Walking the Yard at Clean Valley Farms

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JT Bear

JT Bear

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@mumbaibalconygardenerhobbies 9 жыл бұрын
Huge property with endless options! Hope it all goes well for you and Chox. Good luck and best wishes from Mumbai, India.
@splat68 9 жыл бұрын
Wow! Property envy overload! Every step you took I just thought to myself "I want it, I want it!" You have exactly the type of place I want to move to and I cannot wait to follow your adventures. The fish room, when you said about rabbits, how about a chicken coop too? Plenty of free warmth over night. Love the treasure trove. I actually felt my mouth watering at the sight of all those goodies! I often trawl locally for skips (dumpsters) and have a look what I can find. My wife is always on Freecycle (hopefully you have a Canadian equivalent) where people give stuff away rather than dumping it. A few weeks ago I went and dismantled a metal framed greenhouse 3m x 2m with about 95% of the glass in tact! For FREE!!!! Oh, and despite viewing it through the lens of your camera it felt like a good place to be. Good vibes.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Andy Patmore - Well, there are a few other places for sale in this little town .... ;-) I've already made the mistake of asking about the chickens and been told there may be some concerns but folks seem to like us from what I can tell so we may be able to in a year or so. Just need to get a little more time in town first, once we make it through a winter here they will see we are staying. That pile of stuff on the back fence is going to be a TON of fun to go through, my favorites so far are the his & hers oldtime bikes but there could be so much more under that hiding unseen ... You're very right about the vibe here, very chill & soothing. Just what I need for my own somewhat shattered nerves, 8 years of heavy security in the big city and I've been searching for peace ever since ... Blessings to you & yours!
@waedvm 9 жыл бұрын
Congrats JT and thanks for bringing us along. Such a cool place with endless possibilities! Look forward to watching it evolve, thanks again for your work
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+waedvm dogdoc - Thank you & it's my pleasure to share! The possibilities really do seem quite endless at this point. I just spend over an hour looking into what fruit trees to grow in zone 2. Looks like I've already got a start on many of the berry bush types they recommend though! Plenty of updates as it all grows!
@bvbjb 9 жыл бұрын
Incredibly exciting!!! Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing. :) !!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Bert Jones - It really is so very exciting, thanks for taking a look!
@yackfzay6224 9 жыл бұрын
Very cool place you got. A lot of cool idea coming to fast. Make a plan list. The first I would say update your electrical n plumbing. It is good that you are an enthusiastic carpenter. Put your money together. All your potted plants can survived the winter, it seems you have plenty of space for indoor. Place all the pot together on top with munched. This will keep them warm. I seen on TV that once it reached below 20 decrees don't water the plant. As long the roots survives, it make a come back. I'm going to try to save peppers that my family has grown this year. Going put all of them in pots and put them in the house. I will star tomorrow.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+yack f zay - We have to do the furnace & roof first but updating the wiring and plumbing is on the list right after those! The peppers already have a new room upstairs and most are looking happy about that, some just took too much damage on the trip. The bushes & shrubs are already safely tucked in with protection from the north and up to the top of their buckets with collected hay from the yard. Good luck with your families peppers! :-)
@jimsmij 9 жыл бұрын
Congrats! Looking forward to watching it all unfold!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Jim S - Thanks! Myself as well!
@punkyroo 9 жыл бұрын
So happy for you! And totally jealous. And information booth: YES!! I've talked about putting this in front of my house. I turned our entire (tiny) front yard into a koi pond (aquaponics) and lot's of people stop as they walk by. I really need an information booth.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cleavage&Crops - I figure the booth will give the older neighbors somewhere to sit & rest while still finding out what 'the new folks' are up to ... it's either that or I start to garden in a kilt & they will just stop looking because I'll be 'too weird'!
@Silvermoonhomestead 9 жыл бұрын
The onions look like they're walking/egyptian onions. They grow the babies on the stalks instead of flowers like most onions. Then the stalks get heavy and fall over and the babies take root. Hence, the walking onion part of the name. The greens are lovely and when you did the mature bulbs up, they're small but very good. So many possibilities with that property.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Silvermoonacres - Thank you so much! So I should just clean up the area and let them 'walk' as they please? That's my kind of onion!
@Silvermoonhomestead 9 жыл бұрын
That depends. lol You can let them just walk. But they can get invasive that way. Not kudzu invasive, but they can slowly take over. Or at least in my area. Up in Canada, I don't know if the winter slows them down. But I've heard of people mowing them and they just came back. Also depends on how much you eat the bulbs. If you eat a lot of onions, then there you go. lol
@cathyplantlover2862 9 жыл бұрын
Cool an apple tree lucky you.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cathy Aragon - 3 it seems, Chox found another variety hidden in the fairy garden!
