Star Wars: 20 Things You Didn't Know About The Last Jedi

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Breaking down the most controversial Star Wars movie of all time.

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@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
The one about the Porgs is pretty cool. "We've got a problem. These puffins keep wandering into the shot and we can't do anything because they're protected." "I guess we'll just have to find a way to incorporate them into the movie."
@hungnguyenquang7247 Жыл бұрын
Let be clear the actors and actress do nothing wrong it's the writing
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 Жыл бұрын
@112313 Жыл бұрын
@warpedgenius5182 Жыл бұрын
hey lol give rose props lol idc how bad peeps think i love how she got to the dance a simple secretary i heard lol wouldnt we all love to say f you i quit im flying the hell out of here lol
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
Eh, sometimes it's the actors' fault. But more 9ften its a bad script or bad direction.
@indyg1138 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say that. Some actors can be absolute douche nozzles and are horrible to work with
@dovkushnir7808 Жыл бұрын
I think maaaaaaany people knew Mark Hamill was unhappy with Luke's characterization 😂
@Theottselmaster Жыл бұрын
Anyone with a pulse XD
@unkledoda420 Жыл бұрын
Really, coulda fooled me. He plays the role with such enthusiasm that i was sure that he absolutely loved it.
@jamesmorton2621 Жыл бұрын
This article was "written" by Jack 'Poorly' Pooley. The idiot is a charlatan who needs kept away from a keyboard. When you see his name, immediately disregard.
@Superdelphinus Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know that he eventually relented and liked it though, to be fair.
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
I heard somewhere that Carrie Fisher got into script writing because she looked at the dialog for A New Hope and went "I could come up with better lines than this shyte!"
@weeklyfascination 9 ай бұрын
She also has some amazing books. I read both Postcards from the Edge and Surrender the Pink. Complete departures from her role as Princess Leia and very good in their own right.
@peldoria Жыл бұрын
Who taught Jules how to say the director's name
@bladewed Жыл бұрын
You mean you haven't heard of Reen Johnson? :p
@joshuahirst7218 Жыл бұрын
I just realised admiral acobar died in tlj and now I'm sad :(
@timyac Жыл бұрын
Watching the movie the first time in theaters, I 100% thought the codebreaker was going to be Lando. I thought it was obvious.
@jaydenscott1451 Жыл бұрын
Yeah me too but imagine if he was even ore of a traitor than in empire........sure they could change the story but its Rian Johnson. Also it just be a worse version of his betrayal in empire .
@ericbaluja6619 Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure TROS was pretty deeply divisive, too.
@perfectpats Жыл бұрын
I think TROS was even more divisive as it seemed to equally infuriate those that loved and those that hated The Last Jedi.
@Obi-ThreeKenobi Жыл бұрын
How about this - can both sides agree that the movie is good in a vacuum, but as the middle chapter of the final trilogy of a saga, it doesn't fit?
@HappyMcPunchface Жыл бұрын
I personally loved TLJ. Is it perfect? No, but if you look at any Star Wars movie, none of them are perfect.
@kevthepoet Жыл бұрын
I'll never understand why Rose Tico got so much hate for a role she didn't write or direct. People are fucking stupid, mean and stupid.
@JamesC-ci1yn Жыл бұрын
This movie does not feel like a second part of a trilogy. It destroys everything the first movie sets up and set up nothing for the third and last part of this trilogy. Rian didn’t care about creating a continuation to a trilogy and wanted to make his own.
@andrgoplay41 Жыл бұрын
Who in the right minds has seen last jedi and said " thats a masterpiece"
@SMD2x Жыл бұрын
I'm one that always said that, it's a very good sci-fi movie but a horrible Star Wars film
@andrgoplay41 Жыл бұрын
@@SMD2x honestly as a movie on its own it isn't that bad however i wouldn't say that it was very good i would say it was an ok movie
@joshuahirst7218 Жыл бұрын
I think its fine
@almostadonovan Жыл бұрын
It's a great movie with some dumb things in it.
@Pantherblack Жыл бұрын
George Lucas, apparently.
@liamnevilleviolist1809 Жыл бұрын
This should be called: " *20 Things You Already Knew About The Last Jedi* "
@joshfactor1 Жыл бұрын
i guess i was just confused about the continuity; i mean, he never gave up on vader no matter how far gone he seemed; so why was he this close to giving up on his own nephew?
@hanshotlast Жыл бұрын
Because his nephew had a bad dream. If Vader had a bad dream luke would’ve killed him as well.
@joshfactor1 Жыл бұрын
@@hanshotlast well, that doesn't seem justified
@southside.pharmacist5155 Жыл бұрын
I agree, but playing devils advocate here what about this...Luke saw Kylo KILLING Han in his dream. He saw Kylo blowing Leia into space. And he saw Kylo killing snoke and trying to kill Rey and Finn. Now, I can totally see Luke drawing a saber in that instance out of a reaction. He did after all almost kill his father before he came to his senses. My issue with the movie was they never showed me what he saw! We never, as an audience, was even attempted to be convinced that he had a reaaon to draw the saber. Johnson failed at this and I believe it was vital to show Kylos dream.
