What is the anthropic principle?

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Physics World

Physics World

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In less than 100 seconds, Roberto Trotta explains this often misunderstood philosophical idea. Visit physicsworld.com for more videos, webinars and podcasts.

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@TechSyndicate83 Жыл бұрын
Some dude going on about some analogy of a bank robber cracking a safe brought me here.
@clarkcasada4807 6 ай бұрын
#IntelligentDesign #StephenMeyer
@jovindream 6 ай бұрын
Lol Daily Dose of Wisdom
@CapricornRaSolstice 6 ай бұрын
Me too
@felixdoolan836 6 ай бұрын
@brianjones1968 6 ай бұрын
@jimmymelonseed4068 Жыл бұрын
The other possibility is that the universe was designed explicitly for the existence of Humans by some intelligent power greater than all the energy and matter within it.
@sunnyray7819 9 ай бұрын
It's the most probable. The other theories are missing too much and actually take way more faith once you dig into statistics alone of chance for millions of millions of millions of millions of chances to all line up over and over. Like winning the lottery millions of years in a row. But much bigger odds even than that. And the Genetic Code was there from the beginning. Can't be explained away by Atheism or evolution. They also failed in the fossil records to provide substantial evidence for any kind of evolution for any missing link let alone all of them. I could keep going for days why it's retarded to think we weren't Created. But no amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.
@skooma103 8 ай бұрын
If you're positing the existence of some greater power who is infinitely powerful and creative, then why would this power be constrained to create life within a narrow band of parameters? If God exists, the universal constants could have been anything, and God could still have created universe within that setting. If you introduce an omnipotent God, the idea of "fine tuning" becomes incoherent.
@sunnyray7819 8 ай бұрын
@@skooma103 Why would fine tuning of our everything in every molecular structure in existence in our galaxy not prove intelligent design if anything? The chances of that are just beyond any calculation of odds. And for it all to have order and function? There is a Definite Law Giver and Creator behind all this. The Genetic Code and DNA are way too an advanced of a system and program to evolve. And the Genetic Code was there from the beginning. To run the 3.2 Million base pairs of letters in DNA. Which DNA is needed to even form a single protein. RNA copies what it needs from the DNA and actually mechanical little robots like creatures transport information to repair a cell. The Genetic Code is actually a really advanced software type language program to run DNA. We only see a Language created by intelligence. Not to mention all the other layers of complexity to make it all functional at once and all the cells even to resonate at the right frequency at the same time so finely tuned it would fall apart if it was slightly off. Holding together what we think of as solid but is mostly empty space. Everything has to be finely tuned to work along with literally billions of factors all at once for life to have a chance. It's not a coincidence or random. All the plants and trees and animals and weather and air and countless factors all had to be just right. And we see fingerprints of creation with mathematical equations that make up literally everything in us and around us, in nature, the solar system, we find Phi, Pi, The Fibbonacci Sequence, The Golden Ratio, Sacred geometry and corresponding cymatics. Quantum Physics.... We know when we observe light it acts differently. There are way too many hints that don't point to Intelligent Design but obviously show it. We are just beginning to understand.
@PaulRezaei 8 ай бұрын
@@skooma103 Hypothetical thought question for you- let’s pretend that there is a universe/reality that is intentionally created. Let’s also say that you somehow get to examine it extensively. What kind of evidence should you expect to find in that intentionally created reality that would indicate intentionality?
@skooma103 8 ай бұрын
@@PaulRezaei For me, if this universe has been intentionally created by a benevolent God who wants his creation to know him, then his existence should be self-evident to myself, and basically every other non-resistant non-believer on Earth. Nobody should be genuinely skeptical of God's existence through their intuitions or their examination of the evidence. In short, nobody would have to debate the existence of God since it would as self-evident as 2+2=4
@francoisona 3 жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained. Spent last 30mins reading 1 paragraph trying to understand . You nailed it down in 1min 46sec
@fuckmaciouspalpatine9447 3 жыл бұрын
You spent 30 mins on a paragraph?
@civilization57 Жыл бұрын
Total science fantasy. And that fantasy just explains the existence of all the matter and energy, but not the existence of space, or the 3rd dimension, or all the laws of science. Or the existence of time itself. Or why the universe appeared recently and not 10 to the 100th power years ago. Now take the existence of life itself. A human cell has 2.6 billion perfectly ordered DNA base pairs. The odds of this happening by random chance is one in 16 to the 2.6 billion power, a number greater than all the atoms in the universe! (16 because of the number of ways the 4 DNA molecules could be arranged.) The only reasonable solution is God.
@Gambit22003 26 күн бұрын
What the heck is lambda?
@rorschach5652 Жыл бұрын
There's a very interesting book that explains this better. it starts with "In the beginning..."
@lloydnyako6060 5 ай бұрын
YES YES YES! God did it! 😎
@feesmommy 4 ай бұрын
Amen to that
@biekgiek 3 ай бұрын
A Brief History of Time stars with those words?
@devonnotdevin9998 28 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂stop it
@ghallums Жыл бұрын
Easily explained. A perfect universe was created by a perfect being. God.
@RoofingConnecticut Жыл бұрын
Lmao right?
@popiko282 5 ай бұрын
Which god?
@ghallums 5 ай бұрын
​@@popiko282 The ONE and only God. God.
@Medieva1 5 ай бұрын
@revengance4149 20 күн бұрын
@@ghallums would you consider this universe to be perfect?
@jg4x Жыл бұрын
Where did you get the number “up to ten to the 500th power”?
@koala323ro 3 ай бұрын
I was scrolling for this comm. :)😂
@jg4x 3 ай бұрын
@Becca_Lynn Жыл бұрын
Came here from reading Craig Keener’s book “Miracles”. Very interesting and great explanation. Thanks! 😊
@thantus9315 8 жыл бұрын
Imagine you and your friends are trapped in a room, and you have 3 dice with you, and this evil dude tells you to roll the 3 dice so that they all land on the number 1. You can't place them, you gotta roll them. If you don't roll 3 perfect 1s, the evil dude will shoot all of you down. This means you and your friends can only survive in the universe in which all 3 dice rolled 1s, which has a 1/216, or 0.46%, chance of happening. That's more or less what this video is saying, or rather the metaphor... Btw, this example is an excerpt from and upcoming videogame that directly references the Anthropic Principle. The characters you play as only survive if you roll the dice as such, all based on RNG, so you just have to replay every time, across a "multiverse", to get it just right.
@thantus9315 8 жыл бұрын
The game is called "Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma" and it's about a group of people trapped in a bomb shelter forced to play a sadistic game of Saw, where life-and-dead decisions are made and, depending on your choices, could result in different people dying. If you're interested in playing it, do note the 3 in the title is there for a reason. The scene in question I mentioned has 3 of the main characters trapped in a room and their "choice" is to roll the dice and hope they all land on 1s or else they get shot down. Because it's *mostly* luck based, reloading your save file/the checkpoint to try again is an integral part of the gameplay, even if the odds are actually baited in your favor so you don't spend an eternity trying again and again...
