We Don't Talk About Bruno IN LATIN 🦋 Disney Cover Song from ENCANTO 🕯 Non Loquendum’st De Bruno

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We Don't Talk About Bruno in LATIN! Translated and performed by Luke Amadeus Ranieri. See lyrics below with explanation of their meaning.
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#Encanto #wedonttalkaboutbruno #coversong
Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn
Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, SED
Diē nūptiālī
FELIX nostrā nūptiālī
P. bellā subdiālī lūcet sōl inoperto caelō.
F. Nūbēs vetat caelō!
P. Subdolus Brūnus īnfert suōs lūsūs -
F. Tonitrūs!
P. Ast uter?! nārrābis? anne egō?
F. Ignōsce mihī, ocelle!
P. “Pluet” inquit “hodiē”
F. Cavĕ procellās!
P. Implet inde mē psȳchē´
F. Avia, age cape umbellās!
P. nūptiīs dīluviē [archaic genetive]***
F. Sīc veniant ad mē diēs saepe! [Ov. Amores 1.5]
Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn
Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō!
Heus, pavidae locūtulus murmurat claudus
omnisoniaudienti mussitat balbus
praedicātor afferēns sonitūs sabulī. ts ts ts.
Tetrica vāticinātur ēnōrmis
ars mutilīs prophētīzat fōrmīs
carminis turbidulentīque orculī. [Cat.3]
Animum mihī! †
†Heus, [Brūnus] praedicātor claudus [et] balbus locūtus [mihi] pavidae [et] omnisoniaudienti {a term I coined} murmurat et mussitat afferēns sonitūs sabulī. Ars orculī turbidulentī {a term a coined} tetrica [et] ēnōrmis vāticinātur [et] prohētīzat fōrmīs mutilīs carminis. Animum mihi [intende]!
Hey, Brunus the soothsayer, lame and babbling, having spoken would murmur and mumble to me who hears all, bearing the sounds of sand. The dark and impressive art of the confused little orc {referring to Catullus 3} would tell the future and prophesy by means of the disjointed images of his spell. Pay attention to me!
Ab īnfōrmī horrendō et ingentī īnfausta [Verg. Aeneid, 3.658, 4.181]
agere appellāta subque umbrās hausta [Verg. Aeneid, 4.660]
tuīs somnīs altō ējulātīs.††
†† Appellāta ab īnfōrmī [et] horrendō et ingentī [Brūnō] ageris sub umbrās, [ā Brūnō] altō tuīs somniīs ējulātīs.
Named by Bruno the hideous and horrible and giantic you are driven below the shadows, by him who is fed by your screamed out dreams.
Verg. Aeneid, 3.658 "monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum."
Verg. Aeneid, 4.181 "monstrum horrendum, ingens, cui quot sunt corpore plumae"
Verg. Aeneid, 4.660 "sed moriamur' ait. 'sic, sic juvat ire sub umbras."
Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn
Nē loquāmur dē Brūnō!
Dīxit tenebrās squāmōsōs obitūrōs! [Cat.3]
Dīxit adipēs mihī percrētūrōs!
Dīxit mihī meōs capillōs omnīs efflūctūrōs!†††
††† He said that my scaly ones (my fish) would go upon the shadows (refering to Catullus 3 "malae tenebrae Orcī".
He said my hair would flow from me! (This is an idiom for going bald: "capillī hominī effluere")
Lūgēte ūnīversōs vātem audītūrōs! [Cat.3]
Vītam fore meam mellītam [enjambent] (catullus 109, pompeii inscription)
apiumque ita flōriferam
ait vim simul et anthemia
nitidamque racēmiferām.††††
(ABUELA Heja, Marjānus advenit)
††††The first two lines are based on an inscription found in Pompeiī "Amantēs ut apēs vītam mellītam exigunt." "anthemia" ἀνθέμια "flowers"
Ait mē virum amātūram aliī
fidĕ spōnsum initō foedere tantae. [Cat.87] ‡
Quae mī manet vīta?
Cui vidēbor enim bella?
Cujus esse dīcar? [Cat.8] ‡‡
‡ Ait mē amātūram virum spōnsum aliī [fēminae] foedere initō tantae fidēī {archaic gen: fidē}.
He said I would love a man promised to another woman with a union of great faith.
