What does "Taking the Lord's Name in Vain" Really mean?

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Is Saying OMG a sin?

Пікірлер: 139
@patrickbrowne4606 Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard that the ancient Hebrews would not say His Name at all unless it was clearly necessary. This is how much they revered Him. One of the (many) problems with today’s Church is how (over) frequently and irreverently His Name is bandied around. Those of us who claim to follow Him should have more respect for The Name.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
Amen. It is so extremely sad that even preachers/teachers these days are showing they do not respect God and are teaching others to likewise not respect God. Matthew 18:5-7 (ESV) "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!" Corey, you are playing with fire. You dare to teach to the babes in Christ and to children that it is ok to blaspheme the name of God. I haven't followed your videos much, but have seen a few from time-to-time, and thought you were Biblically sound. Obviously not. Please repent of this total evilness!
@Muzicboy3 Жыл бұрын
Yep, to the point where we might even be saying it wrong today, because the true pronunciation of YHWH might’ve gotten lost because they respected his name so much… where’s even half of that respect today … apparently it’s gone out the window because people just toss his name around without a care nowadays… if anyone should be standing against this it should be us Christians …
@billrussell4832 Жыл бұрын
Amen my brother it’s really said back then writing the lord’s name was heavily taken into consideration.
@patrickbrowne4606 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronlee6821 Amen.
@OrondeB Жыл бұрын
Amen! And some scribes would even wash themselves before writing down His name because of how holy He is.
@thebibleisrightperiod Жыл бұрын
This younger generation loves to say "On God" like saying that is cool... It makes me cringe every time I hear it. I cringe any time someone says "Jesus Christ" in replacement for a curse word. I cringe when people say, " I swear to God"... All of it is cringeworthy and disrespectful . People need to start at least paying attention to the 10 commandments if they aren't going to read the Bible. God will not hold us guiltless if we take His name in vain (Exodus 20:7 KJV) .
@TerryN-ps3eh 16 күн бұрын
@Mr.Bee1998 Жыл бұрын
We also have to be very careful what we are teaching others and make sure it’s all biblical and truth because we will be held accountable for every one we cause to stumble. Fear the Lord ❤️
@the_least Жыл бұрын
My 2 cents: I agree with the definition, but disagree somewhat with the interpretation. When Moses was given the commandment, the Israelites wouldn’t have been familiar with the concept of being a “Christian” at that point in time, so it’s doubtful (to me) that taking the LORD’s name in vain was in reference to identifying oneself by a title, but rather meant uttering His name without a purpose or saying His name uselessly.
@Meggerz207 Жыл бұрын
As representatives of Christ, we take on His name as a Christian. When we don’t set the example we also take His name in vain. In other words, if we call ourselves a Christian and don’t act like one, we take His name in vain.
@timothyadams3951 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you Cory. But I also still too do believe that using the Lords name loosely is vain. The way people just let it roll off their tongue these days can’t be pleasant to our Father or our Lord Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, when disgusted with a curse word on the end of God,and or Holy, Randomly blurting out the name of Jesus Christ in a conversation that’s not edifying to anyone, ect…. It’s all bad man. That’s just the truth. If you’re surprised, amazed or shocked about something just start to train yourself to say oh wow! Oh my or something🤷🏿‍♂️ Still a good point Cory on the condition of your heart towards him cause Iike I said, I do agree with that and that does make sense. Big fan of your channel.. I hardly never comment, but I’m always watching tuning in to your content! You make a lot of good points brother.
@shobguy Жыл бұрын
It is a sin if you are mindlessly/carelessly throwing God's name around like a ragdoll. When people say OMG in the modern world, they always misuse His name, and do not keep it Holy. Corey it is not logical to say that someone can use God's name in surprise, anger, etc. because people use it with the wrong intentions.
