What is Apple THINKING?

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Luke Miani

Luke Miani

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@SalemTechsperts 15 күн бұрын
Even now, the 2019 iMac is an insanely usable computer. I still sell them like hot cakes. 5K screen, upgradeable, reliable, can run Windows. Now the only upgrade you'll be doing with Apple products is upgrading your credit limit to afford a new one when the old one runs out of storage or is no longer "officially supported". Great video as always man.
@megatronskneecap 15 күн бұрын
@@JOBOplayz Louis Rossman is but I agree with what Your Mom Joke from 2012 is saying here
@JOBOplayz 15 күн бұрын
@@SalemTechsperts I agree
@MatthewHoang756 15 күн бұрын
You are the greatest technician that’s ever lived
@iamyashraj 15 күн бұрын
Great comments as always like ur moms whatsapp
@ronlevin2339 15 күн бұрын
but Intell is gradually dying for Mac, it is no longer supported for WIFI 7 and soon will stop support new macOS (at least officially) and each time going inside is a nightmare, common -why every Apple product have to be opened from the screen ?
@VirtualTeds 14 күн бұрын
Steve Jobs: It Just Works Tim Cook: It's Just Expensive
@biblehistoryscience3530 13 күн бұрын
Cook invented the $999.99 monitor stand, which made me feel like he was laughing at us from Cloud City.
@velociraptor5962 12 күн бұрын
Or buy your mum an iPhone.
@lordmashie 10 күн бұрын
Also Steve Jobs: The first Macbook Air and that Pro with the defective GPU
@robl7532 10 күн бұрын
Cheese graters under Jobs weren’t cheap either. Neither were the offerings of the 80s.
@vanCaldenborgh 7 күн бұрын
@@robl7532 I think, at the end, computers were the most expensive in the 90ties and 00s, because they got outdated so quickly.
@MarbsMusic 15 күн бұрын
Some of that isn't trial software on the CDs from 1995, some of them are encyclopedias, word processors and other things. Most people only had a 14.4 or 28.8K modem so downloading complete programs over the internet wasn't really and option plus many people got the Proforma to get online for the first time. Multimedia had pretty much a different meaning before broadband.
@dudleyshortsausage8864 15 күн бұрын
Seconded. I can appreciate that many people wouldn't have liked the Apple of that era, but that part of the video reeked of someone who just wasn't there to purchase a pre-built computer in the nineties. It wasn't just Apple. PCs came with books and CDs, too. The rest of the video was solid, though.
@pilkycrc 14 күн бұрын
My family got a Performa 5200 in the mid 90s and it included full versions of stuff like Myst, ConcertWare, ClarisWorks, and more. Most of the “bloatware” there is similar to the sorts of apps a Mac ships with today, the only difference is Apple writes them. It’s also worth noting that CDs for game, app, and multimedia were still kinda new in the mid 90s so it made sense to ship CDs with the app. It’s also worth noting that Apple continued to ship lots of 3rd Party software with Macs well into the 00s, it’s just they were pre-installed
@yerabbit 12 күн бұрын
Came here to say this too, my family had this same bundle and it was basically a whole library of full-fledged of software and games. It was not some crummy book of trial software!
@ALaModePi 12 күн бұрын
Even the much later models of the iMac had a DVD of software you could get for it with a suite of software. Downloading is de rigeur these days, but it's a fairly recent thing to have reliable, high-speed internet.
@macpipkin 11 күн бұрын
Right, about 80% of the software that shipped on the Performa was the full version. Those aren’t CDs of trial software. Most of those are CD ROMs with full versions…
@RandoReport 15 күн бұрын
Apple also killed the iPod, which revolutionized music two decades ago.
@Elixyr1985 15 күн бұрын
Name 3 song ma that came out this year that are good 😊 20 years ago this was a silly question 😮
@mavfan1 15 күн бұрын
@@Elixyr1985 and 20 years ago someone would ask the same question, and 20 years before that. Going to guess 1985 is your birth year and if that's the case you were 19 in 1985. You'll find it's really common for people to think the best music is the music from the time they were 15-25, no matter when they were born.
@dannvale2784 15 күн бұрын
I'd buy one in an instant.
@goobfilmcast4239 15 күн бұрын
Th iPhone killed the iPod ..... sheesh. Apple didn't get to be the largest company in the World by making careless marketing mistakes. If the iPod was still a hot-seller, Apple would offering multiple models/variants to service that market.
@ranjitmandal1612 15 күн бұрын
@nryberg 15 күн бұрын
The internet back in the 90s wasn’t like it is today for easily downloading stuff in the performa days… those “bloatware” disks and the magazine etc were all great stuff to ship with a computer in the 90s.
@akatheduelist 13 күн бұрын
My first computer was a Performa and seeing that cd-rom jacket just hit me in the nostalgia so hard.
@ben1777 12 күн бұрын
The MacAddict discs were always super fun
@dualboy24 10 күн бұрын
I just wrote a similar comment, the content creator guy is in his mid 20s and really has no clue about what it was like back in the 80s/90s, we wanted these disks and we wanted the magazine and even a subscription to it every month.
@brandonspies 6 күн бұрын
Luke has never experienced the 90s pain of downloading even trial software over a dial up connection. And that was assuming it was available online. Heaven forbid your almost finished with your download and your sister picks up the phone to spend an hour talking with her boyfriend. Wait it out and start again... Ahh memories.
@dualboy24 5 күн бұрын
@@brandonspies Oh and many people did not even have internet even until the mid-late 90s, so for most people you wanted software you would head to the local mom and pop computer shop and they would have a wall of floppy disks for demo software and boxes for more fancy programs.
@georgeh6856 15 күн бұрын
That is the double-edged sword of a company which controls both the hardware and software. You get integrated technology that works, and which works well with other products from the same company. But when you want something that company does not offer, no other company can offer it either, so you are stuck.
@squatch545 15 күн бұрын
Exactly. This is the problem with Apple. Not enough hardware choices. So when they discontinue models, people are stranded and can't upgrade to a newer version.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
@@squatch545 Are you listening Apple? Sure it's a few niche products getting 2% and 1% and so on. But the 5% or 6% share you're losing are "once you go Mac you never go back" users who are lost forever. A kind of compound interest you're missing out on for reaching critical mass market share.
@keithyakouboff8755 9 күн бұрын
But, Apple products have had plenty of 3rd parties come in to fill gaps.
@georgeh6856 9 күн бұрын
@@keithyakouboff8755 Seriously? Back in the 1990s, Apple licensed out their OS to third party vendors, but that did not work out financially for Apple. But please tell me, if I want to buy an upgradable Macbook or iMac designed, manufactured, and sold by a company other than Apple, running Apple's official MacOS software, where can I do that? Right.
@walterarresse6598 15 күн бұрын
The 27" iMac Pro was the last greatest Consumer-affordable (to a point) made. I personally could not afford it at the time, but I coveted ever since it was announced.
@juPitertv-uh2qz 15 күн бұрын
I can fully agree I use min to this day and love it as much as I did when I bought is years ago
@yeknommonkey 15 күн бұрын
I mean new they were crazy money. I bought one for £5k and it barely out performed my Mac Pro 5,1 for real work so I took it back. But couple of years later I bought a second hand 10core for £2k and it seems like a great machine. The screen alone is insane. Makes any other choice impossible. I’ve tried Samsung m8 but it looks pretty trash compared to Apple 5k. So next purchase will have to involve a studio display or some kind of hot-rod fix up on an old iMac 5k to use the screen. ?
