What's The Best "You Messed With The Wrong Person" Moment You've Seen ? | Viewer Edition

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What's The Best "You Messed With The Wrong Person" Moment You've Seen ? | Viewer Edition
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@TrisFireblood Жыл бұрын
So I didn't witness this personally, but my dad *loves* to tell this story. His buddy was huge into LARPing when they were in college, and he had a suit of chainmail that he wore during events. After one of their events, they were back at the house and the dude decided to go for a walk to the store while having a cigarette, so he just threw a jacket over the chainmail. On his way back from the store, he got hit in the back and stumbled forward. He turned around and there was a black dude standing there with a shocked expression. He asked him for some help, and the guy turned as white as a ghost and ran off. My dad's friend kept going back to the house and told the guys there what happened and they had him turn around. When he did, they found a switchblade sticking out of his back, caught in the chainmail he was wearing
@adamyerby Жыл бұрын
Fucking gig
@jt3948 Жыл бұрын
The armor (or armour) actually did its job
@empressofmadness Жыл бұрын
@@jt3948 i should buy chainmail lol
@jesusofbullets Жыл бұрын
Your dad wasn’t wearing chainmail, he had PLOT ARMOR.
@celiashen5490 Жыл бұрын
Haha! The aggressor's face... Chainmail FTW!
@DJSound-wave Жыл бұрын
One time my grandma took me to the doctor to get a refill on my medicine. Well for some reason the doctor starts to get a attitude with my grandma and just be a butt towards her. So my grandma raises her voice and starts being talking back and tell her to shut up. The doctor shuts up and proceeds with the appointment like nothing happened.
@maddieeffler6362 Жыл бұрын
Moral of the story is NEVER mess with grandmas, they will eff you up lol
@DJSound-wave Жыл бұрын
@@maddieeffler6362 exactly
@michellecoleman5577 Жыл бұрын
Oo! I actually have a story for once. I lost sight in both eyes at about 18 months old so this story about a year later was made worse by the blindness being a new thing for everyone. Anyway, around 3-ish I was hospitalized for severe RSV (all the children on the ward were going downhill and nothing was working). So one night I'm sleeping with all the ivs and monitors hooked up and my Mom was sleeping there with me. Dad worked security at the time and was home that night watching my brother. The nurses would come in periodically to do percussion treatments where they bang on your back and chest with a rubber cup thing to break up the mucous. They were all aware that they should announce themselves when coming in so I'd know someone was there. The nurse on call that night did no such thing, but just quietly snuck in without waking either of us and without any warning started beating on my back. I woke up screaming bloody murder naturally, trying to fight confused and ripping out all the tubes. My mother wakes up scared to death because I'm screaming and bleeding and she has no idea what happened. So she lays into the nurse who calls the head nurse who also received a verbal beating. At some point my Dad was called and sped to the hospital. He is usually a professional person but when you upset his family, hell hath no fury. Idk what the details were that made them eventually call security, except that there was no physical attack. My parents are still livid and loudly expressing it as the security guard comes on scene. The guard looks at the nurses, looks at my parents and just stands by the wall with his arms crossed. The original nurse demands to know why he's not getting rid of the crazy people and the guard shruggs and goes, "Ma'm, I'm not touching him. That's my boss." The incident made it all the way up to the head nun (it was a catholic hospital) and in the end the nurse was not fired but moved permanently off the children's floor. PS: My Dad was a weapons master in the Navy and has the dirty fighting knowledge to back that up if necessary. Naturally, he makes sure I know how to fight dirty because I'm already at a disadvantage.
@jt3948 Жыл бұрын
There is no fair in a real fight always fight to win fair or unfair
@celiashen5490 Жыл бұрын
Do you use a cane? Can it be used in self-defense?
@rachelmoore1974 6 ай бұрын
"Ma'am, I'm not touching him. That's my boss." LOVED THAT!
@nickioleary8577 Жыл бұрын
I have one story that I didn’t witness, but a family friend told me about one he witnessed. He was working a booth at some big concert some years back, and had a pretty good view of the concert. However, in this performance (at least around where his booth was) you weren’t supposed to be standing up since it obstructs the view of people behind you. Anyway, so this big, burly 6’5” ish guy is standing up and is of course blocking the view of the people behind him. And it wasn’t that he was briefly standing up to move or stretch or anything, he’d been like that for a few minutes. Eventually, this tiny police lady, around 4’11”-5’ came up and asked him to sit down. He refused, and the woman kept saying he had to sit down or he’d be escorted out by security. This guy doesn’t like that and tries to take a swing at her. She dodges, and manages to somehow flip him over her shoulder and throw him onto the floor. He wasn’t unconscious or even all that hurt, just really winded. I don’t remember exactly what happened next; either he was escorted out by security or arrested for attempting to assault a cop. This was a long time ago, and I heard the story a good few years ago, so I might’ve gotten a few of the details wrong, but I know that it still ended with a big guy swinging at a tiny cop and she knocking him flat on his butt
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
Great story! As a 5'4" chick who took jiu jitsu for a while, people don't realize that being shorter (that is, having a lower center of gravity) is an ADVANTAGE when it comes to throws/judo 😁 I'm also conveniently long-waisted and short-legged, so I barely have to drop my center/spread my stance at all just to be nice and stable, and I can fling tall people all over the place from there, as long as they either don't know to really bend their knees and take a low stance or fail to do so in time. Big guys may look tough, but taller objects simply topple over more easily lol
@jt3948 Жыл бұрын
@@ItsAsparageese that's why they say the bigger they are the harder they fall
@jesusofbullets Жыл бұрын
My dad is a medically retired veteran who lived in California for several years due to his wife’s work. He’s got a jeep which he proudly keeps his unit’s insignia and a sticker CIB on the back. One day, he was in his jeep and he noticed this car was tailgating him very aggressively and following him, but he thought it was just a coincidence they were following them and that they were just a shitty driver. He gets out of his jeep at the grocery store, and this lady comes out and starts screeching at him about how he’s a baby killer and a murderer who kills without thought. He sits there and waits for her to wind down while he doesn’t react. When she gets a little quieter, he asks “so if I’m anything like what you said, a murderer who kills without thinking, why do you think it would be a good idea to provoke me?” She paled and scrambled back to her car and peeled out of the parking lot. Unfortunately, that kind of thing isn’t uncommon in California which is why they moved away when they could.
@Sphinx9473 Жыл бұрын
Back in High school 2010-2011 I think, my best friend saw me getting bullied by a kid who wouldn’t stop showing me graphic images of neglected or beaten animals, so I leave the class room due to my IEP. By the time I returned the bully was in tears and apologizing to me for what he did, my friend who is REALLY shy, said she handled him… to this day I don’t know what she told him by I knew she said something because she isn’t a physical person due to health issues.
@clearcasket1555 Жыл бұрын
I really wanna know what the hell your friend did.
@Sphinx9473 Жыл бұрын
@@clearcasket1555 As far as I know she yelled at him, and I think just ripped him to shreds verbally… my friend is a really well spoken person and I wasn’t in the room at the time it happened.
@Sphinx9473 Жыл бұрын
@@clearcasket1555 UPDATE: My friend remembers one thing she said and I quote, “Clearly you are living a miserable life because you only get joy from making others miserable.” That’s a small portion of her speech. She saw red and felt nothing but pure rage so every thing else is fuzzy. Don’t mess with the ones she loves!
