Various Fried Foods Making, Chicken Neck,Cutlet,Drumstick,Thigh,Wing/多種炸雞炸花枝丸製作 - Taiwan Street Food

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Flying Mouse Food 滑鼠飛呀

Flying Mouse Food 滑鼠飛呀

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Various Fried Foods Making, Chicken Neck,Cutlet,Drumstick,Thigh,Wing/多種炸雞炸花枝丸製作 - Taiwan Street Food
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have a taste
When I was a child, I went to the evening market with my mother
Always clamoring for my mother to ask... Fried chicken that I can buy
Fei Mei fell in love with it as soon as she ate it!!
Chicken neck, stick leg, big chicken leg, chicken wing, leg row, Huazhi ball, sweet potato
I want everything~~hahaha~~
chicken is fresh
The meat is tender inside
The outer skin is very crispy and thin
Huazhiwan is also a flower branch that can be eaten
Ganmei sweet potatoes are also crunchy and delicious
These are all through a very powerful exclusive formula
Impressively delicious
It's a taste passed down from the older generations.
Please view the price list
Such cheap copperplate food
And still in Taipei
even cheaper than the south
I don't even know how to make money
Both the boss and the boss's wife are honest people
very cute and kind
Afraid that we would be hungry, he took several bags for us to take away
Feimei can't refuse, but she can't afford it either
Hope the bosses stop being so polite to us
we all know your hard work
Money is saved piece by piece
say thanks again