@danieldegeratu6658 7 жыл бұрын
Don't worry though, you don't have to roll the dices for bazilions times in order to survive, just 3.
@marty8951 7 жыл бұрын
Very comforting.
@cambridge5770 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder how this game pleases its players
@eyemallears2647 4 жыл бұрын
No such thing as evil
@hanicky654 3 жыл бұрын
thank you so much this helped me so immensely. I am so unbelievable thankful right now for this gracious giving of such a simple method. I am truly blessed and humbled by the fact that you would even consider sharing this exiting theory with such a small being such as me.
@mikeshawbrook-selfreliance Жыл бұрын
Calm down
@bob_s_drawkcab 11 ай бұрын
Mushrooms are fun
@samuelcardenas7843 4 ай бұрын
How small are you?
@dartskihutch4033 Жыл бұрын
10^500 is such a random stab in the dark... What exactly is this number based on besides a random guess of how many universes there are?
@Sam2.0574 5 жыл бұрын
Sheldon Cooper brought me here.
@ambreenzahra5036 4 жыл бұрын
hahahhaha i just came here by watching sheldon Cooper
@nidhipandey2174 4 жыл бұрын
@markmerzweiler909 3 жыл бұрын
I am proud to be here without the aid of a television show.
@snehak4916 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@alexandergallatin6389 3 жыл бұрын
@jamx97 6 жыл бұрын
Whatever generated the multiverse must be fine tuned as well.
@evanwarthen1146 4 жыл бұрын
@Stefan Dingenouts Because there is only ONE example. Any other example and we would not exist, as the Cosmological Constant would make that impossible. Its pretty simple to me, not sure how that's nonsense to you.
@imgoing2stayonyourmind654 4 жыл бұрын
There is absolutely no proof of a multiverse.
@imgoing2stayonyourmind654 4 жыл бұрын
@Incognito Poet I fully acknowledge and appreciate that there's evidence; and I hope there's more to come. I should have stated, that it isn't "absolute proof".
@Numenorean921 4 жыл бұрын
@@imgoing2stayonyourmind654 lol sadiq you got BTFO'd take it like a man
@imgoing2stayonyourmind654 4 жыл бұрын
@@Numenorean921 Oafish nincompoop, wtf are you talking about? 😀
@PaulTheSkeptic 5 жыл бұрын
Somewhere out there in the vast distance, there's a floating ball of pure energy and light talking to another floating ball of pure energy and light and it's saying "Did you know that if the parameters of our universe were changed only very slightly, the entire universe would be flooded with deadly matter and antimatter."
@xmz70 9 жыл бұрын
believing multiverse require more faith than believing god, I think.
@TheAverageJoe2014 7 жыл бұрын
In my opinion believing in either require dubious amounts of faith. Why is there not a third, non-participating option until better evidence surfaces?
@MouseGoat 7 жыл бұрын
why, and why believing? a multiverse just is, it doesn't matter if we believe it is there or not. and if you follow logic as we know it a multiverse is rater logical. instead of everything just stopping, it gives the idea of there being something, and also gives hope. and i really never understood the argument that there being someting like a God makes sense, because what came before this god? how could there be something with no start? if there is something with no start, can it then have a end? i dont think it can, say i had a snake with a head but no tail-end just a infinite long sanke. if i grabbed on to a random spot on it, how fare would i be from its head? the head is after all just a infinte small part of this snake. so logic says i would have a infinite chance of being infinit far away from its head, it's technically not 100% but then again, it really is. and if someting never starts, and never ends, then its as good as the multiverse, becue in a infinite time frame, infinite tings wil happen a infinite number of times in infinite different orders. therefore i find the multiverse to be the most logical simple thing. but if there really is a true end, if all is just is a one shot ting. well at least i won't exist to be sad about it. -so in a way i really do look forward to my death.- .
@joehua2580 6 жыл бұрын
which god are you talking about? last time i check there were 4000 of them
@kyjo72682 6 жыл бұрын
Multiverse is a _way of looking_ at the Universe - which is _everything that exists._ The multiverse is the Universe split into multiple seperate _logical_ chunks. Each chunk (parallel universe) being described by a set of non-contraditory statements. If there are two contradicting statements, they describe two different mutually-exclusive parts of the universe.
@lichro 5 жыл бұрын
@@MouseGoat You're assuming time is linear. Nice logic though.
@daynevickers1079 11 ай бұрын
So the question is, "Why do we live in such a finely tuned universe?". The answer is simple. Because God knew what He was doing.... and why He was doing it.
@ronaldderooij1774 8 жыл бұрын
I really do not understand why people bother so much about the anthropic principle and finetuning. We are in this universe, because apparently this universe was fit for life. Now wether or not that is a coïncidence beyond belief is not relevant. We are here to ask the question. I mean, it is the same as a lottery winner. He/she got lucky, incredibly lucky, but they still exist, the lottery winners. So, life may be a lottery winner. Really it is not relevant if there are more universes or just one. That is pure speculation. If the Big Bang would have been slightly different, there would be no-one to ask the question. End of story.
@mormonsuicide 8 жыл бұрын
Let's play poker. I'll admit to you that I'm a professional magician. (Which is true by the way) there are 10 people (you are among them wagering money) at a normal poker table & I'm the dealer. I deal the cards and position 3 gets a four of a kind and wins. Now imagine the very next hand has the same result with the exact same hand. (About 9 million to 1) Now imagine this happens an additional two times. (Exponentially higher odds) That's a total of 4 - identical four of kinds to the same player four hands in a row. Hey "apparently this poker table was fit for such an occurrence" [paraphrase]! BTW the odds for the big bang ALONE are exceedingly larger than this. I ask you is it really the same? PS: In probability theory you must multiply consecutive probabilities.
@mormonsuicide 8 жыл бұрын
*****​ I'm saying that this universe is fine-tuned. You have ZERO evidence of ANY another universe. Scientists have only scratched the surface on this one. I firmly believe in God as a reasonable stance. There is more evidence in favor of this notion vs. The multi-verse. The multi-verse is grasping at straws and denying the obvious! Review my analogy.  Btw research "Fermi Paradox"
@mormonsuicide 7 жыл бұрын
Mark Gonzalez By what standard or measure do you use to determine whether something is designed or merely has the appearance of design?
@edthoreum7625 7 жыл бұрын
it is so simple, just think what will happen if the Sun & jupiter is taken out of the equation? this is the basis for us finding exoplanets (trappist I) 40lya. some fussion/ solar similar system balanced by protective (from meteors) surrounding planets. there are hospitable planets out there but time & our very weak body not meant for cosmo traveling , works againts us. so computers is the answer?