@Cenobytez 15 күн бұрын
@@yeknommonkey Crazy money? Where did you buy it? The 27" iMac was between 2000 and 2500 Euro's. The machine you're talking about was that crazy Studio version
@MrCooper83 15 күн бұрын
The Mac Pro 2019 was probably the last one as it was sold a bit longer than the 27" iMac Pro.
@ducktails1695 15 күн бұрын
@@Cenobytez Not an iMac Pro which is what the OP was about. Not all 27" iMacs were iMac Pros.
@mightydeku 14 күн бұрын
As a person who lived through the 90s with Apple products, you gotta remember that the internet was not something found on all households. Having that “bloatware” in discs was important to give customers a taste of different softwares. Even if you did have internet, attempting to download large files over dialup was a multi-day affair. The translucent iMacs came at a time when high-speed internet was more abundant so it was a different era.
@threethousandyen 13 күн бұрын
Virtually no one outside of some businesses had broadband internet in 1998. And the iMac did come with a bunch of pack-in software like Nanosaur, Quicken, encyclopedia etc. It was just in a more tidy disc pack. Bundled software like that came with them through the iMac G5 era IIRC.
@theoparke 12 күн бұрын
All correct. Just want to add that in the late 90s when the first iMac was produced, high speed internet was more abundant but NOT ubiquitous. Many if not most people were still using dial-up internet at that time, and the iMac shipped with an internal 56K modem as standard. So, yes, all those CDs were a welcome treasure chest of software and games for a new iMac user. Oh.... and manuals were definitely not considered "bloat".
@dennisthebrony2022 15 күн бұрын
IMO, It isn’t a coincidence that Laptops (MacBooks) and separate desktop tower PCs (Mac Mini, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro) are gobbling up the sales of the All-In-Ones like the iMac, even in the Windows PC World. All-in-ones just sit in such a weird middle ground nowadays, neither as portable as a laptop or handheld PC, nor as upgradable, customizable, or as modular as a desktop tower PC setup.
@roguewavecreative 15 күн бұрын
The iMac as a percentage of their sales has never been very large. I’m sure or I’m thinking that probably just came to a point where it’s like if you’re not selling that many really what’s the point I mean plus you can get that monitor for way less than 1599 now if you pair that with a laptop, especially an M1 I mean you can come pretty close to what you would pay for a fully maxed out iMac and have the convenience myself personally, I was able to get an M1 16 inch MacBook Pro with 64 gig of memory for 2299 new and the monitor for 1000 the Apple studio display if you take that configuration with a terabyte of storage on that MacBook Pro you would spend about the same amount of money if you were going to get an iMac and now you have the portability. it’s great to be nostalgic and stuff and all that I mean that there’s a lot of good things that aren’t around anymore, but in this case, I just don’t think that this is one of them
@mpetrides 15 күн бұрын
@@roguewavecreative While I think your statement about relative sales percentages for iMacs is true today and probably has been for a while, I suspect that in the decade immediately following introduction of the iMac it DID make up a significant percentage of Apple's Mac sales. But you're right--MacBooks, be they MBPs or MBAs--have gotten so good and so durable that most non-professional consumers don't see a reason to buy a computer that must, of necessity, be chained to a desk. So the market for all-in-ones has dwindled. Add super-powerful M4 iPads into the mix and there goes another portion of the consumer-level market. Times have changed. But I DO miss that stick-your-tongue-out iMac, you know--the one with all the personality. I hope they WILL come out with a HomePod-iPad combo with a similar form factor that I can incorporate into my kitchen in place of the Echo Show that I use there now. Now THAT version of an all-in-one I would scarf up in a heartbeat.
@roguewavecreative 15 күн бұрын
@@mpetrides I am so impressed everyday by my m1 mbp max with 64gb and 1 tb which I got this amazing deal of 2299.00 new a yr ago from Adorama. I have a apple studio display but with that size (16”) and an ipad as a second screen you are at the 27” size combined with the mobility and that m1 screams. and now that I’m done blabbering about my own thing, you make a great point I think back then that that iMac was a huge seller, but it’s I think like you mentioned things have just changed and the ability of that laptop to basically be as fast if not faster than a desktop just doesn’t make the iMac such a appealing product. It really is more about nostalgia than anything. The biggest thing I’ve learned and I mean this is because of the pandemic. I started watching a lot of these tech review videos is that they review and talk about stuff as a pertains to them versus the overall market and I think that’s where it creates a lot of confusion.
@Zebra_Paw 14 күн бұрын
like Apple cares about their devices being upgradable/serviceable... LOL, they even fight against it
@sergioyichiong7269 13 күн бұрын
Show evidence they re gobling sales.
@charlottekerns5633 15 күн бұрын
I am an older user (70+). While I do have an iPhone and and iPad, if I want to do 'serious' work I prefer using my 2017 21 inch iMac. It was an "upgrade" from a 2010(late 2009) iMac. I like the larger screen. For some reason, I find using a laptop/notebook/macbook cumbersome. I prefer using the separate keyboard which includes the integrated number pad. It's just easier for me.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
Are you listening, Apple? Take a look at the demographics chart. Think about what boomers are going to want.
@itsyeeoledskoolfurry3208 15 күн бұрын
Did you go through a; 'Mid Life Crisis' at all? I am wondering because am just about Mid 40s and I am wondering if this happens to just about every one? Please & Thanks.
@gracelandtoo6240 13 күн бұрын
You could have a separate keyboard, mouse/trackpad and big screen while using a laptop or Mac mini. If you're clever enough to use modern computers, you would surely be able to plug in a few cables to connect third party gear to your macbook.
@giusemineo 15 күн бұрын
27” iMac lover here. It’s really disappointing that this product no longer exists within the Apple Silicon lineup. I had to switch to a Mac Mini but that didn’t quite cut it for me, so I went with the 24” iMac. And that was great, but 24” is just small for me as a video editor so I ended up getting rid of it one year later. So ultimately I did what Apple wants you to do; get the Studio Display and hook it up to either a Mac Studio, or (just like I did) to a MacBook Air / Pro. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Studio Display + 15” M2 16/512GB MBA setup. But would get rid of it in a heartbeat if a 27/30” iMac with apple silicon was to come out. Hell yeah.
@budgetkeyboardist 15 күн бұрын
I am a professional web developer and I used a 27 inch 2015 iMac for NINE YEARS. And when it got replaced, it could STILL do everything I needed, though the edges of the screen were starting to get pink. I really think that if Apple sold a 27 inch Mac, they'd sell a ton of them. I just don't get it. I'm now using a 16 inch 2024 MacBook Pro with a third party 27 inch 4K monitor. It's fast as hell, but the third party monitor is a downgrade. GREAT video as always.
@RoadTripTravel 15 күн бұрын
I agree, but sort of hoping they come out with a 32"
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
@@RoadTripTravel add 3" to the original models. 24 and 30. Hits the sweetspot. 32 will be too niche, too expensive, and not sell well.
@ZhuJo99 15 күн бұрын
Same here, have ultrawide 5k2k and that thing, while maybe the best on the market, still prales in comparison to Apple's screen. Brightness of all PC monitors is far from level of ones Apple is using. Like 450 nits is max, typically more like 350 nits. Also, all these monitors are 4k at max, which is just 163 ppx for 27", if you get bigger one it's far less. Far from 210 ppx ideal for macOs. To me it seems like there are only two types of PC monitors - ultrawides in regular res 1440p and high refresh rate for gamers, or poor ones made for office. So called "pro" are overpriced and crappy as hell too.
@appledolphin8157 14 күн бұрын
I still have my 2015 5k, and I love it. I even got a second one for my second desk. My main is the Core i7, R9 M395X, 40gb RAM, 1tb SSD, and the other is the base model. But they are strikingly easy to upgrade and repair.
