What's The Most Annoying Reason Someone Hates You?

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What's The Most Annoying Reason Someone Hates You?
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@naturalphenomenon1402 Жыл бұрын
I was "Too nice" for one of my family members as I was growing up. I finally had enough of their lying, sabotage, name calling and theft that I got help from a counselor. Unfortunately, reconciliation was not possible and I had to completely cut them out of life to protect my current family.
@robinkholmes7127 Жыл бұрын
Protect your family a toxic person getting anywhere near your family is worse than what you're doing. Keeping doing what you're doing.
@Alpharelic Жыл бұрын
trust me, you made the right call. It's better you cut them out than had to endure any more potential suffering.
@RialVestro Жыл бұрын
I have a list. Before I was even born my mom was in a car accident with her first husband. He did not survive and her ex-mother in law threatened to murder any children she would have in the future so she would know what it's like to loose a child. Jokes on her though cause my mom really couldn't give a shit about my well being. I've literally been hated just for existing and had my life threatened multiple times by total strangers who don't even know me and my own mother. My mom wanted a girl and instead got 2 sons and a miscarriage when I was 1 year old. She seems to blame me for the misscarrage. I've also been told multiple times people both fear and hate me because I'm tall even though if they actually took the time to get to know me they'd realize I'm a pacifist and I couldn't hurt anyone even if I wanted to. I was once told the popular kids didn't like me cause I looked like my parrents still picked out my cloths... which they did at the time, but then when I asked my dad if I could pick out my own cloths and went shopping for stuff the popular kids were wearing they called me a poser and still didn't like me. Basically I learned pretty early in life that people don't even need a reason to not like someone, they'll make up a reason no matter what you do to try to change.
@ComaLies225 Жыл бұрын
Wow dude, I wish I could give you a hug. Your mom and family are horrible
@ComaLies225 Жыл бұрын
When I was working retail, the store manager offered me a position in the Cash Office. It basically consisted of counting the cash from last nights registers, filling up tills and other office related nonsense. I took it as it meant a slight raise and less work with customers (to note, I didn’t have an issue with our customers, I was just really introverted at the time. I rarely had complaints when wrking there) Unknown to me, one of the associates at the customer service desk ended up hating me for “taking her job.” Her close friend who worked with her also hated me. These were women in their 40s and 50 while I was in my 20s. I only found out about it because one of managers who I was close with told me about it. The customer service associate interviewed for the job and felt she deserved it due to seniority. I wasn’t even aware of the job until it was offered. The customer service associate also tried to make complaints against me but it seems like the store manager never cared since I didn’t hear about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
@kydragonwolf Жыл бұрын
When I was in high school, I met a girl in PE class who despised me simply for being myself. I spoke regularly with a girl she was friends with at the time, and while I never said anything bad, she insisted that I was using insulting language and told me to "stop saying things like that." She muttered about me under her breath when I was just trying to help her with her badminton serves, and I didn't even know until the girl next to me started tearing into her about how terrible she was being. I couldn't even react. She completely avoided me for the rest of the semester. I'm autistic, and no one outside my family knew. People like her are the reason why I didn't tell anyone. There's only so much I can blame her for, but it still makes my blood boil thinking about it. I hope she's matured since.
@donnagregory1053 Жыл бұрын
Whoop whoop pansexual gang! It took me til I was around 18 to figure out I’m pan. Sad to see people become hateful because they are super scared to come out. Just know y’all aren’t alone and you are loved and are perfect no matter who you are! ❤
@TheDungeonNewbsGuide Жыл бұрын
@luism7987 Жыл бұрын
I work in fast food, and generally we have a lot of stories of Karen’s and Kevin’s but for once, the Karen was making sense. I worked at chipotle and have for about 3 years at this point in my life (I’m a freshman in college) and my manager was the most by-the-book annoying person there was and she made it a sense of pride to do everything by the book no matter how ridiculous, insensitive, unsanitary, or disrespectful the case. One time my friend was on line for these customers and was making their entrees when my manager comes out of nowhere and removes some extra guac and sour cream my friend had put on this woman’s bowl, the woman gets angry about it understandably as some random person came up to her food and touched it without her permission when she thought her food was fine as it is, she ended up yelling expletives at my manager and had her food remade. My manager was shaken up about it in the back room and I try to console her and give her advice, I explain to her that she shouldn’t have came up and changed someone’s food to be “by the book” when the customer herself had no problem with the food as it was. She proceeds to tell me to shut the f up and leave and to this day we get in daily shouting matches (all of them are one sided I’ve become more level headed and keep calm as I’ve gotten used to these at this point) whereas she tries to get me fired (she can fire me herself she’s just scared of the repercussions of firing the best staff member of the short staffed restaurant). It still happens to this day even though I’m now one of the managers at the same restaurant. She’s going to leave sometime in the summer and I could not be happier, a lot of my friends are witnesses to her behavior towards me and some victims of her as well. I’m gonna try and have a sit down meeting with her and my general manager. If the harassment continues, I’ll take her to HR for workplace bullying and harassment. Side note, she’s 23 and I’m 18, she tried to get with me the moment I turned 18 and alot of the other male staff who were barely underage and I think that’s also what led to the tension between us and the other staff.
@Fanficreviews Жыл бұрын
I had this girl I went to school with from K-12, in middle school she started to hate me. I never knew why but she would always spread rumors and tell everyone to stay away from me. When we were graduating in High School, she pulled me aside and ask why I was walking in the ceremony. I was confused by her remark and said because I was graduating. She told me I shouldn’t be graduating at my age because I skip some years. I was baffled because we were the same age, heck born on the same day to. I realized she hated because she thought I was younger and skipped grades. It’s not a far fetch thing to think since I’m barely over 5 feet in height but what an odd thing to hate someone over. I still laugh about it when someone brings her up.
@kimhohlmayer7018 Жыл бұрын
My mom never approved of my tattoo. I got it at age 57. Wasn’t much she could say once my little Chinese style lucky bat was on my hip but I knew she wasn’t happy about it. Her best friend, also in her late 80s was more tolerant and even had me drop my trousers a bit so she could see it. Almost no one gets to see it because I got it for my own satisfaction and no one else’s. It honors my son’s Chinese heritage. We adopted him from China when he was three. He’s a fine young man now and I am quite proud of him!