@Car_Mo 6 жыл бұрын
Religion is is a pillow for the mind, science if fuel for the mind
@nm-com 8 жыл бұрын
well. physics is a description of nature. cosmology being part of physics, it is a description as well. nothing more than a description of how our measurements behave as we change the circumstances/properties of our detectors. now the anthropic principle is NOT about other unvierses. this is the major flaw made in such conclusions. it is about changing our description of nature. if we change the description, will it still describe our measurements?. turns out the description is already so detailed and consistent, that changing it, will have major differences in the overall result of the description. like moving a single card in a house of cards, it will cause the collapse. but this is just a proove how interconnected the theories (descriptions) are.
@djelalhassan7631 2 жыл бұрын
Yes the religion of the materialist many worlds/multiverse raises its ugly head again to confuse the people about the realty of the anthropic principle of the One Universe, this Universe, that is to deny and reject the Creator, consciousness, free will, and morality
@jaytamayo4694 4 жыл бұрын
Forgive me, but I just didn't get it. Is it me,is it because I am sleepy or you just don't get us to listen? Thanks anyways. Will watch it for the 3rd time.
@SKCAAR 4 жыл бұрын
Multiverse Theory does not explain anything and it's not the answer.
@Ben-ft4li 3 жыл бұрын
Multiverse is not even a theory kzbin.info/www/bejne/jnS7YYywf5WUaKs
@treytilley333 11 ай бұрын
It’s a theory that was propagated because background radiation proved there was a beginning and The argument for whether there was a God or not should have ended in the 60s but cosmologists that didn’t want there to be a God decided to go with theories to which there is no experimental evidence for. Thus dogmatic scientism became more prevalent! Being a Jesus follower is the journey any truth seeker will end up being, if they truly are humble enough in how they seek it!
@yasmine5811 4 жыл бұрын
Big Bang Theory anyone?
@ablancscereine 4 жыл бұрын
Yuuuup haha
@TheUtubeuserme 3 жыл бұрын
Nah. Richard Dawkins
@sublime8956 Жыл бұрын
Big bang is a theory
@dgreenbird Жыл бұрын
There's also the possibility that this is a total waste of time and you could think about this till the end of the conceptual time and you won't reach an answer, what does this info help any of you in real life?
@docmacdvet Жыл бұрын
And that's where the forgotten God Hypothesis needs to discussed.
@TheNoerdy 2 жыл бұрын
Why 10^500? That seems so small. What's the limit here?
@MckieDs595 3 ай бұрын
In another universe they would assume they’re universe is the one that is fine tuned. We were created in this universe so it will fit us perfectly.
@sunshineo23 7 жыл бұрын
I predict that we soon will find second law of thermodynamics wrong because of "Anthropic principle". Yeah there are many more ways to organize the universe to make it chaotic but we are not experiencing those. In those universes, we died. We are experiencing a very special path of the universe that the entropy stays put or eventually cleaned up by black hole.
@ahumanperson3649 4 жыл бұрын
Not really. First of all, black holes don’t suck up entropy, entropy still increases in them. Second of all, just because we exist now doesn’t mean we will exist forever. The conditions may be okay for us now, but billions of years from now, this doesn’t have to apply. Just because the right conditions for life have existed once, doesn’t mean the universe is destined to have those same conditions forever. That argument only would apply if entropy magically disappeared and we ended up living past when heat death should’ve happened. Third of all, sorry for replying to such an old comment, but I could resist rebutting this.
@omnise 2 жыл бұрын
If the second law of thermodynamics were wrong, refrigerators and air conditioning would be physically impossible.
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 жыл бұрын
If the physical constants of nature are so finely tuned for human subjective observers, then are the physical constants of nature all tied to a subjective observation?
@Car_Mo 6 жыл бұрын
So according to the anthropic principle, several universes exist parallel to each other and we're lucky enough to live in one where life is possible. Is there a principle that say universes could be existing one after the other (big bang > big crunch > big bang > big crunch .. and so on). As in; this Big Bang was a lucky one? Of all the dimensions, time is the most humbling one ...
@johnlemus7921 Жыл бұрын
There are two ways at looking multiverse theory. The first one is all of the different dimensions, different universes came into existence at the same time. They are preexisting. The second way is, every time a person makes a choice, they make an infinite number of parallel universes are created where something other than the choice you made happens. Either way you look at it, the conclusion is the same. There are an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of probabilities and possibilities.
@joshua2400 11 ай бұрын
The interesting thing my friend is theres actually no evidence for multiverse, it's entirely untestable
@joshua2400 11 ай бұрын
Christ Jesus the sovereign God loves you ### if youre willing to hear this the Holy Trinity healed me miraculously of my chronic breathing issues that had plagued me if not most nights then every single night for years on end on top of this God has healed Duane Miller: he was tested by 63 specialists and 200 + doctors, for what? Well they had confirmed he had permanent vocal damage he spent years with permanent damage which was torment for his body but the Holy Trinity however had other plans and miraculously healed Him- this healing was actually unintentionally recorded during a sermon teaching # # if you want to hear this, === crossroad church on youtube has a video on it with a black background
@johnlemus7921 11 ай бұрын
@@joshua2400 Absence of Evidence does not mean Evidence of Absence”, an old quote by Dr Carl Sagan
@PeterParker-vi2nl 4 ай бұрын
@@johnlemus7921So can the same argument be made for the possibility of God? Or is that different? Just curious. Not any God in particular, just the idea of a creator
@boerbeun Жыл бұрын
Sir, you talk a bit fast for your accent to understand it in one go. Might be my hearing thats off though
@EP3mentalist Жыл бұрын
Am I totally missing something or is this kind of obvious. Its like saying that if water is held in a cup then the cup must be capable of holding water.
@heyNXS 12 күн бұрын
if this realm is perfect for us, and there are miltiverses, wouldn't we then exist in one of those impossibility planets with a different value of Lamda?
@josephsellers5978 4 ай бұрын
Seems to me more likely these are variables, that when understood could potentially unlock access to other dimensions in the only universe.
@itstheotherwhitemeat Жыл бұрын
any reason or explanation besides there being a creator.
@seivaDsugnA 3 жыл бұрын
So... God still exists?
@kingsj7662 Жыл бұрын
In so many words yes lol
@seivaDsugnA Жыл бұрын
@project-pe6ly 7 жыл бұрын
what if we live in a simulation created by humans that are extinct.. what if all this is in a computer-planet just to simulates lives of the creators over and over until the end of time... ?
@edthoreum7625 7 жыл бұрын
how many times have you watch the Matrix?😨
@Moath1277 4 жыл бұрын
Who said the anthropologic principal is true? That’s circular reasoning
@noaht8592 3 жыл бұрын
because we can directly observe the constants?