@auroraackley227 Жыл бұрын
A friend of mine and I were sitting in the hallway one morning waiting for homeroom to open, the door was kept locked until it was class time in this high school. She was a big girl and was doing my hair as she liked to and I didn't mind feels good. The guy built like a line-backer, one Gary bye name, decides to sit on the floor opposite us and starts insulting my friend more then I. I simply growled at him as she had all of my hair in her hand. The next day or a few days later not sure, though it was the same week, Im sitting in that same hallway after lunch waiting for class to start as the door was locked until start of class then too. I was writing while sitting on the floor, so I was minding my own and was solo and the only female in the hallway. Suddenly from the very end of the hallway Gary comes stomping up the stairs as loud as he could, we were on the top floor, saw me and started stomping down the hallway screaming at me saying things like: You fecking sloot! Fecking hoore! God dame itch! Fecking piece of shite! and so on. Teacher all the way down the hallway are opening their door wondering what was going on. I quickly slipped the my notebook into my backpack, got up and went to the nearby time out room. the heavy metal door closing gently behind me. I stood with my head down in front of the desk where there was a male teachers aide. I wasn't scared I was very angry. The teacher had enough time to say my name in a questioning way before Gary kicked the open hard enough to dent the wall from it flying open to continue his tirade. I snapped around, whipped my backpack in a half circle slamming it into the floor causing a gunshot level crack sound and screamed "FECK YOU!" at Gary before getting into a ready stance as I presumed Gary was going to swing on me. I wont swing first but I will swing last though i have never actually been in a fight I do know how from taking classes in the past. To my shock he just stood there and stared at me along with the floors worth of teachers for a good ten seconds at least, though it felt like much longer. The teachers aide from behind the desk now behind me and another teacher in the hallway in front of me then calmly took Gary away. He went without a problem. Then the bell rang and I was complete fine again and went to class jovily saying hi to my teacher as I headed into his classroom. He was still staring at me as i went from extreme anger to happily bubbly in a few seconds. I later found out that Gary had gotten expelled and had to go to an alternitive school that being the final straw for him.
@aeroneowyn Жыл бұрын
One time my uncle was out on a walk with his dog. He was hunched over to look at something on his phone when a random guy thought that he was just an old defenseless man and tried to steal his phone. When my uncle looked at him, now standing up straight the guy new he messed up because my uncle is an absolute giant ( I don't know exactly how tall he is but he's taller then my older brother who's 6'5 so very tall). He also didn't realise that my uncles dog was massive. Let's just say that the guy didn't have a very good experience for messing with my uncle.
@SunnyNight Жыл бұрын
The first time I went to an NHL game, my dad almost started a brawl. We were in the nosebleed seats, super high up and usually the cheapest. I was with my parents and sister (both her and I were young teens at the time). Partway through the game, a group of around 5 college kids had gotten fairly drunk and were shouting obscenities. Some real vulgar stuff. Now that wouldn’t have been much of an issue for just my family, but about two rows ahead of us there was another family with kids ranging from 5-9 years old. My dad, a retired military man who was still very much an intimidating guy, turns around and asks the punks to keep it down and clean up their language. I guess those guys had a bit too much liquid courage (or liquid stupidity in this case) and they started to get riled up, poking my dad in the chest and saying things like “Well what’re YOU gonna do about it, old man?” - very tame version of what they actually said - and one guy in particular came down one row closer to my dad to get in his face. That was a big mistake. My dad grabbed this guy by the shirt, dragged him down another row, and brought out what we call his ‘master chief voice’. It’s the kind of tone that triggers an almost primal sense of fear in people, and that drunk idiot definitely felt it along with all his buddies who leapt down to cover their friend’s face while begging for my dad not to k*ll him. Knowing he had sufficiently terrified them, my dad released the guy and repeated what he said the first time about watching their language. And with a chorus of “Yes sir”s and scrambling back to their seats, we spent the rest of the game listening to them yelling the equivalent of preschool taunts.
@macylouwho1187 Жыл бұрын
I’m one of those super petty sidewinding types of chicks that will take you the F OUT if you mess with me. I had a girl and her friends relentlessly bully me at the local pool when we were teens. I had never spoken to her before. I did nothing to her. She singled me out and I wasn’t sure why or what I did. At the end of the day I had had enough. I looked her in the eyes and said “I know you’re older than me, but let me tell you I will find a way to make so sorry for this”. Her and her friends just laughed at me. I left on a mission. She had this slime of a boyfriend who was hot but dumb and he had the old “wandering eye” syndrome. I went home and got dressed to slay dragons or men. I went downtown and found him and his boys. I just looked at him and said “why on earth would you be with your girlfriend when you could be with someone like me?” His jaw dropped and his friends guffawed. So he spent the next three days with me where I gave him hope but kept him at bay. She was losing her mind trying to find him. Last day we pulled into the gas station in his car (top down and music ringing) and she was right behind us in another car. She got out and started yelling and crying in a rage when she saw us both asking what the hell was going on. I walked by her into the station and said with an evil grin “I’m all done with him. You can have him back now. Remember this the next time you want to be a b-tch to me. It won’t end well for you.” 100% true story. Sorry not sorry. She started it.
@QueArres Жыл бұрын
I would definitely say I'm adept verbal combatant, and exceptionally good at bravado (given that I am a short female). I managed to really unnerve bullies in high school simply by calling their bluff when they threatened violence, as most of them were all bluster and show. I distinctly remember one incident when some chick threatened to punch me in the face (don't remember why she decided to pick on me, as it all felt very random). I looked at her, smiled, and just said, "Okay." See, I had had braces at the time, and I knew that even if she didn't pack much of a punch, it was going to bleed a lot. I also think that I might have looked just a tad bit insane as I was looking up at her over the rims of my glasses (my friends say I have a really effective "slasher smile", so I can easily picture it). Shockingly, she just walked away. I was actually scared witless, just really good at hiding it. It has served me well in customer service.
@lassemadsen607 Жыл бұрын
I have a non violent story. When I was an apprentice, I was a bit older then the rest of my class, I actually finished school and just didn't think Uni was for me at the time, and my dad and his brothers were blacksmiths so it just seem like a good idea. I learned to weld as a kids, so I had a leg up on everyone and as a former victim of bullies I tried my best to stop it whenever I could. I'd help out people who struggled and in years 3, I was pretty much the go to if people couldn't get an instructor to help, which was fun. Enter Douchecanoe. And all around dumbf*ck who like nothing more then do as little work as possible, and do a lot of speed. Welp, one day my nice, very expensive welding helmet is gone, and douchecanoe has one, freshly painted, exactly like mine. I know it's mine, you know theese things. Some stern words made him 'agree' to gift me 'his' helmet, but seeing as it was worth about as much as Iphone 1, I aged myself, I am not ashamed of being old. It thought it prudent to try and get the school involved - I HATE theives. They did nothing. The rest of my fellow apprentices, well not so much. They never told me about what they did, but for some reason nothing in his locked locker was ever there. And sometimes his clothes were wet and he smelled like a urinal. Sometimes it just pays to be friendly.
@petelee2477 Жыл бұрын
3:45 from the perspective of a kid you have to know how to fight because often you are forbidden to leave whatever room/ situation you're in. As an adult if a guy is robbing a gas station I leave and never have to see that guy again. As a child the school bully is going to be with me all the way until I graduate and you were usually forced to be in the same room as them. There could be a school shooter on campus and I would still be forced to stay at school.
@fiyahquacker2835 Жыл бұрын
Plus if someone chooses to be a bully and they want to get a reaction I say give it to them and then some. Makes everything go quicker and smoother.
