Volleyball Couple Reaction to Haikyu!! S1E20: "Oikawa Toru Is Not A Genius"

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Sarah Pavan Volleyball

Sarah Pavan Volleyball

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@MayMay-20000 9 ай бұрын
Oikawa is the rat that lives in the walls of Sarah’s love house, never in but never truly gone
@LilyLyraLali 3 ай бұрын
@SACC_ Ай бұрын
@klephenthurry3284 Күн бұрын
Wtf this comment is so good lol
@Tsuya.Alouette 9 ай бұрын
Adam's observations about Oikawa are exactly why I love Oikawa! He's SO self-aware and accepting of the difference between himself and Kageyama, a genius, and doesn't let that have any impact on himself. In fact, it drives him to get better! He's SO confident in his own abilities, which is telling of how much he's worked and practiced to be where he's at. Noya even acknowledges it based off receiving his serve which is faster and more accurate than he remembered. Oikawa found his own way, and his ability to read and control the game is insane! Like Adam said, no one else is thinking as high level as Oikawa on the court. His knowledge of the sport, keen observation, and intuition make him a force to be reckoned with. His cockiness is 1000% justified, and I love that he flaunts it but can also back it up! He deserves all the praise! Also, I agree that if Oikawa played for Karasuno and Kageyama for Seijoh, the team dynamic, synergy, and plays would be very different. As said in the previous episode, the setter is the conductor, and depending on who that is leads to different outcomes. But I really love how Haikyuu set up each team and their members!
@omarrosamilia 9 ай бұрын
I completely agree, and it's kind of sad that what will happen in the future, with Oikawa's backstory, is so often interpreted in the wrong way and it's viewed as something purely negative when the whole purpose of that backstory is in reality to show the struggles and insecurities Oikawa as been through and how he actually evolved from that low point in his life. That was actually a scene that made me empathyze with Oikawa a lot. I think that the position of someone that deeply love something, but keeps seeing other people around him way more talented than he is, is a condition very relatable for normal people.
@Shirley36 9 ай бұрын
@@omarrosamilia same, Oikawa's backstory was what really made me sympathize so much with him... For him he felt like everything he'd worked so hard for was getting taken away from him by a kid that was just born better. I felt for him so much...
@SnailHatan 8 ай бұрын
I still think Karasuno would win if Oikawa was the setter and Tobio set for Seijoh.
@Tsuya.Alouette 8 ай бұрын
@@SnailHatan Sure, I get that. My point is that the dynamic and team setting would just be different if they switched sides since Oikawa and Kageyama are different kinds of setters.
@lemonsgalore93 5 ай бұрын
@@SnailHatan I think if Hinata was in Karasuno and Oikawa was the setter in this period of time, though he might have been good at teaching Hinata the basics and being a great leader, there would be no freak quick. Oikawa himself says he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint set. But he would be good to teach Hinata basics, if Oikawa deigns to. Lols.
@swlfangirl 9 ай бұрын
I think Sarah is falling into the rewatch trap for Oikawa😅I’ve learned the more times you watch Haikyuu the less Oikawa hate you can produce, give me back my hatred😡
@YoonbeenPark 9 ай бұрын
Y'all are getting soft in your old (Haikyuu watching) age. And it's great! XD
@swlfangirl 9 ай бұрын
@@YoonbeenPark frfr tho I used to hate him so much (I think mostly the arrogance reminded me of someone I didn’t want to be reminded of) but now I’m just like yeah…ok like his personality is not great but he’s a really good setter 😂
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Nooooo!!! I wish you were wrong haha. I still don't love him as a person, but I have a greater appreciation for him as an athlete this time though
@manel4700 9 ай бұрын
​@@SarahPavanVolleyball​ I used to feel the same way when I first watched Haikyuu x) a friend of mine loved Oikawa and I couldn't understand, I really hated him foi being so vain. A handful of rewatches and finishing the manga later and I can honestly say I think he's great. Though he has a detestable personality, he's actually quite sensible, trusting, altruistic (don't let the stubborness fool you!) and, as an athlete, driven beyond belief. The cognitive dissonance was tough but I gave in, and I believe we can make you give in too !! If not now then when you (hopefully) decide to pick up the manga. - All this aside he truly is a phenomenally well-written character.
@Angryegaroq 9 ай бұрын
@@manel4700are you excited about the movie?
@grasshorses 9 ай бұрын
not finished with the episode yet but this is so funny that sarah is calling oikawa a douche and then being like ANYWAY HE INSPIRED KINDAICHI TO JUMP HIGHER BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR IT FROM ME
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
I'm actually laughing out loud right now hhahahahahaha
@abclookmypee 9 ай бұрын
gotta respect the justness @@SarahPavanVolleyball
@xiaotaotao7198 9 ай бұрын
It’s just facts not love....😌😌
@shayan.vb. 9 ай бұрын
12:30 I think the reason why Kindaichi seems to jump higher with Oikawa's sets is because Oikawa sets him consistently in a place that is easy for him to hit, and that reliability allows Kindaichi to trust the set and therefore jump more naturally. Whereas Kageyama kept setting very fast uncomfortable sets, forcing Kindaichi to focus more on making contact with the ball instead of jumping naturally. And that Oikawa's words to Kindaichi were purely words of encouragement: "you're facing a player (Kageyama) who thought you weren't good, but I'm gonna help you show him that you're actually a very good player". And the words definitely helped Kindaichi get in his game, but it's Oikawa's reliable setting that allowed Kindaichi to jump higher.
