Texas MFS last November: Took online training courses, then 1st day of class was a 25 question test based off the online course then went to track for basic motorcycle operations. Day 2 you practice basic riding then at the end you take a riding test. It’s easy, they want you to pass. FYI 12 students and 2 had never been on a motorcycle, all passed. It was actually fun.
@blackfrost273industries4 Жыл бұрын
Good, because I know I have some fear of new cognitive functions in a new setting.
@1pyroace1 Жыл бұрын
@@blackfrost273industries4depends on the instructor was fun but the heat was getting to my instructor and you was in Texas I’m surprised lol
@mitchconnor3398 Жыл бұрын
My class in vegas, 13 people, only 4 passed.
@weatherwatchTX Жыл бұрын
This is spot on. I took mine this last weekend here in TX. There was 8 of us and I think there were 3 that had never been on a bike. All 8 passed. The instructors we had were awesome and made it a lot of fun.
@coolmanplayz43810 ай бұрын
Can I ask where in Texas? I also live in Texas and out of my class of 12 only 3 or 4 passed and they had all ridden bikes before. The instructors basically rushed through everything and yelled at us when we couldn't magically ride a motorcycle from their half assed teaching.
@SBK27 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I passed my MSF course, drove back home smiling the whole way. Best feeling ever
@nanalaan Жыл бұрын
I’m taking my MSF course later this week, I am so excited!
@jewsta3 ай бұрын
@@nanalaan Howd it go?
@cadebrown3069 Жыл бұрын
In my course right now on lunch break. Got 100% in the skills. Now time for the written
@chihuahuaverde425 Жыл бұрын
@noahjones8546 Жыл бұрын
Just took the msf course last weekend and I can’t stress enough how important it is to look through your turns!!! Look where you want to go! So many people in my class struggled with it and it makes those low speed u-turns so easy. Also have confidence. You’d be amazed at how much you can do with no prior experience like me. You got this!
@Toasty_Boi73 Жыл бұрын
I’m starting my local MSF course today, and this was the positive reinforcement I needed!!
@D.C89 Жыл бұрын
Good luck!
@chihuahuaverde425 Жыл бұрын
Have fun!
@shamaii170 Жыл бұрын
Good luck mate^^
@Toasty_Boi73 Жыл бұрын
I passed! Classroom portion nearly put me to sleep, but the driving/riding part was a lot of fun. And the exam at the end was pretty easy. You spend 8+ hours practicing and getting coached on how to improve the skills you’re taught, and then show what you’ve learned. Much better than spending hours on end making an appointment and going to the DMV
@domesticrifles4068 Жыл бұрын
After started riding I started to see how many drivers actually blow lights 10 seconds or even a minute after they turned red. Once you ride your awareness increases 20 time more
@jaybou007 Жыл бұрын
Pro tips: - Do not be impressed by experienced riders who never got their license and act like "know it all-s". They generally have no idea how to properly ride and their tips will most likely be bad ones. Don't listen to them and say "yes, sir" to your coach and your coach only; - If you never drove stick, thing is easy to learn. Once you get how the clutch work, you'll be good. You got this; - You probably watched a couple videos of how to drive a bike at this point. You might be a tad scared by all the steps and all the things you gotta pay attention to. Do not worry: most of these things will come naturally once you'll get on the bike; - Do not overlook parts of the course you learn to drive slowly. They're the most important. That's when you'll learn balance and handling. Driving slowly between cones might sound and look stupid, but that's when you'll learn the most; - NEVER hesitate to ask your coach about ANYTHING. Don't be scared to sound or look stupid: if you wonder about something, chances are the majority of the class has the same question. - Don't. Look. Down. Look where you want to go. It seems hard to do and you might get scared at the beginning, especially if you always drove your car looking right in front of you. But persist: the bike will naturally go where you look.
@kaylapemberton68207 ай бұрын
agreed I bought a bike and my boyfriend whos been riding for years stressed me out but the sixteen year old was more helpful cause he had just taken the course a year prior. not only that he didn't stress me out and then I was off in first gear.
