What is Misophonia?

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Dr. Todd Grande

Dr. Todd Grande

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This video describes the construct of misophonia. Misophonia literally translates into “hatred of sound.” Misophonia is a condition, but not a mental disorder or any other type of disorder. It's something that's being studied, but it has not yet been classified. Misophonia is an aversive reaction to repetitive or pattern-based sounds. Sometimes it's referred to as selective sound sensitivity syndrome and sometimes it's also referred to as sound rage. With certain sounds, there would be a reaction with misophonia and this reaction could be autonomic arousal and a number of distressing feelings including anxiety, disgust, anger, or irritability. We could also see behavioral reactions with this as well, including avoidance or acting out on the feelings of anger. There's some debate as to what types of sounds would qualify under misophonia. One school of thought is that the sounds have to be directly related to the human body like breathing or chewing. Another theory indicates that it could be any type of repetitive or pattern-based sound. Some examples would include typing, whistling, foot tapping, or finger tapping, a clock ticking, an engine running, the sound of cars in the distance, stepping sounds or something like opening a plastic wrapper. The reaction to these triggering sounds is not necessarily proportional to the volume or the intensity of the sound. Loud sounds wouldn't necessarily cause a greater reaction or trigger a reaction as opposed to lower volume sounds. Misophonia is not an official disorder and it may actually be a symptom of another disorder. Misophonia tends to be comorbid with a number of other conditions and disorders including Tourette syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, a number of anxiety disorders, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). There is no established treatment protocol for misophonia, although certain treatments have been attempted with mixed results. There's some indication that cognitive behavioral therapy may be somewhat effective in treating misophonia and there's also some research that indicates that exposure and response prevention may help a little bit. Some theories about treatment approaches have focused more on related symptoms to misophonia, like avoidance, anxiety, and anger. There are a number of treatment protocols already established for those feelings or behaviors.

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@aubreylea3303 6 жыл бұрын
I hate hearing swallowing sounds from people drinking ,forks scraping a plate, loud swallowing in general, and hearing people eat chips
@jacksinclairr 3 жыл бұрын
My triggers are: - chewing gum with mouth open - lip smacking - breathing and making sounds using teeth -cutlery hitting teeth - tapping irregular rhythms -humming offtune -whistling -wet speaking -clicking mouth Chewing gum loudly and lip smacking is by far the worst for me. I get irritated, angry, fantasise about hurting them, sweaty and just want to leave the area.
@henlokitty3358 4 жыл бұрын
Id do anything to get rid of it. Ruins my life
@urmomsgf2857 4 жыл бұрын
Whenever my family goes to a one room hotel, i can never sleep because of my mom’s breathing/snoring. I hate the way she coughs, sneezes, eats and I hate that I hate it because I can’t stand being around her. Anyone else doing these things triggers me, but especially the way she does it.
@luvlovetoday5189 4 жыл бұрын
I struggle with most chewing noises, lip smacking, and teeth sucking 😖. I’m so glad mukbangs are waning in popularity.
@rachaeldaley8173 4 жыл бұрын
My triggers are lip smacking, slurping and loud chewing
@kenzie7174 4 жыл бұрын
My triggers Tapping Chewing Breathing really loud Sneezing Coughing Burping Clicking Everytime I hear this stuff I wanna cry at first I thought I was just being a stuck up kid who hated certain stuff but then I found out why thank you!
@erikatheblondebombshell1196 5 жыл бұрын
I have miso, and I hope they find a treatment for it someday. Some have issues with music, but I don't. I'm glad because I love music.My trigger is chewing, swallowing, slurping, any mouth noise.I can't even stand hearing myself eat, and I'm a quiet eater.
@Paul-fb1em 4 жыл бұрын
This condition has made my life so unpleasant that I fantasize about finding a surgeon that would consent to cutting my auditory nerves to make me deaf.
@itsmepaulad7102 5 жыл бұрын
I have this. Wow. Never knew it had a name.
@gingercultleader5500 4 жыл бұрын
@teavetyskova 4 жыл бұрын
Well, it's under-reported because me, personally, don't tell anyone. My own family was laughing at me and told me to get over it when I once mentioned it while I was crying at every single family dinner... It's difficult to explain to someone who never experienced it.