N.B. On screen, I transcribed this line with a typo, where it reads "Ait mē virum amātūrum [sic]" instead of "amātūram." It still makes sense: "He said a man would love me who was promised to another..."
Soror, mihī taceās cupiō!
Dē Brūnō...
Dē nōmine Brūnō
Quid - concupiō! - hominī Brūnō
accidere - loquiminī! - Brūnō?!
Isabēla, amāns praeest
Dē nefando, dē Brūnō!
Cūr sum locūta dē Brūnō?
Tacuerim satius Brūnō!

Пікірлер: 301
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
LYRICS WITH EXPLANATION PEPA Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, SED Diē nūptiālī FELIX nostrā nūptiālī P. bellā subdiālī lūcet sōl inoperto caelō.* *Translation of Pepa's line: On my wedding day, a beautiful day outside, the sun shines {historical present} from an uncovered sky. F. Nūbēs vetat caelō!** **[Pepa] disallows clouds in the sky! P. Subdolus Brūnus īnfert suōs lūsūs - F. Tonitrūs! P. Ast uter?! nārrābis? anne egō? F. Ignōsce mihī, ocelle! P. “Pluet” inquit “hodiē” F. Cavĕ procellās! P. Implet inde mē psȳchē´ F. Avia, age cape umbellās! P. nūptiīs dīluviē [archaic genetive]*** F. Sīc veniant ad mē diēs saepe! [Ov. Amores 1.5]**** *** "Pluet" inquit "hodiē," inde psȳchē [mea] mē implet nūptiīs dīluviēī. **** Ovid, Amores 1.5 "Prōveniant mediī sīc mihi saepe diēs." PEPA & FELIX Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō! DOLORES Heus, pavidae locūtulus murmurat claudus omnisoniaudienti mussitat balbus praedicātor afferēns sonitūs sabulī. ts ts ts. Tetrica vāticinātur ēnōrmis ars mutilīs prophētīzat fōrmīs carminis turbidulentīque orculī. [Cat.3] Animum mihī! † †Heus, [Brūnus] praedicātor claudus [et] balbus locūtus [mihi] pavidae [et] omnisoniaudienti {a term I coined} murmurat et mussitat afferēns sonitūs sabulī. Ars orculī turbidulentī {a term a coined} tetrica [et] ēnōrmis vāticinātur [et] prohētīzat fōrmīs mutilīs carminis. Animum mihi [intende]! Hey, Brunus the soothsayer, lame and babbling, having spoken would murmur and mumble to me who hears all, bearing the sounds of sand. The dark and impressive art of the confused little orc {referring to Catullus 3} would tell the future and prophesy by means of the disjointed images of his spell. Pay attention to me! CAMILO Ab īnfōrmī horrendō et ingentī īnfausta [Verg. Aeneid, 3.658, 4.181] agere appellāta subque umbrās hausta [Verg. Aeneid, 4.660] tuīs somnīs altō ējulātīs.†† †† Appellāta ab īnfōrmī [et] horrendō et ingentī [Brūnō] ageris sub umbrās, [ā Brūnō] altō tuīs somniīs ējulātīs. Named by Bruno the hideous and horrible and giantic you are driven below the shadows, by him who is fed by your screamed out dreams. Verg. Aeneid, 3.658 "monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum." Verg. Aeneid, 4.181 "monstrum horrendum, ingens, cui quot sunt corpore plumae" Verg. Aeneid, 4.660 "sed moriamur' ait. 'sic, sic juvat ire sub umbras." PEPA FELIX CAMILO DOLORES Nōn loquendum’st dē Brūnō, nōn nōn nōn Nē loquāmur dē Brūnō! PAGANI Dīxit tenebrās squāmōsōs obitūrōs! [Cat.3] Dīxit adipēs mihī percrētūrōs! Dīxit mihī meōs capillōs omnīs efflūctūrōs!††† ††† He said that my scaly ones (my fish) would go upon the shadows (refering to Catullus 3 "malae tenebrae Orcī". He said my fat would grow a lot! He said my hair would flow from me! (This is an idiom for going bald: "capillī hominī effluere") PEPA FELIX CAMILO DOLORES Lūgēte ūnīversōs vātem audītūrōs! [Cat.3] ISABELA Vītam fore meam mellītam [enjambent] (catullus 109, pompeii inscription) apiumque ita flōriferam ait vim simul et anthemia nitidamque racēmiferām.