@Moath1277 3 жыл бұрын
@@noaht8592 here’s what the anthropologic principal assumes: if A is true, then B. B then A. That’s affirming the consequent, it’s flawed reasoning.
@noaht8592 3 жыл бұрын
@@Moath1277 circular reasoning only works as a fallacy if neither premise can be proven true.
@Moath1277 3 жыл бұрын
@@noaht8592 Which is the case here, unless you don’t understand the principle. The domain at hand is not one is science, it’s metaphysics.
@noaht8592 3 жыл бұрын
@@Moath1277 But our direct observation of the constants and the simulations that have been run show the incredible impossibility of it being by chance. I consider the multiverse to be improbable but this is still a sound argument if you refuse to accept god(which I accept)
@johnlemus7921 Жыл бұрын
Can't this be attributed to the Fibonacci Sequence?
@Landrew0 7 жыл бұрын
There are two apparent explanations for the anthropic principle: "The universe is configured exactly perfect for us to exist." 1) Abiogenesis, or natural creation from inorganic origins, leading to what we are; and "if were configured any other way, we wouldn't be here to observe it." 2) An intelligent, supernatural designer created it. This seems the simplest, and fans of Occam's Razor may say the most plausible. Human reasoning should not follow the path of least resistance. The second explanation may look like the simplest, but it entails a myriad of difficulties, including the existence of magic and magical deities. Also, the problem of infinite regression leads back to the necessity for a natural origin similar to Explanation #1. Occam's Razor does not entitle one to ignore troublesome and critical components of a theory. Quite the opposite, it should strip away fallacious arguments which should make the task simpler.
@edthoreum7625 7 жыл бұрын
great idea but it is much easier, you take two things away, (Sun &Jupiter ) and puff ,no 7 billion homosapiens😈
@TheLlywelyn 2 жыл бұрын
Good summary. Both options have significant difficulties and no direct evidence. I've observed bias for or against the existence of consciousness beyond I've noted pushes people one way or the other. Rational thought requires keeping both of these and other possibilities open, even if distasteful.
@donalddon3487 4 жыл бұрын
But what about the many worlds with out life and all the mass extinctions
@havenbastion 4 жыл бұрын
The universe is fine-tuned for death, for which life is a mere prerequisite.
@alfahim9iner 10 жыл бұрын
There's no evidence for multi-universes. Very good video though. :)
@iranjackheelson 7 жыл бұрын
There's no evidence for your intelligence. Very good comment though. :)
@MouseGoat 7 жыл бұрын
lol yeah,let's just accept Rick and Morty as evidence for a multiverse XD
@RubeusArchos 7 жыл бұрын
at same time we cant show that this reality is real ether. its all subjective
@kyjo72682 6 жыл бұрын
Rubeus, the subjective reality is always real. Cogito, ergo sum. The question is whether the same is true about the _objective_ reality when it's not being observed.
@kjvnews8326 4 жыл бұрын
@@iranjackheelson There is no evidence for YOUR intelligence. Not only is there no evidence for a multiverse, (it is only a theory). There would be absolutely no way to prove it. We exist in THIS universe and this time & space dimension. There's no way to leave this time & space universe to see if others exist. Not only that, the idiot in this video only tried to explain one single part of the Anthropic Principle. One of the greatest proofs for a Creator & Intelligent Design is the EXTREME fine-tuning of our Universe. Most people have absolutely no idea how extremely fine-tuned our universe, galaxy, solar system & planet must be for life to exist. Besides the complexity of the cell itself, the greatest PROOFS for a Creator is the extreme fine tuning that is required for life, and especially for advanced life to occur anywhere in the universe. In order for life to exist anywhere requires the right type of galaxy cluster, the right type of galaxy (spiral, and only 5% of all galaxies are spiral). The star must also be in the right location in the spiral galaxy. The great majority of stars are located either in the central bulge and could NEVER have a planet with life due to the super-massive black hole in the central bulge, other black holes & supernova that are constantly spewing out deadly radiation. It is the same problem with the spiral arms. There is too much deadly radiation. But our own star, the sun, is located between the spiral arms; however, even this must be extremely fine-tuned. Almost all of the stars located between these arms travel at different speeds and eventually, they all wind up in the deadly spiral arms. But our sun is located at what is known as the corotation distance and it rotates at the same speed as the galaxy itself. So our sun constantly remains between these spiral arms. The planet’s star itself must also be the right size, contain the right mass, contain the right metallicity, and it must even be the right color in order for photosynthesis to occur on the planet. The stars planet (earth) must be the right distance from the star and it must remain there in a circular, or a near circular orbit. If the earth were just 2% closer or farther away from the sun, life on the planet could not exist. The planet must also have the right rotation rate of 24 hours.. If it were any less, our planet would constantly have hundred mile an hour winds like Jupiter. Any more and our planet would get much too hot during the day and then much too cold at night. The planet must also have the right gravity or we'd either be glued to the earth from the planets mass, or we’d be hopping around the planet like the astronauts did when trying to walk on the moon. The planet also requires the right number of moons (one), that happens to be the right size, in the right location and distance to keep our planet from tumbling, and keep the poles where they are. It is also needed for our oceans tides which are also important for life. The History channel had a one hour program that showed just how important the moon alone is for life on earth. We also need the other huge planets like Jupiter & Saturn with their huge mass & which also must be in the right location in our solar system. These planets constantly protect the earth from asteroids, comets and meteors. During our own lifetime we witnessed the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact that smashed into Jupiter. If it had hit the earth instead, that would have been the end of all life on our planet. Even the moon helps to protect us to some degree and we can look up and see all of the craters on the moon & the hits that it took for us in the past. The earth's escape velocity must be fine-tuned so that deadly gasses such as methane & ammonia (16, 17) dissipate from the atmosphere, while oxygen (18), which we need to breathe, doesn’t. Moreover, we need the right amount of oxygen at 20%. If this level was greater, our planet would become combustible & forest fires would rage out of control destroying life on the planet. But if our oxygen level was any less, advanced life could never exist. We also need the right amount of carbon. All life is carbon based, but if there were too much, it would combine with our oxygen forming carbon dioxide, and there goes all of the oxygen we need to breathe. Our bodies also require dozens of other elements and minerals that are all readily available in just the right quantities. These include sodium, potassium, calcium that are needed in large amounts. Others, such as copper, fluoride, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, etc. that we also need are all readily available in smaller and trace amounts. We need the right quantity of water in our oceans for life to exist & even the salt content in the oceans has to be fine tuned to permit life. We need the right quantities & types of uranium and thorium, all in the right quantities and in the right locations under the surface of the earth in order for plate tectonics to occur. Without plate tectonics continually pushing up our continents, gravity, rain & wind erosion over millions of years would result in our entire planet covered with one mile of ocean. We need the earth's iron core creating the magnetic field that protects life on earth from the sun’s radiation, and we also need the ozone layer to protect us from the UV radiation coming from the sun. Of ALL of the fine-tuning characteristics mentioned however, the greatest of all is the expansion of the Universe. If this expansion was just a tiny bit slower the universe would have collapsed in on itself. But if the expansion had just been a little bit faster, our galaxies could never have formed to begin with. For almost a century now, scientists have been stating that our universe is “expanding”. At least a dozen times in the bible God confirms this when he said that He: “stretched out the heavens”. Recently, they’ve even been using the same word and saying that space has a self-STRETCHING property. Now these are just a few of the HUNDREDS of extreme fine-tuning characteristics that scientists have recently discovered and that are ALL required for life to occur anywhere in the universe. Each year the scientists are discovering more and more of this extreme fine-tuning. I have only listed a few of them. These astrophysicists & scientists have estimated that the odds of just one planet in our entire universe having ALL of the required characteristics for advanced life are more than the estimated number of electrons in our universe. For more information on this subject Google: Reasons to Believe [in a Creator] by Hugh Ross. Ross is an astronomer, scientist and former atheist. His book Reasons to Believe lists many more fine-tuning requirements & his work is also available on KZbin for more information on the miracle of God’s creation - our Universe.
