What If...Link Is Dying? Tears of the Kingdom Theory

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Tears of the Kingdom is looming on the horizon with the release date of 2022 within reach. On the road to the most anticipated Zelda game of all time, I'll explore a brand new theory in the first entry of my "What if?..." series for BOTW 2. So what if...Link is dying?
Surprisingly, there's quite a lot of evidence to be found supporting this theory, so join me as I walk you through the clues and hints found in the games, trailers, interviews and publications that help to flesh out this idea. From sacrifices to clues hidden deep in the Legend of Zelda archives, could BOTW 2 turn out to be the darkest Zelda game on record and even more mysterious than Majora's Mask? If this theory has any ground, then we are in for one heck of a ride!
As always, I'd love to hear from you and your thoughts on this concept. There's no right or wrong and all comments are welcome. My favourite part of the Legend of Zelda is the mysteries and the way the community has managed to make such an amazing franchise even better by helping to build out the world, the lore and the Legend. I have plenty more theories and content coming your way as there's just no shortage of ideas to explore when it comes to the Legend of Zelda, especially with the exciting sequel to Breath of the Wild almost within our grasp.
A very special thank you to my subscribers who continue to motivate me to make new content. This may not be the biggest channel out there, or the best, but your support means the world and I sincerely appreciate you, so keep being AMAZING! Stay safe tribe, and I can't wait to get the next theory out to you. This next one is VERY interesting and one I couldn't believe as the details came together, so stay tuned for that one...
Apologies also for the delay in videos. I've been spending more time compiling this video and the theories to come and also preparing for an upcoming surgery. I'm hoping to get a more regular schedule up and running once that's all completed and I've had a chance to recover.
Heartfelt thanks to the following sources:
1. Nintendo Australia (Sequel to BOTW2) - www.nintendo.com.au/games/nin...
2. Nintendo, First Look Sequel to Breath of the Wild : • The sequel to The Lege...
3. Nintendo, Second Trailer (E3 2021) Sequel to Breath of the Wild : • The sequel to The Lege...
4. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels - www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-a...
5. Hyrule Historia - Published by Dark Horse Books, December 2011
6. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild-Creating A Champion was published by Dark Horse Books, December 2011.
7. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, Nintendo 2017
Zelda Reorchestrated - www.zreomusic.com/

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@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy the video! I did also mean to mention Red Dead Redemption 2 as an inspiration for the Production team at Nintendo as being another reason this "What If" scenario could have a grounded source of inspiration (R.I.P Arthur Morgan). Thanks for watching and let me know what you think about this theory. Stay safe and keep being amazing!
@theghostofjeffgoldblumdail9613 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if throughout the game we see Link’s “corruption” spreads over time as you progress through the story, creeping from his arm to his torso, stomach, neck, maybe even the bottom of his face. Kinda like how in Metroid Prime 3 where Samus’ suit becomes visibly more and more corrupted by phazon as you go through the game, and at the end, when Samus is rid of phazon, her suit returns to normal.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
I could see something like that happening here for sure. The one positive of the small amount of info we have is that it really makes a lot of scenarios possible. Thanks for watching and that username is brilliant - looking forward to more ideas from you, the Metroid example is wicked
@notavailable8201 2 жыл бұрын
You mean like how Batman had that corrupt venom in his blood in Arkham city? That would be kinda neat to up the stakes on Link having a time frame to beat Ganon before the corruption kills him. Or at least find some way to weaken it's hold on him throughout the game till he finds a way to cleanse it from him if it's remotely possible
@GreenDbz 2 жыл бұрын
curse mark
@haileeraestout5567 7 ай бұрын
This I Can Agree On @@gamesmiths Because His Spirit Suffered After THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS Of Years From Demise's Curse But What If The Queen Was Sacrificed To Ganondorf
@KiraNear777 2 жыл бұрын
I am really happy that you will continue this "What If's" because it's been a while since a theory engaged me like that.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, very kind of you. There’s some really interesting material to cover, can’t wait to get it out to you 😊
@coolnightskate 2 жыл бұрын
One of the big questions I have is why Link is lying down when the bracelet thing is affixed to him (2:34). It certainly looks like he is incapacitated, and someone is putting it on him. We also see his undergarments, so perhaps he is recovering somewhere. Who is helping him recover? Was he saved? Or was he captured and this is being done against his will?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Been wondering the same thing myself, so it’s a great question. It’s one I had flagged for a future “What if” with the other stand out of that shot being the length of Links fingernails 🤔
@RyzenZegend 2 жыл бұрын
I believe it's the Hero from 10,000 years ago helping Link. In Breath of the Wild he's mentioned plenty of times with great importance. In fact the more you play Breath of the Wild the more you realize the game is all about the Event that happened 10,000 years ago as opposed to the 100 year old war. Sincerely,
@haileeraestout5567 2 жыл бұрын
​@@gamesmiths End Begin All The Same Big Change Sometimes Good Sometimes Bad ~ Quote From Mother Aughra Herself :)
@MariaC497 2 жыл бұрын
I think Link dies at the end. It's sad but I think even Link knows he's going to die. Mipha in BOTW explains that Link wasn't always so cold and stoic. My theory is that at some point in his training or whatever, Link discovered his fate and simply accepted it. He was probably pretty normal for a time. Got a nice job, cool sword, hot fiance....but at some point his fate was sealed and he just shut everyone out so that he could do his job.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
It’s an interesting thought - as Zelda’s sworn protector he would need to be prepared to lay his life on the line. Then as the chosen hero, the stakes only get higher. No wonder the bloke is quiet!
@UnluckySuperstition 2 жыл бұрын
It's strange, how the use of technology, magic and at times divine intervention is always used to try and put a stop to evil in this franchise- but it never works. Or at least it never truly puts an end to the evils that they were intended to extinguish- it will certainly be temporary, but it never truly dispels the problem forever. Demises curse in particular and the reoccurrence of ganondorf in each new lineage of Zelda, Link and himself always returns- no matter how aware of the threat, or how preemptively proactive towards a plan of action anyone is- it always happens and it's always bad. But since you pointed out the heavier focus on technology in the trailers; Links arm being tarnished in someway, and how Ganondorfs body might be reviving itself based on Links blood and presence- it made me think of how technologically reliant BotW and the sequel look to be. At the very start of BotW we're actively aware that Link was in some way mortally wounded and went comatose and was essentially on life support for a very long time because of it (for a lack of better words): and through the whole game it's just Link trying to heal his memories and working towards the task at hand of saving Hyrule. Meanwhile in the Sequels trailer we see that Technology has once again been used (and more than likely mixed with magic) to keep Ganon in some sort of confined/sealed state; almost like a preventative measure-to keep something from getting worse than it already is. It's just really interesting to see the immediate parallel of Link being actively healed and healing himself through one game from start to end- and then seeing the trailer for the sequel and it's almost the exact antithesis in a way. Ganondorf is frozen in a decayed state looking almost torturous (or at least R E A L uncomfy) with a sturdy unmoving clawed magicy hand ripping into the chest cavity to -maybe- be keeping his soul from reincarnating and malice from ruing the world again? Anyway my point is that it almost seems like. A preventative treatment in a weird -horrible and torturous- way, while Link was actively being healed and recovering. It's almost like the shieka realized at some point, "hey, this tragedy and reincarnation is going to happen forever and never really be predictable, but we tried literally everything for centuries to stop it from happening, so maybe let's use our technology and just make sure he can never die and come back to power again :> " But it just doesn't ever fully work because it's always "delay, delay" but never ixnay.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Great idea there - the Sheikah thing is sitting oddly with me as well. History is told from the perspective of the author and the tapestry / Sheikah form the basis of what we know. This from a group who love for the monarchy yet were considered a threat by the same. complicated history for sure
@UnluckySuperstition 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths well they're also strange in BotW as well, because for the first time ever the Sheika themselves actively divided into to separate ideologies from one another. The yiga who oppose Hylia and the monarchy and actively support Ganondorf- and the regular Sheika we know and love. So it just kind of feels odd that a group of beings that were literally created and ordained to protect and support the goddess under any circumstance would ever get so upset that they would just turn completely against her,- I mean they were driven to the point of extinction multiple times, like in OoT where impa was the last one. Like that's where the whole muddling and intermixing of blood thing comes in, because in BotW alot of theorists say that the 'Sheikah' of the world aren't true shiekah because they lack the red eyes the sheikah are born with- it's more like a cultural adoption of their ideology than anything. So technically that would mean that both the sheikah and yiga aren't bound by the divine oaths that the true blooded shiekah were. It would be like if Hylias bloodline died off and someone else decided to come in and start up the tradition of naming their daughter Zelda. Sure it would technically be a Zelda- but they would never have Hylias powers and blessings because the bloodline isn't the same. It would probably turn into a link situation where it would be purely a spiritual thing that goes to whoever best fits in the time- not necessarily the royals of the time.
