What's the worst thing your teacher has ever said in front of your class?

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4 ай бұрын

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Пікірлер: 103
@nox6687 Ай бұрын
I have a story like the first one. It was the first day of my German class and the teacher had us do one of those icebreaker things when everyone gives their name. One of the first to was a guy who had recently moved to the area, let's call him Johnny, sitting in the front row. Our teacher perks up at Johnny's name and goes "oh, yeah! Johnny, I saw your mom last night!" Cue the laughter from the class and the confused mortification of Johnny. Our teacher quickly tried to explain himself. My teacher goes to a certain German grocery chain store near his house every Sunday to get groceries. Johnny's mom works at the pretzel stand in that store and, while waiting for his pretzel, my teacher struck up a conversation with her, where they discovered that her son, Johnny would be in his class. This explanation did absolutely nothing to stop someone from asking our teacher, "so, how's Johnny's mom?" every Monday.
@ASolzhenitsyn 4 ай бұрын
The best thing a teacher ever said: Physics class. Several students, including me, were a little early to finish up our food before class. A kid in our class, Ian, walked in with the teacher, Gamble, just behind him. When Gamble got in front of everyone one student said "hey Gamble, your zipper is down." Without missing a beat Gamble says "Damn it Ian. I told you to zip me back up when we are done."
@ilike123 4 ай бұрын
@fans9695 4 ай бұрын
Gay pornage
@joshofcardboard 4 ай бұрын
HAHAHAHHA! That is one of the best out-of-context stories I ever read. Classic!
@ASolzhenitsyn 4 ай бұрын
@@ilike123 the context is that his zipper was down, he happened to come into the room behind a student, he made a joke.
@ptheorist4670 4 ай бұрын
Excuse me, that is disgusting. I would have felt SO uncomfortable both in that moment and in every class with that teacher from then on.
@rowanmartin4397 4 ай бұрын
My 7th grade english/history teacher got cancer and had to leave in the middle of the year. Nobody cared. He used insult people for asking questions, so I don’t think even a single person liked him.
@Keaton0801 3 ай бұрын
I guess karma told him, if you're gonna act like a malignant tumor, you're gonna have a malignant tumor.
@QuinnDrury 4 ай бұрын
My year 6 teacher once cussed me out in full earshot of the class and headteacher. She got fired on the spot for cussing out a 10 year old. She hated me for no reason
@myStarChili 4 ай бұрын
Huh??????? When I was in school, teachers would normally use a “goddamn please shut your damn mouth” all the time, and yell at us too. The Dominican Republic isnt really great in education but I thought this was normal
@Tzomthekliafafanboy 4 ай бұрын
Lol As a german, some of these surprised me because i thought they were normal
@azDanqs 2 ай бұрын
LMAOO reminds me of my chemistry teacher, im from slovakia we dont speak english but she used to yell "SHUT UP" in english and get like half up from the chair and point into the ceiling we died laughing
@cumaproto9466 4 ай бұрын
Maybe not the worst but it was still pretty funny. When I was in year 10 (14-15) my physics teacher was one of those teachers who you could easily get talking so you don't actually have to do any work. So there we were getting the teacher talking about his life when the topic turns toward sex and he tells us "You know that moment when you cringe when you realise that your parents must have had sex for you to exist? Well it's even worse when you know your kids have done it!"
@janemiettinen5176 4 ай бұрын
Our PE teacher yelled basically in front of the whole school I needed bras. We were playing (Nordic) baseball in the yard, late spring and it’s warm, all the classrooms had windows open. I was running and being a practical tomboy, just cupped my boobs with my hands. Then it happened, “Ms Jane will have brasserie for the next gym class!”.. I remember stopping on the 2nd base like I was hit with a plank, seeing quizzical faces on the windows and wishing my hardest the ground would just open and take me down, NOW! Part of me is sure her words are still echoing on the courtyard..