@thebibleisrightperiod Жыл бұрын
Amen. Great comment, brother ❤️
@shobguy Жыл бұрын
@@thebibleisrightperiod Thank you very much sister. ❤
@nathanmccumber8965 Жыл бұрын
The tv programs us to just shouting out jc
@bphilbac Жыл бұрын
God is who he is, not his name.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
Amen brother. We also need to be careful of minced oaths which are just as bad, as they carry the equivalent meaning.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
Corey, after commenting on numerous other people's posts here, and thinking carefully, I must respond directly to you. If people of the world (not a true believer) say "OMG", "Oh my God", or any other word that refers to God in a vain manner, that is taking God's name in vain, according to you, correct? Thus, those words are the world's way of attempting to belittle God. To use His name in a throw-away manner, or in place of what would normally be a profane word. Thus, they are attempting to say that God is no better than trash or a profanity. In doing so, they are not only attempting to bring God down, but at the same time bring themselves up, i.e., of course a human being/life is far more valuable than a piece of trash. What those words convey is an absolutely vile horrific declaration of what that individual believes of God and themself. So, if that is how the world uses those words, do you mean to tell me that you think it's ok for a Christian to use those exact same words, which convey that same message to the world? Are you crazy? 1 John 2:15, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." If a non-Christian hears you say those words, how can you possibly have any testimony towards them? If a child or new believer in Christ hears you say those words, and your using them causes him to stumble, as the Bible says, it would be better that a millstone be tied around your neck and you be cast into the sea. Corey, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver, a quite large sum of money at that time. Yet you would be willing to betray God and Jesus Christ for a mere word! How sad! As you can see from the comments, a large percent of your viewers disagree with you. Even those who tend to always agree with you on other matters. How have you let Satan put this evil thing in your heart, and to teach others that it is ok to betray the One we love so dearly and respect above all? How dare you say you're a Christian while pronouncing such complete evil! Corey, you must repent of your utter disregard and hate of God and of the body of Christ. You have greatly offended me, beyond all imagination and likewise offended my brothers and sisters in Christ and likewise God. Repent, or as the Bible says, "the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain."
@TerryN-ps3eh 16 күн бұрын
I totally agree with you. It sickens me to hear these excuses, that come from the pit of hell, to dishonor our beloved, holy Lord. Please reexamine what you're teaching.
@davidolajide3707 2 ай бұрын
Using God's name in vain in any way is a sin
@frillylily8005 Жыл бұрын
Christians shouldn’t throw Gods Holy name around Willy Nilly an Do evil in His Name. Both of these things Put Vain to Him
@sandramiller2792 23 күн бұрын
This is only partly right, it is also using OMG or saying Oh my god. Would you use your mom’s name as a curse? No! The Jews would not even hardly use Gods name verbally because they revered Him so much. I think a lot of Christians are justifying their use of Gods name. 😢
@padrino2182 Жыл бұрын
I told my mother in law that you shouldnt say oh my God! For anything she sees on the TV. I told her you do you know your breaking one of the commandments. She looks at me like I'm crazy. I say you shouldn't take the lords name in vain. No response from her. I swear it seems everything she says it now even louder and more frequent. Mind you she proudly say she a christian for over 50 years
@lisafoster3868 Жыл бұрын
Great teaching
@ty2razz2.02 Жыл бұрын
👍😃Another Great Topic 👍Another Good EP. Thanks My Man. A-men
@orangeandslinky Жыл бұрын
Just speak God's name in a vain (empty useless wasteful) way. OMG or OMFG or God told me, is all vanity. So, I see taking or using the name of God in a vain way much more serious than you do Cory. I see slander also as taking God's name in a vain way. I could take the name of Cory in a vain or untrue way. If you did not say I could use your name to endorse something or magnify something ,I'm using YOUR name in a vain way. People who hate or don't believe in God use is name in a vain way very often.
@intrepidgator Жыл бұрын
"God" is a generic word. It is a title. It is NOT HIS NAME. The level of Biblical and historical ignorance and the obvious lack of the Spirit to Rightly Divide the Word is astounding in these waning moments of contemporary history.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
So because it's God's title, then that makes it ok to take His title in vain? Whether a name, title, or some other word, if it refers to the person/being, then it has the same effect. If you refer to the "President of the United States", everyone knows who you are talking about, even though that is his title. And if you make some threat to the life of that title, the Secret Service will come knocking on your door and charge you with a serious crime. Or if you use the recently coined phrase, "Let's go Brand___", you are using a minced oath which carries the meaning of using an expletive to refer to President Biden. The same with God. Whether we use His name, His title, or a minced oath of His name/title, we are referring to Him, and will be held accountable for our words.
