We Joined the JSDF Bootcamp! LUNCH with the Japan Self-Defense Force

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Japanese Food Craftsman

Japanese Food Craftsman

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@Japanesefoodcraftsman 7 ай бұрын
Get Japanese Knives & Crafts and Book Yatai Food Tours!集客に強い!当チャンネルのホテル/民泊運営代行サービスのご相談はURLへ bit.ly/3KDsYCB
@gumi4206 7 ай бұрын
タイトルのところ 「入隊22ヶ月」になっちゃってますよー
@임도현-r5t 6 ай бұрын
teach soldiers how to use spoon first.
@VioletaVarga-lu2ez 5 ай бұрын
@ysp281 5 ай бұрын
@@gumi4206 自衛官候補生なら22ケ月なら満期退職の時期でしょうか。 2ケ月なら行軍と山での訓練がありますので、これが終われば最終試験の検閲に向けて追いこみになって、基本のMOSが付与されて後期教育に送り出されます。
@joaquinvaleri7022 3 ай бұрын
@Thecodeist 5 ай бұрын
When I was an active duty marine stationed in Okinawa, we would do field operations and train together with the JSDF. They definitely ate better food than we did out in the field, but after our training we would go together for drinks and laughs on our time off together. I enjoyed the company of the friends I had from the JSDF. I think about them from time to time and wish them all well wherever they are now.
@TheResilient5689 5 ай бұрын
I’m guessing you guys downed a lot of Sapporos back then? Haha.
@Thecodeist 5 ай бұрын
@@TheResilient5689 those and a lot of asahi the asahi was my favorite haha
@Manu-rb6eo 5 ай бұрын
It reminds me, someone who was in the french military during the Golf war said the Americans came to the french for lunch.....and dinner 😂
@rungfang27 3 ай бұрын
I would eat at other countries defac if we stopped at a multinational base, brits had the best breakfast, dutch had a great lunch.
@rifleshooterchannel208 2 ай бұрын
My great grandfather was a Marine in Japan too, he didn’t seem too impressed with Japan’s fighting ability 😂
@YoureaPOG 6 ай бұрын
My favorite thing about training with JGSDF was doing an MRE swap. The Japanese were always great hosts to the marine corps. I love the curry so much and really miss my time in Japan almost everyday!
@basedsketch4133 7 ай бұрын
the get up call was rather peaceful and the waking up seemed pleasant. much love and respectto japan its great people and great soldiers, sailors, and airmen! im coming for lunch!
@tatuira93 5 ай бұрын
Agreed, that was a pretty chill reveille. In the Brazilian marine corps we were expected to be up before the bugle or there would be trouble, so our squad leader was always up before dawn.
@marine102192 5 ай бұрын
They are officers, I think that’s why. Might be different for enlisted
@Riceball01 Ай бұрын
@@tatuira93 Not too different from US Marine Corps boot camp then. We weren't expected to be up before reveille, but we were expected to be scrambling the second the first note of Reveille started playing. I don't think that I was ever actually wakened by Reveille, I recall being up minutes before Reville and just lying in bed waiting for Reveille to sound
@T.K.9 7 ай бұрын
This channel has evolved quite a lot. From street food vendors to this! Not everyone can gain access to this type of infrastructure.
@Pr1ya-Night 6 ай бұрын
@WellBattle6 5 ай бұрын
I think the word you were looking for is ‘institution’.
@Kekkeri59 27 күн бұрын
After training, food tastes so much better! Brings good memories from when I was in the Finnish army and it's interesting to see how JSDF does their thing. *salutes* o7
@lanner52 6 ай бұрын
陸上自衛隊の炊事車で作るカレーは何度か喫食させていただいた事がありますが、自分で作ったりどこかのレストランで食べる物とは違い本当に美味しいです。 これが部隊隊員さんの活力になるんですよね。
@ivantodorov9136 7 ай бұрын
Cool video guys! It reminded me about my time in the army as a conscript soldier. Keep up the good work and greetings from Bulgaria! かんぱい
@ぺんぺぺん-u5b 7 ай бұрын
@jonathancantrell858 Ай бұрын
I stayed in a place like this for two weeks when I was in the army. We did a two week mission in Japan to train with the Japanese military. It was a completely volunteer mission for me as they needed medics. I will never forget the time I spent there.