@budgetkeyboardist 14 күн бұрын
@@RoadTripTravel 32 would be great.
@neilloughran4437 15 күн бұрын
I bought the 27" 4GB quad core i5 model in 2010. Over the years I put 16GB of RAM in it and then the real game changer was adding SSD drive. Totally amazing... even into the 2020s... Had it until 2022 when the video card went... complete pain... Now I have a Mac Mini M1 and a 43" smart monitor and to be honest I can't imagine buying a modern iMac even though that old iMac I had is among the best things I ever bought.
@shapelessed 15 күн бұрын
"smart monitor"?
@bushsbakedbaby1374 15 күн бұрын
​@@shapelessed pretty much a small smart TV, has media controls and streaming built in.
@tim3172 15 күн бұрын
@@shapelessed Google is your friend. Samsung M80C and M7, for example. Monitors and TVs are fundamentally different in how they are designed to represent text and colors. TVs use YCbCr while monitors typically use RGB values. That, and their pixel arrangement, is why text looks so bad when displayed on a television vs a normal monitor. Smart monitors add streaming services to... well, monitors so you can watch Netflix or whatever without the ridiculous requirements that come with UHD Netflix on PC. They're really good for dorm rooms, etc.
@dastumer 14 күн бұрын
There’s graphics card repair services out there. I send my 2010 27” iMac’s card to a guy on eBay who repaired it, and it’s been working fine for six years since. You can also stick some other newer graphics cards in there.
@caseycu 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, the Apple product line of the 90s had lots of problems, but including a manual the size of a novel was almost necessary in the 90s when lots of people literally didn’t know how to use a mouse. And that book of CDs consisted of a system restore disk and full versions of ClarisWorks, a multimedia encyclopedia and educational software, not “trial ware”. Acting like it’s a Norton antivirus trial, AOL and some shareware 🙄
@Syngekhoomei 13 күн бұрын
Yeah the CD booklet was awesome. It took hours to download a 40 kilobyte HyperCard stack lol
@icspawn 15 күн бұрын
A macbook air and a 4k Oled monitor is a great combo for me.
@1246pop 15 күн бұрын
I find it gets too hot when playing high end resolution videos. Mac Book to.
@Cenobytez 15 күн бұрын
4K on a Mac just sucks if you ever experienced the 5K display of the 27" iMac. You're just spoiled for life then.
@kushagraN 15 күн бұрын
​@@Cenobytezi mean thats just macOS being finicky with industry standard resolutions. That needs to be fixed if they don't plan on making a reasonable display under 1000$.
@lukemiani 15 күн бұрын
Yeah hard to beat for the price!
@vanCaldenborgh 14 күн бұрын
@@Cenobytez An Apple scaling issue makes it look much worse on any 4k display.
@luanchamberlain 13 күн бұрын
My biggest apple dream nowadays is a 27” all black iMac. I’d die for it
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
Just because its all black makes one of the worst computers for its price right now worth dying over?
@KTSpeedruns 15 күн бұрын
iMac was not supposed to appeal to the high end user. It was to appeal to the layman. Most people would get confused thinking the monitor is the computer, so why not have a novelty where you can run the glossiest OS on the planet with the most customer oriented (back then) design language while having it all be one unit with minimal setup? The novelty of all-in-one desktop computers has really fell by the wayside and there really isn't a practical reason to have one other than saving desk space.k So at this point, is it really worth trying to carve out space in the market for what is essentially a desk space saving novelty?
@B-Pace 15 күн бұрын
imac Pro from 2017 Would like to disagree
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
Performance, Portability, and Space/Size are the Big Trio and holy grail for computers. The iMac hits one of those quadrants nicely. Sales are low because they didn't even try, or they just messed up by going 24" as a kinda average between 21 and 27.
@Fetidaf 15 күн бұрын
@@B-PaceiMac Pro would like to disagree with disagreeing considering that was one of Apple’s biggest flops since the 90’s.
@B-Pace 15 күн бұрын
@@Fetidaf almost like they never learned anything from the trashcan.
@itsyeeoledskoolfurry3208 15 күн бұрын
By a GAMING speed runner.. L.o.L.
@mcbohdo 13 күн бұрын
Still working on a 2019 iMac. The good thing is that without a successor, it still does not feel outdated.
@CeasiusC 14 күн бұрын
8:35 The nice thing about having the monitor seperately is that it can outlast your current computer.
@craigjohnchronicles2504 13 күн бұрын
The moment the M1 Max Mac Studio came out, I was looking to sell my 2019 27" iMac. I waited for the M1 Max Mac Studio to hit the refurb page, and bought an upgraded Studio for a good $300 price break, and bought the LG 5K Ultrafine display for $1,000. $3,100 spent for a silent M1 Max Mac Studio + 27" Ultrafine display (essentially a more serviceable iMac if needed - and it hasn't needed service over the last 3 years). It's been rock solid stable - no pinwheels delay. My 27" 5K iMac? Pinwheeled me to hell all the time. The Mac Studio fits right under my 27" display, so it takes up no more room than an iMac. It's easily the best the Mac workstation I've ever used for Graphic Design and Photography.
@MrCed122 15 күн бұрын
I think most people just don't want a dedicated PC anymore. Most people are now using tablets or laptops. If you're a casual user, it makes way more sense to buy a MacBook Air or an iPad and use an external display if you want a bigger screen. If you need performance, you're gonna want a Mac Studio and probably multiple monitors. If you want something to use on an existing display, the Mac Mini is there. The market for an iMac is just so small, you need someone who doesn't need performance, want a big display, but don't want to buy a MacBook for some reasons (basically, you need someone who values aesthetic over anything else). Even an iMac Pro doesn't really make sense, the SoC will become obsolete for your work at one point and you can't use the screen for anything else, so you're gonna throw away a perfectly good panel, or the other way around, you'll want a bigger / better screen, but you're throwing away perfectly good hardware. It makes more sense to buy a Mac Studio (or a custom PC, AIO Windows PC and regular tower are also not selling well on the other side) and the monitors you want.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
The product doesn't need to be for "most people". The product line needs to spread out for strategic capture of marketshare. The Big Three are Performance, Portability, and Size/Space. For the user in the quadrant that doesn't value portability, the iMac is king by reducing all cords and cables down to a single power cord and also saving desk space. Sometimes what people want and buy is only because that's the only choices they have. Sometimes "build it and they will come" applies. Sure, a fleshed out iMac product line might only be preventing 2% or 3% of marketshare from going Windows, but that's an important % of "once you go Mac you never go back" that you're losing, going into future years and decades, who are now buying Dell and other all-in-ones at Costco.
@3DJapan 13 күн бұрын
As an artist I want a computer with a high end graphics card that will get all the latest software updates as soon as they're available.
@sergioyichiong7269 12 күн бұрын
Most people doesnt want healthy food that why KFC COKE sell so good?
@sergioyichiong7269 12 күн бұрын
​@@freecivweb4160anyway they will go windows. Solidworks ,3D,Mechanical engineering no way to run on Mac.
@Clickworker101 15 күн бұрын
I just need a good multi platform 5k display
@Elixyr1985 15 күн бұрын
Wanna buy my 2019 27inch iMac 🖥️? 😂
@iancurrie8844 13 күн бұрын
You absolutely do not need that. No one on the planet needs that.
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
@@iancurrie8844 True
@AndrewCortesi 15 күн бұрын
What I do like about the new 24inch iMac is the color. Heck, I would love to have ALL PRO models of all their devices to have more color. Gray, Midnight, and Black has become the new beige.