@miscalotastuff733 2 жыл бұрын
I could see him running on borrowed time.Maybe his life is being artifically extended and that extended life is dwindling. Maybe the arm is artifical and what little energy he is getting from the arm is the only thing keeping him alive. When his task is ended that maybe it. I think the monks were helping him to live longer.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. The idea of Link being on borrowed time really intrigued me for the sequel. The urgency of Majoras mask was so unique and a similar mechanic could really heighten the stakes in the BOTW2 👍
@evils.presley 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t believe this doesn’t have more views. Please continue this series! It’s so refreshing to see fresh theories and new perspectives on lore
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much. I’ve got more on the way so no fears there. Appreciate your time and kind words 👍
@MinistryOfMagic_DoM 2 жыл бұрын
This was quite good. Glad I found you. Wait... how are you putting out this quality at only 253 subscribers?! I thought for sure you'd be in the 100 thousands with this type of content.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, that’s a massive compliment. Thanks so much and looking forward to bringing more content soon 😊
@AniyuShadowraven 2 жыл бұрын
Love this! It’s a little similar to the theory I have, wherein I think that hand that was sealing Ganondorf is actually the remnant of the hero mentioned in the story of 10,000 years prior to BotW’s era (where the Divine Beasts were used the first time and successfully). My theory is that Link is going to end up having to sacrifice himself to become the new seal, possibly leading to a new Cycle of Heroes and Princesses having to find a way to stop both the incarnation of Malice (which BotW’s ending implies is what Zelda sealed with her powers separate from Ganondorf’s physical body) AND Ganondorf together, maybe even by trying to find a way to re-merge the two and defeat him whole. Again, this is just a theory, but since I’m about 90% positive that there were no in-game stories about what happened to the Hero in the wake of the triumph alongside the Divine Beasts 10,000 years prior, it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
You’re 100% right - we only know what has been passed in tales and from certain perspectives, but something is definitely missing to me. I’ve poured hours in the finer details and I keep finding new clues that suggest there’s more than what we might think including a big realisation literally yesterday. Keep up the great work and thanks for watching 👍
@brokewithexpensivegames 2 жыл бұрын
i would love a zelda game where link is dying and you had to reach certain checkpoints to extend his life in time to defeat the final boss. I think people would dislike the time-limits but would honestly be a cool concept. Maybe would be better for a 2d zelda.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
That’s an awesome idea and would be like a Majoras Mask twist like the 3 day cycle. You might be on to something with that one. I think that even if he was dying, you might have the opportunity to try and at least slow it like you say. But what a crazy cool thing if it was like Majoras Mask with an imminent doom playing off the tension. Brilliant idea!!
@brokewithexpensivegames 2 жыл бұрын
@Chicken Nugget was actually thinking about this yesterday, i think it is very possible tbh. Hope it is a new game and not a remake though.
@zn1ppp 2 жыл бұрын
Almost like senuas revenge! And the corruption can spread throughout his body
@crestfallenwarrior5719 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds awfully stressful. I didnt enjoy those trials in skyward Sword and actually quit the game because of it. I wouldnt buy such a zelda game. And i never bought Majoras Mask. And i dont Plan to.
@TheNyleve16 2 жыл бұрын
If it is an optional mechanic or another game mode like hero mode, its ok, but an obligatory mechanic like that would ruin the exploration adventure part of the game. In Majora the 3 days works because it is a small world game which focuses more in the character stories and not so much in the world exploration.
@TheCrowFKAPS 2 жыл бұрын
I think they're trying to parallel Ashitaka in Princess Mononoke, as his arm was covered in some goop (been a while since I watched it sorry lmao) and it was killing him. That said, I'm pretty confident they're going somewhere in that direction, but while I love dark things I hope it doesn't get too bleak. I usually love a sad ending, but I think in this case I'd like the curse to be lifted. I think it would be cool if this feeds into whatever they have planned thematically, as Miyazaki said they used Ashitaka's arm as kind of a metaphor for what the Ainu people dealt with at the time. I don't know much about the indigenous Japanese people, it's just what I read off the wiki; I can't follow the source because the link is broken. But I'm pretty sure he's talking about leprosy. I wonder how heavy they'll play into this. idk where I'm going with this, just rambling. xD Good video.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
It’s always great to hear the thoughts people have about the inspiration for BOTW and the sequel and I’d also hope that any affliction can be overcome. The parallels to Princess Mononoke are quite striking sought to have a similar thought provoking narrative, then no doubt we’re in for one heck of a ride!
@alchemysaga3745 2 жыл бұрын
My thought on the whole "Break the Cycle" thing is this. Ganon is pretty much entirely the product of Demise's curse- while Ganondorf... we don't actually know how inclined toward evil he was, originally. We *do* know that he originally had far more benign goals. He wanted to spare the Gerudo their fate of being relegated, eternally, to the harsh environments of the desert- and eternally dependent on Hylians to exist. For someone who was raised to take pride in his race's independent nature, their prowess at surviving on the scraps left to them by the Hylians, being forced to submit to another King who he would have felt was enforcing this fate on his people, that would have easily been the trigger for desperation. Desperation that Demise's curse is shown to be able to capitalize. They may not be able to break the Cycle- particularly if you *do* consider it a curse- as long as Demise has a vessel... but they could almost certainly try to sever the link between Ganondorf and Demise, not only lifting the millennia long interruption to the Gerudo culture... but likely forcing Demise to seek another, *likely less capable* host. It's also possible that a Ganondorf who was given back his sense of self could have the same rage and depth of grudge towards Demise and his curse as Zant once held toward himself. I know it's unlikely they would, but an entry where Ganondorf outright defies the expectation (or even *demands) placed on him by fate, in order to hold to his once ideals of protecting his people- even if it would mean working with the reincarnations of enemies that had previously slain him and treated him as no different from Demise.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and a really insightful comment there. I agree that Ganondorf has more dimensions to him and I think there’s a lot more there to be explored narrative wise. Awesome stuff
@EmA-mj4bo 2 жыл бұрын
I'm shocked you have so few subscribers. This was extremely high quality, in narration, writing, visuals, and concept - and thank you for the subtitles! Not many channels take the time, but I really appreciate it, even if they're a little inaccurate to the narration at times. This gave a lot to think about and got me hyped for the sequel again. Looking forward to seeing more from you!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much and you made my day 😊 The subtitles I try to include as I know how important they can be. It’s actually the script, so the inaccuracies are from my own divergence in recording which I have not rectified after the fact. I’m really glad you brought this up so now I can address that in future videos. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave this comment, I really appreciate it 💫 All the very best!
