole "line of sight" argument just reeks of shit. The clip at 10:42 is especially funny where you think you deal a "good chunk of damage" when you did 24 damage to a Wraith that probably didn't even notice you. You also have 7000 souls in this clip at 11 minutes in the game with a single 500 soul HP regen item in your inventory. If you understood how MOBAs work you wouldn't be shooting Wraith across the map dealing no damage you would be buying as frequently as possible to hit power spikes and overpower your enemy. This is how every MOBA works. You do this several times in the 2 replays I watched, it felt like you kept losing track of it and buying items was an afterthought. Also for all your complaints about stuns, slows and debuffs you really didn't get that badly CC'd and if you were annoyed you could've easily mitigated it if you ever bought any debuff reducing/shield/active items or payed attention to any of the visual indicators that appear when you are about to be stunned. I don't care if you have a bad build because you are new but don't criticize the game because you don't understand it. MOBAs do have a wide cast of characters but this game is in alpha and there are only 19 heroes (168 in LoL and 124 in Dota 2) and they are all relatively straight forward so I don't really see what your point is there. There is no draft system in Deadlock because they are PLAYTESTING and tweaking heroes every week. Valve wants to collect as much data as possible that's why you are thrown in lanes you don't choose beforehand. This is also why you can't just choose your hero and instead choose a "favorite" in a roster of 4. This is clearly apparent to everyone else playing the game so I don't get how it wasn't for you. You don't need to have 100 hours or master a character to understand how an average MOBA game plays out and that you need to farm up, get strong, fight and focus objectives. I don't get why you act like you enjoy MOBAs when are essentially criticizing this game because you don't understand any of the MOBA mechanics in it so you just play it as a third person shooter. If you had any interest in seeing how this game is actually played I would ask you to check out live games on the Watch tab. They're the highest mmr lobbies (at NA peak time) that anyone is open to watch. That is if you still have access to the game which I highly doubt.
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
@@YouYubeEnjoyerNum1 just how dense you are? He meant that he watched his gameplay in full and reviewed his poor decision making processes
@ChromeOnline 7 күн бұрын
calling Half Life: Alyx a "tech demo" is absurd
@HowyDarko 7 күн бұрын
@dr.digitamil6986 7 күн бұрын
Only a person who never played HLA could say something like that
@stormer7502 7 күн бұрын
and thats how you instantly know everything which will come out of his mouth regarding this game will be nonsense
@2pizza847 7 күн бұрын
@@dr.digitamil6986 you mean, 99% of gamers who can't affort a 1000$+ vr set just to play a 100$ tech demo?
@godmer1020 7 күн бұрын
@@2pizza847 vr in to that expensive these days, and alyx is as much of a tech demo as hl2, it's incredible that valve have done so much with this game
@H0ney166 7 күн бұрын
One minor correction - game is not in a beta state, its in a closed alpha state. You know, the whole "Don't share information about the game" state
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
The entire game has already been datamined and leaked in addition to there being a cheating problem. This is the 3rd iteration of the game thats its gone through and there's already plans to create cosmetics and have a shop for what's currently present. I think it's fair to say it's nearing finalization.
@H0ney166 7 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline I mean, you're making an assumption here that the current state is close to the final form. Either way, my main point was that its in the alpha state - this video should have been an elaborate message to the devs, who you're playtasting the game for, not a public video that violates the guidelines.
@Goat_Girl_Gwen 7 күн бұрын
@@H0ney166 people have posted and talked about deadlock so much, I don’t think valve cares.
@jessicamartin2113 7 күн бұрын
@@H0ney166 "waa waa don't give your honest opinion of a billion dollar corporation on their crappy moba hero shooter, that will hurt their feelings" is basically what your saying. stop trying to cover for these anti consumer video game corporations, they are getting the exact reaction they deserve.
@Uomelette 7 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline the game is nowhere near finalization, i like your vids but talking as a game dev and level designer you have no idea what you're talking about here, the animations and assets are barebones presentable, there's tons of assets that are missing and there's new content added every week or so, balance shifts around like no tomorrow, the "iterations" were STYLE /world iterations, similar to what portal 1 went through in its super early dev phase, the game was trying to find its identity bc its a still unborn baby far from birth, now with a settled style actual further development can happen. Calling a closed alpha that isnt even officially announced in any way shape or form "dead" is crazy. This isnt CS2 being fully out and playable lacking content, this is like judging half life 2 based on the mapleaks from 2003. I dont know how the final result will be and how it'll fare in a very overmatured hero shooter market but I think people should actually wait for the game to release before giving it any sort of review. Just some thoughts.
@buffy5664 7 күн бұрын
seeing gameplay of this for the first time; it looks something that came out a few years ago and already had its servers shut down
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Like Zombie fortnite.
@me67galaxylife 7 күн бұрын
chinese game
@Acidicheartburn 7 күн бұрын
I couldn't put my finger on the vibe I was getting until now. You nailed it.
@realrx001 7 күн бұрын
@@me67galaxylife These "Chinese" or "Overwatch" looking games are a perfect reflection of the studios we have developing these games. Siphoned of all passion, creativity, and love for their projects, just effin lazy. NOBODY is creating new IP's that are actually disruptive to the industry anymore, nobody wants to raise the bar at all or take a single risk. Inbred corporate hellscape.
@me67galaxylife 7 күн бұрын
@@realrx001 yes, and it's especially weird coming from valve after half life : alyx
@slimecat1197 7 күн бұрын
If I may, I'd like to provide some constructive criticism: 1. A lot of the first part of the video was unnecessary, it can be assumed that most people watching this video know who Valve are and the legacy they had on gaming. Plenty of people are well aware Valve revolutionized gaming, it's praises are sung regularly. 2. Calling Half-Life Alyx a "glorified tech demo" is quite a stretch, it is very much a complete game in most people's eyes. 3. It was barely acknowledged that DeadLock is still in its alpha stage, and this review kind of treats the game as a final product. It's not entirely fair to say the game definitively sucks when it's far away from its full potential. 4. The balance discussion could be a little biased since you clearly love TF2 and have very little experience with MOBA games. Especially since it sounds like you have very few hours in the game. As for positives, your editing is fantastic, and you have a very nice narration voice. Keep up the good work.
