Cheese Picks - Why They're So Effective (And Hated) | League of Legends

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@lillyie 5 ай бұрын
remember folks, a warwick with at least 1 hp is a warwick with full hp
@galactick3816 5 ай бұрын
Any HP other than the last one doesn't matter
@dynhoyw 5 ай бұрын
@@galactick3816 "i bought the whole hp bar, i'm gonna use the whole hp bar"
@VergiliosSpatulas 5 ай бұрын
That's because there is no Warwick above 50% HP. If you've played him you know exactly how it feels.
@technodry3216 5 ай бұрын
@@VergiliosSpatulasespecially when you get the sweet spot where each auto barely gets you enough heal to survive shit hits diff
@duckduck55 5 ай бұрын
Not if he's against garen with his ult up
@megaman9412 5 ай бұрын
It's a crime Karma top isn't here
@waleedalarmanazi159 5 ай бұрын
@Hououin818 5 ай бұрын
I was expecting Lulu top tbh 💀
@themonkeys96 5 ай бұрын
I think he was specifically looking for those still considered viable in the given role right now. Karma pretty quickly gets nerfs once she becomes commons place outside of support.
@callmeandoru2627 5 ай бұрын
Prob some kinda of trauma that his memory tried to supress
@macchiotter2553 5 ай бұрын
Vars forgets Karma exists, just check his empower abilities video lmao
@ibrahim5463 5 ай бұрын
warwick top legit made me hate barrier more than i hate some champions
@lillyie 5 ай бұрын
its amazing how antiheal is so accessible yet there's only one antishield in the game and it's assassin exclusive
@ivanich_v_upupe 5 ай бұрын
​@@lillyie *ad assasins, to be clear. Why would they delete ap antishield item for fok sake..
@ConfettiBerg 5 ай бұрын
​@@lillyie ikr? And it doesn't synergize well if bruisers and it's an AD item so mages can't use it, we had Shadowflame but for some reason they got rid of the anti shield part in favor of, you guessed it! ...More damage.... Fucking sucks, especially when they have shield spammers like karma and Lulu.
@ДенисИванов-э9у 5 ай бұрын
@@ConfettiBerg shadowflame was a mess, giving you 0-10 magic pen against shields which is literally nothing. Thats not even remotely close to an anti shield item
@bookbookbook1 5 ай бұрын
Idk how Tristana counts as a "cheese" pick when for the last month the only champs being played mid/top in high elo are trist corki Lucian
@iluvcummies 5 ай бұрын
One time I was playing with some friends and I wanted to try Camille support, but we drafted full ad and the enemy team last picked malphite It was funny how the Camille support was the only one who could actually deal damage to the 1k armor malph
@demilade3260 5 ай бұрын
Well done. You just found out how true damage works
@formerlyfivenide 5 ай бұрын
Rock solid
@ericlin7775 5 ай бұрын
was this before or after they removed divine sunderer.
@giovannicampostrini6309 5 ай бұрын
@@ericlin7775 men, camille support didnt worked when divine sunderer existed, is something that started with the rework of the sup items on this season
@keromora 5 ай бұрын
Tristana used to be a cheese pick, now she’s just overpowered. Used to be if you didn’t respect her all in at lvl 2 was about the only way you could lose to her. Now she’s basically impossible to kill thanks to bone plate and absorb life, and she basically always gets first tower. Grubs have been huge for her. Her wave clear has always been insanely good because of her e passive, and the bomb does insane damage to tower. Pairing that with demolish and a few grubs means you cannot leave lane under any circumstances or you’re losing at least two plates. I think what makes Tristana kinda cheesy is she’s a character with insane tower push in a role where that’s very uncommon. That makes her really hard to punish because even if you’re winning lane in the traditional sense, more cs, a couple solo kills, she’s probably caught up with all the plate gold she’s gotten. I think trist mid was fine in a world before tower plates but if they wanna keep her mid flex now, especially with grubs in the game, they need to reduce her e damage to turrets, otherwise she’s just gonna be toxic if she’s ever viable.
@Calamitygreed 5 ай бұрын
I agree looking at pro play and just playing the game tris wasn't like Warwick or camelie where it had to be win lane lose Game she did Hella damage while also being a split pushing monster with any grub she more akin to a mage bot laner then a chess pick
@Dingdong2730 5 ай бұрын
@@CalamitygreedMages bot is still generally speaking a cheese pick. They function because their opponents(enemy botlaner) has no clue how to deal with them, not because they’re inherently OP. We saw a bit of Ziggs and Seraphine botlane in pro play, but else you have to go many years back before mages bot actually was meta in high mmr and pro play.
@cumcumcum148 5 ай бұрын
To play against Tristana, you need more range than her. I found great success playing Vel Koz into her, I think Xerath will work to, especially if you hold your stun for her engage
@danf7411 5 ай бұрын
Interesting she got rayyyyped in bot lane. From near last year a s tier adc to a troll pick essentially. I can still do shit bot because I grinded with her for seasons and she my favorite ad... whatever she did mid she is super nerfed bot lane... I have to ban paisa every game and then 6 other ads and their support combo I'm already behind from 000 lma9
@keromora 5 ай бұрын
@@danf7411 That’s a pretty big failing on riot’s part. The people that want to play her can’t and the people that don’t are forced to.
