What Made Sense About The Kid After You Met The Parents?

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What Made Sense About The Kid After You Met The Parents?
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@kristineguetschow9134 Жыл бұрын
The new recruits exited the bus in front of the drill sergeant, who yells out “I am your drill sergeant. My name is Stone, and I am as tough as my name. If you don’t think so, just try me. The recruits were then ordered to shout out their last name. As they went down the line, one recruit said nothing. The drill sergeant ordered him to do twenty pushups. Upon completion, he again requests the recruit’s name. No answer. “Give me 25.” The recruit complies. “What is your name soldier? Unless you want to do 100 more pushups, I suggest you call out your name!” The recruit swallows and shouts out “Stonebreaker Sir!”
@TheNekoMimiGamer 6 ай бұрын
Props to that guy for wanting to save face. I'd have done the same thing.
@kristineguetschow9134 Жыл бұрын
Back in the 1980’s, our sheriff’s department deputies were required to make three arrests per shift. If they consistently failed to do so, they were fired for an obscure reason b/c even the sheriff’s department knew they couldn’t fire someone for failing to make their quota. I wrote a “Letter to the Editor” of our local newspaper objecting to a quota. I was told the sheriff had a banner on the wall of the lobby to the jail. After I wrote the letter, I was told that I was on the top of the sheriff’s hate list.
@kalebs6201 Жыл бұрын
4:00 at 19 i started seeking therapy and a Psych. Now at the age I was already on my career path and in college struggling so i figured I’d get help with anxiety and depression. Well about six months in i asked about me potentially having ADHD and she responded “hun i wrote that in my notes day one”
@kristineguetschow9134 Жыл бұрын
I was in our local Mentor Program. I was assigned a 12-year old girl who yelled everything she said, no matter where we were. She would hide in the clothes when at a retail shop, and refuse to come out and refuse to go home. All was explained when her parents invited me over for supper. Mom, dad, grandma, four siblings, my “mentee” and me. It was a screaming match. Apparently the loudest one was the only one heard. Migraine much? Before the meal was over, the kids would alternately leave the table and play in the living room and then crawl under the table to get back to their seat and eat more of the meal. There was not enough silverware to go around, so two bread knives were shared by the family members. I asked how one loses silverware. The kids take them outside to dig in the dirt and lose them. Before I left the house, mentee’s mom went in the basement and brought up her pet ferret to show me. She put it on my neck, and I asked if it would bite me b/c it seemed to be interested in my ear. She said “it might!” I told her to get it off me, and I left. Have to wonder why mentee was a bit off?
@Uthgardloki Жыл бұрын
souithern drawl plus british accent equals australian
@scottrjmatmsncom Жыл бұрын
The best part is that Australian people don't give a PUCK who they anger
@mickjackson6596 Жыл бұрын
I worked with a guy that was Irish and immigrated to the southern US at ten years old.. the combining of accents made the poor kid sound like Elmer Fudd as an adult. True story
@666Vampirefromhell Жыл бұрын
I was just about to say the same thing 😂
@NJ-JaiBird Жыл бұрын
Yeah, my Jersey with hubs Boston + Grandparents deep South jacked our kiddo.
@djentity303 11 ай бұрын
I am Australian so I think I can vouch for us so yes
@Keiji555 Жыл бұрын
The one about the "if you don't have enough for everyone" reminds me of this one time with my older brother when he was in school. It was the time of the year in June when all the curriculum was done, and it was much more laidback. He had a habit of carrying playing cards on him, and in one class, he took them out to play with some other kids. The teacher approached him and told him that if he didn't have enough cards for everyone in the classroom to play with, then he would need to put them away. He proceeded to take out 4-5 decks of cards. The teacher sighed and said "Okay, everyone, if you want to play cards, you can play cards."
@eloy89 10 ай бұрын
What I hate about this rule as this forces you to trust that nobody will try to steal from you.
@Keiji555 10 ай бұрын
@@eloy89 Exactly. But I like the story of how my brother pulled several decks out of his uniform. The teacher did say that, so she had to go through with it.
@Idontknoweither-fu6mi Жыл бұрын
To add onto the iron deficiency story my friend let’s call her kate has scoliosis she can’t sit for long periods of time without being in unbearable pain. She had a sub and the sub didn’t know this and wouldn’t let her stand up when she needed to. At this point she was bitting her lip until it was visibly bleeding. She ended up having to confess to her whole class about her condition. I was on vacation when she called me crying. In the end no one ended up mentioning it ever again unless it was to tell her how much the sub sucked.