@eletralad 2 жыл бұрын
Great and original theory, I hope to see much growth with your channel
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, I’ll be happy if the videos are enjoyable and worth peoples time. You are very kind, best wishes to you as well 😊
@milk4bones282 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting theory dude! I haven’t heard this theory around b4 but it’s so cool! I hope something like this does happens bc Nintendo said this game is gonna be darker then majors mask so :) it’d be hella cool. It’s such
@milk4bones282 2 жыл бұрын
And the fact skyward HD has been realised too I’m hoping they are closely related bc skyward sword has one of my fav Zelda stories
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave a comment :) I think you are on the money with Skyward Sword - Hidemaro Fujibayashi took the helm on Skyward Sword and the origin story shows some crazy strong links to BOTW. I don’t think it’s a coincidence places like the Springs and giant Hylia statue in the Forgotten Temple are featured in both titles. And then you have the sword “talking” to Zelda in the game - a direct callback to Fi. There’s heaps more, but putting the games into a trilogy type perspective makes a lot of sense. Can’t wait to find out regardless! I’ve got some more content in the works that is unique to what I’ve seen out there so I’m excited to get those out and see what people think. Thanks again :)
@FieryRed_BE 2 жыл бұрын
that’s a common misconception. they were referring to the trailer, not the whole game, they corrected themselves about that
@milk4bones282 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths YEEE and the fact with the new like 2sec clip of the broken sword and just the way link holds it out to the flame or the golden orb thing and the way the sword glows i really hope fi returns bc i always found them such an interesting character! excitement 1000!! :3
@rodrigopardob 2 жыл бұрын
Subscribed! I love all the intrigues this game has and all the theories around it! I hope for it to have this kind of darker tone to make it more intense and legendary. Great video!!!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for watching and couldn’t agree more 👍
@sarahangel3481 2 жыл бұрын
Cool theory. I prefer happy endings, but dark stories also attract me.😊 Nintendo has already said that BOTW2 will be darker. So it really is possible that Link could die. I'm so excited for the game and can't wait for it to come out. Your video is really well done and I see a lot of potential here. I'll keep an eye out for your channel. Greetings from Germany💙
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for the kind words. I can’t wait myself and researching more material for the next theories makes it even more exciting. It’s an honour to have someone in Germany watching, so a huge Gday from WA ( Western Australia)
@sarahangel3481 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths You're welcome.💙
@istabkiwisforfun7907 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad there’s another channel around that is creating such unique and different theory’s, I love the other theory channels but man your content quality is over the rooftops, and your theory’s are just fun the think about in general. Please keep making this amazing content it’s one of the highlights of my month when you upload :)))
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Wow - a huge compliment thank you! I’m working on the next few theories as we speak, they’re taking a bit longer but hoping to have one out very soon. It’s comments like this that are motivating and help a lot when you are spending so much time putting a video together so it means more than you know. All the best
@dantheman15 2 жыл бұрын
A top notch theory with amazing editing that I have not seen on any other channel absolutely deserve my subscription and many other subscriptions in your bright future. Also I enjoyed noticed your logo spinning in the bottom right corner.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much kind sir and the logo spinning comment is superb. You’ve got an eye for detail and that is a rare talent. Thanks again and all the very best
@dantheman15 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths You're welcome and I am excited to see any more ideas you have with the recent delay of breath of the wild 2.
@gracelebron3536 2 жыл бұрын
That was so beautiful. BOTW is the first Legend of Zelda game I've ever played, so I liked the bits about the past games' interlinking story. Your video was very fun to watch and, were your theory to be true, I don't think I'd be disappointed at all.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and the lovely comments. Glad you enjoyed it and look forward to more coming soon
@imperialchalice 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that's so obvious but I take for granted in this story: Zelda's bloodline needs to keep going to ensure that every incarnation of demise remains sealed, meaning she must bear children. Link is the SPIRIT of the hero. Demise is an ENTITY, clearly. But the Goddess shed her divinity to be reincarnated as a human in order to stop Demise in Skyward Sword's canon, meaning she has to keep a bloodline. Interesting. What happens if she stops? Right? Or can't?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
A VERY well thought out point and ties in to something I’m researching currently. Great comment - thanks for watching
@Lucifer_Nihilum 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is that we know this is not the case. Mainly through the adult timeline where nearly the whole kingdom drowned, but especially the royal bloodline. And also the downfall timeline, because Gannondorf kills both her and Link in that one. And in the Child timeline I think the bloodline ends in Twilight Princess, though I am not certain in that one. Zelda will reincarnate, even if her bloodline ends same as the Hero and the avatar of Demise. The royalty would say something like this to say that their bloodline is the only true royal bloodline, approved by the Hylians patron Goddess. Something claimed by real world ancient royalty very often.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lucifer_Nihilum Can totally agree with reincarnation as a key trope in the series although I’d have to say that Zelda does not die at the end of Ocarina in the fallen timeline version. The sages, including Zelda seal Ganon and the completed Triforce in the Sacred Realm. Also not sure the Royal bloodline dies in the Adult timeline either when the flood occurs, except for the epic end the King chooses for himself once the final battle plays out
@Lucifer_Nihilum 2 жыл бұрын
Well, spirit tracks is the adult timeline right? Zelda is a ghost in that game to my knowledge.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lucifer_Nihilum Absolutely, but Spoiler Alert She gets it back at the end. But I get where you’re coming from with the reincarnation aspect. Technically Hylia chose to become human and it’s her bloodline that surrounds Zelda more than anything 👍
@ausgamecollector 2 жыл бұрын
Subbed. BotW 2 may depict Link breaking the cycle of Demise’ curse. Remember at the end of BotW, it isn’t implied that all the Malice in Hyrule was vanquished.. Even during BotW, Malice can wear down the MS & the parts than can be destroyed, return.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
I think you may be on to something there. Hidemaro Fujibayashi directing this feels t like the summation of a trilogy dating back to Skyward Sword - all of which the motif of malice features heavily
@airforce-d1117 2 жыл бұрын
Glad to see more and more Zelda content creators everyday keep up the work def gon be back for more vids
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! 😊
@rainbowrhe7350 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I think the "accepting his fate" thought would explain a lot about his character. The concept of having a time limit, a countdown to death, might be pretty cool, but it also might be pretty frustrating or just really sad; it would depend on how the mechanic works. Of course, if Link dies, he would just come back as the next legendary hero, right? I've heard some theories about the hero's bloodline having to be continued, but since, in some games, Link would never have the chance to have children, I think it's more like Hylia picks whoever she sees fit, and he doesn't need to be descended from anyone in particular. I think it would be really cool if Link did accept his fate, as was mentioned in the video, but then, along his journey, he would have some major character development, and, by the time he would finally have to fight Demise (or Ganondorf, I'm really hoping for Ganondorf) he would have hope. He'd refuse to accept death without giving all the fight he has left to give. Then, something epic would happen at the end of the boss battle, like maybe he kills Demise, but as he does it, Demise lands a fatal hit. Then, something awesome happens. Maybe Zelda would heal him with the triforce and they could be happy for a little while until the next time Demise causes trouble. It would be really cool to see Zelda save Link for a change.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Endless ways it could go, but I’m actually working on something that extrapolates one scenario so it’s really topical reading this now. My girls (wife and daughter) immediately pointed out that Zelda saved link twice over in BOTW - once at Fort Hateno when he was at an end with the guardians, but also in her efforts to send him to the shrine of resurrection and defend Hyrule and hold the Calamity for 100 years…like a boss too! Even should Link be doomed as a core mechanic in-game, I’d agree there would likely be a resolution, similar to how Majora had a fated world with the only way to avoid that ending being to ultimately beat the game. But Majora brilliantly pushed you to care about the people as well, making your actions valuable in being there for people when they need it. So I guess that’s a thing I hope the team are considering. Oh and Link definitely can have kids - Link from Twilight Princess is descended from Link in Ocarina/Majora (aka the Hero of Time) as it’s confirmed the very same Hero of Time is the Hero’s Shade in Twilight Princess, passing his skills onto his descendant. So who knows - maybe Zelda and Link can be happy and have a Linkle of their own 😊
@rats185 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work, Love everyone keeping zelda theory alive. 340th sub. Much love dude
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much and right back at ya! New video about to drop soon, so hope you enjoy it.