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
I disagree with 1. Building and showing Valve's impact in the gaming sphere to what they've been doing now was needed, could argue it was too long but it's needed. 2. Yeah I under sell Alyx hard here, tech demo isn't the correct word I should have used. Still think there's validity in criticizing their most impressive game from a narrative and tech standpoint to VR however 3. The problem with this is that ignores the actual core problems I've have with the game in its current state. If I wanted to complain about how poorly balanced Paradox was or how the current art assets look bad, then it would be a valid criticism. Problem is I complain about the core gameplay features, things that can't be easily changed without changing everything else in the game. Where the camera is placed, how much information is shown to you and the visual acuity of fights. There's no true talk of balance in thid video, at most there's that 15 second clip where I question the games balance but understand it's not in a final state and is subject to change. 4. I obviously have more experience and time in the shooter category than the MOBA, and my channel be dedicated to TF2 doesn't help with that visual bias. However, I've actually played a great deal of MOBA's before. Not to the same extent as shooters but enough to where I can confidentially understand and know the fundamental ins and outs of the genre, what works and what doesn't. The true irony is that if I had more hours in the MOBA genre than the Shooter one and said the same complaints, I'd still be told I have a bias because I've played MOBA's more than Shooters. People are looking too deep at my connection with TF2 to actually see the claims I've laid out. And I lot of them are looking at what's happening to TF2 and just saying I'm coping, ignoring that CS2 faces the same issues but somehow putting complete blind faith into Deadlock that it will be different despite evidence pointing otherwise
@pian-0g445 6 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnlineexcept you never made any criticism points on Alyx as a game? Tech is understandable. For the intended experience, it costs a lot (but you can stop play it with any pc vr, so even a used oculus for £100). Alyx is a full game. In day, it’s basically a main title in the series weirdly. And even if you’ve had enough with the story, there’s lots of mods (cause it’s source 2) that provides many different experiences. Like one where you’re like John Wick going into a night club. Straight up, it is one of the only ‘AAA’ type vr games out there, and has set a very high standard on what should be expected in the future.
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline 1. Cope, you're just parroting what everyone else said just to try and add some credibility to bashing valve 2. just shows how emotionally driven you are. 3. 70% of your deadlock critique is stuff that will change and the rest is stuff that isnt clearly emebellished yet. 4. yeah sure though actually if you had more hours in MOBA i would respect your opinion a bit more, since Deadlock is moba first.
@Lorixo343 4 күн бұрын
Ah yes, starting your response with saying that someone is coping, truly the pinnacle of the stereotypical KZbinr commenter.
@doomkitty7579 4 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@AmelpsXett 1. I disagree + unnecessary insult 2. Ad Hominem, though I do think that section is likely entirely unnecessary 3. Elaborate please, ‘cause I disagree. 4. And what’s YOUR benchmark? Did you even read what he said?
@Bean_guy2 7 күн бұрын
“Amazing drink” MF it’s not ayahuasca its tea with 11 herbs and spices
@toyotatacoma1616 7 күн бұрын
Alyx doesn’t require an index, you can play it on any shitty vr headset.
@queuedjar4578 3 күн бұрын
I played it on my CV1 from 2017 that I've had to fix myself multiple times over the years, still a very good experience
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
@@queuedjar4578 Even with visible borders between the pixels and oculus software trying to starve the CV1 to death so i would buy a newer headset, i still beat the game and kept gravity gloving things in real life for like a week straight. This is how playing Half-Life must have felt back in the day.
@gbuck 7 күн бұрын
Did you say any of these complaints on the feedback forum?
@simboyc100 7 күн бұрын
If they did then how could they take advantage of their Alpha acess to make a bad faith doom and gloom video that'sactually about TF2 being neglected? TFtubers being TFtubers.
@TheOneTheyCallShandy 7 күн бұрын
I doubt it.
@Oxolot1337 6 күн бұрын
No, in the video you can even see him instantly declining a feedback thing that pops up when his match ended.
@whointhewho 5 күн бұрын
​@@Oxolot1337I don't think that's his own footage
@terminl1327 5 күн бұрын
@@whointhewho His name pops up in the killfeed several times.
@SIMIFU 7 күн бұрын
You could go more into the connections of Super Mario 64 and Half-life. Like not only is SM64 Gabe newell's favorite game, it also made him realize that video games are art. That inspiration really helped him with Half-life.
@ChesterManfred 6 күн бұрын
I love the idea of "make games you would play" so much
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
@@ChesterManfred You say this like it is a revelation. It's almost impossible to make a game you wouldn't play. Have you ever tried making something you didnt like?
@kingsolokillasuper1730 7 күн бұрын
Valve gives us stuff we didn’t ask for but the stuff we do ask for is just ignored
@bobertastic6541 7 күн бұрын
What a great company, gives us not the game we asked for, but the game we didn’t need!
@Artician 5 күн бұрын
Pros of private companies: They aren't pressured to make slop by investors Cons: They can still not give a flying f*ck about you
@MsQueenOfDance 7 күн бұрын
At this point, I just don't trust Valve with a competitive multiplayer game. Obviously, TF2 has been left to dust, but between it, CS2, Artifact, and Dota Underlords, why should I trust Valve to keep it running?
@novostranger 7 күн бұрын
The game is gonna be an unreadable sweatfest like overwatch, I don't know why Valve thought it was such a good idea to try to like them
@1mariomaniac 7 күн бұрын
They won't keep it running, it's "treadmill work"
@FabioMafu 7 күн бұрын
Tf2 is 17 years old, still has players... cs2 just got 2 new maps.. dota 2 is still getting updated with new heroes.. wtf are you talking about, sure they left 17 year old tf2, dosnt mean they won't keep shit running.
@Goat_Girl_Gwen 7 күн бұрын
@@FabioMafu wow.. 2 whole community made maps… while many of the original game’s maps aren’t even in the game. Valve did no work in adding those maps to the game, stop acting like they did.
@furious5508 7 күн бұрын
@@Goat_Girl_Gwen It's been leaked multiple times that they are working on reworks for old maps like cobble, train etc, operation, danger zone, comestic stuff. All this movement is seen by the data miners, they don't just casually add new random words into the files. So yes, they are working on CS2, now stop crying.
@kuricodes_ 7 күн бұрын
nah man im in the beta and the game is great, i wont lie i was skeptical from the leaked footage but after i got in its basically the only game i play anymore. its my favorite aspects of mobas and shooter rolled into one and i am up every night on the dot as soon as servers open to play it for hours
@monicavix6036 7 күн бұрын
For your sake I hope Valve doesn't let the game become cheater heaven or abandon it.
