@KiyiyaNuntis 2 күн бұрын
The only issue I see is Ganondorf. If totk ancient past happens before SS then how does Ganondorf come back for Ocarina or other games as he is imprisoned still?
@MysteryTheMysterious 6 күн бұрын
I remember that when I was young I made my own version of link, it was called the missing link, and I dressed up as it for Halloween👀
@darkdagger5237 7 күн бұрын
The nature of the Triforce wishes is more nuanced than I wish for this one exact thing. So far my research into the topic indicates that the Triforce wish is made at the moment of binding when someone claims the power of the full Triforce the wish seems to be to create the world that the user envisions. This is also proven to not be an instant victory as the Sealing war was a thing which means that its a wish that can be challenged. As for the curse that was already broken by the end of Skyward sword which means that Ganon is irrelevant to the curse.
@CoralRook 7 күн бұрын
If the effects of a wish fade away with the death of the wishbearer, what if they became ghosts first?
@Flynnisthename 8 күн бұрын
Was so sure this was an EOW video when I clicked on it
@LosDStoNerd 8 күн бұрын
4:31 is that the One Piece anime Narrator?!
@RyuuKageDesu 8 күн бұрын
I think there are far more similarities between Lorule, Termina, and the Twilight realm, though, there is an interesting possibility that they are, all three, the depths. One issue with connecting Lorule to the depths, is the sky. A possible solution to that is an illusory sky, which the series is no stranger to. Over all, though, if they are separate, it doesn't change the over all theory. I think the failure of wishes is more of an upkeep problem, rather than a life span problem. With the power and scope of the wish being tied to the will of the wisher, it follows that a wish tapers off with the upkeep of the wish after the person's passing. Not directly to the wish, mind you. Take the prosperity wish for example. If the people of the kingdom mindfully maintained that prosperity, the wish could effectively persist. Wishing for a person's death, on the other hand, should be a wish that needs no upkeep; the person wouldn't pop back to life as soon as the wisher dies. This also means that Hyrule could have been recovered after Wind Waker, though it may require yet another wish to do so. The theory you've outlined here also fits nicely with a going theory that sprung from when I originally tried to figure out what timeline Breath of the Wild fit into; and that the down fall time line is basically the world's natural state, and the other time lines tend towards that. Or, even that it's the most natural state, and even that timeline tends towards something even further from the other two time lines.
@WeyounSix 8 күн бұрын
Your Japanese pronunciation was just fine, it's not tonal or anything like that, as long as you have the right phonemes, which you do, it sounds good.
@maycontainnuts3127 8 күн бұрын
do we know who drew the original art?
@carriejohnson4922 8 күн бұрын
Also congrats on 3years!!!!!🎉
@carriejohnson4922 8 күн бұрын
How exciting is this!!! A new 2D Zelda game woohh!! I am beyond hyped to have a new game soon. It’ll definitely be interesting playing as Zelda. Also i also thought about lorule! OH MY GOD!!!! You’re the first person to agree with me, I broke out the books haha.
@wizcatcheslightning 8 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, I was just thinking about you! And then I noticed this video pop up last night. Excited to watch it. Hope all is well
@ChrisHoulihan 8 күн бұрын
Happy Anniversary GS🎉🎉. Love your parallels bringing in LBW, a gem of a game kinda forgotten about since it is hard for many to access these days. Did you get a sneak peek at Nintendo HQ bc you were clearly reading their minds before the EoW trailer dropped 😂. When I saw it and the blending of elements from a handful of games along with the rifts, I immediately thought of you and the multiverse. In TOTK Zelda beckoned for Link to come find her, now Zelda will be traveling thru the rifts to find him. Great to hear from you friend and thanks for the banger vid
@gamesmiths 4 күн бұрын
Awwww Chris it’s so good to hear from you and miss ya! Was chatting to the Mrs about not being able to catch up with you and the gang recently as something I need to sort out. Lol - didn’t get any insights from HQ but the Lorule aspect and stipulations here are part of the theory arc which is so far behind it’s ridiculous by now. Actually had this one scripted and working in edits months back but had issues holding me back including a bout of COVID amongst other things. As you know, I have an answer in mind for what’s happened and what’s coming and it’s a little spooky seeing things come out including TOTK and the recent EoW trailer hitting flush on the driving concepts. That said, the theory arc is based on the extensive OCD investigation of clues from the master puzzlers at Nintendo and I’m fairly sure Mr Fujibayashi is my kindred spirit in terms of leaving obscure clues and puzzles only the obsessive would find and piece together. I’m at the point where I’ve got a heap more that’s massive but I’m trying to build the supporting understanding with these theories almost piecemeal but it’s also a matter of balancing what I think without leading the audience - their ideas and interpretation are just as important and honestly brilliant so I pull short of any deliberate pathing for that reason. What ticks me off though is when people shut down the efforts of the team at Nintendo with nil effort in trying to find the answers themselves. But dude, I got some more really interesting stuff that I’ve been holding back for over 2 years now that I might need to drop soon just to get it off my chest. One in particular is going to be right up there for sounding whacky but it’s the culmination of a bunch of elements that would take a long time to explain but come together to make this an extremely compelling theory for me anyway. So far, it’s looking like that’s on the money and it relates to the series future and distant past. If correct, we have a lot more “holy cow” moments coming in the next few years. And then there’s the plans I am guessing no one is even considering but I know I am, and that’s also super cool although more speculative. Heaps to do - never enough time. But my friend, hearing from you guys always makes me smile, and honestly it’s why I keep doing the channel as personal work is off the chain atm. But will try to catch up soon my friend. Stay amazing 💫💚
@3X3NTR1K 8 күн бұрын
A wish that has mundane effects should have lasting mundane consequences. Hyrule won't face a downturn because the wish ends, but the safety net would be gone. Lorules restoration was a unique case, in that the wish was made by both Link and Zelda. The blood of the goddess seems to prevent Zelda from making wishes on the Triforce herself, but with Link helping make that wish perhaps the blood of the goddess makes Zelda's "life" persistent to the wish? Immortality itself may be why gods can't use the Triforce that way. The Curse itself may be similarly persistent in part because it involves the goddess bloodline, and by it's very design it gave Demises hate the same immortal persistance. ...Which might raise questions about the spirit of the hero, as well.