万歳 Love you guys in the JSDF I trained with you when I was in the US ARMY. Glad to count you as an ally.
@igupapa 3 ай бұрын
@zaidalourense4678 7 ай бұрын
Everything is run so smoothly and a lovely healthy breakfast.Bootcamp can be quite tough so the boys need to eat well😊
@GAMEBOY-wd6ck 6 ай бұрын
@マーズアタック-i9u 7 ай бұрын
@ハナマンジロウ 5 ай бұрын
戦時、武器、食料などの物理的兵站ヤバくなった時、現場では日本は今明確な軍事指標ってあるのかな? 足りなければ普通撤収しかないが。
@Quasi-Zenith_Satellite_System 3 ай бұрын
@@ハナマンジロウ 日本列島の内戦作戦で何が起こったら補給止まるんだよ笑
@mbdmTV-486 2 ай бұрын
실전 능력 항상 시켜 형식적인 군대 보다 현실적으로 싸워서 이기는 군대를 요구 해요 식탐을 줄이시고 헬스를 추천 드립니다 항상 행복 하시길 희망 해요 화이팅요 ☆☆♡♡ㅎㅎ
@matthewskudzienski888 Ай бұрын
That could cause a lot of Casualties
@yv94684 3 ай бұрын
実戦になったら、その中で炊事するのは本当に大変なんだろうな。 心から尊敬します。
@やきうのお兄ちゃん-p4u 25 күн бұрын
実戦になったら多分炊事車なんて使わないぞ 検閲でも基本的にずっとレーションだし そんな暇ないんですわ
@HK-kw7bi 4 ай бұрын
@777garireo 6 ай бұрын
@starShiny1.10 7 ай бұрын
懐かしいですね 小生も似たような組織に永年身を置きました 教育期間中の辛さは今も忘れません 仲間の顔も一人一人思い浮かびますね 日本を護り国民を護る大変な任務です 頑張って下さい
@無題-iz2l 6 ай бұрын
@smvv1 3 ай бұрын
@dr.solfernus 2 ай бұрын
@アオノ-t2e Ай бұрын
台湾のインフラや今に繋がる文化や教育の発展は中国でなく日本が彼らに与えました 自分は日本人であり日本がアジアを占領していく中で複雑な思いもありますが 反発もあれど一部の人は独立を助けられた、日本のおかげでいろいろな事が発展した など日本に対してプラスの気持ちを持っている人も多いと聞きます また台湾は香港のように中国にどんどん飲まれ自由を奪われる事を怖がる人もたくさんいて 共産主義の国に自国の主権を奪われたくない思いから 同じ民主主義である日本や米国に助けてもらいたいと思っている人が多いようです
@dr.solfernus Ай бұрын
@@アオノ-t2e 俺の質問に答えていただきありがとうございます。これに答えるかどうか迷っていましたが、いくつかの問題に無関心でいることはできません。日本人に不快な思いをさせたくないので困っていますが、何よりも自分の良心に従う必要があります。 まず第一に、私は、はるか昔に亡くなった人々が犯した凶悪犯罪の責任を現代のドイツ人と日本人に永遠に負わせ、千年以上の歴史を狂人による統治の10年間に矮小化するのは不公平だと考えていることを明確にしておきたい。私は歴史家であり、他の国々も凶悪な犯罪を犯してきたことを知っていますが、歴史は勝者によって書かれるため、このことは議論されません。そうでなければ、ルーズベルトとマッカーサーは東京裁判で被告として法廷に立たされ、日本領土内の民間施設への攻撃と何十万人もの罪のない人々の死の責任を負わされるべきでした。過去に起こったことを正すことはできませんが、過去のことだけを考えていては前に進むことはできません。もし皆がまだナチスの犯罪について考え続けていたら、欧州連合は創設され、機能していたと思いますか? 残念ながら、ドイツと日本の間には大きな違いがあります。これを指摘して申し訳ありませんが、これは単なる明白な真実です。ドイツは過去の犯罪を繰り返し(私の意見では、あまりにも頻繁に)非難し、それを否定していません。日本は一度もこれをしていません。それどころか、あなたの国では犠牲者ではなく戦争犯罪者が記念されています(靖国神社)。ベルリンに武装親衛隊の兵士の記念碑が建てられたらどうなるか想像してみてください。しかし、日本では、そのようなことはごく普通のことです。あなた方の「歴史家」は、マニラ大虐殺を、日本軍に徴兵された韓国人と台湾の中国人のせいにするなんて、とても冷笑的で恥知らずだ。これは本当に哀れで軽蔑すべきことだ。 政府当局がジェノサイドを明確に非難しておらず、歴史書にも記載されていないという事実は、あなた方がそれを悪いことだとは考えていないことを意味し、あなた方は心の中では依然として、その恐怖を再び解き放つ準備ができている野蛮人である。 