@onzkicg 4 ай бұрын
That’s why I should have listened to my high school teacher. Now I’m middle age it’s harder for brain to stay for more than 15sec hahaha 🤣 Thanks for the knowledge though, keep it going!
@Jonathan-cy6bw Жыл бұрын
Not so random thought, as I've been possessed by this question since I was a kid, and that is: why is my soul in this body specifically? I have always thought that that is a really strange thing. That my consciousness is here and not there or there or there... But let's say that it is part of my physical me. Can we use this anthropic priniciple on the human soul? Or earth? Or trees?
@crunchman9414 11 ай бұрын
Without the possibility of God existing, then no it’s not a reliable theory.
@MH-wm6df 11 ай бұрын
Huh? It’s called your Brain. You don’t have a soul .
@PeterParker-vi2nl 4 ай бұрын
FINALLY DUDE!! I’ve been thinking the same thing
@markemerson98 Жыл бұрын
How many billions of years would it take for the dice to show all sixes?
@brendawilliams8062 6 ай бұрын
Ask AI. She can throw some triangles 👍
@Snoozy_FTW Жыл бұрын
So my question is there may exist multiple universes ?
@Sean-ec7ov 9 жыл бұрын
Why 10^500
@j-r-m7775 6 жыл бұрын
Sean Miller I thought the exact same thing it seems to me they pulled that number out of their ass.
@kyruublad 5 жыл бұрын
It just represents a crazy high number. 10 with 500 zeroes on the end. Jist for perspective
@SKCAAR 3 жыл бұрын
@@j-r-m7775 😆
@scalecoastheroes Жыл бұрын
Or, there is a creator God. To me, it takes more faith to believe in all these man made theories then to believe God with His unimaginable power could create all we see and even our eyes which we use to see all He has created.
@Dan.50 7 жыл бұрын
You have a ten piece puzzle, you put it in a bag and shake it up then dump it out. How many times would you have to do it before the puzzle fell out in perfect order? That would have had to have happened billions if not trillions of times to get life. What are the odds?
@edthoreum7625 7 жыл бұрын
much easier, you put dAncer #1 (sun fussion) & dancer #2( Jupiter protection ) & you have Tango(earth)😈
@SirDanielHorton 6 сағат бұрын
Seems like a scale of probability. We happen to life in a fundamentaly lucky plain of the multi verse. Is that why we haven't encountered GEV are we in a universe that is prone to beneficial outcome? Have I smoked 1 too many? Questions for Q? 🤔
@doncamp1150 3 жыл бұрын
Up to 10 to to the power of 500? My goodness, such precision! Especially when there is actually no evidence of a multiverse at all.
@omnise 2 жыл бұрын
Science is tested AGAINST evidence, not held up by it.
@doncamp1150 2 жыл бұрын
@@omnise this is philosophy,not science. But your point is well taken.
@enochbird3862 Жыл бұрын
So earth is a sweet spot for life in a universe that's a sweet spot for matter.
@junacebedo888 Жыл бұрын
Evidence for the multi-verse?
@shanecassel-fo1bs Жыл бұрын
Of course we are just right for this universe otherwise we couldn’t exist, a fish isn’t born in a desert
@kjvnews8326 4 жыл бұрын
And THAT is horseshit! That does not explain at all all of the other coincidences. He only tried to explain one part of the principle, the expansion of the universe itself. One of the greatest proofs for a Creator & Intelligent Design is the EXTREME fine-tuning of our Universe, not just the expansion rate. Although that is the most difficult to explain, he conveniently left out everything else. Most people have absolutely no idea how extremely fine-tuned our universe, galaxy, solar system & planet must be for life to exist. Besides the complexity of the cell itself, the greatest PROOFS for a Creator is the extreme fine tuning that is required for life, and especially for advanced life to occur anywhere in the universe. In order for life to exist anywhere requires the right type of galaxy cluster, the right type of galaxy (spiral, and only 5% of all galaxies are spiral). The star must also be in the right location in the spiral galaxy. The great majority of stars are located either in the central bulge and could NEVER have a planet with life due to the super-massive black hole in the central bulge, other black holes & supernova that are constantly spewing out deadly radiation. It is the same problem with the spiral arms. There is too much deadly radiation. But our own star, the sun, is located between the spiral arms; however, even this must be extremely fine-tuned. Almost all of the stars located between these arms travel at different speeds and eventually, they all wind up in the deadly spiral arms. But our sun is located at what is known as the corotation distance and it rotates at the same speed as the galaxy itself. So our sun constantly remains between these spiral arms. The planet’s star itself must also be the right size, contain the right mass, contain the right metallicity, and it must even be the right color in order for photosynthesis to occur on the planet. The stars planet (earth) must be the right distance from the star and it must remain there in a circular or near circular orbit. If the earth were just 2% closer or farther away from the sun, life on the planet could not exist. The planet must also have the right rotation rate of 24 hours.. If it were any less, our planet would constantly have hundred mile an hour winds like Jupiter. Any more, it would get much too hot during the day, then much too cold at night. The planet must also have the right gravity or we'd either be glued to the earth from the planets mass, or we’d be hopping around the planet like the astronauts did when trying to walk on the moon. The planet also requires the right number of moons (one), that just happens to be the right size and in the right location and distance to keep our planet from tumbling, and keep the poles where they are. It is also needed for our oceans tides which are also important for life. The History channel had a one hour program that showed how important just the moon alone is for life on earth. We also need the other huge planets like Jupiter & Saturn with their huge mass & also in the right location in our solar system. These planets constantly protect the earth from asteroids, comets and meteors. During our own lifetime we witnessed the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact that smashed into Jupiter. If it had hit the earth instead, that would have been the end of all life on our planet. Even the moon helps to protect us to some degree and we can see all of the moon craters & the hits that it took for us in the past. The earth's escape velocity must also be fine-tuned so that deadly gasses such as methane & ammonia (16, 17) dissipate from the atmosphere, while oxygen (18), which we need to breathe, doesn’t. Moreover, we need the right amount of oxygen at 20%. If this level was greater, our planet would become combustible & forest fires would rage out of control destroying life on the planet. But if our oxygen level was any less, advanced life could never exist. We also need the right amount of carbon. All life is carbon based, but too much, and it would combine with our oxygen forming carbon dioxide. There goes the oxygen we need to breathe. Our bodies also require dozens of other elements and minerals that are all readily available in just the right quantities. These include sodium, potassium, calcium that are needed in large amounts. Others, such as copper, fluoride, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, etc. that we also need are all readily available in smaller amounts. We need the right quantity of water in our oceans for life to exist & even the salt content in the oceans must be fine tuned to permit life. We need the right quantities & types of uranium and thorium, all in the right quantities and in the right locations under the surface of our earth in order for plate tectonics to occur. Without plate tectonics continually pushing up our continents, gravity, rain & wind erosion over millions of years would result in our entire planet being covered with one mile of ocean. We need the earth's iron core creating the magnetic field that protects life on earth from the sun’s radiation, and we also need the ozone layer to protect us from the UV radiation coming from the sun. Of