@TheAnexel14 8 ай бұрын
Story 1 reminds me of a character in the Wax & Wayne Era of the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. Wayne has a habit of taking on other peoples accents and is a master of using different dialects and accents that he can convince anyone he's from anywhere. He also has an obsession with hats and how clothes can change perceptions. He often says that accents are clothes for our words and that people will respond to those details before they actually take in the words themselves
@lildeathwish6055 Жыл бұрын
I had a Narcissistic, Bipolar, hobo-sexual (dates to be provided for) Mother. I got beaten black and blue from her boyfriends and herself. CPS came and went because she could always pull the crocodile tears and get away as “the victim”. It got to the point I genuinely thought I deserved being beaten and told by her bfs “I will kill you” if I did something as simple as misbehave in school. I had/have ADHD so that was almost every week.
@lildeathwish6055 Жыл бұрын
I was also in Kindergarten to 2nd grade during this. A lot also happened when I wasn’t in school.
@wendymonkelien-brown579 9 ай бұрын
I hope you're doing well. My mom was a narcissist too, but my dad was in the house. Her going after me normally resulted in THEM fighting because he would defend me. I distinctly remember one time him threatening to take the gun & shoot himself & her threatening to take the car & wrap it around a tree, with me running between the doors trying to keep them both in. Yet she thought that I was the one with the problem......
@Xariama Жыл бұрын
Not a teacher, but a good one, actually. I knew a kid in middle school that was the absolute most polite person ever. Never had anything bad to say about anyone, always willing to help people. It was odd, but in a good way. He invited me over to his house one time, and I got to meet his parents. Why was he like that? Because his father was the epitome of English Gentleman. Always treated everyone with respect and dignity, especially his wife and son. Best family I ever knew.
@DestinyAodan Жыл бұрын
My adhd was discovered in second grade but like most kids turn early adults in the late 90's to early 2000's. It was assumed I "grew out of it" and my diagnoses of adhd just went away. Now in my 30's my dr has told me. "I think you may have adhd and I would like to get you tested." She was very shocked and not very happy to discover that I was not very shocked at all and told her as much since I had had it in my younger years. She also was not happy to find out that not only did I spend most of my adult life unmedicated when I should have been. Things are better now. Its quite a change once you find a dr who will listen to you.
@-_selenitepaw_- Жыл бұрын
Wait, they can just take away your diagnosis like that? Well shit now I’m terrified that’ll happen to me too.
@DestinyAodan Жыл бұрын
@@-_selenitepaw_- Its not common now. But when I was younger it was still common with older drs to tell you you grew out of most mental health issues. It also didn't help that I am female so most of my issues had to be that reason.
@-_selenitepaw_- Жыл бұрын
@@DestinyAodan damn that sucks, at least it’s less common now
@hamishstewart5324 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been struggling with similar symptoms to ADHD my whole life (I’m 21) and only just got a diagnosis for my condition last month. I don’t have ADHD but I do have autism.
@LittleGreenCar514 10 ай бұрын
I remember taking Ritalin but it "didn't do anything for me", according to my mother. I learned how to mask pretty hard. It was because of doctors telling my mother "she might grow out of her ADD" that I wasn't given anything after I stopped Ritalin. She firmly believed that I did grow out of it. Spoiler alert: I didn't.
@schrodingerscat4737 Жыл бұрын
As someone who suffers from depression, bipolar and anxiety. I am happily married to someone who suffers similar ailments. 95% of the time we are able to help each other "get out of our funk," should the moment arise. The other 5% is when we both spiral at the same time which results in circular, incoherent, and hurtful; nothing fights. Regrettably, we have both said very hurtful things to each other throughout the years. Thankfully, once the dust settles; we are able to take a step back, acknowledge each other's point of view and apologize. We then usually finish it off by laughing at ourselves for being so stupid and irrational. Man, the human psyche is such a fickle mistress.
@ResidentMilf Жыл бұрын
Story 7 of the school section: Even though the Army Air Corp (the predecessor to the Air Force) was established in the 1920’s, hot air balloons have been used in warfare since 1794. 🌠The more you know
@jackcurl2005 10 ай бұрын
I believe both African and European swallows, laden with coconuts, were used in medieval times.