@kevthepoet Жыл бұрын
Mmmmmaybe it's just bad writing?
@pockylovingranger Жыл бұрын
My opinion on TLJ is that there are some moments in the film that BRILLIANT (the entire plot line involving Rey and Kylo made me actually got my to ship a hetero ship and their fight against the praetoren guards are two examples) but the entire plot line involving Poe, Finn, Rose finding the master code breaker didn’t need to happen. Hell, the only reason it happens is because Vice Admiral Dildo didn’t tell Poe what the plan was when HE WAS THE ONE PERSON SHE COULD TRUST!!!!!!!
@tonyfelder1206 Жыл бұрын
Though I like it more than I did after rewatching it-well compared to what I thought back then, it's still my least favorite of the franchise. Like everyone else, I was ready to see the wiser badass master jedi in Luke ☹☹☹.
@B__C__ Жыл бұрын
The best film in the newest trilogy. Force Awakens basically was a rehash of old Star Wars tropes, and Rise was just a long hurried walk back to those same "safe" tropes. The trilogy would have been better in my opinion if they had run with the things they established in this film rather than turning back in the same way that Lucas stuck with the whole Darth Vader is Luke's father story line in Episode V--which, I should note, was, until they did it 'unplanned'. It is probably intentional that when comparing it to other Star Wars movies, Last Jedi's slow character moments, reversals, and reveals is most reminiscent of the Empire Strikes Back--which remains my fave to this day.
@joperhop Жыл бұрын
The only real issue I have with the film, and its a big one, IS THE BLOODY TURBO LASERS WITH "BULLET DROP" ... IN SPACE! I mean WTF? Oh and Rian seemed desperate to undo everything set down in episode 7, like Rey meaning something, Snoke, the whole lightsaber point, many of which had to be repaired in episode 9. But I treat them as 3 seperate films (not like 1-3, and 4-6) and I enjoy them well enough.
@beaucarroll17 Жыл бұрын
its always been known that paper in the star wars universe is referred to as Flimsiplast
@nickstevens9223 Жыл бұрын
When I saw this movie in theaters, I was crushed. I've since watched it a few times and I really love it. Star Wars is Star Wars, enjoy it.
@ConcordiaJedi Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Honestly coming put of the opening night premiere, I didn't know how I felt. After numerous rewatches, it's become my 3rd favorite in the series behind Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi.
@minotaur8426 Жыл бұрын
"Star Wars is Star Wars" So we should blindly praise any old trash just because it has the Star Wars label on it? This movie was garbage.
@jfess1911 Жыл бұрын
I have yet to be able to motivate myself to rewatch this movie.... and I have been a Star Wars fan since 1977. It just does not feel related to the others. It would be an OK generic space-fantasy movie, though.
@weeklyfascination 9 ай бұрын
It reminds me of Van Halen fans fighting over the David Lee Roth era vs the Sammy Hagar era records. It took time for many of the IV-VI fans to appreciate I-III, and maybe the same thing will happen with VII-IX. I think the only "new" movie that was widely accepted from day 1 was Rogue One. Fantastic movie!
@Macapta Жыл бұрын
Fun movie, wish they gave Johnson the trilogy instead of JJ. Might have avoided the reset and retread of A New Hope which crippled the trilogy from the starting line.
@mattlawson714 2 ай бұрын
R2 and 3PO work better as a pair. They are actually one of the most iconic duos in cinema history, all C-3PO does is bash and berate poor little R2. And it’s funnier because he’s a protocol droid that should understand etiquette and not being rude, but he’s incredibly rude to his BEST FRIEND. And R2 has such a developed personality despite not having a single line of dialogue. And through their interactions 3PO is the best translator for R2. You always pretty much know what he’s saying but it’s clearer with 3PO.
@akshayeeshwar8469 Жыл бұрын
I will not be The Last Jedi
@TheDelta016 Жыл бұрын
Rian's name is pronounced like "Ryan" not the way you've been pronouncing it all throughout the video And basically this is actually "15 things you didn't know about The Last Jedi" because everyone knew about Mark Hamill's disappointment, the porgs introduced to hide the native puffins, Kylo's scar changing slightly, the lack of a lightsaber duel and Tom Hardy getting cut from the final release
@hungnguyenquang7247 Жыл бұрын
I still love the porg though
@XCaimtheReaperX Жыл бұрын
whether you like or hate star wars, objectively this movie is just bad, terrible follow up to something that created so much wonder and mystery, worlds slowest police chase that allows for a random side quest that goes nowhere, and the main villain posed no real threat and was replaced by a man child that was defeated by a girl with zero training humiliating him, lot's of plot points either thrown out or retconned for no reason, the most ridiculous use of force powers that looked like they asked a toddler to pretend they could use the force (Leia in space) the fact that they tarnished a legendary hero's reputation by having the slightest doubt in his nephew and then consider murdering him, after he never gave up on his father one of the most ruthless villains in the empire, how does any of this make for a good sequel let alone a good movie?
@dublinbrummie Жыл бұрын
One thing I do know, it was crap
@kandijaimz Жыл бұрын
I think 'Star Wars: 20 Things You Didn't Care About The Last Jedi' would have been a more accurate title.
