Point grey 真係好少依啲咁細間嘅屋,通常都係超豪宅,其實市場比較窄,想買point grey 嘅有錢人又覺得佢太細,想買西區嘅窮人又覺得佢太貴,另外依啲區一有分租會雜咗,買家會唔太喜歡,我覺得双屋已好勉強
@tendue07266 ай бұрын
三戶共住俾鄰居笑到傻。 house insurance 要 disclosure if you have 3 different household… 多倫多就有人奶嘢, water damage 唔賠, inspector 話點解有三個 kitchen ( basement has 2, one full size and one kitchenettes)…
@Abcde27604 Жыл бұрын
@cao64967 ай бұрын
elegant area. maximize indoor. not as important, omit lor
@tendue07266 ай бұрын
同意。多倫多2 mio 以上冇雙車房都頭痛,駕靚車曰嗮雨淋。仲有,請你留意吓個廚櫃,連中價貨都唔係。我同朋友疫情時睇 1多倫多有間叫 Olympic kitchen , 人哋四萬五1 組的櫃都巧高格調, 你看D鉸就知。同埋 applicec不是用panel ready 巧奇。做有D櫃邊用 led strips, not pot lights … 😅
搵詹 sir 只係娛樂性, 不過唔好介意, 呢個做法令人覺得唔專業, 加拿大的房屋同香港完全唔同, house inspection 係加拿大是複習的問題, 有好多專業知識係裡面, 唔似香港注重空心磚, 廁所地台防水, 玻璃窗有花痕, 熟習北美情況係唔夠, 加拿大驗屋要攞牌, 單單個窗已經要睇有無做好防風防水, 唔係走暖氣/ 入風都係問題, 仲有 insulation, 仲有電 & 水壓&water pipe 呢, 有 D insurance company 因為呢D的問題加你保險, 唔係新屋就無呢D問題, 搵詹 sir 來評間屋更無聊, 一定係話好大好靚.....
@eugenejohnson7755 Жыл бұрын
This house has no indoor garage? If it doesn't, it must be the first one in North America. It looks like it only has one outdoor parking space which is very insufficient.
@none8708 Жыл бұрын
Major drawback. If it rains or snows, hv to unload grocery in the rain.
@eugenejohnson7755 Жыл бұрын
@@none8708 Parking your car outdoor is very vulnerable to car theft. How can any house in North America not have an indoor garage?
@魏義漢 Жыл бұрын
No swim pool
@cao64967 ай бұрын
below 3 people may not understand. Van. West Side is elegant area. space very precious like HK before. maximize important thing and not as important, be ignored logically.
@earneychiu53418 ай бұрын
三千萬喺香港都ok 。喺加拿大溫哥 咁嘅獨立屋 三百萬加紙。
@cao64967 ай бұрын
traditional elegant area. east side increased too much in price. west side left behind already. no method. van. still hot ah. worldwide immigrants want to move there. HK was also very hot before but fung shui changed and changed ah.
@cherrylee_1985 Жыл бұрын
@wilsonso2139 Жыл бұрын
@jamesleung8679 Жыл бұрын
@wilsonso2139 Жыл бұрын
@tattatpoon7161 Жыл бұрын
@wktung25 Жыл бұрын
香港玩劏房温哥華玩劏屋?5 mil 買間屋冇3個泊車位仲要劏開3份?租俾學生讀UBC都要有車位,又唔近skytrain,grocery shopping not within walking distance!買3個 apartments 近 skytrain都唔洗5mil !平屋頂落大雪好快玩完,仲有買得起Point Grey or Shaughnessy都唔洗分租喇!仲要分3個家庭?多啲呢類劏屋地價眨值就唔係好事,租唔出淨係洗廁所都洗瓜人未計全屋清潔維修保養!有掃地機械人都好快打柴🤣
@cao64967 ай бұрын
Van. West Side is traditionally Vancouver elegant area. The realtor should stress the point. Many audience compared it to other regular area! Can you compare Tai Ping Mountain house with Sham Shui Po New Elegant Condo?
@iphonestreetwalker Жыл бұрын
Jim sir 憑乜嘢去分析人哋 加拿大啲樓😂
@mingnip727211 ай бұрын
@claytonchan2803 Жыл бұрын
@siukeungli2579 Жыл бұрын
@ericcheung1002 Жыл бұрын
@cao64967 ай бұрын
If you want luxury house for this area, you are talking about CAD$10-15 mil. or HK$60mil - HK$90,000,000! Do you understand?