@v.k.3115 2 ай бұрын
That’s so embarrassing, I’m sorry that happened to you ❤
@janemiettinen5176 2 ай бұрын
@@v.k.3115 Thank you, Im ok tho. Now it’s just a funny story, back then .. not so much :)
@byereality7492 4 ай бұрын
Actually the principal said this to the whole elementary school over the intercom: "i can't believe you are ao rowdy during lunch and leaving crumbs everywhere in the lunchroom". Crumbs. In the lunchroom. Said to the while elementary school
@BeeWhistler 4 ай бұрын
Oh, yeah, we all have scars. I’ve had plenty of a-hole teachers but the only thing I can specifically remember one saying in front of the class was when my Civics teacher pointedly said that maybe if he embarrassed me by calling me out in front of the class for forgetting my homework… again… I’d be motivated enough to start bringing it. This was before cell phones and before people understood neurodivergence and executive dysfunction. I’d been having “senior moments” my whole life. But to teachers, if I was bright enough to do well on tests, I was bright enough to keep up with papers, daily assignments, dates, times, etc. These don’t correllate and never have. I have had memory problems my whole adult life, too. I have to sing “toilet paper” over and over in order to remember to put more into the bathroom. I keep a whiteboard up for grocery lists so that I have a better chance of writing a thing down before it vanishes from working memory. But in school they expect you to have a better memory than a computer and treat reasons as mere excuses. I did finally work senior year to try and get straight As. I only managed it for one out of six 6-week grading periods. After that, I began to recognize that the jackass teacher could have bribed me with real money and I wouldn’t have been able to keep up the pace on my own. But no, no one believes a kid and too many teachers seem to think that if a student doesn’t respond to their teaching, it’s a personal attack.
@thornthedevilschild666 4 ай бұрын
i was a freshman in high school and we had this one teacher, pe teacher, who was a douche sometimes. the two things i remember were i had been looking down at my phone, and wasn’t paying attention when we were going into the locker rooms, and turned into the wrong one. when the teachers asked me about it i tried to say i was on my phone and not paying attention and they told me it was relevant? he threatened me with 3 days of suspension and i was sitting there having a panic attack, i could barley walk because i thought i was gonna pass out, and he just didn’t believe me that it was an accident, and the other teacher had to tell him my side of the story for me so he would finally believe me, and he gave me a warning which, fine, but also gave my friend a warning because they were standing outside the wrong locker room telling me i walked into the wrong one?- i never understood that. the other one is there was this girl who had asthma, and she had ran the mile and was doing fine until she pushed herself a bit too hard at the end and had an asthma attack. he said loudly to the other teacher “i told the kids with asthma to not run, it doesn’t matter if she forgot her inhaler, it’s their responsibility to bring their inhalers every day to class” and idk that just sounded so awful to say, like that guy has no empathy for his students i swear
@justsomerandomdudeontheint9859 4 ай бұрын
My brother had a teacher tell him he was a terrible drawer. All his life, he has wanted to be able to draw well, and that made him lose confidence and stop trying for a long time. As for me, I had a teacher refuse to give me extra time for a paper, even though I was at youth group, a religious meeting. Her response? Work is more important that anything. (Even my beliefs? Seriously?)
@justsomerandomdudeontheint9859 4 ай бұрын
Also, I had a teacher make a joke to the entire class that I was gay. I am a Christian, so I was kinda like taken aback from that. All I was doing was talking to a friend…
@joshofcardboard 4 ай бұрын
@@justsomerandomdudeontheint9859 that’s just messed up in every way
@astrobabeyyy 4 ай бұрын
not in front of the class but my 11th grade economics teacher pulled someone out of class to yell at them in the hall. i dont remember what he said specifically but i remember the kid yelling back about how immature the teacher was being for yelling at them, and how he was the adult not the student.