@Ganchanzilla Жыл бұрын
One time a person who I had just started to be friends with decided to never talk to me again because I owned (humanely sourced) anime pelts and bones, she said it was “glorifying death” and “the same as trophy hunting” despite me telling her multiple times that I either found them literally laying in a ditch or purchased them from local First Nations sellers. Like these animals died of natural causes/were hunted for food, the least ethically sourced thing I have is a cat skull from a cat that got stuck under a deck and it had be dead for literal years by the time I got it. I respect all of the animal reminds I own and consider owning these remains as celebrating them after death
@ferret3423 Жыл бұрын
You monster. Those poor poor animes.
@Ganchanzilla Жыл бұрын
@@ferret3423 I was going to edit that but ya know what that’s too funny, I have the pelt of SAO next to the bones of Berserk 2016
@imaginaryinkorporated5935 Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure the exact reason he hated me but I guess it was because I didn't do a complete 180 on my personality after being rejected? Basically there was this guy in high school that I was crushing on hard. He was cute, funny, we had a lot of similar interests and were in some of the same extra curricular activities which is how we met in the first place. I eventually got up the nerve to awkwardly ask him out and he turned me down. I was disappointed but just moved on with my life as I was pretty used to rejection at that point so it didn't phase me. I was still nice to him, no point being petty about not matching his preferences, and we both continued in the activities we were a part of throughout high school. About two years later it's the first day of my senior year and it turns out he's in one of my art classes so, happy to see a familiar face, I sat with him and made casual conversation. A few weeks later and the school has it's annual "Parent's Night" where parents are welcomed to do a sort of mini school day following their kid's schedule so they could get to know some teachers, curriculums, and other parents. I was surprised when my parents got back from this and started asking me about him, if I knew him, how I knew him, if I had feelings for him. I basically explained to them that I asked him out a couple years back and he said no so I just moved on with my life. Apparently HE had told his parents that I was STALKING him and that he was considering dropping the class to get away from me and so his parents confronted mine about it. My parents believed me, thankfully, and had figured he was overreacting since stalking didn't really sound like me at all but advised me to probably just avoid interacting with him when possible. I basically had to walk on eggshells around him for the rest of the year. Any time something I wanted to do brought me in the same vicinity as him I would get interrogated by the teachers involved asking if I was just doing it to "try and get close" or "chase after him" and I had to explain my side each time. It sucked because as stated earlier we had a lot of similar interests and activities. It felt like I needed permission just to live my life. The stupidest part of all of this is that in those two years in between if he had just told me to leave him alone I would have. Yeah, it would have hurt in the moment but it would have saved us both a lot of drama and stress. But no, he just acted like we were still cool while telling people I was a stalker behind my back because he was too much of a coward to just tell me to leave him alone. tl;dr Apparently being a genuinely nice person even after getting rejected makes you a stalker
@RuneInked Жыл бұрын
Dude, I think you have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard. It’s so nice to listen to ❤
@StaryIris Жыл бұрын
Hey, mainly facts guy, remember you told you did many voicing jobs before? I just heard your voice wile doing Duolingo with my mum. It was pretty unexpected
@funnydude308 Жыл бұрын
@StaryIris Жыл бұрын
@@funnydude308 yeah, it was in English course
@TheDungeonNewbsGuide Жыл бұрын
It's true! I love working with the folks as Duolingo!
@daliyashohat1320 Жыл бұрын
I don't hate anyone, even though I have been given plenty reasons to do so. Hating someone hurts you more than the person you hate, it is a very unnecessary emotion. You can't like everyone, it's humanly impossible, but you shouldn't hate anyone. I love your channel because you are the voice of reason on KZbin.
@1986bab Жыл бұрын
In middle school (back in the 90s) a girl moved to town and decided she hated me. Because of my name. She didn't like my name. My first name. Its traditionally a boy's name, I'm not a boy, but there is a feminine spelling of it and that's what my name is. Crazy chick wanted to beat me up, because she didn't like my name. I'd never faced such animosity over something so specific and stupid. A friend literally put herself between me and crazy chick and warned her that she'd have to go through her first. Said friend was a foster kid and took no shit from anyone. And I was just standing there like "WTF just happened?" Crazy chick backed off, but then she went covert and befriended my then best friend. Who didn't believe me when I said the girl was nuts. "I don't believe you. She's so nice to me. I spent the whole weekend at her house." *sigh* I should have known then that the friendship with my former best friend wasn't meant to last.
@Luv2sing836 Жыл бұрын
I used to live in an apartment building with a woman who would hate me on and off for the silliest reasons but then come crawling back to me because she knew I had no spine and that I’d put up with her as long as she apologized. 1. I misspelled her name by accident (autocorrect) 2. I had my boyfriend over at my apartment and she saw him enter and exit. 3. I “made noise to annoy her” (she made a bunch of noise complaints about me slamming a door repeatedly but all of the complaints were filed at times I wasn’t actually home, so idk what was going on there) 4. I used capital letters in a text message 5. I took “too long” to answer like 20 texts from her. To be fair to her, it did take me 8 hours, but to be fair to me she sent the texts a little after midnight and I was sleeping. On every occasion her excuse was that she’d been “triggered” by my behavior. I ended up moving out just to get away from her and blocking her phone number.
@elliottclarke871 8 ай бұрын
TLDR, senior girl uses seniority wrong to shut me down and call me dumb without saying it even if I’m taking classes one grade level above me and in dual credit classes I’m a Junior taking 2 senior classes. A senior in my high school doesn’t like me because I was answering questions that she told the teacher about. I was trying to help, but she’s always like “(name) I wasn’t talking to you.” It’s insane. I’m shy, so it’s rare that I ever speak, but I’m kindhearted so I help answer questions guided to teachers if the teacher doesn’t say anything. I would commonly see her, and she, alongside a senior I hate (he will get his own story in a different post), say that they were going to express “seniority.” We never did seniority so it’s so strange to see these guys use it. And even then, I feel like they’re crossing boundaries with this seniority. The previously mentioned girl that hates me is using this seniority to say “You’re just dumber than me by a bit, I know this better.” Without actually saying it. Mind you, I’m taking 3 dual credit classes, 2 senior classes, 2 high school mix classes, and 1 Junior class (and it’s an Honors class). I heard that the seniors are struggling with their dual classes while us juniors breezed through our first semester. And if anything, she’s the one not doing much. Took a nap, no notes, which is 50% of our engineering grade, and very loud, which my ADHD can’t handle. This seniority is not actual seniority, it’s an excuse to make them supreme over everyone else in school except for faculty. Ah, but I’m getting too carried away, I do that often when I express topics that are an issue for me today. Well I still have a semester to do with her in my class, and the other previously mentioned senior who is just being insane to everyone, again, story for a different post.
@AmusementLabs Жыл бұрын
My old co-worker hated me from day one cause god forbid I made a comment that a part file was too flat to remove from the print bed and was kind of a bad design. Hadn't known that he made the design, but I still would've expressed adding a lip to it.