@franciebelcher4594 11 ай бұрын
Really fun actually seeing you tell some of the stories. Especially when u tried the southern and English accents together. 😂😂 great channel 👍
Жыл бұрын
My own "forgive and forget":: had this friendship for 13y: from 2001 to 2014; in 2013 I started receiving weird messages attacking my person; in december 23rd 2023 i called the number i've saved from july onwards; "hello", she said. "who is this?" said I. "it's N", said her. and then my world fell apart bc N was the 13yo friend i had who said on FB "don't worry about those ppl'. Anyway, I did nothing and the mofo died of leuchemia 2y after.
@asligar3887 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for recommending that book on ADHD. You're right A lot of people don't understand what it's like👍thank you
@wendymonkelien-brown579 9 ай бұрын
My mom was a narcissist, & hid it so well that no one would THINK she did anything bad to me. The only reason I'm here is because a friend in college insisted I go to the campus counselor. At almost 60, I still struggle with self worth, but have been married 27 years & we have an incredible 23 year old daughter. Just like many of the kids in these stories, nothing would have seemed out of place, & I would have been worse off if someone HAD been called....
@NeoLegend9094 10 ай бұрын
36:54 one of the saddest parts I think of this story is that it seems like many people if not everyone that knew him besides op and the mom, thought he was a saint. He’ll be remembered by many as something he wasn’t. And the family probably never told anyone about this guys behavior because everyone else saw him as this good person and likely wouldn’t believe them anyways. It’s so f-d up how people can seem like a really good person in public, but behind the scenes are such a horrible person.
@moonsaces2122 11 ай бұрын
Apparently at my boyfriends’ first parents night at his new private middle school his Dad sat behind his Mom and kept pulling her ponytail until she turned around, whacked him, and said “I TOLD YOU TO CUT IT OUT, (Dad’s Name)!” Apparently while the other parents were watching in horror the teacher said “Oh, you must be Boyfriend’s parents.”
@redjoker365 Жыл бұрын
Story 5, probably an MK-ULTRA test of a hallucinogen, either aerosolized or poisoned the water supply
@kavinaderrow3269 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADD and Asperger's at a young age. Any time I was stressed out, (usually at school or with homework) I would start stimming. (obsessively checking my hair for splits) Because my mom is such a blonde, she wanted me to stop and even convinced multiple therapists to try to make me stop.
@FrankFive30 11 ай бұрын
not to judge a book by its cover but you MIGHT be a gatcha kid (based on your pfp, again not to judge a book by its cover tho)
@kavinaderrow3269 11 ай бұрын
@@FrankFive30 😑 Let's see... I was in 1st grade when Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were first released. I still have VHS tapes of the Disney and Pixar movies I grew up with. *I graduated in 2018.*
@berdooli3326 7 ай бұрын
One of my classmates in elementary school was such a tattletale and it could annoying. At a parent teacher night some of us kids started acting up while our parents were in the meetings and this kid shows up with his dad who tells us to quit acting up or he'll tell on us. It all made sense after that
@Elodie-xi3pp 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I hated tattletales but only because I was a tattletale at the beginning of first grade and in the middle of first grade got converted and by the end of first grade I was alright no longer a tattletale. Now years later I’m a sophomore 15 years old I keep secrets religiously. I’m also the person to cover for people (if the situation is not dangerous)
@alid8215 Жыл бұрын
ASVAB.. I scored obnoxiously high, especially in mechanics. (Long line of mechanic family members including multiple military mechanics) They kept pestering me until my line became "Asthma. It causes lung and heart issues." And the calls dwindled to nothing.
@LittleGreenCar514 10 ай бұрын
I didn't even take the ASVAB but somehow recruiters got my cell number and tried recruiting me. I take medications that keep my spinal fluid low. If I don’t take them, I am curled in a ball, crying my eyes out from migraine pain. Hell, I can unexpectedly have a 3 day long migraine even when I take my meds properly. Needless to say, they stopped calling.
@stuffedninja1337 Жыл бұрын
There's an AMAZING video on here of a Russian Army regiment marching to "Barbie Girl". They didn't have any speakers. The whole company sang it while doing full goose steps. Not a single smile or stumble.
