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What’s the dumbest way you’ve managed to do it?

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What did your crazy roommate do to earn their Title?
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How Did You Realize You Were Dating A DumbA** ?
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@Lawliet_____ Жыл бұрын
When you realise this only happens in your dreams ☠
@Teenage_wasteland Жыл бұрын
Dude 😢it’s true
@itsasonicfanyt8075 Жыл бұрын
Damn this shit hits hard💀😔
@ernestandreidalisay2680 Жыл бұрын
When reality hits 🤡🤡
@theyogameti5198 Жыл бұрын
Its hurtful because it's true.
@jakeleo4518 Жыл бұрын
DO not 💀
@doobz6447 Жыл бұрын
The spider risked his life to get that dude laid. Respect
@redsideslaya_6404 Жыл бұрын
Well done Mr Spider, your work will be well worth.
@alexterminator1339 Жыл бұрын
Even tho he could just have like moved it out of the house the sacrifice was worth it ig
@thatguyinthecorner6057 Жыл бұрын
He took one for the team
@akeel_1701 Жыл бұрын
That spider was one hell of a wingman!
@3ndless Жыл бұрын
Wait you can be dumb and get LAID!?
@drizztthornton8369 Жыл бұрын
Have you heard of anime characters?
@sleepingforest3979 Жыл бұрын
Only in anime I think.
@EneTheGene Жыл бұрын
@stephanc6138 Жыл бұрын
you forgot abt the looks .... or desperate enough dept.
@nathanw9770 Жыл бұрын
Football/rugby players
@briggs5569 Жыл бұрын
Chick dropped a lighter by accident while sitting next to me at an outside bar table. I politely went under the table to grab it for her as I was about to light a smoke anyway. I popped my head back up and just jokingly said "Nice feet" aaannnd even though I was just being myself having a laugh... she was into it, took her home not long after. I am just as surprised as you.
@limitlessunknown8676 Ай бұрын
Maybe she dropped it on purpose.. 🤔 Women do be sneaky like that though
@avaggdu1 Жыл бұрын
Chatting with a friend at work, not realising she was relaying our joking conversation to the other women she worked with. She started relaying their comments back to me but eventually got bored of being the go-between and told me to directly email one of her colleagues who'd taken a shine to me. Having never met the woman in question, I thought I'd have some fun and decided to respond to her as a very obvious serial killer. I literally said we should meet up and go for a walk in a secluded area and she should bring duct tape and a shovel. Even though it was clearly an over-the-top joke, I played it as being deadly serious (pun intended) and should have sent up so many red flags she should have run to the hills. I wasn't really interested either way, so I didn't care how it turned out. Anyway, she invited me over to her home, where she cooked me a rather nice meal and, long story short, she was gagging for it and I got laid. Bear in mind that until that date she'd never laid eyes on me. If you ever wonder why women get murdered, just remember there are some that ignore huge warning signs, invite self-confessed serial killers they've never met before to their home and sleep with them. She was my gf for 3 years. How I met my wife is just as dumb, but that's another story.
@San-lh8us Жыл бұрын
well? are you gonna keep us waiting on that 'another story'?
@avaggdu1 Жыл бұрын
@@San-lh8us Well, as you's a long one, so strap yourself in... When I was seeing my former girfriend mentioned previously, she introduced me to one of her friends who took an instant dislike to me, and I mean really hated me, for no reason. Eventually she realised I wasn't as bad as she thought and we kinda became friends. When I split up with my gf I saw no reason to stop being friends (with both former gf and our now mutual friend). We'd never really spent time together without my gf around, so I decided to change that and asked if she wanted me to come over to her place for a coffee. When I turned up, there she was: stark naked, shaved pussy, the works. You can guess the rest. We continued to be fuckbuddies for some time and saw no reason to let anyone else know. Anyhoo, one evening we both went over to my ex-gf's house for drinks. As the night progressed, my fb got very drunk and I had an argument with ex-gf which led to her telling me to leave (which I was very happy to do, but couldn't leave fb to get home alone in the state she was in. Fb refused to take a taxi so I ended up having to walk her home. The thing was, my ex-gf (not knowing we'd been in a relationship for months) didn't trust me to take fb home alone, so insisted on coming with us. That left me in a dilemmma because I was going to take fb home and stay at her place, which meant I would then feel obliged to see ex-gf back home safely, despite us having an argument, or blowing her off to go home alone and thinking I was going to take advantage of her drunk friend. Anyway, I ended up seeing ex-gf home safely (secretly cursing her all the way) and then fucking off back to my house; it was a good 45 minute walk each way to fb's house and I was buggered if I was going to do it 3 times in one evening. This is more of a dumb way in which I didn't get laid, but fb became my wife about a year later. Ex-gf still had no clue we were together until after we got married.