@TinaDeathstalker 11 ай бұрын
in middle school after i was finally diagnosed with high functioning autism and moved to the special ed class i had this growth spurt over the summer and became the second tallest girl in class. well that offended the shortest boy in class and he made my school life hell. he spread false rumors, called me names, stole things from my desk and the teachers did nothing about it which just made him so smug. greg if youre out there screw you
@jamesszalla4274 Жыл бұрын
My daughter and her husband bought a house about 90 miles away from me. During the winter, I said I’d install air conditioning for them in the spring. About the middle of winter, I suffered an injury that left me partially disabled. I can barely walk at times and am in excruciating pain almost all the time. I had to stop working and ended up needing surgery. There were post-surgical complications, which meant I wasn’t going to be able to do the AC for them until late summer or early fall. Despite my showing them my hospital records, they accused me of faking my injury to get out of helping them. They cut ties with me, and haven’t spoken in almost a year. My daughter said she doesn’t give a f***k about my health problems and that I would have kept my promise if I loved her. I can’t believe how narcissistic and cold blooded she’s become. Her husband treats everyone like crap, and it’s rubbed off on her. Breaks my heart. Guess I didn’t raise her as well as I thought I did 😞
@Crazael Жыл бұрын
I do some online roleplaying for fun, and this one guy absolutely hates me because one of my characters briefly flirted with his character's wife, while the two characters had broken up for a while. And then my character said that, once he learned the two were back together for some reason that I have never understood given how much they fight but it's really none of my business who people choose to RP with, he wouldn't pursue her while she was married, he flipped out on me and started yelling shit about how I was a bad influence and that he never wanted to see me talking to his character's wife ever again.
@jccw227 Жыл бұрын
I used to go to camp every summer. During my last year, since I was 18, I was now an adult leader. It was the first day, and I was helping one of the new kids get settled in as his parents and older, teenage sister were seeing him off. They were talking to the mother of another kid, and she started talking to them about me, and how I was this bright kid, well behaved and getting ready to head off to college after that summer, etc. The dad of the new kid was clearly unimpressed as he just grumbled “Yeah, well he better quit looking at my daughter.” The mother later told me about it and I laughed. Given the fact that I’m gay, I didn’t even realize I was looking.
@YeetYeetYoteYote Жыл бұрын
8:39 “You gotta mind your own business, bro” *pulls out Spunch Bop*
@hahaheart1 Жыл бұрын
None. There was someone who just disliked me and was mean to me for years on end, which caused me, after a while of just putting up with it to start reacting back. One day I finally asked why he hated me and he just shrugged and said "No reason". I was flabbergasted. I had the ??? face on and he just walked away. Honestly we don't get into situations where we have to interact much anymore and he chilled out a little and stopped going to antagonise me on purpose, so I think we're cool now? Idk, but that was so confusing to me. I was just like. No reason??? None??? Not even something stupid like "you're annoying"??? Like dang ok. I didn't even know that was possible. Though that reason just released a lot of anger from me because, it wasn't my fault in any way, and he's aware of that. So I was like huh. Well then.
@lenee8959 Жыл бұрын
My ex best friend hated me because I called her out for her toxicity. She went through friends like tissues in Elementary and Middle school and even freshman year. Still does as far as I’m concerned. She got seriously pissed at me because I was her first disposable friend to stand up for myself, not fall for her gaslighting and point out that I did nothing wrong. One of my sweetest friends was actually friends with her, and she still blames herself. I constantly assure her that it wasn’t her fault.
@dalime605 Жыл бұрын
huh....so thats what you look like. keep up the good work bro! I remember in high school this one dude jsut straight up hated me. I couldnt even talk to the guy without him being openly rude to me. he'd say things like "why are you even talking to me?! I dont even like you!" I found out through a friend that apparently he hated me cause he said I "looked at him funny once." I guess he assumed I was judging him or something? it was one of the few instances I met someone who flat out hated me for no reason.
@starxolotl Жыл бұрын
Girl in middle school hated me. We went from friends to acquaintances to blood-deep enemies. Her reason? I told somebody something she had told me in confidence (I want to note she didn’t even seem to take the thing She told me seriously). The trick: I didn’t, and if I did by accident, it was to my mom. But, after we returned from winter break, she hated my guts. She even convinced the majority of my friends to hate me too. I remember she wore a really nice scarf to school one day and I complimented her on it. Her smile dropped, and she said to me with a deadpan: “I want to curbstomp you.” She tried outing my ex to our class during lunch one day (with outdated information, but it’s ironic that she was trying to do the same thing she hates me for). She even talked with a different ex-friend about what they were going to put in my locker to off me, and told me it was just a joke when I started crying. She was also really rude to me before hand, walking away from me mid-conversation and talking AT me instead of TO me.
@tallonmetroids271 Жыл бұрын
A friend of mine's "fianceé" hates me because BEFORE THEY EVEN DATED OR MET EACH OTHER, I was my friend's spicy time partner. Dude got so deep into his hatred of me that he barred her from speaking to me. I had only ever spoken to him once before to help him through a tough situation because I'm a decent person most of the time. I only got an apology from him recently because he had been detained by the police for beating her, and then posting on social media about me coming by to be a friend to my friend, and he thought Ibwas there to sleep with her. She responded to his post saying as much, and not even a day later, I got a call from him, apologizing for being a prick to both my friend and myself. Currently waiting to see if the relationship starts falling apart again, and he knows I'm not gonna stand for the behavior he exhibited, again.
@madisonkirkpatrick2618 Жыл бұрын
Because I struggle with my weight. Not losing it, gaining it. Due to a lot of factors: mostly genetics and medications, I’ve always struggled to gain weight. I currently weigh only 96lbs (I’m 25 btw) and whenever people find out, I always get looks of pure hatred. That’s why I only tell my closest friends about my weight gain. They’re usually the only ones that show genuine happiness/excitement whenever I do. It’s always been my goal/dream to break 100lbs, something I’ve wanted since high school.
