Why Black Mirror Works & When It Doesn't

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Just an Observation

Just an Observation

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@ploshoploshm1582 Жыл бұрын
The reason why Pia died in such a random and anticlimactic way in Lock Henry was because it was set up that people who die in the town from an accident are forgotten rather then the people who are horrifically murdered. It's also ironic how Pia admired the landscape of the town which ends up killing her. This was to show how those deaths that aren't sensationalized don't end up being remembered. The only mention of Pia was a quick mention during the speech at the BAFTAs. The commercial for the documentary does not even mention Pia at all.
@mmtay Жыл бұрын
It was also crucial in the mother believing Pia had gotten away and was going to tell the police, and the fact the mother kills herself for nothing is the wonderful irony of it.
@almondchimp1336 Жыл бұрын
This feels kind of superficial. I don’t think the landscape killed her. She died because she tripped while frantically running. That could’ve easily happened in a city. We also don’t see the documentary fully. We don’t know what mention of Pia there is in there. Pia was the very first thing mention when he got the award. That point would’ve been more plausible if she just wasn’t mentioned at all.
@garryd7748 Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh. Thanks for this insight.
@armandogonzalez8636 Жыл бұрын
I just thought it was dumb she’s running away from someone that old. I don’t know why you’d be scared of a grandma who looked had no muscles or anything worrisome about her.
@5KiTl3z0r8 Жыл бұрын
@@mmtayi understand more now, but the commentary did not make the episode any better. It was terrible and did not seem like a black mirror episode.
@razalees Жыл бұрын
Bruh white Christmas is one of the absolute best episodes of black mirror top 3 for me. It wasn't predictable, it was gut retching, dark, it had several twists you don't see coming and it made you think. Like how messed up it would be to live for 6 months in white silence only to find out you're in an "egg" and in reality you've only been there for 30 seconds. Or to live out 1000 years in just a weekend time! That is just horrible. Or go the rest of your life not being able to see or hear a single person, just blurry silhouettes !! Like man, that is one of the most creative and soon to be possible scripts ever produced IMO
@favouriteghost Жыл бұрын
No man he lives out 1000 years EVERY MINUTE. Yeah that episode will haunt me for the rest of my life.
@razalees Жыл бұрын
@@favouriteghost even fkin worse 😵‍💫🫨
@razalees Жыл бұрын
@@lindsayejoy 😂 sorry it gave me anxiety writing it 😆
@streetplaya23 Жыл бұрын
but its not as good as s6 -terms of service and having your phone and computer making your whole life public into a show and you cant stop it?! how convincing -scumbag white ppl and white cop get eaten by werewolf and some paparazzi girl BEATS her with the perfect head shot in mid air moving target while a real officer misses when the wolf is staying still?! UH MAY ZiN. -little indian shoe salewoman overpowers 1979 white man in a fight to the death and even out grapples him on the ground in his own house?! while all the big bad rahCIST white peepol are sooo bad?! unBeLIEVABLe bro. this show might go the way of Westworld if it keeps it up. Shames since their is potential there.
@BrianaLynn7 Жыл бұрын
I've watched that episode a few times. I always forget the full plot bc its so insane.
@Sfgifxyn Жыл бұрын
The ending of Loch Henry is so spot on with its commentary though. The trauma of using your own pain and story in your art and work, and how unfulfilling it can be even when you get everything you ever wanted such as accolades and success is just *chefs kiss*. It can be applied to so many art forms and artists, and how we can as an audience enjoy it.
@daanvancauwenberge9676 Жыл бұрын
I’ve not seen anyone talking about this, but to me it wasn’t clear whether Davis knew about his parents. The way in which he had never told Pia about the killer, how he refused to make a documentary about it, how he repeated the lies about the detective show, how he said explicitly that he wanted to shoot over the original tapes (erasing evidence) and how we never see his reaction to the revelation. The documentary at the end is both a commercialisation of his grief and (if I’m correct) an attempt by him to ‘shoot over’ his own involvement in the crime. He is able to set the narrative.
@KRAFTWERK2K6 Жыл бұрын
Yeah i too think it made perfectly sense, dehumanizing for moola and fame, at the cost of losing people you love.
@shosc16 Жыл бұрын
How does a KZbin comment provide more thoughtful commentary than the video itself
@inigoerrandonea2513 Жыл бұрын
Ikr AND IT GETS BETTER when you remember he says at the start of the episode how he doesn't want to be a sell out, it's just such a good episode, that's why I believe black mirror shouldn't limit themselves to just sci-fi
@jasperofthrones1310 Жыл бұрын
It’s also an incredible moment when Davis stares at the award because he got exactly what he wanted but he lost the person he loved. If he were to make the movie about the egg guy, it would probably be a flop but at least he would have Pia instead of being a successful filmmaker and losing her. He was even in the background during the awards while the people from the streaming service were accepting it and acting like they did all the work. This episode was incredible
@alizestrelado Жыл бұрын
White Bear works tremendously with me lol it's always interesting how people have different perceptions of the show
@chadwellington2524 Жыл бұрын
that episode was disturbing
@Jays-ug9bd Жыл бұрын
thats a top 3 episode
@jota_erre00 Жыл бұрын
Top comment
@MarieLautner Жыл бұрын
Agreed. White Bear is one of the best Black Mirror episodes. Very shocked that anyone could call it mediocre.
@jonnyh1917 Жыл бұрын
White Bear is the episode I show newcomers first. I think it's one of the best and most disturbing.
@Schoppenheer Жыл бұрын
Wait...White Christmas was a masterpiece and one of the best Black Mirror Episodes out there tho!
@radbrad1133 Жыл бұрын
YES! It completely messed me up in a good way
@danyf.1442 Жыл бұрын
Agreed! And John Hamm is fantastic in it!
@AA-Ashley Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree. That was the only point he made that i disagreed with.
@deepikasingh9061 Жыл бұрын
It’s my favourite. It was tech driven, dark, suspenseful and morbid until the end.
@ButtercreamDreamz Жыл бұрын
Wait I thought he said White Bear & not White Christmas because I completely agree with you. Hands down my favorite episode!
@KevRyanCG Жыл бұрын
The funniest thing about the Ashley-O episode is that the main take away you could make is that if Pop stars could write what they want, they'd be Nine Inch Nails.
@DanteMustLearn Жыл бұрын
It s self insert Miley Cyrus story ok how her life went. The off this is that the tec in that episode is a reality now thanks to ABBA
@KevRyanCG Жыл бұрын
@DanteMustLearn a better example to cite would be Tupac but I get your point.
@erikablu429 Жыл бұрын
i love this episode idk it doesn’t have the black mirror vibe but it’s just a great episode and i love miley, it was fun seeing her maybe since i grew up watching her.
