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@tomashanak5379 8 ай бұрын
Hi shok ! :) I was 5 years hardstuck in platinum.. i started to watch your videos 1 year ago.. and this season i'm finishing as a diamond. It is definitely thanks to you and your videos. From you i got so much "micro" knowledges, which together impacts the game so hard. Thank you so much for what you're doing. Keep it up!!! :)
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Congrats my man
@NoamHalili 8 ай бұрын
Hey shock! Just wanted to thank you, I’m kinda new to your channel (probably a month) but since then, I think I improved a lot… thank you for your educational and pleasant content
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
You're very welcome!
@donj957 8 ай бұрын
Nice game kitten
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
excuse me?
@Jason2k960 8 ай бұрын
More ahri please
@tracelessph 8 ай бұрын
Underrated channel 🔥🔥🔥
@amoszacarias935 8 ай бұрын
@jeremyguzman7936 8 ай бұрын
Ahri might not be good next season since everfrost is getting removed, which new item would you recomend for this champ now?
@chiidybang370 8 ай бұрын
She will probably be stronger. Malingance gives 20haste+20ult haste and dmg with every ult dash(its the perfect first item for ahri imo). Combined with stormsurge second you deal like 80% hp dmg to squshies with just r+w+aa for electrocute. All mage items are buffed. Ahri can definitely go for full burst next season. Buy lich bane third and you can 1 shot with r+w+aa^^ You can also go for the new Cosmic Drive second ( Gives like 60 flat ms) and just play hit and run. And btw.: Ahri has around the same wr on all 3 mythics in any elo.
@jeremyguzman7936 8 ай бұрын
@@chiidybang370 good point, but isnt she picked for her utility and catchup potential? if im gonna play burst , isnt it better to just play any other mage?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I don't think she's super everfrost reliant, I'll wait and see how she does with new items
@bosspoke 6 ай бұрын
I've tried for a bit now and I think luden's companion is the best core item for her. While building luden's companion you get a dark seal. And 2nd item is sorc boots. Then 3rd item you either go stormsurge for burst, Liandry's if enemy has high hp or void staff against much mr. 4th item can be mejai's if you got 8-10 stacks, otherwise you adapt the situation. A typical full build for me is: - Luden's companion - Sorc boots - Stormsurge - Mejai's - Rabadon/Void staff/Liandry/Banshee's veil - Void staff/Liandry/Rabadon/Banshee's veil
@Toommy93 8 ай бұрын
You are a great player and coach. Keep up the good work.
@d1did1dim 8 ай бұрын
Engagement Engagement! haha. But really, I'll be looking for the breakdown of new items next season, as well as uhhh meta prediction *thumbs up*
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I got u
@zen5882 3 ай бұрын
Why did you TP back mid level 1 instead of just walking? Viktor got back to lane on time, and he also saved the TP. Sure you're liek 60%-70% but you can just TP back if it gets too close to fatal
@ShokLeague 3 ай бұрын
If I miss XP on top of this guy having a kill it's just going to be impossible to play my lane
@lil_sed 3 ай бұрын
Plus he had low hp base tp to heal
@jasonh2150 8 ай бұрын
Love your content as always! A few questions as an ahri OTP, why is cosmic best 2nd item? Usually i see horizon being highly recommended, never really hear people recommend cosmic so im wondering what your reasoning is. Upon first base what should ahri prioritize? I always buy mana gem + boots/dark seal depending on how much gold but is it better to buy amp tone + dark seal for more ap? Also you mention how yellow trinket is good for side laning but I find it hard to side lane wo blue since its so easy to die to place yellow trinket when a blue could be used...lmk your thoughts!
