What is the European Commission?

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EU Made Simple

EU Made Simple

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The European Commission is a key institution of the European Union and is responsible for proposing new laws and policies, as well as ensuring that EU laws are properly implemented by member states. This video will explore What the Commission is, what it does, and who controls it.
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Source 1: European Commission
Source 2: European Union, What it Does
Source 3: Wikipedia, European Commission
Source 4: Wikipedia, Pierre Moscovici
Source 5: European Commission, Legal Action Against Hungary and Poland

Пікірлер: 136
@garethbrown9191 3 ай бұрын
Unelected by the people, often the rejects of their own country, over paid bureaucrats with non-jobs creating regulations and laws with no accountability as you can't sack a single commissioner.
@maxharbig1167 3 ай бұрын
UK PMs are not elected by the people as evidenced by the successive incumbents since Cameron cashed in his chips. BTW they do not "create" regulations and laws they propose them: It is the EU Council and Parliament that either approves or rejects them.
@maxharbig1167 9 сағат бұрын
No but elected/selected by their national governments to represent their countries' national interests. Who "elects/selects" the PM of the UK to the office of PM?
@andrasadam8256 Жыл бұрын
Neat recap of what the EC does! The way the EU functions can be a bit of a clusterf..., so it's great that you can explain it to people.
@EUMadeSimple Жыл бұрын
Thanks Andras. The idea is, for the next couple of weeks, I will release 2 videos per week. 1 Educational on Wednesday, and 1 more interesting Current Events/Editorial type video on Friday. I know full well that the educational ones will not do as well haha. But they are important
@nigelennis5807 Жыл бұрын
Really great summary and nicely presented.
@EUMadeSimple Жыл бұрын
thank you :)
@Judah132 Жыл бұрын
The EU commission is why I hate the EU. I like the idea, but the bureaucracy and lobbyism is terrible and undemocratic. Supranational Ogranizations need to be inter-parliamentary bodies: nothing more, nothing less.
@maxharbig1167 3 ай бұрын
As was said at the beginning of the video the government/parliament of each of the 27 member state appoints a Commissioner to represent its own national interests regarding the proposals presented by the Commission to the EU Council and Parliament. The Commission is the Civil Service of the EU and the nationally appointed Commissioners have oversight on what it produces. Please explain how supranational organizations, whatever that means, can be inter-parliamentary bodies? Do you mean organisations within each of the 27 national parliaments or an organisation within the EU Parliament? What do you think the 27 national Commissiomers are there for? Of course they lobby for their own countries' interests. Are you suggesting that the EU Council and Parliament are merely rubber stamping what amounts to edicts from the Commission? If so why do some of them get sent back to the Commission in order to be ammended/adjusted/redrafted?
@bottomhat2534 Жыл бұрын
The commission proposes, parliament scrutinises and the council decides.
@novvak168 Жыл бұрын
Awesome. This is such an important video. The commission is maybe the most missunderstud part of the EU. And a lack of understanding offen leads to very wrong conclusions. It's very helpful to have this video to clear up things. I have to admit that although I like to think of myself as someone with an above average understand of the EU I still need to freshen up on the details from time to time. It would be great to have it for every major EU instutuon. Another great video EU made simple!!!
@gianlucapistoia8993 Жыл бұрын
agree 🤝
@EUMadeSimple Жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@maxharbig1167 3 ай бұрын
Actually, very detailed explanations can be Googled on the EU's web site.
@Richard1A2B 10 ай бұрын
I am so glad this video is in English so that a certain group of people on a certain island which is no longer in the EU can understand: 1. The parliament can elect or reject the entire commission and 2. The Parliament can dismiss the entire commission including the Commission President.
@A190xx 5 ай бұрын
And that has happened.........? Unelected official decide all EU laws. Are your country's laws decide people accountable to the citizens or by political elites?
@Richard1A2B 5 ай бұрын
@arron1906 EU laws are decided by the Council, which is made up of elected member state PMs and the EU Parliament which is directly elected by the citizens. You don't seem to be familiar with the way the EU works.
@Richard1A2B 5 ай бұрын
@@A190xx it happened just at the last EU election of a commission. Do try to keep up. The commission was rejected by the Parliament and had to be reconfigured and represented for approval by the MEPs.