@s4ngo_4ural21 8 ай бұрын
@@erikablu429 Personally I loved the episode too, I wasn't a huge miley fan but I respect a lot of the decisions she made in her career, stepping away from that Hannah Montana Disney-fied image to one that challenges people's sense of comfort (ilbeit in a pretty crass direct sense). The episode served well as a story about that kind of shift she went through, but I also understand why people consider this the worst black mirror episode because it strays furthest away from it's core identity
@galacticglamourgirl Жыл бұрын
The last two episodes of season 6 kinda give me the impression that Brooker doesn't even really want to make Black Mirror anymore. I don't think the show should have supernatural elements at all, I'd rather they just end the show and make a Red Mirror spin off instead. I mean...I wouldn't watch it. But at least it would be its own thing.
@prettypatties5170 Жыл бұрын
I definitely didn’t like the werewolf episode it was so random but I can see where they were going with it- message wise
@galacticglamourgirl Жыл бұрын
@@prettypatties5170 Yeah but even then it's on the nose.
@dajiyahmcae1880 Жыл бұрын
@@prettypatties5170I feel like we’ve already gotten this episode out of black Mirror multiple times tho. It felt so gritty in a way that was unappealing, in my opinion
@giovannifitzpatrick1987 Жыл бұрын
I think one of the issues is that the real world has progressed, in some ways, faster than Black Mirror, so many of the things we would find amazing or gut-wrenching or terrifying are now seen as mundane. The other issue is that, for some of the more recent episodes, they simply don't do certain narrative or story ideas better than what we could arguably see another show do. Take "Loch Henry". His parents turning out to be fetish killers was telegraphed a mile away, and that particular twist has been done better. And if the goal was to be a commentary on victims of violent crime willing to tell their stories for the sake of fame or profit (or outsiders using those stories for fame and profit), dear God, the entire true crime genre has existed for centuries. All in all, this season was very "meh". Too many stunt-castings, too many stories that are no longer interesting once you get past the first 15 minutes of the central conceit, and overall lacking some of the subtlety present in the earlier seasons before the series became a cultural phenomenon.
@camilofajardo9199 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but demon 79 was the best episode in the entire season, the climax and dark humor behind it were the best thing I've seen in a long time in black mirror, it wasn't related to any technology but accomplished its mission of not being a boredom pit
@Stoneador Жыл бұрын
The problem with Beyond the Sea is that they needed a really good reason why the humans were aboard the spacecraft and the replicants were left on Earth instead of the opposite. It also seemed really weird that there was no oversight for what they were doing from any operating group like NASA. It just seems to me like they wanted the plot point of a man isolated in space with only one link to Earth, but didn’t give me enough to buy into that situation.
@franklyqueso Жыл бұрын
There are so many reasons for a person being in space long term that the audience can come up with that it would have been a waste of time in an already-long episode that used its time very well.
@hanniffydinn6019 Жыл бұрын
Space X is not NASA! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
@Stoneador Жыл бұрын
@@franklyqueso if there are a lot of possible reasons, then that’s even worse because they didn’t give us a single one. The best thing I can come up with based on what we’re shown in the episode is they are testing the effects of space on the body which is why the physical happens once a week, but it is really odd that nobody else seems to be in contact with either of the characters except the ship itself and their families. Just really odd that an hour and twenty minute episode about a 6 year space flight doesn’t bother to mention how and why the characters are in this situation.
@franklyqueso Жыл бұрын
@@Stoneador they don't mention it because it isn't relevant to the plot in any way. They didn't need to give one because suspending your disbelief is easy. They take measurements, or whatever. It doesn't matter at all.
@AstraeaAntiope Жыл бұрын
@@ShellyBellyBeans We were also shown that the replicants did not have the same dexterity as the astronauts (chopping wood, tripping on the steps, fighting off intruders) and that the actual humans did weekly physicals. There was mention of the mission being a study of life, the plants and physicals suggest a study of the long-term effects of space flight on Earth's life forms. Objects keep hitting them, but they do not seem to travel anywhere. Replicants would provide no useful information.
@Ach1lles55 Жыл бұрын
I maintain that Black Mirror peaked within the first 3 seasons. It used to have a really specific vision as far as what it was trying to accomplish and felt like one of the most prescient works of our time as far as what it described. I always felt that the first season was the best and most consistent, the second one was slightly worse in some areas but was overall great on average, still a 9.2/10 show as far as how I rated it. But the acquisition of the show by Netflix is when I felt things degrade more. It began to feel less subtle, too Hollywood as far as how some episodes were and the never-ending need to put in random celebrity cameos in ways I felt didn't serve the plot much. Still season 3 has some of the best episodes in the series i.e: Shut up and dance is one of my favorite, and was still 8.5/10 television / storytelling wise. But, I'd argue from that moment Black Mirror sort of became a more water downed version of what it was before. I found you saying that Charlie Booker had some issue sticking to the sci fi concepts very telling because I felt like there were so many more sci fi left to tell.
@karmicbreath Жыл бұрын
Pretty spot on assessment. I feel pretty similar to everything you said. Seasons 1-3 and White Christmas were consistently good. (Although I personally don't care for San Junipero, I can recognize it's widespread popularity.) S4 onward is when the inconsistency really kicked in. I would call less than 50% of season S4 stellar. In fact, I only really rave for USS Callister. Bandersnatch was a chore that I'll never put myself through again. I actually like S4, but "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too" is so bad that it really tarnishes the whole season. And now we got S6, which I feel is the first season with no truly amazing episode.
@indoorplant2392 Жыл бұрын
Nah U S S callister still the best black mirror experience of my life. Great episode.
@Titan_Jael Жыл бұрын
It peaked with bandersnatch
@retrofilmwork Жыл бұрын
@pimptobean Жыл бұрын
@@Titan_Jaelthat was the worst thing they ever did to that show lol
@somnilo Жыл бұрын
I remember watching White Bear on Channel 4 for the first time as a teenager, I was so blown away I texted my mate about it but he'd forgotten, so watched it straightaway again on 4+1 (channel 4 but an hour later), then again the next night showing my parents, still one of my absolute favourites and definitely not a one off episode! Love the video though man you definitely put season 6 into words for me
@henxo2382 Жыл бұрын
Yes same it was very De Ja Vu rewatching on netflix.
@WeasleyGirl1767 Жыл бұрын
I did the same thing to my ex-boyfriend!
@MimMdance Жыл бұрын
White Bear had the most brutal ending of any episode. I love it.