@gamesmiths 4 күн бұрын
Loooved this. Awesome comment and well put. Thank you 💚💫
@3X3NTR1K 4 күн бұрын
@@gamesmiths Glad you like it! Wiz Catches Lightning and a few of the others seem a bit tired of my unhinged rambling theory sessions. Probably helps that I'm not dropping All That at once into a single KZbin comment.
@iLLiCiT_XL 8 күн бұрын
I would consider that a curse is itself a malevolent wish. So they would operate similarly. But Demise’s curse was done so that it remains active as a hero and a blood descendant of Hylia emerge.
@gamesmiths 4 күн бұрын
Love it. I’ve got my own personal view that Denise’s curse was simply an iteration of an existing opposition between (oversimplifying this part) forces of light and dark. Similar to our world, eras of peace always succumb to malicious forces driven by motive and eras of peace tend to follow the end of conflicts, but always at a cost. This leads back to my bigger questions surrounding why Demise had such hatred for the Gods in the first place and why he and the Demon tribe are, by all accounts, forced underground well before the pre-history of Skyward Sword. I’ve got an answer for that personally but that’s a whole other story, but I loved this comment. Really unique approach - thanks heaps 💚💫
@iLLiCiT_XL 4 күн бұрын
@@gamesmiths I assumed that Demise and his demons ruled what existed before creation, and the Golden Goddesses stole that fork him. By giving form to the chaos that was the void, the stripped Demise of his domain. This would all explain why Ganondorf of TotK wants to return the world to “what it one was” (paraphrasing, I don’t remember his exact words).
@gamesmiths 4 күн бұрын
@iLLiCiT_XL That’s awesome. I hadn’t considered that angle but it’s brilliant. My take comes from viewing Demise as derivative of Mikaboshi, acting as the dread star and representing the chaos of space - hence the belief that he can use the Triforce whereas Hylia was forbidden as his origin is not from Hyrule’s creation and means he is the “moon” to Hylias “Sun”. As the embodiment of darkness and endless space, it would explain how Demise “conquered time” and would explain the nature of assuming annhiliation of light. That said, I really like this perspective and super impressed with the thought process. A real treat to read thank you 💚
@dishman4694 9 күн бұрын
Exactly how many tombs, or groups of books, must I purchase for to be able to know everything there is to know about Hyrule, Lorule, and all of its surrounding history?
@gamesmiths 4 күн бұрын
Technically none tbh - you only need to know as much as you want, that’s the beauty of it. That and Google always helps 😉. Seriously though, I find Zelda Encyclopaedia and Creating a Champion to give most of the info you might not get in game and definitely recommend GDC presentations and dev interviews for good info without someone else “interpreting” it. All the best 💚💫
@dantheman15 9 күн бұрын
Glad to have you back GameSmiths. I hope everything has been good on your end and only getting better from here on out. As for the video, your perspectives on wishes and their ability to break is shown in such an incredible way! I believe I know where you would like to continue this theory arc in terms of the future being redeemed as the controls of the past are eventually lost. I have worded it this way to keep your secrecy. As for the wishes in ALBW and ALTTP, I can't wait to see how EoW continues the use of wishes as we revisit the overworld of those two games. I hope you have been well GameSmiths, keep on keeping on.