@smashbrandiscootch719 9 ай бұрын
So im gonna play devil's advocate for a second. A lot of things that we interpret as being mean or mean spirited dont really take into account his teammates. Like we'll see him say something and think, "Oh, hes being a jerk" but how do his teammates react to what he says? Theyre either inspired, or they brush it off, usually making Oikawa look a little silly. If he were genuinely a jerk, would his underclassmen really look up to him so much? Would his teammates really trust him as much as they clearly do. They say that you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Who is Oikawa's best friend? Iwaizumi. An all around nice guy and good teammate. And it isnt just that theyre forced to interact. Theres legitimate respect there and that has to come from somewhere.
@TrianaNero 9 ай бұрын
Agreed; there're many ways to describe Oikawa's "normal" behavior, including douchey, annoying, silly, etc., but I feel like "poor treatment [of his teammates]" is defs not it :"D
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate this perspective, and I can get behind it. I think my biggest issue with Oikawa is his slimy/condescending tone of voice and his general immaturity off-court. I understand that his team knows his and his intentions better than an outsider would, but that tone of voice just gets at me.
@smashbrandiscootch719 9 ай бұрын
@@SarahPavanVolleyball Oh for sure! And that's a completely valid perspective! And to be honest, you don't even need a reason to dislike someone. Some people just rub you the wrong way.
@LetTheBodyFall 9 ай бұрын
@@SarahPavanVolleyball all the props to his voice actor, Daisuke Namikawa 🤣 I honestly can't imagine anyone else bringing that exact type of smarm that he can lol
@darkvalkyrie7 9 ай бұрын
Just a comment on Oikawa's "jerkiness" - I think Oikawa generally has a pretty flippant, non-serious persona. He's got what appears to be a more sarcastic sense of humor and I get where side eyes come from on how he treats his teammates. But I would argue that Iwaizumi who is on the receiving end of that the most clearly loves that guy - they're brothers at this point. He insults Oikawa just as much as he receives and is always threatening him with physical violence, but he's also the first to defend Oikawa and prevent anybody (including Oikawa) from belittling him. So I think it's just the way their relationship has evolved over the years. The other 3rd years also clearly respect him and while the 1st years look like they're scared of him, it looks like fear borne of an immense amount of respect (very different from how Kenma was viewing the 3rd years when he was a 1st year). Given that we know Oikawa is very intuitive and understands how people tick, I think a lot of the way he interacts with his team is how he's figured out how to work best with the different members (e.g., he doesn't treat Kunimi like Kindaishi or either of them like Iwaizumi - each method of interaction is different depending on who it is).
@YoonbeenPark 9 ай бұрын
Yes! I think the way Oikawa tailors his interactions with his teammates (even his jabs to motivate them) shows familiarity rather than general douchebaggery. On the flip side, I think this makes him a much better teammate than honest friend because he may be hiding what he really thinks in order to motivate them, rather than connect with them personally. In fact, I suspect Sarah’s dislike of Oikawa may be subconsciously fueled by her recognition that Oikawa has a cocky public persona AND a fairly hidden personality. Sarah may be more of a “I am who I am” person (while Adam is more of a “So, what do you like?” social filter kinda guy) and would prefer that from others too. But Oikawa rarely shows monologues about how he feels let alone what he thinks, all the while being outwardly ‘arrogant’. Hence, weekly domestics 😂.
@Revoltine 9 ай бұрын
​@@YoonbeenParkI mean, you've seen how Sarah reacts. She's pretty much an open book with her thoughts on the anime. There's also the fact that she raps on about emotional intelligence a lot, but to no fault of her, most people wrongly assosciate it to being honest and straightforward, which, to me, is a quality opposite of what I prefer for my ideal setter (be very cunning and knowing how to hide or manipulate their emotions in order to work the game to their advantage).
@dorin497 9 ай бұрын
Iwaizumi is so underrated because if not for him grounding Oikawa to earth, we straight up will only see him as just a jerk.
@ladybookworms 9 ай бұрын
To Adam and Sarah: I would like to clarify that the subtitles at 34:39 and 34:40, stating "There's no need to be that surprised. That's where Kindaichi always scored the best," are inaccurately translated. The more accurate interpretation would be "This is Kindaichi's inherent best hitting spot," emphasizing that Kindaichi possessed this skill all along, rather than suggesting a recent improvement in his jumping height. Oikawa noticed this inherent skill and set him accordingly, contrasting with Kageyama's sets to Kindaichi, where Kageyama dictated how and where he wanted Kindaichi to hit.
@jakeDgirl 9 ай бұрын
19:41 Oikawa observes his team (& opponents) and changes his communication style depending on who he's talking to and what result he wants. The explicit example is during their warm up for this match last episode. For every player, Oikawa has a different way of communication. To the pinkish brown haired 3rd yr, Maki, who is his close friend too, Oikawa praises his spike. To Kindaichi who is only a 1st yr & they're not super close, Oikawa apologizes for his imperfect toss, lowering himself so that Kindaichi can feel comfortable to demand a better toss later. For Iwaizumi, who is another 3rd yr, the ace, his bestfriend; since their love languague is to insult each other, Oikawa teases him when he felt like Iwaizumi's spike was too forced. They insult each other every time they're together, so when they're in a stressful situation, like a match, Oikawa teases Iwaizumi to let him feel that everything is normal; there's no need to be nervous. Very interesting, because Suga is a setter with the same type of communication skills to bring out the best of Karasuno. Their personalities do flavor how they communicate. Suga is humble to begin with, so he comes out wholesome. Oikawa is a diva (and I say this with love, he's one of my fave), so he comes out like a jerk haha 39:49 In my opinion, I think Oikawa has a better chance at guiding beginners than Kageyama. Like when Noya failed to properly teach the 1st yrs how to receive, Kageyama said that he understood what Noya meant. Tanaka remarks that Noya & Kageyama are on a genius level in the game. A significant chunk of their skill is from their instincts, and they can't verbalize why they move and make certain decisions. They follow a "feeling". If you ask them "How do you throw a ball to play catch?" Noya and Kageyama are the type of players that might reply "lift arm & release". Oikawa's rate of improvement is slower than Kageyama's. His current skill is because he had to scramble for scraps of information he can take advantage of. He probably tried & failed often in practice before he produced results on court, just like what Noya remarked about Oikawa's serve. Kageyama & Hinata only paired up for a few days, and Kageyama quickly managed to pinpoint toss to him. Oikawa can verbalize and communicate what he observes and where others can improve, because he hismelf went through the same slow process. If you ask Oikawa how to play catch ball, he might be the type who gives you foot positioning, angle of the body, and correct swing of the arm. 44:28 Agreed, to echo your thoughts, I'm gonna steal an observation from another reaction channel (Semblance of Sanity). Kageyama is improving indeed, but that was when he was in a safe & comfortable space. Now that the stakes are high and the stress comes in, it's natural to fall back to what's comfortable, even if it's subconscious. And especially because it's only been 2 months since he joined Karasuno.
