If you mash the "Other Tables" and the other tabs there a bit, you can get the results from the other tables on the last board.
@Riille91 Жыл бұрын
Board 5, I think your 4 clubs shows 6+ clubs and with 10 trumps on your RKCB, robot says they have the Q of trumps. I ended up in 6cl as well.
@harrisbobroff9813 Жыл бұрын
Board 1. What is 4 Clubs bid over the 3 club opening??
@jyutzler Жыл бұрын
A really strong two-suiter.
@harrisbobroff9813 Жыл бұрын
@@jyutzler Did he not have Spades and Hearts? You need 6 / 6. Or 6 / 5 To bid 4 Clubs?? Over a 3 Club opening. Thanks for responding the first time.
@jyutzler Жыл бұрын
@@harrisbobroff9813 Since you are committing yourself to bidding again over 4D, you absolutely need to be 5-5 in the majors and would prefer 6-5 or 5-6. This is dangerous territory.
@harrisbobroff9813 Жыл бұрын
Since COV struck, I have forgotten many bids. Though I play precision, that system does not contain exact bids over preempts and such. Thanks for sharing. I regularly have 60% + or - games so I am doing Ok. Flirted with 80% 70 % as well. But COV really diminished my overall playing. I am only beginning to relearn bridge. Reading the magazine and relearning basic bidding too.
@jyutzler Жыл бұрын
Not my best week but at least I feel better about 1/7 with you scoring the same.
@dimitriosdanellakis9432 Жыл бұрын
Board 8, seeing that endplay coming at trick 8, I think one should win with the K, not the Queen, *maybe* leading declarer to misguess on the diamond return.
@victorfinberg8595 Жыл бұрын
first hand: i don't think 4h(S), undoubled is a legitimate bid. but you can't stop the other tables from doing the "wrong" thing and getting lucky. second hand: - but, on the other hand, here you do nothing unnatural, and get a massive score, because all the other tables do the 'wrong" thing. compensates for hand 1. - at 9:07, you can see two "impossible" results at other tables. E is never making more than 8 tricks at spades. it looks like the program is just tossing in some random results to 'spice things up". third hand: would be funny if W lied about having 5 spades, and E shows up with the T on the second round 19:30 your partner lied 20:30 claim