What Role is The Best Carry in League of Legends?

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Are you tired of feeling helpless in League of Legends when you're not playing your main role? In this video, we dive deep into the art of carrying games with all 5 roles in League of Legends. Whether you're a top laner, jungler, mid laner, ADC, or support, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to dominate the Rift and lead your team to victory.
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Пікірлер: 64
@taleofsonata1 8 ай бұрын
I think top has the potential to carry the hardest and end the game the quickest, Herald top side, Hullbreaker, Macro, Splitpushing, then it's Jungle.
@marianorivera3272 7 ай бұрын
When you're ahead, you can just take both side lanes' t1 and t2 turrets pretty much uncontested. And if they do contest you, then your team gets free objectives.
@iiimalveziii8788 6 ай бұрын
top is literally the role with less potential to carry, a top laner carrying only occurs if the difference of both top is abismal, if not it will never occur, but yeah, when the difference is abismal top can carry the hardest
@taleofsonata1 6 ай бұрын
@@iiimalveziii8788 Now we're in the new season, again wrong, Void grubs top one of the most broken objective, Voidgrub x2 times, herald. Profane Hydra and whatever broken items there is.
@iiimalveziii8788 6 ай бұрын
be better@@taleofsonata1
@Festiino 8 ай бұрын
Would definitely like a in depth video for each role
@anubisschatten5103 8 ай бұрын
I personally find Victor rather hard to play against assassins because their mobility allows them to dodge your only defense tool fairly easily. Instead I'd suggest Malzahar for beginners because he has all the tools you described a mage should have (great wave clear, good defense, high team fight impact)
@umutyildirim8195 8 ай бұрын
My problem with Viktor is if the enemy team something like a fed Hecarim or Garen it is just too frustrating to deal with them. Champ is really bad against movement speed.
@claudeheinrich3613 7 ай бұрын
his R is the most annoying ability in game
@r0flcopter 8 ай бұрын
Man this was surprisingly a really helpful video. Thank you so much
@BasedBraum 8 ай бұрын
Your video was spot on for support and bot 🤣. I've been telling my play group for years what it's like trying to carry as support with an adc that has bad positioning and/or poor aa's.
@ethanchui533 8 ай бұрын
Maokai is the best jungle pick for beginners hes got so much cc and his ult is 5 top in game in most very scenarios except 1v1. His jungle clear is ok and doesn’t require high level to do well. I would definitely recommend players bellow level 30.
@hadesgodoftheunderworld0181 8 ай бұрын
Could you do a basic rundown of jungle, like how you did the rest of the roles in this one? So I can send it to a friend who’s never jungled before but they’re pretty good at the game, just intimidated by all the routes, and spawn timers, and champ archetypes/playstyles in the jungle.
@ethanchui533 8 ай бұрын
I can suggest rammus or maokai both very good picks for starting off, I would go rammus cause he is only 1350 be so if he doesn’t like it its nota big deal.
@baba-nm9eu 8 ай бұрын
channel called skillcapped can help your friend with knowledge and testing his knowledge as well
@SadToffee 8 ай бұрын
​@@baba-nm9euhonestly from a learning perspective skillcapped's jungle tips SUCK. they make you think about the role the complete wrong way, skillcapped makes jungle feel like "do this then this then this" when in reality, the majority of the time your pathing and choices should be influenced by available information. I learned jungle from skillcapped and it was horrible. When I realised that jungle wasn't about farming to top to bot to top to bot and sometimes maybe ganking in between, my jungle gameplay became a lot cleaner.
@flowbie-1336 8 ай бұрын
​@@SadToffeequit spreading lies, u just arent that type of learner, everyone has their own. Just bc something didnt work for u or ur playstyle doesnt mean it wont for others, my homie had no trouble climbing with their help
@SadToffee 8 ай бұрын
@@flowbie-1336 skillcapped is really bad at teaching the basic macro and decision making of the jungle. I'm not looking for an argument, i'm not spreading lies, I'm voicing my opinion and experience.
@kaitogirldraws 8 ай бұрын
Meanwhile me being an otp Gnar that has zero game awareness xP Great video! I understand why you didnt add stuff for the jungle, since its what you mostly do in this channel for now :) But I will be patient
@swerbyy9488 8 ай бұрын
if you wanna climb pls drop gnar man. im a gnar/kennen main and after playing for 2 years every match was a struggle no matter how good i played but when i swapped to garen morde darius games starting feeling so free. ofc if you just play for fun nothing matters just have fun lol
@josema2702 8 ай бұрын
the part of te supports is very true!! you see the top challenger supports and you can see that their most played champions are rakan, rell, alistar and naut, all tank-engage supports
@ECPlaysLoL 8 ай бұрын
I like watching Alicopter on Alistar leave lane at level 3 and never comeback, and just go dive toplane randomly 3 times over😂
@h3l_l 8 ай бұрын
Your videos are pretty underrated. Keep up man you deserve more than that💪
@Legiongamesmost 8 ай бұрын
The “player diff” hits so different. I recommend you all play fill.
