What's wrong with youth ministry and what can we do about it? with Greg Stier

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Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers

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@tayh.6235 2 жыл бұрын
I was raised in a church where the perspective on youth ministry was "Children are all born fools and have to be taught wisdom. They already have friends to play with, so what they really need is relationships with wise, older people not more time around other fools" and "Every father is the youth leader in his home. We're just here to support the parents' work at home." Now, we had age segregated Sunday school classrooms (two years together until you got to teens where it was just split between boys and girls) and occasionally had Sunday afternoon activities or other events. But there was no youth group. A lot of the teens were involved in choir, nursery, welcome team, music, etc. alongside adults. From what I hear of your average youth group, I missed nothing and gained more from spending the morning watching babies with an older woman than I would have from seeing who could hold the most marshmallows in their mouth. And for young people who are thinking about getting married, that dynamic allows you to sus out much easier who is better marriage material: can they get along with people who are different from them, can they handle kids, are they responsible, are they hardworking, and do they have a good attitude?
@mmtn9043 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely important, during Easter holidays one of local church was hosting church conference and we decided to visit with my 10 years old son, the set up of the church is adults are separated from teens and kids, after church service, My son was so disappointed and he said "Mom am so disappointed about this church we were just playing nothing was said about God, Mom if I want to play I will play at home, I had to admit that what the church did was wrong and I said Son we are going to have our church service at night at home and we did that, but that experience my son always talk about it,
@robinette64 2 жыл бұрын
I think you are missing a HUGE part of the problem. According to multiple polls and studies, less than half of Youth Pastors hold an actual Biblical World view. Technique and conversation tools are fine and well, but we’re losing our kids because they are not being led by teachers that actually agree with and understand the doctrines of the faith.
@worshiptimewithax 2 жыл бұрын
Yes our kids are not being disciples because their parents aren't disciplining their kids! This is key! Parents need to stop relying on the Pastors to disciple their children and act the way we expect them to act!
@daveflanagan4213 2 жыл бұрын
Very good point. Pastors too in the global church network I have just sadly left
@trista_sue_writes 2 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely correct. My husband and I were in our early twenties when we became youth leaders and we were not at all solid in our faith. We still had teenage friends that we hung out with and were doing a lot of things that we shouldn't have been doing even as Christians, let alone as leaders in the church. But our church needed people to lead the youth and they basically just handed them to us and said "do your best". Now, this is mind boggling to me. I cannot imagine asking a 22 year old with no real knowledge of God's Word to aid me in leading my tween/teen. But a lot of these seeker friendly churches just want young youth pastors because they can relate better to the teens. Um...that's because they WERE teens like 2 weeks ago! I think in a lot of cases, they are letting the lost lead the lost.
@robinette64 2 жыл бұрын
@@trista_sue_writes amen. You hit on a very good point in relation to maturity. Even if they are saved, in my opinion a 22 year old still needs to be learning and being discipled rather than bearing the responsibility of kids that are barely younger than they are.
@GGtba1646 2 жыл бұрын
Amen Tammy II
@Shana_Ann8510 2 жыл бұрын
Love this conversation definitely learned a lot. Only problem I had was the continuous emphasis on sharing their faith with friends/people. I wanted to hear more about discipleship when it comes to youth. Some youth are dealing with real hard issues and unbelief! We need help those issues first with the word of God. Then move onto evangelism
@morganandrews973 2 жыл бұрын
This!! ⬆️☝🏼💯💯
@amnika2536 Жыл бұрын
@Vern_Levine 2 жыл бұрын
I went to a youth group in the early 90s. While the social benefits were nice it ultimately seemed pointless. I think 70% of those in my youth group would all walk away from God/church by their early 20s. I think it’s a mistake to always separate the youth from the adults for children’s church and youth group. This just sends a mental note to the youth that church is for the old people. At least they get to spend time with the energetic, bubbly type A personalities that youth ministries seem to attract. They won’t be seeing a lot of that if they choose to keep going to church when they grow up.
@ClipZ_Gaming_1 2 жыл бұрын
They’re only separated for their small groups. I don’t know any church where the youth aren’t also sitting in the service.
@Vern_Levine 2 жыл бұрын
@@ClipZ_Gaming_1 I’ve been going to all variety of churches for over 40 years. They just about all separate the kids and send them to childrens church.
@baileyostrom2972 Жыл бұрын
I remember growing up in my childhood church, I enjoyed having a Sunday School. However, after joining my current church, which was at the time of transitioning into my youth, I HATED having a Sunday School. What I really COULDN’T stand was how they separated everyone by placing all the guys together, and then all the girls together. Apparently, it’s junior year when they combine everyone, however, I really feel that if you place everyone together for all four years, then that helps you get to know everyone a heck of a lot better. I ALWAYS thought the people were EXTREMELY unwelcoming, and quite cliquish, which honestly made me feel like an outsider. So, after my last time attending, I just decided that “I DON’T need this”, and so I quit going. My sister also said that the youth pastor’s wife knew that she had struggled, and did NOTHING to help her.
