What If ... The Church Looked Different After Lockdown ? (Thinking About Post Lockdown Church)

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Jennifer Carter

Jennifer Carter

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What if the church looked different after lockdown and quarantine? What could going back to church after quarantine be like?
The Covid-19 pandemic has closed the doors to our church buildings - it's forced us to change almost everything in our lives.
What will the church look like after the coronavirus lockdown? Is it time for a radical transformation?
In the Bible, God lays out His blueprint for the church - including the following verses,
Matthew 25:40, Matthew 28, Acts 2, as well as many of the “one another” verses in the Bible.
The inspiration for this video about post-lockdown church came from spending time digging into my Bible to discover what it said about what the church should be like - please do comment below with what you feel God may be saying about you and your church!
Apologies for the poorer quality of this video - I shot it all in various locations, only to find that the sound quality wasn't good enough. So I went to this lovely park in Salisbury and filmed it again.
#church #churches #scatteredpeople
As you consider life after the pandemic covid-19 and going back to church after covid-19, let’s all be asking God to speak about how our future might look when the doors of our churches re-open.
Here’s the full text of the video, feel free to use it as long as you give me credit and link back to this channel.
Has God closed the doors to our churches for a reason?
In the Old Testament, God gave David the blueprint for the temple that his son, Solomon, would later build.
He’s also given us a blueprint for today’s church, His unstoppable force in the world, but … are we following it?
In His love and grace to us, is this our chance to re-imagine the church and is it time to admit that we may have missed the mark and get back to the original blueprint?
What might/could our ‘new normal’ look like?
During lockdown, many of us have re-discovered what matters, what’s really important.
We’ve realised that what once seemed impossible, is actually possible.
We’ve re-imagined school, re-imagined family time and even the way we shop.
Why not re-imagine the church?
What if we focused on what we had in common with others, rather than on our differences?
What if we came together, not to meet our own needs, but to meet the needs of our community?
What if we championed the overlooked and ignored?
What if we measured our success by the chains we loosened, the burdens we lifted, instead of Sunday attendance? By what we’d given and shared with others, instead of what we own?
What if we grasped the power of small acts of love and kindness to our family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues?
What if we cared for the sick and visited those who are locked in, for whatever reason? After all, we now know something of how what the might feel like.
What if, instead of doing our own thing, we did His thing?
What if, we focused on building communities, instead of on just buildings?
What if we gave ourselves to spending time together, instead of just spending?
What if we were as keen to share the good news, as we are to share the bad news?
What if instead of asking the community to come into the church, the church went into the community?
What if we focused on putting love at the heart of our communities, if we used our gifts to serve one another and our strength to carry one another’s burdens?
What if we poured ourselves out for each other and gave ourselves to our communities?
What if we shared meals with one another, dared to be real, to laugh and cry with one another?
What if we focused on lightening burdens, repairing broken dreams and restoring relationships?
If we turned up the heat from lukewarm to red hot, what would our churches look like?
What could our communities look/be like?
What could our lives be like?
How do you think the church should change after lockdown? What “new thing” do you sense God wanting to do amongst us?
Comment below with your thoughts!
Together let’s explore what a future church might look like … after all, we are the church.
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@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
🎁WATCH NEXT! It's OK to not be OK (in a coronavirus lockdown) - kzbin.info/www/bejne/rHyUf32ph9OFZrM
@DarknessFalls29 4 жыл бұрын
I subbed just because of this video. Thanks for asking that "What if" question. As church goers or members, we have to re-evaluate our actions and way of thinking when it comes to the role of the church in the community and look at how Jesus wanted it to be. There's a lot of work to be done.
@lynwebster 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent! I do believe God is shaking up his church again, and while there will be some, maybe even the majority, who insist on clinging to the past in the name of their traditions, others will follow the God who is always "doing a new thing". I want to be one of those.
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
100% Lyn!