@gamesmiths 9 күн бұрын
Hi Dan, great to hear from you and sorry it’s been a long time between catch ups. I’m looking forward to getting a heavy dose of shorts and sage words from your uploads hopefully this week. No doubt we are on the same page theory wise as always and I’ve got a heap more I’ve picked up well before the latest announcements so it’s good to see that lining up with the arc overall. Exciting times ahead for Zelda as a whole. Ironically it’s the channels 3 year anniversary with the first video being about playable Zelda so the recent announcement is somewhat on schedule for the celebration. The release date also coincides with the inspiration for that video so the coincidental nature of Zelda and real life continue to delight on my end. Hope you and yours are doing well my friend and hope to catch up soon. 💚💫
@gamesmiths 9 күн бұрын
🎂 Celebrating 3 Years of GameSmiths! 💚💚 This Theory is waaaay late, so sorry for the delay. Interestingly though, it seems to line up well with the new Echoes of Wisdom game announcement! Heaps more to talk about and in the works, so thanks for being patient. As always, I'd love to hear what you all think. Keep being amazing 💚💚🌟🌟
@omnikid 19 күн бұрын
long winded
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
Fair call, can't suit everyone. Thanks for the feedback 👍
@ericstewart128 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video I would recommend showing the images that you’re talking about on the screen for people that can’t visualize/remember what you’re referencing though
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback and taken on board, greatly appreciated 🌟💚
@Flynnisthename Ай бұрын
Hey your captions aren’t properly sinked up! It makes the video a lot more confusing for those of us with hearing/audio processing disorders
@Flynnisthename Ай бұрын
I also don’t think they’re entirely accurate
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. This one was a little rushed compared to my usual and I've got the feeling the captions are inaccurate as a result. I'll take a look into it and try to improve them as it's absolutely important to try and represent the audience needs as best as possible, I also tend to struggle a bit with audio and require captions for assistance so I hear you on this one. Thanks for taking the time to let me know and sorry for the late reply 🌟💚
@Flynnisthename 16 күн бұрын
@@gamesmiths all good man! It’s awesome to see a creator actually listen to their fan base.
@Flynnisthename 16 күн бұрын
You definitely just gained a new subscriber
@gamesmiths 15 күн бұрын
@@Flynnisthename Thanks mate, I like to think I'm lucky to have people care enough to watch and comment, it's really kind of people to do that and take their time, so it's one of the best things about doing these videos to be honest. As a heads up, I looked into it and I can see what you mean - I did veer from the original script on this one which is pretty unusual for me, but I remember being super keen and excited to get this one out and I was tripping over myself to try and word it. I normally upload my own script with YT Studio and try to sync up the timing, but this one is definitely off from the usual. I did try to adjust but honestly not sure if it's worse with my manual tweak (lol). Please know I generally have a routine where I usually script, rewrite, record, rewrite and adjuts multiple times as I tend to spend way too long second guessing the approach or wording more than anything, so the script normally has at least 10-15 versions before final (overkill for a YT video most likely) and rarely do I go for a more free-form/off script other than a line or two. This one was a rarity in that I tried to just capture the enthusiasm and I have to say it didnt come out the best, so apologies for not making sure it hit the mark quality wise. The feedback is really important and a reminder that a quick video gets published, but a bad video lasts forever. I've actually slowed the current project from trying to get it out on the weekend due to this timely reminder to revisit the approach and try to make it shorter and easier to digest, and (hopefully) more engaging as I really want to hear others thoughts on this one. Awesome stuff and all the best 💚💚🌟🌟
@TheNerdyHomestead Ай бұрын
This was a great video to listen to mildly blazed. Thanks for the cool vid
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! 💚💫
@JSyncGames Ай бұрын
im like 15 mins in and you have talked about so little im dying
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
Not goinhg to lie, this made me chuckle. I might not be the channel for you if this one was not to your liking, but appreciate you giving it a go and thanks for the lols, I've got a sense of humour so I quite enjoyed that commnent. Have a good one mate
@JSyncGames 17 күн бұрын
i did like the video it was incredibly well edited and filled with detailed lore, was just a long run to get to the lore, the childhood puzzle treasure hunt was interesting but with it ending in a smooth transition into the actual subject of the lore with no real outcome from the puzzle made it feel irrelevant to the story. had me really into the puzzle with the story was a let down for it to end with it being already public info and then starting the actual subject of the video 12 mins in. still im left with wanting to hear you talk more!
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
​@@JSyncGames Good insights, appreciate you taking the time to give that detail. This one was interesting for a few reasons and without context I completely understand where you are coming from. This was part of an overall theory arc I've been rolling out with the main pointer being how the development of the modern titles has been long planned and integreated into other titles and what that means moving forward which is a long winded topic for sure. The puzzle itself has been intriguing as I wanted to seee what others had noticed - part of the reason for the video was to see if others had more info other than what I could find. Turns out I've got a lot more feedback on the map and it's turned up in a lot of places on various things that are super intrresing, So far all dates confirm what was in the video and that aligns with details I'm still updating in newer videos and scripts with the plan to revisit this one with a follow-up baaed on what's come since the publication. Nintendo's approach to Merch is different by and large but usually sticks to a title where this one is unique and I believe that is part of a roadmap of the series transition which is coming into play as we speak. I've got more to add on that with ohter finds realting to past titles that show the same execution. In terms of the video and pacing, that's definitely and area for improvement and I'm not the best as being concise. I do this as a hobby outaside of work etc, so I'm still learning a lot and finding my style, but this feedback always helps in terms of understanding the persepctive of the audience which is awesome so thanks heaps for taking the time. I'm working on how I approach the videos and trying to get them tighter, but I find the theory material tends to need a bit of explanation. It depends on whether the vdeo is a theory or more focused on story, and I kinda like both so my main takeout from this is to try to separate the two, as I think that's where your perspective shows me the the split in this video and where it might be better if taken in a different spin. All the best and thanks again.