@Louis-kr6of 7 ай бұрын
Someone probably already said it but I think that it’s more efficient to go mid instead of top when you rotate as a botlane, after your first tower. You can then move top or bot if needed and are more close to both objectives. (But it depends on jungle objectives timings)
@Louis-kr6of 7 ай бұрын
And if you hard carry, you can take both buffs, and that’s pretty cool. But of course if I don’t need the blue, I leave it to my sup. I have manners. 😎
@Louis-kr6of 7 ай бұрын
I’d also say that MF is a better pick than sivir, since she has some good move speed that allows her not to be ganked, can bully in lane and her ult can do a winning team fight. And her build lethality (with the armore pen item that slows) is really good because you always buy something when backing to base.
@ayooludipe3493 7 ай бұрын
Can someone make an explanatory video on how to carry as an adc in low elo?
@MasteJonjon1 8 ай бұрын
Was waiting for what you had to say about jungle:(
@ECPlaysLoL 8 ай бұрын
A lot more jungle content will be added to the channel 👍
@austinhensley6553 8 ай бұрын
Jungle is the strongest support is 2nd then mid adc top in that order
@Lionhart1991 7 ай бұрын
For supp i suggest Seraphine, just build for AH (90 min) and all heal and shield power, you are gonna spam buffed shield all the fight every fight, your team really has to f up big time to lose with this+your ult. Don't go damage, don't even go rylie, trust me on this, i cringe everytime i see someone play sera adc or mid or supp with damage, your % are too low to invest so much ap, you will literally, in a fair state, statcheck their damage output and even 1 feed enemy can't deal with all your team wide heal and shield You will not win your lane, max your efforts to make it neutral and use always buffed shield to protect the adc from poke or engage, only cast other spells to proc the supp item, just scale to the point where you can start spamming buffed shields Another good support it's Ap shaco, you will just poke and protect your lane from ganks with traps and you can get a huge objective control, take AH boots, you wanna place as many box you can, you will need to master the art of "where the f i place theme and when" but it's really op, your R will be on low cd anf it will be a pain in the a** every single teamfight for the enemy team If you wanna poke the enemy out of the lane, you can take Xerath (Taliya it's a fav of mine in the poke duty) and if you wanna kinda scale you can take Senna As for engage, Ap Alistar (your ult can still make you tanky and you can still build the items that can give you both ap and tank stats but you are better then a malph.), Belveth (korean build, AH boots, evershoud, Black Cleaver, she is very nerfed now, i still got a way to play her and be op but it's a long story) and tank Skarner (you will become a cc machine with a giga pick potential, you can also duel lategame, insane) are my personal fav picks but i guess a good old Nautilus can still get the job done if you are not into the spicy land If you wanna speed someone like, my secret pick is Orianna, shurelya and field spam it's godly, you also can still give stats and a shield and your auto/ball poke early are huge in lane but try to focus on the autos, use your mana for the shields, your R on a melee carry it's also huge and a good tool for teamfight and pick but for me, Orianna it's the best pick to AoE speed your team At last, if you feel really on the dark side, just pick teemo and make the enemy adc miss every cannon with the blind while spamming his "hahaha" lol.
@gyurcimurci999 8 ай бұрын
hello ! , who do you pref for early game jungler as a gold player?
@ECPlaysLoL 8 ай бұрын
Nocturne and Jarvan are very good AD junglers, and for AP I would recommend Udyr and Maokai. Focus on objectives and at the start of the game, pick the lane that is going to generate most kills, and path towards that lane.
@coach_scuffy 8 ай бұрын
bot lane going top is pretty outdated imo. you don't really want your adc in side lane most games because they'll just get run down in a long lane. ideally you go mid because two people can hold priority much easier than 1, the lane is shorter and your tower is much closer when you're pushing and you can do more off of priority than if you were bot since, by 14 mins, your support likely has their ward upgrade and you want them able to place vision from mid. so unless your mid can hold mid priority and use it, they should be in a side lane after lane. Mid priority being super important after 14 mins now because after that time, the minion waves in mid and sides are staggered, meaning you can catch the mid wave early and then rotate to a side and catch that wave also. Enemy team cant siege or respond to you if you push your minions to their tower.