ALL of the fine-tuning characteristics mentioned however, the greatest of all is the expansion of the Universe. If this expansion was just a tiny bit slower the universe would have collapsed in on itself. But if the expansion had just been a little bit faster, our galaxies could never have formed to begin with. This is the ONLY thing about the principle mentioned in this video. For almost a century now, scientists have been stating that our universe is “expanding”. At least a dozen times in the bible God confirms this when he said that He: “stretched out the heavens”. Recently, the astrophysicists have even been using the same word as the bible and stating that space has a self-STRETCHING property. Now these are just a few of the HUNDREDS of extreme fine-tuning characteristics that scientists have recently discovered, and that are ALL required for life to occur anywhere in the universe. Each year these scientists are discovering more and more of this extreme fine-tuning. I have only listed a few of them. The scientists have estimated that the odds of just one planet in our entire universe having ALL of the required characteristics for advanced life are more than the estimated number of electrons in our universe. For more information on this subject Google: Reasons to Believe [in a Creator] by Hugh Ross. Ross is an astronomer, scientist and a former atheist. His book Reasons to Believe lists many more fine-tuning requirements & his work is also available on KZbin.for more information on the miracle of God’s creation - our Universe.
@pokegenerations Жыл бұрын
There are almost infinite choices that can be made each day by any living creature. All of those choices coalesce into the reality we experience. They do not all necessarily exist as we do at once.
@luangelzoom2882 7 жыл бұрын
The univese is not fine tuned
@kjvnews8326 4 жыл бұрын
One of the greatest proofs for a Creator & Intelligent Design is the EXTREME fine-tuning of our Universe. Most people LIKE YOU have absolutely no idea how extremely fine-tuned our universe, galaxy, solar system & planet must be for life to exist. Besides the complexity of the cell itself, the greatest PROOFS for a Creator is the extreme fine tuning that is required for life, and especially for advanced life to occur anywhere in the universe. In order for life to exist anywhere requires the right type of galaxy cluster, the right type of galaxy (spiral, and only 5% of all galaxies are spiral). The star must also be in the right location in the spiral galaxy. The great majority of stars are located either in the central bulge and could NEVER have a planet with life due to the super-massive black hole in the central bulge, other black holes & supernova that are constantly spewing out deadly radiation. It is the same problem with the spiral arms. There is too much deadly radiation. But our own star, the sun, is located between the spiral arms; however, even this must be extremely fine-tuned. Almost all of the stars located between these arms travel at different speeds and eventually, they all wind up in the deadly spiral arms. But our sun is located at what is known as the corotation distance and it rotates at the same speed as the galaxy itself. So our sun constantly remains between these spiral arms. The planet’s star itself must also be the right size, contain the right mass, contain the right metallicity, and it must even be the right color in order for photosynthesis to occur on the planet. The stars planet (earth) must be the right distance from the star and it must remain there in a circular or near circular orbit. If the earth were just 2% closer or farther away from the sun, life on the planet could not exist. The planet must also have the right rotation rate of 24 hours.. If it were any less, our planet would constantly have hundred mile an hour winds like Jupiter. Any more, it would get much too hot during the day, then much too cold at night. The planet must also have the right gravity or we'd either be glued to the earth from the planets mass, or we’d be hopping around the planet like the astronauts did when trying to walk on the moon. The planet also requires the right number of moons (one), that is the right size and in the right location and distance to keep our planet from tumbling, and keep the poles where they are. It is also needed for our oceans tides which are also important for life. The History channel had a one hour program that showed just how important the moon alone is for life on earth. We also need the other huge planets like Jupiter & Saturn with their huge mass & in the right location in our solar system. These planets constantly protect the earth from asteroids, comets and meteors. During our own lifetime we witnessed the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact that smashed into Jupiter. If it had hit the earth instead, that would have been the end of all life on our planet. Even the moon helps to protect us to some degree and we can see all of the moon craters & the hits that it took for us in the past. The earth's escape velocity must also be fine-tuned so that deadly gasses such as methane & ammonia (16, 17) dissipate from the atmosphere, while oxygen (18), which we need to breathe, doesn’t. Moreover, we need the right amount of oxygen at 20%. If this level was greater, our planet would become combustible & forest fires would rage out of control destroying life on the planet. But if our oxygen level was any less, advanced life could never exist. We also need the right amount of carbon. All life is carbon based, but too much, and it would combine with our oxygen forming carbon dioxide. There goes the oxygen we need to breathe. Our bodies also require dozens of other elements and minerals that are all readily available in just the right quantities. These include sodium, potassium, calcium that are needed in large amounts. Others, such as copper, fluoride, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, etc. that we also need are all readily available in smaller amounts. We need the right quantity of water in our oceans for life to exist & even the salt content in the oceans has to be fine tuned to permit life. We need the right quantities & types of uranium and thorium, all in the right quantities and in the right locations under the surface of the earth in order for plate tectonics to occur. Without plate tectonics continually pushing up our continents, gravity, rain & wind erosion over millions of years would result in our entire planet covered with one mile of ocean. We need the earth's iron core creating the magnetic field that protects life on earth from the sun’s radiation, and we also need the ozone layer to protect us from the UV radiation coming from the sun. Of ALL of the fine-tuning characteristics mentioned however, the greatest of all is the expansion of the Universe. If this expansion was just a tiny bit slower the universe would have collapsed in on itself. But if the expansion had just been a little bit faster, our galaxies could never have formed to begin with. For almost a century now, scientists have been stating that our universe is “expanding”. At least a dozen times in the bible God confirms this when he said that He: “stretched out the heavens”. Recently, they’ve even been using the same word and saying that space has a self-STRETCHING property. Now these are just a few of the HUNDREDS of extreme fine-tuning characteristics that scientists have recently discovered and that are ALL required for life to occur anywhere in the universe. Each year the scientists are discovering more and more of this extreme fine-tuning. I have only listed a few of them. These astrophysicists & scientists have estimated that the odds of just one planet in our entire universe having ALL of the required characteristics for advanced life are more than the estimated number of electrons in our universe. For more information on this subject Google: Reasons to Believe [in a Creator] by Hugh Ross. Ross is an astronomer, scientist and former atheist. His book Reasons to Believe lists many more fine-tuning requirements & his work is also available on KZbin for more information on the miracle of God’s creation - our Universe.