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
I'm not exactly proud of how hostile I was as a little kid, but I do have one story that I find amusing to this day despite it being kinda dumb lol. So, my older brother is severely autistic, mostly nonverbal, definitely stood out as strange, especially back in the '90s when it was less heard-of. I was a bratty little sister to him, but I had NO tolerance for anyone who talked crap about him, especially about him being disabled. One day I was in my backyard with this neighbor dude, we played with him and his little sister sometimes (they were a bit older than us, this guy was 14 and I was like 7 iirc, so in retrospect idk why he ever hung with us at all ... They never came over again after this event though lol). We were yelling and talking crap, presumably over nothing, like dumb kids do. I called his sister a b-tch (in my defense, as my mom agreed later, that girl WAS a total b-tch) and this dude responded by calling my brother a "f-cking r-tard". Now, of course, it's classless edgebaby trash to use "r-tard" as an insult, but nowadays idrc if people do it, let 'em be edgebabies, whatever, I've lightened up a lot about language overall. But back then I absolutely FLIPPED THE ENTIRE F OUT anytime people used it to insult my brother. As you might imagine, a 7ish-year-old doesn't exactly have much power against a 14ish-year-old. But the thing is, we owned a croquet set, and for some reason, for a few years around that time, there are an awful lot of stories involving me wandering around casually wielding a croquet mallet, like some noob character in a goofy suburban RPG. This happened to be an occasion when I had a croquet mallet equipped, and the douche who called my brother a "f-cking r-tard" evidently didn't consider that variable. So anyway I broke his collarbone--
@jt3948 Жыл бұрын
I don't think he was very croquet after that
@elisesteingruebl3292 Жыл бұрын
I have several stories of this where I've actually been that person but there is one that's definitely a favorite. I was in ninth grade and I was very clearly the best student in my English class, or at least the biggest know it all in the class depending on how you look at it. Anyway, that day, our teacher had arranged a jeopardy game with trivia about the reading we'd done in order to help us prepare for a big test on it. We were split up into several teams and, sadly, I got stuck with the students who did literally nothing in class and who would definitely expect me to do all the work. For the first little bit, I humored them and answered all the questions, getting a lot of points for our team but at one point, I got a question wrong, and my classmates started shouting at me. Bad idea. I proceed to pick up the book I'm reading for fun and just completely ignore them except to give snarky responses when they try to get me to do their work for them. Basically I'd say things like "you read it, didn't you?" or "This is a team effort and I feel bad you haven't gotten the chance to equally participate." Our team lost but I had a great grade so it was fine. The best part was that the winning team got five points of extra credit, which would've likely made a big deal to the rest of my team. I was even willing to help them out, until they acted like it was my job to do their work for them.
@kasiajohnson1697 Жыл бұрын
I have a couple of times that comes to my mind. ONe time I was in sixth grade. There was this 8th grader who kept insulting and just picking on my best friend. My best friend was going through some bad shit at home during that year. I told the 8th grader THREE times to leave her alone. I guess since I was only in the 6th grade, she didn't think I would do anything. I blacked out. I had friends tell me this part. (The best part in my opinion.) I had wrapped her ponytail around myhand and throw her down the hall like a bowling ball. She hit some lockers at the end of the hallway. Her and her stupid little friends didn't bother me or my friends again. THe second time was when I was between 19 and 20. I was at Job Corps (look it up if you don't know what it is). ANd this one guy kept saying the N-word. I had asked him not to say it when I was around him. (Outside smoking.) I have cousins that are half black, and I just don't like that word. So, I asked him THREE DIFFERENT times to not sat that word around me. He didn't listen... I got fed up with it. I"m five foot 7 inches tall. He was about six foot 3 three inches tall. I got up in his face, about three inches apart and yelled "I swear to mother fucking GOd! If you don't stop saying that fucking word around me I"m gonna shove my foot so far up your fucking ass that you;ll lick my toes for breakfast!! Do I make myself clear?!?" After that he would always send people out to make sure I wasn't out there before going down to smoke.
@YtTest-tl8hs Жыл бұрын
For me, it was back in early to mid 2022. I was at school, and this dude had been harassing my girlfriend (at the time, not anymore) so I picked him up slamed him into a locker and told him something along the lines of if you ever talk to her again I will unalive you. Now, being that I was 5'3" 95 pounds and kept to myself all the time, it was taken pretty seriously. But as for her, she dumped me around July time and moved to another town because I didn't talk for a few days as of helping my dad out of state where he lives. Still hate you Alexa
@crispycrimson6448 Жыл бұрын
I have a great story for this, its a bit different than the normal ones though. There was this girl in my English class who was super cool, super sweet, but she was super shy and couldn't bring herself to even talk in front of people, the class was taking turns reading and when the person finished they would elect the next person to read, this one class douche tried to elect her, I was about to yell at this kid but before I could the entire rest of the class let loose on this dude calling him an asshole for calling on her and even the teacher said "that was dick move Evan" and called on someone else
@kmodo93 Жыл бұрын
Where I went to school for my K-8 schooling there was this one kid that seemed to want to pick on me and my siblings incessantly. Unfortunately for my brother, he was the most reactive and a common target for this bully and for later bullying as well, though it didn't last as long since he joined a JROTC program in high school. But that first bully came very close to finding out one day because he attempted to set said brother's hair on fire on the school bus home. Well, I wasn't the one who did anything because our sister ended up "handling" the situation as best she could without throwing a punch because the substitute bus driver we had that day stepped in before she could. The reason I say it was handled was because even though the next stop wasn't his, as the bus driver had insisted, the bully got off anyway and had to walk or be picked up almost a mile from their house because they were legitimately afraid of her.
@jeremybutler8269 Жыл бұрын
Nonviolent here. I was quiet in college. A guy decided that he would call me out and threaten me. I smiled and said "oh I won't fight you now. You better watch your back though." I left. Apparently the women in my class taunted him for the next two weeks. They spread rumors about what I had prepared for him. He would avoid me and jumped if I moved too fast in class. He apologized shortly after.
@williampowell3378 2 ай бұрын
@Sylvestershows 9 күн бұрын
Ok that's awesome!!!!!
@johnrainsman6650 7 ай бұрын
My experience. My boss was once upset I had signed up for a one-person shift, because she didn't think I could manage alone. She scolded a lower-ranking manager for not noticing I had signed up a coffee service. When she asked him if she thought I could do the shift, I answered for him with a firm "yes," because I felt belittled by her. She said she didn't think so, was all "I've told you not to sign up for shifts by yourself, I've been very clear about that, I don't know how much clearer I can get for you to listen" and she told me I need someone there to give me instructions and guide me. Sure, I'm a slow learner and have messed up at work before, but you got a lot of guts labeling and shaming a guy with learning difficulties like that. And that escalated to me snapping at a drunk woman at the wedding reception I worked. She was in my face about something, and because another woman (who I couldn't stand up to) had been in my face too, I subconsciously took advantage of it. You know, projected my anger and frustration on this other awful woman, giving her lip and putting my foot down. Furiously, she tried to splash beer at me, but I ducked and my boss got hit. The woman even grabbed a pie and tossed, but I ducked again and my boss stumbled into a table and had punch spilled over her. She deserved it. Better her than me. If I could relive that moment, I would still duck, not block.
@zerofate9669 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 I actually googled it and basically its where op described it exactly. Violent overreaction to physical, visual, or verbal insult. This cause the body to fly into a fit of rage and violence where the person experience this has complete amnesia of the events that happened from start to finish when he/she wakes up. Op body targeted the dude who started this and took it out on him while he was black out, when he came to, he sees dude being choked by him with 5 grown ass adults trying to get him off. Only people who can tell him what he did are the witnesses but then again it wouldnt matter to op cuz he didnt see or feel anything, an out of body experience if you as me.
@maggiebaxter610 Жыл бұрын
I lived in the era (1970) where, if you misbehaved or stood up on the school bus, the driver could/would pull over and kick you off immediately. We lived in a very rural area so it could be a long walk home (just ask my older brothers lol). There were a group of foster kids that lived up the road and were on my bus, as was the bully on the bus. The bully, named Guy (for real), was teasing one of the foster kids because he didn’t have a dad. This took place about a month after my own father passed away at the age of 43, 2 weeks after my 10th birthday so I was still an emotional daddy’s girl. I stood up and yelled “Are you going to tease us because we don’t have a dad?” The bully shut up, I sat down and was terrified the bus would be pulling over any second to give me the boot. Thankfully that never happened. The next day the bus driver brought 10 year old me a gift. I was shocked and then turned back into the quiet kid. My dad left my mom a widow at 39 with 7 kids. I was the quiet, shy middle child.