@geftsu 7 ай бұрын
I hard disagree that support is the hardest role to carry with. Support can impact the whole map. If your adc is dogwater, you just abandon them completely and never come back botlane. Or even if you are the one who is dogwater and ruined botlane, you can just leave the lane and make your adc suffer the fallout of your skill issue and impact the map elsewhere. You don't depend on gold and your skills usually provide value for your team regardless of how much you int, how much resources you give up or how hard you lose the lane. The thing is, support role is populated by the most elo inflated, ego inflated and least knowledgeable players at every elo bracket. If the support player has a brain and understanding of what other roles want and what they play for, it's an insanely impactful role, especially if you know when to roam and what to roam for. Similarly to jungle, but without relying on resources, needing to manage camp spawn timers, optimizing clears and having freer pathing. If you have good game sense as a support player and don't tunnel vision on afk leeching xp in botlane, you can do so much. You can salvage horrific wave states for your toplaner, for example, simply by being top at the right time: hovering on dives, helping your toplaner bruteforce a crash and break the freeze, helping him hold a freeze or setup a kill or a beneficial trade at the right moment if the wave state allows. You can provide vision for splitpushers, preventing them from dying to 4-5 man collapses and wasting an immense amount of time for the enemy team and gaining insane tempo for your team, simply by placing vision. I assure you, these days even in Gold/Plat the splitpusher in 95% of the cases will leave if he sees enemy team rotating on the vision you set up for him. Even the worst players I've seen, react to these things these days. I can go on forever talking about how much you can do as a support player, if you actually have a brain (which is rare for support mains, unfortunately). And I don't believe that you can't climb as support, just because "team bad". Apocalypse managed to get rank 1 EUW playing Janna and only Janna on an account that had 0 games on any other champion. I personally have a friend who has very average mechanics, very terrible macro and he managed to get into Diamond 2 on enchanters. My co-worker is a good player who plays Tanks and Enchanters and is steadily climbing. You can climb on support if you are good and you don't need to play mages to do so. In fact, when I as an adc player, when I see a mage or Senna support I usually just play Ezreal and mentally prepare myself that I will have to take the back seat this game to the ego of my support and god forbid I type a single word to him or ping him once, he will probably just instantly leave the lane and I will be out of the game. Tbh, I can't think of a single matchup where I would rather have a mage support than a tank/engage or an enchanter as an adc. Or as any other laner, for that matter (since I quit adc now). Imo, if you pick the lowest economy role in the game to carry through damage, you have ego issues. Enchanters and especially tanks/disruptors/initiators are much more useful as the game goes on than mages. P.S. Also on the topic of "adc bad". Some matchups are just plain unplayable in the botlane. Some matchups can be literally decided by having to leash. For example, if you play Kai'sa into Lux/Caitlyn and you let them have priority level 1, your lane will most likely be completely unplayable even if you are Faker. Also, showing Lux as an example of ADC eating skillshots is very funny, because Lux has an undodgeable AOE nuke that has insane range and takes third of the lane in width. Also, in my experience, in lower elo brackets supports are very bad at understanding wave states and they overleash the jungler all the time. They also always insist on leashing even when you try to convince them that doing so in a specific matchup is a horrible idea. Support players also leave lane because of hurt ego a lot more frequently than they do because it's a good time to roam. Idk, a smart support player is an insane force of good for the team, and if the adc is really in fact dogshit and hopeless, then abandoning them is the right play. Still, it's better to do so at proper times (when wave is pushing into them and they probably won't be dove, when the wave is not frozen against them and they are not forced to afk at their tower bleeding resources for 5 minutes, etc.) P.P.S On the ADC part, one of the reasons why Ashe is so good, especially in higher elo is because even if you are not getting the best economy or having the best game you still provide very valuable utility for the team even if you are not the primary win condition. And while Ashe has great utility, she also has good damage if she gets to her items. Also, Tristana and Sivir are not good ADCs to play, imo, but I won't elaborate since this comment is tl;dr already. By far the easiest ADC to play in the game is Jhin, who can be played by someone with no mechanics and no hands, followed by Miss Fortune. Both have very strong laning, scale decently well and are very easy to play, requiring minimal mechanics. Jhin also has great utility in his kit and is very safe. If you want less safety and less lane strength, but more scaling and raw damage, play Jinx. She outscales practically everyone and has decent laning (not great, but somewhat playable into most matchups). Ashe, contrary to popular belief, is not the easiest ADC to play, in my opinion. She requires a lot more mechanics, much better spacing and more brain activity to get better value from her maphack ability (E).