@osmanalikhan2283 2 жыл бұрын
So, get this. There’s always a new link. But this time, we might actually get to SEE him die. We might get the opportunity to see a new link in a end credit scene or something Damn.
@justcholey4131 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I was thinking. Link and Zelda coming so close to being free and being in a relationship, just for Gannon to come in and finish what he started, killing *all* the champions
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Brutal but I love it. Well put good sir and thanks for watching 😊💫
@ninjaamber 2 жыл бұрын
This is a super interesting theory! Going to have to subscribe and see what other theories you come up with in the future!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you and glad to hear it. More in the works as we speak so plenty more to come
@xavi_ 2 жыл бұрын
you deserve way more subscribers, the video quality is so good!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and the lovely comment. Hope you have a great day
@Adrian-wh3mk 2 жыл бұрын
Can’t go with everything, but love the whole Link is dying theory. Like milk for bones said, haven’t heard this take before and think you may be on to something. Could be why we haven’t seen his face in the trailers 🤔
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and putting your thoughts down, really appreciate it. Yeh - the rat is a bit of a stretch - realised it sounded even more crazy in the edits. The face no show is a real interesting one for sure 👍 The funny thing about the trailers seems to be more about what you don’t see if that makes any sense. Misdirection maybe?
@maximumeffort2729 2 жыл бұрын
You knocked it outta the park! Great video. Ya just earned your seventy second subscriber.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much and appreciate the subscription. A new set of videos are in the works so I hope I can make it worth your time. All the best
@mangolie21 2 жыл бұрын
I love seeing new theories and I really like this concept! Greetings from France!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, Gday from WA 😊
@okurii2928 2 жыл бұрын
The video is really interesting, you totally deserve more recognition!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words.
@justacityboy4426 2 жыл бұрын
How do you only have 331 subscribers? Here, have another subscribe. Link dying in BOTW 2 could be something intriguing. Maybe his arm is infected by malice/darkness and it threatens to consume his entire body. Maybe him using his new powers hastens the infection. The sky islands could be a sort of mystical place which cleanse (heal) Link of the malice. Furthermore, Link being infected could open up the door for Zelda having more of a central role, rather than just being someone who needs saving. All in all, would be an amazing thing to see in BOTW2.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you kindly. Can see all of the points you’ve made being realistic considering what’s been shown to date. Agree completely 👍
@garrettrinquest1605 2 жыл бұрын
Big fan of the video, especially for someone just starting out. I hope you keep going and become one of the greats!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and being so nice. I’ll be wrapped if I can make content that is entertaining and worthy of this great community. Hope you have an amazing day
@Kook_604 2 жыл бұрын
I cant believe you only have 200 subs, your content has sooooo much quality I cant wait to see you hit milestones in the future, because you will
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much and that’s really nice. Majority of my time has been with less than 15 subs so this video has been a little out of left field. Very humbling to say the least, so I hope to keep people entertained with content coming down the line
@zn1ppp 2 жыл бұрын
I would have never guessed you had 275 subscribers.. I thought you had over 20k! This is incredibly
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much. I had 18 very nice people prior to this video so having so many more now is both amazing and humbling. I’m working very hard on the next video presently with scripting and Audio down, just compiling video and footage from gameplay before editing. I’m really excited about this one, so can’t wait to share it with you all. Thanks so much for watching and the very kind words. Have an awesome day!
@NurseRekka 2 жыл бұрын
This made me heckin' have a sit to process this theory aaand I kind of hate it, but love it because it forces you to go back and review things so subtle at first, now give you a BIG warning sign. MajorLink here on YT has an ongoing series that is exploring the "possible" unseen events from the end of the OoT to MM then TP and a lot of the things we don't think about: Link dying, Link's GRIEF from the loss of his childhood and possibly existential crisis of being unable to be in control of your own fate. It's extremely powerful and heartbreaking. Thinking about this with OTHER incarnations makes it an even larger chance that the sequel will explore (or have a subconscious) themes of loss, death, and its effects on the story, characters, and us. This blew my mind. BRAVO.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and this was such a great comment to read. The themes in the series always go deeper than the surface - heck Wind Waker is one of the darkest stories going and a contrast to the colourful graphical tone. Why I love this series and the people who follow it is just how much they make you appreciate something at a different level. Thanks and all the best 💫
@NurseRekka 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths Yeah WW really "tricks" you with the lighthearted music and beautiful colors. The ending was a complete "Yeah we did iiiiOH DANG. Huuuh, this got dark..." The sword buried into Ganon's head really drives this home. LITERALLY.
@matisseverdaguer7388 2 жыл бұрын
Is this final fantasy XIV Susano thème that I've heard in you video ? I love it!
@edward3164 2 жыл бұрын
Great Theory!. Keep up the quality content man.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. Awesome thumbnail, that rocks!
@scrapsdesposel1233 2 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel today, you may only have 205 subs, but I believe you'll get to 100k in no time
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, that’s very kind of you. I’ll be happy if I’m keeping people entertained and worthy of their time. Have a great day!