西洋人は一般的にあなた方の文化を理解しておらず、「本音」や「建前」といった単純な概念さえ理解できません。しかし、少なくとも社会的な意味では、私にとっては、それは非常に明白です。「建前」は「ハローキティ」や大きな目をしたかわいい漫画の女の子に代表されますが、「本音」は依然として帝国軍の強姦犯であり殺人犯であり、あなた方を含めたすべての日本人の心の中に潜んでいます。 大量虐殺や日本兵の残虐行為に関して「複雑な感情」を持つということは、少なくともこれらのいくつかを肯定的に捉えていることを意味します。具体的に何を容認できると考えているのか知りたい。被害者の家族の前での集団強姦か?身体の切断か?あるいはその後全員を生き埋めにすることか?なぜなら、それが南京であなた方の勇敢な兵士たちがやっていたことだからだ。それとも、平房(731部隊)の強制収容所で中国人を拷問することがあなたの道徳基準を満たしているのでしょうか?おそらくそうでしょう。いずれにせよ、あなた方のアメリカの主人たちは、そこで行われた「研究」が非常に価値があると考え、「日本の医師メンゲレ」こと石井四郎を処刑台に送らずに、フォン・ブラウンのようなアメリカ人にとって貴重なナチスの犯罪者と一緒に、ある秘密のリゾートに送られました。フォン・ブラウンの助けがなければ、彼らはせいぜいハリウッド映画で月へ飛ぶことしかできなかったでしょう。 自国の罪を認めるのはつらいことだと思います。しかし、多くの日本人は80年前の日本人とあまり変わらないと思います。これは大東亜戦争(1937-45)のエピソードではありません。それ以前にも日清戦争(1894-95)、けいちょうのえき(1597-98)、ぶんろくのえき(1592-93)があり、そのたびに日本軍は民間人、さらには動物に対して最も凶悪な犯罪を犯したからです。 実際のところ、中国人に対するこの憎悪はどこから来るのでしょうか? 中国人は日本に危害を加えたり、日本を一度でも攻撃したことがありますか?私が思い出す唯一のエピソードは、1274年と1281年の元寇で、多くの中国人が強制的に巻き込まれた事件です。自国の文化の象徴のほとんどを日本国民が借り受けた平和な国に対するこの憎悪の執着は、精神科医の診察に値する。日本が現在、誰にも脅威を与えないほど弱体化しているのは、大きな恵みである。
@supm8te751 7 сағат бұрын
@@dr.solfernus hi I'm from Taiwan, to answer your question, yes, we were all taught the history of both the Japanese war crimes in WW2 and also the occupation of Taiwan, but right now there is no particular beef between residents of Taiwan and Japan due to new education and a broader view on history. It is like Germany and France should not have bad relations just because of world war 2. About Ol' Chiang, to be fair, most of the wars between Japan was fought by the KMT, lots of died and it was a hard fought battle, but that is all history now. Japan is not a fascist nation, it is a democracy like Taiwan that makes awesome anime. Hope that answers your question Poland friend.
@basedsketch4133 7 ай бұрын
the bread looks so darn good too.. and the curry looks so delicious you can smell and taste it in your mind!
@CH_0717 3 ай бұрын
나라를 지키는 군인분들.. 국적을 불문하고 늘 감사하고 존경합니다
@takuma47gt 7 ай бұрын
ご苦労様です、本当にありがとうございます。 自衛隊の方々の日々の訓練んで安心して生活や経済活動ができていると思います。 日々の訓練、ご苦労様です。
@dubu999 3 ай бұрын
군대는 정말 어디든 똑같구나 옆나라 훈련인데도 훈련장 냄새나 위장을 위해 붙인 풀들의 풀냄새나 입고있는 군복의 촉감 반합의 질감, 내려쬐는 은은한 햇빛까지 까지 바로 기억을 떠오르게 만드는군
@고급참치-x9v 3 ай бұрын
일본이나 한국이나 .....또이또이네요.... 하지만 봉지밥은 이길수가없지..