@Google_Does_Evil_Now6 ай бұрын
As an experienced rider who started as a kid on dirt bikes I thought the training course was excellent. They covered so much, and I learned a lot. I highly recommend training. I'm in a European country and we have the basic training to become a legal on road learner. Then we have a full motorcycle test and training for that too. Does America have a full motorcycle license test for over 125cc, 400cc etc? I enjoyed all the training. Being with other riders, learning together, at your local training center, it's a great time! You might even find a riding buddy or two. Maybe practice together. You're all learning to ride a motorcycle together! What a fun time. Book it and enjoy it!
@jaybou0076 ай бұрын
@@Google_Does_Evil_Now Good question for the MSF course in USA. I know Québec’s requirements are much higher and much more strict than in the US.
@Jonboy-27 Жыл бұрын
I watched a bunch of your videos and went to a parking lot to practice. After feeling comfortable with the low-speed drills, I went to the DMV and passed my riding test... Thank you !!
@zthecat Жыл бұрын
I actually just completed my MSF basic course this past weekend. While I've been riding bicycles my whole life, and I know how to drive manual, this was my first time riding a motorcycle. it was honestly so much harder than I expected. And because of that, it was even more worth it than I thought. I was completely exhausted after the first day, and I didn't know if I would make it make the second day. But I did it, and the second day was so much better. Everything just clicks at the end, and you start to finally have fun. The thing is that I can't imagine trying to learn, and do all that stuff on my own. Also, an important thing to note is that all of our "book learning" was done online at home. I'm in Minnesota by the way. We just had to take a 5 hour online course, and then bring in a printed certificate the first day of the class. I'd definitely prefer that over an in-person class, since you could take as many brakes as you wanted, you could do some one day, and finish it the next, and I could go over the material again if I felt like I missed something. Anyways, my point being that if you're a new rider, and you care about your safety or riding skills at all, you should absolutely take one of these classes. I saw some people in the comments had less than great experiences, but mine was awesome. The instructors were amazing. The main thing I would recommend is DO NOT plan to go on a hot weekend. You're spending a lot of time sitting still, or going at slow speeds. It was only 75 degrees during my course, and I literally wouldn't have been able to finish if it was like a 90 degree day. Wait till later in the year when it cools down if you have to.
@pazzpop696 Жыл бұрын
I took the MSF last month. I was the only one who passed and I was the only one there who has never ridden a motorcycle before. There were 3 of us taking the class in total, one kept dropping his bike and almost crashed and the other did not pass the riding test. I thought it was pretty easy but I did do a lot of studying about motorcycles and watched a lot of riding tutorials and I think that helped me a little bit.
@SurvivingAnotherDay Жыл бұрын
Who knew maybe studying beforehand would be helpful!
@parminderjaura5642 Жыл бұрын
I had a terrible experience during my MSF course. They went on with the riding lesson in the heaviest rainstorm we had in NJ this year (in april). 15 students, more than a full class (there were two classes at once) failed. I became sick and sore from the cold weather even with rain gear. Additionally the instructors were very unprofessional and rude with everyone, they treated it all as a joke. I personally advise people against their particular course and location but I hope everyone else has better experiences.
@joshmaag2457 Жыл бұрын
Did mine at raceway park and went through the same thing. Crazy rain lol it was miserable
@tonyovermyer5368 Жыл бұрын
Mine was also held in the rain! It wasnt necessarily a rain storm(no heavy winds or inclement weather), just a cold, heavy, and steady rain. Luckily it was on the first day and the 2nd and final day was a nice 80° and sunny
@jaybou007 Жыл бұрын
Good news is: you learn under the worst conditions. Now good conditions will be easy. I also had my biking class under rain most of the time (over a month in Québec) and our instructor insisted on giving the class under rain so we had a good idea of what to do and what not to do in tough conditions. It’s a pain to go through when you’re learning, but now that it’s done, I reckon it was the best thing to do. Because like it or not, you’ll hit rain now or later.