@adamschulz9475 9 ай бұрын
Lots of interesting points here. I think your point about both Oikawa and Suga connecting with each of their hitters in ways is accurate. I think this is very useful and necessary skill for a setter. I think the thing for me currently(and I will admit I don't know Oikawa well enough) but his interactions strike me purely as transactional, where with Suga you see who he is and how he cares shape his interactions. I will also admit people like this are a personal bias that I do not like. I"m not saying Oikawa is necessarily like that, but with not back story it's hard to see intention. I agree that Oikawa understands his hitters better because he isn't a "genius" and it allows him to work with other atheltes. I think this is often why "great" athletes sometimes struggle to coach and mediocre athletes make better coaches. They have experienced that struggle and had to search for solutions.
@vagoerrante 9 ай бұрын
Oikawa with Kindaichi is literally that mature new person you're dating who tries to erase the toxic memories of your ex 🤣
@CarlieAndAnge 9 ай бұрын
Tanaka the 🐐!!! Loved the insight in the discussion
@iam1039 9 ай бұрын
This must be Ange. Tanaka's number one fan.😉
@selensewar 9 ай бұрын
Yo, surprised to see you guys here! Haikyuu do be like that, once you're done with it you start watching other people react to it :D I think i "watched" it with others close to 10 times at this point. Loved your reaction, too.
@dididyo2253 9 ай бұрын
Oikawa is so well loved, he causes comment section wars 😂
@CrimsonColbat 9 ай бұрын
Adam’s smile for Suga pulling up was great
@dorin497 9 ай бұрын
This is why Oikawa is such a memorable character in Haikyuu, I argue maybe perhaps the most memorable. Because whether you love him or hate him, there's just soo much passionate discussion to be had either on his personality, his skills and even his philosophy and motivation. And then at the end we all come to a peaceful agreement that he looks soo good and fine with his glasses.
@Torqethedork 9 ай бұрын
I really enjoy Adams engagement. It takes it from a show to a conversation. I feel like I'm in the room and we're swapping stories over a few drinks. I could hang out with him any day.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Be careful... you will be getting a call from Adam shortly to hang out 😊
@selensewar 9 ай бұрын
19:33 he is not treating his teammates poorly ;-; His banter with Iwa-chan is their normal routine, they're childhood friends. And he's not baselessly arrogant, he's perfectly self-aware.
@SnailHatan 8 ай бұрын
Jesus christ just let the man watch a damn show for once. Stop crying over a fictional character
@SpitballIdea 9 ай бұрын
sarah: 'adam cares about people and i don't' adam: 'I DID NOT SAY THAT'
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
that's 100% what he said hahaha
@eugenekang5170 9 ай бұрын
7:56 I believe we just witnessed Adam's first correct foresight before a play! Yall definitely are professionals, and more so perfect together 😂
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
I can't wait to see his other ones the more he watches!
@vicentecharlinescudero3831 9 ай бұрын
I really don´t understand the statement of oikawa "treating his teammates poorly" he is a very good setter that makes every teammate feel safe around him, i think that is literally the other way around.
@selensewar 9 ай бұрын
They saw him teasing Iwa at the beginning of the match and thought he's insulting Iwa to feel better about himself or something like that. This is where their conjunction is coming from, from Sarah's blind hatred and Adam's confusion.
@adamschulz9475 9 ай бұрын
You have to remember that I have no context at this point. This is a very talented player who is being portrayed as cocky and self centered. If you look at the comments based on that view point it comes across as being demeaning. If you look at the comments as joking between 2 great friends it's a totally different context.
@selensewar 9 ай бұрын
@@adamschulz9475 fair enough. So far Iwa's relationships with Oikawa were only hinted, not outright stated. But i still find it funny how Sarah deliberately chose not to provide context here :"D
@perevision 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I’m sure Kageyama felt super safe
@vicentecharlinescudero3831 8 ай бұрын
@@perevision you have a point there jajaja
@MariGomez 9 ай бұрын
I can't hate Oikawa. I never hated him. He's no Daichi, but he is an amazing player and captain. I definitely agree that Oikawa is the better setter. Kageyama is young and has a lot to learn. Everything Oikawa said is true. Kageyama isn't bringing out 100% from Karasuno. They need more time to get to know each other and push each other to evolve. Adam, it was a nice gesture 😊 but, I understand Sarah wanting to find it on her own.