@SanDeygo Жыл бұрын
White bear is my favorite episode for sure
@seandoherty3741 Жыл бұрын
I think I saw it on channel 4 for the first time when I was like 16, the good old days
@jaykay1899 Жыл бұрын
15 million merits is by far my favorite episode. It doesn’t get enough love. Black mirror at its best in my opinion
@homelander39 Жыл бұрын
@cheesesteakphilly Жыл бұрын
It’s always interesting listening to others opinions on which episode was their favourite. I feel it’s a significantly better version of Loch Henry in terms of “selling out for money”. Mine was Shut Up and Dance and White Bear. It really messed with your mind. It didn’t seem like a Goosebumps episode like what Season 6 was about.
@manneymanueel Жыл бұрын
My favourites episodes are Hang the DJ, San Junipero and Entire history of you
@homelander39 Жыл бұрын
White Christmas, shut up and dance and space force one (can’t remember the name) were my favorites
@hzl1776 Жыл бұрын
I agree completely!! The speech at the end coupled with the actual ending of the episode give me chills every time I watch it!! It’s my favorite by far.
@Wraith8082 Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem is the technology aspect became the central focus of the show, as opposed to it just being a point that furthered the plot focused on humanity, and it lost focus as a result
@davidci Жыл бұрын
This is kinda funny given that many people started bashing on Season 6 for not being technologically-focused enough
@Wraith8082 Жыл бұрын
@@davidci I’ve never seen that as a criticism but that is hilarious Some of the best episodes imo have little/no advanced technology used, and the good episodes that do still keep the focus on the human interactions so the fantasy side of it still feels real Season 4 onwards I think that shift is clear to see, & the series has suffered for it
@Royal_Fortune Жыл бұрын
​@@Wraith8082 I found that episodes that attempt social commentary regarding technology's potential misuse or recklessness are some of my favorites personally.
@ghostinthearchives Жыл бұрын
i don't think that's an issue from the show itself, i think everyone watching pigeonholed it into 'technology bad' when it's actually always been about how fucked up people can be. some of the best episodes don't focus on the technology, but on how it's used, or they just have the technology we have now. it's never Really been about exploring new technology.
@henry-mb2gp Жыл бұрын
i think youre wrong
@HoopsAndDinoMan Жыл бұрын
I personally hated Joan is Awful. In my humble opinion, Netflix doing meta-commentary NEVER works, because it's always just surface level problems being poked fun at, like streaming being slightly addictive or TOS not being read before you agree to them. Of course Netflix will never acknowledge the REAL problems people take issue with, like the Cuties movie and locking people out of their accounts for sharing passwords.
@aggg12679 Жыл бұрын
I totally disagree. The concept that is was ‘Joan is Awful’ instead of ‘Joan is Awesome’ because people tend to watch things that feed into their neurotic view of themselves was powerful, and when we saw real Joan at the end doing her best to embrace the good in her life along with the bad it packed a huge emotional punch for me. Netflix isn’t going to roast themselves as a problematic corporation, but the damage streaming companies can do on an individual basis was front and center in that episode.
@mandyclark6602 Жыл бұрын
That’s the whole point......It’s shallow and surface level. It’s meant to be ironic....
@astrladam4392 Жыл бұрын
I would, without difficulty, argue that the addictive nature of Netflix and our surrendering of privacy are massively broader and more potent issues than account lockouts. In fact account lockouts are about as surface level as it gets.
@chileno189 Жыл бұрын
I hated it as well. Black Mirror has a couple satirical episodes but this one was so goofy and silly...it felt like a comedy that would star Melissa Mccarthy or Kevin Hart. And the whole meta aspect felt like Netflix was trying to fellate themselves.
@drdassler Жыл бұрын
It's just another technological concept taken to extremes. What is AI capable of with unlimited processing power & access to data? It's often a childishly simple concept.
@Leonfei Жыл бұрын
My personal favourite black mirror episode is Hated in the Nation. It gives the world a sight technological upgrade with the nanobots, but it absolutely nails the anonymous on the Internet angle it was criticising.
@victoriajohn7079 3 күн бұрын
That’s my favorite too
@i.wannabe.m.e Жыл бұрын
I am enjoying how everyone is agreeing that Mazey Day was just awful
@ProdLucio Жыл бұрын
@CameronMcCracken_Art Жыл бұрын
@lt0518 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was entertaining but not a black mirror episode. It felt so out of place. I didn’t hate it.
@evanbrews3867 Жыл бұрын
I liked it. Just was not what i was expecting
@sydneyrosser8714 Жыл бұрын
Maybe I’m the only one who liked it. I thought the commentary it provided was amazing
@hibrot4155 Жыл бұрын
I’ve scrollen through 50+ comments and haven’t seen a comment about black museum. The ending really left a sour feeling in my stomach. It is possiblely one of the worst fates out of any black mirror episode.
@kosmique Жыл бұрын
its there now. black museum and white christmas are the best black mirror episodes in my opinion. now we can add beyond the sea to that, and season 6 in general was definitely one of the better seasons.
@Legend77700 Жыл бұрын
Top tier
@digapygmy70 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed Demon 79, but I think I would have liked it a lot more if it was a fully fleshed out movie or miniseries. Additionally, I was very disappointed by Beyond the Sea. I thought the premise was interesting, the technology very intriguing, but it just felt too predictable and I really couldn’t relate to the characters. I think they could have done so much more with all of these episodes.
@franklyqueso Жыл бұрын
Demon 79 made me want more Red Mirror lol
@AM2K2 Жыл бұрын
Most people were predicting him to lock the guy out in space when he went out to fix the 'problem' - it wasn't predictable that he would murder his family
@hamm8934 Жыл бұрын
It was a sequel to White Bear. They used the Entire History of You tech to make her see the demon and people’s pasts. The white bear logo is EVERYWHERE in this episode. It fits right into the show but people are too quick to react to the new season instead of think.
@COrraThereal0ne Жыл бұрын
It was supposed to be a black mirror spinoff called red mirror
@terrajae9629 Жыл бұрын
​@@hamm8934🤨🤨🤨 no its not
@KevRyanCG Жыл бұрын
I really wish he could decouple from the title Black Mirror, since Charlie clearly is a good writer but has fallen under increased pressure and a narrow purview of what he can do under the heading of Black Mirror. I recall interviews where he said he felt a great deal of pressure to essentially write 6 movies a year for Netflix, and that even dropped for the fifth season which felt like it was just completely burning out. But now with this new season I definitely felt the overall almost mocking image of black mirror, ie wot if your phone wuz bad, is being eroded away and is potentially focusing on more interesting aspects of humanity outside of technology, but again this would probably be better as an anthology under a different name. All that being said, at the end of Loch Henry and Beyond the Sea, I definitely felt that horrid "Black Mirror" feeling.