@andreagerber9709 2 жыл бұрын
Why are we sending kids out to witness when we are not even sure that all the kids showing up are saved themselves? So many "walk away" because they were not really saved....they never understood their need for a savior, they never repented. But they "made a decision" and started attending youth group. Ugh. I feel like we skipped a pretty big problem here.
@robinette64 2 жыл бұрын
@yucol5661 Жыл бұрын
Are you just gonna pass on chairs being filled?
@anthonyhernandez7073 5 ай бұрын
What have you done for the gospel? What church do you serve at now?
@vivianaldana4249 Жыл бұрын
I was so happy to hear that Greg grew up in a church where the children were integrated into the service. I, too, was raised in such a church. I believe that segregating the children for the entire service does not give them a well rounded opportunity to use their gifts.
@ahandfuloffun 2 жыл бұрын
There were some helpful points however I was waiting to hear how churches need to hold parents accountable in training and discipleship of their children. Could this be big contributor to kids leaving the faith? Reading the Bible with your kids regularly. Having big discussions on world view. This is an important, God given role that parents need to be held accountable to.
@yucol5661 Жыл бұрын
This can’t work since youth groups are designed and meant for the benefit of the parents. Regardless if the ideals and justifications, this group/job/position is created for the parent’s convenience, to attract new members, and to calm worries about your kids not believing. Besides, what is the good way to raise your kid believing? How did you come to believe? Is it okay to just rely on force of habit so that adult children keep going to church because it’s their life long habit? There has to be something better than just saying stuff repeatedly until they believe it out of habit
@kenyaprofit 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! My pastor recently asked me to take over the youth ministry at my church so I will definitely utilize the tips mentioned in here 🙏🏾
@florencegitau7732 2 жыл бұрын
Cmon sis you got this!🔥
@onehorseopensleigh 2 жыл бұрын
As an adult and fellow PK who was born and raised in the megachurch movement, the single most unintended problem I noticed was training teenagers to love and rely on leaders and hype instead of a personal relationship with God. Even when I was 15 years old, the “student ministries” hype felt forced and shallow-if you have to say you’re cool, you’re not. The Accountability craze in the early 2000s created a generation of church kids who were afraid to grow up, be adults, and take responsibility for themselves. And in my own experience, anybody whose relationship with Jesus depended on the pastor eventually fell away from the faith. It’s heartbreaking to think about it.
@joshuastoltzfus4910 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@robinette64 2 жыл бұрын
@jlambert2596 2 жыл бұрын
As a youth leader, this video has been so helpful. Thank you for those 5 points. God bless both of you and open more doors for your ministries.
@joeldavila3185 11 ай бұрын
How about abolish youth ministry and equip christian parents to disciple their kids?
@passioknitgirl 2 жыл бұрын
There is a lot of criticism of Sunday morning worship services that focus on making the service one that is exciting and fun in order to attract unbelievers (ie seeker churches). Youth church, built around fun and games, is exactly the same thing, yet no one seems to care or think it’s a problem, because they say the youth won’t come if it’s not fun. Teenagers are smart, but are treated like they can’t understand the simple truth of the gospel. Why should anyone expect the youth coming out of those programs to have a solid faith? Just like a seeker church service, if you pull them in with exciting programs, that’s what they are there for. They might tolerate a real sermon occasionally, but mostly, when the fun is over, they will find somewhere else to be. In the meantime, the youth who really wanted to hear the gospel are nowhere to be found-they were turned off by the shallowness of it all. Jesus didn’t gussy up his message with games, why do we?
@Cozygirliecorner 2 жыл бұрын
The saddest thing is being a young person so hungry for the word and being tossed into these pointless activities(I know because that was me all my youth). I agree with you.
@ThroughCloudedGlass 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, this. 🙌
@kevindavis4709 Жыл бұрын
Yup schools aren’t fun especially end of year testing but some reason church buildings are too be looked at as a fun place to go on a Sunday like a Friday movie in a school.