@Zoque24 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: One day in collage we discovered a webite that contained buttons that play sound snippets. At first it was awesome but as time wore on in the day it started to get a little repetitive. The number of times you can play sad violin in lectures, it wears you down. But Andy wouldn't stop. Our 7 foot tall leviathan was so into the sound effects that he played them on his phone throughout the day. The more people told him to stop the more he tried his hand at remixing it. So when Gizelle asked him to stop for the third time he literally moved closer to her and that is when the magic happened. At the time I was talking to my lecturer while facing them... Like a golden Chuck Norris Giselle used the head rest like a axis that would augment her spin kick, her one leg raised and the other acting as an anchor. She spun round in a single movement and kicked out 7 foot goliath in the balls. Me and the lecturer just looked on in shock as Andy crounched down and stuttered seconds later, "If you weren't a girl..." then proceeded to leave the class. He was absent for three days after that. Before I forget, Gizelle was a blackbelt in Karate and was practived in a whole other bunch of self defence cources. She might be small compared to everybody else but there was a good reason she was always a 'part of the boys' group. That is we respected and feared her. side note, they made up later on it took two weeks but Andy realised he was in the wrong and Gizelle realised she might have over reacted. They are still friends to this day.
@mustbetheSUN Жыл бұрын
I have one verbal destruction story! It's long, but I swear it's pure poetic justice. Imagine a class full of 16 year olds and the kindest, most patient teacher ever. Strict, but absolutely loving and, you know... Real. Always the same person. Everyone loved her, even the class troublemakers, because she always found ways to connect with her students and frankly did a lot of extra work. But there was this kid... I'll call him Thomas for simplicity. Thomas just had to be the roughest toughest craziest mf in the school. Looking back, I don't think he was evil - his entitled family just let him do anything he wanted, and I think he thought he was just there to have fun and everyone around him was an instrument for it. Of course, he was the head of the troublemakers. But when others would stop messing around when we were with this kind teacher, he wouldn't. He was always trying to get an emotional reaction out of her. She would sometimes get a bit flustered or tired with him, but never gave him the emotional payout he wanted, and so he kept escalating: calling her names, playing loud music over her, throwing stuff around... The teacher would always talk to him, but he would only stop when the entire class was yelling at him or an administrator was called. Then one day we were watching a documentary about World War 2 that had real footage. Seeing how emotional the teacher was getting, Thomas decided to start making comments about the naked bodies of the prisoners. He loudly began saying which ones were "bangable" or not, and asking the teacher what she thought. The teacher finally paused the documentary and stared at him. He was smiling, possibly finally expecting something, but the teacher simply stared. There was so much tension in the air. Thomas kept smiling and asked "Why are you looking at me? Aren't you going to say anything?". And I'm paraphrasing here, but in a completely cold and unemotional tone, the teacher replied "No Thomas, I have nothing to say to you. Now that I think about it, I don't think I'll ever have something to say to you again. Some things are completely pointless". You could hear a pin drop. To be honest, I don't think that Thomas went silent because he was impressed, I think he was just processing what he'd heard. The teacher then pressed play again, asked a girl to call an administrator, and Thomas was escorted out before anything else happened. But the incident did deal a great impact on the class, and I remember talking about it with my classmates as soon as the bell rang. Thomas did not like that we were all talking about it, but since we all liked the teacher, nobody cared what he thought. I think something clicked for the first time and he felt a sense of shame, though at this point I don't believe he felt any real remorse, cause he kept messing with people as usual. He was just angry that we were all taking the thing seriously. But the thing is, the teacher kept her word. She would talk to each and every one of us, but not Thomas. If he said anything in her class, she would ignore him and pick another student to talk over him. If he started his usual pestering, she would call the administrator to remove him and keep him in the principal's office for the entirety of her class. I remember one time he asked her about homework, and while she would smile and explain things to every other student, to him she replied something like "you will find that information in the book". She was completely different to him, and believe me when I say it was noticeable. She had effectively removed any love or care, but only towards him. AND IT FUCKING WORKED. After many classes (that I can recall at least) of Thomas still trying to get on her nerves or get her to talk to him, he kind of... Mellowed out. Not only in her class, but also in most others. He didn't do much work, but he stopped being annoying. And sometimes he would even try to ask her History questions, though the teacher still referred him to the material and never talked to him normally again. She really seemed to decide it wasn't worth it, and kept it up until the end of the year. Even at the time the changes were noticeable to us, as dumb as we were at 16. Now that I'm an adult, this story is one of my favourite high school anecdotes to tell, even if it is a bit sad. I imagine that it must be quite bitter to come to the realization that you have fucked up so badly that even the kindest person, the one who has love for everyone, has given up on you. I hope he did learn his sad lesson.
@Angelo1235Plays Жыл бұрын
For next video: TL/DR: School, around 16/17 years old. Starting at 8:30 to 15:00 one dude was disrespecting the teacher, and annoying the whole class the whole day. Teacher did not respond to his behaviour in a way where he could not continue his clowning. i warned my teacher to act or i would do it for him, twice. i threw the class clown around the full first floor of the school until he peed himself in terror, he went home crying. I went from bullied nobody to school hero and the dude was at home "sick" for 4 weeks. Teacher said to me he seeing me terrorize the classclown but if it happened again i would be suspended. I made the instant comeback "i would not have done that if you did your job better today, but we both made mistakes i guess" Teacher and i shook hands and appreciated each-others honesty, it never happened again. LONG STORY: Senior year, High School. The class clown was being way to loud the entire day. starting at 8:30 in the morning till around 15:00 (3 O'clock) he was busy with irritating literally everyone. He started the morning with yelling, constantly walking around the classroom, having a way harsh vocabulary towards the teacher who was not impressed, followed by him laughing over his own actions while the rest of my class where all cursing him out throughout the day. Eventually at around 14:20 (2:20) the teacher is done with him and sends him to the hallway outside the classroom in order to speak with him, As he moves out of the class he reopens the door to continue whistling into the classroom while we all tried to actually do some schoolwork for once. The teacher goes to him, talks behind a closed door, comes back inside without him. The moment the teacher sat down at his desk the door reopened and the whistle entered once more. I was fed up at this point and i look my teacher dead in his eyes and just calmly tell him "If you don't solve this right now, i will." Me being bullied all my years in that school and never really standing up for myself, it made the whole class laugh, but my teacher saw the fire in my eyes, and went to talk to him again. He then re-entered the class, sat down. And continued his irritating obnoxious behaviour. I repeat what i told my teacher earlier to the teacher, him hearing this starts cursing me out and yelling i won't do shit as im a pussy who cannot even break a leaf if i tried. Only he in that moment did not realize the whole class was dead silent looking hopefully my way. He gets set to the hallway again, and before the teacher reaches back to his desk he whistles again, i stand up. walk normally towards the door, open and close the door behind me. I got greeted with a "What you gonna do huh ill knock you out in one punch if you try something" i reply to him with "i suggest you stop with this shit before i do something" of course he attempts to continue but halfway through his last sentence his legs suddenly leave the ground as i am holding him, in front of the window where my whole class could see. in the air. and i repeat "stop or ill throw you through the entire school and make sure everyone knows you lost to me" as i was already a nobody, he would then be lower then me as is the rules of school kids. I then proceed to throw him to the floor in the direction of the school entrance, with him constantly landing on his ass or on his back. When he landed i would lift him up again and again until he went home crying at the age of 16, for not being able to hit me even once out of pure terror. And after peeing himself by my throwing. I went home a hero and my class told the entire school what happened, the dude i threw did not come to school for 4 full weeks claiming he was sick. But he never acted up again, in fact i suddenly had friends and he sat alone for the rest of the year. The teacher called me after school to his desk until we where alone, and said "i really cannot say this, but i genuinely enjoyed the time you spent throwing him around in the hallway. However do not do this again or there will be serious consequences" to which my perfectly placed comeback was "I would not have thrown him around if you did your job better today, but i guess we both made mistakes today". He shook my hand, told me we would just accept both of our mistakes, and we went home to never speak of it again.