@keyboardstalker4784 7 күн бұрын
You’re a sick freak.
@gerekugereku4315 7 күн бұрын
@@monicavix6036 "I hope Valve doesn't [thing Valve did with a bunch of its other titles]" One can be hopeful, but given history, it's not looking good for it
@Something_Disgusting 7 күн бұрын
​@@gerekugereku4315 Valve's woken up for TF2 recently. Maybe we can expect better things in the future.
@medicgaming5204 7 күн бұрын
Well valve just hunted down tf2 cheaters and bot hosters They are aware of it, and im sure they have a plan@gerekugereku4315
@thongus_ 7 күн бұрын
I honestly kind of cant believe deadlock is real. It sounds like a 2007 video that is just making up new games. "The xbox 370 will have this new game, deadlock! Its like tf2 AND dota! How cool is that!"
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
I honestly kind of cant believe half-life is real. it sounds like a 1997 magazine that is just making up new games. "sierra will have this new game, half-life! it's like a movie AND quake! How cool is that!"
@stupidsniper5216 6 күн бұрын
Its a playtest and hes mad about it not having anticheat. nah blud
@Joaquin__ 4 күн бұрын
none of valves games have working anticheats
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
@@Joaquin__ interesting. how many matches of dota or csgo have you played
@Joaquin__ 3 күн бұрын
@@-._Radixerus_.- idk how many exactly? I've played a decent bit of TF2, csgo, and cs2 (never played dota but if it runs on vac there will 100% be cheaters). in each of those games I run into cheaters every other match. In cs2 it's got so bad that I started to see cheaters in casual so I stopped playing.
@wiggytommy8607 7 күн бұрын
Screw this, I’m going back to Ricochet
@MrSHURIKENCHO 5 күн бұрын
The terminology in this video is weird AF... "Deadlock is ADVERTISED as a 6v6 MOBA shooter" - no it isn't. I hasn't even been announced yet, let alone advertised.
@Artician 5 күн бұрын
Gabe Follower and his consequences
@alexrockey3730 7 күн бұрын
Gigantic has some real TF2 vibes to those lower UI icons.
@Greyinkling276 6 күн бұрын
Imagine getting stomped by a coordinating team in a moba and being so mad at your Abrams player for not eating the stuns for you, that you had to make a video essay about how Valve is washed up.
@ZALYVES 5 күн бұрын
Most of the people who whine havent even tried the game lol. This video wont age well.
@jzwizzles8795 7 күн бұрын
Gigantic is such a good game. It has its problems but the main game play is fun and rewarding it makes up for it.
@idekiarchives 6 күн бұрын
Describing HL:A as a tech demo is wildly ignorant lmao
@RainbowsClone 7 күн бұрын
you are kinda forgetting that it's in such an early and closed alpha test state that it hasn't even been officially announced yet so much to the point that they are probably not happy with the footage you are using of it in this video lol
@rusticrexl 7 күн бұрын
Hes talking about the concept of the game itself, its silly and doesnt work well together. No matter how much of tweaking there will be its still a shooter moba
@alexanderraz. 6 күн бұрын
They’re deffo gonna ban him from playing it lol
@Bobobunga 7 күн бұрын
Deadlock feels like a bit of a show of ego on valve's part. "We made the benchmark for class based shooters, and quite literally created the MOBA genre, so we should absolutely be able to pull off doing both at the same time."
@d0ct0rz3d4 5 күн бұрын
@@Bobobunga since the game is pretty much a 3rd person MOBA I'm assuming it's going to be another community infested with esports sweats. I don't play those types of games, but from what I've heard you can't play those games casually.
@apehawk 7 күн бұрын
the game's not even fucking out yet
@ragewireloki6213 7 күн бұрын
I mean he helped to play test it. His video is about how the games very concept cannot work.
@b.w.s3165 7 күн бұрын
"Why are you shitting on my plate?" "How do you know it's shit? It's not even out yet!"
@fakepretender 7 күн бұрын
@@b.w.s3165 goated comment
@ChesterManfred 6 күн бұрын
​@@b.w.s3165That's such a sickeningly violent answer, 10/10 I can't stop laughing
@punkypony5165 5 күн бұрын
@@ChesterManfred Are you new to the internet its an old meme
@MALAZIT 6 күн бұрын
Dota 2 actually feeling itself fine ngl
@hizkylized 7 күн бұрын
I feel like the core concept of the video isn't bad but the reasoning and opinions you have in your video are very misleading. A game is a game and with a new game like DL you will have a learning curve and from the footage you have provided you were definitely not past that learning curve. Note that the video is in an Alpha and even Valve themselves are not even ready to talk about it, so obviously it will have flaws.
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
This footage is largely outdated and obviously yes, the game will have flaws. But it's the magnitude of those flaws that really worry me in regards to the games state. Camera position is a massive one and thats not something that can be easily fixed without rebuilding the game up from the start.
@11093752 6 күн бұрын
​@@SpaceGuyOnline you can't change the camera position without starting the game over? Bro...
@SleepLIVEYT 6 күн бұрын
​@@SpaceGuyOnline camera is such an easy thing to fix lmao
@gaben9224 5 күн бұрын
It would take 5 minutes in Hammer to adjust the camera lmao
@terminl1327 5 күн бұрын
Not even 5 minutes. It would take a console command
@comfydad9167 6 күн бұрын
White man was here How do you know VIDEO ESSAY
@Chris_Husk 7 күн бұрын
man why did you put the hl2 ep2 ending I was about to beat it.
@c-h-a-d 7 күн бұрын
Bro, game is older than most of us here
@1mariomaniac 7 күн бұрын
@@c-h-a-d It's still inconsiderate, especially since the video isn't even about Half-Life.
@argonhammer9352 7 күн бұрын
​@@c-h-a-dI think he was joking
@c-h-a-d 7 күн бұрын
@@1mariomaniac what the sigma
@Exalted888 7 күн бұрын
its 17 years old
@TakingThisWay 7 күн бұрын
>extremely negative deadlock review >look inside >tf2 player
@doomkitty7579 4 күн бұрын
>Mocking KZbin comment >Read it >No actual criticism
@Lorixo343 4 күн бұрын
They barely even mentioned tf2 throughout the entire video. If they wanted, they could’ve easily spent a lot of time comparing deadlock to team fortress two. Stop trying to disregard someone from criticizing a multi-billion dollar corporate just because they’re a tf2 fan.