@charleskiplinger9904 9 жыл бұрын
Just take your time JT and have a blast;.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Charles Kiplinger - Will do!
@cathyplantlover2862 9 жыл бұрын
Wow zone 2 can't image......gardening in that situation....good luck!!lol
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cathy Aragon - I do like a challenge, I think this counts for that! :-)
@buffalo_chips9538 9 жыл бұрын
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Buffalo_Chips - Mwands? Manitoba west lands? Definitely lots of rocks though ...
@buffalo_chips9538 9 жыл бұрын
Missouri wind and solar mwands.com
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
Oh, lol! My bad ...
@cathyplantlover2862 9 жыл бұрын
It look very nice good for you.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cathy Aragon - Perfect for us, a diamond in the rough for the permaculture minded!
@richardjunker2825 9 жыл бұрын
Congrats on the new place man! I can't wait to see what improvements you make and if you are able to put a large trout tank in that out building. Hehe I'm also glad that I'm not the only one that sees a pile of trash as a "treasure pile". We just recently moved to an acre of land down south of where I work so we'll be doing a pile of building and moving our AP system as well. Keep up with the updates JT, we love watching you work.
@RevtosTV 9 жыл бұрын
Soooo many things to comment on!! I'll pick one that I haven't seen any comments on! I don't know what the thing was in front of the first bike in the treasure pile but it looked like a "water wheel" of some sort. You know, one of those things that water falls onto to make it turn. Maybe if it was smaller or with some tinkering you might be able to make it make enough electricity to power the aquaponic pump! (I have always wanted to try that!) IF that is what it is! Lol! If not then the wind generator will definitely take care of it! Free electricity!!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+RevtosTV - Oh my friend, if only you knew what I was JUST drooling over to put on the 'we need this' list. Have I mentioned my love of the Missouri Wind & Solar channel and store? Hehe ... we're gonna get paid to live here by the time I'm done! Grid tie & away! :-) I saw what you're talking about in the treasure pile and you're totally right about water wheel potential. This place was set up with a well & rainwater collection at some point as evidence remains of both. Once we get some metal roofing panels on this place we'll get to collecting rain again but I want that well tested. I kinda think there might be two wells, that tower has some interesting brickwork nearby ... I can't wait to get started playing with the wind here. That tower is a HUGE part of those plans. I figure a good starter wind turbine from MW&S to get us going then I can start to play with my own design ideas. We've moved much closer to an important part of my mastermind group from high school. There was nothing the two of us couldn't pull off once we decided it was gonna get done! Perfect for such a project ... There will be videos of most of it I imagine ... Have a great night!
@RevtosTV 9 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to see what kind of setup that Jeff from Missouri Wind and Solar will hook you up with! The tower is already there for wind generators and once the roof is done you have the green light to solar the heck out of it! Lol! My mind is already swimming with ideas and planing out charge controllers, batteries, transformers, housing for it all and all of the other fun stuff that comes with that kind of job! (I love planning out other peoples jobs in my head and seeing if my ideas come close to their results! Lol! Shout out to all of the electricity nerds!!) What kind of well or wells do you have? I assume that Canada is cold so the wells are probably run by polar bears running on treadmills, right? Gotta be goofy! But being serious, Is is a shallow well, or deep well, or a really really deep well? Is there a pump above ground or below? If you can run the pump I would run it for like five minutes or so and then grab some water from it and run any water test that you have for aquaponics to see what it says while you are waiting to get it tested. It might give you a good perimeter of the water and the water test will tell you if you should drink it or not. Hey look! Another novel! The book is halfway done!! Lol!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
RevtosTV I have no idea about the wells other than ... I think I may have found 2. All the polar bears are held captive at coca cola and forced to work in advertising so we are now stuck with seal power for the wells. On the up side, there are more seals now with the polar bears gone! Seriously though, that sounds like a great pre test once I get some water from those wells, for the rain water too really! My plan is to run a grid tie so I can use town as my battery panel and get paid by the hydro company. Even if I have to pay for everything I think it's only $2,500 for the setup I'm looking into. If I recall our usage correctly we should be at about even with just the turbine! Adding solar would be the icing on the cake ... We're gonna have this old house so green by the time we're done it'll be great!
@RevtosTV 9 жыл бұрын
Lol! Too funny! I hear that seals work much better in a team environment than those crazy polar bears! Lol! $2500 isn't bad! I pay at least that every year to the power company if not another grand! Damned monopoly!! Lol! What I would give to be free of thee!! (I don't have $2500, Lol!!)