@jaybou007 Жыл бұрын
@@ariesmarsexpress I don’t know if that question was serious or not, but no, you don’t need to bring any specialized equipment other than your helmet and proper bike boots or shoes for MSF. You’ll be riding very low speeds at best. Long sleeves will do. Just be free to make all the movements you need and forget about the gloves: you’ll learn where everything is on the bike and you don’t want gloves to be in the way. Aerostitch? Meh. Give it a shot without if it rains. Keep in mind freedom of movement and weight is key to learn. Better be wet and safe than dry and stuck in something because your aerostitch is too slack on your body. Helmet and boots for MSF, that’s it.
@chaseweeks2708 Жыл бұрын
Best way to get better: Buy a bike, do the MSF, then sell your other vehicles so you have no choice but to ride every time you leave home. Lugging 40lbs of groceries home on the back of your bike in rush hour traffic is... an experience.
@_GandalfTheGrey_6 ай бұрын
To get even more practice, buy one item at a time, bring it home, put it in the fridge or cupboard, go back to the grocery store for the next item, etc. until you’ve completely stocked your kitchen. Maximum practice achievement unlocked.
@Schxndr6 ай бұрын
Get yourself a massive backpack like comically huge
@chaseweeks27086 ай бұрын
@@Schxndr , lol I've got a Kriega Roam34 backpack that has an expansion zipper to go from 22 to 34 liters and when I've got it expanded it is certainly comically large. Also, I built a cargo platform/crate using a CleverMade collapsible storage crate that adds another 32 liters and I've come home from the grocery store with both loaded down to the point that I had to ride the whole way out of the saddle because I had two 12packs of soda bungied to the front of the full crate and didn't have enough room to sit with the full backpack on. All on my little-ish CB500X. It was hilarious to me.
@shamrockjack3680 Жыл бұрын
I took my bike out on the street for the first time yesterday with a friend and I stalled 3 times in a row on green and I can't begin to describe how embarrassing that was.. definitely need that MSF course asap
@azipinfinity4991 Жыл бұрын
There are some good ways to practice friction zone one of the ones I did at my course was standing over the bike and slowly letting the clutch out till the bike started to make forward then pull the clutch back in and pull the bike backwards and do it again until you have it down hope this helps
@davidleatherwood6228 Жыл бұрын
It's next-to-impossible to fail the MSF course. One of the students in my class crashed their bike right in front of the examiner and still passed with flying colors
@AugustoTobias Жыл бұрын
I think it's only a problem if they drop it too much during practice or during the exam. I dropped mine while doing the slow weave practice, but didn't drop it during the exam. Still passed it.
@davidleatherwood6228 Жыл бұрын
@@AugustoTobias most likely
@saumiltrivedi7636 Жыл бұрын
Yea you automatically fail if you drop during the exam
@davidleatherwood6228 Жыл бұрын
@@saumiltrivedi7636 not here, apparently
@coolmanplayz43810 ай бұрын
I don't know if it was just because I had bad instructors but I was counseled out of my course because "I'm struggling too much." Keep in mind this is after they had my nerves high af from rushing through the clutch control part without explaining basically anything, and yelling at me for not understanding. EDIT: Again for clarity, I was in a class of about 12 and only 3 passed. So it wasn't like this was just me. They even pulled us to the side at one point and made a big spiel about clutch control, again without explaining anything. It basically boiled down to "You gotta use the clutch right or this isn't gonna work." That's about where the explaining ended.
@grntprkns Жыл бұрын
The most recent MSF “classroom” section was online. We spent maybe 30 minutes in the classroom with introductions and what to expect. Then we spent the rest of that day and the next on the actual riding course. At the very end of the second day we took the final “written” (multiple choice) exam which took about 5-10 minutes depending on how much you paid attention during the online course.
@silvermonk133 ай бұрын
@13:27 Baader-Meinhof phenomenon the best example I can think of this is when you buy a new vehicle. You usually never noticed how many of "that" type of vehicle was on the road till after you own one.
@Kagawwy Жыл бұрын
Just took my MSF Course today and passed. It really depends on the teacher and class size. I had a class size of 6 and a great teacher(shout out to Camden in Anderson, IN) who helped when I was getting stuck.