@avaggdu1 Жыл бұрын
As a sidenote, every woman I've hooked-up with has either been married or in a long-term relationship. In my experience, women cannot be faithful and any bloke who thinks "not my woman!" is delusional and an idiot. They are foaming at the gash for the first man who shows an interest and isn't an asshole. If you're a man who has no luck with women, I'd tell you to take a long, hard look at how much of an asshole you are. I'm no great catch by any means, but I'll steal your wife or girlfriend without breaking a sweat if you're like most of the men I know.
@goodname9154 Жыл бұрын
You don’t get “that’s another story” privileges unless you’re a wise old narrator in a movie or a book
@San-lh8us Жыл бұрын
@@avaggdu1 well, that's a bunch of stereotypes, "women cannot be faithful" ? i think you just don't know enough women my guy, and men aren't any better, "they are foaming at the gash for the first man who shows an interest and isn't an a**hole" again, i think you should go meet some more women my guy, it seems here you are just describing a very specific type of women, yes, they do exist, no, they are not the only kind of women that exist, and that is the same with men, there are men that are just gushing at the first big boobed stupid blonde they meet, there are also guys that look further than that. "if you're a man who has no luck with women, I'd tell you to take a long, hard look at how much of an a**hole you are." again, you need to meet more people, what about a guy that simply don't go out? how are they going to meet someone if they are too shy to even talk to a girl? are they a**holes just for that? all i say is, you need to meet more people fam, it should change your point of view once you know various types of people, and not just the two stereotypes you described
@Tsunami_Productions2 Жыл бұрын
Yeah my humor has helped me in lot of situations with my current gf, not planning to leave her anytime at all...
@kaizze8777 Жыл бұрын
"WANNA GET A PIZZA AND SMASH?" Oh yes, the well known "Hulk Style"....Classic
@JointFury Жыл бұрын
For some reason I had Barney Gumble (from the Simpsons) in mind at that story
@Benjamin-xv9le Жыл бұрын
A friend introduced me to a friend of his "that's benjamin. He's looking for a place to sleep tonight." Few hours later I found myself at her place. Thanks, bro!
@silverletter4551 Жыл бұрын
There is no laid. There is only the purity of one's noble ambitions. I serve the republic, and the constitution. My loyalty lies with no other
@carbonateprime572 Жыл бұрын
So............. You are going to fuck your republic and constitution still stay a virgin , cut off your family tree and work in the military I presume Or you are just not funny and just want to die For your nation .... Wait a min not for your nation but for the Government of your nation, that is in the end also selfish , (No government is noble everyone has walked into this life by distorting and controlling others life Don't talk shit and think you are noble, say you are a patriot ) "Getting laid isn't a sin Being stupid is" [Won't have said if you were in Afghanistan]
@burningsnow9870 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes the embodiment of the 5e paladin
@phillipkosarev5565 Ай бұрын
Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!
@jac0736 Жыл бұрын
I spent a lot of time in college striking out with my friends cousin. She was the girl everyone claimed was easy but somehow no one had actually gotten with her. Anyways I got the hint she wasn't interested and so instead of buying drinks to hit on her I'd buy drinks to get shitfaced with her whenever she was around, and then when I had my fun I'd just go home and say get home safe. Just two friends that liked to get trashed. Anyways we both were single at a mutual friends wedding and after awhile and she complained about not having anyone to dance with, so I offered. Super casual friends dancing stuff...until she said she wish she knew how to dance for real (like be spun around and dipped and stuff). I faked it and didn't seem to mess up. Like 30 seconds into the song she asked me if I wanted to spend the night at her hotel and that's what I did. Made it clear it was a one time thing and went back to being friends. Got a girl and she was super respectful of that, never brought up the one nighter once. Until 3 years later at a different friends wedding, I was recently single as was she. This time I actually knew how to dance and impressed the shit out of her. One more one nighter later, I don't know, something about single girls that have a guy offer to dance with them just really gets them going.