@rebeccadewaele9209 Жыл бұрын
One of my friends messed with the wrong person..... and it was I (mhuahahaha). It was the early days of Grade 7, and I was the lucky girl who ended up with braces. The cool thing about braces was choosing the coloured elastics that go into your brackets. So my first choice of colours were a light pink and lime green. Went to school, with my friends coming up to me and checking them out, thinking they look pretty cool. But then that one friend came up to me to check them out and immediately started calling me "watermelon". This went on for a few weeks and almost every single day, the same name over and over again..... watermelon. It got to the point it was very annoying. So one day while on the bus, she was sitting behind me calling me watermelon. I turned around, looked straight in her eyes and said.... say watermelon, one more time..... and sure enough, she said it. I ended up punching her in the face twice. And nope, never got into trouble (probably should have though lol) She apologized and never did it again. We are still friends and once in a while, the story does get brought up, and it would be by her, not me. And only for good laughs. Good times....
@toukatouka3479 Жыл бұрын
When I was in 6th grade, a really tall girl who tended to bully people tried to pick me up without my permission. I have an aversion to being touched without permission (mostly because some stuff went down a few weeks before that involved getting touched weirdly by another person), so my first reaction was “Oh crap it’s happening again.” Since she was holding me already, I kicked her groin as hard as I could. When she tried it again after doubling over in pain, I had had enough and sucker-punched her in the gut. It wasn’t enough to get other people from not doing it again, but I’m kind of glad I overreacted.
@Pingthescribe Жыл бұрын
My case was getting a guy fired from his job for harassing me on Reddit. Now, assholes on Reddit are a dime a dozen, but this guy took it to the next level. When he was told to ease up on posts about his toy collection (really), he got very angry and started report the mods to themselves. It got so bad that he decided to go through my and another user's post history specifically to get back at us for telling him off. He then decides to come back a few weeks later on an alt trying to ban evade, and the mods didn't do much about it until myself and another user practically begged them to ban him. In any case, because this guy decided to make it personal, and was clearly a major case of narcissism on his part, I end up going to his employer and showing screenshots of his absolutely vile behavior; he made the mistake of sharing his personal info on Reddit (and nudes, was trying to hook up with people much younger than him while still engaged). Idk all of what happened, but here's what I do know: since my real name was attached to the complaint, he blocked me on Instagram. Two weeks later, his social media has been totally wiped. A few weeks ago I checked property records and he's back in his home state of MA living with a woman who is definitely not his (presumably ex-) fiance, nor with his kids. All this could have been avoided if he just wasn't an asshole. I later discovered he hadn't just been banned from Reddit, but also Facebook and Twitter. If everywhere smells like shit, then you better check your shoes. I hope you're reading this, Charlie, cause you were long overdue for a comeuppance. You're not special.
@jaggedparadox4307 Жыл бұрын
In middle school I had a bully that was constantly harassing me every day and one of my close friends would kind of join in and that really hurt he would constantly pick on me since I’m really short it was really hard to stand up for myself one time he just told me to stay in some corner for the rest of recess or he would come after me and I tried to report it but big surprise they didn’t do sh*t and one time he was bullying me real bad and then I saw a pencil on the floor and threatened to stab him with it if he didn’t show up never saw him again
@dawnclark4635 10 ай бұрын
Wasn't there for this one but when I was 21 we adopted our first rescue dog. A German Sheperd/Rottie mix,named Sasha,who was 6 when we got her and on the second night we had her my dad decided he wanted a walk so he leashed her up and started walking her. We lived on a street with bars and a liquior store on the top of it and drug dealers tended to gather up at the top of the street and that night one of the guys shouted at my dad to give him a dollar to which my dad replied,"GET A REAL JOB!" The guy threatened to come and take the dollar. Jokes on him. Sasha was small and fairly squaty. She was about knee level when she stood near me but was at thigh level on my dad. The guy shouts,"I'll take the dollar." and my dad realizes Sasha has assumed an extremely protective stance and is crouched near a car. The guy walks over and Sasha growled,barked and let him know that she would protect us pretty well. After that any time any one of us would walk her and he was out we could hear the guy shout,"DUDE,DON'T GO NEAR THAT DOG! IT'S CRAZY!" I would tie her leash to my nephew's stollar and one day when he said that I shouted back,"SHE'S NOT AN IT! SHE'S A GIRL!" Needless to say he left us alone.
@yahianeo5963 Жыл бұрын
I mean ... yes berserker syndrome is an illness and all but MAN does it sound cool as hell
@lordnazar6382 Жыл бұрын
Sounds cool but it honestly isn't. Someone could accidentally trigger it, and you just end up snapping on someone who doesn't deserve that.
@Sylvestershows 23 күн бұрын
The whole blacking out and then waking up thing sounds like something out of a horror movie. Like the perspective of the person who is corrupted or possessed by a supernatural being. When said being emerges, their vision and hearing cuts out and when they wake up there's carnage around them and they have no idea as to what happened. Kinda terrifying.
@E46SedanGaming Жыл бұрын
The best incident I can think of is the time I beat my older sister in Mariokart with the switch joycons. Twice. Just the joycons, No controller or anything.
@Noble4Truths Жыл бұрын
You misunderstood what the first OP said. His father didn't hit him so he would learn what it felt like. His father would punish him if he ever started a fight for no good reason.
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
I don't think the narrator was saying "so you'd be used to that" was the dad's reason for the occasional corporal punishment; I think it was just an awkardly worded reference to the part where the OP essentially said "my dad used corporal punishment, therefore I was used to it", so the narrator could allude to the correct part before going on to elaborate that he doesn't agree with corporal punishment in general
@clearcasket1555 Жыл бұрын
So my dad told me this story recently. My dad grew up in a Midwestern town in the 60s and 70s. Now, my dad would normally just tell people to f off, but this story is an exception. In the late 70s, he went to a public high school as a junior where he bought a joint off of another kid for a dollar. Now, it was a day or so later, my dad forgot the dollar and told the kid he'd get him the dollar the next day, but the kid decided to hound my dad ALL DAY for that one dollar. After classes were over, and the majority went home, my dad was walking at the front of the school when the guy came up and hounded my dad yet again for the dollar. My dad, having had enough, picked the guy up and launched him through one of the windows. This was the late 70s so it was real glass, not plexiglass. Dad never got caught, no teachers and no one snitched, the guy stopped harassing my dad over the dollar, and my dad got some popularity with the seniors.
@tarrantwolf Жыл бұрын
First one 'within audible range of your pistol being cocked' you mean 1 or 2 feet? I think poster heard that the sound of a firearm is a good theft deterent but got confused over which firearm. It's not the rather quiet click of a semiautos hammer its the rather loud sound of the racking of a pump action shotguns slide.
@johnme7049 Жыл бұрын
You'd be surprised. If it's quiet. I had a friend who was woken by his dog softly growling by his bed at 3 am. He touched him to quiet him and could see a shadow at the window of his bedroom. He quietly got up and stood against the wall as the guy slowly raised the window, (It was up a couple inches for fresh air, it's rural country. The guy had cut out the screen), When he stuck his head through the window to start to crawl through, my friend lowered the .44 S&W pistole and cocked the hammer, the next instant the guy was gone, just vanished. Not a word spoken, he never looked around, just gone. If he had moved one inch further in, I have no doubt that there would have been a hell of a mess to clean up. But he gave him a warning as it were and he re-thought his life choices. Never came back. My guess with the story referenced was that he meant that he racked the slide but as I said, if it's quiet and they still have two brain cells to bounce around in all that empty space, maybe. Have a good day.
@scepticalhyenas5750 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing with the "berserker syndrome" story, like my first thought as soon as I heard it mentioned was just _"oh my god, op is a fucking llama..."_
@amanoftoomanywords1143 4 ай бұрын
Im actually afflicted with berserker syndrome myself, however it takes quite a bit to get me to black out so i dont have many stories about it
@barbaraharris7602 Жыл бұрын
My first high school fight. Over boy I was only friends with. When she finally found me, I asked her, “ you want to fight?” She says yes, I then ask are you going to run? She says no. I then ask, how you going to catch me and promptly start to run. She was laughing so hard she almost didn’t catch up. We ended up being friends, she never hit me.