@Grateful4god1 Жыл бұрын
Passed mine last weekend, definitely gonna remember that class man. If ur tryna ride don’t be a dumbass. Take the time and spend the bread for the class. You’ll get cheaper insurance and you’ll learn first hand techniques from the older instructors that have been doing this shit for a while. I thought I didn’t need it but surprise surprise I in fact did and am glad I took it. Be safe out there homies and watch out for target fixation. People will literally be looking at you and still drive toward you, happened to me like four days ago. Be safe love you bois ❤
@sdot13tube Жыл бұрын
I failed the first time, low sided during the skills test braking (ham fisted the front brake), immediate fail. Came back the next week and crushed it. Never rode before the first day. Was a great experience, good luck!!
@Tailionis Жыл бұрын
You failed? Oh God don't kill someone or yourself
@danielhammond8429 Жыл бұрын
I didnt have the money for a MSF course. I bought a $500 Honda Shadow just this year, passed the written test for a permit perfectly without studying. Just common sense and some advice. Did about 6k miles over the next 6 months and then passed the riding test perfectly. I did no sort of practice, no parking lot riding, just simply hit the road and along with plenty of research got very comfortable with the bike on every sort of road in the midwest from gravel roads to interstates. I dont know much but i feel confident that i know enough to be safe with the riding i do. Will definitely task courses in the future if i have the opportunity. Dont be afraid to learn the cheap way, just be smart about how u do it and be careful. Remember somebody out there loves u, dont ask me why.
@robrob90505 ай бұрын
You never fell?
@danielhammond84295 ай бұрын
@robrob9050 nope, still haven't fell
@robrob90505 ай бұрын
@@danielhammond8429 Respect.
@FlamingCockatiel Жыл бұрын
I just passed mine yesterday. Four of the other five students had prior motorcycle experience, but they and the instructor were great to me. I'm glad I did it.
@AwesomeCREEPER77 Жыл бұрын
One huge thing too is with the MSF course lots of insurance companies will give you discounts!
@SoRealBrendan1667 Жыл бұрын
Do you know how much did you get one?
@michaeladjei33126 ай бұрын
I failed the msf course but I will take it again can’t give up.
@kingstubbs074 ай бұрын
What made you fail, if you don't mind sharing.
@armandoalmanzan80383 ай бұрын
Did they at least give you a permit?
@random04_ Жыл бұрын
My MSF course went like this: you get the online learning and test done first and bring the certificate to the in person MSF training. Then we did the training in 1 day and not 2 bc everyone wanted to get it done that day so we stayed longer to do so
@elsina79 Жыл бұрын
Took the msf course back in June. I did pass but decided that motorcycles aren't for me. I actually decided to ride a scooter instead. I know some people might put me down. But for myself I feel more comfortable using a scooter than a motorcycle. This week I went to the DMV and got my M1 endorsement on my license.
@thenexthobby Жыл бұрын
One person in our group attended and passed the course on their personal scooter (Honda ADV150).
@AugustoTobias Жыл бұрын
Those people are probably the ones you see videos of getting into accidents due to them riding outside of their limits. Unlike you who recognized your limits and acted accordingly. So in my eyes you're better. Who knows, maybe after you gain experience and confidence you will try motorcycles again.
@ivand00076 ай бұрын
@ivand00076 ай бұрын
@@AugustoTobias no
@Kat-kv5fb18 күн бұрын
I start my MSF class tomorrow. 12/17/2024. Little nervous but I think it will be fine.
@ReganMcKee Жыл бұрын
@rimonshamon86076 ай бұрын
its worth your money , you will learn a lot . I passed mine last week . the fun about my class is that only 3 students were in class including me. so our instructor was able to to speed up the learning process especially on range course .good to all you RIDERS :) CHEER
@windhunter227026 күн бұрын
Took one this wees past weekend and passed, was very fun and informative.
@AgentJayZ Жыл бұрын
This video should be part of the course!
@GixxerRider1991 Жыл бұрын
The techniques I learned at the MSF course have already paid for themselves many times over. No matter how good you think you are, take the class.
@jimos9878 Жыл бұрын
dude the msf is actually a really good course for beginners. in my country (europe) they dont care at all. they think you already "know" how to ride and dont even explain that much at all, depending on the instructor of course, but most are like that..