@kimberlyormesher3494 Жыл бұрын
I see what you mean! Maybe he needs a new format to create under - a new series outside of black mirror and then he can still continue black mirror if he wants to and when he feels inspired to
@brendonw456 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the ending of Beyond the Sea just made me angry. Because it relies on a TOTAL heel turn for one of the characters. There was absolutely no way I could believe this dude was a murderer. The entire episode, he feels like a guy with PTSD and trying to learn how to cope. Then...he turns into a generic movie villain for 5 minutes. If he was gonna kill anyone, the woman he supposedly "loved" was absolutely not the one I would ever buy. He would go after the other astronaut, especially since he would effectively fill the role of the cult members while his PTSD is affecting him. It certainly was "Black Mirror" in the dismal sense, but that's about where it ends. The ending wasn't earned in any way, and actually threw away the primary focus of what the villain was doing throughout. Our villain wanted: 1) Connection to others 2) A place that felt like home 3) Freedom from his claustrophobic confinement 4) To manage his PTSD His final moments literally do not connect to ANY of his desires, but instead hammer onto the point of this other dude "not appreciating what he has" as a motivating factor...rather than what our villain wants. Because now our villain's desires have turned into: 1) Hurt bad man's family 2) Make bad man feel sad 3) ??? 4) Profit
@bruhbruh1339 Жыл бұрын
​@@brendonw456I think he killed the dudes family so he would be forced to interact with him.
@brendonw456 Жыл бұрын
@@bruhbruh1339 No, the story made it painfully clear. "You don't appreciate what you have!" "You take what you have for granted!" "You even don't know what you have!" "You have no idea how I feel. I lost everything!" He killed the family to take away what he had because he didn't think he valued it enough, and to show him how he felt. It's a fine enough message if it wasn't done so sloppy
@baionicle7201 Жыл бұрын
Plus, David knew he couldn't kill Cliff because Cliff made it clear that the ship needs two people to operate it. Killing Cliff is a death sentence for himself as well. At the same time, David knows Cliff can't kill him for the same reason. If he wants to hurt Cliff, which he clearly does, while at the same time making him feel just like David does, that loss, that confinement, that lack of connection and the appreciation for what he had that Cliff didn't really value, killing his family actually makes a lot of sense. I still think the episode is sloppy, and definitely way too long, because you can see that things are going to go wrong from a million miles away and then you're just waiting for that moment, but the ending I think is very well executed, and within the context of the story and the characters, makes sense.
@justalexfilms Жыл бұрын
While I really love the show and moderately enjoyed Season 6, I think it’s time Charlie moves on to other projects. He’s obviously a talented creator, I feel like many of these narratives would be more appreciated without the ‘Black Mirror’ title attached to it. Even some peak episodes of the show may have better served as feature length films.
@romicor9 Жыл бұрын
I was surprised to find out he created the show Cunk On Earth. It's radically different from BM and much, much lighter.
@TheOneAndOnlyJDB Жыл бұрын
Do you think there has been a shift in tone and style of episode between when it was published by Channel 4 in the UK vs. when Netflix acquired it. I always feel the UK has a more bleaker style of story telling to that of the US?
@HazardGoat Жыл бұрын
The Last Kingdom also plummeted in quality after being acquired by Netflix.
@englandgoals9672 Жыл бұрын
​@@HazardGoat last kingdom declined because Stephen Butchard left after s3
@misslaurarh Жыл бұрын
Honestly I had no idea C4 had it (I live in the uk!) but that makes total sense
@blastoiseddr Жыл бұрын
100% a tone change, I'm in two minds about it. They kind of went crazy overboard at times in s1 and s2
@unfiltered8682 Жыл бұрын
I had repressed that Miley Cyrus episode, what in the world were the thinking?!?
@vratyasvakyas6022 Жыл бұрын
That whole season and the most recent one pretty "meh" for me.
@RobbyRockaholic Жыл бұрын
It was eh but I liked it for what it was funny creative just not meeting the standards and Miley does a good job and I like a ending that’s is satisfying
@paulflint6254 Жыл бұрын
it's a good episode actually
@Biring1 Жыл бұрын
They should've made Miley the protagonist and having her deal with someone using her likeness to create AI music while she's deviating to make rock. Could've been an interesting comment on the state of the music industry, which they do in the episode, but it's so messy with the kids and rat catching dad
@justanothermortal1373 7 ай бұрын
I loved that episode. I'm glad they made it.
@AM2K2 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you that its very hit or miss - maybe mostly miss these days. You used to never be able to binge Black Mirror because you needed a day to reflect upon what you just watched...this season, I didn't want to binge because I thought a lot of it was rubbish.
@karmicbreath Жыл бұрын
I wanted to binge it just to be through it. not a good reason for binging.
@tiktokexposed898 11 ай бұрын
i swear every episode even the less interesting ones used to stick with you seasons 1-3. but season 4 onward its just hit or miss
@peppermint23 Жыл бұрын
"White Bear" is one of my faves. Definitely not mediocre. Neither is "White Christmas." Also, Demon 79 deals with technology: the atomic bomb. It's sneaky, clever and has no faith in humanity whatsoever. If, like me, you're terrified of nuclear war, it's a horrifying episode, and the comedic timing is brilliant, campy and makes it a totally fun classic B-movie, which it was totally emulating. I thought it worked very well.
@bekksterlab Жыл бұрын
Some of the episodes you say are mediocre are some of my favorites. The army one and Archangel really hit me. You don't have to not know a twist for it to be good. I like knowing the twist and then watching it play out.
@ogechio1609 Жыл бұрын
I loved “crocodile.” Very haunting, and in my top 10.
@Chico50445 Жыл бұрын
Even if South Park did the "terms and conditions" idea I still felt like it was a very appropriate thing to have in Black Mirror, one of those problems with modern technology that doesn't have an easy answer. It was my favorite bit of commentary in Joan is Awful, but it's still not the strongest episodes. I've also gone back to White Bear and White Christmas many times, they're both within my list of favorite episodes. White Bear is a fun one to rewatch after knowing that the whole event is staged for entertainment. The commentary on how we treat criminals, was greatly handled in a way that doesn't provide an easy answer, although the "Justice Park" idea is clearly a disturbing one. I thought White Christmas was excellent, even though most of the events were in flashback, the reveal that they were all inside a cookie was greatly handled, and I found the way they handled blocking to be one of the most interesting Black Mirror technology ideas. The fact that Beth blocked Joe so he doesn't find out she cheated on him was a strong example of people being fucked up with this available technology.
@mlsaulnier Жыл бұрын
Even the worst episodes of Black Mirror are a million times better than 90 percent of the crap out there.