@jammy7670 4 ай бұрын
Might not be objectively worst but it was the worst for me. Had an English teacher in Senior year of high school, year of 2015 that I really liked a lot. He was funny and had an interesting perspective on things. I tried my best in class, despite my struggles due to being special needs. And I managed a passing grade. For a little context, this was a "co-taught" class, meaning there was one general ed teacher, and one special ed teacher to help the students with IEPs like me. He was the gen-ed teacher. There was one worksheet I didn't complete. I kept getting told by the special ed teacher that it was simple, but I still couldn't completely understand what I was supposed to do and she didn't really help me (to be fair I struggled a lot with verbalizing and articulating what about it confused me exactly). But I thought nothing of it because it wasn't even worth a lot of points; it wouldn't have affected my grade either way, I remember. And at the time, I figured: If I couldn't get help on it, what was the point of getting stressed about it? Especially because - of the four years of high school I endured - that was one of THE most stressful years I had overall. The worksheet was handed out in the middle of the year I'm pretty sure, and all I remember is that it was in relation to... Othello, I think? But we moved on to several more topics after that. We had read two whole books after that, I remember. On the last day of school, he held up that very worksheet and told the class: "If you never turned this in, you can FORGET about graduating college!" and just went on this big rant about how isn't going to forgive things like that. Despite the fact that I had a decent grade (If I recall correctly I'm pretty sure it was at LEAST a B plus) and the fact that I took on the BIGGEST, most important group project in the class alone and that he TOLD me it was the BEST project he had ever seen, it really shot my confidence, because I had high hopes for my own future; I wanted to go to a university and get a degree, and that rant just killed that dream in a matter of seconds! I still ended up going to a university anyway (a local university with an 80% acceptance rate so it wasn't even that impressive that I got in) mostly because my parents wanted me to get into one immediately after high school. My heart wasn't really in it though, so I didn't even last two years as a part time student taking three classes at most. Unfortunately I'm not built to run on spite.
@pinkrose8272 4 ай бұрын
I had a 4th grade teacher who was a really cool guy but he went off book a lot. Sometimes in good ways like giving us more context on history that history books that teach that age usually leave out, or basically getting it into our head young to spell check our resumes, or deciding to give us an impromptu lesson about what the 2008 recession was all about as we were asking a butt load of questions (still angry I had to do speech therapy and missed that). But other times he went a bit more out there. He used to serve the navy. He went into depth about what it is like and basically scarred all of us about how awful military training is. Like he mostly just said stuff like being forced to stay awake to watch a boring film (and was punished if they fell asleep) and not being able to customize space or have any fun so had to sneak things in to keep sane. Like intense but nothing too bad. Until we reached the unit on electricity where he told us how one of his old shipmates was not listening to the regulations and doing stuff as he was supposed to so he got STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND DIED. He told us this in severe graphic detail. On the bright side I will never mess around with sockets, on the not so bright side, because of this and one other random experience around the same time I have a serve fear of getting hit by lightning.
@royalqueenmidnight4847 4 ай бұрын
When I was in first grade for show and tell, my twin sister and I brought some of those bird stuffed animals that make the sound of the bird when you squeeze them. You get them at national parks and stuff. My first grade teacher took us aside and told us that they were “baby toys”. I am still in shock that she said that to us. Super unprofessional. I remember at the time, my sister and I started to cry and I said “we’re gonna tell our mom!” She looked at me and in the coldest voice said, “Go ahead, I don’t care.” Maybe it has been warped over the 13 years that have passed, but she definitely told us that they were baby toys, my sister and I both remember it.
@aussiejubes 4 ай бұрын
In grade one i was in a classroom that held two classes & two teachers - the classes were on the right & left of the room & there was a shared space in the middle. The other teacher was on a chair writing on the blackboard & it slid, she fell off & broke her arm. She traumatised about 50-60 kids with her pain noises but she said "shit" & 😮😮😮😮 wow. Couldn't believe our ears 😂
@ItsKoraBaraca 4 ай бұрын
Amazing, surprised you don’t have more subs
@pot-wielders 4 ай бұрын
My 3rd grade writing teacher accidentally said Shit at the end of the day. Everyone in the room burst out laughing.
@shitneyb5562 4 ай бұрын
OooOooOOoooo 😱
@NinetyLegos 4 ай бұрын
Story 5: What!? Also there was a much better way to introduce the ball squishing line
@lydiapetra1211 4 ай бұрын
Story #2... I completely agree with your comment....that teacher should not have said those things....so inappropriate!!!
@96ethanh 16 күн бұрын
While in college, I had a professor who was super self-absorbed and would brag about how most of the class would fail. One day a girl asked a question, can't remember what it was now but nothing stupid. Now for reference, this was a capstone class, meaning the last one you took for the degree. Professor answered the question something like "that's a stupid question, you should go back to the intro class". He was being completely serious. Just completely belittled the girl in front of the entire room of like 50 people, and she started crying.