Пікірлер: 48
@chenharold 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@chenharold 2 жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 有阿,電腦有跑完啦XD ....
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@@chenharold 最近流量超慘...
@chenharold 2 жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 你的企劃要改一點啦,同樣風格太久了,會膩
@songtan8331 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@Theoryofcatsndogs 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@acetoh5520 2 жыл бұрын
rental, land owner alway the final winner - it the same everywhere. Oncr rental increase, close down. Most important is must defrost properly, remove blood water ,( or will have dark red bone after fried) and the oil need to change once black or the food after fried also will be dark. over here, 1 piece of fried chicken is $2-3 per piece part. If whole fried chicken is about $12-14 for cheap stall.
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
You're right, the land owner is the winner in the end, it's always the case, and it's even more serious in Taiwan. We have a piece of fried chicken here for $1-2, which seems to be cheaper.
@massimoserra4787 2 жыл бұрын
deep fried chicken feast ahahah 🤣🤣🤣 I'm totaly in, let's start 🥰🥰🥰😋😋😋ahahahahahah btw really cheap against grilled hole chicken
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
This price is extremely cheap even in Taiwan. And it's a seasoning recipe passed down by the owner's ancestors. The chicken skin is fried until it is crispy and delicious. I really want to eat it again.
@彭VI 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@彭VI 2 жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 就分好朋友吃吧!!加油,影片很棒!!
@flyingmousefood Жыл бұрын
@@彭VI 只能全部分出去......我小鳥胃
@彭VI Жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 妳直播主餒!!不可以像我一樣小鳥胃啦!!哈哈
@jeffmill999 Жыл бұрын
This is why I eat at home and prepare my own food.. The sanitation practices in the back made me sick to my stomach...The salmonella just goes down the floor? Only use water to wash out equipment and containers? This place would not be allowed to operate where I am from. Their chicken might be great! The fryer was nice...clean oil.. Just so much cross contamination and unsanitary practices for me... This is a great example why I do not go to restaurants or eat street food..very often.. I was hoping when I watched this I would be filled with joy and what a great place.. I just never see anything in the back prep area like that in my life.... Cooking the chicken to correct internal temp kills the bacteria.. So, the chicken is probably fine. Having the tubs sitting on the ground? No sanitizer? Just water ....I am stunned they let you film that... It is far worse here in Cambodia.... I taught a lot of Chefs sanitation, cross contamination, blood borne pathogens... I remember when I first went to Thailand and watched the street food makers....they had no way of washing their hands... So funny to still see people in useless masks that never worked just filled the oceans with billions of used masks and this guy is in sandals spraying huge containers of chicken with a hose... The World is upside down.....
@flyingmousefood Жыл бұрын
At that time, I asked the shop owner, and the shop owner said that the first cleaning was just to remove the soil, that's ok! I think the hygiene habits of Taiwanese chefs are okay, because the catering industry is a business of conscience, just like traffic lights on the road, there are no police and no surveillance cameras, then people must... be natural and in line with human nature, haha.
@jeffmill999 Жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood I have known people who thought they were well trained and experts in their fields that were clueless... I worked with Chefs who for decades cooked shit I would not eat... I have found it impossible to teach people the difference between clean and sanitary... I sure have no idea about Taiwanese people....there are some new tv shows about Taiwan I have been watching. Your videos have shown me a great deal more.. I love your videos and most of the places are great...and the workers very skilled... Like I said, the chicken was cooked in clean oil and looked excellent.. I just base my opinions on classes I took 40 years ago and the standards set by the health department in the USA.. Very difficult to train people to follow proper procedures.. I had to hold myself to a very high standard around my staffs in order to project proper habits. It is like when I see some famous Chef on tv taste something with a spoon they are stirring the sauce with or using their fingers....If the boss uses his fingers or the ladle ....the entire staff will. I always had a thermometer in my shoulder pocket and alcohol packets to sanitize it with after checking the internal temp of a product...I carried tasting spoons that were in plastic wrappers to taste sauces...soups..and throw in the trash... Here in Cambodia nobody follows any rules and the police are corrupt. People drive down the sidewalks and especially on the wrong side of the road.. Most do not wear helmets or they have a cheap helmet and babies on their laps no helmet. Siem Reap did just put in 37 new roads and some street lights...people do not pay attention....especially on motos.. In the US it is the opposite...cameras and cops just generating revenue and reaching their ticket quotas.. I was glad to retire from the Chef game....I do not miss trying to teach people proper hygene.. When I began people did not wear gloves....hand washing was a crucial part of training. Then, gloves became the rage. The problem is people do not change their gloves... It is very hard to teach a cook to wash their hands if they touch their hair, mouth eye...or come in contact with a possible contaminate .... They came out with colored cutting boards so workers would learn to not use the same cutting board for everything.. Toss in, when people get very busy rules tend to be set aside... The way places here do business goes against everything I was taught in my sanitation class... There is food danger zone where bacteria thrives. Bacteria needs heat, moisture and food to thrive... You must keep all food products below or above the zone...or you will create dangerous even fatal conditions.. It is why I eat at home... Why I have proper cleaning and sanitizing products and a good fridge.. Most Cambodians do NOT own a fridge....and just set pots of food out on tables for customers or their families. This practice can be safe...They go shopping every day....beef, chicken, pork just setting out on tables ...just like Jamaica when I was a kid.. I watched a fascinating video made in Singapore where they went around the city and gathered paper money and then tested it for contaminants .. What they found on their money was mind boggling... My mom always told me to wash my hands after handling money...that 60 years ago.... You live in a very advanced country with people with common sense and great skills. I do not...ha ha
@安迪李-n4u Жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood Жыл бұрын
@susanhu4619 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@liuapang 2 жыл бұрын
同意! 但我僅侷限在"髒",不至於"嚇死人"。 這觀點,若普及在各家私廚,那都是髒,因為不是每個人都上過食品衛生課程。普觀市面所有攤販,不都是這樣?多包容心吧!!倘若衛生管理都要求到位了,食品卻少了"美味"~呵呵~
@liuapang 2 жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 要是我管理的廚房,我會用不鏽鋼盛具取代塑膠製品,且在地面上再隔上一層網板。而且我會定期聘請工讀生或是清潔公司清理油垢,因為我收工後,自己都累得半死,哪還有心情還是氣力去清理,就更別說二手或是幫廚了,外包給專業的來吧,至少排隊商號,是可以有這筆預算的。 這些都是攤販們缺少的意識,無精打采的開鋪賺錢,精疲力盡的收鋪數錢,清理、清潔就緩到年底一次來吧!! 自家廚房不也是這樣?我承認我1~2個月才會清理一次灶台,沒有白博士之前,都要泡鹼片、小蘇打...有了白博士後,越來越懶~
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@@liuapang 攤販多是這樣,這是惡性循環,因為衛生都需要成本,錢多數是房東在賺,我不相信有人做這個行業,還真正花大量成本在清潔上,就我200多家店的拍攝經驗,我知道,即使是飯店也一樣 我可以公開說,沒有所謂的賺錢,特別是路邊攤,幾乎都是維持生計而已,吃銅板價又要嫌東嫌西,建議這些道貌岸然的食客都別吃路邊攤,不過他們不知道,去餐廳去飯店還有更可怕的 大家都這麼難賺錢,卻不能有包容心、同理心,難怪這國家一直強盛不起來
@glay730719 2 жыл бұрын
想幫攤販的辛苦講話那是可以理解,但是沒賺錢的事業沒人會做的,剛新開業或許沒有資本去添購器材,但是總會有開始賺錢回本的時候,為了客人的食安著想,其實也該漸漸增加來保全衛生了,不是要一次到位,但要讓顧客看到老闆的改進才對‧ 【攤販多是這樣】
@Theoryofcatsndogs 2 жыл бұрын
keep up the good work!
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you, the views of my channel have dropped significantly recently, and I feel the instability of this industry...
@劉以樂-g5t Жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood Жыл бұрын
@衍李 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@吳賜彥 2 жыл бұрын
俺餓了 感謝🙏辛苦💦拍攝🎬
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@安迪李-n4u 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@打不屎的小強-u4x 2 жыл бұрын
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@callanng609 2 жыл бұрын
在地上處理食物 真垃圾
@flyingmousefood 2 жыл бұрын
@黃玉英-m4u Жыл бұрын
@@flyingmousefood 這家衛生算乾淨了🥳個人感覺若是能露臉可能比較好😀因每次看手在那邊晃來晃去😂就覺得很怪🤔只是建議喔勿惱😂
@flyingmousefood Жыл бұрын
@@黃玉英-m4u 這些人根本不知道什麼是衛生,按照酸民的標準,全台灣能衛生的食物不到1成,井底之蛙... 我不想露臉呀,我想讓觀眾專注在食物上XD建議是好的,謝謝你,我只會對那些酸民生氣,憑什麼店家這麼認真,也沒賺多少錢,要這樣被攻擊
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