@lantami1199 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact: AP J4 Support has been played in high level pro play 38 times, with 20 wins vs 18 losses. Only counting major regions, this is 26 times with 15 wins vs 11 losses, 15 from Korea alone with 9 wins vs 6 losses.
@nikolenico167 5 ай бұрын
In what season was that? Simply marvelous
@JimJPoggers 5 ай бұрын
I remember drx with ziggs + ap J4 bot so much poke xD
@IIIlIl 2 ай бұрын
​@@nikolenico167 I'm wondering the same thing haha
@Itspartytahm 5 ай бұрын
Love how “slayers can engage on them if they misposition” is being said while zed is just towerdiving a tf who’s full health under turret 😂
@Jacob_S13 3 ай бұрын
Any position is bad position against Zed... or even worse, Trynda xD
@Starpotion 27 күн бұрын
Man that matchup just sucks if Zed knows how to dodge skill shots 😩
@Veristelle- 2 күн бұрын
His mistake was leaving the spawn at level 1.
@TZAR_POTATO 5 ай бұрын
I love your mention of what is "cheese picks" in League of Legends, and comparing it to what it means in Dota In Dota 2, a "cheese pick" is exclusively referring to a last pick hero that is useless in 90% of games, unless specifically last picked when the enemy have no innate counters already drafted: This includes Meepo and Broodmother (1v9 if the enemy have low lockdown or AOE clear), huskar (if they lack burst physical damage and antiheal) and Nyx Assassin (if all the other team's draft are squishy mages), alongside others. It's not about playing a hero in an off-meta way, it's playing a hero into a draft that didn't cover its weaknesses enough.
@cloudynguyen6527 5 ай бұрын
I feel like your definition fits best with the term. All Vars example sound like off meta pick that happens to not get nerfed by the mercy of Riot. These off meta are chosen by the fact that the enemy didn't expect to see them in that role.
@maciejkleszczynski9808 5 ай бұрын
That just sounds like normal draft? You pick a champ that is good for the situation you are in and either abuse a mistake in draft by your opponent or cover roles that your teammates havent. As example i dont pick Poppy support often but when enemies already picked Zac jng and Leona support i will punish them for their drafting mistake. Similarly i played Ornn support specifically into Blitzcrank Nautilus blocking their hooks and statchecking them in melee range; the pick is unplayable against something like Brand Morgana but good in this situation
@TZAR_POTATO 5 ай бұрын
@@maciejkleszczynski9808 basically! Cheese picks are the term people use because salty/coping. Dota is way too balanced for off meta to put people off, since meta is constantly evolving.
@micahwest3566 2 ай бұрын
I learned “cheese” being cannon rushed in Starcraft. I define it as a strategy that relies on your opponent reacting incorrectly to it. It’s basically a strategy where you present the enemy a puzzle and hope they aren’t knowledgeable enough to solve it
@minhducnguyen9276 2 ай бұрын
​@@micahwest3566 Yeah. The difference between "cheese pick" in DotA and SC compared to Lol is the cheese picks are used to punish your opponents for making mistakes. You'd beat him anyway with the meta builds but you picked the cheese picks to further seal his fate. Cheese picks in lol can often beat you even when you are not making any mistakes in your build choice aka they are becoming meta.
@DarkinfinityXD 5 ай бұрын
one thing I love about league is the countless viable picks and playstyles you can choose from. it makes every game feel unique and refreshing.
@lillyie 5 ай бұрын
i love picking pantheon support against enchanter matchups and watch them flame me in chat for the warcrime i commited
@DarkinfinityXD 5 ай бұрын
@@lillyie try playing sylas support and use the enemy support's ult against them, they'll hate you fs afterwards
@Nartanek 5 ай бұрын
Countless? You see the same champions all the time and whoever gets first blood gets to snowball and win. The game is as stale as it gets.
@quincy7258 5 ай бұрын
Are you serious or trolling right now?
@JustAViewer44 5 ай бұрын
@Nartanek 5 ай бұрын
The problem with 'cheese' picks is that only damage matters now. You can have the best enchanter support or tank top or whatever but having another bruiser in the form of a camille support is much more effective since she deals damage and can absorb a lot too. The game needs less damage overall. And to be less snowbally too.
@DennyDormant 5 ай бұрын
Stat checkers so you gotta work with your team more which is good and bad
@omegaminoseer4539 5 ай бұрын
That statement is false. If you have Taric into Camille, she gets straight dogged on. The correct statement is damage is too high to prevent counterplay from coming. For example, Ivern has been broken in competitive, since Moonstone Renewer was added in Season 11. However, his playrate only spiked during Roaming Janna TOP meta and when he got that adjustment with Buff-Sharing. He remains good as a pick, but people have to be willing to learn them. > having another bruiser in the form of camille support is so much more effective That is unless she gets counterpicked by the team. If your ADC has a dash or self-peel, Camille is worthless. If your Enchanter Support is "the best," they'll just flip the trade and cripple the engage (Lulu Polymorph, Renata Q + W, Soraka Silence) or just win through neutral. It sounds more like a positioning issue, if Camille is even able to snowball on you. Just avoid the damn walls, lmao?