@Erik_Ahl Жыл бұрын
Thank you for changing the colors between story and narration. ❤
@jibbabobba Жыл бұрын
I had no luck being a funny guy. All it got me was her asking about my best friend's number. The thing is, I asked him if he liked her, and he said "Nah, you can have her." A week later, they're dating. Still are. Edit: They broke up earlier this year, but just got back together right before Valentines Day. Life sucks man.
@jibbabobba Жыл бұрын
@Dreyden Ausfahl Thanks man. Made me feel a lot better.
@Benjamin-xv9le Жыл бұрын
Was at a party with a friend ~20years ago. Girl asked me to dance. I wasn't into her. "Why don't you dance with my friend?" They are now married with 2 kids and she is an awesome person.
@xxleslie_mestrowxx1168 Жыл бұрын
Remeber these are reddit stories take them with a grain of salt
@powerhouse6165 Ай бұрын
Asked a girl if she wanted to see my lizard, she thought it was a euphemism and started being flirty. She was very confused when I pulled out my little bearded dragon and asked if she wanted to pet it. We dated for 4 years.
@Fortune.06 Жыл бұрын
When I was 18 and had my own flat, a few classmates and I went to a fair in town. One of them came by car whereas I simply walked there (it wasn't far from where I lived) so when we eventually left she offered to drive me back. I agreed, and once we were at my place, she asked to come inside because she had never seen it before. Now because she had a boyfriend, I had no intention to do anything sexual so I was just goofing around, being myself. I even showed her the hair cake video from Filthy Frank & co. (possible the most disgusting video there is on KZbin). For some reason even despite her obvious disgust, she ended up kissing me and we eventually did it. Later she told me that she was unhappy with her boyfriend and that she was sure that he was cheating on her, so she wanted to get back at him to feel better. Every time I look back at it, I have to cringe severely and at school I could never look her in the eyes again.
@MrJaxparadize Ай бұрын
Here is something similar: While at work, the command center worker, tall Asian white mix, pretty smile, long hair, loved her eyes. Didn’t think to try to hook up until one day she came in looking fantastic! We had never talked but heard I knew computers well. She sent me a message asking if I can go to her office to help her with something. This was common for me so no big deal. When I walked in, she was trying to plug something under her desk so she was on all fours with her back facing the door. I was a gentleman, I waited. 😉 After I heard her cussing like a sailor, I thought I’d try to make her laugh a little. “Oh, WOW!” I pretended to just walk up. “Need some help up? Or want me to meet you down there?” She just froze knowing there’s no point to stand up and she just started laughing really hard. “Please?” She said asking me to help her up. “Those things don’t look comfortable.” Looking at her skirt as it was really tight and all the way down to her ankles with a side slit. “Still, looks interesting.” And I smiled. Her face turned red with a big ol’ grin. I fixed her computer issue, just a setting for multiscreens. Later that week, she was in the center of the floor in the command center covering for Saturday crew. It was just a handful of us so we were grouped together talking. While on break, I just went to hang around and we started talking. She said she wanted to leave early because she needed to clean her apt. Jokingly, I asked, “you need some help since you won’t have enough time?” She smiled. “What can you do?” She asked smiling back. “I can take out the garbage really good!” She laughed and said, “okay! We get off at the same time…” How she knew that without looking at my schedule, I don’t wanna guess. I never took out the garbage. But I did take care of some other stuff that needed attention. Great times!
@acvn-hg9gy Жыл бұрын
My best segway into sex was going to the movies with a woman i liked a lot. She jokingly said she wanted to see fifty shades of gray (wich just came(haha) out). I agreed, but when we got to the theatre it was, offcourse, sold out. We both thought that the other reserved tickets. Nope. So when the receptionist told us, i casually told her that we "could just play it out ourselves at home". Best. Evening. Ever.