@JSyncGames 17 күн бұрын
@@gamesmiths I did not deserve this reply I am in awe, I appreciate your commitment to the community def subscribing. something about your voice makes me wanna hear more lore about everything keep it up!
@gamesmiths 17 күн бұрын
@@JSyncGameswow that’s super nice thanks. It’s the reason I do these videos is because i love being able to get involved where i can and I try to respond to every comment - it’s an honour and a privilege to have people watch and spend their time on your material. Working on the next video as we speak so hopefully will be up soon 💚💫
@manaash4316 Ай бұрын
Really love the connection to real world mythology. Im not sure i think the dev crew went this deep for it, but this is my headcanon now. Im glad the algorithm broight me to your channel. New subscriber 😊
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thank you for the kind words and really glad to hear you got something out of the video. More currently in the works and look forward to any thoughts you might have on them for sure 💚🌟
@Yukielia Ай бұрын
I think Zelda being seen as courageous in both BOTW and TOTK is hard to miss. Especially when she literally sacrificed her Hylian form and memories in TOTK to restore the Master Sword and to present it to Link. You could also argue that Link is gaining wisdom, by getting back his memories in BOTW, and learning how to use his new hand abilities in TOTK. If that configuration is indeed canon, and not just a design oopie, then I can easily see how that role reversal could happen.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
I've got a very similar take on things as you so we are definitely on the same page in relation to Zelda and Link's journey in this modern version of Hyrule and the adventures of our protagonists. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and sorry the reply took so long 💚🌟
@Yukielia Ай бұрын
@@gamesmiths Thanks for your reply! I think that SS, BOTW and TOTK are probably in their own part of the Zelda universe, especially the latter two. As Hylia was first introduced in SS, then was mostly showcased in the other two as the main goddess. I think these games are creating their own kind of continuity, and I can't wait to see what Nintendo would come up with for the next Zelda :).
@railfanningpoints2.045 Ай бұрын
I think you put more effort into this than Nintendo did.
@mangounit9678 Ай бұрын
i feel like the northeast floating island is meant to be a callback to the wind tribe
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Could see that for sure 👍
@mangounit9678 Ай бұрын
@@gamesmiths temple on it is also more reminiscent of the wind tribe temple than it is the zonai temple of time as well imo
@zomfragger Ай бұрын
It was most likely an art error since we see the correct order every where else. The team never bothered to fix it since its in an area that players would normally not able to see because of the cut scene box would prevent people from seeing it great detail. It was corrected in totk as players would be able to explore the sanctuary after the phantom gannon fight.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
A fair call though I have to point out that weirdly, it is flipped again during the phantom Ganon fight...strange they would choose to do this during that scene and make the same error on a texture for a second time. Also, if it was an error (and there's every chance it is), why not correct it on BOTW? Just seems odd to me, but thanks for your comment and appreciate the feedback. Have a good one 💚🌟
@bamboozled_again Ай бұрын
i like such zelda videos but i have almost no idea what you were talking about for 40 minutes cuz your calm voice literally put me to metal sleep haha :D
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Secret ASMR wrapped in a Zelda channel 🤔 might be onto something there
@_7thSage-9405 Ай бұрын
I really like your theory here, man! I also think that it's very likely that going forward, Aonuma and Fujibayashi will be adhering to a lore standpoint that aligns much more with what you described rather than the "older timeline". Great video!