@RikkuButterFly 16 күн бұрын
my senior year my AP English teacher told me I didnt deserve to be in her class, in front of all my classmates, because I had the lowest ACT score
@ohshctrash1410 4 ай бұрын
I tell this story to people all the time. My 9th grade science teacher was probably the most hated teacher in the school. He was rude, would make fun of students, and repeatedly made fun of his son (6th grader) to us, mainly saying that he was bad at playing the saxophone. But the most memorable thing that this teacher did was one time when we had some extra class time after a lesson, he looked up the school on Google and read out reviews of it, mostly the negative ones. At least three of these negative reviews were about him specifically, which he read out while laughing. Clearly someone who knew he was disliked and didn't see that as an opportunity for self reflection or improvement. Definitely one of those teachers who hated kids.
@yukkir_bolt_strike718 3 ай бұрын
Not a teacher, nor in front of my class, but my principal. I had a service dog (sadly she passed away years back) and for some reason he just hated her. Used a bullshit excuse to not let her come with me to school. After finally being able to kick my dog out, he calls me into his office the next day. Tells me I “reminded me of his daughters” and that whole out shopping with them he “found something and thought of me”. He pulled out a plushie of a dog that didn’t even look like my dog and said to put it on my desk and I could hug it whenever I was sad. Not only would the entire school bully me for that, as I was in 6th grade and middle school is way worse than high school in my opinion, but he was screaming creep. I had a bad feeling and tossed the plush in the garbage. Wouldn’t say I was a “smart kid” but more overly anxious. I didn’t know if it had a camera in it. I still don’t know to this day. It’s been almost 8 years, and I still get shivers thinking about how he smiled at me.
@titaniumvulpes 4 ай бұрын
When I was in kindergarten a girl in my class was bored and tapping a pencil against the back of her chair and the pencil broke, and for whatever reason that was the last straw for the teacher who started _screaming_ at this 5-year-old girl, telling her how stupid she was, called her the N-word at least once. She was absolutely fired after that and we got a new teacher for the rest of the year. Found out decades later when recounting this story around my mom that the parents were told the teacher had "quit due to health issues" and I was like "Nope! Got fired for screaming slurs at a 5-year-old girl!"
@vange13113 2 ай бұрын
We had a sub for history and I’m not sure whether she had mental health issues or not, but she spent the whole lesson telling us (a group of 12-13 year olds) that there was no point in us living because we would be nuked by the time we finished school. She kept going on and on about how there would be a nuclear war and we shouldn’t bother studying or aspiring to anything because if it. She made several students cry and then shouted at them for crying. Many students complained and she was fired.
@lydiapetra1211 4 ай бұрын
Story #12... Iam so sorry ..i wish you would have kept on walking that teacher sounds like a narc ...
@lermajerms 4 ай бұрын
any one know what the game in the background is? looks interesting and i definitely want to try it.
@shitneyb5562 4 ай бұрын
Ever play any Minecraft?
@cerezsis Ай бұрын
I used to be a daycare teacher whose room was connected to a preschool class. I once overheard the other teacher say “You think you have problems? My brother was diagnosed with cancer yesterday! Do you know what cancer is?” Bruh… they’re PRESCHOOLERS! You better believe I reported that.
@ptheorist4670 4 ай бұрын
In elementary school we had a substitute teacher, whom I remember coming in quite often. Our usual teacher was in his late 50s/early 60s so he probably took a lot of time off, I don't know lol. Anyway, she was also around that age, and I remember that she would just start talking about things in a maybe too graphic detail for fourth grade kids. The first one was intense descriptions about how it was like in Greece during the junta coup in late 1960s, especially when they enforced military law and would arrest and probably execute people who were found walking outside after dark. It was freakish but it did teach me how inhumane military coups can be. Then it was about how mice carry diseases and if one bites you you have to RUN to the hospital or you'll die. It gave me a legit fear of mice, to the point that I feared even getting near my house's basement out of worry there would be mice there. Then about how she knew a kid that had a shower with really hot water and got burns from it. Again, fear of too hot waters. And then one day she came to class with bags under her eyes, and she told us her husband had died a few days ago and she had been crying. And she told us that a little before he did, when they were taking him to the hospital in an ambulance, he'd said he wanted to look outside but the windows were tinted, and that's how she came to tell us that ambulances have tinted windows so that people walking outside wouldn't see the patients inside, to protect their privacy. And like, I think about it now and I'm like, maybe that's a little TOO much detail to tell your young students?? Like, maybe it's okay to share that you're going through a tough time, or make a reference as to why ambulances have tinted windows, but it all feels way too personal in hindsight.