@jasonseigfried89418 ай бұрын
My msf is this next weekend. Already did the online portion and stoked for the in person stuff! Thanks yammy for all the tips.
@AtomicBoo9 ай бұрын
Did it a couple of weeks ago and waiting for my bike to get here, super excited to get into the riding world, already have all my initial gear and from time to time ill just walk around my housewith the helmet on just to get used to it.
@ernestleal74999 ай бұрын
I started on a gsxr 600 and passed the dmv skills test first try 🤙that was in 2008 and after years of riding from a gsxr 600 then a gsxr 750 now I got my dream bike 🏍 05 Hayabuuuuusa
@DoraKage Жыл бұрын
Damn, you Americans have it easy. Sweden's Practical Riding test (+ the theory test which was only in Swedish) was more difficult than a University entrance Exam
@adgeless1989 Жыл бұрын
I still remember having to push the bikes around. Our instructor was real big about inspecting the bike and paying attention if we saw the gas light. But honestly the class was really informative. Plus it gets you a discount on your insurance, and you can take higher levels of the courses. I highly recommend people take the course for the reason he said. Had a buddy hard set on buying a new Harley for his birthday. He took the course, and decided it wasn't for him.
@chrisrocker4742 Жыл бұрын
I taught the Canadian version of this course for 30 years. Highly recommend a course - you get lots of on bike time and great knowledge. Best investment ever. You never stop learning. Thanks for your fun videos.
@ashtonhunter4727 Жыл бұрын
What's the name of the Canadian version and is it similar?
@adamlanglois563 Жыл бұрын
I can say the Canadian course put me on track to enjoy riding proficiently. I see riders with no training that suck at low speeds all the time.
@jimmythecacodemon2397 Жыл бұрын
Word of advice: when they say to ride like you are invisible, I’ve heard most people ignore that, DONT IGNORE IT, I was one of those people and had several close calls cause I thought people could see me like I was in my car, and that stuck with me when I was in my car lol
@Onewheelordeal Жыл бұрын
One big note to add. The permit/test route cost me $16 and $30, the courses were $300+
@madcyrus808 ай бұрын
Everything in this video is spot on. Taking the riding portion tomorrow.
@skits-o-circus4703 Жыл бұрын
Been watching these videos for years and finally took and passed mine about 2 weeks ago I bought my first bike a vulcan 900 custom ,just waiting for appointment to get that license so I can finally ride real streets
@DMminion101 Жыл бұрын
I live in Denmark and here it's called a motorcycle drivers license. That comes in A1, A2 and a A A1 = max 125cc and you're 18 years old* A2 = engine like a MT07 or less like down to something like a KTM 450 EXC and you're 20 years old* A = any bike and you're 24 years old* So we have to through everything like a normal license for a car, except the vehicles in the class, closed track and in real traffic are motorcycles, we get a bit extra info and questions only motorcycles experience in traffic. it is also lightly cheaper than a license for a car(mc1600$ - car2000$(that is among the cheapest I could find and max were at mc1800$ - car2700$) *or older
@rjradh6415 Жыл бұрын
Got mine a year ago … I remember how I used to stress about that class … you got this !
@RecklezziNnocentz Жыл бұрын
Bro I made the mistake so often looking at how people failed the class. I totally psyched me out a few times.
@kiphenry88 Жыл бұрын
Took an MSF class in July and had a 5hr online course for the class portion. Spent the two days on the riding course without any class time.
@Tacone87 Жыл бұрын
My Msf experience was a nightmare, luckily we had a patched dude in the class and we started getting loud with the instructor!
@jawrazorback Жыл бұрын
As a experienced and licensed rider don't let someone discourage you from doing the msf course and getting your endorsement that way cuz I seen a guy 1 week out of msf get a bmw s1000rr because it was always his dream bike and msf gave him the skill and confidence and respect to handle that machine safely not at its limit but safely....none of me or my friends did the msf cuz we all started on dirt and did permit then liscense but we had a steep learning curve due to thinking asphalt wouldn't be much different from dirt it is...its a whole other world
@speedytails Жыл бұрын
FYSA: the military offers the MSF course on most (not all installations) for their Service Members, plus its free.