@pickyraccoon 8 ай бұрын
To me it looked like his itemization this game was totally decided based on applying pression to Viktor at all times. Like he said at the beginning: Viktor is weak to gank setups. So he builds a lot of CDR to always have setup on Viktor with R + E. Cosmic is simply the best AP CDR item in the game and it also have the added benefit of giving a lot of MS, which helps a lot in this particular game. Also, I've being seeing a lot of players shifting to max CDR builds on mages in general after Nemesis showed how stupidly broken it was on Syndra. About his first base, boots + seal looks like a great buy since him having MS to help dodging Viktor's E act as a sustain tool and he doesn't need to rush Chapter because he will have TP soon and before Viktor, and also, he will get to 6 in 2 waves. When they both lvl 6, Viktor can't actually press the lane or else he will be in a tough spot when ganked. If Viktor miraculously find a way of chunking Ahri, she will just ult out and be safe, so mana crystal isn't really needed at the time. The tome would be nice but he says that he needed sustain, so he had to buy pots and another 350 item. All of his buys are well thought and not simply thinking "this is the best build for all games and the best buy everytime". It's about knowing what you need on that specific matchup and game and min-maxing that, it feels.
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I think cosmic is just a better second item than horizon in general, especially if you're playing everfrost or liandry. If you're going luden then maybe there's an argument for shadowflame/horizon. First base generally you just prioritize based on matchup. Boots for skillshot matchups/kiting out melees, dark seal refillable just OP items pretty much all the time, amp tome is generally not a great buy but if you have gold left over then why not. For sidelaning your ideal vision setup is a pink ward and then a yellow ward deeper in, the problem with blue trinket is that it's easily cleared and then you can't sidelane anymore. If you feel like you're dying you are probably just pushing in for vision at the wrong times (wait for people to show on waves/your team to come with you)
@jasonh2150 8 ай бұрын
Thank u so much!!!
@alvaroarcala904 7 ай бұрын
Ahri is so op 😂😂 oh what a good dream that was, for a moment I dreamt it was true 😔
@jerrychen5020 8 ай бұрын
With ahri what do you think her biggest counters are?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Ori Kass Fizz are all pretty rough
@jerrychen5020 8 ай бұрын
I see
@bosspoke 6 ай бұрын
As Ahri main I disagree with Kass and fizz. They are bad pre-6 and so if you punish them properly it will be hard to recover. Fizz can still recover through having hard burst, but kass will struggle. Ori can be nasty, but not the worst. I used to struggle the most vs Zed before, not sure how it is now. Other poor matchups seem to be: Akali Akshan Azir Cassio Neeko Sylas Syndra Viktor
@milosnikolic3136 8 ай бұрын
@UrAwsome55 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been having a lot of success as Ziggs mid in low elo off late and it’s what I do against Ahri. No shot it works in higher ranks, but there is a real joy in punishing their roams by taking plates. I am probably crazy for doing this, but I will sometimes abandon my lane to help secure herald and go wherever my jungler places it to knock down multiple side lane turrets like dominos. You would not believe the stuff I get away with in low elo.
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
If you manage to get herald with ziggs the champ is fkn broken, getting herald is the hard part though...
@realNaniByte 8 ай бұрын
Nice nice, but how about an Akali game?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I will do it just for u
@JEAFlashSword 8 ай бұрын
CAUSE OF HER MOBILITY (she's one of the only ap mages that has mobility AND cc on her kit and while also being able to go AD and have many playstyle according to your experience) i said it all without even see the video because Shok and Curtis are insane teachers :)
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Real and true and shokpilled
@paperfox4041 8 ай бұрын
Hi Shok!
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
@Sylas_. 8 ай бұрын
​@@ShokLeague hello shok great video like always Please can u make a guide for zed like please im beging you 😢
3 ай бұрын
I mained fizz and watched some Mango shitt and like some other guys but nothing I could do about it I mean the game is rigged
3 ай бұрын
Those kind of videos are always bs . I wanted so many content like this but I never improved , such a waste of time .