@TheyCallMeCarg Жыл бұрын
I fall on the "hate it" side for this movie. I avoided all online talk, rumors, behind-the-scenes gossip, and even the trailers for TLJ. I sat and watched it, and walked out of the theatre so angry at what I had just watched that I was physically trembling. No piece of media before or since has done that to me.
@Superdelphinus Жыл бұрын
Lol - I think if you walk out the theatre trembling with anger then maybe you’re expectations were slightly over the top?
@baldieman64 Жыл бұрын
I will never watch this movie again. Even just seeing the title of this video rekindled the red-hot rage that I felt about 5 minutes after the final credits had rolled.
@frankharr9466 Жыл бұрын
I did not know most of that. Thank you. I like the movie, but I won't ever argue that it's a masterpiece. It isn't. But I still liked it.
@disneyboy3030 Жыл бұрын
I wonder what will the next facts about Rise of Skywalker will come out. I actually have a few details that may help you with it.
@vic5015 Жыл бұрын
I for one appreciate that the director and producers on The Last Jedi were willing to take some pretty bold risks.
@warpedgenius5182 Жыл бұрын
god bless miss tran !!! hell yeah great job !!!!
@vDeadbolt 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, the movie is daring. Its a shame its risks never paid off and backfired tremendously.
@Kattbirb Жыл бұрын
"Cut its own subversive path"? No, KotOR2 was subversive and thought provoking, TLJ was just a bad parody. Glad the actors did so well though, I'm eager to see them in other films.
@ianoag Жыл бұрын
I didn't know any of these - mainly because I didn't watch the video because personally, I thought The Last Jedi was atrocious
@noahstackhouse9818 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Last Jedi emmensely. My only criticism of it was the sub plot with Admiral Holdo it made no sense for her not to explain her plan. I can understand fans not liking it based on good faith criticism, but I think Disney overreacted to the backlash with Rise of Skywalker. Very interesting video, that bit about Carrie Fischers' dog was funny.
@Jesup1204 Жыл бұрын
I saw Last Jedi with a friend of mine who was in the military, I voiced that same complaint to him and he told me that if Poe was in The US military, he’d have been kicked out for his behavior. The problems is that every time he questions Holdo’s command it’s in a public space and he was demoted just before she took command. For all she knew Poe was an untrustworthy jack ass.
@mare8992 Жыл бұрын
Jules: What happened to your "one per list?"
@pinktribble Жыл бұрын
He retired it, about 2 years ago.
@warpedgenius5182 Жыл бұрын
but in legends ben i thought quit acting as a vision to luke not sure how that would add up in the new one though bit of explanation on that would be nice lol
@johnnyyellow5725 Жыл бұрын
I love that Lucas loved it
@christiancampagna2229 Жыл бұрын
Luke's character was a little disappointing a first, but the movie had a loads of good moments as well. Luke & Ren's Standoff is great. Rey & Ren battling Snoke's guards is super awesome. Any scene with Leia. And Luke & Yoda's reunion is a tear jerker. I believe Disney's & a lack of planning is the fault with this whole deal. Also, Star War, Star Trek, LOTR, The MCU & other Sci-Fi/Fantasy franchises have a very toxic fandom. People are way too critical. Plus, before these flicks are even released the expectations are way, way to high.
@disneyboy3030 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Things are we going out of control.
@baldieman64 Жыл бұрын
Nope. It had no redeeming features at all.
@mibeatleman6767 Жыл бұрын
A MESSterpiece.
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 Жыл бұрын
Admiral ackbar's son is named aftab.
@weeklyfascination 9 ай бұрын
Didn't know that! (Any of it)
@PK-999 Жыл бұрын
"The Last Jedi is the worse ever!" Shows them all the Bruce Willis films released in the last few years......... "The Last Jedi is quite enjoyable..." :)
@ConcordiaJedi Жыл бұрын
My 3rd favorite Star Wars movie.
@nuclearsimian3281 Жыл бұрын
Oh, we knew, from those of us who were able to figure out (not like it was difficult) that TFA was just a really shallow ANH reboot. And the fact that we were _promised_ a Stormtrooper turned Jedi, a thing that has NEVER HAPPENED before in SW or Legends, and there's no getting around that we the fans, and most importantly, John Boyega, got stabbed in the back. We knew TLJ was going to be a shitshow. Just nobody was prepared for the "subversion" of Leia flying through fucking space with no suit on and surviving.
@namikstudios Жыл бұрын
TLJ is the best of the sequel trilogy. It's also better than Phantom and about on par with Clones.
@perfectpats Жыл бұрын
The Last Jedi is the best sequel trilogy film and it’s not even close.
@patriciaaturner289 Жыл бұрын
It’s Admiral Akbar, not General.
@1bigdogthe Жыл бұрын
Yep i loved it
@karlepaul6632 Жыл бұрын
Geez, from how you worded everything within the first 30 seconds (which included the word "toxicity") what exactly was your personal take on the movie? 😋
@jamzy1837 Жыл бұрын
plenty of toxicity on both sides. it sucks. Jules' personal take on TLJ is positive overall. he liked the film, a bunch of whatculture members do. he's spoken on it a few times.