@jessehernandez8616 9 ай бұрын
@c-qpo Жыл бұрын
This is one of the only things I’ve ever disagreed with Corey on…I believe saying God loosely is using it in Vain..I wouldn’t want to be swayed from this view either I’m fine with being safe
@MatrixRC 6 ай бұрын
We were taught not to use the Lords name unless necessary. But this makes a lot of sense because Jesus came and explains the heart of the law. Which is why the Holy Spirit is sanctifying us believing one’s everyday as long as it’s today. Giving us a new mind and heart of repentance.
@sandramiller2792 23 күн бұрын
It’s both.
@Jesus_is_otw Жыл бұрын
With all due respect you’re wrong on this subject, brother. If you stub your toe and scream out Jesus Christ, you just substituted a curse word for Jesus’ name. Same if you hit your thumb with a hammer and scream out OMG you are doing the same. How do you not realize this? You wouldn’t be giving the Lord due honor by yelling out His name in place of a curse word. Come on bro. This is Christianity 101.
@Jesus_is_otw Жыл бұрын
This is 100% blasphemy.
@thebibleisrightperiod Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I cringe when people say God's name in a vain, irreverent way. I prefer people to use ordinary profanity deemed by society than to use "Jesus Christ" or "Oh my God" in replacement for "curse words".
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
JC, I absolutely agree with you. Substituting God's name/title/reference to Him, in place of a profanity, is trying to equate Him with that profanity. Absolutely 100% complete blasphemy. And adding to that, minced oaths which are nothing but substitutes for it are just as bad, if not worse.
@Muzicboy3 Жыл бұрын
@@thebibleisrightperiod I’m exactly the same way, it burns me up to here the Lords name tossed around like that, especially by Christians…
@billrussell4832 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I love Corey’s teachings but he is wrong on this one. The lord shall not be mocked
@kellyrhoads1067 2 ай бұрын
Learned in seminary, Jacob took the lord's name in vain when Isaac asked how he prepared the meal so fast and Jacob said that God had provided. Basically sinning and attributing it to God.
@created_by_the_divine_83 Жыл бұрын
COREY thank you for clarifying this because i try to avoid say "Oh My God" i feel guilty like im cursing the LORD name. What about when people get angry and say like "JESUS CHRIST"?
@Mr.MacMan Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say it. It’s just feels wrong. I would err on the side of caution.
@created_by_the_divine_83 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.MacMan right
@NateTheNoble Жыл бұрын
Well “God” is a title not a name. But I see where you’re going. There are Christians who refer to God as Dios, Elohim….some even say Allah which is simply “God” in Arabic The common denominator for believers is simply Jesus Christ. People can go on and on in regards to language but The Father knows when you are referring to his Son and our Lord
@thebibleisrightperiod Жыл бұрын
That's even worse. Don't say "Jesus Christ", "God" or any name of God in a flippant or irreverent way.
@created_by_the_divine_83 Жыл бұрын
@@sisterbecky411 AMEN
@ijustcamefrombiblestudy2243 Жыл бұрын
In the Hebrew the “take” means to bear a burden or to carry it, but it's also used as lift up as in “lift up your eyes to heaven” or lift up a burden.
@holykhaos1337 Жыл бұрын
What about ascribing Gods name to something He didn't do or say? The "God told me and God showed me"? EXACTLY
@markisaki979 Жыл бұрын
Brother Corey, why didn't you use the book of James for this topic? If you as a Christian, say it, and you KNOW that it is wrong, then it is wrong. (James 4:17) Any variation too, such as "G-d damn" or even "G-d bless" falls under this as well, because you are making an unauthorised oath to God to satisfy whatever earthly pleasure you are currently in pursuit of (James 5:12).
@estherbarasa595 Жыл бұрын
@liftyohands3795 Жыл бұрын
👍🏽I AGREE. . . Yet still, saying "OMG" when one clearly is not truly calling out to God is also taking the name of the Lord in vain. As you rightly stated, vain meaning "empty, without use, without cause" so when someone says OMG, or "Jesus" because someone did something annoying or something they dislike, that is taking the name of the Lord in vain.
