@liamcullen3035 18 сағат бұрын
My personal, favourite, most-hated plothole is how tf anyone outside Maz’s Cantina saw the Hosnian System blow up in real time. For a star system that is presumably light years away, the natural light of it’s destruction would a) take at least years to arrive and b) be too dim to see during the daytime. The sequel trilogy was peppered with these annoying little things that broke my suspension of disbelief. I can make accommodations for hearing TIE-fighters in space because it’s cool - but struggle with this stuff to excuse lazy plot. They could have just seen it on one of the screens in Maz’s Cantina, or have someone tell them that the Hosnian System was destroyed, for Christ’s sake
@liamcullen3035 18 сағат бұрын
When you say “Star Wars fans lost their collective minds at the hint that Palpatine was returning” - I presume you mean lost our minds at how daft and lazy the idea was?
@liamcullen3035 18 сағат бұрын
Yoda and Obi-Wan learned from Qui-Gon’s force ghost how to persist after death before their own deaths. Anakin got it at the end of Episode VI for the good feels. Haven’t finished watching Rebels, but I can imagine him learning before his death. But the others - yep, no explanation why, other than a big Disney ending
@Sir_Jimmothy 18 сағат бұрын
Regarding the force ghost thing, that was covered in the Clone Wars - Qui Gon was contacted by some force-powerful group, I forget which, and taught certain lessons, which he didn't have time to fully figure out by his death, so he can communicate but not manifest. Yoda was later contacted by the same group, and was able to learn these lessons properly, allowing him to become a full ghost. At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Yoda says to Obi-Wan that he'll teach him how to commune with Qui-Gon, and perhaps was also further tutored by Yoda, opening the way for him to become a force ghost, which we know he did. As far as I know, no other Jedi we're aware of should ever have become a force ghost.
@hectorheathcote9495 18 сағат бұрын
EV9D9 was in Jabba's employ prior to working at the cantina. He was in charge of Jabba's droids. You see him in Return of the Jedi.
@PonderingPyramids 18 сағат бұрын
R2 is the absolute best
@markdicristofaro904 19 сағат бұрын
I always thought that droids were not allowed in the bar because the Empire was looking for two droids. The bar owner didn't want any trouble with the Empire. Which made perfect sense to me. But, I guess that someone came up with a different idea, an idea that would only be available through the book. Which could increase the sales of the book if anyone knew about it. But, whatever. Either idea is fine with me. I still like my explanation, more. LOL.
@JeffWhite-z7y 20 сағат бұрын
There was one in revenge of the sith that's really hard to spot but no one has noticed in the mace office fight palp is using Anakin hilt with red blade,
@Jourell1 20 сағат бұрын
Fun Fact, when Lucasfilm left Tunisia the first time they didn't keep good records of where thing were filmed so that information was lost. In 1996 David West Reynolds was an archaeology student who decided to go to Tunisia and use archaeological techniques to find the "lost" sites. He managed to find several of them and wrote an article for it in the fan magazine Star Wars Insider. This prompted a call from Lucasfilm and a job because they were planning to go back for Episode I and he was perhaps the only person in the world who knew where these sites actually were. He also wrote several reference books and is, among other things the one who established what the inside of a lightsaber actually looks like and that the search for its crystal as a test of Force sensitivity.
@JeffWhite-z7y 20 сағат бұрын
Is incorrect is it building a rebuilt him
@davidbennettracing538 20 сағат бұрын
@JeffWhite-z7y 20 сағат бұрын
There is ways you can jump that high with proper training
@JeffWhite-z7y 20 сағат бұрын
That's why they waited 3 years to have kids
@JeffWhite-z7y 20 сағат бұрын
I've always thought she said she had her spine
@simonbeech6073 21 сағат бұрын
Another REALLY big plot hole is the ‘Resistance.’ They are the former rebellion now serving as the New Republics’ militia. But they’re in charge. So who are they resisting?
@wargodsix 21 сағат бұрын
Should never had papitine return should have had stoke be a accient sith god
@gordon985 23 сағат бұрын
Went to the cantina at the Star wars exhibit in Disney land when I asked the bartender if I could bring droids in here he said I guess so. I was disappointed.