@BornNguyener 9 ай бұрын
In regards to Kindaichi jumping higher than in the practice match it's a bit of a two part reason in my opinion. 1. Oikawa wasn't the setter in the practice match so now that he's in game he's able to give Kindaichi the set to bring out his maximum potential/height and push him to jump higher. If a setter thinks that the hitter can go higher and sets higher than the practice squad setter guess what you're going to have to get up there and get it or miss the ball. Oikawa inner thoughts about how Kageyama didn't use Kindaichi as effectively as possible shows that Oikawa has his version of maximing Kindaichi's potential which is height and not speed! 2. Teasing Kindaichi and saying hey prove you're better than Kageyama's new teammate Hinata probably did give him a bit more juice to jump, but I've also looked at it as Oikawa feeling out Kindaichi's mood at the start of the game and see his reaction. Is Kindaichi thinking about the past or is he focused on the game? Kindachi says no I'm not really thinking about Kageyama and so Oikawa knows A. Don't need to worry about Kindaichi thinking about other things B. Let's fire him up a bit and give him the extra boost if needed. As the episode shows Oikawa is giving the best set for each of his hitters to maximize potential, love him or hate him that's how he plays volleyball. As far as swapping setters and environments goes the beauty of Haikyuu and the situation is that Kageyama and Karasuno with Hinata was the match made in heaven for Kageyama. He was stuck in his old ways and without seniors like Daichi and Suga and having Hinata be someone that can catch up to his quick sets it would have been very tough to grow for him. So if he had to go to Aoba Johsai and play with Kunimi and Kindaichi who he's already lost the trust of in middle school we all know it wouldn't go great. Oikawa in Karasuno on the other hand the show straight up says he can't do the freak quick to maximize Hinata's current skillset only Kageyama can, but do I think Oikawa would be able to teach Hinata how to do normal quicks and everything else absolutely that being said he'd be able to maximize Ennoshita and set the perfect high sets for Asahi and learn every teammembers abilities to maximize what he has. Either way Kageyama and Hinata in their current forms need each other as is right now.
@vdinh143 9 ай бұрын
Kindaichi didn't get motivated into jumping higher; Oikawa confirms at some point that his peak had always been this high, but other setters couldn't see the potential in him to try to give him such sets. That's why he said "trust me at just jump (at your best)"
@canadannoko 9 ай бұрын
Its kind of confirmed later in the episode, but Sarah is correct, at 12:30 the show is essentially saying Oikawa knows how to motivate his hitters. So what he said to Kindaichi made him more invested in his jump, so he actually went all out, where when he played with Kageyama, because of how Kageyama treated the team, he wasn't as motivated and didn't jump as high. For the discussion about if Oikawa could do the same with Hinata as Kageyama, the answer is pretty much no (which the show also says, commented this right before it said it haha), just because he doesn't have the pinpoint accuracy Kageyama has. However its likely he could have done something different but still good with Hinata. You can even see that with Kindaichi and Kunimi, Kageyama's former teammates, that Oikawa was better at being able to understand them and work with them. So I think Hinata working with Oikawa could have ended up being an effective duo, but almost certainly in a different way than the current Hinata. Though I will say if Oikawa was the Karasuno setter, I don't think Hinata would be playing this year. One of the second years would probably take his place.
@YoonbeenPark 9 ай бұрын
Agreed with your assessment that Oikawa wouldn’t have been able to effectively utilize Hinata very quickly. I wonder: did we have any star setters in Haikyuu other than Kageyama, Oikawa, and Kenma?
@cookiemonster6468 9 ай бұрын
@@YoonbeenPark in season 1 of Haikyuu or in general?
@YoonbeenPark 9 ай бұрын
@@cookiemonster6468 Hmm... up to Season 2, I suppose. (Spoilers, Adam!)
@cookiemonster6468 9 ай бұрын
@@YoonbeenPark !!!Spoilers!!! If it's up until season 2, I would add Akaashi in that list. I love the dynamic between him and Bokuto - it kind of reminds me of Kageyama and Hinata. P.S. I think that it's also worth noting that even Kageyama looks up to him and was jealous when he found out that Hinata and Tsuskki were practicing with him (outside of the regular practice matches at the training camp).
@bennettssvlogs 9 ай бұрын
@@YoonbeenPark Akaashi from Fukurodani Academy
@CalumHalpin 9 ай бұрын
I loved the analysis this episode and how you bounced off each other. I also loved Sarah's grudging praise for Oikawa.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Better than my first watch-through. The first time, I didn't even want to see him haha
@julienr2970 9 ай бұрын
@@SarahPavanVolleyball Wait for him at the beach playing volley 🤤
@valeriaaraujo9962 9 ай бұрын
Spoilers! ​@@julienr2970
@sz8541 9 ай бұрын
Love the video as always! Sarah on her rewatch be like: I should hate on Oikawa, but why is he doing this and this and this agreeable and respectable thing? As a non-player I personally don't understand why Kageyama and Oikawa get shades when they say their teammates will be the strongest with them. If a setter's job is to elevate their teammate, is it the line a proof of their determination to work hard for the team? To me it is equivalent to Noya saying he will guard their back.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
I have definitely noticed myself appreciating Oikawa as an athlete a lot more on this watch. It's tough to admit, but I can't deny his abilities.
@julienr2970 9 ай бұрын
Next step is on 2nd season gets in Sarah's love house 😏
@timothythang5795 9 ай бұрын
I start to fall in love with Oikawa character at second time rewatching Haikyuu
@YoonbeenPark 9 ай бұрын
I love this one!! It’s such a treat to see two volleyball people who can speak about not only the authenticity of the experiences the players of Karasuno are having but also the specific volleyball strategies Aoba Johsai/OYAkawa (😂) are employing. It’s so much fun - thank you Adam & Sarah. I also welcome the Bro House internal promotion Tanaka must surely have secured this episode. Brings a tear to my eye every time. I’m looking forward to the effect this episode might have on Adam & Sarah’s Season 1 Draft process. Maybe y’all can do two drafts? One for an All-Star Team that picks the best individual players for each position and one for the Dream Team that hopefully is the best cohesive (and skilled) team.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Ooooh interesting idea about the draft! I bet Adam will be on board with that. Oyakawa... I just can't
@MasterPpv 9 ай бұрын
@@SarahPavanVolleyball I'm just imagining the Kool-Aid man bursting through a wall sporting an anime haircut going "OHHHH YEEEAAAHHH KAWAAAAA" 🤣
@zygiwong 9 ай бұрын
Love that oikawa secretly moves into Sarah’s love house. She’s so real for that
@julienr2970 9 ай бұрын
😱 So there is a secret Sarah's love house with only Oikawa 🤯
@silnot8235 9 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Japan's national team player Yuji Nishida picked Tanaka as his favorite character in Haikyuu, and saying: "He's totally like me."