@marloncloete5587 Жыл бұрын
It is a sin. It's complete disrespect to His name.
@anthonyleake5002 Жыл бұрын
Both are true. Please don’t give permission for the verbal sin of using God’s name as a replacement for a curse word. Lack of a fear and reverence of the Lord!
@wheezesanchez 3 ай бұрын
The idea that people are using “God” as a replacement for curse words just doesn’t make sense. Nobody is actually doing that. Watch the nonsense that is produced when I literally do what you’re saying people are doing (I’ll try to soften the language while giving you the drift): OMG does not mean, “oh my fudge”. JFC does not mean, “sheesh fudgin’ Christ”. If someone spoke like that, they would receive looks, and not just because of profanity, but because they are using language very strangely. If the number one thing Gosh wants his followers to do is spread the gospel, so that others will find their ways to him, what is the worst thing you could do? Would it be using coarse language in your daily life? Or would it be draping yourself in the righteousness of Gosh for your own ends? Ends that might actually result in people thinking, “They are good; I am bad. Gosh evidently hates me, so why bother with all that?” And we know what is described in Exodus 20:7 is the worst thing you can do, because it’s the only commandment that says something to the effect of, “for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain”. I can violate all other commandments (to include taking lives), ask for forgiveness, and have the slate wiped clean, but if I say OMG I’ll never know Gosh’s grace? Huh?
@IronMan-bl7dd Жыл бұрын
I think this subject is quite controversial because when you try to tell people what the scripture really means or says people get offended because now they think you’re trying to say that it’s OK to use. Gods name as a curse, word, or in profanity, but the thing is nobody is saying that, everyone knows using gods name as profanity is wrong, but the common interpretation of this scripture is also wrong . Don’t be a Christian in vain or don’t be a Christian in name only
@caryt59 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you brother Corey! I also believe that taking GOD'S name in vain includes using HIS name in a careless way to simply express disgust os as a curse word, OR AS FALSE PROPHETS DO, who presume to "cast out demons" in JESUS'S name, or who use GOD'S name in attempts to perform healing "ministries" or to get money from blind supporters and using the name of CHRIST to assure the promise of "blessing" to those who "sow a seed"! So, taking the LORD'S name in vain goes a bit further than you described, however, you were correct!
@judihaynesworth 13 күн бұрын
Actually,God is not a generic term or name! There's numerous names of God given to His many attributes in the Ild Testament! Our God is triune,3 in 1! God the Father,God the Son,and God the Spirit! Blessings
@vancejohnson2447 Жыл бұрын
Brother Corey what about so called Christians cussing saying “G D” “Jesus Fng Christ” ?
@Just_a_Guy84 Жыл бұрын
Then they are not followers of Christ.
@shadow96433 Жыл бұрын
With all due respect. Christians are walking contradictions because the only thing that is offensive is cursive language and yet when it comes to Stuff like putting children on a stripper pole, CRT, drag queens grooming kids And the like....crickets.
@Muzicboy3 Жыл бұрын
I don’t see why Corey would think it would be a problem. Other than there’s cuss words in the middle.. but what’s the difference?
@pleon13822 11 ай бұрын
Does this apply to saying “ Jesus Christ” after being surprised or jumpscared
@slothdude8109 2 ай бұрын
I would say yes, its irreverent to his holy name, why isn't any other name being used? why is it always Jesus?
@Mr.Bee1998 Жыл бұрын
It is still wrong to say his name. No questions asked. His name is above all names and we must glorify him. Why would we use his name as substitutes if we honor and love him so much. Doesn’t make sense especially if our hearts are close to him. I can’t stand when I hear a Christian use his name because it is wrong. People of the world okay they don’t claim to be followers but really a Christian? Come on we know better than that and if we aren’t getting conviction from the Holy Spirit about it? There’s a problem with us.
@kayb5599 Жыл бұрын
So timely, I am still new-ish (2yrs) to the faith the this is something i think about often
@RackwitzG Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think "You don't care about God 24/7, but it still is in you to call on him, when something terrible happens". To me that is proof that God imprinted right and wrong in everybodies heart.