@comment-breaker 3 ай бұрын
조선놈들이 일본에 탄피받이를 뿌렸나 쓰레기같은거는 왜 쓰는거냐
@ohku9497 3 ай бұрын
소름돋게 한국 군대랑 똑같음 ㅋㅋㅋ
@junelee3818 2 ай бұрын
편하게 갔다왔군 .. .적어도 동화줄 하나 매고 절벽정도는 기어올라 갔어야지 동원때도 장애물/담벼락 넘는 연습 많이했어 저정도면 놀이수준임 ㅎㅎㅎ
@minseokkoo194 2 ай бұрын
@@junelee3818 요즘 그렇게 안해요 ㅋㅋㅋ 산업현장도 안전 규정이 바뀌듯 군대도 교범이 바뀌고 그러지 않습니까?
@宮川大輔と伊藤淳史 7 ай бұрын
自衛隊の皆んないつもありがとう 新人隊員さん達これから宜しくお願いしますね
@rodrigues2793101 6 ай бұрын
I appreciate how Japanese soldiers thank for the food and maintenance/ transport combat services. It makes us reflect on how important these jobs are in order to get us prepared, fed up and ready to accomplish the mission in the frontline -- here in the western hemisphere people usually don't even say good morning to the guy serving food at the mess hall... We have a lot to learn with the Japanese culture, gents. Respects from Brazil! 🇧🇷🇯🇵
@staceyk.210 7 ай бұрын
I think it's quite honorable for young men to join The Self Defense Forces!! If for nothing else it will teach them discipline and having respect for one another in a time of a crisis!! I commend all these brave souls and certainly do wish them All The Best Whenever They Go😊!! Phenomenal 🔥 Video and Thanks for Sharing❤️💯🇯🇵💯❤️
@Japanesefoodcraftsman 7 ай бұрын
The JSDF is the one being send out when there are natural disasters to support the people in the hit area - nothing but respect and gratefulness for these people, and for these newcomers, that commit themselves to a life in service.
@staceyk.210 7 ай бұрын
@@Japanesefoodcraftsman That's Awesome 👍🏽
@愛と勇気そして笑顔 3 ай бұрын
昔と今も突撃の仕方等変わらんな! これこそが日本の強み
@chrismichael6048 4 ай бұрын
" Better to be a warrior in a garden during peace than being a gardener during war. "
@sandglokta4699 7 ай бұрын
Insane content lol. The depth of Japanese food culture I have not expected on this channel
@本田晴生-w6w 6 ай бұрын
なんか、懐かしいなぁ~昭和六十年に 陸曹教育隊に入校、第一陸曹教育隊でした、全く演習経験ないから、雪の中で、どうやって?飯盒炊飯するか?と思えば、板の上に携帯燃料乗せて炊いてました~しかし配食されたのが😅コロッケでしたが😅寒さで油が真っ白に❗ 味噌汁も、見ている間に凍っていきました😅
@sunami808 6 ай бұрын
@立石高昭 6 ай бұрын
5曹教とは、相浦ですか。 私は、前期は、相浦で、後期教育は、習志野でした。 一体、何の事ですか⁉️
@本田晴生-w6w 6 ай бұрын
@@sunami808 さん 未だに覚えてます😅38度5分までは 平熱❗の標語が張ってあったのを😅 分隊長が熱発で指揮を取れなければ どうするんだ❗と区隊長が言ってました😅
@marilynturcotte5304 7 ай бұрын
How interesting that there is no assigned"Cook". In most North American Mititary units, everyone has a trade, where as in the JSDF, it looks like everyone takes turns making grub. And what dainty amounts of food they took for breakfast, most soldiers in North America just chow down on heaping amounts of food. This was refreshing to to see they were eating a non-deepfried, heavy on the grits with gravy, a ton of bacon or both sausage and ham!!
@JerBuster77 7 ай бұрын
Well that's a good way of saying you have no idea what the US military eats when they are in combat operations or training.