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment - very kind. I’d like to hope we’ll see a few of the great ideas people are putting out come to life but no doubt the Devs have one eye on the future beyond what we know at any given point to keep things interesting and innovative. I’ve been uncovering a larger plan of sorts - at least that’s what it appears to be to my mind, and all I can say is if something along those lines is where we are heading, then I think we have a lot to get excited about over the next decade or two 💚💫
@_7thSage-9405 Ай бұрын
@gamesmiths Well, color me intrigued! That sounds really interesting. I hope you make a video on the plan you seem to have uncovered. I'd be really interested to hear about it and get your thoughts on it as well.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
@_7thSage-9405 well believe it or not, majority of the videos are part of an overall theory arc, building the foundation for some of the more lofty concepts but trying to also make them open for interpretation and without steering too much. It’s funny in that I’ve tried explaining the whole thing a few times, and a bit like a long story, you need to provide context and details for later callbacks to make sense etc. That said, it’s coming together slowly albeit at a snails pace as I do this in my spare time, but I’m looking forward to sharing the next few sections to really challenge the puzzle of the series in unique ways. A few are old term mysteries and some long forgotten callbacks that really show a greater plan - but trying to keep that sense of open interpretation is a fine line so scripting often gets rewrites if I start putting it together and realise it’s less collaborative and more directive. As always I look forward to sharing the finds and views if not for anything else than the love of a shared passion amongst fellow fans 💚💫
@graenovember Ай бұрын
I haven't finished the video (still at 8:17) but I wanted to add that there's another evidence that the period shown in TOTK of the Zonai predates skyward sword. A little backstory, I played Skyward Sword HD on the switch after I finished TOTK last year, so everything was still on my mind while playing. I remember in the Lanayru region, there's this game level where you're up in something like the rafters? or a metal walkway. That metal walkway had the *exact* same pattern as the metal grates in totk we see on sky islands (assuming Zonai design). When I came across that in SS, my mind really zeroed in on that coincidence, and I was looking for other zeldatubers that had the same theory, but most of them would shun the idea because of the exact same details that confused me like the imprisoning war, demise predating ganon (most of us assume that), hylia predating zonai, etc. Again, this whole story is from my memory, and I can't tell you the exact game level in SS where I saw that, but I know it was some lanayru factory because there were so many time stone puzzles and robots in that game.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Well definitely on the same wave length there and there’s more to add to support that viewpoint including Lanayru region and more. I have been presenting a collation of ideas and discoveries supporting connections that tend to be a little different which is really fun and something I enjoy and am passionate about and I love hearing the excited tone in this comment at your discovery and conclusions - it’s awesome to make those discoveries and realise you’ve got a perspective that adds more to the conversation - well done! For what it’s worth I’m a firm believer that the best theories come from fans first and foremost and sounds like you’re on a winner. That said don’t be discouraged if it’s not accepted as undoubtedly we all have different perspectives and experiences that frame our views, and it’s cool to embrace that and know you’ve crafted your own special version that some may also love to consider too. Great stuff 💚💫
@coryhafer7285 Ай бұрын
My head hurts now
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
😂 Fair call
@tartnouveau3652 2 ай бұрын
I just want to say I appreciate your editing style and overall vibe of the channel and I subbed :) Also the other side of the depths statue also reminds me of Jahalla the Earth Temple boss in Wind Waker, I know it's more likely a boar/pig reference but I think its interesting that Jahalla is also called the leader of all poes when introduced in the boss fight.
@gamesmiths 2 ай бұрын
And I appreciate those kind words. Thank you 💚💫
@dangerousalone5070 2 ай бұрын
Great work on the video and a cool theory but i can't wrap my head around all this Janus stuff, I just believe the head is too similiar to that of a past Ganon or other "Demon Tribe" member to be anything else- Occam's razor? Would there be any evidence anywhere that could suggest that one side of the statue is not original, and perhaps they (or it rather) was altered, or built upon..? Regardless. Cool stuff. Great images of the bargainer.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment and completely understand. In relation to the 2 faces, I’ve actually noticed more and I put a note in the video description and one person has noticed another. Love the Occams Razor call too. So where it gets more interesting is that the main head and etched motif is eerily exact with design elements to the depths set. Showing my hand slightly on other materials yet to roll out, the depths set design I’ve cross referenced to textures on Ganondorfs 3d model and the similarity is more than coincidental. There’s more I could add but without a heap of explanation and illustration of other finds, anything more specific would be pushing it. But if you check out a community post I did fairly soon after publishing the video, you’ll see me mention Ganondorf and in that picture I’ve done a collage of sorts that include the depths set and the texture in question for reference you can check out yourself. It could be argued it relates to Ganondorf specifically, but I’d be inclined to think it relates to something even further back in heraldry and has a connection with another direct reference of Links undergarment adorning the same Gerudo stylisation as worn by Ganon in Ocarina albeit slightly different colouring. I’ve pointed that one out before and I’m convinced it’s by design, something to be revealed when the time is right as are other choices by the devs that I’ve been looking into, some of which have now proven correct in TOTK. Ultimately these connections form a greater story for me, but for your own interpretation, I’d suggest the Bargainer’s depiction has been altered, and indeed the fact that only 2 of all the statues have the ability to identify the opposing face, with all other depictions covered by rock or debris or building, suggest something changed over time. I’m pretty sure from my end what that was and why, but hopefully that gives you enough to answer the question without being too directive. My views could be completely wrong on the matter, but I’m happy to share what I’ve noticed if it helps anyone gain a new perspective. But definitely consider the idea there might be more than two faces - you might check it out and think it’s absurd which is absolutely fine. But if you do notice one that I’ve kept quiet on, it would open up a different train of thought altogether. Hope some of this helps and thanks for sharing your thoughts. All the best 💚💫