@sammidoneff 11 ай бұрын
The leaders of the entertainment department at a certain Six Flags hate me. I desperately wish I knew how it started, but the best I can come up with is that I’m disabled but don’t look disabled so they labeled me “diva” when I asked for really basic accommodations. It probably doesn’t help that they managed to be so bad at management that year that 70% of the actors quit and then half the department got fired. But obviously this is somehow my fault
@dollasorus Жыл бұрын
In elementary school I used to have a friend in a different class I don't really remember much about our friendship except that one time I visited her house and we watched courage the cowardly dog. At some point she started avoiding me and not talking to me at all I tried to talk to her at lunch at some point and I asked what I did and she goes "You know what you did!" And stopped talking to me again to this day I have no clue what I did I don't think I was ever mean to her intentionally or not and we were in 4th or 5th grade so again don't really think I could do much bad as I was only outgoing with friends and would only cry when someone made fun of me and when I would stand up for myself it was really cringe
@Shagami Жыл бұрын
My co-called best friend in high school started to hate me because we both had a crush on the same guy. I told her I was going to confess to him and she told him before I had a chance to tell him. They started to date. We were still friends and we would all go hang out at his house and his grandmother loved me. After we graduated high school his grandma kept dropping hints that he should break up with her and date me, but by then I got with the guy I have been with since then, almost 20 years now. I also had gastric bypass and lost over 100 pounds. After we finally broke off the friendship she started to try make my online life as horrible as she could. Reporting me on our fav website, telling people bad things she made up, saying I lost the weight so I could steal her bf etc. She was even able to report my bank account for fraud at one point. Now she is miserable in another state, with his racist grandparents and isnt having a great life.
@KeramosDeLuna Жыл бұрын
I was born. My entire family hates me because they hate my mom. I've mentioned being the red headed stepchild in my family and since this has been going on as long as I can remember, that's the only reason I know. My best friend's ex hated me because he thought I wanted her. I'm hella gay and never made that a secret. I actually dated his best friend at one point. Regional manager at my first job, I didn't gush over her vacation pics. I've always been a reserved person and also just didn't know her like that. She tried like hell to find ways to make my actual manager fire me but because I hyper focus and do the work of 3 when left alone, it never flew. Eventually she blocked me getting a higher position causing me to go over her head and report her while simultaneously handing in my notice. Coworkers backed my story and 3 weeks later her manager called me to ask me to come back since things weren't getting done like they were when I was there. I already had another job and they hadn't been able to do anything more than docking her pay so I said fuck that and never looked back.
@Fc25Hawks Жыл бұрын
respect for you being pan and coming out, i support you.
@GalitUnggoy Жыл бұрын
Band played a show, we invited 2 others to play along with at a bar. Band 3 walks in, looks around, picks up their gear and leaves. Show was insane and we got paid well. I apologize to the manager that band 3 left and he acknowledged they were never allowed back. Cue a few weeks later, and we tried to rebook another show. Get the run around. Odd, we never had this problem before. It was a simple phone call and we were in. After months, the owner calls us says since WE bailed, we were banned from the venue. I try to explain WE played and Band 3 didnt. Angrily, they tell us they dont give a fuck and never call them again. Wtf.
@samuelchau9745 Жыл бұрын
When I got forcibly out of the closet in school, a girl I hated to talk to because of her "mightier than thou" attitute towards anyone, gave a high pitch scream and came running towards me, hugging me and said: "FINALLYYYY I'M GONNA HAVE MY VERY OWN GAY FRIEEEEEEENNNDDDDD" after my ears stopped ringing I just said:"wtf bitch no, I'm not gonna be your "gay friend", I don't wanna be your friend at all" That was back in 8th grade, and ever since she hasn't stopped hating me for it
@stantheman9002 Жыл бұрын
I worked inventory for a few months for my team at a data center a few years ago. My job was to pull a list of all of our tickets ready to work, sort through the list using automated scripts that took some time, pull whatever parts were needed and to stage them for the technicians. I also had to pick up parts from the dock every afternoon and scan them in. There was a lot of work throughout the day, but there was also some down time every day. In the down time, I would put on music and clean the parts room but you can only clean so much so boss didn't care if I browsed the internet. In comes B. B was a new temporary contractor who only ever came into the parts room when he needed something. Every time he came in, he would see me listening to music and browsing the internet. I was a full time employee and B wanted my job so he kept trying to get me in trouble with my boss. He would file several incident reports to my boss every week because he wanted to get me fired. This went on for a couple months until he got offered a job somewhere else. On his last day, I asked him what his deal was, he said it was because he thought I was lazy and didn't deserve my job.
@Bleach1283 Жыл бұрын
Probably the stupidest reason someone hates me is that in 4th grade, wait, before I get into the story, I have a problem where I cannot control my feelings, I still have it today. Back to the story: in 4th grade I liked this girl, and she was the reason how I found out I was lesbian. I was near the street with her and her group of friends, and that moment I felt like I wanted to tell her. “Kylie… I kinda like you more than a friend…” This bish seriously punched me, and rolled me into the road with literal oncoming traffic. I got away safely because a car saw me, but the teachers never saw, they never said anything, and neither did we. Now she hates me because I liked her.
@LimeCoffee925 Жыл бұрын
Because "I don't know, there's just that one person you don't like".
@Hexgirls354 Жыл бұрын
Some girl at work thinks I’m into her partner, I’m not but that doesn’t matter. She legitimately turned every interaction I had with him into something inappropriate, to the point where I just have nothing to do with them.
@OfficialShiggySimp Жыл бұрын
I was once playing a game on Roblox a few years ago with a then considered friend. He asked me for 4 of my items for free, which I didn’t give him because well, I wanted to keep them. A few months later he hacked my account, and took everything I had. I still hold a grudge, and that asshole is in 90% of my classes.
@luism7987 Жыл бұрын
Back in my youngin days of highschool i was interested in my friend I’ve known since kindergarten, she had feelings for me too in the later part of freshman year but we were too shy to say anything to one another. One day I blurted out that I had feelings for her after seeing that we were both too shy for it, she confessed as well and it started off smoothly. A few weeks pass and we get a pretty good feel for eachother and decide to attend one of my sophomore friends birthday parties as it was going to be her 15th birthday that year. There was plenty of good food and drinks and I saved some for my ex as she ended up arriving to the party late (neither of us had cars at this point). I saved her these potato slice delicacies my friend’s mom made alongside some pastries and dishes and drinks. When she arrives I gleefully hand them to her and explain I saved the best ones for her and I sit down next to her as everyone is celebrating and I hug her and pull her onto my shoulder a lot (because young love I guess). A little side note, I was not the most emotionally intelligent at this point but I knew when to back off or to leave someone to their peace, she had not indicated that she was feeling uncomfortable at all. So I’m sitting there happy as I can be with my girlfriend and boom she gets up and leaves to another room with one of her friends, she’d eaten the food already so I assume something was wrong with it and I went to grab her a bottle of water as she might’ve had a stomach ache. I turn into the room she fled into with her friend and they’re both talking and become silent as I walk in and ask if she is okay, she explains she is and is just not feeling well to which I give her the water and make my way back to the party. Come to the end of the night her friend explains to me that she felt I had harassed her “almost sexually” and how my now ex never wanted to talk to me ever again. I’m heartbroken and trying to figure out what I did wrong in the first place and it remained that way for a couple of months. I find the girl in school as we still went to the same high school and try to confront her about it. She explains that she was not used to the affection I was giving her as most of her boyfriends before me were all stereotypical toxic highschool and middle school boyfriends who mainly wanted as many girlfriends they can get to flex. She explained she felt estranged from the affection and didn’t feel comfortable even being my friend now that we’d dated. I was still so lost at this point now that the real reason was out, I took it as a stepping stone in life to be more emotionally and socially aware but man, I’ll never get back those little potato delicacies, I should’ve eaten them, they were godly.