@rebeccamichael626 Жыл бұрын
4:29 - Sounds similar to a few seizures I had a few years ago. I don't have Berserker Syndrome, I have Epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can cause you to do more than convulsing. I can't make up the amount of things that's happened during a seizure. 💜🎗 I tried to climb inside a refrigerator at a thrift store I was volunteering at. The ladies saw me, and had to fight me to get out of it. I was walking towards the door of my house to leave. My mom kept asking where I was trying to go, but I just kept saying "I need to go". I never said where I was trying to go or why I was trying to leave. I wish I was joking.
@celiashen5490 Жыл бұрын
I did not know epilepsy can be like that. I'm sorry that you have experience that.
@rebeccamichael626 Жыл бұрын
@@celiashen5490 - Epilepsy makes people have seizures that make them do random things, not just convulsing. There's a few other things that've happened. 1) I've had a some seizures where it makes me laugh for no reason until the seizure ends. 2) One made me walk around my Mom-Mom's house and was constantly walking into things, turn around, and walk into something else. 3) I was trying to sit on the floor, and my Mom had to hold me in the Heimlich position until it stopped. The list of random things seizures can cause is endless. I've had to deal with it for 10 years this year (2023) and the only bad thing that's happened is that I broke my collarbone. I'm glad it's just that and not something worse.
@dmgroberts5471 Жыл бұрын
I'm a quiet person, I keep to myself, and once you get to know me, I'm pretty friendly, and even kinda goofy. However, life taught me early on that taking shit from bullies only encourages them to victimize you in the future, so I have a policy of proportionate response; if you hit me, I will hit you, if you verbally belittle me, I will insult you back, and if you try to use one of my KZbin comments to pick a fight, claim I'm wrong in an obnoxious manner, or promote bigotry, I will destroy you while taking the opportunity to flex my intellect. I know, I know, that's totally, "watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here," energy right there. Disclaimer: I've never made a room full of strangers spontaneously applaud me, no authority figure has ever came up to me, given me a "knowing look," and told me I'm right, etc.
@flomstuff-kk7fn Жыл бұрын
story 3 is amazing. And I can say, glasses are pretty expensive. You scratched the mans lenses, you brought that upon yourself
@krewlex_ghost 2 ай бұрын
17:44 I think I saw this story on another video about when the calm person loses it. If so, I'll add the aftermath according to what I read. After it, the school actually tried to get the kid who defended his sister expelled. However, they had a call with a governess about it and she called them out on their BS, saying that they were supporting what was almost done to the sister and how this would look on their reputation. Safe to say, the kid who defended his sister suffered no consequences and the bullies left them alone. Again, that's just from what I saw on another video. Not sure if it's the same story.
@1986bab Жыл бұрын
So about 20 years ago I was a junior in high school. I was sitting in the very back seat beside my cousin who was a senior. Now, for some context, she'd been out of school for a few years because she'd had double hip replacement surgery. However she wanted to actually be on campus for her senior year. Now, because of the surgeries and such she walked a little slower and kinda waddled, but she was recovering so it was expected. Now in the seat in front of us was a guy who was a year younger than me, freshman, but he didn't go to our high school. He was one of the kids who got shipped off to a neighboring county every day, I don't know much about it, but that's where our county's 'bad kids' ended up. Across the aisle from me and my cousin was her taller twin and a friend of theirs. So, this 'bad kid' was a real dick. And I'm generally quiet, an introvert, don't like confrontation. But that day, he had my cousin in tears, saying the most vulgar things to her. No yelling from her twin or their friend made him stop...And I snapped. I told the little shit to "Shut the Fuck up and turn around or I'd make him." He scoffed at me at first, but I tensed like I was gonna get up and smash him I guess. To be fair, I was a big girl and probably could have done some damage to the little twig. Either way, the back of the bus was completely silent, everyone in shock. I guess everyone really does get nervous when a quiet kid goes off. He turned around and didn't say a word to any of us the rest of the ride, just occasionally peeked over his shoulder at me. Every time I made eye contact, which I hate doing, and he kept his mouth shut. The friend across the aisle was like "Damn girl." And when I got off the bus, the driver was just smirking like some proud momma bear. Which let me know she'd noticed the whole scene and didn't see the need to do anything about it. Didn't have to throw a single punch, which was pretty cool.
@asher_delphi976 Жыл бұрын
I am a small 5’5 male. I am overweight which masks the fact I am very strong for my status. I am also emotionally abused and as such have learned how to devastate with words so badly you won’t want to get back up I can analyze a person and find their every insecurity. I don’t like doing it, but it’s saved my ass before.
@shinami3758 Жыл бұрын
Story 15: I think Project Mouthwash's abridged Saber has the perfect quote to describe this. For the curious, the source of the quote below is Fate/Stay Night UBW Abridged: Episode 3 at 5:28. The English language is like a blade in three ways, master. It can cut deep when wielded with competence. It appreciates pageantry. And like the blade, it does not care for gender.
@soroly_1111 Жыл бұрын
middle school, im a girl. i was bullied by two guys. They were older than me. (i was 6th grade, they were like 8th-9th grade). One loved taking my bag and run around with it. then throw my stuff (period stuff included) on the floor and stole my stuff. the other one proceeded to make a circle fight with his friends around me and my friends to beat us up. I was a chill kid, annoying but chill. But i had a pretty hard childhood and it gave me bad anger issues. The thing is, How could him and his friends beat us up because those friends were my *Wrestling* friends*. But the older one of my friends (who was 9 grade) was a really tall dude. he was very thin but he has Really got Strength . he said to me (while i was In my anger crisis) to not get up. (i respected him a lot, The chillest dude i've ever seen). one of the bullies smashed his face in The Glass board on the wall. He didn't flinched. But didn't move. my friend proceed to take an 1 liter bottle and smash it with three fingers. wow. The day after i had enough. go to the oldest of my bullies. Face him, he didn't even have time to talk, that i slammed why whole hand on his hear neck and face. Dude was *flying* litterally. Every time i was trying to said to adults they were bullies, they didn't believe me. no proof. I had a proof, the RED mark on his neck. (also his broken back from falling while flying). he never looked me in the eyes after. (i didn't beat up the other guy, his mother did)
@GaiasDotter Жыл бұрын
Never heard about “berserker syndrome” but it does sound a bit like IED - Intermittent explosive disorder. I have that. Well kind of, you only get an IED diagnosis if you don’t have something else that can explain your anger outbursts. In my case that is ADHD and medication has pretty much cured me. Yay! When I really lost my shit I used to call it berserker rage. There is no one home right now. I black out in the moment but I do mostly remember what happened I have like a glitchy video of it saved afterwards. Like it skips every now and then and its not a full or chronological recollection. Bits and pieces, like stills and some short video parts.
@DizzyIzzy. Жыл бұрын
I'm a rather passive person, but someone was making rude comments about my friends' appearance. And I don't take to that very kindly, so I sucker punched him in the face. I got sent to the principal's office, but I didn't get in much trouble. 10/10, He never bothered us again.
@exwa1300 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got a story of when I was primary school. I was just standing by the back fence talking to friends and then we saw a cute cat walking along the car park. We all stopped to look & my friends called every else in the playground over to have a look as well, We all started to try & guess which species of cat it was, we all said our guesses until one of them stupidly said that it was a cheetah, I then gave a bit of banter by saying “Who dropped you on the head to make you thank that that is a cheetah” everyone standing around us laughed at the ridiculous answer he gave & the comment that I made towards him, feeling humiliated he then started pushing me & threatening to beat me up, not backing down I grabbed his arms & shoved him into the fence, gave him a punch to his left arm, right ribs & a downward kick to the back of the knee, he than ran off & got the staff involved saying that I just straight up beat him up for the hell of it. Everyone who witnessed it took my side & stated that he was the one who started the fight & I was just defending myself. In the end he got a three day suspension & I got a 5 minute detention for violence, but got off easy cause I was able to claim self defence.