@Lulu01575 4 ай бұрын
In middle school teacher said “ we are basically walking talking egge and sperm😂
@ChrissyBae 4 ай бұрын
@shitneyb5562 4 ай бұрын
You can't say sperm to a middle schooler. It's illegal or something
@Luna_Moon_Light 4 ай бұрын
a teacher at my old high school (freshman year, I was a sophmore when this happened and didn't have her) got fired because she choose to not follow a students IEP or ard depending on where you are (it's a document for those with learning disabilities) I HATED her glad she's gone I did end up moving though but it was better for me education wise (I'm a junor now and this happened last school year when I was a sophmore)
@onionbubs386 2 ай бұрын
During pep band in highschool, our band teacher was teaching us which hand signals meant which song he wanted us to play. For example, a song called "No Thing On Me" was signaled by him brushing off his shoulders. He then patted his chest twice and told us that was the signal for "Everytime We Touch" because, in his words, "I am touching myself". He realized what he just said the second it left his mouth and was followed by a full minute of laughter while he hid his face in his hands. Unrelated, but he ended up being a registered sex offender, but this happened at the beginning of the school year and the SAs (plural) were at the end of the school year.
@EpicMatt616 4 ай бұрын
I had a music teacher in fourth grade who would constantly get fed up with the class's constant chatter and would just wait for us to quiet down, and sometimes would spend 10 minutes just sitting there. She never once told us to be quiet, or punished any kid, just waited. Until one time, she screamed shut up to the entire class, and as far as I can remember, she never apologized. And to make things even worse, she used the one student who left the class as an example as to why we should be quiet, because he was "fed up" with the chitchat. This was a lie, as he left because the class never got anything done because she would never teach us things. She did everything she could to boost her ego, and used the amazing kid who got private lessons as a way of crediting herself for how good she (never) taught.
@CheyenneRoy-mk9lp 4 ай бұрын
Had a sexist teacher in 11th grade, had a thing against women and girls, he kept making very obvious slurs against women, calling women useless in many ways over the course of the 4 months that he Was our teacher, he got fired for possessing pornography of a minor, a girl from our school was sending him pictures of herself and the teacher's daughter was the one who reported him, so for the rest of the year we had a replacement teacher, I knew something was off with that guy and thought 'Him degrading women is not right.' but didn't think much of it at the time and when he suddenly wasn't there anymore and rumors were flying around, I remember thinking "Ah okay, no wonder he was being a sexist asshole, he was trying to cover up for his pornography of a minor, plus he probably wasn't getting any from his wife." I'm pretty sure he and his wife divorced following the incident and he lost custody of his daughter and he of course went to jail.
@breezysummers8692 4 ай бұрын
I have so many negative memories of teachers that it makes me so steamed when I think about them all... Most of the things are small comments that just destroyed my self-esteem in the moment because I was/am very sensitive and a less-sensitive child probably wouldn't have been as affected as I was. But the one that stands out the most wasn't directed at me. There was a kid in my orchestra class who had Tourette Syndrome and would make small noises sometimes. He wasn't at all disruptive and basically everyone in the school (teachers and students) knew he had it and it was all good. But one day, the substitute orchestra teacher said to him "Stop doing that, those are the noises babies make." He cried and the rest of us were aghast and really pissed off at the teacher. I'm not sure what happened to her but I hope someone reported her. Had my own confidence not been destroyed at that time, I would have said something to the principal; I wish I had. I don't understand how people can works with kids and know nothing about these kinds of things. Did they not have a teacher in their childhood that said something so piercing that they still think about it 20-30 years later or is that just me?