@Alpharelic Жыл бұрын
One of my best friends (also ex) got a new boyfriend who forbids her from being near or communicating with me purely because I'm her ex. I can symphathise with him to an extent because he had two of his past girlfriends leave him for their respective exes, but it feels frustrating that this guy hates me for something irrelevant, even though I openly said to him and my friend that they're a cute couple (while drunk if that changes anything). To add he's controlling her by saying she can't join in with our friendship group's get-togethers if I'm there. Makes me wonder why his exes left him... Also at the same time, my former friend (who wasn't really a good one even back then) hates me because I stood up for my friend (same one from before) after he made insensitive joking threats towards her, and refused to apologise for anything he did. He instead says I'm being offensive against his deafness, which makes my blood boil because a) that was never brought up nor even implied in my argument, and b) because he always brings it up and makes terrible jokes about it to everyone's annoyance. After that, he became the worst bully I have ever encountered, because he was an outright psychopath and school was on his side. I wish I'd stopped him when I still had the chance.
@kyleprall1757 Жыл бұрын
The stache has spoken! No hate, only tolerate others.
@Nyambui Жыл бұрын
I was mistaken for someone else who told on him (for fighting with a 3rd grade girl) when I was in 3rd grade, he was in 5th. Saw him at a party after graduating, it was obvious when he stood in a way to try to exclude me from a group. Never had class with him, went to different high schools, so he carried a grudge against the wrong person for 10+ years lol.
@skighsthelimit Жыл бұрын
I've always kinda been hated by people In HS, I was the fat nerdy kid in a school full of rednecks. In college, I had gotten deeply into being a Christian, and nobody wanted to be around me (understandable). After college, I finally accepted myself and came out as trans. That's when my family started hating me As I've gone through my adult life, people have mostly hated me for being unapologetically me. I don't water myself down. I've realized that if I'm going to be hated by someone, they could at least hate the real me, not whatever I was when I was still trying to figure myself out. It's not all bad. I do have an amazing fiancée who loves every bit of me (her family doesn't but can't win em all), and we have made an awesome life together.
@animaster2023 Жыл бұрын
For me, it's my youngest brother. He hates me because according to HIM, I constantly SMELL. WTF, BRO?!
@MutteringCondolences Жыл бұрын
I teach high school. I have student who has openly stated that they hate me. My crime? I follow the rules regarding cell phones in the classroom and I give 0 marks for things that are not done. He has literally said he hates me because he turned in a test that was mostly blank and I didn't give him marks for blank answers.
@nanidafaq7626 Жыл бұрын
for me, it was 2 people in school. one, in 5th grade, because i got done with a test first. it was just review that we went over for the past week. the other dude, in 9th grade health. he hated me because i answered a teacher question correctly after he got it wrong. only reason i knew it is since im the youngest in the family (along with being the only boy,) and most of my siblings were going into nursing, they always told me if i had any questions about health or the body to come to them. which i loved them for since it made me ace the class.
@dovewingseyesaregreen5664 Жыл бұрын
My close family has a few people born on the same day, relating to the story of the aunt hating her niece/nephew for that reason. Just last month I took a trip to see them for my uncle and cousin's shared birthday party. Though the better one has to be the fact my grandpa and his oldest grandkid (my older brother) have the same birthday. Sad to report that his birthday gift wasn't being able to hold him for the first time as my brother was born on the opposite side of the country to where he lived.
@Jag_ar_Fiona Жыл бұрын
Thank you mr facts for another amasing video
@CJRoberts8812 Жыл бұрын
One comment, one story. Comment: When I was a young Marine, there were plenty of gay guys around. I was GLAD that they were there, because that meant for everyone of them that was around, there was one MORE girl I could chase. Story: My boss was a racist As****e. He was of Mexican descent and I'm a White guy. That was bad enough, (for him), but every time he tried to tell me how I should be doing my job, I proved him wrong. He actually tried to get me fired over it, (he couldn't just arbitrarily fire anyone, he had to prove to his boss that it was justified), and couldn't do it. He eventually got fired for stealing from the company. I stayed around another 5 years until I retired.
@GabrielHenrique-pq5bo Жыл бұрын
Being a good student. In my school from elementary school to the end of high school some ppl(mostly girls for some reason) didnt liked me bc i was a model student and loved by the teachers, i dont consider myself that smart(they were just too lazy) but other students would call me a fake and a boot licker for that, thinking that i was doing it for better grades, and then i had a classroom of 10-15 haters every year
@writerlairchannel2636 Жыл бұрын
Bullying is stupid, i was fatter in school and they literally bullied me into having mental scars for the rest of my live like hating huge crowds
@doraga6390 Жыл бұрын
Because I asked for 2 days of a break to figure out personal stuff and sort things on how to approach a relationship. No, not my partner, but his best friend. She told him I was toxic and selfish, and then when he decided to keep the relationship, she was mad because he didn't listen... On top of that she is now having problems and I am trying to help her because I know she is an important person in my partner's life, but her interactions with me are limited and she is not rude because she knows she will look bad.... So I guess they hate me because.... their friend decided I make them happy and I am not as crappy as she said?
@J.G_Hazel Жыл бұрын
Because I plant grass just as good as she does. To clarify I work at a turf grass farm and I have a coworker who has always planted one type of our more popular grasses. Recently I was given the task to plant the same grass so altogether my employers have two people who plant that grass it’s barely enough to keep up with the orders. Both of us are fairly valuable, but one day I went in to go and plant more of the grass she decided to call the Boss on me and say that she was complaining about me. Sure boss walked in and she says to our boss, “Can I talk to you outside?.” Our boss says okay and for some reason she decides to turn to me and say “And yes it’s about you.” I didn’t think it was, but I was just trying it off because I have literally just walked in, and started cutting the excess grass to plant it. Apparently I was doing that wrong, our boss couldn’t find anything wrong and when she went to tell our boss all that I did she couldn’t actually think of anything in fact when I talked to our boss later and our boss said, “ I don’t know all she ever said when I asked her what was wrong was ‘I don’t know what’s wrong I’m just mad.’ so I have no idea what’s wrong either.” Next thing I know is she’s threatening me under her breath because she thinks I can’t hear her saying things like “f around and find out.” Suddenly it started to click after that day, because I remembered people saying that they liked to plant the grass because it was easy to plant and they could produce more trays of it than any of the other turf grasses. She gatekeeps mother loving turf grass and who she thinks should plant it.
