I legitimately enjoy your content. Thanks for uploading.
@DicevsCards Жыл бұрын
Well thank you kindly....and you're welcome.
@The_Rising_Ape Жыл бұрын
I haven't played 40k in more than 20 years but this Combat Patrol level game really has me interested. I'll be waiting a while though as beloved Eldar need a bit of a line update and I'm hoping for an Aspect Warrior based Combat Patrol. For example: 1x Autarch 1x Dire Avengers 1x Dark Reapers 1x Howling Banshees 1x Swooping Hawks Something like this is what I'd really love to see as I gives a great exapmle of exactly what the Aspect Warriors do, though being out of the game for so long I've no idea how balanced this would be. Thinking about it, they could do two boxes... both come with an Autarch and an Avenger Squad but the others are switched out for Fire Dragons, Striking Scorpions and Warp Spiders, then the Combat Patrol rules could say you must take an Autarch and Avengers then choose Scorpions or Banshees, Reapers or Dragons, and Hawks or Spiders for your remaining units... maybe I need to email GW with this idea. Great stuff again though, I've enjoyed your Combat Patrol box breakdowns. Thanks 😁
@DicevsCards Жыл бұрын
We rarely get everything we hope for from GW but who knows 😉 and thank you I'm glad you enjoyed the video.
@impactQuake Жыл бұрын
So if I'am totally FRESH player and I want to get into combat patrols, which should I get? I want to go chaos army, imperium or xenos if Tyranids are good (but from some videos I concluded that there gonna be new commbat patrol for them?)
@absolutfreak5012 Жыл бұрын
The balance of units will always be ebbing and flowing - go with what speaks to you in terms of the lore, looks of models. Also very importantly - are you going to be enjoying assembling/painting this faction?