@sjonnieplayfull5859 Жыл бұрын
Being an attractive millionaire really helps
That spider was a real one for that
@kacywatson6314 Жыл бұрын
I generally have no idea. This has no logic to it at all whatsoever. I was at work already. We’re off to a great start and somebody walks in. I worked at a museum by the way, but 70 walks in and sees me in the museum while I’m working and recognised me from College, I don’t recognise them. I haven’t been to college in a couple years at this point And they said are you a girl that does blah blah blah and College I said no, and he argued with me about how I did such a great job or I was so amazing at this or that whatever they had me confused with someone else, but they were adamant about it and he invited me for a quickie in the back of the car, and then he asked me if I wanted a lift back to College. I’m not too sure of the store even counts because I declined. I’m just shocked at the whole ordeal and in another layer on top of that as I would feel really guilty because I had my eyes on someone else at the time and it would’ve been weird, because he thought I was someone else.
@carbonateprime572 Жыл бұрын
Not your fault if he is in disbelief ?
@HumanDevilTV Жыл бұрын
I was on concert tour with my best friend. We rented a hostel room with shared bathrooms and shower rooms. However, the men's shower room was restricted due to clogged pipes, so men and women had to share the shower room. There were set times when guys could take a shower and when women could. I kinda overslept for an hour so I was in a hurry, bursting out and heading for the showers, only to find this wonderful woman in her mid 30s with an exceptional shape in the shower. I was stunned, and probably staring with the most stupid expression she'll ever see in her life. She was like "Forgot about the time schedule?", sounding really pissed off. Stupid me just answered "Uhhhh, I overslept" and before I knew it I had her laughing, then grabbing my dear D and pulling me in for one of the hottest experiences of my life. Sometimes, I thank my situational dumbness for opportunities like this one.
@limitlessunknown8676 Ай бұрын
wow dawg that story sounds like it came out from an anime 😂😂
@-_caioworld_-re969 Жыл бұрын
Me on my way to fill my crush's house with giant venomous spiders so I can save her from them afterwards
@carbonateprime572 Жыл бұрын
Get a life
@Flesh_Wizard Жыл бұрын
I'm Australian so I don't have to, they're already there 😎
@fakiv2682 Ай бұрын
​​@@Flesh_Wizard Your joke made me laugh a year later, thanks. Isnt it funny how the world works
@BobBob-up8fz Жыл бұрын
"I've been laid as many times, you've had dinners." -:My Dinning table.
@teknomax7883 Жыл бұрын
I have one: in my country we use the same word for ponytail and for tushie. I texted one of my students (hey, before you say anything, I taught computing to adults) just in a friendly casual way that she had a nice "ponytail". This woman, who is 12 years older than me, interpreted I meant her butt, loved it, invited me over and had snu snu several times. One of the best I ever had.
@delmccormack7001 Жыл бұрын
I was riffing on a friend and a girl I thought was hot started laughing. I continued talking trash to see how funny I was. She laughed so hard she peed herself. She went to the bathroom and asked if I had any extra shorts or sweat pants. Me being 8" taller and 70lbs heavier said yes. I went and got here my oversized basketball shorts as a joke. I had some of my sisters clothing in storage that would easily have fit her. I show her the shorts. She said thanks and put them on, like a one piece outfit. She looked so funny I laughed in her face. I had expected her to hate me. Turns out she thought I was "THE" catch. I watched her walk around the house in this ridiculous outfit for a little while before telling her about my sister's clothes. She didn't mind. She liked how the material of the shorts felt on her skin. As a 21 year old marine I said if you give me back the shorts I will let you try wearing my boxers. They are made of the same material. Within seconds I had a pair of basketball shorts in my hands and a set off hands taking my pants off. Women are bizarre.
@benlin2186 Жыл бұрын
best wingman : spider
@ninomitchell2039 Жыл бұрын
Didn't get lucky, but I find my sense of humor going a reasonably long way recently.