@cloudtinnn Жыл бұрын
after watching The Idol i totally agree lmao
@Royal_Fortune Жыл бұрын
@@cloudtinnn Damn this is now one of several times I've heard this. That bad, huh?
@cloudtinnn Жыл бұрын
@@Royal_Fortune yeah i mean theres been plenty of criticism already but the worst part is that the show is so incredibly boring, I stopped after 2 eps
@prettypatties5170 Жыл бұрын
For real
@Royal_Fortune Жыл бұрын
@@cloudtinnn You hate to hear that. No bigger waste of your time than something that just ends up boring. Well thanks for the heads up
@mikeoxsor6183 Жыл бұрын
Personally I found the comedic tones of Joan Is Awful and Demon 79 to be awesome, with Demon 79 being my favorite out of the season and Joan Is Awful being my second favorite. But that werewolf episode was not very good at all.
@liza9415 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, I didn’t rly see the focus of mazey day. It felt very out of place and not at all black mirror
@dimwitdove3813 Жыл бұрын
Demon 79 might be favorite episode of black mirror because it was just so much fun to watch.
@breadg1818 Жыл бұрын
The wearwolf episoide has the absolute best thme but just didnt have the pace or writeing to keep up
@TheRealRunningwolf1980 Жыл бұрын
@@breadg1818not to mention the lead actress has only one emotion “mild disinterested” 😂😂
@alexz8849 Жыл бұрын
Joan is Awful felt too comedic. It almost just felt like a Disney episode rather than a black mirror episode.
@dyonneroby Жыл бұрын
The Miley Cyrus episode is literally coming true right now with all of this AI generated music stuff I felt like that episode was about how the artist doesn’t own their music their manager does and with the advancements in technology, the manager won’t even need the artist anymore. 12:52
@ogechio1609 Жыл бұрын
So true!
@tiktokexposed898 11 ай бұрын
managers owned artist music way before AI generated music existed
@dyonneroby 11 ай бұрын
@@tiktokexposed898 yes but in the episode they were creating new music with her voice and likeness while she was in a coma
@ChumbynKnopa Жыл бұрын
Be Right Back for me is the most underrated episode. No twists. Just good acting and storytelling. The technology was only a part of the plot. Not the lesson they hit you on the head with. The ending was sad but relatable.
@kendrick5501 Жыл бұрын
@@ghost_mall and that's honestly why season 5 and most of season 4 were rather weak in Black Mirror - Smithereens did have characters to empathize, but the messaging of the plot was rather shallow (episode came off as saying "social media is bad", so the tech basically is just straight evil when it should never be treated as a scapegoat for the actual issues our society is dealing with and the flaws of our human nature that Black Mirror have been trying to show us). Similar case with Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (specifically Ashley O is easy to empathize, especially thanks to Miley Cyrus), just the story was too straightforward to what it's commenting about. - Striking Vipers, however, is for sure the weakest Black Mirror episode of all. Had some very interesting concepts involving infidelity and the involvement of gender fluidity, but the plotline was too questionable and you can't really empathize the main character because of that (instead we just ended up empathizing with the wife, who has done absolutely nothing wrong at all in the whole episode, which makes it worse for the main character) - USS Callister and Arkangel had interesting concepts, but it's hard to empathize with the characters (For USS Callister, it's hard to even like anyone by the end of the episode except maybe the real life/actual new employee that Robert Daly likes and felt treated nicely, but hardly anyone's likeable there. For Arkangel, it was going pretty well up until the adolescent/teen segment of the story as the plot felt it was too easily resolved by just having the characters actually talk to each other and stupid for the mother to constantly continue helicopter parenting and not even confront with her daughter, more baffling that the daughter seems to act like she's just discovered Arkangel for the first time and thought her mom is a psycho, when at the beginning, we literally saw them get along very well, so the daughter's decision to lie doesn't make sense and only gets worse when the mother made what's supposed to be bad decisions, are understandable, but she handled them poorly somehow despite raising her daughter alright without using Arkangel) - Crocodile basically reused the concept surrounding Shut Up and Dance and The Entire History of You's memory tech to mix in for a thriller murder spree plot, but because Shut Up and Dance's concept had been already cleverly explored, Crocodile easily comes off as inferior. And it tried to make the main character sympathetic, but she became too dislikeable from the very moment she killed her ex (I do hear that the reason this episode is called Crocodile is because of "crocodile's tears", so maybe that's the point, so I guess that works. But honestly, she felt more hateful than disturbing like the kid in Shut Up and Dance) - Hang the DJ and Black Museum were the only season 4 episodes, while not up there with the season 1-3 episodes, that were really good, especially since we did have characters to really empathize with. Given season 6, despite the retroactive direction, it turned out really well. Not as good as season 1 and 3, but miles better than season 4 and 5. It's especially good to point out that season 6 episodes overall made use of concepts and elements already used in season 4 and 5 except way better executed and it also helps that most characters in season 6 are easy to empathize unlike with season 4 and 5.
@karmicbreath Жыл бұрын
I agree with most of your takes. I disagree that White Bear is a one-off. I think it's one of the best. Bandersnatch was pretty meta, and came before Joan is Awful. Beyond the Sea was almost amazing, but that ending was such a leap and I just didn't buy it. For me, S6 is the first season without one official great episode. Feel like it might be beginning of the end for our beloved anthology.
@TheHENpp Жыл бұрын
Agreed that Bandersnatch was meta before Joan is Awful. I guess Bandersnatch was not technically part of a season as a Black Mirror episode. Perhaps the intent is that Bandersnatch and White Christmas are excluded from this discussion?
@HazardGoat Жыл бұрын
Season 5 was pretty bad, with no redeeming episodes. At least S6 had Beyond the Sea.
@karmicbreath Жыл бұрын
@@HazardGoat I enjoyed Striking Vipers and Smithereens. Probably because I got a kick out of Topher playing Jack Dorsey
@cheesesteakphilly Жыл бұрын
@@HazardGoat Season 5 was pretty garbage (Striking Vipers was okay). That Ashley-O part with that weird van making a jump reminded me of Dumb and Dumber.
@MickRak Жыл бұрын
I was also onboard with Beyond the Sea until that ending
@oscarroswall-stanley2235 Жыл бұрын
I never saw this as a tech is bad show, it was more that it used tech as a story device. Which resonated with me because it feels like it could be real one day.