@user-wt8ee3st6y 4 ай бұрын
Note how the sinn fein mep has the comments turned off, chris mcmanus who repersents the sligo area was making a speech about irish neutrality, i suspect the reasons the comments are turned off is because no one believes anything sinn fein says, they only spout what they think the amahadains who vote for them want to hear, so there avoiding unpalatable comments being made.
@VillaDish Жыл бұрын
Great video as always!
@EUMadeSimple Жыл бұрын
@edgardebruin8398 Жыл бұрын
next year we got to vote
@relaxingsounds6168 Жыл бұрын
Who get the biggest bribes, the EU commission or the EU parliament?
@TheProfessional15 3 күн бұрын
The UN in Cyprus LOL
@FrozenSkyy Жыл бұрын
Brilliant work! If only this kind of knowledge had been shared widely before the Brexit referrendum, the UK would never have left! 😢
@miscellaneousvideos8879 Жыл бұрын
I agree - and as well as a lack of information about the EU in general, the Brexit campaign was effective in giving people the false hope that change against the status quo would improve people's lives. It is often easier to make the case for change than the status quo. The Remain side was also hopelessly complacent. And David Cameron, the Remainer prime minister, robbed us of our EU citizenship for his career gain (as did Boris Johnson on the Brexit side, who had even been a Remainer). Very poor timing for a referendum apart from that it was just for Cameron's career, as it was right after the financial crisis and during the refugee crisis, which was a gift to the Brexit camp as an emotive and visual campaign point that could be blown out of proportion, making British people (esp in financially difficult situations) believe migrants were a problem, and somehow thinking the EU had anything to do with it (I do not understand how the Remain campaign did not make it clear that the UK was not in the Schengen Area, so freedom of movement was always controlled).
@Eoin-B Жыл бұрын
@@miscellaneousvideos8879 I just want to add that by migrants, they also were including EU citizens which they had a problem with. They were campaigning on restricting all migrants. That did blow up in their faces though when they were short on truck drivers and farm workers and the visas they began offering after the labour shortage were just pathetic. They assumed Brits would take these jobs but they wouldn't.
@miscellaneousvideos8879 Жыл бұрын
@@Eoin-B good point
@Espiritu_de_Obiwon Жыл бұрын
​@MiscellaneousLondonVideos absolutely agree with you, no voters knew what brexit actually was, most didn't even know what the EU was, including myself. I also would like to take this opportunity to ask, what do you mean by freedom of movement being controled? To what extent is this true?
@miscellaneousvideos8879 Жыл бұрын
@@Espiritu_de_Obiwon I technically misused the term 'freedom of movement', and more meant 'border control'. The EU has the Schengen Area policy, which means that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, the borders are open and identity checks are not customary. That means that you can cross borders without the need to show a passport between Schengen Area countries. To get on a plane, you just needed to show a form of ID - that could be a driving license rather than a passport, and wasn't a border control, but rather a security measure for getting on a confined mode of transport such as aircraft. However, the UK opted out of the Schengen Agreement back in the 1990s, which meant that borders were always controlled, and the same physical barriers are up against illegal immigration before Brexit as after. Which means Brexit has little effect on the strength of the border, but just adds migration restrictions and longer passport checks. True, part of the Brexit argument was to be able to "have full sovereignty over the UK immigration policy", but when the Brexit campaign included photos of asylum seekers and illegal economic migrants (unhelpfully joined into one category) and posing them as a threat to social services etc, Brexit is not going to change that. The physical borders are no harder to try to cross. And sure enough, migration across the channel continues to be a significant point of contention. So any border sovereignty gained by Brexit, on balance, has just hurt the UK, its labour force, and reduced opportunities for UK citizens who would have enjoyed what the EU could offer, many of whom were, like me, just shy of voting age at the time! And of course, I wish the UK could welcome EU citizens in the same way as before. On a side note, lowering the vote to 16, which was debated at the time, would have led to a Remain result, but the Supreme Court ruled against it because of the financial cost (how ironic!) and because of fear it would set a precedent to lower the voting age for all elections. But Scotland's independence referendum was for 16s and up - and it's arguably right for something so determinate as a referendum.