@breathebetweenthespaces 9 жыл бұрын
Wow J.T Bear! Thanks for the tour! Chox's friend Charlotte here in Saskatchewan next door. Came from Manitoba in the 80's , lived just south of you in Crandall between Hamiota and Miniota on weekends in an old house built in 1901. Bats in the back porch, elderberry pies, lots of garter snakes...especially one always waiting at the back biffy! Great star shines and hikes through the hills. Your aquaponics sounds amazing, the fish and rabbit hut, windmill, and both of your enthusiasm! Congrats on your new home and enterprise(s) you two!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+charlotte collins - Well howdy! Bat's, pies & snakes in the biffy ... you had a fun house! The stars out here really are quite amazing and we've already very much enjoyed them on a few nights, too bad my camera doesn't pick them up or I would have posted them by now. Much to build & loads to do but it's very exciting times indeed! Thanks for being awesome! (I've heard some things, hehe)
@breathebetweenthespaces 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks JT! Glad you are enjoying your life out there, hope the rain avoids your roof, was watching on satellite just now, kinda went south ... so enjoying your progress you two! Have you heard the mourning doves yet? Especially on a foggy morning... oh so lovely out there!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
I can't say that I've noticed morning doves but geese on the other hand ... Feels like a million of them go by every day!
@breathebetweenthespaces 9 жыл бұрын
I guess cause of Lake Wpg and Lake Mb. up north and east of you..?. also they are leaving here to take advantage of the windcurrents to MB because MAN they're flying at warp 900 up there! Some straight to the U.S. They already got their passports!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
Lol ...
@tomboalogo 9 жыл бұрын
The onions (I think) are known as Egyptian walking onions (or something like that). That bed is probably being grown for perennial onions (permaculture). Not sure I'd cut the crabapple down, really good for pollination of the 'proper' apple tree. The apple tree would enjoy a pruning in late winter and removing the suckers from the rootstock. Heck, both apple trees could use a haircut. If you're gonna prune the other fruit bushes, don't forget to start propagation, can't have too many fruit bushes. Nice spot to wander around, nothing like being able to get outside and chillaxe. Enjoy.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Tom Bednarchuk - Crabapples are great for pollination, it's true, but I don't care for the tiny fruit falling so close to the house. We had sour cherries for a few years at the old place that fell right on the porch and the smell from them rotting UNDER the porch was nasty ... :-( There is a crabapple sucker starting on the other tree that would be allowed to live for the pollination factor. Well that and for jellies! Starting some cuttings from the pruning would be a great idea but I may wait until the second prune for that to find out what they are for sure first. :-) Chill is the perfect way to describe this town, should be great for getting back to some writing in my spare time!
@tomboalogo 9 жыл бұрын
Well if you're determined to lop it off, you could take it down waist high and graft some other scion wood to the stump. Or leave the major larger branches and graft to them. Hate to see a good healthy rootstock go to waste.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
Tom Bednarchuk That's basically the plan at this point. Use the root stock and keep a branch or two of the crab but add new scions from the new trees as they arrive. :-)
@MrHolzster 9 жыл бұрын
Great place!!!! Couple ideas, the pickup topper building would be a great chicken coop. Your fish house 2 IBC tanks would fit in he perfect, one for fish & one for crabs, shrimp or ......
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Tracy Holz (North Texas Aquaponics) - I'm going to grab some IBC totes for rainwater collection & such but I think my plan is to build a fish run that is 1/3 the width of that building and the full length. Same with bunny hutches on the other side for some HQ compost production and a stew here & there ... I've heard chickens may need to be discussed with council, something about noise fears, but so far people seem to like us and I take that as a good start!
@MrHolzster 9 жыл бұрын
+JT Bear You might be right with the long fish tank - I think trouts like runways anyway.... That's if my memory is right :)
@SouthpawDavey 9 жыл бұрын
Congrats guys Your going to have fun. Look forward to what you do. I have a treasure pile ;-)
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Southpaw Davey - It's been a blast so far, just need somewhere to sit & learn that guitar now ...
@SouthpawDavey 9 жыл бұрын
Back porch ;-)
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
I was thinking that might be nice ...
@BenjasUberHobby 9 жыл бұрын
Looks great cant wait to see what all you do with it all :)
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Benja's Uber 1337 Hobby - So many options, it's hard to know where to start!
@treewolf37 9 жыл бұрын
Grafting practice Good Idea! Bathroom instructions for the dog, You have lost your mind. Congratulations!!!! It is a beautiful place! What was the green piece of something with the bikes?
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+treewolf37 - He went back there this morning, so there's hope for the doggy bathroom idea ... lost my mind years ago, don't miss it one bit! The green thing may have been a water wheel project from what I can see but I'll haul that stuff out after we get unpacked and such. We found a third apple type in the yard so the grafting practice with be a go for sure!
@treewolf37 9 жыл бұрын
JT Bear Give that dog a treat for me. Water wheel was my very quick guess as well.