@Scrany99 8 ай бұрын
Love your videos. I would like to know in which situation you would go for magical footwear rune, especially for really immobile champs like Synda, Viktor or Orianna. Are cookies also worth it or minion demat is better overall?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Magic footwear is basically just good for lanes with no skillshots so u can just get free boots later on. imo cookies aren't very good in general, sometimes it can be useful for a bit more extra mana but I usually prefer other stuff
@blankpyrosis 8 ай бұрын
6:11 If lucidity boots are bad early, why do a lot of sylas player rush it? Is it bad if I rush lucidity boots on pantheon to outspace opponents?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
A lot of sylas matchups will be skillshot heavy, plus as a melee the movement speed is a lot more valuable. imo lucid boots rush pantheon doesn't seem great, I think t1 boots + longswords/dirks or whatever are probably better
@matarakuja7652 8 ай бұрын
cute fox girl
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
thank u
@nathanjackson3730 7 ай бұрын
My goal with picking up ahri recently for s14 has been to just work solely on making less mistakes, and being happy with just neutralizing my lane opponents. Then when I have the brain space, I can work more on being able to punish my opponents mistakes and be locked in the entire time in just that
@chiidybang370 8 ай бұрын
Nice on as always :) Is there a chance to get a Neeko gameplay vid? Cant remember ever watching you play Neeko^^
@patilaucha 8 ай бұрын
He played her twice: In a 1vs1 against a viewer (purple platform) and in a ranked game against Hwei. 🐐.
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Yea it's not something I play often but I'll try get some games on it next season
@jamesdavis4681 8 ай бұрын
The way you react to those pinks is the way i react to you ;)
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
LMAO I appreciate that
@jamesdavis4681 8 ай бұрын
@@ShokLeague 😛 but also can't believe you do not have a bigger fan base, super helpful videos, great commentary, astounding personality, handsome as hell like what more could you ask for??
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
hahah bro ur gonna feed my ego too much
@jamesdavis4681 8 ай бұрын
@@ShokLeague hahaha all i say is truth, i have watched a LOT of league videos (good background while eating) but you definitely are the best so happy and fun yet informative, you make farming phase actually watchable without fastforwarding and i know i have said this... but youre cute as hell!! LIke what???
@jamesdavis4681 8 ай бұрын
Does flattery increase or decrease odds of getting a coaching 🤪
@noty69 8 ай бұрын
I disagree. The gap between yourself and your enemies needs to be much bigger when climbing with Ahri than it needs to be with a lot of other apc's.
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I think it's the other way around, Ahri is so good at neutralizing that even if you're a weaker player than your opponent you will still have a lot of impact, I always hate vsing Ahri players even if they suck
@ambiguousspotlightofinsani6764 8 ай бұрын
Idk man, try playing vex or any other short ranged champion vs cassio and see how good ahri is in lane. She has enough range to comfortably play any matchup and is hard to kill in lane. Maybe she doesn't so 9000 damage but if you manage to hit EQ in teamfights you already bring a ton of value
@nurbekkhazhimurat3038 8 ай бұрын
@@ShokLeagueyeah but good for players who suck is not necessarily good for those who have gap over their opponent, right?
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
I think it's still a really good champ for smurfing too. Are there better champs for a pure 1v9? Sure, but in terms winrate over a long period of time I think Ahri is one of the best
@aahen5303 6 ай бұрын
Well that game did not present that, Lee Sin did a lot...Ahri feels very low impact aside from a good charm and run tbh..I think when her sustain mechanic, spell vamp, electrocute!!, even rylai was better, durability changes and roaming was easier and not easily punished by autoing a turret she used to be a lot more impactful. She needs good team mates, scales badly, and very to easy to read (she used r - the end) so the idea she's good for climbing is...??? She's not "awful" but nothing to clickbait about.
@gachaaddictt 8 ай бұрын
Can u do some off-meta lux mid xd
@ShokLeague 8 ай бұрын
Not sure my morals will let me
@johnprocrastinator 8 ай бұрын
great game!
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