@sueycuomo8673 2 ай бұрын
what about jungle?
@KeViNaNoViC 8 ай бұрын
im a d1 multirole player and i would say the best roles to carry in below diamond elo is Jgl > Top > Supp > Mid > Adc .. Toplane is my most played role and for me personaly toplane would be nr.1 but i think a good jgl will win more games. Supp is extremly good to carry with becouse supp players are the worst player in general and u can abuse that fact realy hard. Mid is realy bad in my opinion u have to deal with jgl and supp ganks also cant realy roam anymore with the mignon changes ... Adc is realy easy to play in my opinion and when ur team cares about u legit feel like cheating even with nonmeta adcs.. but when ur team dont know how to play arround u .. good luck 😂 thats why i dont play that role that much
@swerbyy9488 8 ай бұрын
im hardstuck silver but i dont think mid is that bad at all. if you have good jg tracking and ward for enemy support(which in my exp rarely roam in (silver-gold) which i think makes sense if you want to believe that they are the worst players in the game. Mid is kind of just top but with way more options then just win the 1v1. i still do think top is prolly the best because of the champs have such high power and the fact that your likely going to be 2-3 levels above everyone else. i also think relative to top mid has more champs that carry very well while also being way more forgiving. that just my opinion as a hardstuck silver low lmk what a multirole d1 player thinks
@oui2826 3 ай бұрын
​@@swerbyy9488 you're hardstuck silver and you're good at tracking jungler and support? There's something wrong here sir.
@xXGyakusatsuXx 25 күн бұрын
so. whats now the best role to carry with? am i dumb or wasn't it answered at all?
@ECPlaysLoL 25 күн бұрын
The idea behind the video was to present many different ways that all the roles can carry with, and have you the viewer decide which role is the best for you depending on what you like. Nobody can really answer what the best role is because its a subjective thing. All people think differently.
@Sojuski 8 ай бұрын
What rank r u
@Onchyst 7 ай бұрын
hi! do not agree with the adc part, i don't think immobile adcs are good in low elo. low elo lobbies are full of smurfs playing assassins (zed, kata etc), those champions will one shot an Ashe or even a sivir with only 2 items. i do agree however that Tristana is a fantastic champion for this elo
@kevinsauce4039 3 ай бұрын
Why do I feel like attacked as an adc player lol
@smx6014 8 ай бұрын
Next time can you add timestamps on the video for each role
@jaimais3527 8 ай бұрын
tldr pls
@PHUNGOwar 8 ай бұрын
i just lost 8 games in a row with sivir, great cs but im almost down to iron 1
@ECPlaysLoL 8 ай бұрын
At this elo, fundamentals are way more important than champion choice. There is a gap in knowledge between the laning phase and mid to late game in this elo. Focus on the basics first, and then you will climb 👍
@rch5395 8 ай бұрын
Why does my team int me when I play grandpa smurf ryze?
@ECPlaysLoL 8 ай бұрын
Because they don't know the true power of EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ and they probably never will...
@Electricfy706 8 ай бұрын
Get a diff account then comeback.
@vxriuz 8 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoLthey fear the Doinb ryze hack 400 cs 20 min
@rch5395 8 ай бұрын
@@ECPlaysLoLIsn't ryze a good champ for nub scrubs since he has a very high mana pool and huge 2 item power spike (unless he somehow didn't stack tear by then). Not to mention being way more forgiving vs some assasins like akali? Not to mention his wave clear is good mid game. Allmost forgot to mention that no Matter how far behind he is in lane if he doesn't int to hard he can start one tapping allmost everyone late game.
@swaelee4686 4 ай бұрын
would work but bot feeds
@wasty4503 8 ай бұрын
@slendrio 3 ай бұрын
Not draven draaaaven
@junglster 2 ай бұрын
where is jungle?
@NightLife360 7 ай бұрын
Wait no jungle?
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
The channel started out as a jungle guide channel, I skipped over jungle because its the same stuff I talk about in my other videos, so I did not want to repeat myself too much 🤔
@moresezer8680 7 ай бұрын
man every video i watch i feel insulted as a adc main :D
@ECPlaysLoL 7 ай бұрын
Its how the game goes mate 😂 top never groups report him, jungle diff, mid inting on yauso/zed, adc syndrome, support diff gg, everyone gotta catch some fists 👍
@Z41N_51 8 ай бұрын
l take on fortnite tbh
@Nohqi 6 ай бұрын
Stopped video because of Boring Sleepy voice, sorry
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