@ahumanperson3649 4 жыл бұрын
KJVNEWS as I said before, well, if any of those conditions *didn’t* exist, then would you exist to ask that question? No. Fine tuning is not an infallible proof of god/gods existing, it’s a petty argument.
@Dwalk-kl5fz 11 ай бұрын
Daily dose of wisdom brought me here.
@michaelelliot4297 Жыл бұрын
Okay, Let there be love in abundance ❤ Hallelujah! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@tannerw14 6 жыл бұрын
Why 10^500 And not infinity?
@truebeliever6440 5 жыл бұрын
LOL, exactly. Because they come up with a number that would defeat The Fine Tuning Argument, and then that's their "proof" that there must be that many universes. Unfortunately the number keeps going up, WAY UP. According to Roger Penrose, it is now 10^10^123. Then they run into the Cosmological Argument. If it has a beginning....
@limitingchaos 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure where 10^500 or 10^10^123 come from, and even though they seem very large to us, they are nothing compared to infinity.
@foreverduke4059 4 жыл бұрын
@@limitingchaos true. They are almost 0 compared to infinity. Or we can say they are infinitesimally small compared to infinity.
@foreverduke4059 4 жыл бұрын
@Incognito Poet we know this already. Infinity is constantly increasing. What's your point?
@foreverduke4059 4 жыл бұрын
@Incognito Poet no I ain't. You misjudged. Read my comment again.
@johnhunter9283 4 жыл бұрын
What's fined tuned is our language. Our language is simulating a reality where belief in logic exists. What really exists is reason. What is real. Facts. Not logic based on a principle, a belief. Latin was the simulation.
@franciscomartinez-zn5sb 9 жыл бұрын
Sorry, i don't know much physics or anything, but this principle is based on the fact that such constants of the universe to be what they are and allow us to have live and exits is a really small probability compared with all the posible values and combinations of such values, but the fact that they are so wouldn't indicate that maybe such a probability is not so small? since it actually happened? maybe it really ain't possible that there are different values, and we just ain't able to see that obvious fact. Its like when a programmer makes a video game like minecraft for example, for the artificial inteligence that is presented as the NPCs they wouldn't be able to understand why their world is as it is, but for the programmer the constants and values of such world are obvious because he wanted to be so, and there can't be more values because then the world wouldn't be. I feel like the principle is trying to grasp meaning of something that just is as it is, to grasp meaning of such values just ain't able for us. We are like a virus living in a virtual machine inside a computer.
@Sean-ec7ov 9 жыл бұрын
What you're getting at is the theory of everything (currently incomplete). It attempts to explain the fine tunings of the universe by looking for symmetries between all of the forces of nature. Whether or not this or the anthropic principle explains our universe remains to be seen, and may necessarily never be understood.
@humanearthlingman Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Although infinity has to be a value. So there wouldn't be a 10 to 500 universes in the multiverse. There are infinite universes.
@best32968 9 жыл бұрын
If we enter a room with 150 dice and all shows number six is likely impossible type of possibilitie .but the problem the major physicist's ignore that the room actually not having 150 dice actually there is may more possibilities that may not have any negative impact on cosmos working and the cosmos take its time to shape itself. And how confident you are about if all of the dice not show the same number there will be not a single type of life in the whole cosmos. I am not saying that multi universe's is false idea but the the room have 150 dice and all show the same number is not the perfect example. This example misguide other and not show the actual working of universe.
@kamisama9715 5 жыл бұрын
It is that the neutron is 1.00137841870 times heavier than a proton which is what allows it to decay into a proton,electron and neutrino. If the weight of the neutron was a little smaller then protons will decay into neutrons than the other way around.So in stars hydrogen decays into helium and if the neutron was a bit lighter then our universe would be dominated by helium instead of hydrogen which is producing the energy in stars like sun and when helium is high in the star it dies faster so in the first place if it's more helium and less hydrogen,then the when the less hydrogen fuses very quickly in the star it dies very fast before life can form in the planet that revolves around it(Earth).Got the idea dude???
@Linabeina Ай бұрын
Huh?? I'm so stoned and i'm not sure how i ended up here... I was watching Korean street food videos and now i'm just doing my head in... but I'm making Apple Crumble so that will ground me out a lil.
@DestinyLabMusic 11 ай бұрын
Or there is a God who created the universe. Creation is proof of a creator just like a painting is proof of a painter. You do not have to meet the painter to know this. It is self evident just like the design of all life is proof of a Designer. A person must be willingly ignorant to refuse to see this which means dumb on purpose.
@ABitOfTheUniverse 10 жыл бұрын
If there is ever sufficient evidence that these other universes exist, and we discover some way to travel to them without being certain of there conditions ahead of time, I like to imagine that people will go, regardless of the risks. Even if it turned out that the first hundred or thousand missions that we sent to these other universes resulted in traveler being instantly dissolved, crushed, exploded, frozen in time or what have you, there is still the chance that there may be a set of conditions that are so much better for life; say not just planets but the whole universe itself was a soup of material just waiting for a replicator like DNA to bring it to life, that we should not pass up that opportunity. I feel the same way about this universe as far as planets go; we should send life forms from Earth to them to begin the process of bringing the material there to life. So far on this planet there are billions of humans but there are sextillions of organisms that make life for these few billions possible. The more material we convert into life forms that allow for more and more complex chemical relationships, the more minds will emerge from this material and the more interesting this universe will become. I imagine there may, if this multiverse theory is the case, be a universe where the conditions are greater for consciousness to emerge. Maybe it will or has done so in another way than it has here on Earth, as it may have on other planets in this universe, but with different fundamental physical constants than we have here, just imagine how much more amazing those universes would be, or, potentially could be if conscious, self replicating entities like ourselves were introduced to them. Until the multiverse theory is testable or even just has enough support behind it to suggest that it is the case though, we will have to be satisfied with the diverse range of possibilities we may experience in this universe and for now, work with what we have here to make this universe as lively as possible.