@hannahhammond1993 4 ай бұрын
When i started secondary school i had a elderly math teacher. There was a kid on the table behind me he was a jerk and messing about one day he wouldnt shut up shouting over the teacher anyway the teacher flipped and he threw a heavy textbook towards the kid however he missed and hit me in the process my dad was not impressed and he put a complaint into the school the teacher was forced into early retirement and we was given a substitute teacher for the remainer of the year
@elizabethbognar6402 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of one time in school we had a sub in a normal ed class I had. (I was mostly in the classes for the disabled children. Side note I know what the class is called but can't spell it.). Because I am disabled I had what they called an I.E.P. which was to allow me to do things in class a normal ed student couldn't. For an example: I was allowed to listen to my music during class as long as it was over my headphones and the class couldn't hear it. If I got anxious or was about to have a meltdown I was allowed to leave the classroom to walk the halls to calm down before returning to class. Stuff like that. Well I was in my normal ed class when I felt like I was having an anxiety attack and was about to have a meltdown. So I asked the sub if I could go take a walk in the hallway to calm down and explained it was in my I.E.P. she told me no. I thought to myself; I am close to having a meltdown and the best thing I should do is get out of class because I don't want to have a meltdown while in class. When I have a meltdown I mostly will throw things or hurt myself. But anyway I got up to go for the walk and the sub told me to sit back down. I told her no I need to go for a walk I am going to have a meltdown and it is in my I.E.P. that I can go for a walk when I feel like this. The sub then tries to grab for me to put me back into my seat. As she does this I slap her hand hard. The sub was shocked and pulled away her hand and I then walked out of class to take my walk. I don't think I got in trouble for doing this. This happened back in 2013 so I don't exactly remember what happened after I took my walk.
@Bob-cs8gs 4 ай бұрын
For story 15, I definitely thought it was the OP's sister who was the teachet
@IzzieMakesStuf 25 күн бұрын
I had a substitute in grade 6. Right away, everyone could tell she was... off, to say the least. My friend actually said "i bet shes gonna be rude..." as we entered the class. One of the students in my class were in the bathroom, and she had a habit of saing she was going to the bathroom but actually going to the nurses office for mints. So, the sub had me go and check on her. I came back and told her "She's just brushing her hair." The sub looked a black girl (with braids) up and down before saying "I bet you dont have to do that." People immediately called out how racist that was, and she continued to deny it. She would also favor the girls for the most part, letting girls go to the bathroom but not the boys and stuff like that. At some point, i was stuck on my work, so i asked her for help. She said "Its not my job to show you how to do it." ...WHAT?! Im pretty sure that is *exactly* what your job is! Anyway, she sucked, but the principal didnt care, and was more worried about the school image that her students. Im homeschooled now.
@Jesse78 2 ай бұрын
Probably that one substitute who called me the r slur for absolutely no reason
@creightonjason 4 ай бұрын
We had a young female maths teachers, a real hippy type and very popular with us all, anyway several of the girls in the class had a 'reputation' and they were going on and on about a party they had been to and 'got upto' (hint hint) there. Miss Teacher goes 'Oh you think that good you should have gone to some of the orgies Ive been to in Welsh rugby clubs'. She goes bright red realising what she had said, class clapped and cheered. When she left the entre year put in a petition to the Head master to get her to stay, she was that popular.
@shitneyb5562 4 ай бұрын
Yeah them Welsh rugby clubs, I tell ya 🥵🤼🌮👌🥊🥩✊🐑👈🕳️🤾🤫
@WomanRoaring Ай бұрын
first day of school. it was a new teacher. we were all in an assembly and they were talking about the changes for the school year. I found out at the end of the previous year that I am dyslexic, i went to summer school like i was told to and during the assembly they started telling each kid which room they'd go to. they didn't say my name and asked, did we miss anyone so I raised my hand. New teacher said, whats your name and what grade are you in? i told her and someone whispered in her ear and handed her the list. she then said, oh you flunked you're in 4th grade again. this was as bad as the dream you have walking around naked...i was so embarrassed. the principles wife was the one who was really in charge and I'd known her since kindergarten, she should have told me, she should have told me at the end of summer school that i wasn't being advanced. everyone laughed. my friends didn't want to talk to me. when my mom picked me up i started crying, she was like, wtf, so the next day after school she talked to the principles wife and i was told that after xmas i could be moved up but by the end of the week i was done with that school. i was not only a year older but like a foot taller than every other kid in the class and they had the smallest desks for everyone, the year before we had much larger desks which i fit into so they gave me a special desk, i looked like the elf movie sitting there! the teasing during break and lunch was unbearable. My mom put me in a different school. things weren't really better but I was at least somewhere new.