@warrensee410 9 ай бұрын
Yes! Sara is right about Kindaichi jumping higher arguement! I really love watching the dynamics between the two of you. We can see Adam bleeding from the side of his mouth to have to say that Oikawa is a better setter than Kageyama here lol. The subbing in of Suga here confirmed how important Suga is to Karasuno. Finally, while Adam's gesture to getting Book 5 for Sarah is very sweet, he failed to understand the "romance and beauty" of the journey to find the book in Sarah's perspective lol. Typical straight man problem solving thinking lol. If Sarah had only wanted the possession of that book, she could have just said it in any of the videos and she would be receiving a whole stack of them from her fans here lol.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
haha you're so right. Adam is incredibly thoughtful and is a problem-solver, but hunting for each volume in order is so thrilling for me Thank you for understanding my point about Kindaichi jumping higher!! 🙏
@cookiemonster6468 9 ай бұрын
Lesgoooo! Tanaka reminding us again how great he is ❤
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
He is so precious. I love him so much
@MasterPpv 9 ай бұрын
Best intro so far 😂 I'm glad you finally got that volume! ❤
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
you must be one of our favorites
@heatxtreme9261 9 ай бұрын
To be completely honest I only started liking oikawa until a certain point later on, not gonna specify when to avoid spoilers, but those of you who knows, knows
@heatxtreme9261 9 ай бұрын
Also there is a picture from the Haikyuu final guide book, if I remembered correctly, that pairs each of the prominent setters with a word that describes their play style and Oikawa was Insight/perceptive
@heatxtreme9261 9 ай бұрын
Spoilers ahead mainly for Adam and those who haven’t watched all of the anime that is out so far The other setters play stay are Kageyama - Threat/Trust basically egging his attackers like “hey, you’re able to hit that right?” and trusting they will be able to hit that ball (basically what he did with tsuki during the date tech practice match) Suga - I failed to find a good enough one word translation, but it basically means having a solid foundation/backbone for the team Astumu - Love Kenma- Illusion Akaashi- Devotion
@julienr2970 9 ай бұрын
@@heatxtreme9261 Also, Oikawa - Great (less is more 😁)
@apppletreee 9 ай бұрын
Same. I find his personality in season 1 hard to like lol.
@Ny333OST 9 ай бұрын
When you reach that moment you will be hooked on Oikawa.
@user3640z 9 ай бұрын
I would not have respected Oikawa if he had said that to stir up and inspire Kindaichi.😌 I'm here to tell you that there is a misunderstanding of this interpretation. Also, in the translation it is "Great Oikawa-san," but in the original it is "Oikawa-san," and there is no element of arrogance there. Thanks for the happiness in my day 🥰
@veraserah 9 ай бұрын
Part of me appreciated Oikawa's douche aspect for what it was in a teenager - posturing and hiding his insecurities through projecting confidence. He might even know that he's "good" at volleyball, but it doesn't bring him satisfaction in the sense that he knows he's so far behind people very close by to him at the same time. I know Adam hasn't seen it all, so I won't say much more, just that I think I never truly disliked Oikawa because his personality was not so far harmful to others for showing off his skills, posturing and amplifying his talents like a peacock, and knowing he's doing so because of his insecurities. You just KNOW he's the type of person to try to make it seem like it was so easy for him when in reality he puts in above and beyond effort for himself and his team. And I think he's definitely someone I wouldn't necessarily be friends with, but really like as a character piece of fiction to watch develop, if that makes sense?
@musingmiyu 9 ай бұрын
I love your book hunting story, haha. It was sweet for Adam to call ahead, but I totally understand the thrill of the hunt. This episode was just a delight to watch from start to finish - the Tanaka feels (he is the BEST SENPAI), the contrast btwn Oikawa and Kageyama as setters and Kageyama reverting back to his middle school bad habits in his panic, and that look when he sees that he's being subbed out has me 😭😭😭 and to end up with suga getting subbed in is such an evil cliffhanger ahaha. I also love the discussions between u two. It's so fun to hear Sarah pose questions to Adam 😂 tysm for a lovely video!!! ❤
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
I'm so happy you enjoyed this reaction!! I agree... it was sweet for Adam to be so thoughtful, but having to put volume 5 back after the level of excitement I felt... heartbreaking
@havocstrife151 9 ай бұрын
-Adam blink twice if you need help- I just want to say Tanaka was great at this episode😁
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
omg 😂 I was pretty passionate this episode... sorry everybody.
@Shp4318 9 ай бұрын
Loved today’s reaction! And you guys have nothing to apologise about having a longer intro. I personally love to hear about the little things. It was a nice gesture on Adam’s part to call the bookstores ahead, but I would agree with Sarah on this one.. it’s a different kind of thrill to go through the bookstores and find a book, like a lost treasure (sorry Adam!) Oikawa may not be a genius, but he is a master strategist- that’s what sets him apart from most players. I never liked him, but I respect him as a player.. and I appreciate how Sarah always acknowledges that, even if it kills her 😂 And Tanaka- he’s my man❤❤ glad to know he has the top seat in the bro house. He could see the view from the top 😉
@jmanuelrm7804 9 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you are reading the manga, I'm afraid the anime isn't going to do justice to the masterpiece this manga is 😭💔
@Shugoshin9720 9 ай бұрын
I must say it's great fun that Sarah is almost acting like a first time watcher of Haikyuu again going through all the thoughts and emotions. I guess that's a great testament to the rewatch ability of the show.