@ethanator6015 13 күн бұрын
Saddest thing to admit with the iMac nowadays is that I feel there are specific markets where the iMac makes more sense. For years, it was the home computer for many consumers, now I see them in retailers and gift shops to run kiosks. With how slim and compact the iMacs have become, running retailers is a perfect locale. And the 24 in. is a decent balance between screen real estate and size.
@KatySei 15 күн бұрын
I don't see a reason to buy imac when you have laptop or mac mini that you can hook up to a monitor of your liking.
@Newtperc 15 күн бұрын
I could see the point if it were a 32” iMac. Imagine the new iPad display tech in an m4 ultra iMac. Would be one of the best, if not the best display in the world
@seth8629 15 күн бұрын
This is the correct answer
@arapetrosyan3339 15 күн бұрын
Imac is cheaper if you wanna to use MacBook as a desktop or Mac mini:
@chicomojo 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, the premise of this video is weird. Outside of gaming and corporate environments, desktop computers are mostly dead. Displays are better than ever and dirt cheap, so why limit yourself by buying an iMac when you can buy a MacBook which does everything an iMac does *and* is portable? And if you need a desktop computer, the Mac Mini costs a half as much as does an iMac and allows you to use the high quality displays you already own.
@crashn2me105 15 күн бұрын
Apple will never give you what You want and if they do they will give you the bare minimum at a high starting price then nickel and dime you for RAM and storage. Fuck Apple and this come from an Apple user. Katy you are correct and thank you for pointing it out.
@paulallenk4830 14 күн бұрын
My 2014 iMac is the last of my three iMacs purchased because I've been waiting for a 30 inch one since about 2019. It's like "Waiting for Godot".
@NotJarrett 15 күн бұрын
Currently using an M1 Mac Mini (16GB RAM/256 GB of storage w/ a hub that has a 2TB SSD) along with a 32 inch 1440p primary and 24 inch 1080p secondary monitor and honestly it's a great setup, handles my music production workflow in Logic Pro 11 with ease. I don't see a need to upgrade for a number of years and wouldn't plan on going back to an all-in-one if/when I do, the flexibility of the mini is great
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
pro iPhones get one (muted) colour every release. They should think about it for pro Macs. Just see what happens.
@tim3172 15 күн бұрын
Congrats on you for figuring out what the USB ports are for. So many chumps in the comments think you *have* to buy an $800 SSD upgrade to fit your entire life on the built-in storage.
@jevvhobruv9266 11 күн бұрын
The only thing I'd do is get a 4k monitor 🙈
@NotJarrett 11 күн бұрын
@@jevvhobruv9266 I had a 4k monitor that unfortunately broke 😭 I used to downscale 4k to 1440p just to make things bigger on the screen so it wasn’t a drastic adjustment though
@stevenvallarsa1765 15 күн бұрын
Ack! There's no way you called ClarisWorks "bloatware". Maybe you're too young to remember, but ClarisWorks (and AppleWorks before it) was the most amazing office product out there for the Mac. It didn't have all the bells and whistles of Microsoft Office or Wordperfect Office, but it was small, nimble and took care of all my word processing, drawing, presentation and database needs with ease. I still miss it today.
@itsyeeoledskoolfurry3208 15 күн бұрын
My mom had an old I-MAC at one point and I used that software as well.
@ZhuJo99 15 күн бұрын
Appleworks came AFTER claris :)
@stevenvallarsa1765 15 күн бұрын
@@ZhuJo99 I'm sure Apple spun off its software division as Claris… I'll have to check. Maybe I'm remembering things backwards.
@RusselGosu 15 күн бұрын
I think all this demo software coming with the system was a great move for the time these systems were around. You didn't have the internet, so the only way to try out software was obtaining these demo disks or just buying it. The software is what makes the system actually useful, so if you want people to buy your systems you need to give them a taste of what it could do. Computers weren't ubiquitous like they are now, so people were genuinely unaware of how useful they could be.
@ZhuJo99 15 күн бұрын
@@stevenvallarsa1765 it was AppleWorks originally for Apple II gs. Then it became Clarisworks and later, Apple absorbed Claris and renamed it back to AppleWorks, which became obsolete in 2007 and replaced by iWork suite. iWork started from Keynote, which is a software originally coming from NextStep and used by Steve all the time for his presentations. iWork was extending this with Pages and Numbers.
@TheCentristChad 15 күн бұрын
0:23 What sort of phone company pays for a sponsored ad on a Apple fanboys KZbin channel? I dont think they will get many buyers?
@crystanubis 12 күн бұрын
I was an old school iMac user, Bondi Blue with a DVD player. Got me through college (graduated the year KZbin launched). For my money, the Mac mini was the next logical step in the lineup. All-in-ones have their place, but I like having options, especially with displays. That's more important to me than any sort of nostalgia.
@OttoFilmStudios 15 күн бұрын
I’m still using a 27” 5K iMac, but I’m planning to upgrade soon, to either a mac mini or a MacBook pro soon, and use one of those display adapters to turn it into an external display.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
brilliant, and you can still use it with boot camp for gaming or an odd Windows app here or there.
@williamgates2560 13 күн бұрын
Hey Otto ... you said: "use one of those display adapters to turn it into an external display." in your comment. Tell me more - I have a late 2015 27" 5K iMac that WILL die someday, and I'd love to convert it into a 5K monitor when the rest goes ... can you give me any information or a link to these "adaptors" you reference? Thanks! Bill
@OttoFilmStudios 13 күн бұрын
@@williamgates2560 Yeah! I haven’t done it before, but one of Luke’s older videos goes in depth on how you do it. It’s the same process as in the video he made about turning the G4 iMac into apple silicon. I’ll pull up the video in a sec.
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
If you get a new apple product then you need to spend your money better.
@OttoFilmStudios 10 күн бұрын
@@Warp3326 Ah, so you are saying I should spend 10 dollars less on a windows computer that for one, has less power for video editing, and two, uses 10x the power costing way more to run over time, and three, breaks and gets a 20 viruses after one or two years of use, and four, is so loud that it sounds like it may explode any second, and five, overheats itself so much that it crashes every time I try to render something? Nah, I’d rather spend my money on something that lasts and is worth my hard earned money.
@gbrown7911 15 күн бұрын
Minor nitpick the "bloatware" was Performa lineup specific, the other models during that period did not suffer from it. Stephen Hackett over at 512pixels just did a blog series on the performa lineup. I went from a 27" iMac to originally a 13" M1 Air with a 38" Ultrawide, this spring I sold the UW and got a Studio Display
@docnerd527 15 күн бұрын
I am still running my 2017 27" iMac (48gb Ram, 1TB SSD). It handles all of my office tasks and I don't notice the slower speed as it is running most of the time. However, I also have a 14" Macbook Pro that I use as my daily driver and most of the tasks on the iMac are now being handled there. It is just so hard to think about getting rid of the display, but I have been looking at replacing it with a new Mac Mini.
@DarcvexiS 15 күн бұрын
2:40 -- I assure you all this was not bloatware and those user guides were actually teaching tools featuring a glossary for computer terms. You have to understand the internet was still relatively new and prior to having the net these CD's did come in handy. And to download good shareware took for freaking ever provided no one picked up the phone to make a call. 🤦🏻‍♂ And mind your tongue about Claris Works kiddo.
@marcokrauss5320 15 күн бұрын
My 2009 27“ iMac is still used by my girlfriend for administrating her business. The screen still looks very good and seeing it standing on the desk alone is worth having it there. Plus, target display mode still works with M-Series MacBooks, despite Apple saying it does not.
@nd4spdviper 15 күн бұрын
How is the dongle situation there? Thunderbolt 4 to Thunderbolt 2?