@jankoji8 5 жыл бұрын
So Lamda (^) is different in another universe!?! So...if THAT is true, ...that (^) is different, ...is there any way to even theorize about how different the Science-of-Physics would be, in that other universe, or, should I say, universeS?
@kamisama9715 5 жыл бұрын
Not a single way
@jiraiyasanninn Жыл бұрын
Please allow me to pitch in a little theory... perhaps there's only one universe. Created by a deity much like a super bright light so bright indeed that it emited a noice/sound which is actually vibration and that movement created everything we see around us.
@geirtwo 2 жыл бұрын
You have to understand that scale is an illusion, that means that universes supporting life is not improbable at all.
@googlearethevirus3332 3 жыл бұрын
Little feat brought me here! 🎶 The better big bang theory
@MrMackingit Жыл бұрын
What ! This is mind blowing 😮
@sa.8208 3 жыл бұрын
why do ''we'' have to exsist as humans... cant ''others'' we are merely spirits having a human experience.
@Baraa.K.Mohammad 2 жыл бұрын
No this is NOT the "Anthropic Principle", this is the way that Physicist mistakenly interpret the AP or the (Observation Selection Bias) Nick Bostrom repeatedly mentions this... At best case this could be the Physics/Cosmology version of the term Anthropic Principle... If you wanna understand the real Anthropic Principle you should read Nick Bostrom's book...
@syedmahmudulhuda8227 3 жыл бұрын
Sheldon knows it better :p
@bilboswagginz2808 11 ай бұрын
The multiverse is far more improbable than a creator god.
@koala323ro 3 ай бұрын
God scenario is the most improbable out of anything u can think of 😊
@bilboswagginz2808 3 ай бұрын
@@koala323ro how? God is defined as a simple and necessary being… that’s a lot more probable than something complex and not necessary
@koala323ro 3 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@bilboswagginz2808If you would have “10 to the power 500 years” to play the lotto I guarantee you will eventually win ! Same thing with the fine tuned universe, a God wouldn’t be necessary
@bilboswagginz2808 3 ай бұрын
@@koala323ro does something come from nothing?
@koala323ro 3 ай бұрын
@@bilboswagginz2808so u trying to say a God(intelligent omnipotent very complex being)is more likely to to come out from “nothing” rather than some simple atoms that with time lead to something more complex ??
@ascendedeconpol4551 2 жыл бұрын
it is like if the door could only be opened when there is 150x6 die
@f.prince6642 9 ай бұрын
0:18 lol immediately that’s your first mistake 😂
@sad_hedgehog 10 ай бұрын
@catkeys6911 Жыл бұрын
It's just reality, though. Math only makes it scary.
@crazboy84 Жыл бұрын
its wild how scientist find it more probable that there are infinite universes than a creator created..
@franciscoguido6714 11 ай бұрын
An uncaused cause for the universe seems most probable to me, it's hard to prove atheism because they have the burden of proof.
@crazboy84 11 ай бұрын
@franciscoguido6714 Meanwhile its easy to prove God exists, just look outside on a beautiful day.
@trags2 9 ай бұрын
@@crazboy84 That's not proof. Furthermore, beauty is a subjective concept.
@michealbritt4520 2 ай бұрын
I see what KZbin is doing. They want you to fallow.. where to?
@paulbraunstein2290 2 жыл бұрын
Realize he said that we only “observe” ONE universe.
@Avgfireman Жыл бұрын
I like how comic book fans have known about the concept of the multiverse for decades
@schrodingers_smiley_2.0 3 жыл бұрын
Breif ans to the big questions book by stephan hawking broughtme here
@ilancloud1426 Жыл бұрын
Scientists have a God shaped blind spot.
@alba..8479 Жыл бұрын
Damn youtube shorts got me on a path only taken when a suitable amount of weed has been smoked.😅😅
@JLE1177 2 ай бұрын
Im trusting Eric Winstine who says string theory is wrong
@KP-ld6qr Жыл бұрын
Ye that Thing that Looks Like a triangle or the stargate Sign is the number for the universe
@valeriyanev11 Жыл бұрын
Theory of Everything by Trey Smith is way more revealing and explanatory.
@keithkameron 7 ай бұрын
I watched it three times and I still don’t understand 🧐
@doncorleon9 Жыл бұрын
It is possible because of the probability ...
@lukehigley9706 11 ай бұрын
So if something was different everything would be different but it’s not that’s why everything is the way it is something had to come from nothing and this is how it played out
@GuerrillaSM Жыл бұрын
I love how humans have destroyed so many theories on the universe that we resulted to creating theories that are more illogical but are impossible to ever prove and therefore we settle on believing ridiculous ideas like the multiverse. Lol. Though I will say that the idea of aliens is equally ridiculous but it's so well steeped in media that even I believed in them for 40 years of my life. Not anymore
@colonelradec5956 Жыл бұрын
Imagine you can't even ask that question because you don't exist unless 150 dice land on 6. Now imagine the universe is given infinite attempts and nobody's around to view the passage of time. If it's possible at all then it is inevitable with enough chances. And I believe in god. It's just not direct evidence if much at all.
@Denver_Thug Жыл бұрын
A short brought me here
@rocknroses6689 7 ай бұрын
Can’t hear you talk louder
@theonetruegreg1050 Жыл бұрын
We all made this reality when we divided ourselves for fun. 🤫 don't tell the others but we are God.
@xxan84 Жыл бұрын
String Theory is a desperate hypothesis since everything in the Universe screams that we had a creator. Now if it was Mister Mxyzptlk or God, it's a different discussion.
@geoffreyrobinson3627 10 жыл бұрын
Can't have the answer be "God" now can we?
@barneyrubble3440 10 жыл бұрын
We could... if it were true. Which it isn't. Which is why religion belongs in church and science belongs in school.
@CyeOutsider 10 жыл бұрын
It could, if there were any evidence for that hypothesis. But there isn't.
@edthoreum7625 7 жыл бұрын
keep YT secular, your gods in your head/home ,b/c yours are better than mine for sure😈
@DSE75 6 жыл бұрын
Sure the answer could be God, but does that mean we stop digging on how?
@timothylauman6025 6 жыл бұрын
Geoffrey Robinson yes the fact that everything is fine tuned just so reflects a fingerprint of God. I think that science is just a way for humans to try to understand indirectly how God has created things for us.
@RobinWard-q1w 5 ай бұрын
I have no idea what the hell this guy just said . . .
@8888_gates Жыл бұрын
@seele5985 4 жыл бұрын
fml why did i choose to study philosophy i wanna die
@rusting_away767 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe it was destiny?
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