@zeelyle2002 2 жыл бұрын
What an intriguing theory! That would make for an amazing story! Definitely would put a new spin on things and set the new game apart from botw even more! I have this idea that maybe if link can defeat the main enemy he can save himself.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. Definitely a different tone if it should come to pass
@LORDY_VEE 2 жыл бұрын
Got you to 300 subs my boi
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Unreal - thank you very much. You guys are awesome
@cheaqle 2 жыл бұрын
What a very well constructed video! This concept of Link potentially dying is very intriguing and does make me think more of what we will see of in the sequel. What will we see in this game that gives it the same level of darkness as Majora’s Mask? Good video man!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much. That's the idea - generate different ways of thinking and, of course, getting excited about the sequel ;)
@jhebadiasprunklefunk9243 Жыл бұрын
Thinking about Ganondorf, he doesn't actually die that often, merely banished most of the time. With the same Ganondorf returning to power for across several games while Link & Zelda are reincarnated. For example Windwaker & Twilight Princess Ganondorf are both the Ocarina of Time Ganondorf. I quite like the idea that he remains a constant and remembers the previous incarnations of the Link & Zelda he battles throughout the ages.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Absolutely- and it’s a great call-out. It’s something never clarified but by all accounts, a previous incarnation of Ganondorf is actually more likely to appear than a newer version based on past titles. The way Hyrule Encyclopedia specifically shows the Triforce journey through the timelines is odd - why do that in a book that was published after BOTW was released? It might be a strange coincidence or a much larger clue to proceedings. I know which way I’m leaning though. Sounds like we are on the same page. Thanks for the comment and all the best 💫😊
@Jenny-kk7ij 2 жыл бұрын
Love your take on this video! :D
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much - have an amazing day 😊
@baaizeedrahman2326 Жыл бұрын
These theories deserve more recognition! Doing better than some established theorists out there
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
You are officially hired as my new agent 💫
@jokoko319 2 жыл бұрын
Hats off for your amazing writing skills wow !!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much you are so kind. All the best to you.
@cloud1973 Жыл бұрын
Gannon siphoning blood over the course of the game could be awesome, and link having to stop Gannon before he dies. Perhaps the Castle rising could be a milestone event in the game from Gannon becoming stronger through the course of the game. In the trailer you can see the castle unrisen in a clip of him flying around with the glider i think. forgot what trailer or timestamp it was though. Gannon is already alive enough to curse link to siphon blood, so him rising the Hyrule castle and progressing any plans he has while links blood is being consumed from the malice that attacked links arm. Restoring him to his living state (Mostly, we definitely won't be playing a corpse in TOTK, Lol.) Link could be having his arm in some sort of reversed state / Occasionally reversing to slow this siphoning/draining caused by Gannon. Perhaps the killing of Gannon in this game could end in both of them dying, leaving them to the next time the new Zelda, Incarnation of Link, and the next Edition of Gannon appears as well.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and leaving your thoughts. That’s a really interesting perspective 💫
@cloud1973 Жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths Thanks! Sorry about the grammar by the way, i typed it at 2:00 AM or something so its not the best in terms of making sense.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
@@cloud1973 don’t worry about it my friend - the message came through and lost none of its impact ☺️🌟
@Adamqad 2 жыл бұрын
You’re on 420 subs. Nice
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate 👍
@garrys248 2 жыл бұрын
Much like Hero of time being frozen in time for 7 years so he can properly wield the master sword. Princess Zelda, trying to set things right, sends the hero back in time, and that hero couldn’t reincarnate again for a long time. I also like to think the next game you have to recharge the sword with trials of power, wisdom, and courage again.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting thought there. There’s a similarity there to Ganondorf, who’s frozen vessel is delaying the birth of a male Gerudo. Great call!
@elsiebartlett6808 Жыл бұрын
Personally I think it’ll be more link in Princess Mononoke, where Link will be “infected” by malice, which will slowly be taking over his body. This will indeed kill him, so in a way I agree that it’ll be high stakes of life or death for the hero of the Wild in TotK. Not sure how that will tie in to the mummified corpse seen, but it’s a really neat idea that it’ll be tied in to the corpse reviving. I also wonder, since malice is what makes up the monsters of Hyrule, if link’s interaction with the corpse and receipt of the arm will tie in to why the monsters have mutated in some ways. Great video, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Princess Mononoke references are so valid when it comes to this topic and I saw a video in the early days of BOTW where someone connected the Ghibli influences so very well that it was a treat to watch. I have my own running theory as to what I think will be the connection to the mummified being, but I'm trying to be careful about not fully believing my own head-cannon - particularly when there are some great thoughts by others in the community, so trying to elude to the possibilities and leave it somewhat open-ended seems like the better compromise. An interesting thought I've had is the non-dying aspects that seem to pervade the demon-tribe and that, is Demise, and in some ways those of the Demon Tribe as cursed as the spirit of the Hero and the descendant of the blood of the Goddess. They too cannot escape this cycle. It's interesting to consider this with the logo we see for Tears of the Kingdom. Exciting times and I very much believe Nintendo are going to blow us away with something atypical and unexpected. But I also believe they have left clues for those willing to seek them out. I guess we'll find out together! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts too and providing great motivation to provide content that is unique and worthy of your time. All the best 🌟
@lbtth4730 2 жыл бұрын
the photo cutsene at the end of the champions ballad made me cry no other video game has done that thats why botw is a absolutee masterpiece
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
You have to be made of strong stuff if that scene doesn’t get you right in the feels - completely hear you 😊
@socalknf2312 Жыл бұрын
Just now getting around to watching this one. Even after the new trailers release, I think you make some solid points. I’ve said all along that I think Link will be dying or dead in a way in this game. Also, another thing I’ve noticed recently rewatching all the trailers and replaying BotW is that the appearance of the Malice seems to have changed. It looked purple and more “dormant” in BotW. In all of the new trailers, it seems very red and active, almost flowing and “arcing.” This has caused me to come up with a new theory of course 🤣 I think Nintendo has shown us a chopped up order of events in the trailers. I think what will happen is the master sword will break somehow first, which will allow the remnants of Demise’s consciousness to escape its seal. The hand will come into play somehow after that, and once the master sword is broken with Demise’s malice returning to the world, that’s when Ganondorf will be revived - more dangerous and evil than ever with Demise’s malice flowing through him this time around.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Hey, good to hear from you again. The malice is definitely changing so no arguments from me there - in fact I cover this in another video essentially seeing it as an evolution of sorts - the coalescence of a mouth and eyeballs almost suggests the substance is sentient and only gaining more aggression on what we’ve been privy to so far. In relation to the trailers, agree completely we are only privy to what we need to see at this stage, and I truly believe the big reveals are yet to come so you might be onto something with the chronology you lay out. It’s an interesting concept and puts a different spin on proceedings. To reinforce that opinion, the score switches between cascades and reversals providing a feeling of imbalance to the visuals - at least for me personally which makes you really consider what you see vs what the reality might be. Thoroughly enjoyed this and thanks for taking the time to share your views - greatly appreciated 💚💫
@darkspartan6383 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! You should consider opening a discord to be able to talk with viewers more
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the idea - it’s a good suggestion and I might need to look into that. Insane name and pic by the way :) awesome!
@darkspartan6383 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths thanks!