@skyvolt2566 11 ай бұрын
Back in high school this 1 teacher had it out for me for some reason. I have no idea why bc I was a quiet kid I never talked to anyone ever except my 3 friends. Even now as an adult I don't talk to anyone except my online friends and the 1 friend that actually stayed with me after high school. But this teacher decided he had a vendetta against me for no reason. He would call me out in the middle of class berate me use me as a bad example he even failed me on purpose I suspect even though I did all the work and knew the answers to, I even overheard him talking shit about me to other students and teachers so 1 day while I overhead him I rounded the corner and said "At least I don't go around gossiping like a stupid middle school girl like you retard." Of course he responded by putting me in detention for the rest of the day but I felt good about myself anyways. Then after graduation I did the pettiest thing I ever did my life. I went to the school open house that year went straight to his class with my diploma and rubbed it in his face while laughing my butt off then turned around to everyone currently standing in his room and said "Trust me guys you'll learn more from a computer than you would from this dude." Then walked out feeling victorious
@Arob4343 Жыл бұрын
The teachers just immediately confronting the abusive parents…nice thought but come onnnn, you know you just got the kid beaten worse
@alfredomariasammartino7728 Жыл бұрын
The Dutch version of "I'm a Barbie girl" you suggested at 57:10 is freaking amazing, thanks for sharing it, it's really worth it
@Arob4343 Жыл бұрын
No matter what kind of bullying? Strongly disagree. If the kid is being physically harmed, all the power to him to turn the tables around plus some
@ResidentMilf Жыл бұрын
Aqua also has a song called Lollipop that is an absolute bop.
@danadecker4855 7 ай бұрын
As someone who used to use Nair, that one sounds like an urban legend. Nair stinks and tingles/burns when it's on. And you have to leave it to sit for it to work.
@andrewlanglois6362 Жыл бұрын
13:05 Wikipedia was its own POS (Platform Operating System), though when DSL became a thing, you could connect to it using DOS
@vanessabyerly242 11 ай бұрын
I have just realized not long ago I also have ADHD and PTSD from a crappy childhood. I am a very self aware person and try to constantly improve myself. When you stop growing I feel like you stop living. Anyhoo the difference in my behavior and the amount I have grown since this realization has been enormous. Before my mind always wanted to go to a ridiculous scenarios and I was constantly thinking negative unable to really stop myself. My mind was always on which was quite draining. Now that I know it’s not normal I am able to put a stop to that stinking thinking and I am able to redirect my train of thought.
@3RaccooonsInATrenchcoat Жыл бұрын
Hey mainly facts guy! This is a bit of a bittersweet bit but my sister is currently going to college to become a cps worker because cps would never help me or her so she wants to become a good one to get me out of our home situation!
@applesugarlol Жыл бұрын
Sir this is the first time I've fully seen you but you remind me of a mix between another KZbinr and a song artist + pure chaos
@applesugarlol Жыл бұрын
KZbinr: The Click Song Artist: The Stupendium
@applesugarlol Жыл бұрын
Looks-wise, btw
@squid667 7 ай бұрын
The Barbie girl cover is Ome Henk, a comedy character from the Netherlands that was played by Frank van der Plas. He did covers of other songs too. Ome Henk is completely unknown in my country, but I remember stumbling over his version of Mambo no.5 on the radio one day in 1999 when the song was really popular. The cover was called Mambo nummer 6. I was 11,5 years old at the time and had no idea what it was, who Ome Henk was and what it was about. I thought it was German and pictured an angry guy with pilot sunglasses, lederhosen and a pushbroom mustache singing it. I remember finding the whole thing very funny. I tried to tell other people about it, including my classmates and mom. But they did not understand any of it and thought I was just making up things (which was not an unusual situation). It would take many years before I once again stumbled across Ome Henk on youtube.
@sooploopz Жыл бұрын
the dad missed the chance to say "ok" when his ex called him again in story 4 at 21:16
@vectory674 Жыл бұрын
I get back at a guy who filmed me without my permission. I knew he did it to a teacher so I snitched. I'll never do it again but he get what he was coming for him. Especially when I was (a very chill guy and hard to piss off) close to beat the hell out of him if my classmates didn't hold me. I was so pissed that day they were 6 to hold me and I'm not that athletic yet and have asthma
@queentophat225 Жыл бұрын
In regards to the poor dastard saying "air force" for the 1800's question. I actually have a dnd story for that. my team and I were against an undead dragon, we sent in one of the teams' familiars' *an owl* in, with major healing potions in his talons. The other Bard and I used Bardic inspiration and played "Ride of the Valkyries" as he flew over and dropped these potions on the dragon's head, effectively OHKO killing it. For the drill instructors story, not a DI, but got to witness by video two Ladies tease their CO as he was doing his routine inspection of their rooms by stating they had a pet and asked to keep it. CO walked up screaming how they better not, sees a stuffed animal sitting in the middle of their floor and he turns heel saying "Soldiers!" in an annoyed fashion, His next line? "Do push ups or somethin'!" You could tell he was trying not to laugh.