@Gaspar123123 4 күн бұрын
@@Lorixo343 it's just funny because, similar to what Dota 2 went through, the barely alive TF2 community is dogpiling on it in hopes that Valve will think "they are really hating this new thing, we better start putting some work on TF2", which wont ever happen, game is dead and Valve recently fixed the botting issue so people can stop crying for the next 10 years before they release a new game, which TF2 players will latch on for the first year to hate bandwagon and then give up when it doesnt fail.
@TakingThisWay 4 күн бұрын
@@Lorixo343 the most liked comment under the video is whining that this game is what valve is putting resources into rather than porting tf2 to source 2, get real
@redpanda4102 4 күн бұрын
I also am a TF2 player and have been having a lot of fun with deadlock, it's very moba like but it's actually enjoyable, I think stuns could be toned down or if there was some more items in the shop to reduce stuns like paladins making it so you atleast has some control over their stupidity
@matimaster 5 күн бұрын
Calling Half Life Alyx a "tech demo" is the most L take i've heard thus far, the game is a masterpiece. Deadlock is unannounced, i don't think the game is for everyone, but I've personally find it quite fun. the third person perspective and its down-sides are for everyone, it's not necessary to know everything all at once, audio is important. " you are free to pester and harass enemies from an exceptionally long distance away, with no penalty or risk at all." You do realize this is both ways right ? Damage at a long distance is penalized... Also it's usually not advisable if you want to win in the game to be continuously doing that since early in the game you encouraged to get an upper hand on souls... The issue with jungling is fair, the jungle buffs are NOW part of the game btw, meaning your vid is out of date and more importantly speaks about the fact that the game is in continuous development. Speed of victory or defeat is just a balancing issue... Once again, it's not even announced.
@Kaptain8964 Күн бұрын
Womp womp
@klipsfilmsmelbourne 7 күн бұрын
Valve is medieval Mongolian empire over extended thinning out group of devs only one person working on TF2 which is unfair
@KudoRedfox 7 күн бұрын
And his potted plant on CS2
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
"hm, this video is probably massive cope" starts with cope and very convenient reticence, massive exaggerations and staright up lying cope in the middle with very "generous" conjectures and empty critique ends with cope i wish this bro played csgo on release, might have made a similar video
@SkeletonGuts 4 күн бұрын
Agreed, I also love TF2, but this video is a majority cope, lack of understanding the game, and just entirely not making it past the learning curve, especially if he hasn't played any MOBAs before. You can't just try to play it the same way you play TF2, that will just lead to being frustrated.
@Whatever-yk4kb 2 күн бұрын
This was one of the hardest watches I've ever tried to endure. I have to commend you on making something so innacurate that it hurts. Carry on soldier
@d0ct0rz3d4 Күн бұрын
No one but you guys want this esports, live service bullshit. Don't expect any mods or community servers, only more pay to win esports bullshit.
@d0ct0rz3d4 17 сағат бұрын
Nice hit and run post, bot.
@DarknerSoul 7 күн бұрын
The gameplay in the background is visually exhausting. The sheer amount of effects and constant ability spam is unbearable to look at. Complete sensory overload. Not to mention that absolute cluster cluck of a UI.
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
Most games have this sort of "What exactly is going on" phase but you eventually learn what X and Y does and can actually read a fight. I have nearly 55 hours on deadlock now and I'll often get into a fight and not understand what's on my screen
@novostranger 7 күн бұрын
@@DarknerSoul It's unreadable and it reminds of another unreadable game that is Overwatch, game looks be designed for Fortnite players
@N00btr00per 7 күн бұрын
​@@SpaceGuyOnlinei have 100h in dota and no clue what happens in fights.
@dtm2741 7 күн бұрын
honestly i think you're just being picky, this is better than DoTA at least
@theonebuns 7 күн бұрын
it actually is very easy to get used to.
@jigzo78 7 күн бұрын
Deadlocks fun. shooting isnt its focus. But movement is very enjoyable. Im not sure if the game would be popular because moba gameplay is countrr intuitive to most, but there's plenty in the alpha that greatly enjoy it.
@Greyinkling276 6 күн бұрын
Yeah it's weird though most moba players seem to love it and pick it up but then there's a large number you queue up with who clearly are trying to play it like it's overwatch and they don't get how people aren't just diving constantly, hiding behind a tower, and then seem to steamroll them later.
@jiaan100 5 күн бұрын
Weird to say shooting isnt it's focus when headshots do extra damage and if you miss it does no damage
@Greyinkling276 5 күн бұрын
@@jiaan100 headshots with a punching attack do extra damage. Shooting wasn't the focus of overwatch and they had headshots.
@MetalandMGS 7 күн бұрын
I will talk very generally about the game as to not reveal much since its all still under some form of NDA/bannable offense, but I can only say to wait for the game to come out to try it. The UI needs real work, but the core concept is definitely not much of a hero shooter type game that most people assume it to be, but more akin to an (imo) more fun Smite, with aiming and less emphasis on roles and more on general movement and positioning. It's honestly fun enough to warrant a try whenever it comes out, at least. I just hope they stick the landing, because as it is, it's certainly not ready yet.
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Nothing makes me want to get a game less then comparing it to Smite. That's my personal opinion I don't like smite.
@MetalandMGS 7 күн бұрын
@@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 I mean, fair? If it doesn't sound up your alley, that's fine. but it's the most apt comparison I personally could come up with. I don't think it's 100% like smite, but it's just the fact that Deadlock is 80% a MOBA with 20% hero shooter aspects, like third person and aiming/shooting. Smite comes closest to that. I still say give it a whirl when it comes out, but im not a valve dev or shill, if the game sucks then it just sucks LOL
@lilwintery6434 3 күн бұрын
you got it, people comparing this to overwatch/tf2 are lost
@JeRaX1 3 күн бұрын
I feel like a large portion of the criticism you give to Deadlock is that you feel some way and you generalize it as that other people feel the same way. If you want to share your opinion, keep it as that.
@izeoftheworld9957 2 күн бұрын
is jerax in the playtest?