@johnwakamatsu3391 7 ай бұрын
I know that each WWII US Army rifle companies had assigned cooks. I spoke to cooks that were assigned to a rifle company that my father commanded during WWII and none of them were injured in combat except for one cook who lost hearing in one ear due to artillery barrage. The 442nd RCT rifle companies were twice as large as normal US Army rifle companies and the cooks had to prepare meals for 200 soldiers. I did not serve in the military and just missed the Vietnam War, but I always thank veterans for their service.
@user-lemon-ni 6 ай бұрын
In the JSDF, the Navy and Air Force have full-time cooks. Only in the Army, all members take turns cooking and are able to prepare delicious meals for hundreds of people with given ingredients. However, the weakness is that some members of the corps are not good cooks.
@TheWorldsOkayestUSMarine 22 күн бұрын
The structure reminds me of Marine Corps recruit training, with less screaming. Japan has a world-class military.
@ironboy3245 6 ай бұрын
As a member of the Singapore military, i envy the JSDF's combat ration. Our rations have so many components, while the JSDF has 2 kinds of rice and a meat component. The main advantage we have is more menus i guess, whereas the JSDF has only a handful of menus
@はらみーと 7 ай бұрын
@DylanDeJong-p9m 26 күн бұрын
Japan makes sure the boys out in the field have a warm meal.
@Tax-Xi-Việt 6 ай бұрын
Cả châu á chúng ta đã có 1 đế quốc Nhật hùng mạnh khiến nhiều NC phải học Theo ❤
@halfbeak8882 6 ай бұрын
Wow their field kitchen made such a fancy meal for them compare to what i use to eat in my base canteen. Back when i m training all i eat is veg soup with rice no meat no fruit or shit just cabbage in water with rice
@らあめん-n6t 3 ай бұрын
KZbinrで密着できるって すげぇな…
@freelandLee1987 2 ай бұрын
@tommyjoestallings855 6 ай бұрын
You have to respect the Japanese as a people that have a great culture and tenacity 😊 and an amazing history. It's a shame we went to war with them in the 40's. They make great things, and my grandfather who fought them said he's never seen a better class of humans than the Japanese. I am sooo glad there our on our side now. ❤
@VanessaSouza-rz8uo 5 ай бұрын
"we went" bro, you were born in like 1985
@yerkinsars4982 Ай бұрын
​@@VanessaSouza-rz8uo He meant as a country and as a nation not a literal direct meaning. Go get some reading dawg yo peace bro
@metin318 17 күн бұрын
Nice train hard guys ! Greetings from Poland !
@祐樹川上 7 ай бұрын
@KonradAdenauerJr 7 ай бұрын
An interesting insight into what JSDF men eat, and into how they train.
@대한한-9 2 ай бұрын
動画のは新人の自衛隊ですが、とても面白いですよね! どこの国の若者も沢山ご飯を食べて大きく成長して欲しい
@Raycheetah 7 ай бұрын
It's good to see those young men training hard, and getting hearty food to sustain them. =^[.]^=
@iliyaz9547 2 ай бұрын
Не ну "Рота Подъеееем!" звучит как-то покруче, душевнее. От него прям просыпаешься.
@kamenkizoku3939 7 ай бұрын
懐かしいな 今から27年前、私の時代(武山駐屯地)では二段ベッドではなく、大部屋にベッドが8個と、各自のロッカー、個人の机がありました。かなり広い部屋で十分なスペースがありました。 何もかもが懐かしいです。
@matthewskudzienski888 Ай бұрын
750 U.S. Military Bases🇺🇸 🇺🇸🤝🏻🇯🇵 “Keep up the good work for your Military training Japanese Soldiers” -From Matthew Henry Skudzienski
@Zig_zac_ Ай бұрын
Sir i am from india and if i am not wrong curry was firstly introduced in imperial japanese navy in ww2 to make food faster and give every soldiers a healty foood
@motorola9956 Ай бұрын
It was introduced by Britain in the late 19th century. You can see the connection here between India, Britain, and Japan.