@kariann430 Ай бұрын
the office lady at the school once told me that the only way she would let me write me out of school(i was 18) for migraine is if she called my mom. that was because i did not look good and she did not feel it was not right for me to walk home. My mom came and got me and that is when i found out my mom use to babysit the ladies kids when they were young.
@angelamurray2725 11 ай бұрын
My friend was not adhd but I’m convinced dyslexic, when she was in primary she was given 1 hr extra, not per week but just that 1hr. This was in the late 60’s,early 70’s. She had no confidence in her spelling but often I would say how do you think you would spell it and she was often correct.
@Ilovepointlessstorys 5 ай бұрын
I got diagnosed two years ago at 40 with ADHD. It’s harder to diagnose in girls. If you notice there has actually been a lot more women getting diagnosed in their late 30s early 40s lately, because of that.
@theresaschuebel5151 10 ай бұрын
My son in law to be was 18 and my daughter was 15 when they started dating. They have been together ever since and they turn 31 and 28 now. I didn't have any problems with his age because I had known him since he was 9. His best friend was one of the kids who helped my daughter in a bad situation when she was in kindergarten and he was in 3rd grade .
@Trout_Dude8905 5 ай бұрын
In my year 7 math class we were doing statistics and one of the basic questions was "Whats the probability of a coin landing on head/tails" and I put down smth like "less than 50% bc it could land on its side" and my teacher thought it was clever so gave me extra points. I no longer bring up that point bc its a smartass answer but that teacher was really nice
@NeoLegend9094 10 ай бұрын
33:48 Forgiving for Cats. This is now added to the list of potential senior quotes.
@juliusfrauenglass2411 Жыл бұрын
1 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, i also did very well. 2 First story we get to the point very early in basic where we are going to be issued out first uniforms and other clothing there is a commotion , turns out one recruit is wearing a very frilly pair of panties and had tried to borrow a pair of underwear from a nearby fellow recruit. his explanation was his girlfriend had made him wear them because they would keep other girls from trying to cheat with him. 3 2nd story we had a new yourker with a 2 syllable last name who could obey the drill sergeants and was always in trouble and doing pushups and other punishments, we also had a Drill Sgt from Haiti with a very distinct accent, one morning as we were information before loading up to go to the ranges for weapon (M-16) traing the range detail for the day was driven part the formation singing Get Down On It ( get down was one of the ways we were told to get into pushup position) but with the errent recruits name in place of On It , it was very close to that phrase. Anyways as they got to the road on of the range etail Shouted "get your knees up off the ground" in almost perfect imitation of the haitian DS, The other Ds almost lost it.
@tyrellthiel2201 6 ай бұрын
Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery I scored 96 out of 98 at MEPS, going to enlist with the USMC. Then they started asking about mental health...
@HonksandHisses247 Жыл бұрын
6:14 can we all ignore the fact that the guy literally killed an innocent horse in the background?
@amyraszipovits810 7 ай бұрын
School incident #6. I think that was my high school and my senior year. 1997 but I won't give the school. Our school had wall to ceiling carpet to help deaden the sound of 2000 kids in the halls. Crickets were literally climbing the walls in 3 hallways. The poor custodians.
@raulkyamko6825 Жыл бұрын
10:44 Nahhhh, I remember reading this in a comment section in one of your videos.