@chauli6014 7 күн бұрын
Well, i think, i heard that all the leak footage, is from a ALPHA VERSION, of the game, (correct me if i am wrong), further proof of this, is the fact that, Valve has never even made reference to this proyect, which could mean that, they ain't even sure if, they are going finish the game. And this video is also an example, of what game developers fear, when their unfinished proyect(s), get leak, with all the flaws that they themselves are probably aware of, stuff like the fog, not being in there yet, or the maps being so open, are probably due to the fact that, the game, is still, early in development. BUT it is okay to criticize it, that's the purpose of Valve, doing this close beta test's, its for testers, to give their critics of the game, and so improve it. And because of all that i mention before, i would like to point out some minor, and more personal complains, i have with this video, i feel like, it is pretty unprofessional, and inconsiderate, from this person, to show leak footage from the game, through the whole video, also 16:35-16:45, well Valve hasn't even announce the thing, how am i gonna play it?, And then 13:16 well the video certainly feels like that, and looks like that too. I don't want to offend him, i like a lot of his content, but, i just want point out that, if he could figure out, some of this flaws, like the UI being bloated, or the sightlines issue, i think the developers with 10+ years of experience on game development, could also probably figure them out. On a final note, 18:18 probably too soon to say, and i felt like on those 2 last minutes he treated the thing as if it was already out! Something like this also happened with the HL2 leak, people being disappoint already, even tho the game wasn't near finish, and/or, ready to be ship, although a positive thing that came out of that, is that valve got feedback, to improve the game! And then with all that, i will dare to say, that i think this has been so far, the worst video on this channel.
@doctorsam9200 7 күн бұрын
This guy's never getting invited back to playtest Valve games lol
@ranchu9499 7 күн бұрын
Your editing has gotten much better, good work
@kelinoxx3469 6 күн бұрын
Anybody now what soundtrack is playing in 4:14?
@brigeter 5 күн бұрын
This video is going to age very poorly once an open beta is released and people realize how you're just horrible at the game and all of your criticisms are totally made up
@whointhewho 5 күн бұрын
Yea it'll be pretty hilarious
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
the carcass of this video is already rotting. Its like a poorly made house with vertically stacked bricks
@d0ct0rz3d4 4 күн бұрын
@@AmelpsXett the like to dislike ratio proves otherwise
@AmelpsXett 4 күн бұрын
@@d0ct0rz3d4 ah yes, comparing people who mindlessly liked without commenting to actual comments where the video creator got absolutely grilled
@d0ct0rz3d4 4 күн бұрын
@@AmelpsXett He didn't get grilled
@ContinueTheBloodline 4 күн бұрын
This video is wrong on so many levels I'm impressed that you had the balls to upload it.
@sorrydudebros 2 күн бұрын
Such as...
@d0ct0rz3d4 3 сағат бұрын
@@sorrydudebros He won't respond, he's another hit and run poster. Seriously how does deadlock have so many people defending it and where tf are they coming from?
@nikitclaw4770 3 күн бұрын
Well as a player with 50 hours in this game, i have a lot of disagreement in regards to the takes about this game: 1) 7:25 well ok there are means to slow, root, stun people, but so there are means to negate them, such as items or some skills. Happens in Overwatch as well as unpreventable deaths, yet in this game it's somehow an issue. Position matters, that's why it's a... Well that's for later. 2) 8:03 respawn in early game are greatly reduced, and in late game there are a lot of stakes and ofc being dead for a minute will be a stake, otherwise this game will be a meatgrind that lasts for 40-50 mins (about that later) 3) 8:40 Well that's where position kicks in, but there is element that is more used in shooters to identify youself in what danger you are and what you will expect from enemy: sound. Everything is trackable, voiced or sound designed to be very distinguishable to the point of you knowing which hero will walk to you based on sound of their steps alone. You can also hear when enemies farming jungle, and you can sneak to them using crouch or just bash their head in. Sound matters in team fights as well to distinguish key abilities such as death slam of Lash, etc. 4) 10:00 you have large penalty for damage from 25m and more (that's not much), so it's not relevant at all 5) 11:10 that's to prevent farming from afar and in safety. But you just said "if i played better, i won an engagement" well duh. 6) same here with hiding and escaping: you have lots of corridors, movement options and stuff to stall or to increase the chance for escape, such as using slides to lower your hitbox and slide off stairs to gain speed, using zipline, corridors, teleport ffs. 7) 12:20 yes you can. You can at least get creeps off zipline, you can then one shot the wave via weapon or aoe ability (if you farmed well, if not - skill issue like seriously). So is the winning. Yes there isn't much of a comeback mechanic apart from small bonus, but peak offs offer great rewards, especially junglers, who carry the good chunk of uncontested souls. This results in comebacks, but you need a bit of coordination to do that. 8) 12:34 after low level mmr matches only last 20-30 minutes, barely going into 35 minute mark. Simply if you don't know what you are doing, then you will stall out (or you wanna play last match a bit more after servers closed) 9) 13:30 heavy skill issue from enemy team. No retreating, going into buildings, or having means to turn your ult off such as Haze's 1 or knockdown item. Mid to high mmr Seven becomes hit or miss jungler that loses a bit of utility to Infernus for example. 10) 14:55 well UI is not ideal, which can be fixed for example, but i agree with decisions that Valve made: stamina being at ammo count means that you use your stamina alongside reload or having sound indication of heavy damage receive, hp is readable from periferal and makes it easier to feel what your hp currently is, and map is usually not in center or fight if 6v6 goes in. If 6v5 goes in then there's split push/farm shenanigans, which is macro gaming, which is fine. Status effects that are more impactful are usually in the center, where as dots are in far place, which could be placed in a bit more readable place such as above skill icons like dota but it's fine ig, still alpha 11) 15:00 The game is more moba, so having more fov just breaks map design like bridge in middle of a lane. This would be even more bad if deadlock had on top camera. So more simple solution is shoulder swap. Gigantic has.... Heh ... Gigantic passages so your camera doesn't go fromsoftware
@EliTheGleason 6 күн бұрын
Just so you know dota is doing pretty good! Lotta big updates the past year
@user-ql5bp5my9c 7 күн бұрын
From gameplay in the video, you clearly have very little understanding of how the game works in decent lobbies (not like people in those figured the game out either though), its like hearing a guy with 100h in dota complaining about balance, nevermind that the game is in heavy balancing and development, significantly changing weekly. Like, there are plenty of general balancing issues outside of hero skills and numbers, that would be hard to fix, but its none of what you are describing.
@boneyardley 4 күн бұрын
I was waiting eagerly for the nitty-gritty details to explain at length how none of it could be fixed without a complete start-over, as Space claimed. But then the video was over.