@allisonmeows__ 5 жыл бұрын
I suffer from this ( it is a nightmare) and I’ve been diagnosed various times with OCPD. Thanks Dr. Grande for explaining what this is and how science is still investigating it. Great video
@hamsnub 5 жыл бұрын
If I sit next to anyone clicking a pen I'll cover my ears, kick my chair and sometimes I'm so frustrated I'll cry. People probably think I'm really weird. A few other triggers I have are: Breathing (when it's loud enough) Whispering Chewing General mouth noises Certain accents Continuous laughing People shushing but not when it's just a simple "shush/sh" I hate it when it's a "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
@fiercabear 4 жыл бұрын
Hamsnub when I was a kid my little sister wouldn't stop laughing and it pissed me off so much I threw a apple core at her head
@oskarxie1474 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely despise heavy breathing, I've trained myself to breathe quietly because of it.
@SK_TorON 6 жыл бұрын
I had a cat, and she would go insane if anyone rubbed two fingers against each other. That sound, no matter how quiet, had a strange power over her. It was as if she would get possessed by some feline demon: she would arch her back, advance slowly with a low growl, and then attack the "offending" hand without any regard for the size of the human. We had to literally tear her away from the hand which she was clawing and biting. Other that that peculiar craziness, she was a normal domestic kitty. Maybe she had the same mental condition as described in this video, if that is even applicable to animals.
@SophieBird07 6 жыл бұрын
I learn so much listening to you! You are so concise, calm and thorough.
@DrGrande 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@bgmcdon 9 ай бұрын
I worked in an office environment for most of my career. From time to time, I encountered employees who would complain to management because they could not cope with the constant clicking sound of keys on a computer keyboard. Now, I understand why.
@elharrop 4 жыл бұрын
I had murder fantasies about my neighbours because of their windchimes, it wasn't the noise itself but the audacity they represented that they felt like it was OK to impose their noise on other people. Around the same time this happened I was having OCD and my tinnitus got really bad, interesting to know it's all linked and I'm not just going crazy. They've took the windchimes down now but I find myself still listening out for them just incase.
@xcxzozo3899 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t stand chewing, breathing, nail biting, coughing, sniffling, nail clipping, people biting their forks, excessive pen clicking, slurping, swallowing and wheezing. It could be a loud classroom and if I can hear someone chewing even if it’s quiet my brain focuses on it and I can’t unfocus and it drives me insane.
@blueberrypoptart2424 6 жыл бұрын
I believe there is actually research stating that a cause of misophonia could be abnormal functional connectivity of the anterior insular cortex.
@DrGrande 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting, I did not know that.
@winstontokuhisa8399 2 жыл бұрын
I think what makes it so bad is the feeling that one cannot "escape" the sound. 😩
@mrs.reluctant4095 5 жыл бұрын
I like Dr. Grande's voice so much, I will call it my philophonia. Don't wish treatment for it. ❤
@danktankdragkings7117 6 жыл бұрын
My triggers are Loud chewers Metal Ting like a guitar string Ceramic and a fork Teeth and a fork But nails on a chalkboard don't bother me. I think it's a side problem to my ADHD and ODD.
@yukino4636 4 жыл бұрын
Kissing, chewing, cats grooming themselves other than the brushing sound, and a few others that play off those The first one i ever had was when i was very very young was kissing. It causes anger so bad I lashed out and screamed and basically threw a fit. I dont see many people here not having this when they are younger, but I don't remember a day in my life where I didn't get extremely pissed off from these. I also have synesthesia a condition you may hear people say " A is red and B is yellow C is hot pink and D is brown" or " A is a male, B is a female, C is a female" words, numbers, etc and hearing colors are some of the forms. Both of these manifested at extremely young ages.
@sarahm2878 4 жыл бұрын
My misophonia always involves noises that other people are making, never the objects directly. I love white noise. I could listen to a faucet drip, a train clank by, a rattling old fan. But if someone is making noises, I find it to be rude or piggish, maybe even retarded, and I want to beat them to a pulp. Chewing especially, or eating an apple in a quiet area. Rattling one of those very thin, cheap, plastic water bottles while they gulp is the worst, and I fantasize their deaths in my mind for the rest of the day; or depending on the severity, I will never talk to them again and they are instantly on my hate list.