@badjer4328 11 ай бұрын
Drill sergeant laughing bit. When I was in boot camp in the mid 2000's we had PVT Werges that was maybe 4'11" might have been 5'. One early morning our drill Sergeant came to inspect the barracks at like 2am, the fire gaurd was asleep. So he proceeded to flip on the lights and start screaming. Wiggles didn't wake up. The drill Sergent proceeded to violently shake his bunk, and wiggles flopped off thw top bunk, fell and landed in the pushup position. The drill Sergeant lost his angry personal and said worriedly "oh shit" while wiggles started doing pushups..push-ups... he dismissed us all back to bed, asked if wiggles was OK, then promptly left
@Samthemule2003 10 ай бұрын
When i was 3 my grandfather tried to commit suicide, i seen him hanging on the tree in our backyard. We got him down. A year and half later my parents started going through a toxic divorce. My great grandmother i really got close to passed when i was 5. When i was 13 my grandfather used my dads handgun to shoot himself in front of my grandma his wife, and my uncle my dads only other living sibling (he had an older sister that passed at 14 days old). Then 3 years later that same grandmother passed from a heart attack which was caused by having lung cancer again i dont know how many times whilst being a smoker with COPD. Then i found out around a week or week and a half ago or say my 10 year old cousin that i consider the little brother i never had (im the only boy out of 5 kuds) get diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia
@rosewilson1417 5 ай бұрын
I have adhd and am a pretty good artist to cope with anxiety I will make these insane zentangles where as much as the page possible will be covered with pencil marks I can’t believe some of the works I create
@althearahman 10 ай бұрын
Teacher here. Can’t tell you how frustrating it is how ineffectual CPS is. They ignore so many big things. Especially if the chid is black. I’m so angry and frustrated. I just want my students too be safe.
@Elodie-xi3pp 6 ай бұрын
The one about the cheating is kinda true but I think it is the partner that is paranoid about you cheating is cheating and trying to find a reason to break up with you to get with the person they are cheating on you with
@sinsweetie Жыл бұрын
I completely dicked around on my ASVAB and was also hounded by the airforce and army. It was annoying. Really glad I didn't join as 911 happened a year later.
@crowleysgirl3257 11 ай бұрын
Ok, so I just listened to the Danish Barbie Girl. And you're right its hilarious. 😂
@alexis2cool477 11 ай бұрын
As some one with ADHD i have always thought of it as a part of my personality insted if a horrable thing that had to be stopped the only thing that i notice that is negitve for me is that my brian loses the abilty to think good when there are to much sounds in one place.
@andrewlanglois6362 Жыл бұрын
22:38 Invulnerability Instantly!! Any adults with autism can actually just think that up.
@ronjonsurfshop7356 4 ай бұрын
friend group lore. we need that
@aphtrashqueen 6 ай бұрын
Found out this past year I have adhd and autism. My dad and brothers also have adhd, but I'm 100% sure my dad is also autistic.
@oldwoman5942 11 ай бұрын
My ex husband used to accuse me of cheating, which I wasn’t, while he was cheating. He cheated was with two different 16 year olds. We were 20 but still….16!
@kissthehomiesgoodnight 10 ай бұрын
I loved the military one where,the drill sergeant is just blasting I'm a Barbie Girl
@wiptailgaming3012 6 ай бұрын
The dutch version of barbie-girl is wild i dont think i laughed so hard in a long time its somthing SNL would do as a skit I almost stand the song now wne i hear it now
@christinevanrooij8061 7 ай бұрын
Last one, the song you mean is indeed Dutch called " Neem een ander in de maling" from "Ome Henk". And trust me, the lyrics have nothing to do with the original song😂
@ajhildebrand3156 11 ай бұрын
25:38 One time a few years back we had a murderer in our town who came over from the states (or B.C. Canada, can't remember). He and his brother where running from the law and decided to run to MB, Canada. It ruined my cousins slumber party, and we had to stay inside the house with the door locked. Fun times.
@oldwoman5942 11 ай бұрын
Not a teacher but have a story. My 14 year old daughter had a new friend. This girl was so amazingly dumb that I thought…I just have to meet her parents! They turned out to be two people I had gone to school with, two of the dumbest people I have ever met. The mother actually told her teenage daughter that wearing a boy’s pants would make her pregnant! She also told her that she got pregnant with her by sleeping in a bed that her husband had tossed his pants on. The father had been the school bully and really really dumb. One example was he insisted on going golfing during a severe thunderstorm and was struck by lightning! His parents were sweet, hard working, kind, intelligent people as were his siblings, all well liked high achievers but him….not so much.
@megansimplystitch Жыл бұрын
Which books did you narrate? I'm a big fan of audio books.
@Protoa-Ash-and-Arc 10 ай бұрын
3:36 with adhd I describe it as my trains of thought (yes that is meant to be plural) refracting through shards of glass and hitting things that kinda match the thought shard they refracted through.
@Gray34721 2 ай бұрын
For the small towns thing I have a few stories about my small town that I have lived in all but 4 years of my life. (I moved back last year) a kid in my town killed his parents told his friends and the cops that his parents went off with a couple that his parents knew and they went camping they later found the parents bodies in the back yard. He is in jail and not that long ago I found out that my friend’s oldest sister graduated in the same class as him.