@adaynasmile 2 жыл бұрын
I graduated high school in 2001. It was all just fun and games. If you didn't fit in with the right group of kids though you were an outcast and were not really welcome. There were cliques and it was hard when we broke up by high school since no one went to my high school. The "sermons" were so dumbed down and I remember that my youth pastor told me that it didn't matter because church "wasn't for the believer." He was all about building up a group of fun kids who could do fun things. He threw a ziplock bag of dead fish at us one sermon with some kind of illustration. Meanwhile he was big on promoting his Bible college but was unwilling to do anything about other Bible colleges. We also dealt with changing leaders every year. Its hard to build relationships and to find someone who can help disciple you if the paid leaders are constantly leading. Churches need Biblically sound teachers who are willing to commit to a group of kids for the whole of their high school (at a minimum) and churches need to focus on teaching/building up those who attend so that they are equipped to fulfill the Good Commission as we are commanded to.
@administratornbc8561 2 жыл бұрын
Our church youth and youth pastor attended several DARE To SHARE events (Washington, D.C. & Colorado among others) hosted by Greg Stier. Each one was completely based on an emphasis in "numbers"... meaning "quantity over quality" as far as witnessing. There was never any follow through and digging into The WORD. Sharing The Gospel was taught to be done in less that 5 minutes... ending with asking that individual if he/she wanted to receive Christ. Depending on their answer... then possibly leading them in repeating "The Sinner's Prayer" and moving on to the next potential target. That is NOT what the WORD of GOD means in Mark 16:15 when it states to "PREACH The Gospel to every creature." I'll admit that in this interview Greg Stier does present a lot of good points to consider; however, his book "GOSPELIZE Your Youth Ministry" was the beginning of the end for our youth leader at the time. He grabbed hold of this concept of "numbers matter" wanting to share with everyone... but literally left those that truly were interested in the dust to pursue the next target. He had to be let go due to his arrogance and pride with literally no fruit to show for years of effort. I'm saying all of this to say that there HAS to be DISCIPLESHIP where ROOTS are planted DEEP within The WORD of GOD or else the enemy will easily pluck them up in this evil world. Sharing for 5 minutes does not allow for that.
@sanjeevgig8918 2 жыл бұрын
He is in the "Nickels and Noses" business. LOL
@tam4givin 2 жыл бұрын
Studies have shown youth say they do not want the new music, new modern buildings, etc. yet all the churches keep changing trying to attack them with that stuff. 😢
@pianoNP1 2 жыл бұрын
I JUST finished up a week of local church camp with kids ages 5-18. I taught singing. We sang regular hymns (like the ones you find in the hymnals). There are few things more precious than hearing young people sing "Victory in Jesus" with enthusiasm. They could have and likely would have been fine with contemporary songs, but they were also fine with hymns that are designed for congregational singing.
@markwindellsleadershippodc3966 2 жыл бұрын
I am a youth pastor. Thank you for making this video, I really appreciate it. It brought a lot of value in my life and I plan on implementing these strategies in the youth group!
@conservativemama3437 2 жыл бұрын
We don’t see youth ministry in the Bible. Why are we separating our kids from the adults? Our young adults need to be with older, wiser, mature Christians not other immature teens.
@tam4givin 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! My foster dad use to say Sunday School was a negative thing because it separated everyone. Separating is negatively effecting all ages. We all need each other.
@conservativemama3437 2 жыл бұрын
@@tam4givin yep!
@SillyChickens222 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. And some of the youth pastors I see are just trying to fit in and be an older cool kid. Not really setting a good example
@daniellesmith2599 2 жыл бұрын
FAMILY WORSHIP Parents it’s your responsibility (given by God) to disciple/discipline your children. Our culture wants to treat people under 18 as children, however we need to remember that people become adults at different ages. I tell my daughter that she is an adult when she takes care of her responsibilities without being told and she has self control over her body and emotions. Think of the boys who’ve been saving to buy a car since they were 13 years old so they can get a better job. Stop babying our young folks and require them to act their maturity level.
@tam4givin 2 жыл бұрын
@@SillyChickens222 Exactly! A lot of narcissists in ministry! Many have had unGodly relationships with youth! (Many wives have too.) If they are separated should they be led by people barely older than them? Couples who often do not have good grounded marriages, and are worn out from their young children?🤔
@glennrandall6672 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this exceptional interview! I appreciate Greg Stier's insights and generosity!!
@CNormanHocker 2 жыл бұрын
After thirty years of walking with Christ and, being blessed with BA and a MTS, I have experienced may students in my classes referring to ministry as a job. I assisted in a church where the pastor and the youth/music minister saw it as a job. When I pushed back on their view, by stating it's a calling and not a job, I was told to sit down, shut up and tithe.
@elizabethann8228 2 жыл бұрын
@neun2609 2 жыл бұрын
That’s why in my church ONLY the full-time pastor gets paid for ministry.
@Ғарыштық 2 жыл бұрын
Such perfect opportunity to learn more in referrance to speaking bluntly with kindness about Jesus.For me as stressful person,who can get stressed proportionally hight with even stupid situation which doesn't need stress to occur it is helpful to manner my confidence without being stressed out.