@GroovusGoonicus-nb5op 2 ай бұрын
Awesome exploration here! The way the bargainer spoke through the goddess statue was so striking to me. Suggesting they are just conduits to channel some type of spiritual energy, which begs the question: is the goddess's soul physically somewhere still? Id say the great goddess statue but we were still able to use smaller goddess statues when it was collapsed, yet the Spring statues spoke about it like a unique entity
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thank you and that’s a sensational point you raise. I’ve wondered about the same thing actually and where I’ve landed with the Goddess statues is a little off centre from where most might consider so building the groundwork on that is still a work in progress, but ultimately I think it’s the type of question we need to be thinking about because I dare say it’s amongst others that seem unrelated but do form part of a greater view when piecing other aspects together (speaking personally of course). I really love seeing that thought process though, and in future, I’ll hopefully be able to add more to that discussion and how it very much relates to future titles. 💚💫
@GroovusGoonicus-nb5op Ай бұрын
@@gamesmiths looking forward to what you come up with ✌️
@Yukielia 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this great video! I think that the bargaining statues are probably something akin to an inverted version of the Hylia statues, which has some sort of being living in to to help the balance of the world. It's not good or evil, it's just there to ensure that the balances to keep Hyrule's world are in check. Even them helping out poes to reach the afterlife, must be some kind of measure to ensure that there's a balance between spirits of the dead and the living.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thank you kindly and I can definitely get on board with that view and it makes a lot of sense. Balance is an unspoken trope within the series - from the Triforce to how the stories unfold from era to myth and legend - that rectification within the cycles seems to be crucial to how events unfold so it’s a canny viewpoint you raise and I’m definitely a fan of that 💚💫
@Yukielia Ай бұрын
@@gamesmiths Yes exactly! The Triforce was always the ultimate balance checker of the world, as it only yields to those who have all three virtues of power, wisdom and courage in check. Although it's been missing (in name) from BOTW and TOTK, it's messaging of how important it is for the world and its people to be in harmony, can't be understated even in these games. While the Zelda series is full of mysteries, these give rise to great peeps like yourself, who make very interesting theories and explanations for them, that make sense. Whether canon or not, I always love my theorist KZbinrs points of views on the more obscure parts of Hyrule and its lore :).
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
@@Yukieliaso glad they are entertaining and watch this space re: the Triforce. Assuming the next video is the one of the 3 I’ve got scripted and part done, the Triforce will be a pivotal talking point of interest 💚💫
@Supercarlover1 2 ай бұрын
The counterpart in TOTK is normal, not mirrored. I don't know why unless they just didn't feel like fixing the triforce in BOTW.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Yes that’s kinda my point. What is interesting is that same inversion occurs during the Phantom Ganon fight scene in TOTK. The moment is completely different, in the new title, yet occurs during that scene when his magic is cast on the sanctum. Seems odd to make the same mistake, in a completely different game, when you’ve corrected the texture without bothering to fix it in the last game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to convince anyone, but there’s more to come from me as to why this is relevant on a greater scale but for now happy to accept it might simply be a coincidence 💚💫
@josephasbury4492 2 ай бұрын
If Hyrule was destroyed, then the most likely culprit for the destruction is all three timelines crashing together. The radical shift in landscape, which incarnation of a soul gets to stay behind (think Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Tingle, Beedle, ect.), and how certain events are translated would have caused life to be impossible for the majority of souls. The sheer number of poes, and the fact that poes themselves are souls clinging on to life instead of choosing to pass on seem to support that the fact that something abnormal and immense in scale had to have occurred to seperate them from their former lives. The Bargainer Statue then seems to act as a balancing force, allowing souls who are too weak to find a new life to instead pass on in peace. The nature of the Depths as a "holding place" and also the only place that Zonaite is found doesn't seem to be a coincidence. When the Shiekah Monks fulfill their mission and their spirits pass on, they leave behind green particles that breeze away. The Zonai and those blessed with their power seem to be able to use the same green energy, an energy I can best sum up thus far as "Nature" or "Natural Force". Zonaite then makes the most sense as being a by-product of the poes passing, being their natural life force that embedded itself into the surrounding stone. This would explain its novelty, how the Constructs are able to operate for so long (so long in fact that it surprises Rauru), and even why this form of Force has been hardly seen before. The eyes of the Bargainers seems to have been stolen by the servants of the Royal Family in order to give Poes more time to incarnate, something rather important seeing as the Spirit of the Hero had yet to manifest in the Distant Past. The fact that Shiekah Monks, who have resigned themselves to the practice of zen, are the only mortals seen producing Natural Force upon their passing seems tied to the idea that most souls moving onto the next world aren't fully at peace. They instead burn it in an effort to cling to life. Given TOTK's role in fleshing out the forms of Force, we now know of the following natures: Light, Shadow, Time, Natural, Spirit, Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, and Lightning. It also seems that Force can manifest itself in a Pure state, as seen whenever Shiekah summon it for various techniques or when it's used in much great quantity in Ancient Technology.