@dk_boyblue 5 ай бұрын
as someone who's an outsider, how things roll easily in the west will never be not surprising to me. of course people have casual stuff in here too, but it's covered under a big layer of religious taboos and deceit, and I'm too dumb to get over those barriers apparently
@rick-o54 Жыл бұрын
Story 10 is a story I relate to though it wasn't about a bed & a couch. So towards the end of my sophomore year of college (April 2017) my college had a huge party on the quad and of course myself and a bunch of friends got INSANELY drunk. I was casually seeing a girl at the time who noticed that barbecue sauce and mustard was all over my hair (from what I was told the next day, me and some friends went to get food and all of us thought it would be funny to dump sauces on my head.) Anyways, I went to her room to wish her a good night and that I had a blast! She then told me to take a shower immediately. (At the time, I was too drunk to notice how sticky my hair was) I told her (though still kinda wasted) that it's fine and I will walk back to my dorm (which was a 3-5 minute walk) and told her that I come to your building all the time & isn't a big deal whether I shower next to her room or back at my suite. She then said in a pissed off tone something along the lines of: "you are getting in the fucking shower NOW!" I gave in and said "fine you win." A few minutes later as I finally got the stickiness of barbecue sauce & mustard off my hair completely, I then notice the curtains swing open to her naked giggling "you're cute." Then she stepped in the shower and well we not only showered together but hooked up as well (even from shower to the bed) LMFAO!
@logankrastel9609 Жыл бұрын
Sleeping. Was drunk and passed out early while my roomate and friends continued to party. Came to and i was already being ridden so just went with it.
@jackforest8084 Жыл бұрын
That motorcycle 😂😂😂 0:54
@joshuajwars4271 Жыл бұрын
Ben that is completely madness within 50 seconds to a minute or more.
@soundless3664 Жыл бұрын
My first time was quite simple really. All I did was asked this girl for some rubber bands and she told me I needed to do something for her first...she was 4 years older than me and I didn't know what we were doing until I had health class few years later.
@gamerweeb5631 Жыл бұрын
The awkward silence after the spider story 😂😂😂
@Siegfrido Жыл бұрын
Spiderbro was the best wingman ever
@slowbro1337 24 күн бұрын
Friend invited me to a convention that turned out to be a furry convention when I got there in Texas. Wasn't expecting a fun time, but it was a fun entertaining convention overall, and everyone was super nice there. That said, the second night, he loaned me his furry costume head to go try out costuming, and I went to a rave. Ended up dancing with a dentist who was there for a dental convention that was booked at the same time as the furry con. She loved the mask and enjoyed dancing with me. We danced for about an hour and 1/2, then went to the bar downstairs to cool down for drinks. Afterward, we went back to the room and did that deed. When I later asked her what caught her eye, she said it was the mask..she was honestly rly nice but I feel like she was there for the wrong convention, but hell I owe my friend a solid. She did want to try stuff with that head on at one point, but I did have to decline that part as my friend said those costumes cost like the same as a used car and I'm not about to ruin my homies stuff, not to mention its like wearing a sauna on your head. Mfw, that goofy mask got me lucky with a dentist at a Dallas Furry Convention . Furry people are fine by me now after interacting with them there over the weekend, and I owe em for that one. Girl was wild, and I think she honestly became one after that, haha😅
@Zane-It Жыл бұрын
RIP spider you where the best wingman
@buddha8084 Жыл бұрын
So I was on an airplane with a girl I had known since grade school. She was a 12/10 respectively. I had the hugest crush on her for a long time but never really expected it to get off the ground, pun intended. Well while we were in the air on the plane, the plane begins to hit copious amounts of turbulence. She is freaking out and hugging me extremely hard as she is terrified of hitting the ground in a crash. I take my chance and grab onto her. The pilot then comes onto the intercom and lets us know that unexpected storms have hit our plane and that we were now going to make an emergency landing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Aka, we were going to crash. The oxygen masks fall and this girl is screaming. Everyone is strapped into their seats, but I stand up then walk to the exit. The girl calls after me wondering where I was headed. I turned around and gave her a smile and wink before opening the exit then jumping out, no parachute or anything. I’m falling and suddenly I hear the voice of God tell me: “Fly my child.” So then I sprout wings and gain super strength. I flew to the plane and past the girls window. I gave her that same smile and wink before grabbing this huge plane and flying it to land. We all make it safely, thank God. She gets out of the plane and immediately have amazing airsex. Best sex of my life, 100/10.
