What are the MINIMUM Requirements to NOT GET GATEKEPT?

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While you're at it, watch my general guide on how not to get gatekept! • Things you can do RIGH...

@MisoxShiru 8 ай бұрын
Thanks @donpedro for catching this. Kayangel you want to have KLC 18 instead of LOS 18!
@Minotking 8 ай бұрын
The trick is to play a support, you get accepted all the way to voldis with 4x3, level 5 gems and shit quality accessories OwO
@MrLittleFinger 8 ай бұрын
Avg Party finder gear = min Which can be diffrent in any region depends on amount of RMT in that region At the end u can always play with other people like you. If u are 1580 los18 lvl7 gems you can always party with others with the same gear as you.
@RedWill42 8 ай бұрын
The minimum requirement is a bar that will always continue to rise, and the average player sets the bar. Party leaders pick above the average, be it gems, cards, card damage, elixirs, engravings, etc, and for any of these you are behind on, that will go against you. Party leaders are simplying picking above the average is all it is.
@mic01851165 8 ай бұрын
Idk about kr but for NA , Item level is the biggest influencer And for low content the ilvl req is on the ridiculous side nowaday if you dont want being gatekept Brel N = 1540 Brel H = 1580 Clown = 1560+ (more likely to skip Mario 3) Past that the threshold is a lot more lenient since it's a lot more expensive to push your character past that. But people would also start checking your gem/ card more. Kaya people look for klc 18 Akkan people look for los 30 + at least full lv7 gems. (unless you're support)
@drgremory5275 8 ай бұрын
sadly hae to agree, coudlnt find frog pt, got 1621.8 insted of 1620 and im insta accept? xd
@chriso6042 8 ай бұрын
Crit syn will get you in to most parties better than any slight ilvl or gem advantage
@mic01851165 8 ай бұрын
Also being a sup will get away with lv5 gems and shit card set and minimum ilvl req lol Just make sup if you dont want to be gatekept.
@ajex14 8 ай бұрын
My daily Lost Ark content fix is here! Thank you for your service🤓
@kyle784 7 ай бұрын
1600 not having +35% hp from armour quality, and 90 quality+ on weapon, 85%+ average on accs is instant deny territory. We are drowning in stones and not upgrading your quality shows that you hate spending gold on your character which suggests you don't care about that character. Having any combat stat below 50 is a red flag for someone not doing horizontals to get power like skill potions, runes and permanent stat points.
@inspo114 8 ай бұрын
The main thing I get gatekept for is low demon damage percent. I wasn’t aware of that system earlier on
@MrLittleFinger 8 ай бұрын
How do you know its because of your demon dmg? Do they whisper you and tell you I denied you because of demon dmg??
@inspo114 8 ай бұрын
@@MrLittleFinger I ask why I wasn’t accepted and usually that’s the response
@inspo114 8 ай бұрын
@@MrLittleFinger according to the party leader since I have low demon dmg I don’t understand damage concepts in lost ark
@ranbu6590 8 ай бұрын
I feel like you could've easily made a calc/table for this for better overview. Still a good vid for beginners.