@todayzmomma19996 ай бұрын
I was so happy nothing could bring me down. I've been riding everyday every since
@kingstubbs074 ай бұрын
How has it been since passing?
@todayzmomma19993 ай бұрын
@@kingstubbs07 its a blast. I got a.. New car but i never drive it because I’m all about those two wheels. Plus the money I’ve saved from gas alone is amazing. Im saving for a 300cc scooter. I should have taken that class years ago.
@kingstubbs073 ай бұрын
@@todayzmomma1999 thanks for the update. I am saving myself for my first bike. I wish you much success and safe driving!!
@vyrizu9713 Жыл бұрын
lol i aced both riding and classroom testing, i knew how to ride prior, but ngl i actually learned alot and it humbled me as well, but it was the most fun weekend i had in awhile :D
@vwjet357 Жыл бұрын
I took my test in Texas and it was easy like others said, I even got rid of a speeding ticket at the same time by taking the class. I got to WA and found out they have 2 separate tests 🤦🏽♂️ and the process is harder. Glad my endorsement Carrie’s over so I could avoid the hassle in WA.
@styner83Күн бұрын
The mention of icebreakers with classmates has given me reservations about signing up.
@Sazon_Moto Жыл бұрын
When I took the msf I remember I was hooked on a conversation with one of the instructors about his collection of motorcycles and he mentioned how he needed something spicy or fast and immediately I thought of Yammie and the turbo busa so I told him you probably need a turbo hayabusa he burst out laughing and said he I was pretty cool when I look over my shoulder I see the second instructor ( the owner of the class) just waiting for me with the rest of the group pretty embarrassing experience but it was a good time
@Amberbray12345 ай бұрын
I’m not old enough yet but when I am I really hope I pass, I’m really bad with tests😢
@timoz268 ай бұрын
Good! Congratulations. Remember: it's not the end of something; it's the start.
@mrjmorovis Жыл бұрын
I had a Piglet my last year in the Army 38 years ago. Everyone hated going anywhere with me because I cruised. Haven't ridden in 38 years. I will be taking the MFT in the spring.
@mannygotdahits6534 Жыл бұрын
@admillerr Жыл бұрын
i take the 3 day class this coming weekend, im excited!!!
@thenexthobby Жыл бұрын
Didn't drop, stall, leave a lane, nor stop late etc. Did however misapply throttle on the last long sweeper test, causing me to ride the clutch with the engine pegged all the way around the sweeper, scraping the exhaust as I zoomed around. The rider coach about had a coronary watching this happen. My classmates cheered me as I took my place back in line. I did pass ... and never made any such mistake again.
@BayliRoberts9 ай бұрын
@GameSoft685 Жыл бұрын
im so glad i took the course before watching this video because I would of been stressing about sitting in a classroom and telling each other our favorite color
@flatmonk Жыл бұрын
Where I am in Canada, similar courses are $1,000 plus dollars making it very prohibitive to many people. The graded licensing system becomes a more budget friendly alternative requiring only 2 weeks time after the written exam before being able to take a skills test in a parking lot... then another 30 day period before a road test. I absolutely would participate in a course... but not at the cost of a used bike.
@adamlanglois563 Жыл бұрын
What province? In Ontario most courses are about 350-500 bucks. And you can get a little bit back on your taxes as it counts as education
@flatmonk Жыл бұрын
@@adamlanglois563 I'm in BC. I was having this conversation last might with another rider and we figured, in typical BC fashion, that the insurance cost to run a program must be absolutely insane. Otherwise, everyone would be running one. I'm actually on Vancouver Island so that also minimizes your options which could likely contribute as well.
@ericcopeland72428 ай бұрын
So, in Alabama you are not required to take a msf course. You just go to the dmv office and take the test and you have a motorcycle license. I’ve been riding for 2 years now and I still think it’s crazy.
@Nate-ry4gp Жыл бұрын
taking my MSF course not this weekend but next weekend. im nervous and lowkey scared that im gonna fail. been studying and watching all kinda of videos on bikes and maneuvers and stuff to just expand my knowledge and not go completely ignorant about all things motorcycle. i hope i pass lol.