@IllariInvestigation Жыл бұрын
I believe Ashley O was aimed at the generation of kids who grew up watching Hannah Montana, it mimics the stress Miley Cyrus went through as a TV icon all the while showing how the younger generations idolized and admired her as a form of escapism in their own lives, its more of a take on what IS happening with the modern technology and child stars, who are constantly being viewed and forced into a mold, as someone who did watch Hannah Montana and watched Miley break out of that role, I was quite a fan of that episode even if it did diviate from the usual
@danyf.1442 Жыл бұрын
Overall it is still great tv, with some unexpected almost comedic episodes. I'd have enjoyed more the Joan is awful episode without real celebrities though, but it was still fun, even if it lacked a poignant social commentary. I agree that the werewolf episode is forgettable, and that Beyond the sea is hands down the best one, on par with some of the best old episodes.
@tinkerella Жыл бұрын
I disagree with Beyond the Sea, it had classic elements to it but it was wayyy to long for an extremely predictable ending
@EntrEsprit Жыл бұрын
@@tinkerella from what i've read most people (myself included) predicted it will end with David locking Cliff in somewhere and live in his link pretending to be him. And while i agree the episode could've been shorter, as you said it had all the elements what made early episodes of the show great, so this is the standard we expect from the show
@lilskiddils Жыл бұрын
The overarching theme of season 6 was centered around how much one was willing to lose in order to gain what they really wanted. You can see prime examples of this in Mazey Day and Loch Henry losing a best friend just for that 1 picture or losing your mother and significant other for an award. You can see glimpses of this in Beyond the sea even tho David lost everything previously before hand with his family being murdered before him, He was willing to kill Cliffs son and wife just so Cliff would understand how David felt. In Demon 79 Nida "sacrifices" 3 people to save the world from an apocalypse. You could say what she lost was was more metaphorical as she lost her sanity as well as her freedom because she was arrested. As for Joan is Awful, I felt like this one fit the theme the least. You could say she was willing to sacrifice her dignity to gain her privacy and social life back.
@brendonw456 Жыл бұрын
Tbh, that's reaching. Pretty bad. You gotta stretch bad to make Joan is Awful fit into it, and honestly you could say that same about pretty much every other season of Black Mirror. The characters always have something they want and things they're willing to give up over it. That's just how the majority of narratives work
@spamwise249 Жыл бұрын
You could consider it about Netflix wanting content and sacrificing their customers for it.
@makeitsonumberone1358 Жыл бұрын
I thought Joan was pretty funny and was gonna set the tone for a more light hearted black mirror series......boy was i wrong
@brendonw456 Жыл бұрын
@@makeitsonumberone1358 Well series 5 got a ton of backlash FOR being so lighthearted, so there was pretty much zero chance of that one. Sort of. There's still 2 feel good endings in this one since Joan is Awful has basically the exact same ending as Nosedive and Demon 79 has some sort of quirky, twisted, yet happy ending for the protagonists...and feels more like Hot Fuzz than Black Mirror
@joefrantzen6609 Жыл бұрын
I thought the season was broadly about exploiting trauma for personal gain. Joan Is Awful was about a tv show that invaded Joan's privacy and exploited her lowest moments for the purpose of making binge-watchable entertainment. Loch Henry has them making a documentary out of the horrific torture and murders of people for their filmmaking careers and to bring business into the town. Beyond the Sea has someone take advantage of a generous gift to them in the wake of their own horrifying tragedy, eventually inflicting on him the same pain out of spite and arguably to force them to keep each other company out there in space. Mazey Day is about paparazzis feeling entitled to know everything about someone's own private life and getting themselves killed over it - but obviously they don't learn because it ends with photographing Mazey's suicide so that she can get the money for it. And Demon 79 is literally about a demon manipulating someone into murdering innocent people and trying to feed off of her anger towards the constant racism she faces while ALSO sneakily avoiding having her kill the actually really powerful figure who could cause the most damage.
@dude-man Жыл бұрын
i dig the mix, i dig the connections and easter eggs, i dig the overall creativity.. each episode is a dice roll, and most are worth watching.
@davidking4838 Жыл бұрын
I dig that you dig it!
@dude-man Жыл бұрын
and i dig that you dug it 😎🤙
@pretendtobenormal8064 Жыл бұрын
@@dude-man I dig that you dig that he dug it!
@dude-man Жыл бұрын
@@pretendtobenormal8064 Hot Diggity Dog!!
@ameliasoldierpng Жыл бұрын
I weirdly loved demon 79! And i totally thought I had beyond the sea figured out until the last moments 😭. I appreciated the final twist of Joan is awful, and really liked Loch henry because of how unsettled it made me feel. Mazey day was the only one I wasnt that fussed with, which is a shame, because i wouldve loved a well executed werewolf episode
@ogechio1609 Жыл бұрын
Agree! I initially disliked demon 79, but upon second watch, I really enjoyed it.
@lowrijones3027 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. I even forgot about Mazey Day until it was brought up in this video!
@Becksnnc Жыл бұрын
The episodes you picked for why it doesn't work I completely disagree. White Christmas is amazing and are many peoples favourite of the entire show. White Bear and Metalhead are not "watch once" episodes. Men Against Fire, although not my absolute favourite, i still thought was good and maybe I'm just slow but I did not guess the twist at all. And I loved Crocodile. After I watched it I couldn't stop thinking about it. I agree with the Miley Cyrus episode though lol. Very cringe. I disagree about Beyond the Sea being one of Black Mirror's best. I liked the concept but it didn't wow me or shock me and I hated the ending. It felt underwhelming. I kind of think it would have been better if they had gone with the predictable ending. I was waiting for it and it didn't happen lol. I think we have different taste or something hahaha
@mrgreentea4938 Жыл бұрын
Wait, what episodes do you dislike?
@Becksnnc Жыл бұрын
@@mrgreentea4938 Waldo Moment, Be Right Back was actually pretty forgettable to me and I wasn't a massive fan. I didn't really like San Junipero and think it's overrated. I've only seen this episode once and can't remember what happened in it but I remember Black Museum feeling really slow and I was getting bored. Striking Vipers was pretty mid and weird and then obviously the Miley Cyrus episode. I've not seen season 6 yet apart from Beyond the Sea.
@MystM Жыл бұрын
The Red Mirror label is interesting, instead of Technology, its the Supernatural. I do feel like it should be its own seperate show though. Red Mirror series anybody?
@BrianaLynn7 Жыл бұрын
Demon 79 is actually good. I loved the way you don't know if the demon is real or not at the end. Either way, freaky.
@BrianaLynn7 Жыл бұрын
@treefiddy23 but if the demon isn't real, then she didn't get those visions and just made it up
@favouriteghost Жыл бұрын
I actually felt the ending of Arkangel really hard when I first saw it. Didn't hit quite as hard as some of the best (I've had literal nightmares about White Christmas) but it is one that had a real impact and I still remember and think about.