@FieryRed_BE 2 жыл бұрын
the shot where link fights the blob thing, his right arm is green because the champions tunic is fused with the hylian outfit, which has green sleeves. ;)
@ordonlink259 Жыл бұрын
Love the theory, the only gripe I have is that I disagree with demise placing the curse on link and zelda. I truly believe that demise is stating what he knows about this curse, not placing one. It never looked like he was doing anything magical at the end besides dying. When you watch the scene with that kind of mindset it hits a little different.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and I actually agree with you. Most tend to see it as Demises curse so I probably oversimplified that - good pickup 👍. I’ve got a planned theory about this very topic so really topical. Thanks for taking the time to comment
@Higs8091 Жыл бұрын
Theory 1: It looks as if when Zelda falls through the floor, Link grabs her arm in an attempt to save her. In response, the green arm that's holding Ganondorf down releases it's grip and attempts to save Link and Zelda; in response, the dam of malice is freed and starts to possess Link through his arm. What if Ganondorf's old body is too ancient and decrepit to use properly and he decides Link's is a suitable host for him? Before it spreads too far the green arm spirit expels the malice and fuses with Link. Theory 2: The green hand/arm is the spirit of the hero that helped defeat the calamity 10,000 years ago. In almost a reverse of what originally happen to Hylia i.e. she reincarnated herself as a mortal, the hero is transformed into a spirit energy of sorts and was trying to hold Ganondorf at bay in perpetuity.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Hey Samuel, great to hear from you again. Love these theories. With theory #1 - let's just say that you have suggested one of the major components of an overall theory arc I've been building to for months now. My take is slighly different in the execution, but to be honest that small aspect is interchangeable. The overall 'event' is aligned and it's my best guess of one of the major devices coming for TOTK - and I'll stop there before I excitedly give away too much. In summary - you had me at hello. Theory #2 - this is also probably one of the best 'counter' theories to #1 - so you really are on my wavelength. As much as I'm inclined for #1 based on reasons to be detailed later, #2 also has clues that make it plausible in my opinion and is also worth exploring. In respect of what you've shared, Ive got a few other ideas on who it might be including an Ancient Shiekah who would actually be a strong contendor for someone in Zelda's bloodline and that may ultimately be tied to the fate of Zelda's mother prior to BOTW. It's one of the reasons I love this moment in time - there is a lot of plausible scenarios based on what details we have and exploring them is very time consuming, but also a lot of fun. Expect me to cover these off - #1 was already slated upcoming but I have a few theories to put out first for context as I'm trying to build out the scenario without making an hour long video. I'm also planning to cover #2 if possible but time may be against me. I love the ideas here and thank you so much for sharing them, it's crazy how similar they are to something I've been working on for a long time now and for me, it was something that finally clicked when I was piecing a number of the mysteries together to establish a plausible scenario that would not retcon what we know already. It drove me nuts and when I landed on how it might work I was wrapped. So if this reply helps validate how awesome I think your ideas are, I'll be a happy man! 🌟💚 Amazing! J @ GameSmiths
@corrinflakes9659 Жыл бұрын
When you were saying at the start “not metaphorically” I was thinking you were gonna make a Puss in Boots 2 reference to say “he’s dying, straight-up”, but then I just realized this is 10+ months old. 😅
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
🤣 if only I had put some foreshadowing in there - a missed opportunity for sure!
@thatjrpganimefanplayerjusi8003 8 ай бұрын
I honestly wish this theory happened it would have spiced tears of the kingdom up of actually doing something very very different for the Zelda plot but oh well what ever I guess
@gamesmiths 8 ай бұрын
To be fair, right up until the very end I still thought this might have been a possibility considering what was at stake, and certainly would have fit the theme rather well. Appreciate the comment and thoughts though, certainly not wasted on me anyways 😉💚🌟
@mistermellowsart Жыл бұрын
There are 2 movie characters with parallels: Dumbledore was cursed with a blackened hand; and Tony Stark was being poisoned by his own arc reactor, which lefts similar marks on his skin as the ones we see creeping toward Link’s chest from his damaged arm. Both characters were dying. It would truly raise the stakes for emotional story telling, if we were headed toward an inevitable fate as we played the game. I’m not sure Nintendo has the guts to go that far, though. 🤔
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and leaving your thoughts. A very balanced view and insightful - I’m a fan of both franchises you mentioned and agree completely. Certainly not convinced myself that Nintendo will go the whole way either but if they pulled a RDR2 style epilogue, maybe it could soften the blow. I think you’re right though, but perhaps they’ll have that arc in play (pun intended) with a saving grace towards the end. Great comment - have a great day and thanks again 🌟
@Dubby2 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Great Theory! 10/10!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! Have a good one 😊
@marimus7453 2 жыл бұрын
i just had a crazy thought because of this, i dont think it will happen, but its an entertaining idea: the color of links arm is similar to ganondorfs ‘dehydrated’ skin. what if the arm that was keeping ganondorf frozen and dehydrated, has now switched targets and is slowly ‘dehydrating’ link instead? if time travel is at play, what if link becomes ganondorf? 0.0 or if not this iteration of ganondorf, maybe the next one. it would be very ironic if the bearer of the triforce of courage became corrupted with malice. i would love to see zelda and ganon work together against link lol also i love the idea of the rat having significant story purpose
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Not crazy at all - I’ve got a sceptical view of the green hand that’s attached to Ganondorf. To date we have no idea of the motive which means nefarious reasons are as plausible as any. If Link exposed to the malice succumbs to a similar decay, then it may become a battle for more than his livelihood, but against the corruption of his being. Sounds epic!
@chrislevack405 2 жыл бұрын
Just found this channel. You got a sub out of me. Good sht sir, keep it coming!!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much and possibly the funniest comment to date - champion 😎
@chrislevack405 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths hahaha It's nice to get a fresh opinion in the zeldatube scene... one that doesn't just re-word what other people have already put out there. Not trying to blow smoke up your ***, I am legitimately excited for more of your videos. Thank you!
@rheafonfabre 2 жыл бұрын
Sub 165. Just discovered your channel, hope to see more Zelda content.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome, thank you!
@Dragoncos 2 жыл бұрын
castle scene is a lil funny tho ngl (looks like something i'd build in minecraft lol)
@Quiscala 2 жыл бұрын
Considering that BotW is (probably) greatly inspired by Princess Mononoke, which also has a dying protagonist, I wouldn't say this theory is too out there to be at least partially correct. I am equally hoping that it turns out to be correct, and that it turns out to be wrong. I don't know how I'll handle one of my favorite protagonists actually dying. 💔 Fascinating theory and video, and SEVERELY underrated! Great work!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind comments. Couldn’t agree more - the idea would make for a crazy memorable storyline, but would be tragic at the same time. I’m still sad about Ned Stark from GOT so not sure how I’d go to be honest
@MarinetteChain64 2 жыл бұрын
When you talk about Gannon like that and the blood moon, it reminds me of how the the world will end. It is said that the end of the world will be near once the moon turns red and the sun darkens, the days will be less bright and the nights will be brighter
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. Really interesting point you make and gets me thinking about the similarity of worlds
@mariolemus12 2 жыл бұрын
You know there's always LoZ game where someone is trying to revive Ganon, I would love to play a game where Link does indeed pass away and your some random person trying to save Hyrule by finding a way into the Sacred Realm, finding the Triforce and resurrecting Link.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a really cool idea for a game. I can’t see it being in the mainline canon but would make for a crazy good spinoff. I’d but it!
@DarkMirria1 2 жыл бұрын
I had a random thought that Link was mummifying like Ganondorf and the Monks did but tthe weird spirit thing made it halt so only his arm was affected.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely some similarities there. The colouration is quite distinct 👍
@stygianoatman 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't Link already die in BotW? That's why he needed the shrine of resurrection. Maybe the hero dying once was already enough to set something in motion.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Sure did which I mentioned - well, close to death anyway. Enough that he needed 100 years to sleep it off 😉
@777guy5 2 жыл бұрын
What if the game has 2 endings, 1 which the player goes straight to ganon without fixing the master sword ,link defeats ganon but dies in the process. But if he fixes the master sword he won't die.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
If that type of option were to be in the game, and kept spoiler free, it would be MASSIVE! Love it
@777guy5 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks ;)
@Ciccigreen 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting! It made me think of Dumbledore’s hand 🧐 I’m over-interpretering this but a rat and a blood sacrifice to revive a dead-ish dark lord?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Funny thing I kind of implied that in my "What if Link is Dying" video and, I know it sounds crazy to most, but I had that thought that it might have been enough to at least spark something in him based off previous lore in someway. But it's kind of an in-joke amongst people I'm close to, they love to bring up "The Rat Theory" for a chuckle and my favourite reply is always - "I hear you, I hear you...but on the small minute chance it happens, guess who'll be laughing then!". Keep the dream alive my friend - that rat is super shifty I don't care what anyone says!