@love100057 Жыл бұрын
Oh, My God, How Many Times a Day, Do We Say This? Elders often say, stop calling the name of the Lord in Vain, just to be Calling It.
@NateTheNoble Жыл бұрын
From my understanding taking the Lords name in vain is simply rejecting his Son and the promises of Gods covenant….it’s not the name specifically…but it’s WHO he is and his promises we accept or “take in vain or for granted”
@nathanmccumber8965 Жыл бұрын
Wat shouting out jc all time ?
@thebibleisrightperiod Жыл бұрын
We cannot just say His name in an irreverent way either.
@Muzicboy3 Жыл бұрын
Gotta hard disagree wit you here. Why would we use God’s name or title for an irrelevant purpose. That is very much so emptying the name or title of who he is, and showing low regard for him… So, we can just use his name carelessly, and pretty much in place of a cuss word when we get angry? As a believer I don’t see how one could be comfortably just always saying “Lord,” “oh God” , “oh my God”, “Jesus Christ” etc for purposes that have nothin to do with God. Crying out to the Lord is one thing but just always saying his name when you’re disgusted or angry or just any oh irrelevancy as an expression is definitely misusing his name …
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
Amen, brother. Might I just add, that in browsing through the comments here, I'm so encouraged to see so many other people saying the same thing. Sometimes it seems I'm alone in trying to proclaim how wrong taking God's name in vain is. Well, in seeing so many other believers who also see it as taking God's name in vain, and seeing how many of us are offended when hearing those words/phrases, it is important for Corey and anyone who thinks it's ok to use them, to realize how they are offending brothers/sisters in Christ, and in effect trying to teach them that it's ok to go against what God has placed on their heart as being a sin. It is absolutely in no way loving of your brothers/sisters in Christ to be using those words when speaking to them. And not loving your brothers/sisters in Christ is the mark of an unbeliever. Thus, Corey and anyone else in that position, you seriously need to examine yourselves to see if you are even in the faith. Your actions of standing up for your rights to use such words, when you could just as easily use words that in no way refer to God, are simply proving you do not love the body of Christ. This is a very serious matter, you (Corey) need to reconsider, repent, and ask yourself if you really are even a Christian.
@Muzicboy3 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronlee6821 Yes brother I’m glad to see so many give push back as well. However, none of us are perfect brother, and sometimes we’re ignorant to certain things even after we’ve been in the faith for some time, so let’s not question brother Corey’s salvation, but instead pray that the Lord opens his eyes… let’s just pray that he and others see our criticism and becomes convicted or at least gives it some thought and consideration… hopefully people don’t just brush our thoughts and opinions off, and just because we’re the little people in the comment section and Corey’s the teacher haha… Pray for the body bro, May God bless
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
@@Muzicboy3 Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Yes, I totally agree that none of use are perfect, and we each have our own issues. And we most definitely need to be considerate of others when we approach them with matters such as this. My take on Corey's personality is that he's very thick skinned, so I naturally take a bit harsher approach to people who are thick skinned compared to those who are not, because I think it takes more to register for a thick skinned person. But, of course, I could be wrong. The other thing is that being a teacher, we must be held to a high standard. In this case, in my opinion, Corey is teaching that it's ok to disrespect and blaspheme God. Now, of course Corey doesn't think that way, but to be teaching others this, many of us who do think it's wrong, to varying degrees, and to be teaching that it's ok to new Christians, is really unacceptable in my opinion. Also, I believe Corey has been a Christian for a long time. Of course, even mature Christians have learning that needs to be done. Anyways, due to a combination of those factors, plus my personal low tolerance to hearing God's name being used in vain, my reaction was quite strong. I hope that my comments are taken in the way they were intended, and not at all meant to hurt the body of Christ.
@davidshorts5568 Жыл бұрын
Oh no i feel as I’ve done this. I still struggle in my prideful selfish ways but tell people I believe and want to enter ministry. I fight it every day so I know I’m not ready but does that mean If something accidentally (may it not happen) would I be saved? I lived a wicked self loving vengeful life and just 3-4 years ago started taking interest in faith
@human8727 Жыл бұрын
Saying "oh my God" is not what it means to take the lord's name in vain. That's not even his name. His name is Yahweh.