@kritkratt6383 Жыл бұрын
That episode I thought was extremely well done and def left an impact on me
@sik92222 Жыл бұрын
I had the exact same thoughts after watching Demon 79. I kept asking myself: What‘s the point of this episode? It really didn‘t fit at all with what people expect from black mirror. On the other hand it was really well made and quite entertaining. If they had made it a movie special I would have been on board. Really shows you how your expectations influence your viewing experience.
@HyperSquid1234 Жыл бұрын
The point was, was she psycho or not?
@sik92222 Жыл бұрын
@@HyperSquid1234 maybe. Maybe there was no point at all.
@amyleigh7624 Жыл бұрын
The ending was a loss because she and the demon didn't have any chemistry to merit their final choices.
@billyblud4358 Жыл бұрын
The point of demon79 was loss of sanity and the blur between the “real” and “fake” world. Its like other episodes in that there is a direct altered sense of reality but instead of it being implemented via technology instead she suffers an illness of psychosis. However, they don’t ever actually say wether shes actually experiencing what shes seeing or not, so that message is lost for most people who dont know mental illness as much I think.
@gabrielantonuccio73 Жыл бұрын
It seemed like it was trying to tie the black mirror universe together with that one evil politician who is implied to have started a lot of the tech in earlier seasons when she looks into his future
@saiyeshchowdarygadde8709 Жыл бұрын
Liked the 3rd episode a lot but has too many plot holes like why the replicas couldn't be in space
@randomt800kiddo2 Жыл бұрын
that's not a plot hole, the whole point of their mission is to test human survivability in space. also replicas have been shown to lack the precision that humans have, and arent 1:1 perfect copies.
@saiyeshchowdarygadde8709 Жыл бұрын
@@randomt800kiddo2 the guy was painting which requires fine strokes
@Species1571 Жыл бұрын
"They just jumped the shark" was exactly my thought after watching Mazey Day. Instead of making it that the paparazzi girl was halucinating and she was actually the one who killed everyone, no no, werewolves are a known real thing now and there are hundreds of genuine photos of the transformation. Likewise with Demon79, the show is now set in a universe where the UK was nuked in 1979 and somehow never mentioned.
@EatMyPattys Жыл бұрын
This season is better than last, however it seems lost and is no longer about the technology improvements coming etc. kinda losing me
@vratyasvakyas6022 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same way.
@gethspectre66 Жыл бұрын
Yeah werewolf really grinded me wrong Is not black mirrors style
@EatMyPattys Жыл бұрын
@@bnt4379 it doesn’t need to be technology based. Just more futuristic. The space episdoe was good because many many years from now maybe that’s possible
@themondoshow Жыл бұрын
Yeah they are all talking about society now instead of tech
@justis2355 Жыл бұрын
Not entirely true, first episode is about AI. But I see what you mean. It seems that the focus was taken off of tech and put more on content and how we engage with it - AI creating content, how we market content, what we would do for content, etc. but they did hit us with some good old horror romps as well. Overall, loved this offering more than the last season.
@ViciousViscount Жыл бұрын
Dude, Metalhead is one of my favorite episodes. No idea why people dislike it so much.
@TheShapeShifter20 Жыл бұрын
I KNOW! It's insane the hate the episode gets for being a truly terrifying thriller and overall amazing BM episode
@romicor9 Жыл бұрын
I guess it missed the "human" part of the storyline compared to others, it doesn't have many human characters or dialogue. And this is personal but I disliked that it was filmed all in a sort of grey/sepia tone.
@kendrick5501 Жыл бұрын
way too shallow of a Black Mirror story Basically, "KILLER ROBODOGS ARE SCARY!" (and not much elaborated about what's up with them) with the ending being the closest thing to have depth and nuiance about our humanity but other then that KILLER ROBODOGS ARE SCARY! Basically Charlie Brooker wanting to do his own Terminator film in Black Mirror Though Black Mirror has always been entertaining
@daisyb5646 5 ай бұрын
Maxine Peak was epic in it, and gave the episode presence, charisma and soul.
@MarcDoesNotKnow 4 ай бұрын
right??? I love how bleak it is. it's almost like a zombie or alien invasion movie. the b&w and barely any dialogue is extremely fitting.
@MrBloodcore Жыл бұрын
I never considered black mirror to be about technology but more about (bad) people making bad decisions and suffering from the sometimes far worse consequences relative to what they've done
@danniruthvan3265 Жыл бұрын
I think the new season is good as long as you’re not expecting it to be the same show that it was. It’s still really high quality in terms of anthology fiction shows.
@rhys2 Жыл бұрын
I think Mazey Day is one of my favourite episodes of Black Mirror. the final shot of the camera raising to take the photo is so messed up in all the best Black Mirrorish ways. i dont think its an accident that Mazey Day only turns into a monster after the paparazzi deliberately wanted to frame her that way. I think it totally fits with one of the main overarching themes of the season which is about how media and fame are exploitative and dehumanising. And i think that using a supernatural element was extra effective at expressing that dehumanisation because people weren't expecting it. They could have just had the paparazzi show the world this horrible celeb (revealing her hit & run), But they wanted to really over-do it and shock the audience into feeling like 'wow this woman is a monster this is ridiculous' which is exactly the kind of over the top reaction that gossip magazines foster. This season was easily the best season in a while with Episode 2 also being a standout for me. I think it only makes sense that they also reflect on ways past/modern technology affects us too. I Love the video, thats just my thoughts :)
@lilac.mascara Жыл бұрын
I think some people see supernatural and think "well this can't possibly have any social commentary" like if they aren't spoon fed the themes they just don't get it lol
@abzasapx 10 ай бұрын
At the end, The main character getting the money shot, instead of calling 911 was the social commentary. I feel it went over many people's heads and they hate the episode because of it.
