Hello, great vid, really hoping I'm in the right spot. I am hoping to pay someone $600 to tell me how to lie on my medical school applications so that I can lie my way in to medical school. I really want someone who has experience lying their way into medical school by lying about why they want to study and practice medicine. Ideally this person would have done this process several years ago, rendering a large part of the information I'm paying for to be completely outdated. I literally dont give a single fuck if I take away a seat from someone who would use this opportunity as intended by going on to practice medicine for a few decades, helping thousands of people during their career. I am more important!!!! I'm writing my secondary essays right now and they want to know so many things like why do I want to help people, what's a memorable patient encounter. The whole time I'm sitting here like ummm hellooooo I want to make moneyyyyyy. Like why does any of that patient stuff matter? I'm just going to quit this stupid thing once I can get enough clout to reach self sustaining levels of meaningless internet validation and ego inflation (and money $$$!!!). Like why arent money or clout core competencies???? So I really don't know what to write on these things, and thats why I really need help from an expert in this field. If I'm successful with this long con I think I can be a d list med school influencer while I pretend to care about the stupid school stuff and scam my way to the finish line so I can disappoint not just my family but also all of the people who helped me accomplish the dream that I was faking the whole time. Anyways I will check out the links! Thanks for the opportunity to give you my parents money. I'm not going to tell them that everything you do is a lie and that you quit before helping a single person....they don't understand how important internet points are (and money!!!!) You know what they say...If a potato can become vodka, then I can become cringe!