@Nartanek 5 ай бұрын
@@omegaminoseer4539 You're talking from a pro play perspective, i'm talking from a regular player perspective. Once the game start snowballing there is nothing to be done, i'm not saying there is no counterplay to camille support, what i'm saying is that won't happen in a regular game, or not often. I did win games against her, maybe she was bad or maybe i did well i'm not sure. But that's the issue now, the game is only balanced regarding pro plays, they give 0 fuck about the regular run of the mill player and that makes the game boring for us mere mortals.
@allenlin3050 5 ай бұрын
@@Nartanek You're so confidently wrong it's amazing.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
I guarentee you if a camille goes into my lulu she has no chance touching my adc... The champ is super reliant on getting a lead and roaming because she really isn't strong damage/tankiness
@Xephyranth 5 ай бұрын
I still remember the days I went Sett support, "oh you're hitting the support? have half of your hp as true damage"
@ericlin7775 5 ай бұрын
this is when I pull out Shen support and ignore the sett. Oh you still want to hit my adc? W cuck
@Plonom 5 ай бұрын
Still works. Im a vivid Sett support player. Sundered sky into warmogs is really nasty and the new zekes convergence works amazing as well. I love running in. Causing havoc, running out get warmogs and run back in.
@wigmanmania259 5 ай бұрын
I just love me some cheese Parmesan, Mozzarella, Mid Tristana, all delicious
@galopus2707 5 ай бұрын
As a person who plays exclusively Yorick mid with comet who’s entire game plan is to not allow the opponent to play while I hyper farm and am like 2 items above everyone: He he ho ho
@DMG551 5 ай бұрын
I actually used to use Kindred as an adc for a while. You had 2 people you could mark with your passive so there were fun mind games with that, the scuttle on your side could be a target and you could plan around it with your jungler if you could get a Hank or push the wave, and it usually only took 1 kill to get things rolling. Yea it was cheesy and any game that went long only meant I had damage, but it was super fun 😂
@LightshaverConstellation 5 ай бұрын
Kindred adc was probably some of the most fun I had playing an auto base adc. I still do it sometimes just because I would do well enough and I felt stronger then most adcs regardless if that's true or not.
@welkin7321 5 ай бұрын
in the support community, mage supports (velkoz, brand, zyra, xerath) are considered to be cheese picks. they’re like our version of ranged top. mage supports are popular because they abuse enchanters poor early game and tanks poor range. they grant their adc a good aggro lane and easy access to farm, but they fall off after 15 minutes if they’re not fed kills. mage supports either take over the game if they successfully cheese the lane and get tons of kills. however, if they go even against an enchanter or tank support - they won’t be able to get the items they need to scale and then offer the team no utility or peel.
@theveganduolingobird7349 5 ай бұрын
Mage supports are generally what happens when a mid laner can’t CS or someone got auto filled to be fair. May aswell just call them a second bot laner since the only thing they support is their wallets
@KungKokkos 5 ай бұрын
Zyra has godmode CC though, even if behind, and liandries does enough damage in team fights even if she doesn't get any kills. Personally I main Neeko support, and it's pretty much because AP supports get to play the game even when they get a shit ADC, something that's not true for tanks or enchanters.
@WyvernKnightBright 5 ай бұрын
​@@KungKokkosZyra CC isn't really god level. Both CC spells require set up to be consistent to the point I've seen Zyra E plants be recommended as a better source of CC for her team than the E root itself due to it's wind-up and slow projectile speed. Where Zyra support succeeds is control, akin to an easier Shaco support. Zyra has the second longest auto range in the game to poke people with early, and her Plants make applying spell effects like Rylai's and Liandries a breeze which can cause a ton of disruption in mid/late game team fights where people get poked by random stuff all the time.
@giovannicampostrini6309 5 ай бұрын
@@WyvernKnightBright 575 auto range isnt the second longest auto attack range, not even in the support role, but i give to you that the only ones that actively surpass her range are weird supports like Ashe or Annie, or a Seraphine with the passive charged
@AberrantDemon 5 ай бұрын
The comment about flex picks at 12:56 is so real. Camille Support becoming popular for a while made it very difficult to determine what runes I should take for my Top lane matchup. 😢
@Martorfunk 5 ай бұрын
Also, we always have to remember that due to their risky nature, they end up with the reputation of being: The enemy one is going to get turbo fed while ours is going to turbo feed.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
sounds like copium
@RisottoNero-z1w 3 ай бұрын
i call that "Yasuo Effect"
@LukeChudoba 5 ай бұрын
He says tristana mid gives up map tempo when compared to slayers, but she participates in Dragon fights in a very similar way to Talon because she can often rocket jump in and bomb a target the way talon leaps in and bursts a target, although her damage is a little bit more over time. So I won't say she has the same map tempo as say Talon or Zed, but she does have decent map tempo like at least 7/10 map tempo.