@almostadonovan Жыл бұрын
I'll be the obligatory target of the Star Wars fanboy commenters and say that TLJ was a great movie. It tragically misunderstood Finn's and Poe's character arcs but did a terrific job with everything else. Also, as someone who likes this movie I'm not really allowed to say this, but Rose sucked. Her character was written so poorly and it would've been much better if she had been replaced by Poe.
@pt2k645 Жыл бұрын
Especially in regards to the smooch 😘
@benjamingraham8640 Жыл бұрын
I couldn’t care I hate this movie. It just shows that planning goes a long way.
@B__C__ Жыл бұрын
Lucas didn't actually plan the original trilogy, hence the whole "I'm your father" thing in Empire Strikes Back.
@stephanieamare Жыл бұрын
@@B__C__ - Let's not forget the Luke/Leia thing. I guess it was implied the kiss never happened or just didn't really matter, because I would've liked to have had a scene where after a few minutes of shock at the revelation; "wait, what...we made out several years ago! oh god, it's a good job we were busy saving the galaxy and you doing Jedi'ing, that we didn't fuck"
@B__C__ Жыл бұрын
@@stephanieamare Only in Japanese manga... 🤣😂🤣
@hanshotlast Жыл бұрын
@@B__C__ except he had a rough plan for the saga. He wanted to do one big one, but he took the first third. Also let’s not forget Lucas has a little something called talent, unlike Rian and jj
@jfess1911 Жыл бұрын
@@B__C__By Lucas' admission, he thought there was little chance of future movies when he made the original Star Wars, so he really did not have the plot of trilogy planned from the beginning. Even the original Star Wars novel was written by a ghostwriter, not by Lucas. I remember that at the time (1977) light-hearted space movies were out of fashion and few expected this one to succeed.
@alexanderthegreat5649 Жыл бұрын
Honestly my favorite of the trilogy and 2nd favorite after Rogue One. Not a fan of the others just being remakes of the originals and fan service. I wanted something new got tired of the same old shit in materials with our main characters also NEVER cared for them like most. I never wanted to be Luke or Solo, never rubbed 1 out to Leia, etc. I loved the villains over everyone. I didn't have these demands that Rey HAD to be the kid of a main character which is fukking ridiculous that some of you want that same plot over and over again. I didn't demand that Snoke HAD to be Palpatine or fukking Darth Jar Jar or some BS I liked that he was a vehicle to further push Kylo as the true villain but of course, we defaulted to him going the Anakin/Vader/Anakin route. I thought Luke's position made absolute sense he's this legend who's failed miserably and realized his and previous jedi failures. They both created/allowed the rulers of the galaxy to succeed. I would've loved either a double turn of Kylo turning back into Ben while Rey turned Dark and had to be defeated. OR since she and Ben were closely drawn from legends Solo kids twins Jaina/Jacen Solo Jacen kills his cousin Luke's son Ben(also made no sense for JJ to name Kylo Ben as Kenobi really didn't mean much to Solo or Leia to name their son after him.) Turns dark Darth Cadeus and his sister Jaina have to take him out. Kylo being trained by Luke kills his kids(the new order he was training and the students) turns dark and Rey has to take him out. The romantic angle could've made it all the more better RJ said there's obviously romantic tension between them and I thought it was obvious they wanted to screw so JJ having them kiss ONLY to then say "it's like a brother/sister kiss" idk if he's from Alabama that made no sense. I think pushing their romance further would've made the dynamic greater and it's something we haven't seen! Personally I liked the balancing of the force angle with them have Rey be the light and Kylo be the dark and they Co-rule/exist together as we see the force doesn't like when it's to far 1 way when the sith rule light rises to defeat them and when "peace" reigns or jedi are in abundance and oversees the galaxy somehow the sith comes back and defeats them. Or go with Kylo being the big bad and has to die but it obviously makes it harder for Rey to do it because she loves him. Maybe the nostalgic and "I want OT SW all the time" fans don't agree with that, but I think we do all agree sticking to 1 point is better than wasting a final film retconning the previous one and the only thing it adds on it's own merit is fan service... fan service in small ways(Lando, Wedge, Chewie medal, Luke and the ship, etc) and big ways(Rey is a Palpatine and Palpatine is now the 1 who's behind everything.) That not only retconned TLJ, but the trilogy(including JJ own movie) and the previous one's, making Vader sacrifice way less important. I can and will concede to those who hater the film that there could've been more consistency to the film's however I believe that's on the producers they allowed each writer to make their own film which is fine to a point but they should've at least mandated they all sit down at 1 point and look at each other's scripts so a Ep 9 wouldn't happen, because this is true. While you didn't like Ep 8 it was at the very least a sequel to 7, but 9 wasn't a sequel to 8 it was also a sequel to 7 and retcon job which obviously is a problem. And lastly I've put forward this proposal to friends, if I could choose a trilogy of SW films ENTIRELY written by JJ or Rian I'd take Rian easily. With JJ I know exactly what I'd get because he already did 66% of it which is the Original Trilogy he obviously just remade New Hope and Return, and that's not even the 1st franchise he's done it with(Wrath of Khan anyone?) With Rian I do think even haters of 8 would like more than well TLJ. Especially if it's not with these characters you already have 40yrs of your own opinions and expectations of. I remember fans ready to hate even before Ep 8 was released "If Luke doesn't crush an entire fleet with the force like he did in this 1 comic I'm gonna hate it! If Snoke isn't Plageus I'm gonna riot! Also S.N.O.K.E. *Sith No One Knew Existed*" there was so much "there'd better be this with this character because I DEMAND IT, WANT IT, AND LOVE THIS CHARACTER!" That it was impossible to please a majority of fans. Which is also why I'm tired of always running into Skywalkers/Palpatines what Ep 9 whittled the entire franchise down to is Sheev and his kids, Anakin and his kids. ALL this massive galaxy we got and we can't expand beyond these 2 families and this 1 50yr span? Even with Mando yeah S2 finale made sense but that's where the drawbacks of staying in this time frame comes in we always resort to bringing back a Skywalker because certain fans will always lose their shit over it. JJ would make 3 movies full of that, while Rian I believe would want to leave that period altogether go to High Republic era or something. I might be on the outs with that but at this point after all these years and media properties running the Skywalkers into the ground give me something outside this time PLEASE!!! I mean look Obi-Wan, Mando, even Bobba Fett show had to bring Luke in the games more recently won't leave this period because they want to have Vader to fall back on(Jedi Fallen Order) I can't wait till the KOTOR remake comes out even being a remake just getting away from this time frame and 2 families will be such a breathe of fresh air.