@johnnyAFIRE 7 күн бұрын
The game is fun and has a LOT of potential, I just think a lot of hate for the game comes from recency bias regarding TF2. Also from people who have some weird vendetta against MOBAs for some reason
@southernninja7786 7 күн бұрын
*I don't understand why people hate overly sweaty and competitive games, this overly sweaty competitive game is actually good guys*
@frank8273 7 күн бұрын
I think the hate is because they try to release a new live service game when both tf2 and cs2 have been not infested and abandoned so all that potential this game might have is irrelevant if it just gets abandoned and bot infested in a few years like their 2 previous games so why trust Valve that history won't repeat itself
@smolbrendan5978 7 күн бұрын
league of legends has actively made my friends worse to be around when they're playing it
@johnnyAFIRE 7 күн бұрын
@@southernninja7786 I’m sure every player you come across in a multiplayer lobby is sweaty bro. Not every game is sweaty, trust me. You’re just not good at the game and that’s ok, but it’s like people like you seethe when a MOBA is even MENTIONED
@Lys22179 7 күн бұрын
@@johnnyAFIRE Personally, Moba's aren't fun. I like competitive games however I don't like having to depend on teammates.
@yaggerphone5174 6 күн бұрын
Double thumbs down, keep your facts straight
@Prosto-Ban 5 күн бұрын
Haven’t watched the video yet but I’m gonna predict that he will compare the game to tf2 and then talk about valves neglect to games(if I’m right, my boy has the safest opinion ever)
@AJ-vq7im 6 күн бұрын
Calling half life alyx a tech demo is crazy
@dfasdfgdsfdf588 4 күн бұрын
It's strange reading a lot of these comments while me and about 10 friends are having a BLAST in the alpha test every day. Nearly everyone is a former dota or lol player and everyone loves the game. The barrier of entry is lower than dota/lol but the skill ceiling is very high. It's really something unique and I think it has insane potential. It's an Icefrog game. Imagine doubting that.
@shallowgod5539 4 күн бұрын
I’ve never played dota and my main fps was TF2 and I’m having a blast.
@kahn5636 4 күн бұрын
They haven't played it. I did the same exact thing, it looked awful from the few clips and screenshots I saw but when I played it I got hooked and I have 30 hours in it now after getting access around a week or two ago. I don't even play mobas, I have 20 hours in Dota 2. The game will definitely be massive and everyone watching these Valve rage bait videos don't even realize it
@carricksimone5122 2 күн бұрын
When does the video start?
@fiddleriddlediddlediddle 4 күн бұрын
Remember how, during TF2's nine years in development, TF2 was scrapped completely in year 8 and redesigned completely? They should do that again.
@queuedjar4578 3 күн бұрын
Valve has actually scrapped TONS of projects for games over the years, some in near completion. Somehow this one didn't get that same treatment.
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
Hearing about what episode 3 was going to be actually makes me happy they didn't make it. Just like the hl2 beta, it's too melancholic. Half life is about humanity overcoming insurmountable odds, not just... slowly dying sadly
@noyoucantsaythat 4 күн бұрын
They literally overhauled one of the most important objectives in the game five times in just two months. Deadlock is way too early in development for anybody online to be beating the dead game drum.
@vitotorres1743 6 күн бұрын
I think I’ll wait for it to come out first
@awsomebot1 6 күн бұрын
Some notes about things omitted or wrong about the opening (0:00-5:25) -Many of the things mentioned about HL2 were certainly NOT innovated by HL2 even if you present it as such. Bump map texturing? Lmfao come on. You mention HDR which wasn't even added until 2010. -Steam was much more controversial back then. It still has its detractors due to its implications for game preservation -CSGO certainly doesn't change the "slow paced tactics" of CSS/1.6. It's literally the same game in its core, except those who were really into CSS say CSGO feels worse which is the opposite of what you definitively claim. Go figure. -Description of Dota 2 is very generic. You could've mentioned how it's still the most complex MOBA, or how it consistently broke records for esports prizepools, or how it literally invented the Battle Pass. Or you could've just omitted the game like you did at 3:34. -CS2's cheaters and content draught certainly does not compare to TF2. -Dota 2 is in an excellent state but you just assume it's doing bad. It just recently had a huge gameplay update. -Underlords is not inspired by TFT. Both games were developed in tandem and were inspired by the Dota 2 mod Auto Chess. -No you don't need $900 to play Alyx. No it's not a tech demo. You admit you haven't played it in another comment. It's literally THE virtual reality game even years after its release. It's certainly a huge leap in innovation just like old Valve, but that would go against the narrative.
@rrai1999 6 күн бұрын
On your point about implications for 'game preservation', discs experience disc rot after a decade or two and the data is lost and irrecoverable even if stored in ideal conditions. Your digital copy is far more likely to survive your life time.
@lada-uw3fg 6 күн бұрын
he is not responding to this one chief
@awsomebot1 6 күн бұрын
@@rrai1999 It's more complex than that. Namely (i) If you buy digital, your game lasts as long as Steam does. They don't have a definite end-of-life plan. If they go kaput, you might just lose all of your games. And (ii) Old games that only work on older OSes are basically dead on Steam as Steam only supports W10 and above. A lot of these games have steam DRM (which Steam isn't allowed to remove afaik) so you can't just transfer your files to an older PC. So while it's nice for Steam to host a gajillion games on their servers, it's a double edged sword for game preservation.
@notthesharpesttool555 5 күн бұрын
I'd say cs2 and tf2's content drought is comparable, cs2 haven't had a new weapon for the same time (2017-) as tf2, sure cs2 doesn't really need new weapons but would be nice to freshen the experience (I'm no game designer though, first would get the cheaters out of the way, it would be a net positive for everyone). I agree, the video could and should have been better researched (explaining more about dota2 to the ones that doesn't know).
@jiaan100 5 күн бұрын
​@@rrai1999 steam does not actually sell a digital copy of a game the way GOG does. It's a DRM platform.
@jandamz1119 4 күн бұрын
From what I've seen and read: Deadlock is more of a MOBA with shooter elements rather than a Shooter with MOBA elements. Almost everyone's critique of the game, especially from those who apparently haven't played it, is from the basis that it's a Shooter with MOBA elements.
@goodguyphil8625 7 күн бұрын
to everyone saying that the game is dead, doesn’t understand the potential. not saying to be mean, its literally that one joker meme (you wouldn’t get it). you just have to try it and everything will click.
@doomkitty7579 4 күн бұрын
SpaceGuyOnline DID player it. For 50 hours. I’m pretty sure you should be able to learn a UI by then.