@Ciccigreen 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths I figured it must’ve been intentional, haha! It’s honestly not a too wacky idea. Almost everyone has some concept of Harry Potter and why couldn’t that knowledge influence the devs thinking? JK’s original idea isn’t super original either, and the concept of a spreading “magical gangrene” definitely isn’t, and it is a very compelling idea. As for the rat, why not? 😂
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ciccigreen That was such a well thought out reason - you have a gift my friend and I owe you one 😊
@clintedmonds1241 2 жыл бұрын
Where you from brother? Very good content and explanation :)
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate. I’m from Australia, how about yourself?
@clintedmonds1241 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths yeah i guessed that haha im a kiwi, keep up the good work brother!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@clintedmonds1241 Kia ora my friend. I’ve got mates that live over in NZ and can’t wait to get over there at some point
@gamergirl209 2 жыл бұрын
'before this gets too dark' Meanwhile Oath to Order plays in the background
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
LOL!!! Absolutely brilliant. Made my morning
@azraelthefallenonyx7720 2 жыл бұрын
I approve of this theory, it's nothing new with the hero dying; you gots my sub brother
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 👍
@carabunch3359 Жыл бұрын
Just a theory if nintendo wants the Zelda series to end with a bang first of all demise gets freed from the sword and 2 link sacrifices himself and sealed himself and demise into the sword breaking the curse from skyward sword
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
That’s a really cool premise - quite like that 🌟
@sheriffmenty9968 2 жыл бұрын
it would be cool to see a zelda game where the master sword gets broken, and then link sees his past reincarnations. It could be a moment between all of them as their curse is about to end, or they could all fight one last battle together as The Hero and get rid of Ganon/Demise for good.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
That would be an awesome play of events and so nostalgic! Love that idea
@sheriffmenty9968 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths as do i. As much as I would love that idea, whether or not it happens is up in the air. I hope it does though.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@sheriffmenty9968 Maybe an Age of Calamity type alternate universe could be an outcome - I’d buy it 😊
@sheriffmenty9968 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths I would buy it as well. It would be worth the money.
@sword_racer185 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths ya know going on the whole master sword breaks thing what if all the heros along with zelda forge a new master sword that is stronger and could maybe take energy from links new arm for a surge of power
@ignarskjolvjentski7809 Жыл бұрын
I can’t help but wonder if maybe the kingdom itself is dying and maybe the only way to break the cycle is to let it do so. Look at how ganondorf’s toxic obsession with the idea of hyrule was his undoing in windwaker and only when the king let go of the kingdom were they able to bring a new order to the land that was once hyrule. What if the only way to undo the cycle is to let go of the dominion of the kingdom (with it’s checkered past) and allow all the different tribes of hyrule to coexist autonomously and allow hyrule to pass away. Perhaps TotK will be the undoing of the cycle of demise (which may have been released given the breaking of the master sword) and ganon at the expense of a unified kingdom and the triforce. This may allow for (at least) 2 or 3 things to happen. In order of worst to best ending imo 1) Link and Zelda, with their purposes fulfilled pass from the world and the lands that used to be the kingdom pass down stories of their heroic exploits in a fabled land as legends (hence the series name). 2) Zelda returns to the sky as the goddess hylia with link as some sort of deified champion, the memories passed down in similar fashion as 1. 3) Link and Zelda, their destinies fulfilled, live freely to experience the world (perhaps together) free from the shadow of the curse and the predestined path that kept them from being their own people. It might be an interesting way to end the series’ chronology, being so far in the future that the ending doesn’t necessarily impact the rest of the timeline or potential future games. That is assuming that there isn’t some unforeseen workaround to save hyrule and end the cycle simultaneously. Either way, May can’t get here soon enough.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and this is a really well thought out viewpoint and something that has valid arguments supporting the application. It could be true also in the sense of the meaning of the word Kingdom in that the choices and decisions of the rulers of the past have had a decided impact on the land and what we see now happening in TOTK. I have a feeling the connections come down to the core of what has been setup on Skyward Sword and flowing through from OoT and beyond but the twist is something far more impactful and specific to the Triforce. This is a great comment and thanks for taking the time to share it - a joy to read and one to ponder on which is my favourite part of doing these videos. All the best and have a great day 😊
@Deeznuts4 2 жыл бұрын
Damn this felt like a life lesson bro, and I mean that in a good way
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Really glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching and really happy to hear that. Really kind of you
@kingturg1614 2 жыл бұрын
Could that maybe be effects from the shrine of resurrection after all people did bring up that knew he was the hero that he wasn't as strong and powerful as he was before he fell to the calamity they don't say it out right but it's stuble its noticeable if you pay attention
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting point and well picked up. There is a lot of references where people point that out for sure 👍
@kingturg1614 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths that's just two question for the next game though since he's probably made to be fully awoken by now will he carry on the champion abilities or will one of his own awake within him
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingturg1614 another great question my friend. I’ll be devastated if I can’t use Revali’s Gale. You’d like to think the Champions legacy will remain in some form, but with a new game and mechanics might come adjustments to the narrative to support the gameplay
@TheProfessor66 2 жыл бұрын
I'd argue he was more powerful than he was during that time. I mean he accomplished so much more after he came from the shrine of resurrection than his entire lifetime before the calamity.
@sethyy 2 жыл бұрын
4:03 look at the castle did they not fix it after the great calmity?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
A great question. I’ve heard a lot of ideas as to why it would not be - eg if the sequel follows closely to the end of BOTW, it might make sense. But it could also be argued the other way. Brilliant call out 👍
@sethyy 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths Yeah i did have another thing where would the kings bedroom be? Its definitely not the sanctum so where would i be? It's a weird thing about the castle i noticed
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@sethyy I hope he wasn’t sleeping in the hidden study in the library…that would be weird. Good call though!
@eligalford9505 2 жыл бұрын
So I actually agree with this, I sadly think this will be the last Zelda game. They’ve unified the timeline, now it’s just a matter of truly unifying the tri-force and ending the curse’s cycle
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. I’m hoping there’s always more content in The Legend to keep us clamouring for more, but you never know!
@fansundertable649 2 жыл бұрын
@Chicken Nugget Would be a cool idea.
@thelthrythquezada8397 2 жыл бұрын
I only have 1 game for the switch, BOTW1, but when 2 drops I believe I will get it and that other one that I cant remember.... Calamity Ganon? Hold on let me see Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. I will be 40 next month and don't feel like having 100000000 games that I wont play for one reason or another. BOTW is good its just fine. Fishing, foraging, hunting, fighting, and exploring with that light music in the background. OOOH I also like activating "hero's path" to see where I haven't been. Yeah I am good with just this game, I mean I love PokeMon LOVE IT, but BOTW is so big so much to do.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
There’s a lot there to do which can keep you entertained for a long time, especially when your downtime is limited 👍
@thelthrythquezada8397 2 жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths I remember when I first got the Switch and BOTW (on the same day) I would play for 5 mins and 2 hrs would go by. I was surprised how time in my mind would stop, but time in the regular world would just go on. I woke up early about 530/6am (due to hormone changes, whatever😒) I began to play, 5 mins later it was 8am.... HOW?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
@@thelthrythquezada8397 LOL! We’ve all been there. Somewhere between the cracks in time where games and reality intersect.