@poloresanderson8916 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for breaking that down..we learn each day.
@Grace-nt9cc Жыл бұрын
That means to carry His name invain! If you are using the names of God as you do a four-lettered word than I would say that is carrying His name invain! I would also say GD is invain! I wouldn't say His name unless it's calling upon Him!!! 🙌🏻🙏🏻
@slothdude8109 2 ай бұрын
Its both, you can take his name in vain by what you said and by using his name irreverently
@khaleelkelly Жыл бұрын
God is a title
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
So it's ok to take God's title or anything that refers to God in vain, just not His name? Absolutely not!
@Soulseekingtrips Жыл бұрын
It still a habit
@CaptainPantys Жыл бұрын
How do you know if your heart is far from God.
@CaptainPantys Жыл бұрын
@@sisterbecky411 I try to love God. I love His law and everything He says makes sense. But how do I know I love Him? I rarely have any peace or any joy. I'm always so anxious and so on nerve it seems like I couldn't be saved. Why doesn't God allow me to be happy?
@CaptainPantys Жыл бұрын
@Sister Becky I thought I had christian friends who cared. I'm living with two really long time friends who are Christians. They don't live like Christians, and one of them even got mad at me for talking to one our atheist friends about God. I also feel like I'm constantly mad at God and I don't know why.
@CaptainPantys Жыл бұрын
@Sister Becky That makes sense. I've caught myself cursing God and I feel so guilty... I've never been so dissatisfied and honestly miserable. I always feel so guilt ridden and I'm always asking myself, when did I become like this. I could be having a perfectly normal day, and out of no where I'm just mad. Mad enough that I'm tempted to just break things. It makes me question my salvation all the time. I honestly don't know.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
@@CaptainPantys The sign of a true Christian is a heart that has been changed. If you don't have a heart that has been changed, then please, with a totally open heart, accepting that you are nothing but a convicted sinner, full of love for sin and self, repent to God and ask Him to change your heart. Have a heart that is willing to accept Jesus Christ for all that He is. To be willing to accept Him as the complete Master of your life. When He gives you a new heart, you will no longer love sin/self. With a new heart, you will hate sin, die to self, and live for Christ. Of course, even a true Christian still sins, but a true Christian does not continue in sin, and has a heart, via God's Holy Spirit, that is convicted of sin and seeks to repent from all sin and follow Christ. There are so many professing Christians that only say it with their mouth, but in their heart they are still the same old self. Don't be one of them. Be a true believer. Don't be discouraged by those professing Christians who aren't. Seek out a good church where there are people who you can see their good fruits, which are a product of a converted heart. I know it's hard for some to find such a church, but please try, and have fellowship with true believers. Most of all, as a true believer, keep reading God's Word daily and in prayer.
@mandalovescatspandas1781 Жыл бұрын
omg slips out sometimes 😳 I try to use "oh my goodness!" Or "heavens sake!" But OMG.... it slips out sometimes! The worst I think, though, is when something unexpected happens.. it doesn't have to be bad. But something unexpected happens and I say, "Jesus Christ!" I feel bad when these things happen 😕
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
"Oh my goodness" is just as bad, if not worse. It is a minced oath that means "oh my God". It was created so that non-Christians so that they could take God's name in vain, without using the word "God", and thereby get around cultural norms back at that time, when it was not acceptable to publicly take God's name in vain, where people in general held God in much higher esteem that people in general do these days. It is supposedly not as offensive, but should be every bit as offensive to a Christian. Please look up the history of this phrase, and you will see what I said. If someone says words that take God's name in vain out of habit, with a habit they learned before becoming a Christian, I'm certainly understanding. If you catch yourself though, in my opinion, it is appropriate to immediately apologize to the person you spoke those words to, and of course to ask God for forgiveness. Think about the people of the world, how they watch Christians like a hawk. Then think about how your testimony in front of people of the world is totally destroyed when they hear you speaking words the show a complete lack of respect for the God you claim is Master of your life. It will sound to them like you are a complete hypocrite. That is why, in my opinion, if any Christian does slip up, an apology to those who heard it is necessary.