@exoJaybe 8 ай бұрын
From my experience with my 2nd roster you can't even get into akkan without 1540 level 7 gems and that's the same with brel. My 1520 deadeye can't even get to kakul lobbies with level 7 gems. With kayangel I don't even do it with 2nd roster coz people looking for klc18 and I don't have that yet
@s.a4034 8 ай бұрын
One word of advice : if you playing less than 6 month and dont have LOS 30 yet , DO NOT hone over 1600 , unless you have fix party . (u just wasting your gold and you'll have a very bad EXP)
@MostWantedWannaBE 8 ай бұрын
Synergy is God Item level is king Gems are secondary Cards are 3rd Roster level is 4th title is 5th (although some bozos will deny a character who CLEARLY has the achievement just hasn't equipped it like requiring plague title for characters with full akkan gear. But consider that getting denied by those bozos is probably a good thing. If he can't deduce from your gear then it's clearly not someone you want to play with. quality is 6th (weapon and accessories) nobody gatekeeps on bracelets some bozos gatekeep on demon dmg lmao soon elixirs will jump up very high in priority along side gems and item level somewhere in between some things take priority as Miso has said if you have full lvl 10s you will get your ilvl roster and cards completely disregarded especially in low tier content you can always be a bozo and mismanage your gold but having full lvl 10s on a low level implies this is your duplicate character and the chances of you being good are very high Roster level imo is completely meaningless but a lot of people have this perception 200+ good 200- bad for some reason they are completely oblivious that people who skip the story and have done tower only once won't have high roster despite playing similar amount of time title and achievements are worthless as they can be bought (everything except roster can be bought to be fair) but the title/achievement is the CHEAPEST to buy akkan title costs 100k thats a lvl 9 gem brel g4 10x is 60k if i have lvl 9s or 10s and you require a title i will automatically think you have brain damage Quality is very niche but it does show you value your character full 100s is whale territory and many people will just WOW at you but won't really think you earned it while full 90s+ will be considered very good miniumum requirements are set BY the lobby leader If you are applying to a 1620+ brel lobby with your 1540 you can have the lobby leaders father by the nuts he still won't take you if you are applying to 1540+ clown lobbies with your onilvl fresh out the oven power passed character you won't get taken but get this if you just use this nice little feature of "create your own lobby" you'd find out ALL the others JUST LIKE YOU that would apply instantly now you'd come with "but i don't wanna get jailed" everyone thinks exactly this when they look at your chaos dungeon skin character when you apply if you don't want to get gatekept think "would i take myself" if the answer is not then you know what to do some bozos will deny you only based on 1 thing. but as i said earlier. Take it as a favor you don't want to play with those as they are 9/10 floor pov/bottom dps/glue sniffers that set their ridiculous standards just so they can get carried for free
@kundi9211 8 ай бұрын
How to not get gatekept in short(unironically) - upping GS -Play story => upping roster -Get collectibles => upping roster -Play a sup -Get a static -Avoid starting in kayangel server (ppls minds are retarded towards kayangel players bc of the jumpstatt issue) Dont play without KLC in kaya hard. Just dont... i gatekeep those cuz they literally get onehit on any skill uf they get hit
@abrahamalvarez4958 5 ай бұрын
The trick is to learn sidereals and make your own groups.
@angelcrespocabrales 3 ай бұрын
I do 6 akkan every week and 5 are with my alts who have only 1585 and gems lvl 7 LOS30 and I have never been a GK, people pay more attention to the character and the roster lvl
@clitorian 8 ай бұрын
I think the gatekeep is hardest in NA, EU it still exists but not as bad (from what i have seen) The vet players need to take responsibility for some of this, i do normal brel on some of my characters, these chars are 1540+ , if you can get a couple more in the party 1520+ we have the damage to clear, take responsibility to take a couple lower levels with lesser gear, they still do damage just not OP damage. and its is clearable... i would say Akkan, 1580 5x3 is still fine, its more about having ancient accessories and stone, for survivability. Mix of gems lvl8 and lvl 7 is spot on, thats what i tell people! or on a class like surge DB where the majority of your damage comes from one skill, lvl 9 on surge , lvl 7 on others... I also believe and i could be wrong... Deep dive 30 is better than LOS 18 for damage (except for 2 gates across the game where boss is weak to holy) - the damage between DD 18 and LOS 18 is also minimal. my advice for the 1620 stuff is to just not rush for 1620...thiamine normal will be 1610 and i believe and is clearable with the same kind of gear you need for Akkan hard... 1620 offers you little benefit for what you put in other than doing a harder version of an already enjoyable raid... legendary elixers are a massive gold sink and you dont need them for any normal content. HM raids has from my point of view became the p2w element of the game, HM is aimed at the p2w players, normal for the casual / hardcore non p2w.
@imgonnawinwin3451 8 ай бұрын
Agreed, no-one does HM anymore, especially if re-clear the extra 1-5k gold isn’t worth it, you’d be better off bussing or doing horizontal content for that amount. Only hardcore players or those with statics continue to do HM after they’ve completed that content.