@hi3642 4 жыл бұрын
i dont want to self-diagnose, but i am pretty sure i have this. if i hear loud, heavy breathing or snoring in a quiet room, i start freaking out and getting stressed out. i also hate the sound of people chewing, and i usually want to eat alone, but i can’t because i am a kid, and my family makes me sit at the table and eat with them. i would rather eat outside where it’s more quiet and i dont hear chewing. i also hate whenever my little brother goes on his xbox because his Xbox controller buttons and controls make me so irritated and nervous. i will tell at him to stop and starting moving a lot, but he will not get off. one more example is that my older brother was whistling today and he was doing it for a long time. i was getting very irritated and yelled at him to stop. when he doesn’t stop the first time, i yell even LOUDER. do you thinking that i may have miso phobia? i had to get noose cancelling head phones to get rid of the noise when i sleep, but they did not work. someone please responddddd My triggers are •Chewing •Snoring/Heavy Breathing • Clicking noises on Xbox Controllers •Whistling for a long period of time •Fork Scraping on plate •Plastic storage boxes being dragged on concrete and probably more. now please, can you answer? do you think i have misophonia?
@jenb6910 5 жыл бұрын
I cannot have a clock on the wall, I will literally have to have it removed if it's a place I must be in for an extended period of time. Slurping will send me over the edge.
@Tinkering902 3 жыл бұрын
I think my biggest triggers are just human activity, such as loud neighbours in an upstairs apartment. Loud footsteps, slamming drawers, squeaky floors or faucets. Funny enough, my twin brother has the same triggers. Makes me wonder if it's hereditary, or at least not completely an environmental disorder.
@staceygoggin1574 3 жыл бұрын
I recently learned I have a genetic marker that is associated with misophonia. It is rs2937573 & is located near the TENM2 gene. I’m 62 & can look back to my childhood & see I had it then. It wasn’t until past couple years that I heard of this disorder. As I watched some videos today I remembered other triggers besides my main ones. For me chewing, doesn’t have to be rude chewing. Just basic eating noises. When my son would eat with a spoon the clanking of it hitting his teeth drove me crazy. Or in old folks with dentures eating. My main ones are eating ones & sirens like police or fire vehicles. Oddly ambulances don’t. People chewing gum.... making the little popping sounds.
@evermore6383 4 жыл бұрын
My triggers ~ Floor cracks ~ wall bumps ~ snoring Mostly things that interrupt my quiet in home.
@believer7280 Жыл бұрын
I have this. I just recently learned that it has a name. The specific sounds that trigger me are: sounds people make with their mouth (swallowing, lip smacking, etc), typing, clicking, crumbling paper, and other similar noises. It angers me to the point to where I have to get away from the noise. I really can't stand it. I will also mention that I have been diagnosed with OCD. Thanks
@grimes6357 5 жыл бұрын
I've read that there are now studies revealing that people with misophonia do seem to have some aberrant neural structures. They think that there is an as yet undiscovered connection between the auditory and the limbic system such that certain sounds set off overtly powerful emotional responses. They've found abnormally thick myelin sheaths on the neurons of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex if I remember correctly. That means electrical signals can travel faster in this region of the brain and somehow implies an abnormal connectivity in the hemispheres. They've also found that the anterior insular cortex is hyper-connected to other regions of the brain. I myself cannot bear the sound of open mouthed chewing or snoring, but I just use headphones and they basically solve the problem, so it's not that big a deal anymore. And at least I now have evidence that the whole thing is not just "in my head" as some people might say. Also, I think this condition is very rare. I've never knowingly met anyone else who has it, or knows what the hell I'm talking about when I mention that I can't stand open mouthed chewing. People always either dismiss it or ask questions, but I've never spoken to anyone who seemed to have had any prior exposure to such a thing. Thanks a bunch for treating the topic with due seriousness. Not everyone does.
@kmulcahyable 5 жыл бұрын
Wow! This is so bizarre. I had just randomly clicked on this video, having no idea what misophonia was. But I recently started having this issue and I had no idea there was a name for it. I actually just mentioned it to my roommate last week. So far there have only been a couple of sounds that's I've identified but I'm sure there will be more. One of them is a sound effect that they use on The Rachel maddow show (which you can find clips of on KZbin), and it's the sound effect of a page turning. And for some reason it makes me extremely angry and disgusted. Also, I was in the kitchen with my roommate last week and I was trying to talk about something, and he had something on the stove that was kind of sizzling or making that kinda sound and I started getting really angry and I couldn't stand the sound and I couldn't think clearly while hearing it. That's very strange. But I am so glad that I stumbled across this video and I will have to do some more research. Thanks Dr. Grande.
@Pinakamataas 3 жыл бұрын
I have no idea if I might have it or not. I get irrationally angry at quiet calming sounds, especially ASMR, and I can't stand the Headspace/Fabulous all other mindfulness app ads running. The more they try to calm me the angrier I get. The regular sounds like chewing, slurping, breathing bother me from time to time, but only if they're quiet and repetitive.