@karabomasibi2331 9 ай бұрын
So nice to see Sara defender Oikawa , he made Kindaichi jump higher for sure.
@ruriva4931 9 ай бұрын
19:45 The whole treating his teammates poorly thing idea, don’t really agree because his teammates actually like him quite a bit. Owiawa is the “meanest” to Iwazumi but they literally are each others best friends. Not to mention that it’s not like Iwa is a pushover he quips back all the time and theeatens Owikawa with violence but their friendship remains strong and as in tact as ever. SPOILERS: Unlike mad dog who many people on the team actually dislike because of mad dog’s attitude, his teammates actually like Owikwa which goes to show you that he’s a good teammate. PS. Sorry for the butchered spelling
@Aisha-fd1oq 9 ай бұрын
This episode has so much in it that links up with things later in the series (“the curse of speed”, stuff about Tanaka, Oikawa and Kageyama that feels incredibly significant the more we know about them as characters) that I’ve really been watching more for Sarah’s rewatch reaction than for Adam’s first watch! One thing I picked up that I didn’t catch when I watched this episode before was the moment (34:37) when Oikawa is thinking “that was always where Kindaichi scored best,” with the implication that Kageyama hadn’t really appreciated him before. I know that this is partly a continuation of the idea that the reason Oikawa is such a good setter is that he understands and gets the best out of his teammates, and the earlier comments to Kindaichi about Kageyama were obviously to fire him up and make him play better. But (Adam was saying something about wanting to know Oikawa’s own internal monologue!) *this* particular comment isn’t spoken out loud, it’s not something he’s saying to motivate Kindaichi or undermine Kageyama’s confidence, and so it feels to me like Oikawa is genuinely a bit resentful on Kindaichi’s behalf. For me, this resonates with [phrasing this carefully to try and avoid spoilers!] things we find out later about Oikawa’s choice to go to Seijoh in the first place. Which is all to say, he’s incredibly annoying (especially to Iwaizumi, his best friend) and manipulative to his teammates in some ways, but he’s also incredibly loyal to them. (Also Sarah’s completely in the right about the book shopping, but I have no moral ground to stand on because I got impatient and ordered all the volumes online.)
@Shirley36 9 ай бұрын
omg I'm still losing my mind at how they think Oikawa treats his team like shit when he doesn't lol. It's been less than 2 minutes into the video and I'm internally screaming lol
@Ottuln 9 ай бұрын
19:30 Adam, you missed that he only goes after one of his teammates, and it is his best friend Iwazumi. Iwa is the one that the coach relies on to keep Oikawa focused, and Oikawa and Iwa's relationship is as close as you can get. He teases him because they really care about each other. Every one else he treats super-nicely.
@ChessHistorian 9 ай бұрын
The manga xmas call-around: you're both right. It was a super sweet gesture, but it was also cheatcheap. Optimal alternative: call around to find out what bookstore has the book, then take Sarah there on like Christmas Eve with her mom and let her think going to that bookstore was her call and that she magically found it and that the spirit of Christmas is real and present. The best gift-giving is all about tricking people into believing magic is real.
@SuperDatsyuk13 9 ай бұрын
I loved how you both talked about Kageyamas growth from episode 1 to now and it shows he is getting better but he also still has much to learn like you both said during pressure moments. Tanaka also a had great moment in this episode. Adam I also want to thank you for pointing out Suga's contribution even though he has not been on the court he is the one that has come up with the signals and some of the strategizes that are incorperated into their gameplay. Adam I can't wait for you see next episode it is Suga filled. Sarah you are going to get mad at this but Adam does Oikawa even have a chance from what you have seen so far of making it into your Bro House.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Ooooh good question... I want to know what Adam will answer!!
@SuperDatsyuk13 9 ай бұрын
@@SarahPavanVolleyball same here Sarah same here
@adamschulz9475 9 ай бұрын
My initial instinct is that I would be happy to play with him on the court, but i'm not sure I would want to hang out with him off the court. Not sure right now he is my style. Not writing him off completely, I need to see more. But that's my first impression. I"m not sure he passes the beer test.
@SuperDatsyuk13 9 ай бұрын
@adamschulz9475 thanks for your honest opinion and I am glad you still like him and are reserving judgment and you do get to see his backstop but I don't want to spoil it for because I really love your honest, genuine reactions and your coaching perspective on the episodes. Can't wait for you to see next episode and thanks again for recognizing Suga's contributions last episode 😁❤️
@blitzwulf6655 9 ай бұрын
Adam's expression when Suga was getting subbed in was the highlight of this episode.
@user-df2yr7nj6z 9 ай бұрын
@ScratchJoe 8 ай бұрын
I'm an amateur at volleyball, but during a few of my drop-ins when I met a great setter they were able to bring out the best in me. The setter allowed me to hit better than I knew I could and I swear it feels incredible and it helps me want to improve my personal growth.
@洛景-o9q 9 ай бұрын
I really should not open my youtube before sleep🤣🤣🤣
@linh_tran93 9 ай бұрын
The book hunting story is funny. I get why Sarah's pissed. Nobody stands in the way of a person hunting down the book they want (the way they want it 😂)
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
it. must. be. in. order. (and i have to find it haha)
@hunghangaroo 9 ай бұрын
but still A for Effort, for Adam! he can add call center agent to his career 🤭
@JihoonJKim 9 ай бұрын
If there's anything to be said about oikawa is that he is a real competitor. And Tanaka is the goat. He's so awesome. Genuinely an inspiring guy with the way he pulls himself together.