@PaddyLCak3s Жыл бұрын
Oh, I have a few. First off would be my mentally abusive ex. She broke up with me and is still pissed at me for being worried she was going to self-harm or self-terminate. For context, she was texting a group chat that we had for our mutual friend group about some personal hardships she was going through. In those texts she was using language that mental health experts warn you about. That's just the tip of that toxic iceberg (she was a serial cheater and the things she'd say to me were awful). Next up would be my former coworker who got upset when I told them not to mix Windex and bleach together when cleaning. Anyone who's wondering why you don't mix those two cleaners, you can unalive people if you do as they make Mustard Gas. Which is not as delicious as it may sound. Finally (for this comment), would be my now best friend of 8 years who got mad at me in Call of Duty. We were on opposite teams, and I celebrated a bit early in the game which he didn't like. He sent me a strongly worded message, but after a bit of back and forth we became best friends... So now we don't hate each other, but we do annoy each other like brothers lol. Still ended up being the godfather to his kids though.
@that1chick535 Жыл бұрын
This is the first time I’ve ever seen your face!!! I usually listen as I’m going to sleep. Good lookin dude!
@falconkid9167 Жыл бұрын
This happened in middle school. My friend, who I had known longer, let’s call her A. In about 7th grade a new girl moved to the area, let’s called her X. One of my other friends approached me one day to let me know that girl X does not like me whatsoever even though I hardly knew her. My other friend told me that X would roll her eyes whenever I sat next to A. X would just getting generally annoyed that I would hang out with her. Like tf man, she’s also my friend, don’t be so possessive
@brynnesantos9817 Жыл бұрын
The "stupidity" of the reason might depend on your viewpoint, but I did have one schoolmate in middle and high school who didn't like me because they thought I bragged to much. Now, to be fair, I am a very passionate singer and musician and love to share and talking about the stuff I do that I feel good about, and when I get going on a subject, I *will not* shut up. All that to say, I can understand why that might be perceived as tooting my own horn. I don't think of myself as above anyone else by any stretch, and I can't be indifferent to something I do or say making others uncomfortable in any way. For as much as I acknowledge the possibility of the individual in question being jealous, I can't fault them for that, either, as I've gone through my own jealousy; it's not a good feeling, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
@MiloMilli0n Жыл бұрын
This is actually really recent! For a little context, i am a trans male and completly out to the world, just not starting transitioning yet. Its the end of the school year for my school district and yearbooks were passed out. Two friends of mine, lets call them Mia and Tom, were flipping through one with a friend of theres, we'll call her Daisy. They all found my photo and Mia and Tom began to tali about all the good memories they had with me. Daisy began to comment on there stories, but used my dead name as it was in the yearbook (cant get that changed easily). Mia tried to correct her, but Daisy didnt listen. When Tom tried to explain that was my deadname, Daisy told them off for trying to make her look bad and that if my name was that in the yearbook, thats what she'll call me. Now she hates me because she was called out as a transphobe. And the best part? I dont even know this girl!
@panda-rama2646 Жыл бұрын
I have 2 people that hate me for stupid reasons. 1: i told my friend she needed to feed her crying son (9 months old) instead of talking to her husband on the phone, and shes just sitting on the couch listening to her son scream doing nothing. ( i have 3 kids so yes i knowits possible to feed a baby and talk on the phone at the same time) Story 2: i was 7 months pregnant with my first child. I was so sick i ended up sleeping all day, my friend said “you’re going to be a bad mom and dont care about your baby” i stopped talking to them and just cut them out of my life, and now they hate me because i wont talk to them anymore.
@SilveerStarr Жыл бұрын
someone got mad at me for a while bc I called them out for being controlling and favoring certain people over others in a group passion project. I'll admit I did confront them in an asshole-ish way and I regret that, but it is how it is, and I wasn't the only one who noticed their behavior.
@ZerotheWanderer Жыл бұрын
Story 8: I think sometimes the replies get a little long-winded now that you started facecamming, however I don't think we would have your little skits either. A worthy sacrifice, that made me giggle.
@ChrisTownsend98 Жыл бұрын
Had a classmate named Morgan Taylor on my first half of high school; she hated me for no reason once so ever. My mere existence offended her. Morgan Taylor was (and probably still is) a living embodiment of a Karen. I do not miss her once so ever.
@gs-8279 Жыл бұрын
“In the game of bros you either win or you die” -my little brothers at any given moment
@Kagira2006 Жыл бұрын
I have one for this, a co-worker who hung out with my friends would constantly get pissed at me if I tried to be included in any conversation with said friends or even so much as, for instance, asking a depressed friend if he's ok. The reason? There was none apparently. She said she just didn't like me and didn't need a reason. She made my time there hell and made sure I always knew that yep, she hated me. Just because.
@GiordanDiodato Жыл бұрын
apparently someone hated me because I was an extreme entomophobe. Like, I hear one or feel one crawling on me I would freak out. I'm not as much now, but I think he still hates me after 20 years lol. all over a freaking phobia. Another person hated me because he made annoying jokes about blowing up people of a certain religion (not Judaism, the other Abrahamic religion) and I'd just roll my eyes at him. Someone told me to get away from them in 7th grade for no reason. If people asked me "why don't you talk to anyone from middle/high school anymore? Well... because they hated me lol. not everyone hated, but a lot of them did. My keyholder hated me for... I'm honestly not sure what. maybe my "attitude" towards work? like, bitch i'm just here to work for 8.50/hour. you think I'm going to be that professional?
@Ospyro3em Жыл бұрын
I had a coworker in my previous job hate me because I was "too happy". I used to like lightening the mood in the office with some upbeat conversations and jokes. The job was really monotonous, so other coworkers often said they appreciated me cheering up their day. One coworker however hated when I did this and said my happy mood was really annoying- even leaving the office and waiting out in the toilets so she didn't have to take part. Personally, I think she was a bit jealous- she wanted people to laugh at her quips and jokes, but didn't like when the attention was on me, even briefly.