@ad_isfat Ай бұрын
what the fuck bro
@camobear9825 Жыл бұрын
10/10 Doggy play time, most funny shit ever
@FundyisleLegacy Ай бұрын
Told her I loved her lmao
@killabstorm9361 Жыл бұрын
I love how all these stories are from the males perspective. We really are dumb lol like anime protagonists
@arc4055 Жыл бұрын
Chilling at a bus stop at 11 pm. Its called waiting for a damn bus. And then helping a damsel in distress.
@SoulVNGS 21 күн бұрын
7:45 Like bro she had to be that literal to get your attention
@Generak-The-Starfall-God Жыл бұрын
So I have a story how at work one day (I work at a movie theater) I was outside one of the auditoriums that had just finished a showing of across the spider verse. With me we’re two coworkers and my boss. One of my coworkers was a guy the other a girl and my boss for that day was a girl too. So a bunch of small kids come out of the room, see me, and they all start shouting things like “MOMMA I FOUND SPIDER-MAN!!” It was shocking at first as we were in the hallway outside the room, so you don’t expect to hear people making a really big amount of noise so the sudden shouting kinda caught me off guard. But then all the kids started saying things like that over and over again. My boss, coworkers, and I, all thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I was by far laughing the hardest, and the reason why I thought this whole thing was especially funny was because I do parkour for a hobby, meaning that on a regular basis, I’m doing things that you would typically imagine Spider-man doing. Another reason is that me and Miles morales have a lot in common, and the 3 biggest reason is because while everyone I know say I have a hero’s heart, but at school people jokingly say that I have the physique of a stereotypical supervillain. Going back to the story, I was laughing the hardest out of everybody, the kids all thought that because I was laughing at their assumptions and didn’t say anything like “no I’m not Spider-man” that was proving them right. After the whole thing ended and the kids and parents left. My boss told me and female coworker from before, to replace some trash cans and while we were in the storage closet, female coworker began telling me that she thought my laugh was a cute as a button. I thanked her for that rather unusual compliment and we continued doing our job. Then later, my boss called me to her office in the back. I went there and my boss who is older and slightly taller than me, began asking me about how I was liking the job, since by the time this story happened I was like an employee for about 3-4 weeks. I was telling her that my job is a lot of fun. After that, she began telling how adorable my laugh is, comparing it to a cinnamon bun. I asked my friends via discord about the whole ordeal after I clocked out for that day, telling them how my boss and coworker thought my laugh was cute, and I asked them jokingly if that could be considered rizzing up my boss and coworker. And they said that it was 100%. They all started talking about how my rizz is the strongest in human history, as this isn’t the first time some thing like this has happened. Despite me having virtually 0 knowledge of or about rizz and on top of me not really caring about that, they kept saying how I have unrivaled rizz to be able to laugh, and girls start fawning over it. Tho that’s just what they told. So not a story about I how got laid as I’m only 16 and have never been in bed with a girl that wasn’t my mother or my sister i.e like when I was a small child, but it’s about the closest I’ll ever feel comfortable with, as I’m not really into dating or anything, while I can get a lot of girls, I don’t have a lot of girls because I don’t want any girls. Despite my “rizz” I’m aware of myself enough to know that I’m probably the shyest boy I’ve ever known. Which is funny when you think about, it’s really a mismatch, Shy boy rizz game unparalleled. Tell me I’m wrong with a straight face, bet you can’t, mate!
@palloproductions3198 Жыл бұрын
“Chillin at a bus stop at 11 for no reason” bruh i think hes waiting for the damn bus
@Jason_Voorhees. Жыл бұрын
Was at a bar and was trying to figure out how to talk to this gorgeous chick actress the bar because she was definitely a league above me. Saw a dude clearly bothering her so I walked over and acted like the chick's boyfriend and asked the dude what he wanted. He walked away and I said to this chick "I'm sorry but I clearly saw you wanted that dude to go away, sorry for coming over and acting like I was your boyfriend" and was turning around to walk away and she said "wait a minute, that was such a turn on, you wanna go to this other bar with us?" And bam we had a one night fling and she told me the next morning that, that was the most impressive way she was ever hit on by a man and shell never forget that 😂
@getbn6547 Жыл бұрын
Holy smokes. Story 5 might've been about me. Big-dumb oaf with a heart of gold, has been used to describe me a few times and I remember saying, Me "Wanna come back to mine for a fuck and a pizza?" Her "No" Me "What? You don't like pizza?" To which she starts laughing hysterically Slim odds as it's a wide world, but It made me think about the pizza pick up line (It's a good line that I've used multiple times to varying degrees of success)
@shadowgamingyt-gt8dm Жыл бұрын
RIP spider he got killed to get a guy laid
@fastlife__95_14 Жыл бұрын
Some chick came up to me once.. some dude was trying to talk to her she blew him off came up to me told me I looked like an actor took me to her apartment she forgot her keys so she climbed 3 stories to open her window and let me in. Haha
@carbonateprime572 Жыл бұрын
Some Rapunzel shit
@fastlife__95_14 Жыл бұрын
@@carbonateprime572 some Spider-Man shit
@OEFarredondo 29 күн бұрын
This chick at a party was a blackbelt in Ju Jitsu, I knew karate and basic grappling. She wrecked everyone at previous parties. I won from an ankle grab and some arm bar. Broke up with her because she hated reggae.