@ghost-user559 15 күн бұрын
@@nd4spdviperI think the 2009 was before Thunderbolt. I use the Apple Thunderbolt adapter for my 2013 Thunderbolt Display, but I think the 2009 was dvi right? Probably a whole different lineup of adapters into HDMI would be the easiest?
@marcokrauss5320 15 күн бұрын
@@nd4spdviper the cable to achieve target display mode is a „USB C to Mini DisplayPort Mini DP Cable 4K @ 60Hz Thunderbolt 3 Male to Mini DP Male Converter Unidirectional Cable“ if you meant this.
@sergioyichiong7269 12 күн бұрын
My bro in law does the same on 2010 i7 32 gigs windows.
@RWBHere 13 күн бұрын
I still run an 'iLamp' - It's my favourite Mac, even at over 22 years old. Now if someone could design a swap out board to give it an M4 CPU, I'd still use it for another 20 years. *Apple: How about revisiting the design and giving us a new version of that iconic Mac?*
@paulrine7447 15 күн бұрын
I’ve been waiting for the bigger one the whole time. In the meantime, I have a Mac mini hooked up to a 43” 8k Sony tv that is used as my monitor and costs a lot less than the studio display.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
what refresh rate and resolution / scaling did you manage to achieve with that?
@BollingHolt 12 күн бұрын
"In the meantime we're all just going to have to band together in sadness and wistfulness at what we used to have but no longer do." LOL The older you get, the more you'll do that. I'm 43, got into computers in the early to mid 80s, and the longing grows more and more each day.
@leechhuon6746 15 күн бұрын
Used to have the 2018 imac (intel), but became sluggish. Went with the mac mini M2 with a 44.5" 5k 170hz ultrawide monitor monitor. Very happy with setup.
@ML-jk3sz 12 күн бұрын
If they made a 32 or 36 inch iMac, it would FLY off the shelves. EVERYONE wants a larger display and the 27 inch is still too small for most creators which is why they need a second monitor for their workstations.
@bushgreen260 15 күн бұрын
*It was better when the word "iMac" was written on the front of the iMac like on the original. They should do it again.*
@megatronskneecap 15 күн бұрын
why is this in *bold*
@productivitygod7887 15 күн бұрын
yeah but instead it should be a thin bezel like on a macbook, not like on an old imac
@lorensims4846 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, and when the logo on the lid of the MacBooks glowed. But times change. They went to this "new" square-sided design which just reminds me of my old iPhone 4s, quaintly old-fashioned.
@deirdreryan7402 12 күн бұрын
I upgraded from the very last MacPro cheese grater before the Trashcan came out, like by a couple of months. The only original thing in there that i haven’t replaced is the graphics card. I installed 6 internal hard drives, the startup is a SSD, maxed the RAM as much as I could. Got a 21” Enzo monitor as well. I still love this machine and set up. At the moment she’s not being used as I purchased the M1 Mac Mini back in 2020 as well as the M1 MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. My Mini took a lot of time getting used to because I’m used to having everything in one case, not needing to purchase docking ports with wires all over the back of my desk. Yes it’s organized, but the point being that while it’s faster than my MacPro, I miss using the ole lady.
@photolabguy 15 күн бұрын
Did I just see a sponsor spot of an android device, on a Apple focused KZbin channel?
@TheNightquaker 15 күн бұрын
Not just an Android device, but a pretty bad one too! Goddamn.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
Hey, it pays the bills.
@riseabove3082 15 күн бұрын
Could he say AI any more times? Guess that's the new sales point now. Remember when it was 5G, 5G, 5G, just been replaced with AI, AI, AI for every other word.
@3DJapan 13 күн бұрын
If you're lucky.
@haysoos123 13 күн бұрын
I feel that it’s a stealth parody. Or maybe not so stealthy lol. Don’t want to blow up the man’s revenue streams.
@chipandrews2892 15 күн бұрын
My old 27" iMac got a new SSD HD, maxed out RAM and is running with Linux Mint. This old computer continues to "Rock On" and does everything I need it to do and looks good doing it! Keeping e-waste at bay!!
@vivienm7 15 күн бұрын
Ummm... I think calling a mid-90s software bundle "bloatware" is very unfair. You had the same thing in DOS/Windows land. These computers were marketed to households for whom it would be the first computer, who had no pre-existing software library. These households were spending a huge amount of money on this computer (adjusted for inflation, your typical Performa bundle is $5K in today's money). And 'serious' software cost big money - a non-upgrade copy of MS Word was like $395USD in 1994. And, not only that, but there was no Internet, there was barely any AOL to connect to with your 14.4 modem, so if you wanted software, you got in your car, drove down to the computer store, and hoped they had what you wanted in stock. (One of the ways in which it was easier to be a DOS/Windows person - there was more DOS/Windows software in stock.) Or, if you were in the U.S. (this was hopeless for us Canadians because we didn't have domestic glossy computer magazines), you picked up the newest issue of your favourite computer magazine, flipped to the back of the magazine where all the mail order vendors' ads were, picked up your phone, called their 1-800 number, and ordered the software to be mailed to you. (But wait... these were first time computer buyers, they didn't have a favourite computer magazine yet) So, how was it bad to give first time computer buyers a "works" productivity software package (ClarisWorks on Mac, MS Works on Windows), a CD-ROM encyclopedia for the kids, maybe a money management program (Quicken or MS Money) and a few other things that would let actually let families use their expensive new purchase? Do you really expect families buying their first home computer so the kids can use a CD-ROM encyclopedia (rather than driving to the public library, which is how you did school projects in 1994) and type up a 2-page school assignment to drive back to the store, ask the sales dude what software they need, and drop a couple hundred more dollars on software for those basic needs? It's worth noting - if you got a 'business' Mac from the dealer stream, i.e. a Quadra or Power Mac, you didn't get any bundled software, just the OS. They expected those buyers to buy their copy of Photoshop or QuarkXPress from the dealer along with the computer.
@sydtsai 15 күн бұрын
I want to point out that those are not preinstalled, (the japanese performa i got) and they are not trial but full working software..
@Syngekhoomei 13 күн бұрын
@der-nagel 15 күн бұрын
Am I the only one wondering what’s more interesting: the fact that a Apple KZbinr accepts a sponsorship from a Android company or the fact that such a company would even comes up with the idea to offer a sponsorship to a known Apple lover. 😄 Still great content.
@danlivas 15 күн бұрын
Apple needs to revive the 27 inch iMac for sure! But most importantly bring back the short-lived iMac Pro line.
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
The imac pro was a huge fail. Thats why they discontinued it.
@danlivas 10 күн бұрын
@@Warp3326 It wont fail again with Apple Silicon
@commonname571 13 күн бұрын
My theory is that they would only be competing rather than exceeding competitors. The M processors are insanely efficient which makes them great for laptops but when you have a device that is always connected to power, people look for raw performance rather than power efficiency. Often when it comes to straight up processing power, windows PCs are very similar and sometimes are even faster than their Apple equivalent. Even if the competing Apple computer is faster, you can often find the pc for significantly cheaper.
@sergioyichiong7269 12 күн бұрын
You can get more power for the same price. Thats why mechanical, electronic enginers dont use macs.
@tomleber4660 15 күн бұрын
I’m still hanging on to my late 2019 27” iMac, but at this point I don’t think my next Mac will be an all-in-one. Probably go third party display, but it would be awesome if there was a kit to reuse my iMac’s 5K, like the one you showed for earlier iMacs.