@nanalaan Жыл бұрын
How’d it go?? I’m taking my MSF course later this week
@dhess34 Жыл бұрын
My MSF course is next week! Timely video.
@cssi3368 Жыл бұрын
How did it go?
@AdamasOldblade4 ай бұрын
Thanks for these videos. It's early August 2024 as I type this comment, I am scheduled for a course in late September (due entirely to Arizona weather...). I have been riding an e-bike every single day for almost two years now and that thing got me interested in motorcycles. Paid for the class last week and am required to complete virtual training before showing up (of which I am already 50% done).... Zipping down bike paths, beside roads and through neighbourhoods with it much faster than a normal bicycle makes me feel a bit of confidence in learning a motorcycle, but I am not going to beat my chest, I am extremely aware a motorcycle is an entirely different animal. I guess what I'm worried about is having to remember that my brakes are split between my hands and feet, how to work the clutch (I have never driven a manual car) and gear shifting... The latter two seem intimidating as of right now, but who knows, I may pick it up quickly. I tend to overthink things, so no doubt as the date for my class gets closers I'll be getting nervous, but a LOT of these videos are stating to just relax, pay attention and go with the flow.
@noahknight4039 Жыл бұрын
Every time I came close to dropping the bike was at low speeds, making tight turns.
@maalikserebryakov Жыл бұрын
Counterbalance. Put weight on the opposite peg. Why is this so hard Lol. Try doing it on a bicycle if scared of damaging ur Motorcycle
@goldengoat9397 Жыл бұрын
Taking my course this weekend thanks Yammie!
@rexmcfarland49979 ай бұрын
In PA you must first have a valid motor vehicle license before being allowed to take your written permit test. When signing up for the Course. You must have passed the ecourse and also have a permit.
@pewterpirate45605 ай бұрын
Have held my CDL since 2001. Finally getting back on a bike. Weird how alot the same philosophies apply to the largest vehicles on the road, to the smallest.
@CinemaSeven Жыл бұрын
All the people having here positive reinforcement and when I took mine the “coach” just kept saying to just not stall the bike and just stop stalling it without any guidance or coaching. I didn’t finish it and still haven’t.
@maalikserebryakov Жыл бұрын
Thats why i never rely on “courses” to teach me anything. I first study the videos of Yammie noob and go to the courses i need to go to for the license
@bdsurfer13 Жыл бұрын
The msf course I took, all the classwork was done online the week prior, and had to be completed before you could come to the riding part.
@hondamotorsrider4 ай бұрын
5:15 why is ol' boy standing at-ease?
@grayfox8310 Жыл бұрын
Did it this year had 3 people leave day one, instructor failed half of us, the whole they pass everyone isn't true. I'll just go to dmv lol
@moshpitsandbongrips6998 Жыл бұрын
To all my peeps in California, if you take your MTC you don’t need a class c to get your M1. It’s a fully separate licensee
@sakygen Жыл бұрын
About to take it this afternoon! I’ve never ridden motorcycles before. Let’s Go 💪🏽
@Kaleb.R Жыл бұрын
I have my classes on Saturday and Sunday, excited and slightly nervous
@joshmaag2457 Жыл бұрын
Got my license through MSF. Best thing I ever did. Only one to get 100 in my class for the actual riding portion. Failed the hell out of the written so they just went over the answers with me to get me passed. Even talked to them about working for them as a side job but didn’t really work with my schedule sadly.
@borderlands6606 Жыл бұрын
I did a course with my then girlfriend, who hadn't ridden before while I had 9 years experience. She passed first time while I was told I needed more classes. Many years and motorcycles later I can categorically state this was not based on my riding skills but her hotness. She could have ridden the cones in a straight line and the instructors would have apologised for their placement, if they could keep their tongues in their heads long enough.