†††† (ABUELA Heja, Marjānus advenit) ††††The first two lines are based on an inscription found in Pompeiī "Amantēs ut apēs vītam mellītam exigunt." I took the term "anthemia" ἀνθέμια "blooms, flowers" directly from Ancient Greek. DOLORES Ait mē virum amātūram aliī fidĕ spōnsum initō foedere tantae. [Cat.87] ‡ Quae mī manet vīta? Cui vidēbor enim bella? Cujus esse dīcar? [Cat.8] ‡‡ ‡ Ait mē amātūram virum spōnsum aliī [fēminae] foedere initō tantae fidēī {archaic genitive: fidē}. This is inspired by Catullus 87 "nulla fides ullo fuit umquam foedere tanta." He said I would love a man promised to another woman with a union of great faith. N.B. On screen, I transcribed this line with a typo, where it reads "Ait mē virum amātūrum [sic]" instead of "amātūram." It still makes sense: "He said a man would love me who was promised to another..." ‡‡ These three lines are rephrased from Catullus 8: "quae tibi manet vīta?" "cui vidīberis bella?" "cujus esse dīcēris? ISABELA Soror, mihī taceās cupiō! MIRABEL Dē Brūnō... Dē nōmine Brūnō Quid - concupiō! - hominī Brūnō accidere - loquiminī! - Brūnō?! CAMILO Isabēla, amāns praeest PEPA & JULIETA Accumbāmus! ‡‡‡ ‡‡‡ Accumbō accumbere "a recline/sit at table" ; accubō accubāre "I am reclining/sitting at table" FINALE JULIETA & ABUELA &C. Adest! OMNES Dē nefando, dē Brūnō! MIRABEL Cūr sum locūta dē Brūnō? Tacuerim satius Brūnō! [Verg. Eclogue 2.14] ‡‡‡‡ ‡‡‡‡ This usage of "satius" = "better" is found in Verg. Eclogue 2.14 "nōnne fuit satius trīstīs Amaryllidos īrās?" We Don't Talk About Bruno in LATIN! Translated and performed by Luke Amadeus Ranieri. 👨‍🏫 My Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata playlist · Free Latin Lessons: kzbin.info/www/bejne/oGjLlWpvbq6tpLc 🏛 Ancient Greek in Action · Free Greek Lessons: kzbin.info/aero/PLU1WuLg45SixsonRdfNNv-CPNq8xUwgam 🦂 Support my work on Patreon: www.patreon.com/LukeRanieri 📚 Luke Ranieri Audiobooks: luke-ranieri.myshopify.com 🤠 Take my course LATIN UNCOVERED on StoryLearning, including my original Latin adventure novella "Vir Petasātus" learn.storylearning.com/lu-promo?affiliate_id=3932873 🦂 Sign up for my Latin Pronunciation & Conversation series on Patreon: www.patreon.com/posts/54058196 ☕ Support my work with PayPal: paypal.me/lukeranieri 📚 Luke Ranieri Audiobooks: luke-ranieri.myshopify.com Join the channel to support it: kzbin.info/door/RllohBcHec7YUgW6HfltLAjoin 👕 Merch: teespring.com/stores/scorpiomartianus 🦂 www.ScorpioMartianus.com 🦅 www.LukeRanieri.com #Encanto #wedonttalkaboutbruno #coversong
@gabrielrenatonorridasilva7079 2 жыл бұрын
People: there's not how to translate accurately Bruno's song into Latin Luke: *and I took that personally* This is a MASTERPIECE
@jasonvoorheesv1nce904 2 жыл бұрын
Aw, finally, now my ancestors can understand it Context: I'm a native Spanish speaker
@carissamace 2 жыл бұрын
They might have also spoke Visagothic before switching to Hispanic-Vulgar.
@crusaderACR Жыл бұрын
@@carissamace Unlikely, really few spoke that under the Visigothic period. Pretty much only the higher ups and a fraction lf the nobility. All of which, btw, switched to Latin not much later.
