State Trooper and combo....all I need to finish my collection....IMPRESSED.
@Buy12inTalkingGIJoes10 жыл бұрын
Nice you have the rare G.I.Joe nurse from 1967 with the white bag and not the green bag. Great GIjOE collection. Outstanding!
@inspector6262GIJoes13 жыл бұрын
The Flying Space was part of the Adventure Team line not the Adventures of GI Joe.
@inspector6262GIJoes13 жыл бұрын
@ SINGLEPOINTINJECTION: I wish that was all I needed to finish my collection, I still have a ways to go.
@inspector6262GIJoes13 жыл бұрын
Flying Space was made in 1970 with the A.T. line.
@monkeyboy474611 жыл бұрын
I just saw the nurse doll on Pawnstars, I think it looks a little like nurse Dixie McCall (Julie London) on the TV show EMERGENCY. It's the eyes, I always thought Julie London had great eyes If it's not Dixie McCall, the doll looks a little, well, inebriated, she looks like she has had a few. GI Joe and the drunk nurse, I would have played with that as a kid.