@phantommangagirl Жыл бұрын
There was an episode of the show Father Brown (British murder mystery show) with a character from the American south. He was played by a British actor, and it is the worst fake Southern accent I’ve ever heard. I imagine the kid in the first story sounds a bit like that.
@TTVGolden595 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for telling us about book delivered from distracted amazing book if you have add or adhd
@samsimington5563 Жыл бұрын
What the fuck is the point of doing CPR on someone that you know for a fact is dead? Is that bullshit common on the deceased?
@jodeboyd8386 7 ай бұрын
does youtube really think we want to pause the ad that badly that it makes the skip ad button smaller now?
@oldwoman5942 11 ай бұрын
In my small school my 10th grade English/gym teacher left before the year was over because he became insane and would only teach from the bible from his PULPIT which he made the boys carry from class to class and even to the gym where he stood shouting out the bible verses as we ignored him and played volleyball.
@xzx6071 Жыл бұрын
Love the video’s
@maxximumb Жыл бұрын
To find the Dutch Barbie Girl, search KZbin for 'Ome Henk - Neem Een Ander In De Maling' The lyrics are a little different to the English version... Hey sexy! Hey? Would you like to go out on a date tonight Who do you think you are My name is Honey I am a hot girl, with a very hot body I like to kiss, lovely long kisses With my blonde hair I can do anything Golden rings and stuff like that Go play jokes with someone else Woman belong at home, in the kitchen Repairing socks, mopping the toilet Hey keep working, because that's what you're there for Go scrub the room Where are my shoes Uncle Henk he is cool Yes a man with rhytm He is lovely He is wow He is woopee Shut your mouth, go to hell Leave me alone Cause I still need to clip my toe nails You are cute Its a gift Also smart Yes yes So charming Huh Especially when you smile, owoh Go play jokes with someone else Ah ah ah yeah Stop nagging Owohoh, owohoh Stop talking nonsense Ah ah ah yeah All woman are the same Owohoh, owohoh Uncle Henk, sexy thing Here is a jeweler And afterwards we will go to an expensive restaurant No you dont take me for retarded One can also eat yummy fastfood You are smart I understand And also handsome Yeah hehe So charming Hey Especially when you laugh Hehehe Bright Yes And so tough Sure So sporty, I love you Bwurgh, go play jokes with someone else Ah ah ah yeah Stop nagging Owohoh, owohoh Stop talking nonsense Ah ah ah yeah All woman are the same Owohoh, owohoh Why, tell me why are woman so stupid They are unnecessary and redundant I mean, for cooking I dont need them I have a microwave. Also I dont need them to wash cloths cause I allways wear the same suit. So uh Go play jokes with someone else Ah ah ah yeah Stop nagging Owohoh, owohoh Stop talking nonsense Ah ah ah yeah All woman are the same Owohoh, owohoh So darling what do you think??? You know what, just give me your number. As such you can come painting my ceiling next week. Dirty boy!
@toxiczombiewolf5692 7 ай бұрын
Cps doesn't care how many cases of abused and dead kids do we need to have before a serious change? I hear so many stories about this and nothing is done breaks my heart.
@muttmouth 5 ай бұрын
I had a classmate that was really annoying that nobody liked but one day we all met her mom and she was like, a total Karen who was mean to her all the time and super fuckin controlling to the point she tried to tell US what to do on the field trip she was chaperoning on
@TheUnnamedPlayerOfficial 11 ай бұрын
for the one about the story about a small town this house that i live in to this day was apparently haunted. built sometime in the 1920's in rural kentucky. no one lived in it for at least 3 decades, said the seller. we got the house for a ridiculous price of only about 70,000 us dollars, and the reason was because it was also extremely overgrown. you literally couldn't see the sidewalk in the yard because of how much it was overgrown. there was an archway of dead tree leaves, and after all of that i had to get a steroid shot for fucking poison ivy. after 10 years of living here, its turned into a home. the rumors about the place being haunted was removed and replaced with the tale of how a group of 3 dumbasses (my family) moved in and fixed the place and singlehandedly brought the monetary value of the street up by easily a couple thousand dollars. its a 2 story house with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and it comes with a big unfinished garage that is completely disconnected from the house. presumably it was going to be its own building, but it was unfinished. the wood was never actually painted over and there's still that wallpaper with the location's logo on it in some parts. sometimes i think "that's gotta be the haunted house", but we also own it and i still haven't had an event where i need to pull out luigi to do some ghost hunting. so effectively, we got this amazing house because of rumors of it being haunted for a ridiculous price. the story of this small town is how my family came in, bought a house, and cleaned the place up. we could probably sell it for well over 150k at this point but its home.