@Eddiember Жыл бұрын
Grade 8. Thru all school years I was bullied by a guy who we will call Jim. Grade 7, I had a teacher who joined into their bullying, and making a long story short, me and Jim quickly became friends after he backed up against the teacher. Over the next year I started going to his karate training, and he started showing interest in Card Games and drawing. Thick as thieves. That said, the student bullying did not let up. Grade 8 we had an overnight camping field trip. Teachers were rarely present, only the councilors so it got worse. One time on the way to tether ball, one of the bullies got in the way. His gang held Jim back while the ringleader went to take me. Well, at least tried. I ended up shoulder checking the guy off a literal cliff. Broke leg, arm and a few ribs. Would likely have gotten suspended if it l wasn't for consellors and 20 other students who said I was defending myself.
@cadillacdeville5828 Жыл бұрын
Always entertaining Mr. Facts
@Polygonfella1662 Жыл бұрын
Normal Bully stats: Strength: 5/10 Durability: 3/10 Confidence: 11/10
@Debble Жыл бұрын
I am one of the more verbally Dangerous people. Due to lots of trauma en a natural curiosity for psygology and behavioural patterns i have always been really good at observing people and knowing their instcurities. I never really share this unless it's to help people when they are having a hard time but there have been plenty of times people tried to be mean or bullies around me and i would just one of hit them where it hurts by tactically hinting or confronting them with their fears or insecurities. Nothing better than pointing out how something is ugly on a girl that is yealous of someone's look or that people just like them for their abc when they are lonely due to their shitty personality. Worked great on my abusive stepfather too.
@andnor Жыл бұрын
Hard to pick, first is me, second i witnessed. Im walking down the street, some bouncer as i walk past (whistles loudly) i look. he just throws his arm out pointing the way i was walking and shouts "(curse word) off" i just respond with "what ever (starfish) hole" and kept walking. He runs up to me, gets in my face "What did you say?" "I called you out for what you are" he head butts me (Weakly but enough to draw blood) i uppercut him and he is flat on the ground. His buddy pulls out his baton and runs towards me, baton over head, i sidestep and punch him in the face, sending him in to "sack of potato" mode... Police saw the whole thing, told me to keep walking. Have yet to see these 2... "not smart" guys any where in town after that. Story 2. Standing outside of a pub during a medieval fair. Some guy dressed in chainmail head-to-toe (literally) stumbles out very drunk... Some other guy decides that this guy... the one clad in head to toe in CUT RESISTANT material is the perfect guy to... relieve of his possessions... pulls out a (not fork) and says "give me your wallet!" The "Knight" ? "h-HU? A BANDIT! A PLUNDERER!" Draws his SWORD! and starts waving it above his head! (What's it with people and waving stuff above their head?) and now chasing the would-be-bandit! Down the alleyway they are running down, a large ground (10? 15?) guys dressed like him, some carrying swords and shields, some with spears rounds the corner further down... This guy is still screaming "Bandit! plunderer!" and the like. The group in unison presents their weapons and starts screaming while sprinting towards this guy.... He bolts over a wall faster than i ever seen anything move...(Medeltidsveckan)
@morganblair3939 Жыл бұрын
I don't remember this this but my mom told me a story about how my big brother went to this pre-K school and there was somebody who picked on him. My brother was very skinny(still is) and we are 2 years apart so when I got to his school and saw my brother getting bullied I must have hit the kid because my mom told me at the end of the day he came out crying and she got a note that I hit another kid.
@0m3ga50 Жыл бұрын
For the berserker syndrom I think it's something similar to the lion syndrom for the cats
@Blastburn32 Жыл бұрын
Mine was i was playing pokemon go with a group of friends and then we decided to go to a buddies house to celebrate his birthday. There i meet a guy who we will call jake there for the first time. I only ever heard about him and nothing said was ever good so i was surprised he was invited. Now to note this friend group of mine all knows different martial arts with me knowing karate as well as me being the shortest guy standing at 5'11. At this point jake was drinking and everyone was cracking jokes at each other. Jake made a joke about me and not wanting to be a party pooper made one back that was so funny everyone laughed. As im hunched over laughing i feel his arms go around my neck as he tries to RKO me. Well too bad for him my survival switch kicked in and as we are falling i somehow managed to reverse him and put him in an arm bar. Everyone was supprised and instead of learning from his mistakes he tries to show off by attempting to muscle out of it. Not wanting my skills to be disrespected even more i let go with one of my hands and proceed tk overpower his arm with my own. Only reason he kept his arm was that it was my friend's party and jakes gf came over to try and calm him down. Frinds still make fun of me for being "an assasin" to this day
@namsterpoleman321 Жыл бұрын
I'm also not one to be able to destroy someone verbally though i could probably beat them in a fight if needed
@ejbigman Жыл бұрын
It was around new years a few years ago. My sister told me that her dude put his hands on her. So immediately I call my cousin since I don't have a car and we run up there. Now mind you in her younger brother 13 years younger. But even to our father I'm significantly bigger. As in he's 5"11 250-300 lbs*maybe. I on the other hand am 6'5 and about 450. Most of my weight is muscle but due to medical reasons i'd been laid for a while multiple times so I'm fat. Just being honest. But I have an active lifestyle. Like training in various forms of martial arts since I was 8(to date those being Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kendo, Judo, Tai Chi, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and boxing along with various weapons for both offensive and defensive purposes in said arts). Also, on my mother's side her brothers were all marines. Then knowing I was interested in combat have some pointers over the years. And I also had serious anger issues but through my training I learned to control it. And now it's the most valuable weapon in my arsenal. I was maybe 25 at the time. My sister didn't know I still trained she just felt maybe her behemoth of a brother could help. So we get there she opens the door and just the panic in her eyes was all the justification I needed. So me and my cousin step inside and I tell him "Hold the door. My sister my issue." He nods. He's got some buddies there there's 5 total and they hanging. So I step up and say "my bad guys but I heard Andrew*fake name* put his hands on Keisha*fake name* I need to talk to him for a minute." they all stand up but then he steps forward and like many people to me he's a bit smaller but well built. And he says "we can talk here" I said "Cool. So imma need you to bounce. Cause that's just not gonna fly." He looks like what I said a minute ago registered. He's like " sister?" then he looks past me back at her yelling "you said you got a younger brother! Who's this dude?! You lying to me now?" And I chuckle out "oh no I am indeed her younger brother my name is Jr " so I stop laughing and say again " I need you to leave" he says "I'm not leaving my house little n**** and it seems like you need to learn respect like her" I raise my eyebrow and he rocks me I didn't stumble or anything and the last thing I hear is that's the first lesson and there I black out. My cousin recounts to me that the most demonic smile he'd eyes seen just expands on my face, my right leg steps back and launches the strongest roundhouse to his side launching him into the wall then the next moment I was in front of him and grab him by his throat and just stay squeezing and pushing him into the wall. His boss jump up to come at me and he only says it was like a movie. 1v4 and I destroyed them. When I came to I was taking a knew but everyone of them was laid out. Groaning in pain I stood up and said "let's hope you've learned your lesson. Once you leave. I WILL NOT see any of you again. Is that clear?" No answer when I step to Andrew he squeaks out a "yes" I didn't know I'd hurt his throat. So I stayed with her for a few days while he got his stuff out and I haven't heard a word about him since. TLDR When your little brother is scarier than your father could ever hope to be
@MaTTEM15 Жыл бұрын
Some of these are good, but some of you live in a fever dream world. "I black out" LMAO. Ok Goku relax
@TheRuneTail Жыл бұрын
"A telephone pole denting roundhouse" yea ok Patrick Swayze
@wooderlyn2224 Жыл бұрын
My friend was hanging out with a bunch of her other friends, all of which were very visibly queer, a homophobic guy came up to them and tried to fight my friend, she’s skinny, but also 6’2 and whooped his ass, he was on the ground and he didn’t call the cops cuz he threw the first punch, plus I don’t think he’d want to admit he got his ass beat by a trans woman
@02ujtb00626 Жыл бұрын
"I would throw down for my siblings. They are family, and we're friends now..." Wait, whaa? 😂😂😂😂
@Logan-zl7xi Жыл бұрын
7:25 This part made me cackle so frickin' hard
@Sylvestershows 9 күн бұрын
Back when i was in elementary School i was picked on alot by this one kid (can't remember their name) for 5 years. I seriously can't believe it myself. I was always running from the guy because i was afraid to fight back. Even when he got physical, that was until one day In fourth grade I think. The jerk grabbed me and tried to stop me from running, some defense instinct took over and instead of trying to escape I turn and quickly slash the guy across the face knocking his glasses off and somehow sending him falling to the ground. I didn't always trim my nails as a kid and that day they were longer than normal. Needless to say the kid was exposed as the coward he was. I never saw him again, that was until about 5-6 years later when I inadvertently found out he had diabetes. Now I hate violence like you do, last thing I wanna do is hurt someone. But it pains me to realize that that was what stopped the bully. Not sure if his diabetes had anything to do with his bullying habits but I do wonder sometimes...