@germanrauljimenezgarcia1998 7 ай бұрын
@@imgonnawinwin3451 meh its most than anything that rn brel hard 1-3 gives you access to g4 hard and thats a lot of gold, and if only doing 1-3 HM if you are at least 1580 you can pug it all week and not even notice diference with NM
@fgmxd4957 8 ай бұрын
Play with friends and there is no gatekeeping there
@johngrizzard93 5 ай бұрын
So there is no point for me to continue playing, everything i need is RNG based, it could be 3 years till i get all the gear organically for one tier, otherwise you have to build off the AH, and that cost pheons and gold. cant make gold unless i get into raids, and the standards are insane. How am i suppose to improve? How do i get the 80k for books and gear if i only get 2k from valtan and the rest are "out of my league"/ im always being told "your build is scuffed" or "get a 5x3" and "your gems are wrong".... so if i dont play by the only acceptable ways then nobody wants me. so me and the 90% of the previous player base are not accepted, and only the 10% and the swipers are kings. the game is exceptional, the combat is the best i have ever seen in a action based. I really love this game. Yet the players, setting standards the game doesnt, keeping people out of content that the game demands to progress. Players pushing Players away. Every content can be cleared by every build. (maybe solo towers on supports might be rough) Smilegate made a great game, and the players are killing it. over half the player base are literally bots. the player count is closer to 15k and lowering.
@XxXDeadlykingdxXxX 7 ай бұрын
lost 18 being minimun is crazy
@Oneofakind91 8 ай бұрын
Roster lvl 177 and Los18 and I'm turbo gatekept from all of Ivory tower and that's with 1620 ilvl three lvl 10 gems and the rest 9 It's really bad
@donpedro1337 8 ай бұрын
Just wanna say, kayangel dung u wanna go KLC18 not LOS18 ;)
@1NabbinatoR 7 ай бұрын
i do kayangel normal, clown, and brel 1-3 normal, as a bare 1540 char with 3/4 engraving. that are the same roster wide. random accessory with the main stats at quality 100. double legendary books + random stone grudge - keenblunt - adrenaline and u gud 2 go. no pheon required, 0 auction house interaction lifestyle xD those 3 raid i mention nowadays are an absolute joke and my daily routine for all my el cheapo alts. when they betch about me having only 3 engraving i respond to them: but i have set 30 how about that damage lost nebba? XDDD (i'm 280 roster lv) but please don't step in akkan,voldis, or brel hard with these scuffed build. just do lower tier legion raid for easy stress free income or just play a support kekw
@randomroIIs 7 ай бұрын
get a job
@gero771 8 ай бұрын
1750 main stat for brel normal? wft is that 1650 main stat is okay
@cheezus4747 8 ай бұрын
if you are 1490, dont push higher you are just wasting so much, it is never worth it. Theres a lot of parties that accept 1490's from my experience, especially learning parties.
@bengold2312 8 ай бұрын
Minimum requirement for raiding atleast you have LoS30 and Level 9gems with atleast 5x3+1 engravings with decent Bracelet stats Elixir will analyze soon you get in the party thats the truth uhm and High Level Rooster has good proirity 😂😂
@sergeylukin9111 8 ай бұрын
its biggest reason why EU/NA servers almost empty. When actual Normal brel 1-3(current 1-3 phases) 4x3 engravings. crit deck, 5lvl gems to close brel BEFORE IT WAS HARDLY NEFED after raid relize (when it was 1-6) to clear first 4 phase. and SECOND TIME HARDLY NERFED when they cuz p2 and p5. But what requirementnow in Brel 1-3 NORMAL? rigth. thats why EU/NA in this situation. People do not wana be gatekeeped but they do not do HALVE TRY run to actualy ppl learn more from more exp players,to next time they do not do some mistakes. Im Body killer in ACTUAL content before all nerfs phase cut. and i do it with 4x3 5 lvl gems. And most of ppl clean content with same gear. and its was FINE. EU/NA rediculost in terms of Requirement for enter Raid.
@bengold2312 8 ай бұрын
@@sergeylukin9111 yeah the more we progress and adds up iLv there more toxicity toward requirements like example in valtan 1460 with Lv5 gems and atleast 4x3 engravings will get you in the party. now days if you enter with the same set up you most likely playing lobby simulation no one takes or join your party even you know the game mechanics that why new players will keeping hone their gear not knowing that they will be end up in gatekeept in end raid content.