@BoriPR82 11 ай бұрын
As a youth and young adult pastor i teach my Youth bible. I build their foundation in the word. Its not pizza parties and activities, no topical preachings just straight word. I teach them the hard truths, yes God ordered people to be killed in his wrath.. i deal honestly with the scriptures as a whole. And by the grace of God we have a youth and young adult ministry that are passionate about God.
@GERALD9912 2 жыл бұрын
This is a generation that praise me with tongues and minds, but their hearts are far removed from me ( tv and internet) what is more blasphemous than these?. For this generation I will do a wonderful thing. Isaiah.
@justmeja8217 2 жыл бұрын
This was amazing. Wish I caught the live. Can't wait to catch the next one.
@777igg 2 жыл бұрын
I remember back in 2005 when I was in the youth group of the church I attended at the time it was great Spirit filled but looking back now I wish that the Youth staff members would’ve talked more about love and grace and what we have in Christ and what have been more balanced Taught more by contrast what applies to the believer and to the unbeliever at the time I was very hungry to learn and grow then I was looking for good examples so what they said I really took seriously they were good don’t get me wrong but I realize now that they were beginners in several ways to and they weren’t that much older than us either and some of them were full of pride and probably didn’t realize it later on I got to know some of the other church leaders Who were seasoned ministers that specialized and many needed areas and things in life but nonetheless I do commend them for their faithfulness and efforts wherever they are right now may they prosper.
@perfectlyseasoned 2 жыл бұрын
I've been wanting to listen to this one for awhile now.
@wendymtzc 2 жыл бұрын
It is not Biblical. Keep families together, I have 5 children 9 and under and they all sit next to my husband and I during the service, if my toddler becomes disruptive I can take her to a nursery room where I can still listen to the sermon, she needs no stranger to watch her, she has me.
@tayh.6235 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's good to offer a nursery for babies and toddlers, but in some churches it's seen as bad if you decide to not use it. The church I grew up in had a nursery and children's church for the little ones, but plenty of families chose to use it only sometimes or not at all and there was no judgement for that.
@jjmonty8090 2 жыл бұрын
This isn’t a youth problem, it’s also an adult problem as well, except the pizza and dodgeball turned to “new and exciting”, awesome smoke and light show with your favorite band, and your favorite charitable act. The Church was first made for God and His Glory and pleasure, second to edify and purify His Bride, and then to call the lost to Christ into a HEALTHY body.
@KNYHT.FIRE-1 2 жыл бұрын
Question: teens seem to have developed shorter attention spans due to video games, Tik Tok, Instagram, etc. Few will sit down and read a book and choose to watch a 5 min video.. How can we cultivate discipline in young minds so they have a hunger to read the Bible at length and good Christian books?
@melissamcintyre7661 2 жыл бұрын
I hate to say it, but it starts at home! Unless you are the parent or have many many hours of access to them, YOU cannot cultivate it for them. You can lead by example and be available, but that's about it. They have to want it and that only comes from God himself! -The opinion of a 45 year old mother with 7 children ages 22-7
@lmcc756 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, it starts at home. Unfortunately, many parents are suffering from the same shortened attention span and lack the desire to spend time in the Word. They need to be the change. We teach a Bible study for ages 12-18. Even though the norm may be to seek out instant gratification, these kids are starving for something of meaning and healthy adult engagement. I recommend giving the kids a verse to write on three 3x5 cards and place them where they will see them throughout the day. At the end of the week, ask them what stood out to them. Did it apply to anything they went through that week? Did they share the verse with anyone? When kids see that the Bible is truly living and active and relates to their daily life, they will want to purposefully spend more and more time in it. It takes time and dedication but this generation is powerful and definitely not beyond our reach. Don't believe the lie that they won't listen to those who care for them and they only believe influences on the internet. Sincerity is of the utmost importance to them. Good bless you!
@1982TAMV 2 жыл бұрын
Mum of three boys here and I also agree, it starts at home. It is a labour of love to teach my boys to live in the constrains of the narrow way. It is a daily commitment, unfortunately, you as a teacher, can’t teach them that in one hour or so a week. My kids participate in all of the church programs for their ages, but they do so with an existent foundation built at home, that their Sunday school and the teens program, is part of their participation in the body of Christ and that they are not there to be entertained, even though it can be an entertaining and fun experience. As a parent, it is my job to teach them to walk that way. Having said that, you give it your best, but you can’t carry burdens that are not yours. If that makes sense?
@Swiftninjatrev Жыл бұрын
How did you read me, a total stranger, so well. 😐 We're in trouble.