@colinjames7569 Ай бұрын
These guys are top notch! They are very diligent and hard working. ❤I have a lot of Respect for any young man or woman joining the IDF
@redDL89 3 ай бұрын
That curry and salad look so scrumptious! Soo envious of that JSDF unit. Maybe this is just the cynical side of me talking, but I wonder if it is because of PR that command at Camp Sinodayama allowed extra effort to go into meal prep to make it extra good? Having talked to many former servicemen, it seems the general custom in most militaries around the world (when not filming anything for PR) is to have the recruits rely on MRE and field rations when on multi-day field excercises.
@marcoantonioretamoza 21 күн бұрын
Les mandamos un Saludo a Japon de Parte de México 🙋🇲🇽 Ustedes Son Grandes!!!!😮
@goojobchannel1478 5 ай бұрын
自衛隊の方々の日々の訓練んで安心して生活や経済活動ができていると思います。 日々の訓練、ご苦労様です。
@eduardoandres5989 4 ай бұрын
yummi!! bon appetit , boys! saluud!°
@ssilent8202 3 ай бұрын
Aww, look at them, they’re so green
@exyronylfa 11 күн бұрын
Added to bookmark I'll watch it later
@RyanFabian-v8t 2 ай бұрын
Salute to all JGSDF
@rin.moka.p-chantati 6 ай бұрын
@user-lemon-ni 6 ай бұрын
カレー美味しそうです!!! 歩哨しているときも温かい食事が取れるのは 素晴らしいな…と思いました
@愛媛松山在住24年さーあー 3 ай бұрын
@brunodejong1695 4 ай бұрын
Interesting to see Japanese colleagues in action
@AXEMURDERERification Ай бұрын
Those bags for catching brass are ingenius xD saves time picking all of it up at the end
@kristiangoransson6104 Ай бұрын
We use a similar system on the AK4 (G3) in the Swedish army, it’s nice to not pick up brass but teaches bad habits
@AXEMURDERERification Ай бұрын
@@kristiangoransson6104 may i ask what you mean by bad habits? its just that in the us army brass pickup takes up so much time especially if qualification carries on to sunset and everyone is itching to get back to the barracks.
@ZeeDFrank Ай бұрын
Incredible proceed food making cycle ❤❤
@frydemwingz Ай бұрын
In US training we always had an amnesty box. Any ammo you dont use, you should turn in where it was issued usually, but if for some reason you have a round in your pocket, your boot or whatever, you can drop it in this metal box on your way out of the training area. I've actually put a pistol round in there before lol. I see here they painfully make them count each round twice instead.
@simonhaste2864 29 күн бұрын
In the UK forces we make a declaration to an officer (usually, or could be a WO or SNCO)after each training or range session where blank or live ammunition has been used. “I have no live rounds or empty cases in my possession Sir!”.
@Dream.Lies0712 5 ай бұрын
gotta love freshly cooked meals in the field!
@joaquinvaleri7022 3 ай бұрын
Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷
@たらこ-r2f 3 ай бұрын
飯炊きの豪快さに比べて包丁遣いの細やかさ 素晴らしい
@HuiWernPhang 7 ай бұрын
Wow pork curry delicious look good taste yummy oishi daisuki😊❤❤❤💯🤩🥰😍😹🎉
@CrimsonAlchemist 6 ай бұрын
This is awesome!
