Regarding the factory which manufactures lovely TAIWAN BEER, there are 3 places to product it as "台灣啤酒在全台有:善化(臺南)、烏日(臺中)、竹南(苗栗) 3個啤酒廠". Recommend you could visit them all and hope you enjoy your journey. 有些啤酒廠還有試飲活動哦~ 台南善化,應該是離你們最近的!順便來臺南玩吧~ Maybe you could visit TAINAN Shanhua as a start of your beer factory pilgrimage. Have fun~
Great, great Dad, I love you so much, you are truly 行動派, 說來就來, 歡迎你哦! If you start a new channel, I won't be surprised, you can start to make friends here, and learn Chinese too! 大豐, 好樣的, 你真的是一個好兒子, 還有, 你娶了一個台灣老婆, 她會孝順公公的, 好棒呀 祝你們全家開展一個美好的人生!