@everydaypotato.3033 Жыл бұрын
so many people hate me. but for one example, my friend said something hurtful and then I warned him that I was going to say something really harsh to him if he continued; he continued and then I delivered the blow. I warned him, I kept to my word and now he hates me
@annasookie7 Жыл бұрын
The most annoying reason why someone hates me: Three years ago I was dating this guy. We were almost one year into the relationship before he met my brother. My brother is the last family member I let anyone meet. He’s a drug addict with a terrible attitude. He’s always so miserable and reflects that on everyone around him. When my brother met my boyfriend he made a very racist comment. I apologized profusely and we left. Mind you, my boyfriend was white and the racist comment was not about white people. My ex was a white boy that claimed he grew up in the hood and in poverty but his family was middle class with a really nice home. I don’t like racism or racist people, another reason why I don’t have a relationship with my brother. Well, my boyfriend broke up with me because of it. I was “guilty by association” and the comments hurt his friend’s feelings. It really bummed me out at the time but I don’t care anymore.
@claveworks Жыл бұрын
Starting my Electronics Training course for the military, I had a big advantage of having worked in electronics retail and also built some of my own circuits etc. There were 8 of us in the barrack room and at some point I devised an electronic shock device - it was tiny and could be thrown to the victim to catch in their hand and give them a little shock. So yeah, 5 people hated me for a while, but once I taught them how it was made (just 2 components) they were more impressed than angry lol. If you were thinking 'this is some mid 70s shit' you'd be spot on!
@Auriorium Жыл бұрын
I don't remember but this guy, who I by now haven't seen in my town for the past 20 years, hated my guts as a kid. As kids we went to the same afternoon activities like Karate or Model Airplane workshop. He went to a different school in my area so the only time I saw him was at those events and during the summer. Me and him both had a group of friends together, these where all kids who got together during the summer at a local beach, and he probably started to hate me there or at any other place for some strange reasons. His younger brother is a total chill dude while he is bitter at me for some reason. Well was I don't know where he ended up or much less care about what he is doing with his life. He also was a sore looser at pokemon tcg.
@sophiemai2916 Жыл бұрын
Man ever since we got this face reveal I love this dude so much more, definitely the kinda guy I’d love to smoke the greenery with lol
@Re.Alllll Жыл бұрын
I hope your pillow is warm on both sides tonight. I hope your first batch of coffee taste slightly off. I hope you have an awfully good day.
@lalas181 Жыл бұрын
When I was like tail-end of middle school/beginning of high school age, I hated this one guy in a musical theater summer camp I went to for the explicit verbalized reason of "I just do". The guy wasn't even mean, just a bit of a hardass about making noise in the wings no matter what which is understandable. He helped me with makeup stuff when my egg self was having unidentified gender dysphoria-enduced meltdowns over it. But nope. Kid-me hated this guy "just because" even though he was one of the most decent people there. Hope he's doing well.
@Neptune_Demon Жыл бұрын
This one time, when I was in school, the teachers were to lazy to watch the ELKP students, so they had us Grade 7 and 8's do it. I was paired up with this one girl who I found annoying. Another one of my friends ran up to me while I was outside, he told me she said she didn't like me. My response? I nearly cried of laughter, I litterally had to kneel on the ground I was laughing so hard. My friend thought I was insane. He kept asking me why I was laughing. The more I thought about it the harder I laughed. We swapped partners so I got to work with one of my friends, and she got to work with hers. Later, that same girl said a rumer about one of my friends which made my friend really upset, so I got to tell my friends a wonderfull story, and send a hate message to her for it. I still laugh thinking about her. The reason she "didn't like me" was because she thought I was weird. The funny thing about this was, I have 0 self confidence so I have no idea why I had it in me to send her that message, or why I laughed,
@TSA595 Жыл бұрын
I got one. A dude hates me cuz I exist. This happened in highschool. He hated my voice 1 year, next year he hated how I look, my face and then ended it with my existence. So yeah, yay
@hhornerphone Жыл бұрын
I didn't want to be friends with my ex-best friend again after the popular girls that she ditched me for rejected her. Ever since then she would give me dirty looks anytime she saw me
@psuedomyspace Жыл бұрын
A girl who considered me her best friend secretly hated my guts because her boyfriend thought I was hot. I wasn't the only one either, he thought a lot of girls were hot. He ended up cheating on her not even six months into the relationship and they stayed together for some reason at the cost of massive insecurity on both ends. She once said she wanted my skin on her wall because I was texting him even though I only saw him as a friend and also don't like men.
@VNCstudios Жыл бұрын
Funny hearing that tangent about the jealous partners forbidding any friendships with people you could possibly date since I was ranting about that bs recently. I hate that attitude and had to deal with it myself in college. I dated a girl who was beyond paranoid and told me the only women I should ever speak to should be her or blood relatives. I told her to get therapy for her trust issues and that she was dating a bisexual man so am I just meant to not talk to anyone but her and family again? I then broke up with her. Last I heard is she married a writer and has 6 kids with him and they seem happy but I hope her problems have been resolved.
@MsAquamonkey Жыл бұрын
No idea why, he just decided to grab me by my neck, slam me against a wall and tell me he was going to kill me. He only stopped because one of my friends saw him. I've had two guys say the exact same thing...
@Jimhelpman Жыл бұрын
As far as people not wanting friends talking to SO sometimes it’s because the friends don’t respect boundaries. May not have anything to do with insecurities
@mateeeeeo Жыл бұрын
a girl hated me because her friend had a crush on me and she claimed I was playing with her feelings, when in reality I was just being friendly and letting her hug me because she liked hugging people
@jennadombroski1505 Жыл бұрын
This boy in elementary school hated me for TEN years because my last name was right before his on the roster. Which means when we got called by name, I got to go one person before him 💀😂💀💀
@creeperking664 Жыл бұрын
The same birthday one was hilarious to me because I have the same birthday as one of my aunts and my brother has the same birthday as my grandma, none of us hate eachother though
@DblOSmith Жыл бұрын
Someone I went on a few dates with broke up with me because "...if you haven't been raped, then what do we even have to talk about? I can't relate to you."
@words5numbers908 Жыл бұрын
Not me but I think it applies: Some girl thinks I hate her because she rejected me a year ago, we went out once. I don’t hate germ but she thinks I do for a stupid reason, I find that funny personally.
@Mynthio Жыл бұрын
The most annoying reason I find is when someone spends hours a day consuming content on the internet only to then comment that the creator is an idiot because they have the wrong opinion. And for some reason these 'geniuses' who haven't figured out how to change the website, pause a video, stop reading, or close the browser are distressingly often the loudest people in any discussion, ignoring facts and rather unsavoury characters both politically and otherwise.