@chummyfudge8988 5 ай бұрын
Tbh.. can you even call her a cheese pick? She's just OP in the role. In pro play she's consistently picked over any mage, so how can this be a "cheese pick" whenever literal pros are choosing it over the traditional pick?
@aydenbonnet9630 5 ай бұрын
​@chummyfudge8988 Well Vars did mention at the start of Tristanas section that calling her a cheese pick in the current state of the game might not be accurate due to her pick rate, but moreso over the whole games history. Don't take this as a defense of mid Tristana from me, when it's strong its maybe my least favorite lane matchup to play.
@LukeChudoba 5 ай бұрын
@@aydenbonnet9630 Just pick Twitch or vayne teach her who is boss at lvl 6. When you ult as twitch or vayne vs tristana you have the bigger salami 9 out of 10 times.
@alex2005z 5 ай бұрын
Trist mid isnt a cheese pick, thats trist's main lane
@aydenbonnet9630 5 ай бұрын
@LukeChudoba Right, that sounds great on paper until you factor in that both Twitch, and Vayne have way less safety in a solo lane compared to Trist, and the enemy Jungler turns you into an all you can eat buffet.
@strategist973 5 ай бұрын
Cheese picks can also develop when a champion is more suited for 1 lane. For instance I used Taric top at one point because all I was facing top was tanks and at the time all there was bot was long range supports like Zyra and lux.
@sevenatenine2441 5 ай бұрын
Trist mid has grown from cheese pick into full blown meta
@vasilevasilescu8199 4 ай бұрын
i just pick something with mobility next to her and i either make sure she can't get rid of me (riven, yone, sett) or she can't touch me (xerath, aurora, brand)
@krzycki9688 5 ай бұрын
When I first started playing league at the start of s12 I loved Warwick but didn't like playing in the jungle so I tried him in the top lane and I steamrolled first 3 games, then instead of playing bruiser I just went full on-hit with tear so it later builds into manamune, I miss old iterations of rageblade
@MrLuzakman 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea why he considers WW Top a cheese pick. According to his own definition Warwick is an excellent toplaner. I myself really enjoy the variety of options WW has. You can go full AP if your team lacks magic damage, build on-hit for best sustained DPS, full-on tank for initiation or anything in-between.
@xenobreyden666 5 ай бұрын
@@MrLuzakmanuntil u face kench
@juliogomez2534 5 ай бұрын
As someone who has dabble in the art of cheesing (shout out assassin support) I will say there should always be a place for this type of strategy, the issue is people in this game are too rigid and have highly inflated egos. So they either want the perfect set up or disregard anything that they haven't seen working cause they lack experience with it.
@MaverickMyth 5 ай бұрын
In regards to assassins: Elise support is fun. I'm not very good at it, but it's a fun pick.
@theillogicalmindset 5 ай бұрын
meanwhile pyke
@granddaddylurch9178 Ай бұрын
Assassin sup isnt cheese, pyke is a sup
@DeadByPlayerYT 5 ай бұрын
12:25 I wouldnt say camile is soley for cheesing lane! Her pressure at contesting objectives and roaming can help get other lanes ahead too and actually provides crazy utility with her ult imo
@anthonythomas8100 5 ай бұрын
Most people don’t look at it like this Iv found but it’s just “you ether die the anti meta or live long enough to see yourself become the meta.” And the thing is that is true in every game not just league
@becharac 5 ай бұрын
Everything should be allowed, if my team want to go lulu top, janna mid, sonna bot and seraphine support, ill choose yummi jungle. Its just a game.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
Ok theres a limit thats just ff 15 comp
@theveganduolingobird7349 5 ай бұрын
@@Minecraft52628this is the issue with the league community honestly 💀 Considering you have replies to a bunch of random comments with toxicity may I advise you touch grass? If you can’t remember what it looks like it’s a green color kinda looks like fur grows outside
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
@@theveganduolingobird7349 I suggest you learn the definition of toxicity since the only one being toxic here is you oddly enough
@theveganduolingobird7349 5 ай бұрын
@@Minecraft52628 that’s nice unfortunately you stated and I quote “sounds like copium” to a comment stating cheese picks feel like your team feeds the enemy team is fed. Toxicity can be defined as negative behaviour which id argue you’re doing here buddy. But please explain yourself better than “no you”
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
@@theveganduolingobird7349 Seems more like your mental state where you are just perceiving far more toxicity and less able to handle any of it
@UberHasacz 2 ай бұрын
Camille support is my highest WR% supp atm. Getting rid of the enemy ADC for 30 seconds is the strongest CC
@lorferreirapastoreli9581 5 ай бұрын
I love cheese picks, they are so much fun and "unecspecteds", changing the way all the role are played.