@trochartist 9 жыл бұрын
good luck brother!! sorry about your fish.. at least they will provide some further nutrition for future plantings.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+trochartist - Thanks, it does happen but I've already started getting things together for some trout so it all ends well ... Lol, 30+ pounds of goldfish is a great start to next years crops! ;-)
@trochartist 9 жыл бұрын
@UncleBete 9 жыл бұрын
I'm diggin' it already! Lots of cool stuff to re-purpose, etc , or etc, etc's. And berries n apples already established. That's awesomererer, even. : ) Whats that sign(?) at 2:58 ? Did the ferries already take over? lol
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+UncIe Bete - It's a welcome to the garden sign we found when we got here. I felt more welcome already!
@UncleBete 9 жыл бұрын
Well cool! I just got done watching the blonde co ride. It's good to hear n See everything has gone fairly smooth for you guys. So many things have a chance to go wrong when moving that far. I'll be looking forward to all the videos to come. Thanks for bringing us along, this is awesome! : )
@dala109 9 жыл бұрын
I am so excited for you!!! It is sad you have to wait on chickens though =(
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+dala109 - If waiting for chickens is the worst I have to deal with ... cool! :-) Already starting to plan my greenhouse dig site and figuring out what trees need a trimmin'! Folks in town seem to like us so far, I don't think we'll be waiting on those chickens too long ... ;-)
@dala109 9 жыл бұрын
+JT Bear My township does not allow roosters and only allows like 10 chickens per my property size, I only have two neighbors though...I bring them fresh eggs all the time, and stuff from my garden. I have 23 chickens, 1 rooster and am adding 2 goats soon. My neighbors are my worst influence!! The one kept saying oh get a rooster they won't care, nobody will complain, get some more chickens, how bout a duck? Just get the goats we won't say anything! Zoning told me the same thing though, dwarf goats are not on my list of can't have technically, if nobody complains get what you want.
@8Jory 9 жыл бұрын
you need yourself a little potbelly stove for that shop! great looking property. have you started looking in to building permit requirements for greenhouses out there? ours in Ontario are ridiculous!
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+8Jory - I was just going to start building and claim I didn't know any better if it's an issue ... I probably should check though ... A little stove would be great in there but the top of the chimney is closer to the trees than I am comfortable with so some pruning may be needed!
@8Jory 9 жыл бұрын
If you're throwing that much heat out of the chimney you should look in to some efficiency upgrades. I dunno exactly your layout in there but a RMH might work pretty good for you.
@cathyplantlover2862 9 жыл бұрын
Wow a frost already? I'm not du on til oct 22 here in zone 6 in RI....
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cathy Aragon - Yah, zone 2 here they tell me. Woke up to a frosty front lawn today!
@PatienceHillBerardi 9 жыл бұрын
Frost ❄... 😭 Do we have too? (I an in Ontario)
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Patience Hill-Berardi - Your call I guess ... I figure my plants could probably use a blanket. They're BC plants and have no idea what winter is!
@PatienceHillBerardi 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, I imagine they'll be surprised. Shocked. Hopefully everything survives the winter for you. :)
@GrowandMow 9 жыл бұрын
dude you must feel like a kid in a candy shop.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+The Liquid Gardener - Oh, too true!
@EricWhiteChooseGod1st 9 жыл бұрын
I haven't kept up enough. What State or section of the country is Clean Valley Farms located in? I only asked because our first frost is usually about two weeks from now.
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Eric White (The Little Whitehouse) - We've gone and moved to Manitoba! The real estate agent gave me the heads up when she stopped over today. All taken care of now! ;-)
@EricWhiteChooseGod1st 9 жыл бұрын
Congratulations. look forward to lots of new things. :-)
@trollforge 9 жыл бұрын
+JT Bear Manitoba?!?!?! Brother you are like 1/2 way here!!!! Maybe a road trip will not be out of the question next year!!!
@cathyplantlover2862 9 жыл бұрын
How about a solar powered greenhouse if there is such a thing
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Cathy Aragon - I've been thinking about that. I do have a 20watt panel and spare battery but I think I may need two of those panels to make it all work. Solar for the greenhouse, wind for the grid? ;-)
@davidyoungg 9 жыл бұрын
Those are walking onions!!! Normal onions will product seeds like little black seeds!! Walking onions form set heads and then falls over hint the name walking onions
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Leesville Aquaponics Homestead - I thought that was not the standard onion growing there! Little black seeds is way more of what I would expect but the walking onions thing makes sense. I can't wait to try some of them, they look like a sweeter onion type but you never know until you just bite into one!
@MrHolzster 9 жыл бұрын
Keep the apple tree wood for smoking meats.. mmmmmmmmmm
@JTBear 9 жыл бұрын
+Tracy Holz (North Texas Aquaponics) - Looks like it will be for smoked trout!
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