@Kayrunningandcoffeeaddict 6 ай бұрын
You nailed this Dr. Grande - thank-you for making this video. As someone who has had this - since I was 3 and didn't know why my sister's gum chewing irritated and angered me and I didn't know why. I have to eat all my meals by myself - as the sound of others chewing - is impossible for me to sit next to - without sticking fingers in my ears or using earplugs or headphones.
@dixiemerchant1052 11 ай бұрын
I’ll tell you what works getting away from the noises at the moment-its horrible!! I had it MUCH worse when I was younger and just learned how to deal it.
@Theoneandonlyrealspiderman 3 жыл бұрын
I struggle to not tell someone to stop making the smallest sound.... In school it's hard since I don't wanna tell my friends to stop
@TheLucyblades 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this balanced eductional video. How is whistling not directly related to the huma body though? It's a product of the human body. Someone is doing that with their body. It is a bodily sound from a human. You don't even need a tool And yes, it massively triggers me.
@DrGrande 6 жыл бұрын
You are correct - whistling can be generated by a human body and could be a trigger. When I referred to whistling here, I was not referring to a specific source. Whistling can be generated by the wind and some machines (e.g. compressor, air conditioner, etc.) and I should have specified that. Thanks for commenting.
@TheRealArrendondo 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds that other people make that seem to be in synch with my movements are what trigger me as well as being loud when im being generally quiet; Real Life Personal Example: I live in a duplex and my neighbors are always making noise; it seems like every time I walk in the duplex the people that live on the other side walk; and do so louder and harder; also in the duplex I'm irritated by their hard walking in general everyday and the fact that every time they leave the house they have to slam the door as hard as they can instead of closing it like a normal person. Another example would be me in study hall or at the library and I'm clicking my mouse and then someone else wants to click their mouse in response to me doing so. Then I test my theory by clicking my mouse in succession and they do the same with slight variations in timing. I also have depression and anxiety
@AlexIsBadAtBball 2 жыл бұрын
Ruins my life. Whenever I hear a trigger I instantly cry for at least 30 minutes. Would do anything to get rid of it
@sarahhuntington5530 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, This all seems right and made me realize stuff
@marthelea 6 жыл бұрын
I get a physical reaction to the point where I can't function whenever I hear sounds like chalk on chalkboard, chairs/furniture squeaking or scraping against the ground, and cutlery like forks and knifes against plates. A common theme is metal friction sounds. It physically hurts in my body.
@evermore6383 4 жыл бұрын
Recently discovered i have this after my recent rages and anxiety from like floor cracking sounds, bed movements, door slams, stuff around those lines. I get Easy jump scares from the loud sounds and the rest give me a lot of anger and i find it hard to controll my rage when it comes to this. Which is tuff because i usually have good self control.
@flecktarn4110 5 жыл бұрын
I know someone who seems to have this. They get irritated if they can hear chewing, breathing, rustling, sniffing, etc. Although they seem indifferent or unaware when they are making the same sounds. They also have a much higher hearing threshold than me and can hear static noises or noises outside more easily (and get bothered by any sort of noise when they are trying to sleep). They have a chronically anxious personality which I suspect is linked somehow to this. For myself I'm not so sensitive to repetitive sounds although the sound of eating close up is rather irritating or disgusting, repetitive coughing is highly annoying, and the sound of a heartbeat (especially a simulated one, such as in a movie or on TV) has always disturbed me.
@alessiamansouri3909 4 жыл бұрын
Misophonia is a brain based disorder where there is a disruption in the connectivity parts of the brain the processes sound stimulation and flight or fight response it’s a day to day disorder and I suffer with it severely and get panic attacks and such with my trigger sounds and ya it’s a brain based disorder so it’s physical not mental
@lyngoodie986 2 жыл бұрын
I am quite thankful for this video, ever since a few months when ever i go to sleep or sitting in silence my heartbeat drives me crazy. I've had a few anxiety attacks too because of it. I just thought it was a random thing my body was doing but i suspect i might have this... Welp
@girlinthecloset6412 4 жыл бұрын
i’ve never been diagnosed or anything but i completely understand everything and to be fair, i really do have a problem like misophonia you could say my triggers are : breathing,eating,writing (pen and pencil),talking,clocks, this weird dripping noise my ear makes i get so angry and want to throw and punch everything, i feel like i’m loosing my mind and i can’t focus on anything once i’ve heard a sound and latch onto it. just wanted to share sorry, it’s nice to find other people who understand and relate. okay cool thank you
@Theokondak Жыл бұрын
My main triggers are - chewing with open mouth, or chewing loudly or nervously or a combination of the above - doing popping sounds with chewing gum, for this one strangely i can hear the popping sound even two rooms apart, its like i have super hearing - tapping with fingernails The last couple i attained recently, whilst being in a super stressful period of my life being burned out at work twice in a year. When i hear any of these sounds, i get such an insane tunnel hearing and focus on these sounds, it's almost supernatural. I can't take my focus of of it. It also increases my stress levels instantly and makes me want to destroy everything between me and the person doing the sound... and rip the person apart. It's just an insane instant anger.