@carissamace Жыл бұрын
@@crusaderACR Fair point, fair point. Then again, they could have also spoken Arabic or Amazigh/Tamazight if they were defended from moorish ancestors. Then there's the fact that the basis the Spanish population are the Celtibarians, which were formed from the mixture of continental celts and the pre-Indo-European people known as the Iberians. And just getting into the Iberians is a whole can of worms, with some claiming they spoke a language related to Messaphic while others find similarities with Basque. Really, Iberia might be an even bigger cultural mess than Britain was, as it's been undergoing invasions and migrations at a far more frequent and drastic scale. At least the Britons and Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisii were all PIE cultures.
@crusaderACR Жыл бұрын
@@carissamace Well, if his lineage went that far back here in Spain, then he should have SOME ancestors that were fluent in Latin in a native level. Yeah, blood wise it's complicated, but remember that Celtiberian is extinct as a language since the Romans. By the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Spanish population spoke only either Latin or Basque, that's it. So even if he has Amazigh, Arab, or even Basque ancestors.... chances are its mostly just Latin speaking ancestors. If we're talking about 2000 years ago.
@carissamace Жыл бұрын
@@crusaderACR Oh yeah. Then again, if all three of us have European ancestry then we'll all share an ancestor at some point. Probably Charlemagne.
@ryubelmont2259 2 жыл бұрын
When a Latino song it’s actually in Latin
@smirnoff_the_best_vodka 2 жыл бұрын
@steve.b8872 2 жыл бұрын
@volpixrossi3589 Жыл бұрын
I mean Latino comes from Latino which means from a Roman
@ladyfallon Жыл бұрын
​@@volpixrossi3589In the early origins of Spanish, "Latino" referred to someone belonging to the people of ancient Latium, in Italy, whose language was Latin; so the Romans of course were latinos.
@leierkreuz1529 6 ай бұрын
@@ladyfallon In Spanish, just latino means people from countries culturally roman and where a Romance language is spoken, specially Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Romania. Latinoamericano means someone from American countries where Romance languages are spoken, including even parts of Canada. But for some reason Latino in the US are popularised with the meaning of Hispanic American which is wrong. And it's true that some people use latino as a short form of Latinoamericano.
@RusticSquid 2 жыл бұрын
Today, on “Things I Didn’t Know I Needed” … I’ve had We Don’t Talk About Bruno stuck in my head for weeks, and now I have an excuse to (try to) sing again! Glorious. Absolutely glorious.
@victorsanchez4497 2 жыл бұрын
Just realized I'm in the weird part of KZbin again. Glad such parts still exist.
@mauritsponnette 2 жыл бұрын
We know now who Disney has to call for the Latin dub 👆 Loved every second of it! 😂
@luise.perezv.8702 2 жыл бұрын
OH MY GOD! I wanted so badly that you made a Latin cover of this song, but I didn't expect it to be so soon! Awesome!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
I’m very glad if you like it! Thanks
@anthonyminimum 8 ай бұрын
"Quid, si non intellegis ubi sit?" "Tunc melius invenis, venit tibi!" 🎶Non loquendum’st de Hannibal, non, non, Non loquendum’st de Hannibal….🎶
@Apollo-zc2rj 2 жыл бұрын
This channel makes me want to try learning Latin so much... right up until I learn more about how Latin grammar works lol
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Great! Check my audiobook Latin by the Ranieri-Dowling Method
@Jordi_Llopis_i_Torregrosa96 2 жыл бұрын
declentions are easy peezy brother
@kurufeemo8076 2 жыл бұрын
You haven't seen greek verb classes
@sandie157 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScorpioMartianus Hi Luke where / how can I get this audiobook? Thanks.
@troyrowe7670 2 жыл бұрын
But the grammar is the fun part about Latin 😂 But I think Luke will agree that LONG A LATINA PER ILLVSTATA is a good book for complete beginners
@inkyjoker3782 2 жыл бұрын
This channel makes me learn Latin more than our lecturer at the university.
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Very kind!
@faryafaraji 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t even want to imagine how much work this must have taken, from the translation to mixing it all together. Great job! This is the kind of stuff that makes dead languages alive :p
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Your praise, my good sir, is far more than I deserve, especially when I see the magnificent work you do on your channel. Others who see this comment, please subscribe to Farya!
@analuizasilva5191 2 жыл бұрын
This made my day! I absolutely lost it at "Marianus advenit" I don't know why, so funny. I always have to read Latin for my research but I am not used at all to hearing it, it is brilliant
@TobiasMoes 2 жыл бұрын
I'm two weeks into learning Latin, so even though I don't understand much this was absolutely amazing!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I’m glad you like it
@blitzkrieg2142k Жыл бұрын
Waited for the girl who makes flowers part. Liked her part the most.