@squatch545 15 күн бұрын
This is the exact problem with Apple, and why I switched back to PC. Apple offers so few hardware options to begin with, that when they make design changes, you are often stranded because the newer model you wanted to upgrade to has been discontinued. Thus, 27" iMac customers now don't have the option to upgrade to a more powerful 27" model. They are forced to buy a horrendously expensive Mac Studio PLUS buy a separate 27" monitor. Apple customers never know what hardware options are going to be available down the road when they need to upgrade. It's always a crap shoot, with a high likelihood of not being able to upgrade to the same model.
@jabaro2 13 күн бұрын
As a long-time iMac owner, the main problem I have with an all-in-one is that you must update both your computer and your display at the same time. Going from the iMac to a Mac Studio with Studio Display, I basically got the same display with a new computer. If only I could've used my old iMac as a display for my Mac Studio, I could've saved a few bucks.
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
Theres no reason to buy an apple monitor these days. They are overpriced garbage using yesterday's tech.
@spookyghost7524 15 күн бұрын
They are just following the market, people don't want desktops anymore, their laptops are their biggest seller after the phones. People want mobile devices and that's what apple is giving them.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
You should put the word "most" in front of "people". But it's important to get almost everybody in your market capture or you slowly start losing 1% or 2% market capture year on year.
@ckm-mkc 9 күн бұрын
We had 5 27" iMacs. 3 of them switched to a mini Linux box mounted to the back of 40" displays, one switched to a Linux tower with an Nvidia chip for AI dev and the final one became a massively upgraded i7 Mac Mini.... So, no new Macs at all. The laptops have also similarly switched, mostly to Framework hardware.
@jameslatief1 15 күн бұрын
iMacs are a pain in the ass to fix. You see people bringing their gigantic boxes to the Apple Store like a dork. The separation into screen + station was needed.
@chidorirasenganz 15 күн бұрын
Not needed but plenty of folks desired it
@squatch545 15 күн бұрын
No more "gigantic" than bringing in a PC tower to a PC repair shop. In fact, iMacs are smaller and weigh less.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
Admittedly it's not the coolest photoshoot ever to be seen carrying one, but that's hardly a good enough point to discontinue it. If you're super self-conscious, wear a hat and a covid mask and show up right when the doors open.
@username7763 13 күн бұрын
How often are these computers breaking? Everything can break, but is Apple QC really that bad?
@chidorirasenganz 13 күн бұрын
@@username7763 Nope. It’s a manufactured controversy. I have an iMac over 10 years old that still works
@VladoT 13 күн бұрын
Finally someone who shares my point of view regarding this. I work as a developer using iMac as my main development machine since 2009 and I have bought 4 iMacs ranging from 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2019 model (24 then 27inch screen size). I was EXPECTING at least a 30 inch model with Apple silicon next but they presented a toy insted. Oh well, I upgraded my 2019 iMac model with Intel i9 chip, added 64GB RAM and 2TB SSD drive and this thing now FLIES. At least until they introduce Mac OS with no support for Intel chips. I think this comes sooner than people think.
@thomas_xsg 15 күн бұрын
I would give a kidney for a new M4 iMac 27”
@davidkachel 15 күн бұрын
Sorry, with 8 Gigs of forever RAM and 250 Gigs of forever storage, the price is now TWO kidneys! If you want amounts of RAM and storage that are actually USABLE, that will be two additional kidneys!!!
@mavfan1 15 күн бұрын
your kidney, or someone else's?
@user-us7it8gn4e 15 күн бұрын
We always need to with Apple 😂 but seriously I think at least a 30 inch is needed these days. Ideally a 32 in my view.
@cheze_bun 15 күн бұрын
@@davidkachelthe new apple standard for ram is rumoured to be atleast 16 gb of ram for the base model of the new Mac’s so you would be wrong if the rumour is true
@kushagraN 15 күн бұрын
​@@cheze_bunthey are also planning to raise the base price, so no one gets a deal
@Jamm1eone 7 күн бұрын
I work at a tech store and have plenty of people come through looking for a 27 iMac to replace their old one. They usually just settle for a MacBook air and maybe an extra monitor. They like the 24 but not big enough, they don't need the extra power of the higher end gear.
@BrockSuire75 15 күн бұрын
32 inch iMac coming soon!
@RoadTripTravel 15 күн бұрын
I sure hope so!
@squatch545 15 күн бұрын
The only thing that would make me switch back to Apple from PC would be a 32" iMac with an M4 ultra chip at a reasonable price. But that would never happen. Apple doesn't do "reasonable prices" anymore.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
@@squatch545 Well, 32" and "Ultra" are not reasonable demands for a cheap product with very low economy of scale. Just being honest. Out of curiosity though, what's your reasonable price point for such a beast of a machine? And why not happy with a 30" M4 Max?
@squatch545 15 күн бұрын
@@freecivweb4160 I don't understand what you mean by "cheap product". Reasonable price for the above mentioned would be $3,000
@user-fx7tc9uj8y 15 күн бұрын
I hope my 27" 2020 iMac with 128GB RAM never dies. If it does, I will pay for the Mac Mini M3 retro fit to save the incredibly awesome 5k 27" panel because it is the best I have ever seen! Obviously Apple's MBA's crunched the numbers and realized its more profitable to sell MacBooks, and if you need an over priced Apple branded monitor, we will sell you that too!
@DonAle_97 15 күн бұрын
The worst thing of that model is that it’s SSD can’t be upgraded. I have the i5 512GB version and I hope that it will last 10 years or until its internal SSD reach the 300TBW limit and dies because of that.
@mipmipmipmipmip-v5x 15 күн бұрын
"The iMac is good value" - well that explains why Apple wants it out of the line-up
@Drewcardello 12 күн бұрын
@nancyjonesfrancis 2 күн бұрын
I've been fortunate in that I've worked on Macs since 1985. Back in 1997, when the first iMac came out, I bought it and enjoyed using it. After that one , I bought two more. Then I decided to get a MacBook Pro, and have bought two others since then. Today, I'm starting to think about replacing my current MBP with a newer one, but I am considering getting a larger monitor to go with it. I don't think I'll ever go back to a desktop computer because you can't easily move it around your place or take it with you. I use my MBP for so many things including working on photos in Photoshop, doing research, and streaming videos.
@wesleyhoward5599 15 күн бұрын
The blueberry iMac was my first Mac. That thing was awesome.
@robeigner4390 15 күн бұрын
My first home Mac was a Performa 400 but I did get the Bondi Blue iMac the day it was released and have had this iMac, the lampshade iMac, and a variety of other Intel iMacs. I'm retired so buying a comparable M-series iMac to my fully blown 2019 iMac is outside my budget. Maybe I'll get an M4 mini with a 4k monitor although I'd love a better monitor but everything is just too expensive.
@lopwidth7343 15 күн бұрын
Why? What did you do on it, that was awesome
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
It looked nice but windows XP computers were wayy better.
@FrankKempComedy 15 күн бұрын
At 8:20 you forgot to say the word "Cheaper" you're making the studio display sound like it only costs $200.
@linnex3561 15 күн бұрын
Apple's thinking? I don't think so.
@otto3225 15 күн бұрын
They are thinking, but different 🙃😅
@jaap5398 13 күн бұрын
As somebody who uses their computer as much on the road as at home, my M2 MBP and Studio Display have given me the best user experience in 20 years of buying Mac. I thought I might regret buying the Studio Display but it works sooo seamlessly. It may be overpriced, but it is my best Mac purchase.
@brentsmithline3423 15 күн бұрын
In the consumer part of the grid Apple only needs to make one model of the iMac. The 24-inch iMac is the only thing a normal needs. For people who want something like a larger monitor just purchase a Mac mini, or Mac Studio and you can choose the size of monitor you want. GET OVER IT!!!!!!