@finestfiver2791 Жыл бұрын
I’m SOBBING 2:29
@mospeada1152 7 ай бұрын
Tampon story - Why did she feel the need to unwrap it in class?
@skittlemenow Жыл бұрын
I don't know about any other state but in mine students have a right to use the restroom. Teachers can get in a lot of trouble denying them. I did have a sitter once who refused to let me out of my room to use the restroom after they put me to bed. So I stood in the doorway and let it rip right down the hallway.
@caseyo5524 11 ай бұрын
I said something about a “break up” to a dungeon and dragons group in a side commentary thing. I felt like I needed a break from them to being with for a while but wasn’t sure how to tell them. Haven’t been back due to work and some other stuff that I’ve been able to get from a few others that left. Can elaborate for more details
@austyn1061 5 ай бұрын
The ADHD story reminds me of 3 people who asked if I had it; my coworker/ Friend (he has ADHD), my Former therapist (she has ADHD and let me use her figits during sessions), and a random 12 year old girl that spent Maybe two minutes watching my bounce on my heels and figit with my bracelet. (I got screened before the girl asked by my Therapist's recommendation and I ticked off every box). I look back on the last one and laugh every time Sorry about the incoherent sentencing
@armedpotato3617 10 ай бұрын
1800s Air Force, composed of pigeon trainers and guys who can jump really high for a solider.
@ChadV13 2 ай бұрын
On curse words I don't let my children curse because they don't know when it's appropriate to use those words yet.. they are just Words
@theresaschuebel5151 10 ай бұрын
The Navy was founded by George Washington on October 13 1775. A good voice for a Marine drill Sargeant would be found in R Lee Ermey. He was an actual drill Sargeant in the Marines before he started acting or did his military TV show. You may have seen him as the ghost military gut in the movie The Frighteners with Michael J Fox.cok nice to know that his senior year of high school was the year my oldest daughter started kindergarten.
@brendasprayberry1807 10 ай бұрын
I have old eyes so I listen to audiobooks all the time. Please yell me what audiobooks you do. PLEASE!!!! ❤
@petermrchjrgensen8363 11 ай бұрын
I’m I the only one who thought that he was way younger?
@samsimington5563 Жыл бұрын
Heeheeheehee *B U T T* 🤣
@jennybolt8420 9 ай бұрын
I was friends with my chemistry teacher in high school before he became a chemistry teacher I even accidentally went to his graduation from college and there was only like yes 6 years between us And over that summer I had gotten so used to calling him by his first that when I got back in school high school I think he said something to me about staying behind to see him after class and then the entire class just went wooooo. Anyway after they said that I said okay David because I was used to calling him by his first name he was cool
@user-xu2ec1nj1z 4 ай бұрын
In 1st grade and I was told I was a failure
@wesleykushner8028 10 ай бұрын
In college I knew a guy who was an attention whore. Really obnoxious "look at me" stuff all the time. We were in theater so it wasn't that wild. I really didn't like him. Cut to he'e in a play and before it starts, his dad shows up and wants to see him. I go back stage to tell him his dad is here and he just says "Why?" When I realized the idea that his dad was being supportive didn't cross his mind, so much about his personality and upbringing made sense.
@brendasprayberry1807 10 ай бұрын
Name your name on the audiobooks? I eant to buy one of them
@SirJakeriePippin 10 ай бұрын
So quarters actually have about a 52/48 flip rate because of the fact that one side is slightly heavier
@farmerjohn2484 11 ай бұрын
Funny enough the southern drawl is the closest dialect to the original accent the colonists of the British isles and Ireland had when the came here.
@autistictreasures72 8 ай бұрын
I think I know that guy, his moms Texan and his dads British and he grew up in seattle
@hyperslash2144 7 ай бұрын
Im English so the first story made me chuckle 😂😂
@Bills_Mafia17_14 3 ай бұрын
Anybody know what he was talking about when he said September 11
@andrewlanglois6362 Жыл бұрын
29:49 The truer story adaptation to Romeo & Juliet. Meh... it still ended in tragity.
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