@AP-cc9jc 6 жыл бұрын
I become irritated when I hear the average loud or annoying sounds, but for some reason , kids tantrums or screaming puts me over the top.
@hamsnub 5 жыл бұрын
Antoinette Pryor huh, for me loud noise is fine, it's quiet noises that I hate. I think not liking toddler/baby/child screaming or tantrums is a general thing, but since I'm not you I wouldn't know.
@jpizzleforizzle 4 жыл бұрын
Wet, closed-mouth chewing sounds. Dogs barking. Nails tapping on teeth. Teeth chomping sound. All these can sometimes send me into an "anxiety-rage". I have to leave the room. My wife says I'm being dramatic, or being an asshole, when I describe these things as "irritating, infuriating, and exhausting". I resort to using earplugs, stuffing tissue or tp in my ears, using in-ear headphones with soothing music or rain sounds to drown out noises. I was diagnosed with ADHD, with OCD tendencies, 2 years ago (I'll be 39 in June).
@laurielynne2006 4 жыл бұрын
Floor creaking, pens clicking repeatedly, lighter lighting but it’s almost out but someone keeps trying, anyone dropping things, the sound of dishes and utensils banging together. I’m sure there’s more but those come to mind initially .
@angelita1895 6 ай бұрын
For me, it’s not just the sound but the WAY. they chew their food. How they look when they’re chewing 🤷🏽‍♀️
@kitten-cat-2357 5 жыл бұрын
I have sever misiphonia. I scream, and hurt myself, and scream. I kinda tick on and off when i get these ticks. I HATE when i people scratch fabric. IT HURTS SO MUCH! IT IS PURE PAIN! i feel that there are kinds of misiphonia. I feel like mine is mixed with turrets.
@moogleydoot 4 жыл бұрын
I recently found out about this and i think i've had it my whole life. It triggers me just to think about so writing this is gonna be pretty hard but i get really panicked with sped up noises and certain songs. They keep me awake at night and I feel trapped whenever it plays or gets stuck in my head. Thankfully it happens way less now than when i was younger. I'd love to know more about this because it can be really scary when I don't have an immediate distraction on hand
@jimothyjimbo8900 Жыл бұрын
I have my noise cancelling headphones in at work while watching this and someone just started whistling…Immediately just felt a pit of pure rage in my stomach lol. Just not fun to deal with this.
@teavetyskova 4 жыл бұрын
Also, I think my misophonia began when I was a child and a certain (won't name the kind of sound) kept making me feel traumatized and helpless.
@nyran_the_kitten1758 Жыл бұрын
My triggers are: • Chewing • Lip smacking • Pencil/finger tapping • Snapping fingers • Clapping (specifically when there’s no reason to) • Certain people’s voices • Humming • Whistling • Singing (in specific cases) • Sniffling • Heavy/loud breathing • Silverware scraping against ceramic bowls/plates I’m so glad I figured out what this condition was called. I have been living with it for years, but I just thought everyone experienced the same anger, annoyance, and panic that I did. I used to be so confused when someone was making a trigger noise and no one else seemed anywhere near as affected by it as I was. I thought everyone had just learned to deal with it and I was just a wuss for letting it affect me so much. It makes it so hard for me to focus in class, every time someone is tapping their pencil against their desk I just wanna rip it outta their hand and snap it in half. I got some noise reducing earplugs that’ll hopefully help me not get too triggered and I’ll actually be able to focus on my work.
@annienoelle4964 Жыл бұрын
I have misophonia and I don’t remember a time in my life without it. I would do anything to not have to live with it, I want to be able to enjoy a meal with my friends and family without having to excuse myself and calm down.