@markdickson3820 Жыл бұрын
Like everything EU, it's complicated and resource inefficient. I've always thought that the undemocratic accusation was overblown since its democratically elected heads of state/gov't choosing them, so it's democracy but one step removed. That said, with the increased visibility and incredible influence the president of the commission has, it is time that eu citizens had a direct say on the election because I know from when my country was a member, eu elections were often a protest vote against gov't of the day and that does a disservice to the commission because it's hugely powerful proposing new laws. Direct elections would make eu elections more seriously consideted I think. A previous video the channel made about claims eu was undemocratic was mostly an anti Brexit piece that made some fair points about house of Lords and fptp system - but I'd respectfully point out Lords is the reviewing chamber not the proposing laws chamber and the power most absolutely rests in house of commons and whilst fptp has downsides such as smaller parties needing to climb higher to get a mp even that has benefits because proportional rep systems are gov'ts that are often run by bureaucracy whilst long negotiations happen and end up in a gov't that are inheritantly week being made up of many parties. I think the EU has past it's infancy now and has grown so large and become so entwined in citizens life (& spends such an incredibly shocking amount of tax money) that it's time for a reform with directly elected (pan-eu) parties president, no national vetoes and generally organising itself into a united states of Europe. It's a road that people where I live couldn't follow you down, but that doesn't mean it's not a road worth taking and it seems like the inevitable destination (with the poss exception of defence as nations are going to be extremely reluctant to give that up even if very pro-eu).
@Judah132 Жыл бұрын
The Nordic Council is the best example on how a supranational organization and identity can be established: as an inter-parliamentary body. Nothing more, nothing less.
@juliansnijder8170 Жыл бұрын
I still think the eu president should be elected by the people. Because it is weird that the president who needs to represent the eu, can not be chosen by the people. I also think this is a major reason why people are euro sceptic. And maybe i have a solution for that. Every member state can bring one candidate. But ofcourse you have candidates from left to right so it needs to be desided by different voting rounds. For example in the first round each member state brings a couple of candidates the people in that specific member state vote for a suitable member the one with the most votes is the candidate that will be on the ballot for running as the eu president. Before the second round every candidate needs to have a vision for the eu so they will be debating with other candidates then the people should be able to watch those debates. And then the people can be able to vote for the one they think have the best vision. And then after that the president need to select commisioners together with the council. Btw i think this Chanel is very nice to have. Because for example here in the Netherlands there is not much Attention to the eu and its system. I think that is also the reason why not much people vote for the eu Parliament because people don't know/ understand how the eu works.
@falsevacuum4667 Жыл бұрын
This system is almost identical to domestic parliamentary systems. Even though the office is called President it is chosen and functions basically like a Prime Minister.
@paul1979uk2000 Жыл бұрын
I do think an elected EU Commission would go along way with the people when it comes to the image of the EU, after all, the best way to close down Eurosceptic debates, is to look into the areas that they complain about. The advantage of that is that it will make it much harder for Eurosceptics to win over the public, because by shutting down the most common complaints we get from them, it will push them to argue on more radical areas, which will make it easier for the public to see them for what they are. For now, the EU makes it quite easy for the Eurosceptic parties around the EU and I do think there needs to be a big push to change that.
@maxharbig1167 3 ай бұрын
@@paul1979uk2000 Brexit and its consequences have succeeded in quieting down the more drastic EU sceptics in EU countries. However, it has to be said that most Euroscepticism in the EU has almost always tended to be less drastic than a desire to leave and more towards reform.
@craiglakin-ck5ow 2 ай бұрын
A very dangerous power structure
@Alpha1200 Жыл бұрын
I would really like it if we went to a system where parliament just directly elected the commission president from among themselves, personally.
@ibecomhaire8724 Ай бұрын
How would you propose that to work?
@CatholicSoldierX Ай бұрын
@@ibecomhaire8724 All members of parlement can propose a candidate. Then all members can vote for 3 different candidates (1 being their own). Candidates with most votes win. New vote for the remaining candidates that have an equal amount of votes. Until all positions are filled. Something like that.
@geheimnis8187 Жыл бұрын
I think the parliament should have some power to propose legislation but the people that created the European Commission are smarter than me so....
@paul1979uk2000 Жыл бұрын
I agree, but then, it doesn't matter as much, because the EU commission can't come out with crazy laws or regulations, because they will need the approval of the parliament to become law, so it's check and balance on the system. But I do think the EU Commission needs to be elected by the people, maybe merged into the EU President and just be called the EU President, that could go along way in beating down the Eurosceptics around the EU that always pick on these areas.
@CatholicSoldierX Ай бұрын
@@paul1979uk2000 Yes crazy laws wont get approved, but laws that we would want (migration stop) but the elites dont want, will not be written. So parlement never gets the opportunity to vote for it. It democracy yes, but only the democracy that the commision (elites) permit.