@CaptainVideo1960 Жыл бұрын
Who cares if you hate it. I love it. I’m sure you think I’m a dumb ass idiot. But I think some people like some movies and some people don’t.
@hungnguyenquang7247 Жыл бұрын
Even TFA copy ANH the sequel could been better if the last jedi we're better this it where the trilogy the downfall
@scottborham2838 Жыл бұрын
20 Things you didn't know . Well there's a few more than 20. 21 This garbage of a movie is a insult to Star wars. 22 This movie insulted the other 2 sequel garbage movies that insulted Star wars. 23 The list could go on.
@seulgaist Жыл бұрын
lol cry more.
@UnChannelDuVulpineX Жыл бұрын
@@seulgaist To be clear, you are both, attempting to take the higher ground morally *and* laughing at the discomfort of another.
@seulgaist Жыл бұрын
@@UnChannelDuVulpineX yeah, but people who dislike TLJ have to make sure EVERYONE knows how BIG MAD they are about it.
@UnChannelDuVulpineX Жыл бұрын
@@seulgaist I think, if you try really hard, you can find it in your heart to allow other people to express themselves, even if you personally disagree with their thoughts and feelings.
@seulgaist Жыл бұрын
@@UnChannelDuVulpineX With the amount of hyperbole they throw out? Nah, I'm okay.
@omarbaba9892 Жыл бұрын
What’s even that wrong with it
@tuftycupid8721 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, right? I love the movie.
@B__C__ Жыл бұрын
It is easily the best movie out of the new trilogy. Force Awakens basically was a rehash of a lot of old Star Wars tropes, and Rise was just a long rushed walk back to those tropes. In this one we actually get some characterization.
@jfess1911 Жыл бұрын
For a generic space-fantasy movie, it is fine. As part of a decades-old and well known series, not so much. The "old Star Wars tropes" mentioned in the above posts largely define what separates Star Wars from other series set in space. There are quite a lot of things that annoyed those familiar with and who had enjoyed the earlier movies and established universe. Here are a few: Star Wars movies have never taken themselves terribly seriously. This movie seemed less fun and campy. It was part of a trilogy, yet ignored plot lines set up in the first movie and subverted expectations consistent with the previously established universe. There clearly was not a plan for the trilogy, at least not one that was followed. Luke Skywalker seemed like a completely different character than the one we already knew. The "chase" at the end seemed ridiculous for light-speed capable ships. The Holdo Maneuver essentially changed the rules of space battles in this universe, rendering all previous tactics idiotic in retrospect (ie. putting a hyperdrive on an asteroid would have ALWAYS been the best way to win a battle).
@MaximusJohal Жыл бұрын
Force awakens had so much going for it, the set up was great and then Disney took a dump on it
@warpedgenius5182 Жыл бұрын
i liked the code breaker lol would love to see a side story lol
@southside.pharmacist5155 Жыл бұрын
I agree, but playing devils advocate here what about this...Luke saw Kylo KILLING Han in his dream. He saw Kylo blowing Leia into space. And he saw Kylo killing snoke and trying to kill Rey and Finn. Now, I can totally see Luke drawing a saber in that instance out of a reaction. He did after all almost kill his father before he came to his senses. My issue with the movie was they never showed me what he saw! We never, as an audience, was even attempted to be convinced that he had a reaaon to draw the saber. Johnson failed at this and I believe it was vital to show Kylos dream.