@briancalifornia1 15 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree I had a 27 inch it was way too big for me i got the m1 24 inch it was perfect 27 is an over kill
@sfperalta 14 күн бұрын
I used company iMacs for years but never bought one myself. The pace of development in CPUs and GPUs meant that any all-in-one would be obsolete almost as soon as you got it. For me, the Mac mini or MacBook with a 3rd party display (sorry, Apple) was always the most cost-effective solution. The life span of the display tends to be longer than the computer, so it makes little sense to buy the all-in-one, unless you're obsessive about not having cables or your job can be handled perfectly well on a 5 year old computer with a beautiful display.
@fstap 15 күн бұрын
Apple calls it a "3rd party display" and in the PC world it's just called ✨ a monitor ✨
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
There's a distinction. The "PC World" has no vertical integration all the way up and down the chain. With Apple it's important to know if you're getting something whose specs are optimized for the vertical integration.
@username7763 13 күн бұрын
@@freecivweb4160 Yes Apple has some tight integration for some things, but a display? It would be like if Netflix required you bought a Netflix TV. Or ESPN expects you to have a ESPN TV. We have industry standards of DisplayPort, HDMI for a reason.
@micleeso 15 күн бұрын
2017, 5k iMac owner. I changed the CPU to a 3.6GHz i7 (65 watts). 32 GB RAM, replaced the storage with NVMe 1TB. OCLP and run the latest OS Beta. I'll purchased the Mac mini baseline, waiting for the 9th, if a newer mini that is rumoured to be released, that will be the replacement.
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
M4 Mac mini, end of October. It's going to be a BEAST! +$400 for the 32GB and you're set.
@Warp3326 10 күн бұрын
@@freecivweb4160 400 for an extra 32 gb?? As a windows user I find that so funny LOL
@Clickworker101 15 күн бұрын
@d.newsome6344 13 күн бұрын
My all-time favorite computers: 27" iMac and a 2015 MacBook Pro. I now have an M1 MacBook Air and it is simply adequate. I'm still using the 27" iMac and it still works perfectly. I hope to keep it going for another few years.
@gabrielmuchoki3227 15 күн бұрын
Can i get a like
@phlash65-5 15 күн бұрын
I’ve actually been filling our Marketing department with M1 iMacs for years now, just hooking up a secondary monitor for them. This is a huge upgrade from their old intel iMacs they had been using. They do basic email and photoshop work, and a bit of video editing, tons of Adobe products. They all still love them, and my IT department loves deploying them since it’s a single unit and pretty cheap.
@whophd 14 күн бұрын
1. The iMac G3 didn’t save Apple financially, only in morale. Things didn’t turn around until iPod. 2. The 5K iMac always seemed like a temporary fix to offer 27-inch and retina at the same time, when Thunderbolt couldn’t do it. 3. Personally I’m so happy with the Mac Studio (and I see it everywhere on KZbinrs’ desks), because while iMac was the only way to do 5K, it meant upgrading the screen every time you wanted a CPU upgrade. Gah! 4. iMac G4, Greatest Of All Time? Absolutely. Except for retina, that screen really holds up (no pun intended).
@pilkycrc 14 күн бұрын
As someone who used a 27” iMac professionally for well over a decade, I’ve ended up switching to a high end Mac Studio and a 28” 4K display running in scaled mode. In most scenarios, unless you’re actively looking for it, a 4K display scaled to 5K and a native 5K display look pretty similar. You can tell a 5K display is crisper, but it’s not as big a jump as you may think and both displays class as retina (I.e. can’t see individual pixels at a normal viewing distance). The real kicker is the display is way cheaper than a Studio Display (like less than a 3rd of the price these days) and has many features the Studio Display doesn’t have (like high refresh rate). I have the flexibility to swap it (or one of my other monitors) or the computer any time. Meanwhile, my old slow iMac with its perfectly usable display is sat largely unused in my office (unless I need an Intel Mac for something). As for the Mac Studio itself, initially I thought I’d miss the all-in-one nature of an iMac, but honestly the additional flexibility, the additional ports, and the more compact package have me sold. If Apple did release a new 27” or 30” iMac now I think I’d stick with the Studio as it’s a far better overall package
@PatriceBoivin 14 күн бұрын
What have the 27" imac owners done? Not buy a new Mac, not buy an iPhone, not buy an iPad, not buy an iWatch, not buy a Macbook.Instead, I miss Steve Jobs who cared about Apple's approach to serving customers.
@jbones360 12 күн бұрын
I learnt how to type and use a computer on the old white iMac G3 and later G5 at school in the early 2000s. Truly privileged to grow up in the Renaissance of apple and OS X, such a wonderful system to use and learn from scratch! My grandpa always had an iMac, and before then, he had Macintosh computer, way back to The 1984 Macintosh. He wrote music with collaborators on the other side of the world before most people had even gone online... there's so much heritage to the iMac back to where it all kicked off for Apple. The biggest difference now, is that you have to be very privileged or well off and lay down used car money to buy a tool that can kickstart your professional life. It is such a comfortable form factor, and even still has a type of handle as the passthrough on the stand. If I wasn't on my old 2012 MacBook Pro (the cheeky non retina one), I was on iMacs, finishing high school, and seeing through two degrees. Would love to see apple do a big surprise on September 10th... I'll hold my breath.
@JonathanMoosey 13 күн бұрын
Apple’s lineup was so confusing before the iMac that even the people who worked at Apple were so confused by the product lineup
@iarpak 2 күн бұрын
Products are mostly market driven and the market has completely changed since the original iMac was launched. Laptops back then were for power users and the average person bought desktop PCs. In that world, the iMac was amazing and highly sought after. Today, laptops are ubiquitous. In our family of 4 (including a 17-year old and 20-year old), we have two Macbooks and four Windows laptops in our home (including work machines and a school-lent machine). The only desktop in the house is my old MacMini and my son's gaming desktop. All-in-One PCs simply don't fit anymore in how people use computers, which is why they've become a niche product.
@JoseDelioAresGarcia 15 күн бұрын
In my collection there is an iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) with 16gb of Vram, and 128gb of Ram, and 1 TB of Hard drive with an external 8tb NVME Hub, that my assistant editor uses. We LOVE this machine, and hope Apple can appreciate the users who still need this kind of set up? You asked us, what we are doing right now if we have one? Well, thats simple, we STILL use it, and pray that Apple renovates it again soooon. It is SOOOOO usable!!!
@speedyg123. 15 күн бұрын
never had a imac but id see people opting for a macbook plus an external display (or two). Can upgrade your macbook when you need to and keep the displays or vice versa. Seems like makes the most sense instead of having an all in one that’s stuck forever on the same specs from the day you’ve ordered. :/
@JamesTenniswood 15 күн бұрын
I used to use a 27 imac, great machine, but now use an m3 air + a dell 32inch 144hz monitor. Brilliant combo
@freecivweb4160 15 күн бұрын
Yeah but it's 4K with lower PPI and doesn't hit the sweet spot in the scaling like a new 27" iMac would. Also that 16/9 aspect ratio. Don't get me wrong, I'm in the same boat with my LG 4K displays. I'm just saying... we need a nice 27" or 30" iMac.
@JeffreyForner 15 күн бұрын
Last year, I replaced my late-2015 27-inch 5K iMac, which had internal 512GB SSD and 32GB of memory, with a base model M2 Pro Mac mini (512GB SSD and 16GB of unified memory) and a Studio Display. Now that I’ve made the financial investment in the new system, I don’t think I would go back to an iMac. The versatility this new system provides offers a lot of value. I can more easily upgrade the computer now if I want to. I have more ports than I did before. I can plug in my work laptop to the monitor and use it when I’m working from home. I still miss the all-in-one form factor on occasion but wouldn’t want to go back to what I had before now that I have my current system.