@loganberrygaming9117 Жыл бұрын
NEWM bro was fling 0:52
@jeremiahscott2032 Жыл бұрын
1:31 Spider-Man 😂😂😂😂😂
@albertoserna3968 Жыл бұрын
The second story reminds me of the cockroach she couldn't kill she calls I show up of course she's in a bath robe with nothing on.
@Robertetcollin2017 Жыл бұрын
9:04 it could'nt be me, because I always fold my arms in the opposite way : right over left, so my left hand is over my right biceps
@Swampyankeehomestead Жыл бұрын
Not one " I met your mom" comment. You people are slacking.
@ianworley7384 Жыл бұрын
It makes me laugh when guys say "she's way out of my league" Boys Your not outta her league it's the other way around 🍺
@RealFriedRice Жыл бұрын
Actually for the hot middle age women &19 y/o guys its true, i had 2 when i was working for a walgreens, both were married and were trying to break things off, and i didnt like that so i said no but one kept coming back(and i knew her husband from him being a regular customer too)
@RealFriedRice Жыл бұрын
Addition: i never talked about facial hair, just casual chatting for a customer that was just roaming, i like to talk to people
@marajithestrongestthereis910 Жыл бұрын
Video idea boys who were bullied in school but their bullys were girls what's your story and how did you deal with it
@emir799 Жыл бұрын
I got run over by a motorcycle by a friend of my cousin, i jumped out of the way, but It hit my leg then burned a little, so she felt really bad, and when our friend was treating my wound she came to apologize, i was in a good humor despite the wound (was nothing serious) so i asked for an apology kiss, so i could forgive her, to my surprise she gave me a Kiss in my mouth, after that we ended dating for a while, best accident ever😌
@justyouraverageguy8404 Жыл бұрын
Story 9 had the best wingman
@Esquizoclown Жыл бұрын
The gigant enemy spider na na
@DrendeSalkash259 Жыл бұрын
Challenged a girl to a pokemon battle. Was over at a friends house playing pokemon and hanging out with her and her BF who is also a longtime friend(we're all nerds), when her cousin came over. She was very cute, i'd say a solid 8/10 and definitely out of my league. Anyways we decided to go get some nuggets from mcdonalds as we were hungry and i brought my pokemon game with me as i was trying to breed competitive pokemon for a few friends. Along the way we get to talking and making conversation when i asked if she played pokemon and she said yes, but she left her system at her house. Genuinely wanting to better myself at the game i asked her if she wanted to battle whenever she had her system and we got to hang out again. She said sure and gave me her number, and that night we texted back and forth just talking about random stuff. The next night i was home alone and bored and messaged if she wanted to battle over the internet, but she said no, she always battled in person. So i drove to her house and picked her up, brought her back to my place to battle. and oh boy did we battle many times that night
@dmgroberts5471 Жыл бұрын
"Wash day tomorrow, nothing clean, right?"
@engineergaming4399 Жыл бұрын
Lmao Terminator 1.
@nickipicki Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who is a bit ugly we could say, but a very funny guy, got way more girls than I probably ever will.
@nigelnightmare4160 Жыл бұрын
Played tennis with my English teacher after school.