@kevindavis4709 Жыл бұрын
@@melissamcintyre7661I agree my thoughts exactly
@WontonDisciple 2 жыл бұрын
There’s also a huge rampant issue of underqualified shepherds employed in youth ministry. I’m also very disturbed by his reaction towards street preachers. Maybe I’m missing out on some of the details, but going to someone preaching the Word of God and to use rhetoric to stumble them with questions like “how’s this working out for ya?” or “did you convert anybody, yet?” just because you don’t agree with their approach is not at all appropriate. Who’s to say they don’t do follow up or have more personal conversations with people who are humble enough to speak with them? And what greater love is there than to go out and speak the truth about sin, death, hope, and everlasting life? I’m not one to street preach myself, but there is absolutely no bone in my body that’s ready to condemn someone boldly proclaiming the law and the gospel, regardless of if they’re Christian or not. Even Paul relented from stopping non-believers from sharing the good news. All the more for the kingdom of God. Conversion has nothing to do with our practicality. It has all the more to do with the grace of God, the Spirit moving in the hearts of those around us, and the Spirit testifying about the truth of the law and gospel through our faithfulness. God needs not performative giants of the faith, God uses the least to bless the nations throughout the whole of scripture. All they ever did was have faith in the GOD that was able, and believed that God could do what He said He could, and could fulfill the promises He said He would.
@margaret3785 Жыл бұрын
Reading these comments proves there is not just one answer. The need is different for each teen. We need to realize, the youth pastor/program can only do so much. The parents can only protect their kids so much. What it comes down to is the salvation of the individual comes first. The sanctification process is lifelong and not always pretty. As a mother of adult children, what I see is many youth believe they are saved by saying a prayer as a child, then living their lives far from God, but not concerned because they “said the magic prayer”. So, that should be the primary focus. Then teach them Scripture. The rest will be up to them as they walk with God.
@MommaJ358 2 жыл бұрын
Any good Bible studies for parents right now?? I feel like there are SO MANY topics that no one is helping us navigate through. I have a 14 year old that’s really struggling between what the Bible says and her friends and KZbinrs say. I would love some good books that can help me, as a parent, know how to talk about these subjects. Or even a study I can do WITH my kids (ages 10-14). Any advice is helpful!
@brandietaylor7386 2 жыл бұрын
Question, are we only going to talk about youth ministry or parenting as well. I understand that the digital age is pulling kids in but shouldn’t we also as parents be helping kids to understand their their life ISNT on their device?
@Jessica_Jones 2 жыл бұрын
Close! Puyallup = pew-allup 😉 Looks like I missed my chance to consider attending but I am so excited you'll be in the area!! (By the way I loved your book!! Thank you for sharing your heart and for all the work you poured into it ❤)
@ellenbertran1493 2 жыл бұрын
Always fun to see people try to pronounce Washington places. 😆 Some are nearly impossible to figure out by sight.
@Jessica_Jones 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellenbertran1493 lol totally! Even as a lifelong Seattle-ite I've fumbled over a few 😆
@ellenbertran1493 2 жыл бұрын
@Jessica Jones yep! I lived in the Arlington/Everett area for 28 years and I think I was already an adult before I pronounced Sequim correctly...
@jamiewilliamson7459 2 жыл бұрын
We’re from snohomish county! 🤩
@Jessica_Jones 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellenbertran1493 haha!
@shawnarider916 2 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rider - The Gospel Project - have taught through it . Like the way it takes you chronologically through the Bible but leaves out a lot unless the teacher fills in some of the many other parts that are skipped. --**The main issue I have with it is that Timothy Mackie that started the Gospel Project when you get to watching some of the quick drawing videos that explain each book of the Bible or watch interviews - he allegorizes through literary analysis parts of the Bible that are written to be taken literally or his views on hell and other topics are troubling. I wouldn't use now because of this.
@restfullearning1549 2 жыл бұрын
There’s also the fact that it has a heavy Calvinist bent! That’s not what kids need to hear.
@MaryMouse51 2 жыл бұрын
I feel so convicted. First change, really take prayer for the lost seriously. I went to Greg's website, I can't find the free download you guys talked about.