@KellyLCornell 11 ай бұрын
Guys, I understand completely where my triggers are from now. My mom admitted to me recently that when my dad used to make those sounds, she would take it as a sign of his indifference to her. She'd freak out and then we'd get into massive fights. But I was too young to even realize this, and for a long time only my dad would trigger me, but then I think it progressed to peers at some point.
@admerin6961 3 жыл бұрын
Loud bass sound is my strongest trigger. It is worse than chewing sounds, even though they are awful too.
@viktorramstrom3744 4 жыл бұрын
I have just recently discovered that this is a thing. I'm not saying that I have misophonia, but I have read articles of people describing how daily life is with this disorder, and I can almost always relate. I especially relate to the thing about emotional negativity after getting exposed to certain sounds. I have little to no problem hearing loud scarring noises (just like a "normal" person) but there is something very different with chewing, lip smacking and nose sniffling for examples. It is very hard to describe. It is like with "normal" annoying sounds you have a choice to remain positive or "give up" a little on being in a good mood. With noises like chewing, there is no escape. The instant you hear it, you get forced into negative emotions. Also, if I were to hear loud scarring noises for a longer period of time, I would be at the same slightly less good mood the entire time. If I were to constantly hear chewing for a longer time, I would get more and more negative for every chew. It feels like the "impact" of the noise of every chew stays for a while, and "piles up". I have had this problem for a few years, my family is pretty concerned over this, and I have also previously gotten a diagnosis for Asperger's Syndrome. We have just assumed that my Asperger's is the source behind the problem. Just like we once speculated that I have Asperger's, I start seeing signs in this topic. I haven't told my family about misophonia though. If you can clearly differentiate my situation from misophonia, then I am deeply sorry. I don't want to self-diagnose.
@Kayrunningandcoffeeaddict 6 ай бұрын
I have this - and it drives me up the wall. I have to wear headphones in the office. The sound of people tapping on the keyboard - makes me want to run away - to get away as fast as possible.
@DiseasedDreams 6 жыл бұрын
I have so have this. There are many sounds that I hate. And as soon as I hear them, my mood drastically changes. Irritability, impatience, and anger. In order for me to fall asleep, I have to have music on so I can drown out my own breathing and heartbeat.
@thisperson5294 2 жыл бұрын
My trigger is the local kids screaming and shouting. It ruins my life. They cannot help making noise and I can't help what it does to me.
@DakotaDunlap69 2 жыл бұрын
It not us that have misophonia that need treatment it's the people in this world that excessively annoying that need treatment.
@sudokurapist 3 жыл бұрын
I hate hearing people sneeze, cough, breathe too loud or do almost *anything* with their mouth and lips, especially people who are smokers and sound so gurgling; really hated my mom's voice my whole life and brother's too. They both speak so loud and are shouting and are angry all the time. I start literally hating people and fighting them or getting so angry and passive aggressive, I'd shut the door so hard or get into physical fights just cos i hate someone's tone. So hard living with a partner too; I could say I'm a very quiet person when indoors and all i do is very quiet and selective and calculated, but when my partner is around i get angry for the silly things such as him moving or turning in the bed, turning on the light too loud, etc. 😞
@CVNmahdlO 7 ай бұрын
I've been struggling with this most of my life. Sometimes I can go through Months where its not bothering me so much & other times I have to wear earphones with rain sounds playing to drown out certain noises even when in company of others. I can still hear you, but the noise that is triggering me is drowned out. Many noises upset me, but at the moment it's at its worst & I'm struggling to enjoy things like KZbin because of people's voices. This was a more rare issue in the past, but now I can't enjoy my favourite videos because of the voice I'm having to listen to. I'm more triggered by the female voice rather than the male. The emotions I feel depends on the noise. It can be pure rage & hatred or I'm ready to breakdown & cry. I wish this could be treated
@slopely 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I have misophonia
@lindagudding3389 Жыл бұрын
I get triggerd by alot of different sounds. And it makes me really angry, takes alot of my energy... never heard of this unil now. I've been treated for PTSD and borderline in the past, and Im also a HSP personality. Thank you for this information
@kfgold5194 Жыл бұрын
I have always been sound sensitive. The ambient noise in a flying airplane. I become short tempered, anxious and trivially annoyed. Solution: earplugs. I always have a pair with me.
@DaliDoneDusted4019 2 жыл бұрын
I once started screaming when I heard loud eating noises
@CatieCass 3 ай бұрын
I really think I have this. My dad is always, I repeat, ALWAYS tapping his fingers rhythmically on literally every surface his hand is on - the computer desk, the countertop, his other hand, you name it - and it drives me UP A FREAKIN WALL. It never stops. Ever. But if I react negatively to it in any way, I get told that I need to lighten up and ignore it because otherwise people won't wanna be around me. I don't know what to do.