@keroadh1455 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: After killing the spider she says "While you couldn't find the other spiders and their eggs to squash, maybe you can squash mine ;)"
@fullcrackalchemist Жыл бұрын
Sis was down *colossal* on story 11
@calebhall2517 Жыл бұрын
Joined the army
@Words-of-encouragement.-. Жыл бұрын
This Is a great answer 😂😂
@Markty07 Жыл бұрын
Damn that's why I started socializing
@chillnreverbhi-qualityreve5895 Жыл бұрын
More interested in the gta V footage tbh
@guitarnoob5396 Жыл бұрын
I’m just trying to figure out if that’s his actual voice or not
@Fishbro Жыл бұрын
1:35 Nobody gonna talk about how this was rape as she was drunk and unable to consent? No? Ok
@d00p58 Ай бұрын
the giant enemy spider?
@nappyheadboi48 Жыл бұрын
Bro I just realised how dumb us guys can be sometimes😂
@mattluisi Жыл бұрын
I was on a cosplay joke dating fb group. I would only talk about Pokémon in this group. My apt was next to a anime convention. Meet up with some people from that group and one girl wanted to comeback to drink at my place. Had a good night. I was asked out by 3 more lady in that group…. I only discussed Pokémon. 😅
@savvy4 Жыл бұрын
Rip spiderman
@zozak_9824 Жыл бұрын
Is it just for me that siri (on IPhone) starts talking every time I watch between like 06:18-06:26 in the video? It is so strange
@user-er4gg4hb4p 3 ай бұрын
Story 9 was ki da interesting...
@PeixeDoTanque Ай бұрын
10:56 top 10 shit that never happened but godam that was hot
@DraftyCoast Жыл бұрын
i invited a co-worker to the movies , she said no , then she just gave me her number and invited me to her place and boom
@thanasisrks4944 Жыл бұрын
1:32 you're lucky the heavens didn't open up yet! Had that happened fire would have been dropped instead. ☦️
@bity7655 Жыл бұрын
Disclaimer: None of these people were virgins before.
@phoenix4077 Жыл бұрын
11:04 story 12 was the rizzler
@F0rmatPa1nt Жыл бұрын
o7 spider 😭😭
@Dantesparda7213 Жыл бұрын
Now it's time to see which one is fake.
@turdburd539 Жыл бұрын
15:11 fucking terminator reference
@erikgeraerts7876 Жыл бұрын
when i was 17 i was at female's friend home just talking , we ended up on the topic of sex and i asked her if she was a virgin or not , she replied that she had sex but never had a climax sofar . Then me with my big mouth jokingly said "Thats because u didnt have sex with me" , where to she reply's "wel lets go upstairs" , i was dumbfounded because i saw at here facial expression that she actually ment it , not much later she eventualy had her first climax xD
@oluwatimilehinaina1169 Жыл бұрын
Story 12...damn😅🤜🏽
@user-ou4qy3sp4v Жыл бұрын
What happened after 3 years? is she OK?
@deepwoken5218 Жыл бұрын
Just get rizz and go outside
@phoenixdening4416 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to turn 18 next year
@sirlancer23 Жыл бұрын
I married her. Which in hindsight was pretty dumb.
@johannfrederichk3473 Жыл бұрын
What? He said 20 In the drop dead gorgeous tapped my shoulder
@djay6651 Жыл бұрын
Got married.
@krustypotatowater2695 Жыл бұрын
Top 10 things that never happened
@snakelikeme Жыл бұрын
Pick up D on aisle seven
@royal-wolf Жыл бұрын
Was at a party talking with a very hot girl, someone i considered out of my league. We spent most of the time just chatting about a lot of nothing. The evening was ending and everyone was heading home, we are near the door getting ready to go and she asked me "Want to come back to my place and do that good Gay shit" We went back to her place and had a lot of fun. I am a girl and bi, she was lesbian.
@saeta Жыл бұрын
I feel in story 1, she just wanted the guy regardless of
@terminator_x.24 Жыл бұрын
Why the f it feels like this video is reuploaded
@McGeraet Жыл бұрын
How much of an a-hole can someone be? In the last story the guy dares him and then bitches as he is dared exactly the same? And even being an even bigger jerk about it later on? Totally deserved the broken window..
@dyllintrueblood5854 Жыл бұрын
Picked up my now wife by telling her I have the meanest 3 inches this side of the border.
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