@HuzzyGames 5 ай бұрын
I hate cheese picks and the clips I'm in are me playing them lmao... sadly it seems you gotta adapt to them with how strong they've become in LoL
@spookyboi50 5 ай бұрын
Huzzygames the trist mid enjoyer 😮
@frazzlol 5 ай бұрын
you're english, we know you love cheese
@lordsnia2152 5 ай бұрын
you have become what you hate🤣😈
@asmodiasmobilemoba 5 ай бұрын
Back when i used to main jinx mid lol, would just basically push it down the whole game , even while we were behind, oh no enemy base is wide open!
@Regonix 4 ай бұрын
My cheese (was better than any meta pick, though I have stopped playing around 2021): Skarner support (before recent changes) Jax support (before recent changes) Miss Fortune support Malzahar top (any champ without mobility just goes afk) Heimerdinger top (melee champs simply rage-quit 100% of time) Fiddlesticks support (before and after changes) Shaco mid AP Urgot top Teemo support Warwick support Brand support Nidalee top Kennen dps Lillia top (another bane of melee champions) Maokai mid Nunu support (before rework) Ornn support Rammus top (bane of all physical damage dealing champions) Renekton mid Shen support Wukong support (only viable after getting R) All of them work really well not only because of their kits, but also because enemy team have no idea how to play around them.
@tommyluo1409 5 ай бұрын
I do love when my Camile supp does 1k true damage to the enemy adc so I can just ult and kill XD
@satisfiedskullservant 5 ай бұрын
Warwick top does amazing into ranged champs. True that 1-5 is tough, but Warwick's sustain is enough so even through their poke you can stay alive. His toughest matchups are against champs like panth, who have a very strong all in, and an execute on low Hp.
@Xeroskia 5 ай бұрын
Cheese picks are just flex picks that don't have the backing research papers.
@Bsebt 5 ай бұрын
I know it was mentioned in a cheese video but shaco support is so fun
@ethanstyant9704 5 ай бұрын
Absolute cheese and it's miserable to play against one that knows how to use boxes properly but it's a cheese pick I kinda respect because instead of doing ad/ap damage it does psychic damage
@thomasc1830 2 ай бұрын
keep them. especially in premades, you can rebalance the team to make up for it, and even create a team comp which the enemies struggle to read.
@panosts6178 5 ай бұрын
I reached GM last split from D2 by playing nothing but Tryndamere mid. 100% better than top. You can impact the map and farm for free while diving everybody. No mage can kill you with your q ,d shield and second wind. My favourite pick of all time
@alexcat6685 5 ай бұрын
4:15 oh right forgot why a good bit of lifesteal is reduced on minions, lifesteal is supposed to encourge engenging in fights by being rewarded for aggression, same lifesteal application on minions removes that point, bevause the enemy relies more on easy to damage targets than engange with champions. So: 50% effective against Minions.
@noishfanboy1141 5 ай бұрын
as someone who regularly plays warwick top the barrier gets them every single time
@kurisuastralum4244 5 ай бұрын
Tristana's fallback to losing lane is just perma splitting, same as any decent top lane pick nowadays. You either divert people to go and stop the split thereby losing someone potentially important for teamfights, or you ignore her for 30 seconds and lose a full tower. As for camille support, you can int lane away but if you start to just split and get items odds are you'll be able to kill anyone mid-late game that tries to deny your split.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
id be amazed if the camille support has the gold/exp to kill but def splitable
@bmac4 5 ай бұрын
Me who played Lillia mid for an entire season: Gary look there I am!
@yukimaril 5 ай бұрын
tbh the MOST cheese pick is sylas sup cuz u have ur e and d that at lvl 1 are STUPIDLY strong against a squishy adc and u stun AND u heal AND u can steal enemy ults like stuns or pyke r AND u have great roaming to help out mid or jg AND u dont need items like u would think cuz u back after ur kill and get dark seal eventualy into mejais and thats 160 ap
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
Facts. You can even go eclipse on sylas on support. It works pretty well in high elo but you cant blind pick it
@Setonix1-.-1 5 ай бұрын
I really like them, unless they are meta, it was fun picking trist mid now and then, but when its meta its boring to see her always, on the other hand, vw top and camil supp, same as lucian mid and other pics are fun to play, to play with and against, you are facing something you have never experienced before and you are learning by doing, the most fun thing to do unless you are stupid and want to have guarantee win, which is option too and this person could be ruining it for you, what a shame its actually just a game
@frazzlol 5 ай бұрын
i'm happy to see huzzy in this, one of the og creators and still pumping out content daily
@lordsnia2152 5 ай бұрын
yeah, was nice seeing him show up.
@koopakape 4 ай бұрын
This vid does a great job of explaining why people don't like them, but IMHO cheese picks should NEVER ever be disallowed, the more roles more champs can fit into the better objectively imo, it makes the game much much more interesting and helps you play champs you truly love even if you don't get the role you want in draft. It's why my favorites tend to be champs like Zac who fit all 3 roles I like to play (supp, top and jungle). This is one way I've always thought Dota outshined League, too; there are definitely many champs that feel more intended for one side of the spectrum of the other, but for the most part, any character can play any role.