@-HolySpiritDove- 2 жыл бұрын
Collective Prayer Request Glory to our Lord Jesus the Christ! Dear fellow sisters and brothers in Christ. Islam has approximately 1.8 billion people in hold in the world. This can change. Scripture, Lord Jesus: ‘Must first Bind the strongman before can do anything else.’ (Mark 3) ‘If Believe in Me, you will do Greater things (Miracles) through My Name, so Father is Glorified.’ (John 14) ‘Woke, rebuked the wind, raging waters, & storm subsided, “where is the Faith?”’ (Luke 8) ‘Faith to move mountains.’ (Matthew 17) Please consider Praying on Islam related to this Prayer, regarding the Pillar of Islam, for our Lord Jesus Christ (The Lord will know what you mean, when you & others Pray on it). Everyone will know that this Prayer is successful, when we see-hear it happen in the world. So please consider the possibility of any combination of items below: of Praying everyday for the next 2 weeks (14 days, June 14-27), with maybe 44 minutes in Prayer & Joyful Hopeful Song Praise; & optionally doing at least 1 half-meal (or full meal) fasting per day if able to (not for: the pregnant, nor children & teenagers); while finding something of benefit/desirable to sacrifice (give-up) on; etc. The more devout the better. Now let us all be coordinated as 1 body together from across the world for God, and see this Miracle happen soon! If uncertain, please Pray to Verify. 🙏 In Christ, God Bless! ⛅💖😇✨💫
@janetvonkolnitz3714 2 жыл бұрын
I have been concerned about youth groups for many years. Most youth groups are about entertainment. Youth can get that EVERYWHERE. They should learn at church something different- bible study indepth, missions, and hard work. Why do youth directors think having fun is better than giving a teen a true Godly purpose?
@TheNinjaInConverse 2 жыл бұрын
Was just asked to take over a high school girls Sunday School school in a old, "cold" New England church.
@passioknitgirl 2 жыл бұрын
Teach them about Jesus and how to have a real relationship with God. That’s never old or cold! Help those girls become the catalyst that gets the whole church to wake up to Jesus!
@JoyfulNoiseLearning 2 жыл бұрын
I went to Dare to Share as a Teen! I remember Greg 👍🏻👍🏻
@1Lordbuddy 2 жыл бұрын
"Your kids are not leaving the church because you didn’t train them enough. Your kids are leaving the church because you trained them well enough to develop a sense for truth and justice. You let them read the words of Jesus - and they got it. And they’ve recognized that the church doesn’t seem to be interested in those words. They’re not leaving because they don’t know the truth, they’re leaving because they do.” - Rhett McLaughlin
@conservativemama3437 2 жыл бұрын
What truth is that?
@elizabethann8228 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting comment with a lot of truth to it. Kids know a dead church or when the adults are only playing church and not living out their faith.
@1Lordbuddy 2 жыл бұрын
@@conservativemama3437 you should read what the youth say on the Christian reddit about why they left the Church. All it really takes is to practice what you preach to keep us, and to actually treat us like part of the Church - we can be young adults and have far greater understanding than a baby Christian - who in spiritual talk is a new convert.
@1Lordbuddy 2 жыл бұрын
@Prey R That is called a strawman fallacy. We don't believe sin isn't sin, nor that it's okay to have sex out of wedlock (the sheer majority). As for gay marriage, my generation is divided on the subject. Our solution to homosexuality is not the belief in choice or change, which are hallmarks of your generations failures, as evidenced by the mass suicide and psychological trauma this belief has caused, but rather we engage in the Side A vs. Side B debate in reference to scripture: lifelong celibacy that comes from faith (not fear of hell, because fear is antithetical to faith) *versus.* the virtue of chastity followed by gay marriage in a covenant, loving, monogomous relationship (which we view as an invitation to rejoice in the same standard set for straight couples). We are sincere in this debate, and my generation really doesn't like arguments based on cheap semantic word games like "calling yourself 'same sex attracted' instead of simply gay" (please open the dictionary, any dictionary: gay literally means same sex attraction, whereas calling yourself same sex attracted can often give the impression that someone who is attracted to the opposite sex has a gay problem - this is an affront to my generation's scientific understanding of sexual orientation). In our Side A vs. Side B debate, we all believe that *homosexuality is not a choice, and cannot be changed.* You (generally) tried. You (abjectly) failed. So this belief is a key difference between our two generations. Christians in my generation who believe that homosexuality is a sin, usually don't believe you can cure it with bigotry, imprisonment, brain surgery, ostracision, abandonment, conversion, aversion, electro-shock, or psychological therapies, nor pray the gay away in some "ex-gay" bible camp or ministry. As such, it all comes down to two main stances: "Pick up your cross, repent daily for an adultery of the heart, deny yourself, lay your pains at the altar, and follow Chist in obedience, for the heart is desperately wicked, who can understand it? Cruicify the flesh with all it's passions, the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, and then work out your own salvation as a lifelong celibate." *versus* "Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? He who began a good work in you will see it to completion, so just focus on being the salt of the earth and the light of the world, by glorifying the Father in all you do - scripture says look at the ant, look at the bird, look at the animals and learn from their wisdom, the species point towards adoption, because God cares for the orphan; yours is not the life for reproduction, but rather one that can even help alleviate the issue of abortion. It is not good for man to be alone; it is better to marry than to burn with passion; let every man drink from his own cistern; you can't all have the gift of singleness like Paul. Listen to God's law written in your mind and heart. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself for what he approves. The Lord is able to make us stand. For in light of judgment: A good tree that remains in the power of Christ to bear fruit of the Spirit is not wood for the fire, according to Jesus." (cf. Matthew 7 + Galatians 5 + John 15). Personally, just like with second marriages being adultery... some things I leave for God to judge. My generation does not like self-righteous hypocirsy.
