I visited Bright church about 3 months ago with my 33yr old daughter, and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour after repenting of her sin. That was one of the best days of my life, to know that she will be in heaven with me… I would not have taken my daughter there if I believed for a minute that Pastor Ben wasn’t preaching sound Biblical doctrine… It is a fearful thing to me to know that there are so many false doctrines out there, and most can lead us straight to hell… We have to put aside everything we’ve been taught, and see what God and Jesus has to say in the Bible. That is our only firm foundation upon which we build our lives, for man in fallible… I was raised in the catholic church, and went to 11 catholic schools and 2 public schools. Mass every Sunday as a small child; had my first holy communion and was confirmed at age 10. I did not understand any of it, as it was not my decision. I was also baptised as a baby. I knew nothing of God or Jesus my Saviour, even after all that I’d seen at school and mass… The Lord had been drawing me to the Father and at 27 yrs of age, I accepted Jesus sacrifice for my sin, repented of my ways and was born again into this wonderful family of God; the Body of Christ of which Christ is the head. I experienced peace for the first time in my life, and knew that I was loved by the Father. What security I was given there and then, that God would take care of and provide for me, all the days of my life, and into eternity. There is no other security for me, and I am eternally grateful to God for coming after me, a lost and hopeless sinner. He has transformed my life, and has putting me back together again, as I was broken in many pieces. If I can encourage you to enquire of the Lord, asking Him to show you the absolute Truth in His Word. He will if you ask Him, as He will not turn anyone away who calls out to Him. God bless you with a total understanding of who He really is 🙏❤️