@nod6470 5 ай бұрын
I can't even lie, I'm a ww top otp and honestly it is the most fun thing in the world, but tbh the champ outside of lane really only has two viable playstyles, autoattack bruiser that becomes useless in teamfights or splitpush tank that also has a lot of cc and peel
@integralinsanity1641 4 ай бұрын
Mind you Taric top is not actually "Cheese" they did say when they reworked him they were going to keep his sololane aspect. He should although get a sololane treatment like Pyke and others got.
@VincentChaos92 5 ай бұрын
Have been using Warwick Top as a one trick pony ever since season 2, without any regrets and laughing what a counterpick he has always been for tank top laners and also mant bruisers. Also the fact that people still to this day think WW is phisical instead of magic damage has been a blessing to climb elo and win lanes.
@diamondinvr 5 ай бұрын
Ate a block of cheese for every time you said cheese in this video. Feeling gouda
@Moka_Peach 5 ай бұрын
I went up against a Camille support somewhat recently and smashed her with Taliyah support. Cheese picks ONLY work if the enemy doesn't know how to counter them. The biggest strength of cheese picks are also their biggest weakness - do the other players know how to work with or against the pick? However, cheese picks can be super fun. My duo and I run Morde bot and it's surprising how often we win it because the enemy doesn't know what to do. Fun for normals, enraging for ranked games.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
They can fully know how to counter them but if the champ matchup is bad what can you really do
@ShadowpawSilvertongue 5 ай бұрын
Make me wonder about those roam top support meta that happen. Since recently there was a talk about bard top that happen.
@asperhamlincoln 5 ай бұрын
WW passive healing should not work on lane minions or should be reduced like other champ like viego, aatrox, rhaast etc.
@octavianpedigree5866 5 ай бұрын
Some cheese picks are just knowledge checks or system issues. Camille support was both. You could buy a dorans item and a support item, so you'd build doran's sword, cheese a kill, then buy sup item. But also, camile's dash has to go to a wall then to you. It gets hard countered by throwing any cc projectile at the wall shes going to. Morgana, Lux, Zyra, and Hwei all make camille sup practically useless so now you only see it in counterpick situations to enchanters, but right now mages also counter enchanters and have better items so its a lot less viable.
@Sultanx_Suru 5 ай бұрын
Hey Vars, Your videos have been very helpful:) I have a thought about Slayer in top-lane and want your opinion on it So lately I got to learn about the classes and it gave me a better understanding of the game. What is more, I decided to learn Dota to get a better grasp of the fundamentals of MOBAs. In Dota, position 3 plays in the off-lane, which is Top-Lane in league, where the champion is supposed to survive while trying to farm to be useful later on, and farm is not as a high priority as position 1&2 (adc and mid). That requires a champion that could survive during the laning phase. If we apply these principles to league, it feels like the Slayer class is bad in top. Slayers will be facing Fighters and Tanks which is not a favorable matchup for them as they won't burst these durable classes. Furthermore, they will not be of value throughout the game as there will already be DPS in mid & adc, having another squishy in top-lane will make it hard for the team to engage in fights and easier for the enemy to make quick picks. They will fall behind hard if they get ganked or when they lose tier 1 tower. The only value they could give is split pushing and that would be viable only if they get fed during the laning phase. What do you think about this?
@dewaunwarren1 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the game wouldn't be nearly as interesting without viable cheese picks. Being able to play a character in multiple roles makes them interesting.
@MrJuggalo909 5 ай бұрын
I got beat by a Rakan jg one time. I'll never forget that feeling.
@meicrodon5715 4 ай бұрын
I’ve had Rakan mid 1v9 the whole game
@MrJuggalo909 4 ай бұрын
@@meicrodon5715 That Champion is dope. He deserves his own reddit. Rakan 1v9 fill. 😅
@vladbadea8302 5 ай бұрын
Any day when Vars releases a video is a good day
@utsubyo 5 ай бұрын
whenever i picked tristana mid i just felt like a dirty cheater, like oh wow i won lane epic that was very hard
@OmarAhmed-b1r 5 ай бұрын
Just on this day, my team played against Tristan top or mid 4 times, and each time she took the towers quickly and won the lane, and I ended up losing 3 games out of 4, but what can I say skill diff all Tristan player so good just wow riot
@S3lvah 5 ай бұрын
It would've been interesting to make a distinction between off-meta picks and cheese picks. For some people (including me), the most fun in this game is exploring new builds and roles, and to defy people's expectations often with humorous outcomes - not trying to climb to some arbitrary rank or to win as hard as possible.
@Messier1071 5 ай бұрын
tilterella is the embodiment of cheese
@DK-ue5ks 5 ай бұрын
Nasus support is my favorite cheese pick. Poke and slow will annoy the other team.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
poke, 50% armor shred, slow and cripple(attackspeed slow). Whats not to love
@ethanstyant9704 5 ай бұрын
His W straight up turns off an ADC with enough levels
@Armorion 5 ай бұрын
Taric Top was AMAZING with Navori and even more so with a good jungle in the VC and with precision runes. I just need to build full armor after Navori and take runes that Regen mana and I output absurd amounts of damage in a 1v1 But since Navori is AS instead of AD, it's not as valuable sadly
@kaworugaming8485 5 ай бұрын
the indescribable feeling when your favorite champ is mentioned in a vars video for the ~3rd time ever since the channel was created anyways, imo cheese picks should stay in the game, since theyre not absolutely gamebreaking (or maybe they are if every single condition required is met), but can be fun and interesting in casual games, plus whether you want it or not, youll learn something from that game which is a W in my book
@BrutalSalamander1 5 ай бұрын
With Warwick it depends how he is played. Players like H0rnlime use him with TP and Ghost and opt for a tanky splitpush strategy with hullbreaker that works better into lategame and opens up more plays around the map.