@WalldoTheWInner Жыл бұрын
A whole lot of R/thathappened in this thread lol
@maketreal Жыл бұрын
First dude is literally John Wick😂
@ChrisTownsend98 Жыл бұрын
I remember story 8 so well.
@Cad1s Жыл бұрын
To the part about how you feel about your siblings, I'm that time's 10. Along with my heightened senses, hyper sensitivity, I also have a higher reaction time than most people. While I'm not a violent person by nature, I am an over protective big brother. I have only once had to defend one of my siblings physically and it ended with me putting them on the ground and me about to whoop dat ass so to speak.
@MeIsSmogee Жыл бұрын
2:02 man id play a shotgun cocking sound on my phone 😂
@jakevex4198 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 I have a similar thing where everything will go black and my Knuckles hurt usually the people around me are looking either terrified or are hurt and I had no idea had a name I also have a similar story don't mind has to do with theft kid stole a souvenir I got from field trip I strangled him and broke his friends nose it took two teachers to remove me I would later ask my older brother who was going to college to be a psychiatrist and he explained it as one's brain trying to protect itself from trauma and that's why the body goes into autopilot violence mode
@shanewhite1977 Жыл бұрын
Remember, violence is not the answer. it is the question, and the answer to the question is yes, and if violence doesn't work, use more of it.
@isiahweverka8065 Жыл бұрын
The reason the violant stories is probably because theres a higher concentration of men on reddit men tend to settle things with violence and women tend to settle thing with words, emotion, and sometimes socially
@JaelinBezel Жыл бұрын
How dare you not endorse violence as a first solution!
@1havokk Жыл бұрын
The second guy just has a switch that basically lets him kill people on autopilot
@cadpiglucky Жыл бұрын
I had that happen on sea of thieves guy whent to spawn kill us and immediately was sunk cuz I hit them with enough fire balls to completely cover there boat cause in them to not be able to put it out with my friends keeped hiting them repeatedly with as much cannon balls as he could fire with another friend was fixing to holes as fast as that where appearing the attacker finally decided to start hacking the game to find us no matter where we Where he died every time and keeped messaging us telling us to stop kill us and let him kill us Another time years ago it was my first time playing halo mutiplayer so I was a level one lowest level in the lobby vs an entire team of max levels i by myself keeped the entire enemy team pined in a tower I got so many ppl reporting me accusing me of hacking turns out I have a natural talent with mini guns I had 100% arracy ( sorry about spelling)
@celiashen5490 Жыл бұрын
The story about the berserker kid: Sounds like the kid beat the "It"S oNlY a JoKe" out of the bully.
@rachelmoore1974 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but I gotta call B.S. on Story 3. You can't do a roundhouse kick if you're pinned to the wall on both sides! You have rotate around to do a roundhouse kick.
@CaseyRedgrave 6 ай бұрын
Most of these stories are fake
@matthewk-nt7iw 6 ай бұрын
Especially with two blokes holding you with no hip pivot.
@aircraftandmore9775 9 ай бұрын
7:02 dude legit became one punch man
@flashstudiosguy 11 ай бұрын
I hope the two Teachers didn't try to punish the Quiet Kid who defended his Sister from, let's not kid ourselves, outright being r***ed because, if they even tried to so much as give him a scolding, the Principal would have me in their face!
@DaJackCracker Жыл бұрын
Story 1... yeah, sure buddy, I TOTALLY believe you. Definitely. That didn't sound like a steaming pile of bullshit at all.
@Chalkadoo Жыл бұрын
It was believable at the beginning at least. To some degree. If he had just kept it as "Oh yeah I used sort of get between bullies and their victims" it would have been satisfying enough but they just HAD to keep it going and going and going and going and-
@rechnerfuchs Жыл бұрын
17:30 a combo of words is called a sentence
@emmettcongleton1445 Ай бұрын
I’m flabbergasted at reading this
@alexcoelho3275 Жыл бұрын
Claim you're "im here early" ticket here
@patrickgreiner4288 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got a ww2 shot gun the action is slop and loud and the last break in chambering a round was enough
@cristalschroeder4485 Жыл бұрын
I like how he had to censor the c-word in the first story
@joey110574 Жыл бұрын
I don't remember The Incredible Hulk being a complete douche bag...
@dr.villager Жыл бұрын
I think I was preteen when this story happened so I was a parking lot with a couple of friends I had a partial fluffy item with my friends felt it and started to fight me over it the fight was 2 v 1 I held my own in that fight on I still have the fluffy item we were still friends after the fight but Lost tuch with they tldr I fight two friends over the fluffy
@JoshuaCrabAppl 3 ай бұрын
wtf is in that computer you running 300fps sea
@uzumisstuff Жыл бұрын
i love men
@AndreIguodalaFan55 Жыл бұрын
Wow the first guy is so cool and is his story seems very believable /s
@Decrynox Жыл бұрын
This is the epitome of “and then everyone clapped”
@clorox821 Жыл бұрын
1st story is absolutely CAP
@Diaster147 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it sounds so much like he is just trying to be way too cool
@VTpier 3 ай бұрын
Me when i spread misinformation:
@porkeypie07 Жыл бұрын
@saikoro8620 Жыл бұрын
@Dennis-ps1cg Жыл бұрын
@alexcoelho3275 Жыл бұрын
@@Dennis-ps1cg Hi, the fall of hello
@dustinfugate6532 Жыл бұрын
This first story is sus
@anapellegrini1764 Жыл бұрын
That first story seems right out of r/thathappened
@heatherstrange3717 8 ай бұрын
If you want to talk about somebody that can weave words look up Julia sugarbaker
@elliemorris8734 Жыл бұрын
I have a GOOD story I'm the one they shouldn't have messed with So when I (female) was in 3rd grade had bad anger issues a important part of the story now on to the story,.. me and and my best friend will call her Kc to this day were walking on the field at our elementary school and a second grade boy will call him Rj come up with some little friends and grabs my friend hitting her And two boys where pushing me away I get pissed and push one boy too the ground The other grabs me as I'm trying to walk to her I grab his arm and DIG my nails in his arm drawing blood and smack him I then speed walk to my friend two boys backing away terrified I get to my friend get her lose and kick Rj in his crotch hard while wearing high heeled boots his little second grader self fell on the ground in pain and I ran away with my friend,.. Her very very strict mom wasn't mad at me she was proud I protected her daughter and I gained her respect Funny little thing is me my friend Kc and Rj are all friends now 😂
@TheLuckOfTheClaws Жыл бұрын
So many of these sound really obviously made up by wannabe action heroes.
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