@NickB-l2z 23 сағат бұрын
The force ghost one isn’t actually a plot hole because in the clone wars series there’s a story arc where Qui-Gon Jinn talks to yoda and tells him how to preserve his force essence and yoda goes on an adventure to do what Qui-Gon told him to do and one would assume yoda taught others how to do it and they taught their Padawans. Also I’m not trying to defend the sequels cause they were garbage but I figured I would just let you know that this wasn’t a plot whole
@nascarmadman 23 сағат бұрын
What is the fuel? Maybe it's a permanent plutonium pile or some such.
@raggarbergman 23 сағат бұрын
Regarding thr Knights of Ren. They just like Rey's lineage the proof that they needed a more coherent team when making the movies. I guess JJ Abrams had an idea but then Rian came and wanted to do his own thing and along the way killed of two major players and scrapped the possibility for Rey to be a true Skywalker with the nobody idea. So then JJ had to work with what was left when making the Rise of Skywalker as Snoke and Phasma were already dead.
@williamgallop9425 Күн бұрын
In MAD-magazine was funny between pages drawings, like jawas undress to reveal to be the seven dwarfs; someone asks Luke to use his lightsabel ... as torch; Luke asks barista about toilet to find out alien pisoaries in there. Anyone, where to find these?
@scott4482 Күн бұрын
Droids don't carry any money
@darkelfninja8351 Күн бұрын
Galen Erso is the true hero of the Star Wars Saga. He built a flaw into the Death Star technology so well-hidden that not even the Emperor could find it. And Sidious used that tech not once or even twice, but THREE times and it sent his Empire and the First Order crashing down around him every single time. The perfect revenge for what Krennic and the Empire did to Erso and his family!
@severindrax Күн бұрын
I now have a mental image of young Obi-wan using Force Speed to charge towards maul, and splatting face first into a ray shield at high speed. Just because you *can* go fast, doesn't mean you always should.
@devinfaucette Күн бұрын
I NEVER thought THe Ki-Adi-Mundi thing was weird. Ceren's live a long time. It always made sense to me.? Oppo Rancicis is in Star Wars Jedi Survivor in Flashbacks during the High Republic...Some Species just got it like that. Lol And I mean, The R2 thing...you gave a lot of reasons....but if he was so loyal and whatnot as he is, the Skywalker's "Protector" as it were, why would he wish to shatter Luke's reality? That's a special kind of cruelty when I person thinks in their heart of hearts things are one way and you come along and turn everything upside down. He'd probably seen too much tragedy. Why would he want to inflict that on this little 19 year old farmboy? Lmao Sometimes it's easier to let someone believe one way if the reality would not be something they could comprehend?
@kcthesledgestoryteller Күн бұрын
An easy answer to Vader not recognizing Threepio is the fact we so many of the 3PO model in both New Hope and Empire - not unique.
@stephen2501 Күн бұрын
The princess nd the scoundrel novel was quite possibly the worst book created by Star Wars disney
@thesoapboxsage2581 Күн бұрын
Palpatine was punked with shitty writing. Not his or George's fault.
@thesoapboxsage2581 Күн бұрын
Second one is easy, even at that point in the movie, Disney hadn't introduced the asinine concept of "Fuel" into the property. That monumental fuck-up came later.
@Andy_the_Collector925 Күн бұрын
Favorite sequel moment? Rey. Just. Every moment with Rey (Excluding Ep.9) And Finn too.
@jasonworlock5113 Күн бұрын
The Force Voice: Yes most of the Jedi voices don't make sense but at the end of 'Revenge of the Sith' Yoda tells Obi-Wan that while he is on Tatooine that training he had for him. He even goes so far as to, not name, but say that it was from Obi-wan's former master. Next: 10 Movies make to fill Plot Holes in other movies that weren't there. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Star Wars: A New Hope. Rogue One was a great story and brought us the likes of Cassian Andor it was mostly made to explain why it was so 'easy' to destroy the first Death Star. However, what was easy about it? The dialogue from 'A New Hope' explains that the exhaust port they were aiming for was a small one below the main one. That the port was shielded and only torpedoes precisely aimed could enter the shaft which was two meters wide. Which one pilot said was impossible even for a computer. The port was located at the end of a trench that had many guns along it that were only told to hold fire because the best star pilot in the galaxy was going after the Rebel fighters. Then it took three runs, the first didn't even make it to the exhaust port and the second only one of the three fighters made it and they missed. The last group of three, one was destroyed, the second had to retreat and the third was piloted by the son of the best star pilot in the galaxy who relied on the Force to fire the shot. Plus, the only reason he wasn't shot down was the timely arrival of a smuggler. How exactly was that easy?