@khristiev 7 ай бұрын
Довольно интересно, но могу сразу отметить несколько нюансов. Во-первых японская еда выглядит довольно аппетитно, по сравнению с русскими харчами заморский рис выглядит поинтереснее. Во-вторых, наш желудок не приспособлен к такой пище. Если в японии написано, что лапша не острая, значит она сожжет твой желудок. А так желаю братьям японцам благополучия и процветания их великой стране
@purimadonnanamamoritamae 7 ай бұрын
辛い食べ物と言ったら韓国です。 日本人は辛い食べ物はあまり食べませんし、辛い食べ物はあまり得意ではない人が多いです。 日本人が食べる肉は、牛、豚、鶏だけです。 唐辛子は、食べ物を保存する時に少しだけ入れるか、麺料理に少しだけ入れるくらいです。 あの麺の色は、トマトソースの色です😅。 よく日本と中国や韓国と混同して間違われますが、民族が全く違います。何千年も前に10民族位混血し日本人と言う民族になり、そのまま島国の状態で鎖国していたせいかDNAもアジアでは日本人だけがかけ離れていて、伝統文化、文明、風習、マインドも他のアジア人とは全く違います。 例えば、イギリス人なのか、オーストラリア人なのか、ノルウェー人なのか、ポーランド人なのか…区別がつかないのと同じでしょう。 日本の若者の自衛隊員になる為の養成訓練に興味を持って頂きありがとうございます。 世界が穏やかに平和になりますように🙏💭💗
@khristiev 7 ай бұрын
@@purimadonnanamamoritamae thank you for your explanation I will be more knowledgeable next time
@みんなのライバルおにいさん 6 ай бұрын
@sunami808 6 ай бұрын
@松村クリス-x8b 4 ай бұрын
@@purimadonnanamamoritamae 今の日本人は渡来人の遺伝子を濃く受け継いでるので、 かけ離れてたDNAを持った日本人は本土には殆どいません。 沖縄ですら縄文人由来の遺伝子を持った人は3割だけですからね。 本土では驚きの1割、北海道アイヌは7割が縄文人と同じ遺伝子です。 伝統文化や文明や風習なども古代中国から入ってきたものばかりです。 農耕を日本に伝えたのも渡来人ですし、 大和朝廷を作ったのも渡来人ですからね。
@airborneSGT 6 ай бұрын
Looked like a training environment from the start. The training wasn't too different from what I experienced in the US Army.
@للغةالعربية-ث3ه 6 ай бұрын
@johnnyjoeharmon8120 2 ай бұрын
Great job soldiers
@yousoundupset 5 ай бұрын
good video, worth the watch
@0218XYZ 2 ай бұрын
炊事班で数回演習行った事あるけど ベテラン炊事班の人は マジで料理人レベルに調理が上手いです。 昔は選ばれた若手隊員が糧食班(隊員食堂)に 一定期間出向するような勤務があったそうで、 炊事班の中には調理師免許持ってる方もいました。 山の中で調理を行ったりするので、 衛生面や食品の管理には そこら辺の飲食店よりも気を使ってたと思います。 (飲食店で勤務経験あります) もし演習中に食中毒なんか起こしたら 大事な訓練を潰してしまうので シャレになりませんからね。 もう一度、元上官の炊事班長のカレーを 食べてみたいなと思い出すような動画でした。 腹減った。
@西方秀則 6 ай бұрын
@とまとたママ 7 ай бұрын
@もふもふもふもふ-v7y 6 ай бұрын
私も元自衛隊です😊 信太山さん当時は不味いが有名でしたw 私も37連隊の応援で何度か行きましたがw 今の隊員さんは幸せ😆🍀頑張って下さいね🙏
@begin.9622 7 ай бұрын
@稗田うさぎ Ай бұрын
@yjg0522 3 ай бұрын
1:43 한국군 보다 잘 나오는듯 하면서 양이 너무 적은듯 9:41 취사 트레일러는 식수인원이 대대급인지 중대급 인지 모르겠으나. 적어도 찐밥인 취사트레일러 보단 양이 많아 보임 11:45 야전취사에서 저러면 급양감독관 짬장에게 뒤통수 쳐 맞습니다. 속도가 좀 많이 느립니다. 그래도 당근 양파 깔끔하네요. 12:26 엠병... 똑같네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다만 육군은 야전 취사시 마늘은 다진 마늘 보단 일반마늘을 사용합니다. (보존 간편 + 다진마늘이 쉽게 타는것 때문에) 15:26 샐러드 참 부럽습니다. 양상추와 토마토가 올라가다니 마요네즈. 근데 진짜 식사 양이 너무 적네요. 그래도 짜요짜요 먹는것 보단 좋을 듯 합니다. 08군번으로 연대 경비소대 이지만 이리저리 야전 취사 끌려다녀 본 결과. 그래도 중국 보단 일본이랑 취사 방법이 흡사하네요. 좋은 영상 입니다.
@DZK-01 Ай бұрын
15:26 반합에 비닐 안까는거 불편하네요ㅋㅋ
@다가나-t3v 13 күн бұрын
근데 진짜 양이 왜케 적음??? 우리가 많은건 아닐텐데..
@Skylda 17 күн бұрын
He says he has learned how to cook with a knife. But you shouldn't rub the cutting side against the plastic cutting board. That will make the edge blunt and you'll get little plastic particles in your food. Just use the back side.