@DarkwaveMistress 2 ай бұрын
I really like the idea that the eyes were taken by the Royal Family. Makes too much sense.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Really interesting thoughts there thank you so much for sharing your insights. The force aspect is certainly an important element stipulated specifically in the Goddess Trilogy and imbued into the various aspects of the series so it’s really interesting to hear that come up and consider that within the wider aspects of events with your perspective. Awesome stuff 💚💫
@railfanningpoints2.045 Ай бұрын
What evidence do you have that the Royal family removed the Bargainer's eyes?
@shabado0 2 ай бұрын
The directors/creators of this series do genuinely have a strong understanding of subtext over plain text and the value in ambiguity as it relates to lore/legend which has been reflected in their work for decades. I want you to know that I really appreciate the thoughtful care and eloquence you bring to these topics. The bargainers in this game made me think a lot about your video relating to the fourth segment of the triforce created by the negative space of the other three. The bargainers all feel like some sort of abstraction of a potential fourth deity on the level of Farore, Din, and Nayru that has been omitted from the creation myth of the land but has always been an inevitable player in the overall balance of things, born out of the collaboration of the other three. How that all relates to cyclical happenings and curses is another thing, but I feel like the incarnation of Ganondorf we see in these sister games that form one massive sprawling LoZ epic channels and is aligned with energies/ideologies of the bargainers more than any triforce segment or simply ‘power’.
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thank you for your lovely comment and thoughtful input - a treat to read. It’s interesting you bring up this incarnation of Ganondorf and I’d be remiss not to mention I’ve some thoughts in that arena I’m a ways off revealing yet but from what I’m piecing together I can’t help but feel we are only still aware of part of a larger picture that is acting as a guiding principle for the series overall. I’ve mentioned it to friends before that the best example I could give is something like a trilogy but set within a set of trilogies (I’d dare say similar to the planned Star Wars saga albeit without the same nuances or inevitabilities). Why that’s relevant is down to this feeling that seems to be more than referential - the “unfamiliar Hyrule” with so many coincidental references that are designed to beg more questions than simply acting as Easter eggs but when added together, they start to form around some of the greater mysteries within the series itself almost as if by design. I’m looking forward to addressing more of these in future, though remaining careful not to lead one path over another. I liked your reference to the negative space, and without going into too much detail, this video has 2 other parts I left for another video due to the length, as well as another connection currently in the works I need to edit down from the 3+ hr script I’ve written. Thematically wise though, they touch on this concept more directly and whilst they have blown my mind in unravelling them, I hope you’ll find them as thought provoking as I do. More so, when they come to light, I hope you’ll be able to look back on your comment and see just how insightful it was to where I’m heading. Whilst we all have our unique takes, and that’s something I try very hard to leave space for, the general feel I think is similar amongst many and can coalesce around some of the work the devs have left for us to muse over, something I’m not short of material to cover. Thanks again, it’s amazing to read such kind words and I’m really grateful for the support. Have an amazing day 💚💫
@junksprite7130 2 ай бұрын
You think Amos have any relation to the Armos/beamos, aside from being statues. for instance, is the Amos a class of monster made up of beings banished by hylia into statues? Also, can't say Hylia would be too thrilled to hear you doing business with those statues, even if you do get a sick sword out of the deal XD
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
It’s an interesting viewpoint and one I believe others are either exploring or plan on discussing so I didn’t really go down that road but funnily enough there is an Armos figure I’ve come across from Twilight Princess that I believe was not used in game but by the model, appears to have been more agile and move differently than the ones we see controlled by the Dominion Rod. The figures also emit the similar pale green glow now synonymous with Zonai energy but also similar to the luminous stones , a connection I believe is intended by the developers and a great example of the greater series arc that (personally speaking) I think is intended and deliberate for us to solve. It’s an interesting question and love the thought process here - I could certainly add more but the concepts are sound in terms of similarities, and references to other tribes, ancient past etc. How they connect? Well I have a theory on that I’m working to and have been for some time, and that will definitely be different from what I’ve seen but it’s worth noting the beamos also featured in Skyward Sword as did a few other direct influences in TOTK so I think you’re picking up some really cool stuff 💚💫
@jasonblome5287 2 ай бұрын
Wow. That was deep…I loved it! Nice work!