@klikkolee Жыл бұрын
To me, a block on social media is supposed to be "get out of my life and stay out of it". To be clear: in the world we live in, you're going to bump into a lot of people that meet that high standard, but it's still a high standard. Interpreting the block that way doesn't excuse the rumors, but the OP is still on the hook for sending a message that was very disproportionate and of a very improper character given the situation and given that they're on a platform with a working mute function.
@krembryle Жыл бұрын
Because I failed the hardest college in my country. Since around that time, nothing I did was good enough for my parents so I'm in no contact with them. You might argue that it's me who "hates" my parents because I'm not enough for them but it's more like, they say they love me, but their actions say something else. And I'm like, why should I continue this relationshit if it makes me miserable?
@artfuldodger7838 Жыл бұрын
Everywhere I go, there's always one person who hates me. It tends to be because I've done a lot. Hey, you could have blown your life in a scattered, wasted way, too. Just remember, your house is paid for.
@selchert Жыл бұрын
I had someone hate me because I dropped Physics class and since I was the only other person on site in the class she no longer had anyone to cheat off of. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@robinkholmes7127 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I wouldn't say it's not a stupid reason to hate or be cautious around someone but he's dealing with it like a 12-year-old. Story 2: "You're gay." "Am I? Prove it!" Story 6: How dare their child group up? I'm sure that the parents are convinced that their 30-year-old son is incapable of thinking for himself and hi living with his girlfriend was all her idea.
@majorasmask5523 Жыл бұрын
Your beardstache is genuinely impressive.
@stuffedninja1337 Жыл бұрын
For.....existing? Essentially? Though he says otherwise, it's extremely clear via actions (and indirect words, tbh) that my dad didn't want kids, and if he DID, he wanted a boy, and I'm the closest thing he got (and I have no Y chromosome). My childhood was abusive, my father likely has some kind of personality disorder/mental illness (not that that excuses anything, ofc), and we're unfortunately stuck in an extremely uncomfortable situation where he and my mum are getting to be too old/unwell to handle all the yard work/chores/etc by themselves, and the CoL is too high/my illnesses also bad enough that I'd be living out of my car again if I left. So it's a tense standoff where I try to take up as little space/use as little resources as possible while doing manual labour, and in return i get a roof and some food. My mum is unfortunately stuck being the mediator a lot of the time, which is exacerbating a neuro condition she has. He's disowned one of my older sisters and the other is basically estranged from him anyway (plus they both live over an hour away, the second one lives nearly 3 hours away), so day-to-day shit falls to me. I hate it, but it's about survival at this point. Ironically enough, though, he took me coming out better than my mum, but I didn't even directly tell him till I was in my late 20's, and I think he had heard it in passing already by that point. We're (obviously) not close. Mum is perfectly fine with her kids and their sexualities/identities/etc now (it was pretty damn shocking in the first place, since both her friends are gay, but she literally told me to 'pick a side', so i think it was kind of a binary situation in her head at the time. this was the mid 00's and i was a teen, and there were a lot of things she was in strict denial about).
@KyttenMittens Жыл бұрын
Years ago, I was in a tour group. There weren't very many minors in the group because this wasn't the safest place to tour with children, and parents who did bring their kids were advised to watch them like a hawk. The youngest in the group was 12. There was a teen girl with a superiority complex because she was 16, making her the oldest minor in the group. And then everyone found out that I was 17. Yeah, this girl hated me because I was the oldest minor instead of her.
@commanderacebenerschadron8587 Жыл бұрын
Hello the next time you do something that happened in school can you do my story. It’s late 2022, I was a senior at the time but a lot of bizarre things happened at my school. On the first week during the first football game of the year which was on a Friday night there was a shooting & a 14 yr old freshman was killed. Two or three weeks later there was a fight right outside of my class over some math problems. A few months later when school was out for the day at 4:00 pm there were ambulances outside the school because a student overdosed on a drug & had to be revived. A week before we went on XMAS break a few teenagers from another school snuck in unnoticed & hurt a student. After we got back from XMAS break a student got jumped by two other students & they broke a table in the process. A month later, I was doing early college but according to my friends they had to do a 500 foot evacuation drill one day because of a bomb threat that went out. I’m glad that I graduated this year because my school was a good school that fell hard from grace.
@Lilarella Жыл бұрын
I have a good one!! When i was 13-14 my best friend at the time (13f) had gone onto a bf snapchat spree, and I am an avid MTV catfish watcher, and she was telling me about her new bf (claimed to be M16!!!). Who had all the clear signs of being a catfish. And i was a very mature 13 year old so i new what was going on. and he HATED me for some reason, i think he was actually a 16-17 year old just using different pics for her 😑. I think she told him that i though he was a catfish and he got nervous and jealous that i could spend more time w/ her bc he was living across the world lmao. I had him on snap to and they broke up bc he said he was having major mental health problems and she broke it off with him in a very toxic way. He still wanted to be mates with her, she was just being incredibly rude about it. I honestly felt really bad for the guy. But then I remembered that she was 13 and he was 16 and felt less bad. THEN he snapped me saying to tell her how he 'couldnt live without her' and 'made a big mistake and was so so so so so sorry'. I am now in the prosses of trying to cut her off bc she is very toxic and has major only child syndrome. Love seeing you beautiful face mr mainly!!! keep up the good work.
@pinkkrystalz7610 Жыл бұрын
I thought the word "beans" was funny and this girl bullied me for it. It was in fall semester of 2006 and I was in 3rd grade. I was in a group with 2 other girls, we were working on math problems and this one page involved jelly beans and different colors of them. I kept giggling at the word 'beans' multiple times that whenever either one of us even tried to read the problems out loud, I would try my best to hold my laughter. This prompted this girl, Kianna (yes, that's her real first name and quite frankly, I don't care), to harrass me throughout the rest of 3rd grade then treated me as one of the wierd kids. Not only that, but we were both friendly to each other and she didn't had a problem with me up until that point. I couldn't help myself in that moment. Sometimes I have moments of contagious laughter. She did eventually move sometime during the summer of 2007, but I haven't forgotten how awful she was towards me. TLDR; I kept giggling at the word "beans" while trying to work on math problems and this girl, who I was friendly with, bullied me for the remainder of third grade over it.
@Witchkart Жыл бұрын
A girl hates me because I didn't went to her 18th Birthday. My dad got admitted to the hospital that day and died two days later. She still talks about me like I'm a lying snake who purposefully led her on.
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