@nubianus 2 жыл бұрын
It's the thingiest thing I've ever seen.
@johnhardaker8663 2 жыл бұрын
That was awesome. My wife loves this film even she said "not bad" when I showed her your version. I think she was impressed.
@pogeman2345 2 жыл бұрын
This really makes me wanna see and listen to Latin rap as in a rap song written entirely in Latin.
@StormKidification 2 жыл бұрын
@akared1774 2 жыл бұрын
If I am honest… I was waiting for this cover 😂 It’s A - M - A - Z - I - N - G
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@MK-fd7jq 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely going to be using the rap bit at 0:52 to practice speaking Latin faster but with correct accents. The way that rhythm fits with the syllables is solid.
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Use this playlist too kzbin.info/aero/PLQQL5IeNgck0-tQ4AZgKFMlQCJud_VY_H
@Auxblanchesmains 2 жыл бұрын
I know for certain that This would be a banger in the roman empire
@abookishfable8268 10 ай бұрын
please. never. stop. these covers.
@amadeosendiulo2137 2 жыл бұрын
Bonega laboro! Great work! 0:09 The "SED" moment is the same in the Esperanto fandub 😊
@maximuslondon 2 ай бұрын
There's no end to your talents, mister! Very well done!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 ай бұрын
@cammy9229 3 ай бұрын
Never knew I needed this in my life
@suem6004 2 жыл бұрын
Disney!!! Sign this guy!
@blast_zeus7094 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve just seen the best version of a Walteri Disneii song👍😯
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Very kind
@BFDT-4 2 жыл бұрын
@greekfilaxfos3397 Жыл бұрын
Bueno, ahora la voy a aprender en latín. Ojalá y la saque en griego. Apúntate como N mil puntos desde Colombia 🥰👍🏻🎺🎤🥁🎶🎉
@terras25thdeity 4 ай бұрын
Fabulous! ❤️ it!! Now I just need to find the version of this for Ancient Greek...
@SuperManning11 2 жыл бұрын
Fabulous! Way to give Randy Rainbow a run for his money!
@reillybova 2 жыл бұрын
Omg the rap break slaps even more in Latin. I need more of this!
@omegacardboard5834 2 жыл бұрын
I was just waiting for the ‘Isabela amans praeest’. Amazing
@miguelangelvargas7948 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, is the first time I arrive so fast, it made me laugh a lot your interpretation of this awesome song from such a beautiful language (and my native one) as Spanish. Good Luck Luke, it’s incredible
@gsallen2684 2 жыл бұрын
im in AP latin so we are doing Vergil right now and this morning my teacher went "We Dont Talk about Juno..... I'm sorry" and all of us went "we don't talk about junononono" LOL it was awesome.
@sandie157 2 жыл бұрын
Okay....without putting too fine a point on it.....this video was utterly brilliant. What an amazing stage voice.
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Very kind of you! I’m glad you liked it.
@thepaintedpoppies1010 6 ай бұрын
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how he even manages to sound like the different characters through differing pitch, tone, energy and inflection? So impressive!
@debbyshehane9955 2 жыл бұрын
Fabulous. All the grandsons studying Latin will get this. They will love it.
@ursuwu00 2 жыл бұрын
I love the effort you've put in this video, now is time to learn it ✨
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@yeedbottomtext7563 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks gigachad!
@AnExcellentChef 2 жыл бұрын
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
@Iledomair 2 жыл бұрын
This is what youtube was made for. Awesome vid luke
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@coatly1278 2 жыл бұрын
Amé. Me encantó. Otra nueva canción que aprenderme en latín. Gracias por tus vídeos.
@marmartin9822 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos remind me of when I used to get bored in Latin class and start translating song lyrics instead of doing the exercises
@irisravenhild9060 2 жыл бұрын
We are not talking about Bruno,is the song that made me fall for Bruno, before I had seen the movie. Now I fall for Bruno again. Thank You.
@anicetuscaesar9817 2 жыл бұрын
Unglaublich! The effort you put into this and how well it turned out - chapeau! I only wish something like this channel existed back when I had to learn Latin in school; it would've made me actually want to learn the language!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@soulfulserenity403 2 жыл бұрын
No better time than the present. Sow now and reap. Carpe diem!