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Heya Jason, lovely to hear from you again and thanks for the ongoing support over the years. Hope you are well and a pleasure to see your smiling face pop up in the comments 💚💫. All the very best and glad you are still enjoying my odd ramblings 😉
@elizabethsullivan7176 2 ай бұрын
If you look at the Bargainer's chest you might see the face of the Wind Waker Earth Temple's big Poe boss Jalhalla
@gamesmiths Ай бұрын
Thank you Elizabeth! That’s super interesting to hear. I mentioned in the description of the video there are more than two faces and you’ve brought up one of them i had noticed which is awesome to hear. Loved this - thank you 💚💫
@DonutSwordsman 2 ай бұрын
I love your videos and especially your livestreams. Have you ever searched your name though? i typed in game smith, game smiths, etc versions and yours barely comes up :( unless i put in gamesmiths exactly it felt. Anyway, I cant wait for the next video these finds are incredible. Reminds me of Channel Yoshimitsu from dark souls who discovered INSANELY ground breaking translations that reveal huge things that most fans are still unaware of. (we meet father lloyd how crazy is that)
@gamesmiths 2 ай бұрын
Wow thank you. A lot to unwrap there. Firstly I’ll be sure to take a look at the Dark Souls reference - being a bit of a fan of that series and the fandom there I’m keen to check out the more nuanced views that differ from the norm. Can be hard to find amongst the recommendations as you know and I’ve enjoyed some other niche content there lately for their candid passion more than anything. As for me, I’ve never searched my channel name tbh so that’s interesting. I tend to have conflicting views on promoting the channel and having kind of believe in whatever happens organically will determine where it goes. The whole process continues to be a learning journey for me and one I’m happy to say is valuable for a lot of reasons. What you’ve raised gives me consideration though of perhaps what I’ll need to review moving forward. I didn’t quite expect to be as fortunate as I’ve been, but you raise great points to consider. Thanks for all the support and kind words. I often think what I’m doing is a bit of a trainwreck in so many ways so it’s nice to know even the most obvious outputs like livestreams are at least somewhat entertaining. It’s humbling to know people watch or enjoy anything you do 💚💫
@aurakshatriya9478 2 ай бұрын
You've got somw good scenes and great observations. I think one thing that might help your narration is more deliberate pacing and intonation. At 4:10 for example you have several places where a pause or slowing down a bit would be organic, but you just keep at the same pace. This can make it feel like you're rushing a bit at times, reduce emphasis on certain parts, and also make it a littlw tricky to keep up. You've got a great narration voice so don't be afraid to slow down or vary your enphasis. Very cool video though. The bargainer statues are my favourite TOTK mystery and not enough people talk about faust or the resemblance to the Poe Collectors.
@gamesmiths 2 ай бұрын
Great feedback and completely on board. This was one I’d scripted with a lot more content but cut down, and I see exactly what you mean. Thank you for the heads up and goes a long way to helping me improve moving forward. Really appreciated 💚💫
@vman103 2 ай бұрын
I didn't understand a single thing said in this video except that the Bargainer Statues kinda fit into that same moral neutral zone the Triforce does. Aside from that, all Latin to me. Still, great video!
@gamesmiths 2 ай бұрын
lol 😂 I’ll need to do better - point taken and thanks for being honest 💚💫
@Zeldatheoristb211 2 ай бұрын
I like to believe the Bargainer Statues and Hylia "Goddess" Statues are interconnected. One thing is prevalent is the use of technology, and the identity of magic. When you speak to one of the Hylia Statues in ToTK, they said their "link" to the Mother Goddess Statue is severed! And the reason for this is that the upheaval knocked the Mother Goddess Statue to the ground, tipping it over. Just from hearing from this, it sounds a lot like how Satellites, and Cable/Cellphone Towers being knocked down, and then no signal is displayed on our devices, which serves as a "link" to the main operating system which both the Towers and our devices are linked to. If anything, this seems that perhaps the Statues of Hylia, and the Statues of the Bargainer are both connected to the same source. That source sends variants through an interconnected channel, i.e. Statues, in order to communicate with. It's unknown what is that source? But from my personal opinion? This source relates directly back to the Golden Goddesses. Notice too, when we see the Golden Goddesses in The Great Deku Tree's backstory of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Golden Goddesses are depicted as "statutes". Golden female figured statues similar to an Oscar Award or a Grammy Award. The use of statues has been used to describe the Gods of old ever since OOT. In fact, older than that, as in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the first appearance of the Goddess Statue, which is called Goddess Statue in the Japanese Version of Zelda II, but in the English version, it's called "Trophy". The Golden Goddesses are depicted as "Trophies/Awards/Grammys" in OOT. Goddess Hylia is depicted as a Statue with angelic appearance of a female with wings. The Bargainer Statues and the Goddess Statues, are directly connected to the Gods of Old, the ones who created Hyrule and everything in it. They are possibly the "link" to the creator/creators, themselves.
@gamesmiths 2 ай бұрын
As per your other comment- there’s so much great stuff here you touch on that I feel comes in to some aspects I’m yet to cover ; noting this is part of what I consider a theory arc where I’m attempting (possibly not doing the best job of though) to build out a foundational understanding of broader connections, themes and insights to then elaborate on with how I’ve been able to apply those views into other aspects. I say this only to reflect on how I really enjoy your views and some of the similarities which are a joy to read. Love your work and hopefully in future you’ll see where I’ve planned the stepping stones that echo similar sentiments albeit slightly differently as expected. Great stuff and thanks again for your detailed insights and courageous narrative- it’s why I love this series and the various thought processes that help broaden appreciation of the work 💚💫