"Battles are won in the mind & will." The forces of Undeath looked invincible to the Men Of Brome.... then they suddenly crumbled away to nothingness or retreated. The Broman troops jeered and cheered as the skeletons shambled off, but the Broman Captain knew that their tasks had just begun. The battlefield needed to be gleaned. The wounded tended to. Wood cut down and pyres made, so the dead of both sides could be cremated. Last, but not least, the graveyard needed to be blessed to prevent further dead from being raised. The retreat of the Necromancer had presented the Captain with a hard choice... pursue the defeated as closely as they could or turn aside and proceed to Castle Gallagher? The Necromancer's force had a considerable head start already, as the Bromans purified the battlefield. The Undead could recruit/raise more troops to replace their losses from other barrows. They could also choose the time & place of battle. If the Bromans went toward the Castle, they would provide "Flank Security" to their own Force Seraph and help bring the Vampire Lord to a decisive battle. The Captain knew that the Holy Broman Empire could not hope to win a campaign of attrition against the Undead. Their battles MUST be quick, lively, and more than anything else, decisive! More like the fatal thrust of a Stiletto, rather than the massive chop of a Broadsword. Once the battlefield obligations had been fulfilled, Force Cherub marched towards the castle of the Vampire Lord. The Captain took great comfort that his victorious veterans were singing a hymn with voices that could knock birds from the trees at forty paces as they trudged along towards their goal.
@TurboNerd6 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoying this series 👌
@ThatBeMike Жыл бұрын
A costly victory for sure, hopefully Force Archangel will fare better then their comrades to the east!
@tonys4341 Жыл бұрын
Even a predictable set of rules like Warhammer become quite interesting in a campaign setting. Fascinating and fun!
@tabletopsidekick Жыл бұрын
Following this series with interest. Thanks for continuing it.
@dartmart9263 Жыл бұрын
Wait, I thought you already had the cannon’s range figured out by now?
@fringemusic9296 Жыл бұрын
Damn I really need to start painting 15mm
@georgebailey8179 Жыл бұрын
Don't the back row of knights get to fight back against the bats?