@ZiEdgE_Zoo-Station 2 ай бұрын
In one word: the hell
@user-cd4bx6uq1y Жыл бұрын
I watched something like this but there's no comment
@ozge9871 9 ай бұрын
@luisfilipe2023 Ай бұрын
So it’s the unelected commission rather than the parliament that proposes laws? Yeah there’s definitely a democratic deficit here
@leozebiLeonArmy Жыл бұрын
this time the video is not on 60 fps sadly haha
@leozebiLeonArmy Жыл бұрын
but make these kind of videos explaining the other european foundations like the council of the eu cause they are good
@EUMadeSimple Жыл бұрын
They aren't the most exciting topics :) But they are important
@leozebiLeonArmy Жыл бұрын
@@EUMadeSimple That's true but you Make The EU Simple. See what i did there? I'm in crippling debt.
@mikedavis6266 7 ай бұрын
When it comes to the EU there are 2 kinds of people in the UK 1. People who support Brexit 2. People who actually understand what the EU does
@user-yp7nc7dn4m 4 ай бұрын
@jeffsmith3392 10 ай бұрын
🇪🇺 Gross flag. EUSSR!
@rsardana2936 10 ай бұрын
EU is very late to make new laws and rules and they have no good plans for repulting chinese auto industry with heavy subsidie for Europe Ukraine war,immigration laws and thier deportation if they are malafide,housing for natives in contrast to asyl immigrants with preference,local identity of natives which is disturbed by indecent migrants and security issues EU is too clumsy in dealing with issues and implementation vision is blurred
@MyVinnyp Жыл бұрын
That's the way it is supposed to work. It didn't stop Merkel throwing open the borders to mass migration in 2015 with no consultation and it didn't stop Merkel denying the UK the right to reform its benefits to migrants either. Currently Macron has approached China on a de risking ticket with no consultation. Who proposes the policies, the Commission, or the former Merkel and now Macron?
@falsevacuum4667 Жыл бұрын
I think you're mixing up national and continental competencies...
@petrus4154 5 ай бұрын
@LeY-ji6mq 2 ай бұрын
UK là phải khoán sản phẩm , được cho com ăn , không được boc đất mà ăn không phải viên trợ
@Albert-xd2zd Жыл бұрын
Das Auto 🚗 hat kienen Wert
@mongihicher 4 ай бұрын
Mohgi 🇪🇺 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:11
@emermbiemeri Ай бұрын
rruge nuk jam duke fjetur.
@marcussver620 Жыл бұрын
Conclusion: A bureaucracy
@tomorrowneverdies567 Жыл бұрын
How should it be instead in your opinion then?
@indetermite Жыл бұрын
He literally said the Parliament (which is *democratically* elected) can dissolve the Commission if they think it's not doing its job, or they disagree with it. I don't know who you listen to.
@lellyparker Жыл бұрын
Exactly. It has no real power, but it is the glue connecting the Elected Bodies that make the actual decisions. It is somewhat like the Civil Service on the UK.
@novinceinhosic3531 2 ай бұрын
@CatholicSoldierX Ай бұрын
@@indetermite If the commision does not want something, it wont write laws for it and the Parliament "(which is democratically elected)" will NEVER get the opportunity to vote for it. The EU is a controlled "democracy"
@JerusalemJerusalem-ty1cf 9 ай бұрын
İnternational information
@ninirema4532 Жыл бұрын
@ninirema4532 Жыл бұрын
@Pepek94 Жыл бұрын
Action against Poland for alleged violations of LGBT rights. Legal actions against Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands for christianophobic propaganda order - silence.
@relaxingsounds6168 Жыл бұрын
We have to defend our values from the perversions of the EU!! May our Lord Jesus Christ help us!
@bojanstojicevic2642 2 ай бұрын
You are eating the meat of dead dogs from Ukraine..! Nicely reworked...fresh...al'for a bit
@denikata6384 Жыл бұрын
@maxharbig1167 3 ай бұрын
Net beneficiaries.
@Ruzzia_Hater 4 ай бұрын
Free Palestine
@FlamingBasketballClub Жыл бұрын
Please start a Discord server y'all 👌🏿
@costante_3196 Жыл бұрын
una gang?
@smithcoder6834 5 ай бұрын
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