@sergeylukin9111 8 ай бұрын
​ @bengold2312 Even what you say its already ovegear. It was 1445 3x3 +2.lvl 4-5 gems. Cuz Purple books was expensive back in days. And problem was not in gear in Valtan.Problem was to ppl know all random gimmicks what he can do in p2 after he break halve of Arena.Actualy 1460 4x3 it was one of Buss drivers for Vikas.it was one DD 1460,one Support 1460 and One Bigger DD 1490-1500 to Drive a Bus old 1N 2-3HM Vikas raid. So In Ru Gatekeeping problem not exist. You can still see in Valtan 1445-1600 and in Brel 1500gs to go in 1-3 p.Some times even like a dead soul (person just say i know gimmicks not well,i need help or try,or carry to see raid) can be carried for free and get explonation about how raid work. More over explonations can be in General Ru Lost ark Discord in Voice channel. Cuz every body can enter and find each other in this discord server. Usualy ppl just say number of room like 4-21 and every body join in. Its can be even in Lobby description. Yes Ru not perfect. part of community toxic .like in any Society not with out toxic or bad ppl. But still its Big community problem for NA/EU,but not game problem.
@Startrance85 8 ай бұрын
Make a support problem solved, i got a 6x bard roster and never been gatekept usually i get invited instantly with full set of legendary gems, maxed out card set.
@rashash9954 8 ай бұрын
This is hilarious to me, does people still play this game with all these requirements to be able to at least be able to press your buttons. imo a game with too many grindy and RNG systems should be omega satisfying when you end up getting all that crap done, but clearing raids isn't even satisfying sure the design of raids is kinda good but the time you invest to do them compared to the satisfaction you get from clearing them isn't even close.
@jlee9360 8 ай бұрын
I'm gatekeeping all DB's until the FOTM people quit playing it. All Sorcs, Aeromancers.
@l2FARl 8 ай бұрын
Was wondering what Miso will be cooking here xd Small correction for EU servers: Brel NM G1-G3: 1540ilvl, gems lvl 7, LoS 18/30, G4 1560-1580 ilvl, Kay NM: 1560 ilvl, gems lvl 7, KLC18, Akkan NM: 1590-1600 ilvl, 8-9 lvl games, LoS 30, 10x clear title, Ivory NM: 1600 ilvl, 9-10 lvl gems, LoS 30, clear title. With this you can avoid most of gatekeeping. Ivory HM: idk, im not accepting below this 1620 ilvl, all 10lvl gems, LoS 30 and 35 elixir.
@mic01851165 8 ай бұрын
All lv10 gems kekw No wonder more and more vets quitting LA, haha Has to gamble lv10 gems to not get gatekept.
@l2FARl 8 ай бұрын
@@mic01851165 By all 10 i meant dmg gems, you can be 8-9 on cd, no one cares about it. But if you have 1620 ilvl and dont have lvl 10 gems then something went wrong, you are sus and thats why gatekeeped.
@allanzesage4475 8 ай бұрын
guide to gate keeping
@jiachengsun1837 8 ай бұрын
I gate keep all DB Aero SE. Sorc for ivory tower. I also gate keep player with less than 4.5 demon dmg
@jiachengsun1837 8 ай бұрын
players with less than 200 Rlv or players from jump server never gets in my grp
@Oneofakind91 8 ай бұрын
Yea but some of you 200+ roster ppl are trash too don't lie
@drgremory5275 8 ай бұрын
roaster lvl gatekeep is biggest cringe ppl are selling accounts and quiting so its totally pointless, and no it still makes no sense, my friend iis roaster 120 and he carries voldis, skill issue
@cheezus4747 8 ай бұрын
Roster level just shows how much horizontal you've done, I will never understand this mindset of gatekeeping roster level.
@drgremory5275 8 ай бұрын
@@cheezus4747 dude im roaster 222 i have 0 ignea 0 mokoko only necessery stuff for.skill point
@cheezus4747 8 ай бұрын
@@drgremory5275 how many alts do you have and have you been playing since launch?
@froekidd 8 ай бұрын
how not to get gatekept? start ur own party
@wineaddict6625 8 ай бұрын
And play lobby simulator the whole day😅
@joenuttah7886 8 ай бұрын
title = accept
@pssa3215 8 ай бұрын
DD is legit especially DD30 what are you saying you bozo 💀
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