@sarahruckdaschel5510 4 жыл бұрын
What if ... from luke warm to red hot ... hallelujah thank you Lord for this
@franciscochaves3994 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. What lovely words and sentiments! Lockdown has changed us all and we will have to change the institutions that serve us taking into account our collective experiences.
@susiearviso3032 4 жыл бұрын
Don't they force you to wear masks there, princess? The "good news" is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. This way if we repent and ask Him to come into our life, He will and will give you a brand new life. You don't need "Church" for that. You can do this anywhere anytime.
@BrLambert 3 жыл бұрын
It's 5 months later and it's changed all of us, some for the good some not. Buildings are just buildings but we are to represent Christ outside of the buildings. I'm sure it will be different, but for how long? That's up to us.
@kenwebster5053 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I do agree and love your jolly enthusiasm dear sister. There have been some interesting things going on for a while now with a drift away form traditional church to home churches, and other attempts to break free of the traditional "church model", The Last Reformation etc. Honestly, looking at how events are unfolding, like many, I suspect we may be very close to the end of days now. I know that has been a repeating thought for centuries but Israel has been back in the land a while and the last days prophesies are being fulfilled before our eyes. EG, Hosea prophesied that Manasseh & Ephraim would return in the "last days" (his exact phrase) & that has been happening for some years now. The Northern tribes of Israel taken captive by Assyria and then scattered and lost among the nations till no one knew where they were, are now being identified and returning to their homeland. These are among the last things leading up to the end of days. We know there is a very strong push in Israel to rebuild the temple and reinstate the sacrificial system and the preparations are well advanced. So, it looks to me that it is coming soon, but I do not know what "soon" means in human time. Why am I saying this? Because it makes sense that, before the very end, the faithful should be scattered to go about making as many disciples as possible rather than be caught unawares in their churches and slaughtered by the servants of the Dragon that is to come. May the peace and grace of God be with you always, even to the very end of days.
@MrStephen466 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Sister, I am happy to see you with beautiful spiritual gifts. May God bless you 🙏
@franciscochaves3994 4 жыл бұрын
You are such a breath of fresh air and such a positive force. Thanks for sharing.
@Anikaspar 4 жыл бұрын
I had that dream for many years; to see the body of Christ act as one! I've really given up on it, and sometimes I feel like so has Jesus.
@SG-je4kd 4 жыл бұрын
My experience of the institutional church is that it is a self serving club , doing more harm than good . Wallowing in their own sense of achievement . Jesus used as their golden calf and worshiped as such, with his spirit dead on their cross ! Missing the mark is the definition of SIN and the institutional church is the best example of it ...
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
The church may have missed the mark, all we can hope is that our current circumstances serve as a wake up call to get back to doing what Jesus did
@SG-je4kd 4 жыл бұрын
Yes you are right and thankfully for us all Jesus words ' forgive them for they know not what they do ' stands eternal .. Blessings
@cindyw4278 4 жыл бұрын
During lockdown it has become apparent to us that we need to leave the place of worship that we go to. We have not had one person contact our family in going on 7 months. We have only received an electronic newsletter weekly. We have decided this church is not a good fit for the values we want to see upheld in a church which much of our time and finances go too. Thanks for your great inspiration. We also bought a cottage during lockdown to give more opportunities for family and friend gatherings. 😀
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
It’s a challenging time for so many right now Cindy. No, a weekly enews definitely doesn’t replace worship and connection! Hope you are able to welcome many to your cottage soon
@vedales8670 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. How powerful is that?