@Nicemec96 Жыл бұрын
Every EU country has their own style of the MSF course. France for example you learn to drive with two people. Belgium: When you have your MSF licence, you can already learn to drive on the road. I think both have their advantages and disadvantages, as long you learn the basics and not die on the road on your first turn. As my father said. The most dangerous person on the road is not you. It's the other driver. SO be extra carefull when you start driving. I've got my full licence two weeks ago. ;) It took me a couple of tries and error. But finally, I finished it succesfully. So no stress when you're doing your exam and enjoy the learning curve! Cheers ! See you guys on the road! V
@ScottPhx Жыл бұрын
Hey! I passed my DMV skills test on my first try on an 02 R6, in 2003. I've never done an msf course. I've done 3 total control courses and champ school.
@Tigermanner Жыл бұрын
Literally just finished mine today and then you release this 😂😂🎉
@RadicalLinguisticDescriptivism Жыл бұрын
I dunno where you took an MSF course... but where I'm from the first thing they had us do was a rail of blow off a CD case and then they put us on a turbo Busa and began instruction on how to execute a perfect dank nooner.
@Gideon_Judges6 Жыл бұрын
Hmm that's strange. I took mine in the 00's and they had already moved onto Blu-ray discs.
@kenbowlus2995 Жыл бұрын
I took mine in the early 80's, we still used mirrors because CD's weren't prolific yet, and album covers weren't quite smooth enough. @@Gideon_Judges6
@joegott9391 Жыл бұрын
MSF was mandatory for me in 99 to get my endorsement because i was 17. Majority of a class of around 20 was older women and half a dozen men and no one else under 18. Only 2 people passed....
@nealrwelch Жыл бұрын
They gotta do highway riding and city riding cause those where the things we did not go over and needed to know 😂
@Foodstampsandfuelclamps Жыл бұрын
Took Oregon intermediate msf mid July this year (2023) no class room time just some online stuff can be done in a Saturday. then 4 hours on the bike at the college. Super easy if you have some riding experience. ( I was the guy whose only riden dirtdikes my whole life but still got 100%) do still need dmv test with intermediate but not with the two day beginner course
@pandabro5228 Жыл бұрын
Not even sure why I watched the video when I have already done it😂 just thought the video seems interesting
@captainsmashypants8304 Жыл бұрын
Wow, so its appears the MSF course which grants an unrestricted licence? Is roughly equitable with the cbt course which allows 125 cc riding in the uk and needs renewed every 24 months 🤯
@cobroke9 ай бұрын
I'm worried about failing for stalling, since the last time my buddy tried to teach me to ride I stalled like 40 times.
@thedriver4038 Жыл бұрын
I took the MSF course many years ago. It was well worth it. Then I took the NYPD Highway Patrol motorcycle course. That course was incredible as well.
@PoliBits-YT3 ай бұрын
How do you fail the driving test at DMV? They have you just stay on the bike and do left/right circles, figure 8’s, straight line switching gears then on road go left and right at lights with signals and I think stalls are considered fails.
@KayCee-d7t Жыл бұрын
Just had my second day of my msf course, took my test. Came home and saw he posted this🤦🏽♂️
@ryuhadouken27224 ай бұрын
I failed mine today. I thought I passed honesty because there were more people struggling more than me even getting the clutch to work. There was even a girl in my class who couldn’t even get her motorcycle moving not even past 10mph for the drill required 20mph and she had a passing score.
@davemave216 ай бұрын
The fact at the end happened to me when I got in to motorcycles even though I still don't have one
@R3Elijah8 ай бұрын
I bought my 24' R3 without my class M, and im 17 lol i got class this weekend, so nervous lmao, this video really helped hah
@nesta8273 Жыл бұрын
Kinda wish we had this too in my country but here its a 3-4 month training on roads and written tests to get a motorcycle license. Its like your police officer trainings. Yours take a few month while in EU its 3 years.
@michaelsaine Жыл бұрын
I didn’t have to do the in class as we did a 4 hour online course before we even got to the class
@JacoblBroughton Жыл бұрын
Got my bike a couple days ago, MSF next weekend 🤘
@kenbowlus2995 Жыл бұрын
I think you did that in the wrong order. Lol
@demiseyt239523 күн бұрын
@@kenbowlus2995 shit that’s what I did. How else we supposed to practice if we don’t have bikes?