@toonman361 14 күн бұрын
I am a teacher in a NYS public career school. I just replaced my 27in iMacs after 8 years of service with the only thing available now, M3 24in iMacs. I hated to lose the extra screen size and all the USB A ports because all my peripherals are USB3.0, A style. Plus, having a classroom full of teenagers, I don't want separate components such as a Mac Mini and a screen as too many inquisitive fingers can cause problems. Apple dropped the ball on this one and gave us an inferior machine. Yes, the M3 will be a bonus but the loss of USB A ports, a SD card slot and a smaller screen is not optimal. I was expecting more.
@fitch8363 11 күн бұрын
What are we doing? My wife is still using her 2015 iMac. I upgraded it to a 1TB SSD and 24GB or RAM. She's happy. I'm still using my 2019 iMac. I'm also still using my 15" mid 2015 MacBook Pro in my shop although I did buy a 16" M1PRO MacBook Pro. Right now Apple doesn't make anything that tempts me to upgrade any of it.
@kael13 6 күн бұрын
I think Apple's laptops are in the best place they've ever been right now. But yeah, as a 90s Mac user, Apple really shouldn't lose track of its roots. People still need desktop computers. The Mac studio doesn't really cater to the home user. It's too expensive. Personally, I might get an M4 Mac Mini whenever they materialise.
@Xe4ro 15 күн бұрын
10:46 my first iMac was a 2010 27" - I then upgraded to a Late 2015 5K which died last year (2023) in the summer. I then finally switched to a M2 Pro Mac Mini and two 1440p external displays, I'm still planning to get a 27" 4k monitor as a third display but it's not super urgent. I also gave in and after years of using Bootcamp on my iMacs I decided to build a dedicated Windows 11 gaming PC. Quite the experience after almost 1 1/2 decades abstinence of non Apple PCs :D
@joey551 14 күн бұрын
I went from a 15-inch MacBook Pro to the M1 24-inch iMac. I no longer need the mobility. Simple. (but I have an iPad and an iPhone, so I'm good to go.) It's professionals who need the bigger screen. A studio and a cheaper brand screen are the way for them. It's probably what I would do if I used it for work.
@MrOrtmeier 15 күн бұрын
Let's not forget that the original Macintosh was an all-in-one. It was Steve's vision for the ultimate computer. I also preferred the 27 iMac but never got to own one. However as you know with Apple. they don't get tied to the past, which is good and bad, so if there's no demand for an iMac they'll phase it out. Having said that, Apple Marketing is really good and perhaps if they did really strong adverts for the iMac they might see an uptick in sales. These could be wildly popular in offices, car sales rooms, point of sale, gyms, doctors offices etc where an all-in-one takes up less space with less clutter than a 2 piece + accessories pc
@skantanie7569 3 күн бұрын
I have been a Mac user since 1987 and I've owned every version of the iMac and currently still use a 27 inch iMac from 2019. I would love to get an update but it doesn't seem as if that will ever happen. I've been so frustrated in how Apple has handled their desktop lineup in recent years. There is little creativity and innovation (the things that made me excited about the original iMac and the lava lamp) and it seems that they rarely get updated at all.
@haakonr1 13 күн бұрын
Still use my 27” iMac from 2009 on a daily basis. It’s not mind blowing fast, but it’s fine for web browsing, text editing, youtube etc. HDD crashed last year, so swapped it with a SSD, so while it’s still an i7 powered computer from 2009 it’s now faster than it ever was. The beauty of this iMac is the bi-directional DisplayPort that makes it an external display for my work laptop when working from home. And a computer all on its own when the laptop isn’t connected. I may not buy an all in one ever again, but I’ve never regretted buying this one. One of my best tech purchases ever.
@choilive 13 күн бұрын
I noticed this trend as well, almost NOBODY I know buys a desktop computer let alone an AIO. A good chunk of people only have a phone as their only computing device, and then a long tail of people with tablets and laptops as their other computing device at home. Even in the workplace everyone gets issued a laptop - no one gets a desktop. The only people buying desktops are gamers - and of course they are on windows.
@rickkarrer8370 15 күн бұрын
At work we had to move just about everyone using iMacs over to Mac mini, Mac Studios, or laptop. And I'll tall ya, most people who've only ever used an iMac can't figure out the difference between their monitor and laptop screen, what is means to connect and disconnect things, that they have to turn their monitor on and off separately from the computer, that their Mac mini / Studio is really the computer, not the monitor, and so on. It's really bad. The 24" doesn't do it for most people who were used to 27" or need more than a very basic, entry level computer.
@maxandroverinc. 11 күн бұрын
Can't help but comment that walking through a Best Buy one day, I noticed that the Apple Silicon iMacs were about half the thickness of the Apple Studio Displays placed right next to them. Cooooool.
@oogami256 15 күн бұрын
7:10 Yep, this is the reason. When the computer with the lowest profit margins is only barely outselling the Mac Pro, of all things, it’s easy to see why Apple is no longer interested in expanding the line. (Though, I’m curious as to how old this graphic is, as I’m pretty sure these numbers came from a few years ago while the Intel Mac Pro was still being offered.) To answer your question, my M1 Max Mac Studio is still the perfect desktop solution for my needs. Lots of power and portable enough when I need to drive multiple displays for live performances of mine. It’s sad to see the higher-end iMacs go, but them’s the breaks when the laptops are now full-fledged desktop replacements in their own right.
@JosephLopez-dd1rl 13 күн бұрын
Here’s the problem: there’s no great selling point for a computer that can’t be mobile anymore. It used to be real estate. It used to be power. My MacBook Pro can do it all, and when hooked up to my 34” ultrawide monitor, can do so with no downside. It handles peripherals. It connects to anything on my network. What it doesn’t do is chain me to a room.
@dustanmason5499 15 күн бұрын
I was a 27" fan for years. Itwas the perfect setup for me and many of my friends. I'm a designer and when I felt I needed to upgrade there was no clear way forward. So, I started with the M! mac Mini. It was awesome!....for about 2 months. The I quickly realized the 8gb of RAM was inadequate. So, I was in this weird gray area where I was using my old 2009 27" Imac and a underpowered M1. Fast forward to now. I'm now pushing the base M1 Max Mac Studio, 4 "monitors" (2-24" AOC's, 1- 27" Samsung, and 1 50" TV Mounted above the 3 others. All 4K) and 80TB of storage. It's kinda a hodge-podge setup but it works very well for my needs.
@eddiegardner8232 14 күн бұрын
After waiting a few years for a 30-32” iMac, I bought a Mini and use a 50” Visio 4K HDTV as my display, Apple wireless keyboard, $8 wireless mouse. Apple could have made a lot more money off me, but they didn’t have the iMac I wanted. I love having a lot of room on my single display, so it is a win for me.
@carlosmaquino3454 15 күн бұрын
For me, a Mac user since early 90s, this "abandonment" of the iMac in the lineup is a rare frustration / disappointment from my beloved Apple. When my Intel 27-in iMac was long-in-the-tooth, I had no choice but to downsize into the 24-in M3. Nice kit but (1) I miss my bigger display and (2) you're kidding: 2 TB storage max (the years-ago Intel iMacs were up to at least 4 TB)
@lerenner9002 12 күн бұрын
Just a quick calculation: 1799$ in 2019 are 2213$ today. So the Price difference isn’t just 200$ it’s 614$ and with that it all seems more fair to me.
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