@daveg4152 5 ай бұрын
I actually wanted more info on the biological/physical cause of misophonia. I saw one article on brain differences.I saw an article on differences in brain activity, where the misophonia people's brains had far more activity in the part of the brain that activates when a person chews. The theory was that people with misophonia are "trying" to copy the chewing, subconsciously, or something like that. Did not make much sense but seemed like it was getting in the right direction.
@michaelangelo8139 3 жыл бұрын
Crying babies , barking dogs and screaming women. 🤮🤮🤮 My big three. I found the best cure are headphones or get away . Nothing else works.
@yehiaelyamani6943 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't know that some people do have this and that its identified as a condition. It blows my mind to hear fingers or nails tapping on a surface continuously, or playing with bunch of .keys relentlessly. Sound of fan rattling or A/C too. A car parked nearby with motor running. Also carpenter work in the neighborhood involving hammering makes me irritable as do boys yelling at each other while playing soccer with the ball continuously making sound when hit. As a kid my parents did belittle my suffering, saying it was barely audible. For no reason I feel better now that I am much older and people may comply when approached politely.
@no-nu8tc 5 жыл бұрын
I have it. I have a problem with chewing,people breathing to loudly,clapping,typing, etc. there’s a lot more. When people do sounds that trigger me I get very upset and I feel like punching something. I also repeat trigger noises when people make them. And this Has been a good way to make me feel a bit more relieved after hearing the sound. Is it normal to do that? I’m not sure I’m eleven so I have to listen to the sounds in school all the time. : (. It’s really annoying!!
@jumiii 3 жыл бұрын
I hate crinkling, like paper or plastic wrappers, especially at school when someone's crinkling their paper next to me and it's infuriating
@gcbbyestrella 3 жыл бұрын
I always get very upset when I hear lip smacking, chewing, crunching, slurping, yawning, breathing, etc. Lots of times I cry and get up and leave when I hear these noises. There are the times where I also think of harming the people making these obnoxious noises or harming myself. Quite often, I find myself subconsciously digging my nails into my skin when I get upset by these noises. However, the worst part is my parents and family think I'm overreacting. At dinner, I can't stand the noises they make but sometimes they purposely make these noises to purposely bother me. When they do this, I subconsciously start to eat faster just to get away from them. Most of the time, I cry as soon as I get out of view. I don't want to approach my parents with this because they'll most likely just brush it off and low-key judge me. I'm not sure what to do at this point anymore, I'm tired of putting up with it.
@WeirdoProducer 3 ай бұрын
I haven’t been diagnosed but I feel like I have it. I always sit through family dinners with my headphones on, chewing makes me go nuts
@AndrewDelgado-og6es 4 жыл бұрын
If you notice most of the Misophonia comes when you’re around a certain individual for a long time maybe that’s why it’s not fully understood maybe it just flares up mine are wall banging I feel like it’s always intentional I need help
@tracyg2687 5 жыл бұрын
Is there a correlation between misophonia, hyperacusis, and autism?
@malikmalik1141 3 жыл бұрын
what do I do about slamming doors?
@KinachCuttahmup 8 ай бұрын
I have bad misophonia. Like I get very annoyed and angry. Plastic crinkling, loud chewing, tapping on things continuously, ticking clocks, some people voices… you name it.
@MasonOfLife 2 жыл бұрын
I have some something like this but for vision, certain sights it’s like I can feel what I see and it makes certain things I see very disturbing, the feeling then sticks in my brain, like a phantom smell
@RaysDad 6 жыл бұрын
I wonder if aversive reactions to the other sensory modalities can be grouped with misophonia?
@cypher237 4 жыл бұрын
I have misophonia with the sound of liquid being poured into glasses or containers... & sometimes people gulping when drinking... not sure why... I can't think of any instances that caused these specific triggers, but they can be maddening. I did notice they got slightly more tolerable after losing 50lbs & having better control on my anxiety... Anyone else triggered by these sounds?