@jamesbaker8831 2 жыл бұрын
I've not yet heard the original song, so this was my first experience of it.
@renearroyave1888 Жыл бұрын
A modern latin speaker singing a latin cover of a song done by english speaker people for a movie based on the Colombian culture. As colombian I feel proud Multas salutationes ex Colombia (I do not know if I wrote that correctly)
@Unicornvault3788 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would interesting to hear "Science Fiction/Double Feature" from "The Rocky Horror Show" in Latin.
@randomuser4370 2 жыл бұрын
Clicked ASAP mainly because I needed to listen to 2:44 in Latin Great job, but now this song is going to be stuck in my head for another year lol
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Very pleased you liked it
@rubenazul8526 2 жыл бұрын
That is what I call authentic Latin music! Also, check out We Don’t Talk About Pluto on KZbin…. SIGN IN #
@georgesfeydeaufeydeau6235 2 жыл бұрын
This is even more delightful than I expected it to be. And I expected it to be very delightul indeed.
@NicholeRojas-r8i 2 жыл бұрын
No puedo creerloooo! Mis dos cosas favoritas en un video jajjaja esto es bellísimo!
@megatronmax14 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome Lucius! You’re a man of many talents! I was humming the chorus in Italian the other day. “Non parliamo di Bruno no no no!” But heavy hitters like Luke just hit it out the park in “Latine loqui” Immo! Optime!
@pawel198812 2 жыл бұрын
It's Non si nomina Bruno! Seriously...
@megatronmax14 2 жыл бұрын
@@pawel198812 Thank you Dante Alighieri!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! You are correct that “non parliamo di Bruno” is indeed a line from the song. The Italian title is “Non si nomina Bruno,” but I don’t think it was fair for the other commenter to accuse you of not knowing the song, since you know one of its more obscure yet catchy lines.
@megatronmax14 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScorpioMartianus thanks for support Luke. One more reason why I’m convinced that you are an awesome human being. After all, aren’t we here to learn and have fun?
@pawel198812 2 жыл бұрын
@@megatronmax14 I'm awfully sorry. I did not intend to be rude towards you. I probably should not have written comments so late at night. I will try to refrain from such actions in the future. But if I, for one, make a mistake, then, please, go ahead and correct me. I embrace blunt and helpful corrections as the helpful acts of kindness they are, even if I, myself, miss the mark in living up to the ideal.
@ToaOfFusion 2 жыл бұрын
This man is putting the Latin in Latin America
@solis_nova Жыл бұрын
I’m in my second year of latin this year, and i’ve been browsing through your channel for the past few minutes. I think my favorite things so far is being able to recognize endings (so much easier for me than vocab lol). These are so cool.
@ScorpioMartianus Жыл бұрын
Good for you! Keep up the great work.
@Micespaceart 2 жыл бұрын
Love it! Just discovered your channel through this song... Now I can get better at latin using your covers!! Tibi gratiam habeoo
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
That’s great! Thanks. I do have quite a few covers.
@fabiomonticone9786 2 жыл бұрын
this is a surprise, but a welcome one. Magnus Luke!
@fallfaith6590 2 жыл бұрын
1:28 shy vocal run loved it
@mariauxieli 2 жыл бұрын
Perfecto para aumentar mi obsesión con esta canción. Mis alumnos de latín me van a llamar pesada.
@JEspin2024 2 жыл бұрын
I was really hoping you would make this video!!!! This is great!! Thx.
@therealbettyswollocks Жыл бұрын
This is brilliant, hilarious and educational, all at once. Awesome work Luke.
@ScorpioMartianus Жыл бұрын
@nonsolotrek5222 2 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for this on youtube. Thank you
@MCFC111 2 жыл бұрын
I love your talent and passion to make accesible languages 😘.
@alejandrogoncalves9859 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, this is just extremely amazing. Loves the Dolores part, I mean, just amazing. Greetings from Venezuela bro, really, amazing
@ZoeVardanya-vb8sf 2 ай бұрын
01:44 That fit
@troyrowe7670 2 жыл бұрын
LUKE! You should totally make your own album of original songs in Latin!