@JeremiahEcks777 Жыл бұрын
But your own point defeats itself. Luke almost kills Vader after all of this; 1) Being in the presence of the two most powerful Sith ever, one of whom is shown to be able to manipulate minds on a global scale and hide himself from the Jedi. So Palpatine is definitely using the Force to influence Luke. 2) Luke has already flirted with the Dark Side and we even see him using it in the opening scenes on Tatooine by choking the Gamorreans. 3) As far as he knows everything is lost. The entire Rebellion hinges on the Death Star being destroyed and he's been given an assurance with his own eyes that this is going to fail. The Rebellion are being murdered in front of him and they're about to lose in the most permanent way possible. 4) Luke hadn't planned an escape. This was a suicide mission (unless he could turn Anakin) and that was clean enough. Now he's trapped with no way out. Hopeless. At best he's going to be tortured until he falls to despair, at worst he's doing to die and possibly at his Father's hands, proving Yoda and Ben right all along. 5) As far as he knows, Han, Leia and Chewie are captured or dead. He's seen what happened to them captured... 6) The last straw is when Vader takes away his last hope and plays into Luke's biggest fear - that Leia will be turned and the Skywalker legacy will be dominated by the Dark Side. All his hope will be for nothing and his friends, lost in darkness. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate... to suffering. And it's at THAT moment when Luke hates, he looks at his own hand and realises his suffering. With all of the above weighing down on him, it's then and only then he tries to outright kill Vader and Palpatine. It takes ALL of that. And he STILL throws away his Lightsaber. That's why Sidious calls him "Jedi". Because Luke is the purest Jedi of them all. Even after all of the above, he still pulls back before it's too far. That's it. Arc over. There's nothing more Yoda or Ben or Anakin or anybody can teach Luke because that's his arc completed. He's done what nobody else could do and remained in the Light. That rather implies that for whatever other faults Luke would have, going back over old ground with a sudden burst of angry rage *isn't in character* because he's already faced the worst and come out on top. That you're pointing that he faced Vader and almost killed him proves the point - he *didn't*, his arc was to show he can resist even the Darkest, and the day is done. Having Luke go back over old ground and lose his temper because Ben Solo is having a wet dream or something is just terrible, terrible storytelling that basically suggests it knows better than the original trilogy. It doesn't. I'm not saying Luke circa The Last Jedi shouldn't have flaws. He could still be a day dreamer or impatient or out of touch or something, but his purity and ability to resist the actual Dark Side is already done. For Luke to revert as a character would need a very clear storytelling to show us. Johnson didn't. He told us. He needed a whole movie to show us. Lazy. (I'm not even opposed to Luke going to the Dark Side per se. Dark Empire did it, although I didn't like that either... but it was Legacy canon for years. But they had the benefit of a slow burn to it and allowed Luke to justify it. In TLJ, I don't buy his nephew having a dream would cause Luke to want to *kill* him!)
@southside.pharmacist5155 Жыл бұрын
@@JeremiahEcks777 "For Luke to revert as a character would need a very clear storytelling to show us. Johnson didnt. He told us." So we agree? I literally said the issue is they didnt do enough to convince the audience of his decision to draw his saber. I do agree they couldve used him differently, but essentially by the end of the OT Lukes arc was done and he was a almost flawless character. Im not a fan for how they used him (although he had some great moments ie talking about the flaw jedi philosophy or utilizing a force projection to save the rebellion), but my issue was with the delivery not his utility within the context of the story. That said, there is one small detail you are over looking. Luke was absolutely ready to kill Darth AND Palpatine, but what brought him to his senses ironically was Palpatine trying to coach him into killing Vader. It wasnt until Palps tryed to nug Luke to finishing him off did he come to his senses. Begs the question, if Vader and Luke were in a room alone, would both father and son have walked out or just Luke? Looking at the context of the scene IMO its just Luke, but thats also up for debate. In TLJ, however, he does do this on his own demonstrating like you said, he did in fact already learn his lesson from the OT. Never saw Luke as a pure lightside user as he did obviously walk the line a bit and I didnt mind they continued that theme in TLJ, it was just that they didnt do enough to convince me Kylo was threatning enough to push Luke that much. The dream sequence was under whelming and we both needed more to be convinced. We can both agree to that.
@JeremiahEcks777 Жыл бұрын
@@southside.pharmacist5155 We definitely can agree and yes, you're right - it isn't that the story they played wasn't one that could be played. It was that it didn't convince us. Like I said, I'm not against the concept of Luke being worn down to making some dubious mistakes, trying to take out a potential Dark Side threat but it doesn't work with the character or arc that we currently had. And even then they'd need to do a lot to make it work. Dark Empire wasn't very good but I remember not being offended that Luke fell mainly because a) he didn't really and b) his motivations made sense with what had been started with Zahn's novels and the movies both. You make an excellent point that it is Sidious who pushes Luke just over the line and he comes to his senses. It's the old 'evil can't help but overplay it's hand' which is a Lucasian trope through and through, from Maul all the way through to RotJ. Would Luke have come to his senses if not for Sidious being there? Maybe so, maybe no - but I'd argue he wouldn't have been tempted to channelling the Dark Side like that if not for Sidious tempting him in the first place. Arguably Luke needed Sidious to tempt him or he'd never find the true strength of a Jedi to be able to stand and be used to turn Anakin back to the Light, brief though it was. This however becomes slightly meaningless when "Suddenly, Palpatine returned." (Whatever we think about Luke's wearing down, surely Palpatine's botched resurrection waters down Luke's own arc even more 🥺 It makes Darth Vader's own sacrifice meaningless!)