@Cozygirliecorner 2 жыл бұрын
I already had red flags then he said transformation church .. nah Plus like some have mentioned: there’s not much on actual discipleship. Everything he suggested gave me war flashbacks to the things I really disliked about being in youth group. I don’t think he realizes that these kids have fun then grow out of it and leave the faith because they were never on a firm foundation. Very surfaced level. I agree with many comments here. I don’t think this guy gets the full picture. All hugs/mushy love/fun and no theology.
@saskiae200 2 жыл бұрын
What I noticed when I was a little bit involved in a youth ministry, is that kids feel the adults are trying to lure them in with pizza and fun things and then make them listen to 'boring stuff' about Christianity. They are smarter then that and don't want to be lured in to something. Be real about what the goal is and why it could be relevant to them. Now I'm just 15 minutes into the video, so maybe that's exactly what Greg and Alisa are going to say, sorry about that then! 😅
@RainbowMan. 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful!! 😍
@jordanbriggs1908 2 жыл бұрын
I think people in the comments are missing the point. Of course teens are going through hard stuff and that should be acknowledged. IF kids are taught to think of others and other people's eternal destiny and the impact of where people are going to spend eternity, some of the teen drama and problems melt away because there is something more important that God has called us to. James 3:17 - wisdom from above leads to the fruit of peace....I think people are right about parents teaching their kids and also pastors discipling the right way, but we HAVE to live like Jesus and die to ourselves. If you wait until you "know enough" to share Jesus with others, you will never share Jesus.
@joekeen4068 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Wendy K. It is not biblical. We ship the kids to children's church or kids Sunday school. Telling them that this is not for them. They play games and learn a nice story that is told to them like it's not real but a nice story. When they grow up they have been separated from the togetherness of worship and family worship and then think this is boring and they don't like it this way. Divided the movie is a good one to watch about youth groups failing and age segregated worship. Voddie Baucham has a good one about youth groups on YT. Also, he has a two part series called Children of Ceasar that people need to watch. Right Response ministries on YT recently did a video about is children's church biblical that is good. Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis, has some books out about how we are losing the youth in church once they go to college, with statistics given.
@rebeccabrown8908 2 жыл бұрын
@Alisa, Google Podcasts isn't allowing your show to play anymore as of this morning. They did this to FamilyLife Today a few weeks ago. All the episodes are there, but they don't load. Can you have your tech people look into this? I think Google is doing it on purpose, but I'm not sure. It's just that it has been happening almost exclusively to biblical worldview podcasts.
@Swiftninjatrev Жыл бұрын
I had that happen to me this morning. There's no skip or back button.
@Swiftninjatrev Жыл бұрын
I'm 15, my church does youth group stuff on Sunday and Wednesday. I think on Sunday it should be abolished, at the least. Wednesday is a more bible study style thing which I really like. I'm confused why we split everyone into groups in the first place like we do in school. At my church they do communion only with the people in the "adultroom." You're taking some believers out of that room and they don't get to commune with Christ, that's a part of excommunication. The main problem I think is that Christian parents generally DO NOT teach their kids the Bible or theology. If we neglect those biblical commands in favor of youth groups, then we are in error and need to repent. This is my greatest concern is that parents teach their children. Sometimes youth groups are just cringe though, games and entertainment whatnot. I hate it. Also by separating everyone, none of the kids know many adult Christians or the elders.
@lynnoconnor3279 2 жыл бұрын
Question: Do you find that Gen Z is searching for real community outside of social media?
@joshuastoltzfus4910 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't been in the YG arena for too long. But my limited experience has them wanting to be a part of a community, but rarely do anything about it. An analogy is that almost every American adult wants to be healthier, but few have the drive to start, and fewer who continue even after making mistakes. It seems like the Gen Z culture is that those who drift socially and psychologically find themselves depressed, self-conscious, alone and isolated. Either someone needs to go against the current to build community, or even bring one of them into existing community. I know multiple kids that really prefer face to face over texting, but when I invite them to do something, with their friends, they often are cold or slow to the idea.
@maryellen3496 2 жыл бұрын
Could please post how to access this material?
@kevindavis4709 Жыл бұрын
My opinion key words most parents treat church as a daycare correct me if I’m wrong.