@-._Radixerus_.- 3 күн бұрын
@@doomkitty7579 lol saw earlier in the replies here that apparently its evident from spaceguys recorded matches hes a complete buffoon who just doesnt know whats going on in the game. He doesn't actually want to try and enjoy it so he never does
@Feathalise7 6 күн бұрын
seems you are very bothered by stuns but here is my two cents on it: The game at the moment does not allow you to pick heroes like in a moba, so team comps are a bit all over the place, imagine tf2 with random teams and you cant change. Second, you seem a bit bothered by stuns and cc overall, this is something new players in dota 2 constantly complain but eventually learn to deal with, there is a item that pops a huge shield when you get cced in deadlock, there is also damage immunity, and cc immunity for you to deal with. The overwhelming of cc might be due to the first issue, sometimes teams get a LOT of cc, once you get more experience you learn to deal with it and we have a picking phase it will be diferent. I think you are thinking of this game as shooter first and moba second, and its the other way around. This seems like a typical youtube only for shock value and no integrity, doesnt seem very honest.
@SpaceGuyOnline 6 күн бұрын
@@Feathalise7 Some of the stuns and CC are more bearable but let's not pretend that at any point in time they become good or fun to come up against. As for the point of "you're thinking this game as a shooter first and a moba second" I literally say it's 80% a moba and like 20% a shooter and that the heavy moba elements such as shops, microing over a long period of time to impact the macro game and Heavy reliant on stuns are just some of the core concepts of a MOBA that most shooter players will not enjoy at all. I do agree that the randomized teams and inability to choose your lanes (unless your like in discord playing with friends, with random it requires too much comminication) often times leads to stuns and CC showing up more than one would hope or want and I do say word for word in the video that they can always reduce the duration of it with balance patches and time. There's still an immense amount of it in the game however, with nearly every character bar 2 having some sort of stun in their kit, ranging from balanced (Ivy) to unbalanced (7's)
@Feathalise7 6 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline yeah I agree, shooter players will have a hard time adapting but hopefully since their skills translate to a lot more damage they will be able to have fun, and if not its ok too, we dont have to like everything and its fine to criticize but seems the tf2 community is out for blood and makes all criticism seem dishonest or malicious, the game is not dead on arrival come on. I love dota, dota had a 2 year drought with no updates because ice frog was working on this, did anyone throw a tantrum at cs2 that it will fail because valve doesnt update dota2? No. It is what it is, if people are so passionate about tf2 put that into a discord, pool ideas, start a game, update it, sell it, make a true successor that you believe is the way to go. I myself am having a blast with deadlock but im more of a moba person, cant wait for open beta to get more people in
@lada-uw3fg 6 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline the fact you think Seven is OP is enough to completely write off anything you have to say about gameplay and balance
@lada-uw3fg 6 күн бұрын
@@SpaceGuyOnline wait until you find out about buying items that counter stuns!
@SpaceGuyOnline 6 күн бұрын
@@lada-uw3fg I don't think Seven's op. I think Seven is one of the few characters in this game that actually has a solid niche and design aspect going for it, one of my nitpicks about the game is how a lot of characters can sorta be built for whatever which sorta ruins the archetype and readability of what they should be. For example, Giest is a risk v reward character but you can very easily build her to be an extremely effective tank. Seven on the other hand doesn't stray far from his main gimmick of chaining attacks against multiple enemies. My main problems with him though tie back into the visual clutter of the game and camera placement. 7's ult lines and aoe are fairly hard to see in the middle of a team Fight where it's most prominent And 7's stun is only really viewable if you're looking down at your characters feet, meaning in the middle of a fight unless you saw 7 wave his hand around, you don't really know when the stun is going to occur since you'll be busy fighting seven.
@justdakotamusic 6 күн бұрын
Dude I've been watching leaked gameplay from a couple channels on KZbin ... Game looks fun imo. Then again I also shill CS2 and people seem to hate that game for a bunch of reasons.
@awsomebot1 6 күн бұрын
Regardless of your opinions of Deadlock, I can't take this video seriously due to a huge lack of due diligence. A lot of the stuff you say about Valve, good or bad, either omits key info or is just wrong (I posted another comment about this). Alyx being a tech demo, lack of research about Dota 2, implying HL2 innovated things it didn't, etc. Even your Deadlock facts are wrong like 10:26 when you say there's no penalty for harassing people from afar. Except this game has the biggest damage fall-out in any video game and even has items revolving around this mechanic. Surely you would know this if you played the game? Overall this feels like content for the sake of content. Not every opinion you have has to become a video. I'm not even saying I agree or disagree with your analysis of Deadlock, although that certainly has its share of problems. I'm just bothered by how hastily this video was put together.
@awsomebot1 6 күн бұрын
Worse yet, there's absolutely no mention of Monday Night Combat or Smite or any other 3rd person MOBA except Gigantic. Even though the existence of these games go against your notion that MOBA games have to be top-down. These games also have disables/cc which you say doesn't fit a shooter and is basically unfixable now that they're in the game. Again, disables in 3rd person Mobas are dime a dozen. If Valve wants to tone it down they can, it's a beta. Same goes for most of your complaints e.g. in regards to the UI. Just goes to show how much more cooking this video needed.
@lada-uw3fg 6 күн бұрын
yep this is video essay slop at it's finest
@PowerfulSkeleton 7 күн бұрын
Dota's doing pretty good, actually. The last patch was a massive gamechanger that's widely beloved. Seems like that game has its own 'dota team' - but the releases for new stuff, especially new heroes, is VERY slow.
@Finnboy-ml5jv 7 күн бұрын
Yes. When we eat, we eat good. The famines in-between the eating sessions however are excruciatingly lengthy.
@madmaninaboxstudios-xl6zz 7 күн бұрын
@@Finnboy-ml5jv that sound like valve with almost everything they have done since they started back in 1998 tbh
@terminl1327 5 күн бұрын
@@Finnboy-ml5jv Personally I prefer it to how Riot handles things. I am antsy for ringmaster to come out but seeing Riot pump out a new character or rework every couple months all of which are pretty much invariably totally busted doesn't seem preferable to me.
@Finnboy-ml5jv 5 күн бұрын
@@terminl1327 Definitely wasn't arguing here that riot is better at this for sure.
@UgandaMagus 5 күн бұрын
@@terminl1327 Yeah Riot pop a new champion every couple months, but none of them has "personality"
@kinsou3865 7 күн бұрын
this is a flawed opinion
@KyleDavis328 7 күн бұрын
Over the shoulder shooters are always going to have camera issues... just saying.