@angieabraham5690 4 жыл бұрын
Love this❤. Yes we are the church, His church. Jeremiah 6:16 say, "...ask for the ancient pathways, look for the good way, walk in it and you will find rest for your souls". We need to come back to the intent of the Lord, to the heart if God. We need to desire the Lord and be a people pleasing to Him that He may indwell us, and teach us His way. That He may be seen in His people. Seek first the Lord, delight in Him that He may delight in us and I'm sure this is pleasing to His Holy Spirit - when we become a people the Lord can trust and call friends. 2020 is a year that has put us on pause to be reset. We can't hide behind a curtain called 'Christianity' anymore - what we've built and the untruths we've believed, wrong perceptions, etc. It's time we give ourselves wholeheartedly to our Father, seek His face, TRUST in Him and be taught of the Lord. May His will be done and His kingdome come. Amen (Sorry for the overly long comment)
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing that beautiful verse from Jeremih Angie. I do believe 2020 has given us a chance to stop and press the reset button, but as of now, I can’t see that things are likely to change. I very much hope I’m wrong.
@angieabraham5690 4 жыл бұрын
Jennifer, we've heard that change starts within. It sounds cliche but it actually is the truth for us believers of Christ. The kingdom of God does not appear outwardly or naturally. It's the change within us, when we truly know who we are in Christ, the word promises that ALL things work for our good to them that are called according to His purpose or to them that believe. When we, Gods most prized possession are aligned to the word, to truth in Christ, I believe that we will then see the Glory of God - the goodness of the Lord. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. So let's build faith and trust in the Lord first, not build in works. Build faith, relationship with Him first. That will turn our work into good works and not dead works or dung as the scripture says. The word says, the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. We will 'know' what to do and where we fit and wont do works to please man. It's how we will see His kingdom come - righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The bible says that in the Last days it shall be like the days of Noah. It also say that He will raise up the tabernacle of David. So maybe we should case study these 2 characters and see what pleased the Lord and pray for the same attitude and Spirit to be in us. David was a man after Gods own heart and Noah was righteous. How lovely it would be to picnic at your beautiful location in Sweden and just chat about these matters. GOD BLESS❤🌻
@sueharrington7065 4 жыл бұрын
Good questions, ones that churches everywhere should think about, not just how to get as near as possible back to what they were doing pre-COVID. This is our chance to create a new normal, to bring about the 'Kingdom of God' on earth, here and now!
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
Indeed, this is about the only time I get excited about the idea of a ‘new normal’!
@ianchesterton2415 4 жыл бұрын
I've have various people say similar things but appreciate the tone of this message. Some have almost implied throwing out things that people have valued for years rather than building on them.
@Elizabeth490 4 жыл бұрын
This was so encouraging to me. Thank you!
@miriamayala5757 4 жыл бұрын
Jennifer I have been reading a wonderful book called EKKLESIA the original blueprint for the New Testament Church and you hit on all those points !! This pandemic hit the pause button and allowed folks to reflect on what's important in life:)
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
Is that the Ed Silvoso book Miriam? Just had a look for the book on Amazon, and came across this one, which sounds very interesting. I think I might treat myself to the audiobook version. Thanks for recommending it
@miriamayala5757 4 жыл бұрын
Jennifer Carter Yes it is ! And thank you for sharing your Shabbat practice whatever we can do to be better stewards of our life as Christians !!
@carladenhoed794 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen it on KZbin and it made me think of Gabor Mate ‘when the body says no’. When you understand how the subconscious works, you understand more of the teachings in the Bible.