@imanahsan63 9 ай бұрын
Mannnn i genuinely cannot wait for the discussions these both are gonna have in season 3. The gameplay in that season is phenomenal!!!!
@kingragnarok7302 9 ай бұрын
Here we fight tooth and nail for every Oikawa compliment.
@IntriguingPandaChick 9 ай бұрын
rewatching the Tanaka scene now is suchhh great foreshadowing for season 4, i got so emotional just watching it! + I'm definitely one of the viewers that hated Oikawa at first but ended up begrudgingly liking him more and more with every watch HAHAHA I'm excited to see how Sarah's rewatch with Oikawa goes ++ Normally I'm an Adam supporter and I think it was a sweet gesture, but Sarah finding the volume organically was just too precious of a moment sorry hahahaha
@aznc0ffe388 9 ай бұрын
it's so amazing right after your discussion on what a "true setter" is the show itself shares its definition of a "true setter" and basically echoes your thoughts
@dancershorty12 9 ай бұрын
You guys always make my day honestly 🥰 Also I am a huuuuge book nerd and I understand the satisfaction of finding that one edition of that one book you've been looking forever for! 😂
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Yesssss!!! I appreciate the understanding
@talosig23 9 ай бұрын
Adam pausing the video for 3x times (at least) this episode is something new to me. Lol
@soo-bun 9 ай бұрын
Oh gosh, I can't wait to watch your reaction video in the next few episodes.
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
It's gonna be good!!
@accioravenclaw2052 9 ай бұрын
Loved this one as usual! A small point: the "certain victory" banner in the junior high flashback is a literal translation. This phrase is often used for cheering or pep talks and things like that, stronger but similar to "you can do it". And it's pretty common so I'm not even sure it's necessarily Kageyama & Oikawa's school banner (but they might have shown the school name and I missed it).
@ladybookworms 9 ай бұрын
Just woke up randomly to find this. Going back to sleep happy. Will watch this in the morning. Something to look forward to in the morning! 🎉😊
@FLC2311 3 ай бұрын
pay attention to when Oikawa's tone of voice is high vs. low... he is clearly being sarcastic and playful when high and serious when low - he does have a twisted sense of humor but who doesn't?!
@amparotaminez7503 9 күн бұрын
I love the violent side eye that Sarah gives Adam whenever he talks positively about Oikawa!
@hungryclone 9 ай бұрын
I mean I can’t fault Adam for the statement “If your hitters are scoring you’re(the setter) doing your job.” At its core it’s accurate.
@tsubasangel 9 ай бұрын
The book story was a cute couple story 😊 this is such an oikawa highlight episode lol oikawa can have a personality that some people don't like especially initially but people who know him well like his team know what he means when he says things. I agree with people that the more you watch haikyuu the more you learn to like and appreciate oikawa because you as a watcher also become more familiar with him 😂😅 but he'll always be my favorite 😂 don't take anything personally if people defend him 😅
@japkorox91 9 ай бұрын
Just waiting for Sarah to slowly become a Oikawa convert as she rewatches Haikyuu.❤
@LeonardoPostacchini 9 ай бұрын
Sarah, kudos to you! It takes a big person to admit misbehaving. It is even more admirable that you noticed a Oikawa positive impact on his teammate and pointed that out to Adam despite your grudge against Oikawa. Regarding the book purchase, yes telling you to put it back was savage.
@tabo51 9 ай бұрын
I love the discussion about talent vs. the intangibles (decision making, team chemistry, work ethics, etc.). There's obviously no right answer as many of the most talented prospects in their respective sports that go pro fail miserably while a player with "mediocre" talent can be one of the greatest of all time because of how they can maximize their skills through the intangibles. Both Oikawa and Suga exemplify their mastery of the intangibles despite lacking the skills and precision Kageyama has. I think it ultimately boils down to how "teachable" a player is. Kageyama thinks he knows the best way to score points but isn't capable, at this point, to execute it because he's not on the same page as his teammates. Now that he's about to be subbed out, hopefully he can learn by watching how Suga and Oikawa 'orchestrate' their offenses.
@makeda6530 9 ай бұрын
The volume search story was adorable, you two are too cute! Lol
@TownspersonB 9 ай бұрын
Season 4 spoilers in this comment below, so don't read ahead, Adam! 38:10 About only seeing the characters in their own teams, so we don't get the wider picture of them as athletes: I think that's one of the fun things about the Season 4 training camps. Not only did it introduce a bunch of fun characters through Kageyama, but we also got to see our boys out of their element. Heck, Atsumu even wanted Kageyama to become a wing spiker, lol
@Warriorette12 9 ай бұрын
I LOVE hearing you guys get into the weeds of plays and players! That technical stuff that only professionals can pick out and discuss is why I’m here!
@johncui8219 9 ай бұрын
omg i’ve never been this early, can’t wait to watch this with lunch :)
@percept1on815 9 ай бұрын
Oikawa is 100% the better setter. His attitude may be a little assholey , but he is a true competitor and he is never bad with his teammates.
@tgcfan_ 9 ай бұрын
Woahh.. 2am in the morning here 😂😂😂 Also I totally get your excitement Sarah about buying the manga loll poor Adam but really I can sympathise with him but im totally on Sarah side with this since I would probably react the same way 😂
@SarahPavanVolleyball 9 ай бұрын
Adam is such a sweetheart, but he didn't understand my weirdness in this instance haha
@datsuzokuamv 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely no one skips your intro's guys lmao!