@hope1447 4 ай бұрын
Had my 7th/8th grade English teacher tell a kid to go to hell. I was sick so a friend told me this the next day
@alicelongtin1629 4 ай бұрын
University prof, first day of class introduces herself and states: "I really hate teaching but because of my tenure, I have to teach 2 courses a year so I can keep doing my research... so here I am!" Needless to say, I struggled in her class so much.
@shitneyb5562 4 ай бұрын
😂😂 I feel such a connection to this woman
@WaterPuppy 4 ай бұрын
What's with all the teacher ones lately, Mr. Sparked? Your last couple videos have been about teachers
@WomanRoaring Ай бұрын
ok so not worst thing said but done...in 8th grade our computer teacher would scratch herself, like go to town scratching in front of everyone! we didn't say anything at first to our homeroom teacher but when me and another guy from my class were in the school play and she was the director and we saw her scratching in front of the little kids, our school was 1st through 8th, we were like, ok we need to say something. so we mentioned to our teacher, i'm sure we weren't the only ones because she was gone before the school year ended. she wasn't replaced either. i think either she had a gnarly yeast infection she didn't take care of or she had some kind of OCD and just scratched a lot like a tick. whatever the case, she didn't need to do it around kids.
@athenarocks7657 15 күн бұрын
Story 14: talk about gallows humor
@silentmuse6660 4 ай бұрын
Story 12: That is some pretty sh#t behavior to have come from anyone. Someone is trying their best to be healthier, and someone else coming along trying to poke fun at them or make them feel like what they're doing isn't enough will never sit right with me. And this came from a teacher of all people as well. The teacher is supposed to be the adult in the room and is supposed to be the more mature party, they're not supposed to have the same attitude or behavior as the students they're teaching.
@bense7enreilly 3 ай бұрын
i dropped out of school in the 11th grade cause my homeroom teacher said "you're not gonna be a rapper, you're gonna be in and out of jail getting raped, unless you finish this test." the school AND my mother didn't care.
@littledinosour. 4 ай бұрын
Not that bad but my 8th grade math teacher spelt out b.i.t.c.h and said f.u.c.k you to whoever told their parents about other things that she has done (funny thing me my brother my other brother and my mom have made her cry/sob and or almost fired. It was my fault that she almost got fired because it was my fault that she said the bad words lol oops she had to apologize infront of my class and the principal) oh also thought i should specify its a catholic school sooo yea 😅😅😅
@saagabragi6938 2 ай бұрын
7:13 You don't have to accept anything unless you're a weak coward. Violence isn't evil.
@PatDaPochita 4 ай бұрын
Omg the none English speaking story is actually something I could relate to im not English either but I still had English lessons I was around like 6th or 7th grade and my teacher said that Pour sounded different than Poor and when I told her that they do sound the same and even got google translate to back me up she continued to argue the fact that they sounded way different and I was wrong (this teacher was very immature and annoying)
@kailyns8159 4 ай бұрын
Oh wow do I have so many examples… most directed at me from one particular teacher... my high school choir director who absolutely hated me to the point he would make up lies to get me in trouble-the asshole actually told the dean I vandalized his car-and mocked me and verbally abused me during every single class. I knew when I auditioned you that I was making a mistake letting you in the school. You drag down my choir and you’re not worth looking at. (Side note: he never auditioned me, I was the last student auditioned by his predecessor before she retired.) Don’t bother going out for (character in musical), the costume won’t fit you and I’m not going to buy a bigger size. (Sidenote: most the costumes would have fit me fine) You’re an eyesore on my stage. (After blacking out from pain while being forced to sing in class during a migraine, I had stepped down off the riser to leave the room and I went unconscious right in front of him. I was told he didn’t help me, but instead said this while I was unconscious:) Let the drama queen lay there. (I was unconscious for 4 minutes.) And a hilarious one from my middle school chorus teacher, the devout Catholic who never cursed: Okay, we still don’t have all the sizes for your shit porters. We need to send them in by the end of the week. She meant to say shirt orders. When she realized her flub, she went so red and laid her head on the piano, then excused herself and went into her little office. I watched her absolutely cackle and repeat her mistake to herself several times, just absolutely unable to believe what she’d said. The cherry on top… it was Ash Wednesday and she had the cross on her forehead still from her visit to church right before school.