@pama.6410 4 жыл бұрын
Jennifer I believe Christ established a Church on Peter and the Apostles. It had a teaching and a hierarchy. It is documented throughout history beginning in the Bible. It is not ours to remake. It is His. Our work is to be faithful to it and to live His commands so that we don't lose the Spirit or our bond to Him. It is most surely a sign we are off the mark and that we are in end times that the world is in the state it is in. Reading John's first letter again, (not his gospel but his epistle), it seems clear we MUST be virtuous and spiritualized to hear the Lord and follow the Spirit. We CAN lose the gift we were given. We must "live as He lived" which entails a lot of what you mention, but it isn't a question of just good deeds. It is good deeds done through the inspiration of the Spirit or for the glory of God or to bring souls to Christ. It is seeing CHRIST in the other. Kindness that ignores Christ or doesn't bring a soul closer to Him is an affront to His passion. Our own "goodness" is not goodness at all, but pride. We can do no real good apart from Him. He must be the source of inspiration, the strength and power that leads us through life, and the One who is glorified by the work. A lot of the issues of the day come from people thinking they were doing good but it wasn't God's will or His idea. I remember President Obama being surprised by the upheaval in the Middle East caused by one of his initiatives. He admitted, "We didn't foresee this." This what happens when Man decides to do what Man thinks is right. We don't think as God thinks. We don't know as God knows. Humility is the greatest virtue for a reason! Doing GOD's will begins with prayer. Without the relationship, we are being our own gods. The formula has always been the same : prayers(without ceasing), almsgiving and acts of penance and acts of charity along with honoring the Sabbath. John points out true love leads us to grow in holiness and away from the enticements of the world and to recognize that sin harms us all and is not love of Christ. It is ignorance of Him. Let's all bow humbly before God and ask His forgiveness and ask Him to lead us.
@marcocisneros3485 3 жыл бұрын
We dont need churches to obey Jesus, The churches are not teaching what Jesus taught us to do Read the 4 Gospel and obey You cannot serve both God and money[Matthew 6:24]
@carladenhoed794 4 жыл бұрын
I think that it takes a village to raise a child. These days children go to daycares, while they really need their mothers. They need to learn by example how to regulate their emotions. They need to learn right from wrong, learn to trust that god is love. But the system doesn’t allow that. The system brings fear, while faith is the only thing I know of that is stronger than fear. Fear brings stress hormones in our system that are making us ill. I think it’s a bad thing when governments rule over churches.
@jillquillen949 4 жыл бұрын
Thrilled to find another Christian across the pond. I live in the state of Ohio USA. Thank you for sharing your heart. God Bless
@זהביתצרפתי-ז2י 4 жыл бұрын
Hi jennifer Will you just think of being the person to take your words and ideas and spread tham among the communities around the world? I wish you all the best its a plasure ! Zehavit from israel
@momof2momof2 4 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful world it would be :) tfs 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
@LindaLights 3 жыл бұрын
Love your videos. Have missed them!
@Криптоэпоха21века 4 жыл бұрын
I'm so inspired by nature around you
@beneficeofupperwensleydale1487 4 жыл бұрын
God bless you Jen - First century church in a 21st century context. Let's move forward into 'God's new normal' - His normal is what we're meant to be stepping into and sharing with the world. Reminds me of Mal Fletcher's book 'The Church of 2020'
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
Love the idea of moving forward into Gods new normal 🙏
@michaelford5787 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds good, Jen. Definitely keep up the social media and phone contact, too. It’s great to gather; it’s also great to have at least some of the gathering for shift workers, those who are away or who are unsure about coming to church.
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
It’s so great to gather, but has been so surprising to see so many people turning up for online prayer or church who probably wouldn’t walk through the doors of a church
@paulhanounik3731 3 жыл бұрын
@norwegianvikinggranny1004 4 жыл бұрын
from Norway🙏
@FASTBACKKAT 4 жыл бұрын
Curious,my great grandparents came from.Sweden on moms side Shoberg was their name...How expensive is it in Sweden to live? Like to purchase a place like yours ,what am I looking at spending? I'm in the United states, in Missouri.. Hugs..
@angelabryant4517 4 жыл бұрын
@johnwinterbottom6273 4 жыл бұрын
Just a lovely simple wisdom. Like it or not, we in the church must understand that God works, without limit, in the world whether those who own the name 'church' are there or not. As you suggest Jennifer, and clearly know, let's get out there and 'be' - real!
@JenniferCarterWriter 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! God is definitely doing something in our world right now. I guess we all just need wisdom to know what part He wants us to play
@carladenhoed794 4 жыл бұрын
@@JenniferCarterWriter for me ‘be still and know I am god’ means meditate. Shut down your mindchatter (that little voice in your head that is doing overtime) and the answers will come. Be at peace and trust the lord.
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