@misanthropekirby1610 3 жыл бұрын
Smacking. When my dog endlessly licks her face or opens her mouth and it makes that smacking noise, instant rage. I have to leave the room or give her extra love to tolerate it but oh my god and when I was a kid I would stick crayons in my ears because the cricket drove me insane. People smacking while eating also throws me off a cliff. At least this issue isnt quite yet diagnosed officially because I have enough diagnosis already haha
@Hen412 2 жыл бұрын
I know every person around me who chews loud or breathes loud. I do not like private dinners at home when I'm in the company of others. I need the noise of a restaurant to cover any mouth noises I may focus on. It's amazing how I readjusted my life to cope with this just to avoid the anxiety and rage I feel when I hear these triggering sounds. 😔
@stephaniederry6906 3 жыл бұрын
Complete disgust with lip smacking like i can hear the saliva working and i want to gag. I have to tell them to fix their eating. Also scraping your fork on plate or spoon tapping pisses me off.
@7n154 Жыл бұрын
It's basically a sensitivity to sound. I don't like how this guy instantly equates it to a negative experience all the time. For example, since childhood I've been affected by ASMR sounds. When I was a child in the early 80's, whenever I was upset my parents would sit me in front of the betamax pre-recorded tapes of Bob Ross to calm me down. More than Sesame Street, did I appreciate those soft whispers of 'happy trees' and the whisp of oil paint on canvas. For reals, Bob Ross was the inventor of ASMR. But for me, it extended beyond that. Yes, the sound of someone crunching on chips or wet cereal being chewed will piss me off and send me to another room; but those reactions are manageable. But certain songs or poetic phrases, even just a tap on a door or windowsill, an exhale from across the room; those sounds all make me comforted. My sensitivity to sound inspires a positive reaction more than a negative one.
@jtaylorb88 2 ай бұрын
I've started to get it from irritating things my father does like eating while on the phone with me. It's now to the point I just can't be around certain people who have horrible eating noises.
@86XFA 3 жыл бұрын
My worst trigger is people crunching something like crisps (or for you Americans, chips)
@Someone-vp5kg Жыл бұрын
I have something that's close to misophonia, well it's actually just an overlap between symptoms of adhd and asd. Ok, so what happens is that when I hear sounds, I become angry, alot of the times the sounds are repetitive, but they don't have to be (and that's why I say it isn't misophonia). So, from what I have concluded, it is caused the my hypersensitivity to sound, my hyper-irratibility (especialy to things that distract me), and my lack of impulse control (this isn't why I get angry, but why I act on my anger)
@SK_TorON 6 жыл бұрын
Just came across several lectures by Stephen Porges, where he describes Polyvagal Theory in which functions of autonomic nervous system are linked with emotional experiences and communication. One of the most interesting features of that theory is the reaction of humans (as well as other mammals) to prosody, or to the tone and intonation of voice and of sound more generally. Steve Porges was on a podcast dedicated specifically to misophonia: kzbin.info/www/bejne/pHOWn4ZqfM2Sb80
@KristinaKubiliene 11 күн бұрын
My triggers when clock ticking even electronic I can’t sleep at the night,people eating , breathing loudly,cutlery on plate.Makes me 😱
@meaghenstandlee6644 4 жыл бұрын
The clicking of my dads super nitendo controller drove me 😠 crazy!! ) i have to play super nitendo with ear plugs lol especially the buttons that stick ugggh torture for my 7 yr old ears !
@juligriffin6115 3 ай бұрын
For any sound intolerance or aversion issues, check into sound integration therapy through an occupational therapist like "safe and sound protocol". Don't ever just use headphones as a long-term solution (unless that does the trick for you with no adverse consequence), and don't bother wasting time seeing any doctors to get answers, because they don't have any, including psychologists/psychiatrists, ENT's, audiologists, neurologists, or any others that it would seem might or should.. you will end up seeing one doctor after another and eventually end up in CBT, which isn't going to fix a neurological issue. Use headphones or earplugs only when needed, and make an appointment with someone who truly understands the nervous system and how to work with it beyond throwing pills at it, like a neurologist and other doctors will. I am afraid to see the consequences, years down the line, of this and other sensory issues being treated with antipsychotics, because that's what they are doing these days.
@goodmorningu.s.a3595 2 жыл бұрын
I wont even chew gum because the noise would drive myself up a wall
@romcc123 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there Dr Grande. I have recently had a terrible over reaction of anger because of a song. My anger was completely off the rails and I am worried that this misophonia is a condition of something worse underlying? I was glad to see you had done a video about this but as it’s been a year, has the knowledge around misophonia improved or progressed? Thank you in advance.
@SundayVenom 3 жыл бұрын
My body literally cringes from sounds. Mostly any kind of scraping sound. A soda can sliding across the counter hurt me lol
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