@jacqwilson118 2 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this chanel!! This guy is amazing!!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@ECytchannel 2 жыл бұрын
Mr Worldwide is that you
@valesigh 2 жыл бұрын
@jandromartinez8278 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahahaha I loved it, great job! 👍
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
2 жыл бұрын
Génial !!! Félicitations L. Amadeus ;-)
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Merci, Lionel!
@Gcatano65 2 жыл бұрын
Simplemente, maravilloso!😄👍👏👏
@strangelylookingperson 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, that's very impressive. Even I'm not speaking Latin, that's very enjoyable.
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you like it!
@martillodeguerra6308 2 жыл бұрын
Definitivamente el español tiene mucho del latín. Felicitaciones 👏 👏 👏
@mariarossi9120 2 жыл бұрын
Bravissimo Luke!👏👏👏👏
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Grazie, Maria!
@filippo6157 2 жыл бұрын
Ok I already thought you would do this, but its amazingness surprised me
@rebeccalongokura3575 2 жыл бұрын
This is too great! My 11 year old and I have watched multiple times :-)
@acerockman3520 2 жыл бұрын
I love how you’ve utilised the elisions for this. My favourite is ‘informi horrendo et’
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! That line is based on a verse from the Aeneid.
@acerockman3520 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScorpioMartianus ohh which line? :)
@WoefulMinion 2 жыл бұрын
@@acerockman3520 Click 'show more' in the description to see his notes.
@JudithOpdebeeck 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to make more of these, I mean Be A Man from Mulan feels like it’s meant to be sung by a centurion or something
@dsbortiz 2 жыл бұрын
Things you don´t know you need still you watch them 🤣 Pulcherrimus!
@LunaBianca1805 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't expect this to work so well in Latin somehow 🥰, but it kinda does Also, nice singing timbre 😁 , now I'd love a whole playlist of more Latin songs to sing along to 😊😜
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I have such a playlist
@JohnMiller-zx8hb 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, this is epic.
@FlymanMS 2 жыл бұрын
Those Iberian songs are sure something!
@valesigh 2 жыл бұрын
If only Encanto, and subsequently this video, would have been released back when I had to take Latin classes in high school, I would have been top of the class
@CreativeOven 2 жыл бұрын
Best latin song ever !
@jacquelinette 2 жыл бұрын
Quando vidēbimus Mr.Mistoffelees cantātur in linguā Latīnā? 🤩 (This song was very well done btw, Macte!)
@titisfloal8004 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do Surface Pressure, please? Also, GREAT COVER!!! LOVE YOUR VOICE!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I’ll see to it
@elvenatheart982 Жыл бұрын
This is epic! Not only you made a great translation but also you sang pretty well and kept tge original rhythm and feel of every section! 1:30
@elliotroden9926 2 жыл бұрын
Quam mirabile auditu!! cantando ad populum et linguam et laetitiam nostram fers!
@malahamavet 2 жыл бұрын
if you know the parody song "no se habla de gringos" this is how gringo would look like in Latin: nominativo GRINGVS - GRINGI vocativo GRINGE - GRINGI acusativo GRINGVM - GRINGOS genitivo GRINGI - GRINGORVM dativo GRINGO - GRINGIS ablativo GRINGO - GRINGIS instead of saying "shut up gringo" you could say "TACE GRINGE" of course never to Luke, because he is a great guy and didn't harass any artists. He also sings beautifuly as you can hear
@rossanofragale7470 2 жыл бұрын
"cui videbor enim bella" 2:26 Callidum,Luci, callidum fuit dictum
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
Tē notāssw gaudeō, amīce!
@PHILOLAVS 2 жыл бұрын
You are amazing Luke !
@valesigh 2 жыл бұрын
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@NathanaelManson 2 жыл бұрын
This is downright majestic, hats off to you ScorpioMartianus, you really hit it big with this one!
@ScorpioMartianus 2 жыл бұрын
@Romanophonie 2 жыл бұрын
What are you not good at, Luke 😂?! Well done 👏, amīce!
@gustavf.6067 2 жыл бұрын
Pulcherrimam vocem habes, Lucine! Macte!
@quancius135 2 жыл бұрын
Was just thinking about a Latin version today and you went ahead and drop this banger
@manofculture8097 2 жыл бұрын
That's the sickest Latin song I've ever heard
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