@traverserred Күн бұрын
I assume because they are all doing shady stuff and don’t want walking cameras around that record everything
@mattstinnett5952 Күн бұрын
Sooooo, they really are plot holes.
@timhartherz5652 Күн бұрын
Never mind the sports rackets, there is a dog toy right next to them, its made of rubber sprayed silver. Had the exact same one, my dog loved the pulling game. Used a rope before but the fibers got stuck in her teeth's so we switched to this one, couldn't unsee it.
@Deuteromis Күн бұрын
Ok when it comes to Rey flying the Falcon, the issue is the fact that its a two man ship. Meaning two people are required to fly it. Yes if you are just doing simple flying, one person can do it. However when it comes to doing crazy maneuvers she was pulling off, two people are needed. Go watch the Originals, whenever the Falcon is flying like that, two people are at the helm. Also the problem with Snoke being betrayed by Kylo was the fact that Rian made it too painfully obvious it was going to happen. Not to mention it was just stupid to do that to your supposed final boss in the 2nd film of a trilogy.
@The1stGiant Күн бұрын
One problem with the force ghost plot hole. Would know that Quiring on tart Obi-Wan this ability from the Kenobi series, Quagen tart Yoda from the canon, Star Wars, the clone wars in an animated TV show. This show takes please early enough that Yoda could’ve passed the knowledge on to the other characters mention.
@cainmarko1234 Күн бұрын
All 3 of those movies sucked, terrible, bad writing and horrible fight scenes. Not worth watching more than once
@ReicantheJester Күн бұрын
well the thing about Din Djarin not knowing what a Jedi should still be an issue, even if he never met one as both sith and jedi were quite well known by Mandalorian warrior clans due to the Mandalorian wars which made training on how to take on force wielders a thing, particularly those wielding lightsabers as that means they'd need flak and shrapnel weapons and not blasters plus the difference between Sith and Jedi due to their distinct difference in battlestyles. and come on, the Acolyte is not to be taken serious as it was written by someone that literally hate the fans of the franchise lmao
@spittlemetimbers5939 Күн бұрын
Han shot only
@BoatingWithDad Күн бұрын
These are all just expanded lore fixing plot holes. It's a Star Wars tradition.
@denverbax6329 Күн бұрын
Am I the only one that thinks The Rise of Skywalker is far worse than TFA and even The Last Jedi. It was garbage beyond anything I could've imagined. I found The Last Jedi to be at least watchable in cinema. And TFA was pretty decent actually.
@ravnosdan9126 Күн бұрын
Here's one from the original trilogy - how does Anakin appear as a Force ghost at the end of RotJ (regardless of which actor portrays him)? Both Kenobi and Yoda are trained by Qui-Gon to become one with the Living Force and therefore able to contact the living, but Anakin most definitely isn't. Maybe it's a really quick lesson and they teach Anakin as he lays dying on the floor. I remember back in the day the canon was that all Jedi become one with the Force and could all pull off the ghost trick for a while, and that all Sith were unable to do this so their energy exploded out of their bodies when they died (as happens to the Emperor).
@anon17472 Күн бұрын
If a plot hole is explained in a comic, it's not explained at all and is still a plot hole
@jerijerod14 Күн бұрын
Kylo escaped using a TIE/LN (you can see it at 10:38 behind Ben Solo) which somehow survived the second DeathStar's explosion but the point is that TIE/LN don't have hyperdrives...
@rafaeljonathancamiloveraro4199 Күн бұрын
With all due respect those flows are minor. Really minor to the movies. I have friends who never watched the other movies and they said that the movies were just a bunch of special effects without anything interesting, and me as a fan of the saga do agree with that
@starlifter2274 Күн бұрын
There's no answer for three bad films.
@JonStangel Күн бұрын
We need a obi wan 2 for an epic maul vs Ben battle
@jonathanmarkoff4469 Күн бұрын
What about C3PO's early line "There'll be no escape for the Princess (Captain?) this time"?
@Deuteromis Күн бұрын
It suggests that she's been close to being outed as a Rebel before.
@ChrisKCook Күн бұрын
I always assumed the no Drouds rule was a hold over from the Clone Wars...
@spock_elvis Күн бұрын
Here we go...