@AsDerouxWoofWolf 5 ай бұрын
I wonder where Shen fits in all this. I haven't been there to see it happen personally, but wasn't he supposed to be a Top-lane pick until players began using him in Jungle? Like, it was so effective that it became a sorta-official role?
@stripey3860 5 ай бұрын
Pretty good video but I think you misunderstand why tristana's so oppressive and hated in mid. She doesn't lack a fallback, she has one of the most obnoxiously strong fallbacks in the game. She doesn't have to win lane, she can splitpush all game due to her insane tower-taking power. She can outvalue a ton of midlaners while losing lane by just taking towers all game. Her average first tower take speed is literally unmatched, being the fastest in midlane excluding ziggs, who is... ziggs. And obviously she's not just gonna be getting one tower most of the time.
@mannyvalerio6822 5 ай бұрын
A strong measure is this: if, at champ select, the only optimal strategy to win laning phase against them is "sacrifice your laning phase to avoid engaging them", it's a cheese pick.
@atbauchat 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, the font, font color and font size at 10:50 just makes the spelling error physically painful. Other than that, amazing job as always!
@Delmos-jx9kr 5 ай бұрын
My favourite is support orn has great utility and most importantly I can be there for my team most of the time
@DizzyDisco93 5 ай бұрын
Reminds me of my friends annie support back in the day. He always got flamed for doing it but almost always stomped the lane and usually the match. This woulda been like season 3-4
@Maybeitsmicah 5 ай бұрын
i’ve been playing nidalee support as my main for like a full year maybe two by now
@darius4072 5 ай бұрын
shaco support has to be the most disgusting thing ever happened to human kind but I totally respect the players
@noahschwarz318 5 ай бұрын
if they should be pushed back to their lane or not depends on the sell of the cheese
@bastenthegreyhound7206 5 ай бұрын
I'm keep it a buck 50 with you. The way I see it. Any champion can be put into any role with enough grindset and mindset. as long as you don't break set up of "1 player top, 1 player jungle, 1 player mid, 2 players bot" And as long as you don't bring champions like Yuumi into jungle. if you do that, go crazy. Unknown, irregular, abnormal champion picks are good for the game. it's how we solve meta's and develop new ones without riot pushing for minor stat changes.
@tyago1949 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video. I know you started Pokemon videos now but i hope you'll keep league videos coming ❤
@shinrakai 5 ай бұрын
The spelling error at 10:39 made me laugh. Excpected instead of expected. Easy to do and hard to catch unless you are looking for it.
@chillmadude 5 ай бұрын
cheese keeps the game interesting by creating new ways to think and play the game, the fact that riot doesn't get this with consitently nerfing strats like funneling into the ground, rather than trying to bring said strat to roughly the same power as the older strats (or buffing the older strats up to the cheese strats power) shows riot doesn't understand this.
@RawRaio 5 ай бұрын
Camille support makes me a very happy Rell
@Impactframess 5 ай бұрын
I need bardinette and Agurin drama to be reignited in this cs 😫
@ethanfrese1995 5 ай бұрын
True WW mains know to go ghost teleport. Barrier is just a bully mechanic.
@arforafro5523 5 ай бұрын
WW top is honestly his best role I don't know how that counts as a cheese pick. He can short trade infinitely with his passive and has very low risk dives with his self healing at low HP allowing him to survive 3-4 turret shots provided you hit minions on your way out and W giving you a massive attack and move speed boost against low HP enemies. Tiamat also builds into both Titanic and Stridebreaker which are amazing for WW and solve any waveclear issues after your first recall. The cheese is taking barrier instead of TP and becoming useless past the laning phase because you don't know how to short trade and want to all in like a mongrel. Late game he can build bruiser and either split or make picks for his team and chase down stragglers with his W. WW jungle on the other hand is a complete meme, slow as sin first clear A.K.A. most important clear, W active gives away your position, mediocre potential for ganks, terrible at fighting objectives, a passive that does literally nothing because jungle item keeps your health full and you cannot split push to force 1v1's because you have to take Smite and your clear speed stays slow because you'll have to build tank for teamfights or you'll get blown up without barrier acting as a band-aid if you build damage items.