@nathanfairrow3774 Жыл бұрын
So what does the Bible say about handing over your children to be disciples by people who aren’t their parents? And what does it say about parents disciplining their children? What’s wrong with youth groups? It’s a other place for “Christians” to dump their God given responsibilities off to. We are losing so many kids because we never had them because they were never discipled by their parents.
@lurlenejones456 Жыл бұрын
Pyoo All Up 😉
@belcows 2 жыл бұрын
Ha ha. Puyallup = Pew ah lup. And I’m bummed. Just moved to AZ from WA.
@YouthMinistryEtc 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Madam: Regarding your video 'What's Wrong with Youth Ministry?' I am. Yours truly, ― Pete Koe
@robinchevrier497 3 ай бұрын
Youth ministry they have to be in the. Regular service, not a service on their own. No guitars, no music. They must be taught the word. They must be saved. Know how to live for Christ, not just come. Because they can play their guitar. They can play their music that is wrong. Get rid of the guitar get rid of the music teach him the word of God the passage job. It's to teach and to preach a God's word. They don't need a youth minister. Youth pastors never existed. There's no biblical ground for youth pastors. They never had it in the first century. Church and you don't need it today. Proof our church. How's youth ministry? College and careers, and they are grounded in the world and they go out and preach the gospel in the streets in the homes. So youth passers you do not need? You need a passer who is prone to preach the gospel? To teach these young people and had these young people in the service because. Young people need the old people who have wisdom and bless you. Thank you for all that you are doing. God bless and have a great one
@MommaJ358 2 жыл бұрын
Any way that letter to hell could be shared?
@robinchevrier497 3 ай бұрын
Listen, they need the gospel. They need someone to preach the gospel. If they don't understand it, let them leave, but you will get Christian youth there that are solid in the word. Don't try and baby. Then they are children, the what to learn the word of God if they're guests coming. To play music or is that you're going to baby? Then no preach in the word of God there is a hell. There is a heaven, and if you do not come to jesus christ as your lord and saviour, you are going to hell preacham, the gospel, hey man
@terranceramirez4816 2 жыл бұрын
Washingtonian here: it’s pronounced PEW-all-up
@chardo24 2 жыл бұрын
Why are yo going to church?
@laurajohnson4001 Жыл бұрын
You are losing kids because of parenting! Stop blaming the youth minister!
@d_sciple3136 2 жыл бұрын
This is so off its not even funny. The question is can you show me any of these tactics in the Bible or a call to treat our youth like this. You don't. Teach kids to grow up and not treat the faith like a game or social club
@sanjeevgig8918 2 жыл бұрын
You can tell the Youth that Jesus is love until they Google the genocides of Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:3) Midianites (Numbers 31:15-18) Jabesh-Gilead (Judges 21:10-11) Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites (Deuteronomy 20:16-18). LOL
@5781nashmiller 2 жыл бұрын
Umm, Jesus IS love! Those OT citations do not reference Jesus at all; GOD is love as well, but his perspective is much greater than our or your limited view.
@sanjeevgig8918 2 жыл бұрын
@@5781nashmiller Do you not believe in the Trinity ?? Yahweh = Jesus = Holy Spirit. Yaheweh/Jesus commanded babies be drowned in the flood, the Amalekites babies be killed, the Canaanite babies be killed, the Midianites boy babies be killed, the Egyptian firstborn babies be killed and the babies in Sodom and Gomorrah be killed.
@onehorseopensleigh 2 жыл бұрын
Or you can learn history and understand what was involved in all that. Those cases were similar to the Allies knocking out the Axis powers.
@rebeccabrown8908 2 жыл бұрын
@@5781nashmiller True, but he does have a point in that these are hard questions that need addressing. I believe there is a good explanation, too (it was judgment, not genocide; God gave those societies time to repent and they didn't), but not enough pastors and youth pastors address this stuff head on.
@SillyChickens222 2 жыл бұрын
@@rebeccabrown8908 yes exactly. Children and teens are going to have questions about things like this and it’s important we take the time to talk to them about it. God’s wrath is just and that is why He asks us to repent and turn away from sin so that we may be saved bc what He wants for us is good, and doesn’t want us to perish. That’s why we have no excuse now after He sent His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and His blood cleanse us of our sins. So that we may be healed and forgiven by the power of Jesus Christ and live eternally with our Father in heaven. I’m glad others are taking the time to have these hard discussions with the youth today and it should definitely be brought up more in youth ministries 💗
@pubertfinkelstein8810 Жыл бұрын
When you pray, you are just talking to yourself. False sense of accomplishment! Don't overthink it! 😊
@pubertfinkelstein8810 Жыл бұрын
By 'rethink' you're on the right track. Maybe rethink it into OBLIVION, and quit poisoning these kids' minds?! Woo hoo! what a notion, right? 😊
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