@mandalovescatspandas1781 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronlee6821 Thank you!
@mandalovescatspandas1781 Жыл бұрын
@Aaron Lee To elaborate, it never occurred to me that Oh My Goodness would be a vain thing. It sounds more like, "something surprising happening in SPITE of goodness". But I still need to study! Thank you again ☺️
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
@@mandalovescatspandas1781 I'm happy to have helped at least one person to see that. In actuality, it never dawned on me for quite some time that it was even a minced oath. I knew that others, such as "Gosh", "Gee", "Golly" were minced oaths, even from an early age, but it wasn't until much later that I realized "Oh my goodness" was as well. And of course, I don't hold it against anyone for using a word/phrase that they were not aware of the meaning of. It does though cause one to think that maybe there are other words they are using, which they don't know the meaning of, which may be inappropriate if they learned the meaning/origin. I would recommend anyone/everyone to look up on the internet a list of minced oaths, and see if there are others that they've been using. Regarding "oh my goodness", when you think about it, along with Mark 10:18, "And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."", it suddenly makes so much sense why someone long ago coined that phrase as a substitute for "oh my God", being only God is good.
@mandalovescatspandas1781 Жыл бұрын
@Aaron Lee wow, language is super clever. Being that God alone is goodness, yeah. That really does sound like a curse. And with all these G word exclamations out there (gee, golly, gosh, geez) and people using them when unexpected things happens, it's like cursing God almost without knowing it. Satan wants us to curse God and blame him for all of our problems. It's what Job passed through during his trials. Job never blamed God for his issues and his love remained. That's tricky I'm not too sure about other exclamations, but I have noticed that there is this cultural thing with the words Goat and Sheep. Mt 25:32,33 tells us that, "All the nation's will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a Shepard separates the sheep from the goats." "And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left." In society, being a Goat today is being the ultimate awesome person, you know what I mean? And being a sheep... well, it correlates with how society views people they find mindlessly following blind without a thought of their own. (This sounds more like zombies than sheep, but that's just my opinion) But God specifically tells us he will separate goats from sheep. And Jesus loves his flock. Just something to think about. I'm happy I got a chance to talk about that! It's been on my mind for so long :)
@Xavier-ww9zy Жыл бұрын
For the algo
@TerryN-ps3eh 16 күн бұрын
Do not use OMG . This is blasphemy. You will be held accountable for every idle word.
@rosalindmiller4519 Жыл бұрын
Truth, Amen🕊️
@davidortega357 Жыл бұрын
If your not been baptized in Jesus name you definitely need to of you want to be saved because of you refused you will go to hell if you don't take the mark of the beast but refuse the name in baptism you will be lost we can't play with God he is serious read your Bible don't fallow false doctrine you have be warned
@kekesb Жыл бұрын
OMG is definitely taking the name LORD name in vain, if it wasn’t GOD wouldn’t have had me stop saying it. When I found out that OMG was taking the name of the LORD in vain, I prayed and ask GOD to remove it from my mouth. At first I struggle with it, I would probably say it 100x a day and ask GOD to forgive me until I never said it again
@markisaki979 Жыл бұрын
The 'G' could also be 'gosh'. If that's what you intended, then it's perfectly fine.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
@@markisaki979 NO, it is not perfectly fine! 'Gosh' IS a different word for 'God'. It's what's called a minced oath. It is just as bad, if not worse that using God's name/title, because you are in effect recognizing that you know using 'God' is wrong, so you think you are being cute or being excused for substituting a different word, with the same meaning, and somehow then it's ok. It is in no way, shape, or form ok to use such evil words of Satan to blaspheme the most precious name of God.