@DeadByPlayerYT 5 ай бұрын
6:30 POV TF mispositioning under his tower lol
@mirteoda 5 ай бұрын
yo vars i love your videos but always felt like the sound is bass boosted as fuck. not sure why that is as i'm not a sound engineer, just something you might want to look into. other than that amazing work much love :*
@vannoah 5 ай бұрын
As someone who played kayn adc religiously (specifically with yuumi) back in s10/11 before yuumi rework. This is pretty much it. I either get the most bullshit lv1/2 kill and auto win the game off waiting till 6 and fighting with my item lead or wait for form and abuse being an assassin laning against squishy immobile carries. Won lane but we take to long to win? Yea they have an adc and we don’t gg. Surprising good into all in adcs and anyone picking another melee champ tho.
@bainbonic 5 ай бұрын
My thoughts are that cheese picks should be allowed so long as they're not going against the core fantasy of the character. Like back when that Garen-Yuumi bot lane was a thing where Yuumi built damage and Garen was just her car, that went against the core fantasy of Garen basically being your Fighter Man or straightforward paladin type. Arguably Sett support also went against his fantasy as a gritty pit fighter who's literally itching for a fight, not itching to help out a stronger ally. By comparison, Tristana's character fantasy of simply being a small girl with a big gun and bigger explosions fits on mid, arguably it fits on mid better than on bot because mid's wave management is all about how good you are at pushing the wave and that fits her personality and fantasy better than the more careful management of bot. Top Warwick is a bit more debatable as his fantasy is hunting, moving through the map at top speed following the scent of blood, which he does less on top. Of course, it gives him pretty excellent roam for a top laner, but is that enough to hit his character fantasy? Personally I think it is, but I can easily see arguments that it isn't.
@CtrlFiveCode 5 ай бұрын
As a Yorick Jungle, Cheese Picking is Great
@deejayf69 5 ай бұрын
It's understandable if Trist mid is hated, but as a mid main who really likes to play ADCs, it's quite nice. I was very sad to see Lucian mid go, all these years ago and now Tristana doesn't do well in that role either. On one hand Riot pushes diverse picks by making more champs jungle viable, but the second an ADC can go mid, it's illegal.
@charlemagne5445 2 ай бұрын
Heimerdinger jungle is my favorite cheesepick.
@deejayf69 5 ай бұрын
I want my Trist mid back.
@mel2loud 5 ай бұрын
please please pleeeease credit your music choices i swear i’m hearing the fe11/fe12 prep theme but i can’t. tell
@TheJungleLux 5 ай бұрын
Bro its been so long i even forgot your maple name now
@crayhack 5 ай бұрын
old soraka top lane, the demon of 1 item to victory
@stvnshrules 5 ай бұрын
@zavun_ 5 ай бұрын
is lee sin support any good ? you can trade with the A and E and then w on a minion or on the adc to be safe +the wards from the support item
@UndeadAlv 5 ай бұрын
I like to play Ivern and Nunu top Both are mainly based on the team understanding you can stun enemies and manage the flow of the battle like that, but you don't have a lot of damage So if my team is one of those "pick strong champions and brainlessly go all in", we lose 💀
@Guyonyoutube-ie8fz 5 ай бұрын
If an enemy picks tristana mid i pick rammus mid. Fair and balanced
@MegaCoupie 5 ай бұрын
I like flexibility personally I think it makes you a more rounded player being able to play more stuff I think that the only reason mages dont get played bot is because Ad carry players are reluctant to change look in pro play the last 6 weeks we've had ezreal mid zeri mid draven mid all being played I think it should cut both ways.
@CommonPawn 5 ай бұрын
Warwick support is my go too.
@Ranked_Journey Ай бұрын
1:23 so playing Teemo top should count as cheesing as it is drastically detrimental to the overall player experience.
@jinsator4616 5 ай бұрын
@lordsnia2152 5 ай бұрын
yeah good doggo and queen Pleb been new inspiration for him get back into shape
@alexcat6685 5 ай бұрын
3:41 with varied fairness and interactiveness in that, I HATE sett's form of sustain it ruins a pretty good kit into just a decent one. Cause it removes interaction with an opponent, or well slightly but it's way too significantly wasteful. His Haymaker's shield is somewhat fine as it's quick to fall apart and needed him to take alot first. Howeber the explosion part is too much, turning a fight too easily instead of earning it. Which is built further with his passive low health regeneation. Atleast Warwick needs to actually attack you to earn that, Mundo's main form requires engangement and his regenration is more a extra . Sett relies on that to make up for being stupid rather than use the passive. I had an idea of what if ontop of the second Hit dealing more damage and having greater attackspeed, it also had Lifesteal? This encourges Sett to actually risk fighting an opponent and count his attacks to make sure hi continues to heal from that second. If he doesn't he gets what he deserves. Which is built even better onto the shield which grants a choice to Sett if he wantc to engange and keep himself alive, if he doesn't his shield loses it's pointential. It's based healing that he has to make use of, it won't make up for pity mistakes with increased at lower health because he isn't really earning that. It's an issue I have with Warwick, the 50% healing is fine actually he does need it but the increased is too much it excuses warwick from trying to keep himself healthy and just to cheese the enemy. Expically combine with his bloodthirst, that chould enough to reward him for caring.
@Minecraft52628 5 ай бұрын
I mean sett needs to get close enough and land an e stun to get off haymaker usually
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