@southside.pharmacist5155 Жыл бұрын
@@JeremiahEcks777 Like you said before, it was Vader talking about pulling Leia to the dark side that actually set Luke off into that fit of rage not the emperor. Ironically, it was Palpatine overplaying his hand that pulled him out of it! Amazing piece story telling of you think about it, but I digress haha. So in my mind, its not entirely clear to me still that if Vader and Luke were in a room and Vader mentioned turning Leia to the dark side that Luke wouldnt kill him still. Also, in the original drafts for the ST, Lucas actually envisioned Luke falling from the light side and Leia wouldve come out of that trilogy as the true chosen one having actually restored order to the galaxy by not ever waivering on the light side of the force and her influence politically. Intresting concepts wouldve liled to have seen on screen. I definately agree that Palpatine shouldve stayed dead by the end of ROTJ. I actually wouldve prefered them just continuing the arc that was set up by the end of TLJ instead of retconning the entire movie. Atleast it wouldve felt like a congruent continuous story. Wasnt a fan of the Trevaro script, but maybe something along those lines.
@JeremiahEcks777 Жыл бұрын
@@southside.pharmacist5155 I think Luke was already wavering before Vader pulled the Leia card, hence Luke went to strike Palpy down in the first place. The whole fight was only occurring because Luke struck first. But the full resurgence of the Dark happens when Vader taunts and reads him. The issue for me with the ST is they started it without a plan and when the first part starts pretending it has one, and has worked out mysteries or plot threads, then it's bad form to have them be upended or ignored by successive parts. It it wasn't a trilogy and was just an ongoing Saga maybe you can do it but a self contained three parter, no way. Basically whilst Abrahms had no right to undo Johnsons work, Johnson had no right to undo Abrahms in the first place. The last two movies are as bad as each other quite honestly. I know Lucas didn't like The Force Awakens and it's quite divisive but I loved it and actually prefer it to A New Hope. I know, anathema! But TFA only works if it's the first part of three stories. It isn't. It's standalone and the next two are also standalone but because they're busy trying to tie into, correct or deconstruct what has been before, you're left with a disaster. Clearly Abrahms is a gifted director and Johnson definitely is. And the cast are stellar. The characters aren't bad either as can be seen in the wider books / comics material. Which makes me wonder what went wrong. Did Kathleen Kennedy and her team of 'we must have diversity at cost of plot' interfere too much? Neither Abrahms or Johnson have said so. So the ST leaves me confused and bewildered because it really should work... and doesn't. And I don't know why. (And I will say for all the narrative scorn I have for TLJ, and there's much about it I *hate*, goodness it looks gorgeous! Johnson is good at his craft!)
@crispcoffee7958 Жыл бұрын
Rose Tiko casting was done to appease Asian audiences because she was with Finn the whole movie. They shrank Finns character on the Chinese movie poster cause they are extremely racist towards black ppl in that country. Disney tried to counter this by casting an Asian actress to costar with him.
@willyum3920 Жыл бұрын
I hate this movie but I feel so sorry for the actors
@clintdeangelis5082 Жыл бұрын
He's ADMIRAL Ackbar...not GENERAL.
@jfess1911 Жыл бұрын
That's RIGHT! We will not tolerate marginalization of amphibians, dagnabit!😁
@edwardbloecher4563 Жыл бұрын
And it's Rye ann Johnson not Reean!
@edwardbloecher4563 Жыл бұрын
@@jfess1911 😂 😆
@turtlevader Жыл бұрын
Luke’s characterization was the best thing in the sequel trilogy
@enzobambino Жыл бұрын
Great video about a terrible movie.
@wbond6692 Жыл бұрын
Listen, the movie may have it's flaws, and even some detractors, but can we just agree that it took risks and changed expectations to the point that it stands above the *usual* Hollywood garbage that is too spineless to do something that hasn't been done before? Personally, I *liked* what they did with Skywalker and I believe that it was probably one of Hamill's best work. The *legend* of Luke Skywalker will always be there, but he is *just* a man. And this movie actually reminded us that he is human, and therefore, more relatable. That last scene, where he's looking off into the sunset, with that look of peace on his face, still brings a tear to my eye. The one thing I do agree with, Holdo was unnecessary.....if anyone was going to sacrifice themselves for the future of the Republic, it *should* have been Admiral Ackbar. It was his ship, it should have been his decision. Laura Dern is a good actor, but you can't *introduce* a main character only to kill them at the beginning of the third act. Godspeed to you, Admiral. You *deserved* a hero's legacy.
@ethandowdle88 Жыл бұрын
This movie is piss poor its almost as bad as kingdom of the crystal skull. So fuck this movie.
@crispcoffee7958 Жыл бұрын
Iconic throne room scene. SHUTUP JULES. There is NOTHING iconic about this movie. Fire your script writer
@Historicutuber Жыл бұрын
I thought this movie was really good
@crispcoffee7958 Жыл бұрын
Akbar got done so dirty. I remember leaving the movie theatre thinking to myself everyone involved must’ve been on Epstein island and made this absolute dumpster fire to distract us from that fact. Fuck everything about this movie is my final thought.