@maryt2786 4 ай бұрын
I can’t believe that the spot that I thought was weird between the mangas in the back ,was the spot that you left for the 5th volume! (Ever since I started buying the mangas as well, I noticed yours in the back and now I can’t stop looking at them 😅)
@sourlimes8197 9 ай бұрын
with the first season rounding up, it would be great to see the both of you react to the opening songs once the next few seasons!! at least for the first time it shows 😊 the opening songs r packed w cool action sequences and the music is jst absolutely 10/10
@jelly9525 9 ай бұрын
The discussion in this video is so fun to listen to. I loved listening to both your thoughts on their mentality. So much attention on the pretty setter squad today 🎉
@taylorj4779 9 ай бұрын
oikawa is the man once of my favs
@biancaisabel4289 9 ай бұрын
Perfect timing. My shift ends in an hour and it's sweet weekend for me. Can't wait to sit back and relax with this vid woohoo
@yeti112 9 ай бұрын
When watching Haikyu for the first time, the second episode managed to hook me into this here but this episode right here is where things get really well written characterwise and you can see that in Sarah's and Adam's reaction. Before Adam was like "Can judge Oikawa now, I don't know enough about him" but now you get things like a character analysis from him and we ended up in a conversation about how Oikawa would do in Karasuno and Kageyama in Seijoh. Great episode and thanks for your thoughts.
@T0asTy1 9 ай бұрын
Sarah cringing at Adam for not saying Oikawa correctly is the same how we cringe when Sarah calls Aran "Alan" lol
@zeronrb1739 9 ай бұрын
"Alan" is not an incorrect romanization tho, and I think that's also what he's called in the official English dub.
@mence5992 9 ай бұрын
Sarah making predictions about kageyama After watching the all show Is Like bullying your Little nephew about a game he can't win that you already won. It's not fair😂
@陳亭伃-n7g 8 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed Sarah's analysis of "comparing one player to another," especially in this fandom. In fact, I often find comparing players in group sports a little... meaningless? Because with different teammates, different opponents, everything can be so much different. And love your in-depth discussions as always❤
@ArceeDilao23 9 ай бұрын
Great reaction! I was vibrating in my seat when I heard that you're collecting and reading the manga. I also loved that Adam loved the Tanaka screentime. You'll see more of that throughout the seasons. No character is too small to develop in Haikyuu! I can't believe we're almost done with season 1. Any chance of a double drop for episodes 24 and 25, pretty please? 👉👈
@yunicheng6343 9 ай бұрын
Sarah's trying to find the comics, Adam's wanting to surprise Sarah to call the bookstores, and finally seeing the treasure but being stopped to check out…The whole development is so cute! ❤ Thank you for letting us know! And because so many of us have seen the whole story of haikyuu, we can even anticipate how the story after the animation season 4 (the current progress) will affect you. Unfortunately, only one film will be released this year. The production of subsequent animations will take a long time. But I will always wait and hope to witness that moment to the end with you.😊
@kuzu00 9 ай бұрын
Yesss give tanaka that 5-star luxury penthouse!! As a tanaka lover I'm always her for tanaka appreciation❤🎉 I cannot wait for adam to watch THAT tanaka episode in season 4, I think he's really gonna appreciate it🥹 watching this episode and comparing it with "that" episode made me emotional all over, what a great guy😭
@shrutichoudhary9900 9 ай бұрын
Tanaka is love. He's such an honest spirit. I would love to be his friend in real life, really. He's really caring, considerate, sincere... He understands the limits of communication as well, doesn't goes out of line.... When Noya goes wild, and when Noya fought with Asahi, Tanaka understands the atmosphere and helps out in the background. He's in my all time admired characters list. Probably on the top, really.
@shrutichoudhary9900 9 ай бұрын
Sarah and Adam, you both keep on opening so many new perspectives on understanding Haikyu!!, thank you so much. Just as setters are a conductor for the team, team members individually play a really important role on setter's development too. And it's very difficult to compare them skill wise from just a few matches.
@bonifyedhusla 9 ай бұрын
I wish I could watch the next few episodes right now! This is the shows peak! Ahhhhhhhh oy yah kawa!
@komokosai 9 ай бұрын
oh myyyyy,,, thank you for having him in this rabbit hole ❤
@JiyutoSeigi 9 ай бұрын
I'm deliriously happy that you're both reading the manga! This is the perfect outcome, given we can expect the coming anime to sadly abbreviate what's coming, and the manga is well worth its own attention!
@kristinekalanduyan8107 9 ай бұрын
44:01 omg Adam’s smile seeing Suga 🤭 can’t wait for the next episode!!
@cashmoney7645 9 ай бұрын
i usually skip all intros but i've never skipped yours!!!! they're a very fun addition to an already great video :)
@user-pm4ej2ie7e 9 ай бұрын
I’ve completed Haikyu sometime back but I’m re-watching after popping by your channel by chance! 🎉
@m..na. 8 ай бұрын
I love your discussions! It adds so much to the haikyuu rewatch experience
@andreivalmed 9 ай бұрын
Kindaichi seems to have jumped higher because oikawa sets the ball in a way that kindaichis contact on the ball is his max reach
@EsquirebobAnimations 9 ай бұрын
I love you Sarah but Adam is right every step of the way and its awesome lol
@valeriaaraujo9962 9 ай бұрын
I love the conversations so don't feel bad for taking your time in the intro or to make your points, guys. Also, I think Adam can just call Oikawa by his first name Toru necause it's easier to remember/pronounce. Or Shittykawa like Iwaizumi does lol
@t3cchan 9 ай бұрын
oh my god that Christmas present story is HILARIOUS. The things that I would give to be a fly on the wall at that bookstore. RIP Adam
@adamschulz9475 9 ай бұрын
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