@EverythingWasGreat Жыл бұрын
My rational thinking says Link wont be dying in totk. The replay value and what makes people play botw still after 5+ yrs is the fully open nonstressed gamplay. Nintendo wont force us to play at a certain pace, not if they also continue to build upon crafting and resource gathering. We might need to restore his arm with the power of sages and dragons. :)
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Fair comment mbris m and makes a lot of sense. My take is very much based on a mechanic that might be flexible and allow for alternate states but I agree that Nintendo will want to ensure the great things we all loved in BOTW remain reasonably in tact in the sequel. I love that idea of restoration involving the sages and dragons - sounds very cool 💫😊
@ianboast9928 Жыл бұрын
So Link will be similar to Messi winning the world cup. He's done a lot of great things but needs to complete his one great task to finish his career on the ultimate high.
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Absolutely Ian - love that reference 💚💫
@cortg7930 Жыл бұрын
Link does the fusion dance with Hylia and becomes Linkgitto super saiyan level 3
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Linkia - Ultra Instinct - I'm not gonna lie, sounds amazing. I also think TLOZ could use Vegeta, because cmon, Vegeta 💚🌟
@cortg7930 Жыл бұрын
@@gamesmiths 😄
@brokewithexpensivegames 2 жыл бұрын
omg finally a zeldatuber with a nice voice
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thank you...I think my voice sounds terrible so that's really kind of you
@travisbougie4280 2 жыл бұрын
There is a unbelievable amount of potential the sequel it will be amazing no matter what happens really
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@Selkie15 2 жыл бұрын
I like these what-if scenarios, they're very interesting, but they fall short when you claim something that's clearly contradicted on screen. It slaps of seeing what you want to see to fit a conclusion you've already arrived at. Exaples are Link's "black eyes" in the tapestry, because those are clearly blue with white surrounding them, and the rat "scurrying away from the malice" when it's very, VERY clearly being consumed by it. Just a couple observations, still enjoyed watching.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I can certainly appreciate your perspective and the concept is in no way flawless. I’ll take that on board and appreciate you being so candid. Have a good one 👍
@tylerherr4288 2 жыл бұрын
while i think that rat is just a rat (it actually seem to die when the malice engulfs it) mice and by extension rats have a connection to the minish
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Great call for sure. Being honest, the rat has become an in-joke just based on how crazy it sounds. It just seemed weird to me - an easily missable detail of no major consequence except for one simple question - who made the call when carefully screening the roughly 80 seconds of the first trailer to put in a rat that features in 2 major shots, right in the foreground. I’m guessing someone at Eiji Aonuma’s level or Hidemaro Fujibayashi. The most likely answer is that it’s there to show the malice threat without giving away Link or Zelda’s fate, but at the very least, i think it will result in a new enemy type or, as you say, link to something greater like the Minish. The concept art clearly showed the team reviewing that idea, so you might be on the money. Or it’s nothing and everyone gets to have a good laugh at this whacky idea, I’m good either way 😊
@EvantheHutch 2 жыл бұрын
his arm reminds me of dumbledore's hand in harry potter.... but he did not get it from horcruxes.
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
That one made me chuckle
@penguinguy2167 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the master sword being corrupted is causing link to begin dying so the glowing orb may destroy the master sword so it could be link purposely destroying it to end the curse get demise out of the sword and kill him before he can curse again
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
A really interesting way of looking at it 👍
@randyfagan2110 2 жыл бұрын
It looks like zelda actually starts out with the green arm.if you go to 6:53 you can see whoevers arm appears is laying down, if you look beyond that, the pants appears to be zelda. Also showing a portion of the stomach. And finally the nails look like they would be that of a girl
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching. There’s definitely misdirection throughout the trailers so it could be a major twist could be on the cards for sure
@seaslug9144 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe both Link and Zelda receive a green arm, and that allows their abilities to be shared or even swapped, explaining the golden glow from the hand. Her abilities were said to be dwindling at the end of BOTW, so this could maybe point to a playable Zelda as she goes to reclaim them..? This theory probably has a lot of holes though, I just woke up
@ericsanders9847 Жыл бұрын
Well I think that there is a possibility that Link and Zelda might have found a way to break the curse of Demise
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
Hey Eric- that’s definitely on the cards and could very much be at the heart of the story for TOTK. I’ve got a similar idea that I’m building on with my current theories so there’s more to come that I hope will put some solid reasoning around why you might be right. Thanks for sharing your comment and all the best 🌟💚
@ericsanders9847 Жыл бұрын
Thank you LOL you’ll do great don’t worries 😁😎
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
@@ericsanders9847 Thanks Eric, I wish I had your confidence 😉I can guarantee I'll try my best and thanks again for the comment. Between you and me, I expect the story for TOTK is going to tackle something very major - and you're on the same wavelength as me in relation to connecting Skyward Sword as the bookend for where we are heading. If we are right, it's going to be epic!
@ericsanders9847 Жыл бұрын
It makes me wonder on what is next after the curse is broken you know
@gamesmiths Жыл бұрын
@@ericsanders9847 good question. Being philosophical- energy is never truly lost, it transfers to a different medium so maybe the same will apply. The thing with the curse as it’s known is that ultimately it describes the opposing forces that exist in our world - light and dark, good and evil, right and wrong. Yet we learn the sides are never quite as clear, there’s more grey. I guess I’m thinking that Zelda will continue - stronger than ever, but the resolution of one story arc will never end opposing forces and more stories. We learn in BOTW that a previous King built resentment and jealousy of the Sheikah and banished them - putting him fairly in the “bad” category in that moment or time. Is Majora part of Demises curse? Highly doubtful yet one of the scarier villains in the series and a great story and game. I’m confident Nintendo have plans to bring a hearty story, with consequence, but masterfully navigate the future into the mix, which will always be about grand new adventures that challenge what gamers think they know. At least that’s my thoughts 😉💚
@hazard614 2 жыл бұрын
So making the ending even MORE depressing, what if zelda or link dies (zelda probably dies from falling into an endless valley). I pretty sure most people have connected to zelda and link and their love story? If they Nintendo were to make the ending really dark and sad it's possible that one of the 2 die. Breaking the relationship thatthey had. Thoughts anyone?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
I think there’s a lot in their relationship that people can relate to, so for one to lose the other would be a heartbreaking moment
@infinitefretboard 2 жыл бұрын
Wait, like how the Hero of Time may have died before Majora's Mask? So this game could be an interquel??
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant 😂
@jakemelliot 2 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one thinking this new Link is turning into a bit of a Samus with an arm cannon?
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Like a Swiss-army utility gauntlet LOL!
@jamesdavison4384 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like after Link kills Ganondorf each time in every period of Time. A piece of Ganondorfs Cursed Soul enters links Body. Soul that each new Ganon can be revived. Question me about this theory? This also concures to links Death Near at the end of each adventure to where each Link Becomes each new Ganon going insane on being left behind in time. Each Ganon has a piece of Each of the Dead Links!!!!!
@gamesmiths 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that’s a wild theory - a really interesting thought process. Almost has elements of a Horcrux mythology mixed in. I like the idea of Link becoming Ganon in a way and it could be suggested that this is where the sequel is heading. Good stuff!
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