@neil.m.m 3 күн бұрын
This is way more fun and engaging due to the 3rd person view and mobility compared to traditional MOBAS. It's also more skilled because you actually have to aim on top of a lot of MOBA stuff. Also camera management is more intense and skilled than the very constrained screen scrolling, which does have skill, but is a much more limited camera mechanic and less immersive. My POV is influenced by competitive CS 1.6 experience, original DOTA, Diamond in LoL, multi R1 in WoW arena, and GM in Overwatch.
@xzyvaierragland5893 7 күн бұрын
7:24 Now I'll defennd overwatch when people critizize it for being hard to understand what going on visually. 99% of the time it's just an ult chain and you use more audio clues then visual for those. WTF IS GOING ON HERE. Ok his being stunned, then pulled then healed? 3 guys show up on top for seemingly no fucken reasonan and there are 40 gernades. beams and a think a ice wall or railing. This is a visual mess including all the Ui stuff you have to look at.
@SpaceGuyOnline 7 күн бұрын
In that clip I am technically stunned/trapped for 6 seconds, I get out for I think 2, and then get trapped again for another 9.
@dotrarXD 7 күн бұрын
1. Kelvin (ice guy) uses his ice beam 2. Ivy (player) uses her vine bomb 3. Yamato (samurai) grapples towards Seven 4. Kelvin uses his ice grenade 5. Seven (round head guy) uses his stun on Yamato (the yellow circle) 6. Ivy uses her statue stun on Yamato 7. Kelvin uses his ice dome ult 8. Yamato charges up and uses her ult (her going red) 9. Yamato uses her ranged slash ability 10. Ivy flies away using her ult 11. Ivy gets caught in Dynamo's black hole ult 12. Ivy gets stunned by Wraith's (off screen) ult (purple eye) 13. Ivy survives and dashes away 14. Ivy uses her vine bomb again 15. Kelvin uses his ice path
@Greyinkling276 6 күн бұрын
​@@dotrarXD they should have played pocket. First mistake.
@kornflakes8983 7 күн бұрын
I feel like your coming at this from the wrong angle. The games in a very clear alpha state, >6 months from release most likely. Your whole argument fringes on the idea that things wont be drastically changed to the open beta. You should've phrased this as a feedback video on how they could improve the game rather than just a "this game sucks" mentality. Post it on the forums man instead of just youtube bro.
@JarbonTroy 7 күн бұрын
I agree with most of your criticisms and complaints. But I do feel that there is a reason why it was in an invite-only closed "alpha" (if we can even call it that). Many of the assets and even some heroes (Gray Talon, Bebop, and Yamato) are ripped straight from the game's previous iteration. Ice Frog and Valve clearly are not confident in the state of the game and don't think it's ready for the public. And seeing the reaction from most people, I'm inclined to agree. I've been following the leaks since day 1, and I joined the unofficcial discord when it was created. I can tell you with 100% certainty that Valve didn't expect it to get this crowded. I also agree that this mishmash will only appeal to people who enjoy Overwatch and play some mobas. Everyone else will hate some core aspects of the game. A lot of things can and will change before the game's official announcement, and it may end up feeling completely different than it does now. Let's hope Valve has learned their lesson with cheaters.
@dreamwalking 6 күн бұрын
Damn, this is making me miss _Paragon._ That game never made it out of beta, but it did a fantastic job of blending FPS and MOBA elements. Unfortunately it attracted a large MOBA playerbase, and in response to community feedback over the course of updates it started to drift into being more of a generic MOBA. Realizing this, the devs did a big update, wrangling it back towards the innovative crossover FPS/MOBA roots that made it distinct, which the MOBA fanboys hated. After a bit of strife with the community, they shut down the beta permanently, sold the IP to some company in China, released the assets for free in Unreal, and moved the dev team over to a new project of theirs called _Fortnite: Battle Royale,_ a free-to-play spinoff of another unfinished game they were working on, _Fortnite,_ a co-op PvE base-building game. There was strong speculation that they gave up on Paragon so readily because they wanted to devote more manpower to _Fortnite BR,_ which was starting to pop off at the time. Props to Epic, they did offer full refunds for any money spent by players during the beta. They didn't have to, the money was gone, fully within terms and conditions, but they just wanted to be cool I guess. I'll always hate them for giving up on _Paragon,_ but I will always respect the manner in which they went about it.
@sino_diogenes 7 күн бұрын
4:01 actually as of right now TF2's bot crisis seems to be fixed.
@deannotcool 5 күн бұрын
Your understanding of basic MOBA mechanics is shockingly lacking for somebody making a video criticizing a MOBA game. I would be shocked if you've ever played a ranked game of League or Dota 2
@d0ct0rz3d4 5 күн бұрын
@@deannotcool fuck mobas
@deannotcool 5 күн бұрын
@@d0ct0rz3d4 You're in every one of these comments sperging out about TF2, reflect on your life.
@d0ct0rz3d4 5 күн бұрын
​@@deannotcoolbecause I don't want tf2 to die completely and I hate that almost every game nowadays has to be competitive, yes there is a competitive scene in tf2, but it isn't what it's about.
@AmelpsXett 5 күн бұрын
@@d0ct0rz3d4 so basically you're just coping about a game thats way older than you and should be dead already
@d0ct0rz3d4 4 күн бұрын
​@@AmelpsXettit should be dead already, but guess what? It isn't, in fact the player count went up after valve decided to ban all the bots (one of the few good things they've done).
@DangerDurians 7 күн бұрын
Idk man, I’m a fan of Gigantic, so I’m interested in Deadlock
@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 7 күн бұрын
Yeah but then why not just play Gigantic? You have the game you want already.
@aj_2765 7 күн бұрын
@@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 because it's a paid game with no active dev support.
@iranoutofnames6444 7 күн бұрын
@@greenoftreeblackofblue6625 You can play more than 1 game, plus if you like one game and there's another similar to it then it's a win win
@whiteroach3 6 күн бұрын
@@aj_2765 And Deadlock isn't immediately going to fall to the same issue? This is Valve we're talking about.
@Pseudo_Notfound 7 күн бұрын
2:09 The famous Portal sequel: Team Fortress 2
@HallucinateGaming_ 7 күн бұрын
I have 300+ hours, I like this game. I think you're upset TF2 has been abandoned, it 𝘩𝘢𝘴 been almost 2 decades
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