@raygunreagan2274 Ай бұрын
Looks a lot better then the food we ate out in the field in the army
@pohfromipoh 3 ай бұрын
Japanese Rations look Fresh and Real haha even in the field.
@junelee3818 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed it I think we need to increase the intensity of our training. water level civil defense
@tado6720 3 ай бұрын
몸 건강히 복무하세요~~
@0912Anubis 2 ай бұрын
吃得真的好!國軍新訓最好吃到這些東西啦靠! 新訓吃的東西豬都搖頭 我當兵也是二十年前的事了 不曉得現在有沒有加強
@moto3463 Ай бұрын
They feed their soldiers well.
@때발조 3 ай бұрын
@ToddMiller-nl2wn 2 ай бұрын
“You can get either rice or bread.” Sounds like when I was on active duty with the Army. I got so sick of “You get either rice or potatoes! You can’t have two starches!”
@terellkid1 8 күн бұрын
This is WAAAAY more peaceful and pleasant than the U.S. military training 😂😂😂
@jayejeon 2 ай бұрын
12:55 how many soliders going to get feed with this much of cubic processed meats?
@駆逐艦猫電 5 ай бұрын
身体を張って国防に尽力される自衛官の方々には感謝しかありません。 しかしながら、やはり食堂での食事を見ていますと、自衛官の方々の食事はしっかりと提供して頂きたく思います。 身体が資本となる仕事ですから、強靭な肉体作りには食事は必要不可欠です。 私達国民はしっかりと国を、私たちの故郷を守ってほしいという願いで払っている税金は装備品はもちろんの事ですが、自衛官の方々にしっかりと食事を提供し 肉体作りに少しでも貢献したいと思っているからです。 パンを二つ取ったら懲戒処分、減給処分そんな事が問題になる事自体が可笑しいのですから。 座り心地の良さげなソファーで踏ん反り返って、互いを落とし合おうと相手の不祥事探しと、無意味で無価値な話し合いをして、ロクな仕事していないのに。 良いものばかり食べてる政治家達が贅沢する為に私たちは税金を払っている訳じゃないんです。 そんな金あるなら、自衛隊に一円でも多くの防衛予算を献上してください。 良い装備、良い訓練環境、生活施設の改修、改善。 そして食事において、パンとかを二つ三つ取っても罰則されない環境を作って頂きたい。 出来ないなら、私は民間の力で自衛官を労いたいと思います。 どのようにするかは、今考え中だったりしますが。
@major2707 5 ай бұрын
Your patriotism 🙂🤝
@佐藤田中-s3o 2 ай бұрын
@blitzi9631 2 ай бұрын
The training is very simular to that i had in the german army but the food haha damn that that ladys and gentleman is different 😂 We always got the food delivered from base out into the field and they always deliver that meal out of 3 in base wich is the cheapest one so like in base there maybe was steak and noodles but they delivered us potatoes in an brown sauce with a load of onions lmao
@tomtom-er5ok 6 ай бұрын
どの自衛隊紹介ビデオよりも現実的で素晴らしい構成✨ とても食のチャンネルとは思えません😄 わかってますねぇ~😊
@душаТайваньская 6 ай бұрын
@sugumi8886 7 ай бұрын
やっぱり軍隊めしといえばカレーだな! 13:50 以前隠し味にコーヒー牛乳を加えるという防衛機密が漏洩したことがあったがここは特に使ってないんだなw
@donou2026 6 ай бұрын
@裕久亡画材炭酸カルシ-g6c 27 күн бұрын
@s.hoonoh8375 2 ай бұрын
looks like a bunch of Boy-scout 😂😂 Seems happy for camping lunch, surprisingly they’re Cadets. OMG 😂
@КанатТемирханов-у7ь 2 ай бұрын
Idiotic comment
@RedColoR4 2 ай бұрын
They food look so good than my ramen cup 😂😂😂
@pbxpri 3 ай бұрын
고생 많습니다. 항상 건강하십시요.
@Viking-yu4ny 2 ай бұрын
Спасибо за видео
@DCS_World_Japan 3 ай бұрын
That breakfast is like 90% simple carbs. I'm surprised they can fight after such a blood sugar spike and crash from that.
@cb3362 3 ай бұрын
would be so cool if the jsdf had a foreign division or smth along those lines
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