@coochiesl4yer696 4 ай бұрын
nah story 2 is so fucking funny😭 7th grade was so unhinged for no reason. i remember these two guys were fighting in math class, the teacher tries to stop them. one of the guy had crazyyyyy anger issues and he’s like 5’0, other guy is at least 6’0 so he literally picks up a chair chucks it at the guy he was fighting, then he calls the teacher a fat b**** and walks out, mind u this is all before lunch cause it was after this period. bell rings and i usually sit in the class to eat cause i had no friends 💀💀 this women cried and typed a email the whole lunch. i also remeber her telling me abt her daughter who killed herself, she literally showed me a pic of her body hanging
@KiiXii 4 ай бұрын
“Miss search this up on the computer!” “…are you sure..? …like, it’s not going to be something which would get me arrested like child pornography or something?” Legit the best teacher I’ve ever had.
@theanystrom2882 4 ай бұрын
Not really said but my sophmore science teacher gave me detention for wearing a hat in school. Hat was not on my head and in fact accross the classroom at my seat. He told me it should have been in my locker but I didn't use my locker know what my locker combination was or even what locker was mine. So while in the office getting my detention I was given my locker information and had to put my hat in my locker for the rest of the day. That was the one and only time i used my locker in high-school because it was easier and faster to just carry everything in your backpack. A lot of students liked that teacher but I'm always going to be of the opinion of fuck that guy for that incident and that he didn't follow my IEP that said I was supposed to get a lessened work load and get taken out of the classroom for tests. He could be cool sometimes but overall in my personal experience he was a shitty ass teacher.
@rainkit1930 4 ай бұрын
For story 10, that kid was pretty… a-Noyn… heh
@blindvision4703 13 күн бұрын
From what I’ve heard, the name Nguyen is pronounced “win,“ as in, “I know you’re going to win the game.“ yeah, that one probably could’ve been transliterated better, as could other words from other languages.
@smile182blink 4 ай бұрын
Story 11 "accidently", right....
@jamesvanwyk1378 4 ай бұрын
I should have noted in the teacher who was a vicarious pervert comment, that this was in the 1950-1954 time frame.
@dragonswirl3579 4 ай бұрын
This wasn't in health class so idk why we were talking about it in the first place but the class was talking about intimate relationships (nothing inappropriate though, just a casual conversation). The teacher said something along the lines of "everybody wants an intimate relationship, everybody is intimately attracted to someone" and I, who am asexual, raised my hand and asked "what if you don't?" And the guy looked at me, laughed out loud, and said "then there's something wrong with you." Really messed me up especially since he said it in front of the entire class and LAUGHED at me. Anyway I ended up getting a bunch of tests at the doctor's for like hormones and stuff and guess what there's nothing wrong with me :)
@dragonswirl3579 4 ай бұрын
Also had a gym coach who made fun of me and my friend (I had just sprained my ankle pretty bad and also have bad knees and she had just started her period and was slightly overweight) for not being able to run a mile in under 10 minutes, in front of the entire class
@dragonswirl3579 4 ай бұрын
Also had a counselor tell me my dream of being an artist was completely stupid and a waste of my life and potential, when I was in 7th grade (so like 13 years old). I did end up dropping out of an art degree and I'm now an undergrad engineer, but it wasn't because I think art is stupid and a waste of potential, and even though I'm not getting a professional art degree (technically I have an art minor but that doesn't really count) I still despise that counselor for trying so hard to crush my dreams.
@animetalk8132 4 ай бұрын
S20 i dont get the first one like wouldnt u have to be by a lake house
@davidtherwhanger6795 4 ай бұрын
Story 5. Catholic School. Story checks.
@realspainparaguay 4 ай бұрын
What type of Reddit page is this
@thomasroy7340 4 ай бұрын
for monatising purposes as you steal stories from the internet...
@bfox2543 4 ай бұрын
One of the first lol
@user-dh8kt6sj5e 4 ай бұрын
7th comment (my favorite number)
@Pseudoslotter 4 ай бұрын
@Slimecraft_ 4 ай бұрын
This comment won’t go viral lol
@Bronze_sushi 4 ай бұрын
You are correct
@seanhanley5649 4 ай бұрын
Keep Yourself Safe
@Samthemule2003 4 ай бұрын
@buh2701 3 ай бұрын
@SquaabStudios 2 ай бұрын
I want to make this the top comment
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