@baryaxlbanrae3630 4 ай бұрын
It’s a masterpiece of a flaming dumpster fire.
@nancyedwards1920 Жыл бұрын
Watch twenty years from now last jedi wind up being considered a masterpiece . The prequels were considered previously an abomination . Now they're looked at with "nostalgic "favor" . lmfao!!!
@thecunninlynguist Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the one that started the downward spiral...
@happyslapsgiving5421 Жыл бұрын
Episode VII was the worst SW movie ever made. This was a great improvement on that, and in fact the only decent movie of the sequels. 😁👍
@B__C__ Жыл бұрын
For me that would be Attack of the Clones.
@ConcordiaJedi Жыл бұрын
@@B__C__ Agreed. Attack of the Clones is still the worst.
@hanshotlast Жыл бұрын
@@ConcordiaJedi nope. Characters are still intact, and it doesn’t create plot holes every other minute
@ConcordiaJedi Жыл бұрын
@@hanshotlast That's your opinion I guess.
@brandonrichards470 Жыл бұрын
The worst movie by far. The first 75% is straight trash and slower than shit. The final 25% if fuckin awesome but not enough to save it
@scubasteve1555 Жыл бұрын
Personally I liked it, the more you watch it and listen to the dialogue it actually makes a lot of sense.
@crispcoffee7958 Жыл бұрын
I disliked this video cause nothing will ever help me forgive Rian for putting this franchise down like Ol Yeller. Just looking at him gets me pissed lol
@georgecostan3248 Жыл бұрын
TLJ is not a masterpiece, but it is the best one from the sequel trilogy. I hate the blatant plagiarism and the blandness from ep. 7 and the disjointed mess from ep. 9. JJ Abrams doesn't know what originality is.
@Saoradair Жыл бұрын
This video would be a lot better if the presenter could have taken the time to learn to pronounce the Director’s first name properly.
@why1468 Жыл бұрын
@Glitchjar Жыл бұрын
Worst movie anyone who thinks otherwise hates starwars
@Nocc2991 Жыл бұрын
20 Things You Don't Wanna Know About The Last Jedi* 😁
@MaximusJohal Жыл бұрын
Rose actor wasnt an issue but she was shoehorned in and nobody wanted like most people we thought ray would be his true love.
@JeremiahEcks777 Жыл бұрын
That's weird. I thought Poe was his true love. So does Lego Star Wars.
@kevthepoet Жыл бұрын
Shame that idiots took it out on the actress
@rossbabcock2974 Жыл бұрын
Uhhh.......dumpster fire!
@saucelette2023 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for mentioning Mark Hamill's retraction of his comments and George Lucas' approval. More fans need to stew in that knowledge
@RoaryUK Жыл бұрын
Hamill retracted his statement about TLJ because he was told to as he was under contract to promote the film, even today he still criticises TLJ and the mess what Johnson made of his character.
@saucelette2023 Жыл бұрын
@@RoaryUK today he criticizes the franchise direction generally, not specifically The Last Jedi. And he was doing that before TLJ too. He was under contract before and that never stopped him, he just hadn't seen the movie yet. I can't say how he feels inside or why, but I can keep track of stuff that actually happens. Keep twisting reality to fit your narrative if it makes you feel less angry about these kid's movies
@RoaryUK Жыл бұрын
@@saucelette2023 It's people like you that keep twisting the narrative, because you foolishly believe the lies that Disney and Lucasfilm feeds you, when the reality is NON of the actors ever had a good word to say about TLJ, not just Mark Hamill.
@marvin.a.flores Жыл бұрын
I know one thing. It sucked.
@kimauthor 5 ай бұрын
This channel always states the obvious... no wonder I've never been a fan... 🙄
@EliteMammoth25 Жыл бұрын
Great movie? No it is not the sequels are the worst
@Mrjoshdance Жыл бұрын
Haven’t watched the video yet… but is one of the things we didn’t know is that it intentionally was meant to spit in the face of Star Wars or Luke Skywalker fans??
@Star_Wars_With_PercyMan Жыл бұрын
Like shit, Admiral Akbar should’ve been in charge of the whole thing…
@shaneman9602 Жыл бұрын
And 1 thing we all know, it's shit!
@rodrigoalvarez9922 Жыл бұрын
This movie suuuuuucked
@pawankhathuria3151 4 ай бұрын
Still worst star wars movie
@Nero-tz9jh Жыл бұрын
Am very disappointed about Mark Hamil apologizing for his opinion. He of all should know best who Luke is and if he says it's bad, then it goddamn is!! And let's just be honest, most of us totally agree with him. I find it disgusting that the opinion of most is labelled "wrong" or "ignorant" to please one wannabe director or to "not hurt" the opinion of a small group of wannabe fans. Did you know that we could have gotten a Star Wars inspired by the french revolution? It looks amazing!! Instead we got this bs. But hey, I don't mind you eat s**t and call it chocolate 😄 It's your choice 😄Me, I love how they profit to downgrade things so that your standards become very, very low😄 It's like the phone industry when they downgrade your phone but call it update and you are "forced" to buy a new one because of sudden lag, overheat, etc etc.😄
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