@markisaki979 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronlee6821 How is it a different name? Did God declare it so in His word? Also with what you're saying, then it's also wrong to use any other English word substituted in place of God? Please brother, do not be a Pharisee. God is not referred to as anything other that what He has outlined in His word. It is out of reverence that you are purposefully not saying 'God' directly. "Oh my (whatever)" is an American expression that came way after the canon of Scripture was closed. If it was being said in Scripture in this way, God would have made it clear that substituting His name for another word would be wrong.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
@@markisaki979 Let me be a bit clearer. 'Gosh' is a minced oath which means 'God', but the word was coined to be used by people wishing to take God's name in vain, but not wanting to run afoul of moral/legal regulations, or social norms. The meaning of it is an intentional taking of God's name in vain / blaspheming of God, but whereby the speaker of that word can supposedly 'get away' with it, whereas if he used 'God' instead, he might cause himself problems, depending on the people/culture/etc., where he used it. Back to your comment prior to your latest, you said, "If that's what you intended, then it's perfectly fine." Sorry, but communication is not one-sided. Communication is meant for a speaker to transmit a message to a listener(s). The intention of the speaker and how the listener interprets that message are both important. Let me give you a often used example: If you go into a crowded theater and yell, "fire!", and the people panic and it causes deaths in being stampeded/crushed, you will most likely be found guilty of a serious crime. It matters not one bit that you were just joking and didn't mean anything by your word. What matters is that the audience took your word to mean something, and you should have realized that they would take your word to mean it. The same here. If you say "gosh", that to me, and many Christians is taking God's name in vain. So, regardless of what your intention is, if you realize that to many Christians it is taking God's name in vain, you are, in fact, attempting to communicate that thought to us, regardless of your heart. You are every bit as guilty of blaspheming God, regardless of what the intention of your heart was. Back to your most recent comment. Do you not know of the teachings of Jesus? Such as to look at a woman with lust is to commit adultery in your heart. Or to hate your brother is the same as murder. The Pharisees were only concerned with the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. But Jesus taught that the spirit of the law was what is important, not the letter of the law. The same here. You say that by the letter of the law, 'gosh' is not taking God's name in vain. While strictly speaking, 'gosh' is not God's name, by the spirit of the law you are every bit as guilty of taking God's name in vain as someone who does so with the actual real name of God. Thus, your claim that 'gosh' is not breaking the law is exactly what the Pharisees did. They obeyed the letter of the law, but without any love in their heart whatsoever. As to your comment, "God would have made it clear that substituting His name for another word would be wrong.", how could God possibly state with complete precision all things that would be considered a sin, and all things that are not? It is impossible to do that. The Catholic Church has tried, and failed miserably. The entirety of God's commandments was summed up by Jesus Christ in Mark 21:30-31, "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these." Taking God's name/title/reference to Him in vain, is breaking both parts of what Jesus commanded us to do. It is not loving God, by disrespecting Him, and it is not loving your neighbor, by disrespecting the God they love in front of them.
@merives2263 Ай бұрын
You are wrong sir.
@rachelfarmer8563 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Brother Corey for the clarification on that.
@janishackler1549 Жыл бұрын
It makes mad
@jessehernandez8616 9 ай бұрын
Not correct sir, you must give God's name due honor every time you say it. We must not use those examples, because they come from the world , we should be separate from the world . Using it flippantly is sinful. I pray that those who dont see it this way , test thier spirit by searching scripture. God bless.
@janishackler1549 Жыл бұрын
That is's his Name
@reggiesmith5909 Жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation of what it means to take the Lord's name in vain 😊
@matthewadamczak4631 Жыл бұрын
"God" and "Lord" is not His name. YaHuWaH and Yahushua is the Father's and the Son's Sacred Names.
@aaronlee6821 Жыл бұрын
So, because "God" and "Lord" are not His name, it's ok to use those words that are His title or that refer to Him in vain? It matters absolutely nothing that those words are not His actual name, because we all know who it is that they refer to when people use them. If you refer to "The President of the United States", it is obvious who you are referring to. The title does refer to the person. If you use the President's title and threaten the life of that title, you will be charged with a serious crime, just exactly the same as if you said the same words but used his name instead. You will in no way be innocent. Likewise, nobody will be held innocent for attempting to associate empty words or profane words with God, whether using directly His name, His title, or any word that refers to Him. The whole concept is that God is sacred, holy, and to be respected/loved above all, not merely His name.
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