@takeyat8840 Жыл бұрын
This season was enjoyable, but it wasn’t black mirror. I had high hopes when watching Mazey Day, It brought up what I think was an interesting topic, with the ethics of paparazzi. The scene where the actress was defenselessly chained to the ground, unable to move from (what you assume is) drug abstinence, with paparazzi shamelessly taking pictures of her, was so disturbing to me. But nope. We’re in twilight now, I guess
@teciitooo Жыл бұрын
Before Bandersnatch and S5 were aired, Black Mirror used to be my fav show of all times. I felt really strongly about all (or most of) the episodes. While some episodes were better than others, all of them had something to say and were creative in the ways they were saying it. I was so hyped for Bandersnatch before it released, both because of the gimmick of choosing what to say and because I was starved for Black Mirror content. When it released I think I spent like 8hs playing and replaying it but I felt kind of... eh about it. I was disappointed but I couldn't explain why? Then S5 came out and I was so mad lol I remember going to a friend's house to watch like the season together and I left as soon as we finished the Ashley episode. I haven't rewatched any Black Mirror episode since. Maybe it was overdramatic but it even felt disrespectful and it ruined the show for me. Because of those two (imo) misses, when they announced S6 I was skeptical and scared about it. My expectations were very low. I watched S6 with some other friends the other day and while it wasn't as bad as I expected, I again felt so... eh about it. I enjoyed quite a bit but it didn't feel right. I told my friends the season didn't feel like Black Mirror but I couldn't explain why either, I was kind of mad that I couldn't feel positive about the season. This video made me realise that I think that Black Mirror just doesn't have anything else or new to say -- at least not about technology. And in a way, even if they kind of ventured away from technology, I think they were holding themselves back because of the weight of the "Black Mirror" stamp. The creative people behind Black Mirror clearly have passion for what they do but at this point I think they should let the series die and start something else.
@lex.iii7 Жыл бұрын
white bear might not be a rewatchable episode just because the majority of the plot is about the main character running away, but the main twist comes at the end and it really makes you think. I personally think it's the best twist and conveys the deepest and most appalling underlying message among all the Black Mirror episodes. It truly shows that "people are fucked up" and makes you think about our judgement on good or bad, and our action toward others who might "deserve it". the episode itself doesn't give many interesting characters or fun plots, but without the painful journey and the obnoxious hour long screaming, you can't truly appreciate the silence and shocking realization at the end, and reflect your own thoughts on what's justice.
@thespuditron9387 Жыл бұрын
This is the commentary I was waiting for. Nice! ♥️
@mvpfireant5188 Жыл бұрын
I thought episode 1 was a solid and entertaining black mirror episode. Enjoyed that one. Episode 3 is INCREDIBLE. Nothing else to say. And I unexpectedly really enjoyed episode 5
@katkit1479 Жыл бұрын
The only two episodes that fit the black mirror theme were Joan is Awful & Beyond the Sea- they had good plot twists 6 & explored tech dilemmas very well ie privacy, loneliness & robots as replicas. The other three had no purpose being in Black Mirror: Loch Henry was extremely predictable & odd, Mazeday said absolutely nothing whilst Demon 79 had a great storyline until the very end where you come to realise the episode had no meaning or message.
@MyaB1986 Жыл бұрын
I felt beyond the sea was the only episode worth watching this season. Feels like the creator is holding back and doesn't want to offend big tech overlords.
@WillyGrippo Жыл бұрын
Love the channel, love the analysis, but for real White Bear was a banger
@monicafatorma5533 Жыл бұрын
Right white bear was how I got so many ppl hooked 😅 that and nosedive
@thehiphopeffect Жыл бұрын
Great to see Black Mirror discussion but Demon 79 was amazing, easily one of the best seasons of Black Mirror, especially after the last few.
@stilwells Жыл бұрын
it doesnt feel like regular black mirror, but that makes sense as it was being branded as seperate from the season as "red mirror", very good and enjoyable story with many nods to older BM with a new structure and is more focused on human nature than tech ig
@CamJames Жыл бұрын
my problem with video essayists on KZbin (almost all of them being British men) is that they never try to put themselves in anyone else's shoes. the "Ashley Too" episode was very relatable for...musicians?? lol i felt that conflict deeply. Creative control and freedom of expression combined with the horror of being fully controlled and forced to make music without your consent is crazy. y'all keep saying "us" when you say ppl can't relate. say "i".
@SkellaTore Жыл бұрын
American episodes ruined the show imo... So many good ideas that could of been so much better with a uk setting... That's the roots that's where its always best imo
@sarahakin Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the show went kinda Hollywood, didn’t it? Maybe that’s the problem.
@SkellaTore Жыл бұрын
@@sarahakin definitely, I liked the gritty small sized stories... Some of the USA ones have been great but others I think would of worked better jn a uk setting...
@myetherealcosmos Жыл бұрын
I agree with your conclusion. Didn’t rly follow the overall theme of Black Mirror, but still unique story telling
@EarthtoAdam95 Жыл бұрын
Black mirror peaks when the episodes are about normal/everyday people put into certain situations which makes you think what you’d do if you were in that situation and had the technology available.
@RobTFilms Жыл бұрын
Most of the latest series was great because it wasn't just the 'oh yeah this is a simulation/computer bad' schtick that had got very tired over the course of the show, Demon 79 was a particular highlight for me- I definitely think the series should go more in this direction!
@forestgrump4723 Жыл бұрын
I felt like the only one that didn’t “fit” was mazey day… the final one felt really interesting because the whole time you’re wondering if she’s just snapped due to mistreatment or if this is real. I went the crazy person snapped route till the end and I was like well… hot damn.
@lilac.mascara Жыл бұрын
Tought that too, but the first victims daughter is actually named Laura tough
@franklyqueso Жыл бұрын
I think if you consider the plots of the other episodes, Joan is Awful doesn't require as much suspension of disbelief as you think. I think because it is grounded in our current tech of smartphones etc. maybe you scrutinized it more, but Black Mirrors conceits are usually extremely convoluted and all the plot holes boil down to "offscreen vague tech explanation." It isn't a stretch to say that she turned off her phone but there are so many devices recording around her that Streamberry invariably picks up a lot and the AI just fills in the gaps (inaccurately). The fact that the entire "real life" version of the episode is completely offscreen also tells you that a lot of what you saw was glossed over or filled in by a machine. I think if you applied the same scrutiny to the episode with the VR horror game or the killer bees episode, you'd find they are completely riddled with plot holes covered by the thin veneer of tech jargon. And that's fine.
@kyleannen731 Жыл бұрын
Despite Miley's episode not being as critical or deep as past BM episodes, most of my friends and family still thought it was pretty fun. I think the paratext of Miley's real-life career added a lot to it and made it more enjoyable for us.
@davidking4838 Жыл бұрын
It is a lot of fun. I really like it.
@tiktokexposed898 11 ай бұрын
i hated it
@hermiona1147 Жыл бұрын
White bear is absolutely more than just a person running for the whole episode. Its a commentary about how we are obsessed with social media and how we dehumanize people thanks to it.
@Sumoniggro 10 ай бұрын
I would say it also speaks to a darker side of humanity in general where we enjoy the suffering of others especially when we feel that suffering is "deserved" even if it makes us no better than them. It's also a commentary on the judicial system as a whole and whether we should practice a penal system or a rehabilitation system.
@oXogon80 Жыл бұрын
13:30 "the character could just stop bringing their phone with her and the problem would be solved". But also 15:15 "Beyond the Sea was incredible" and sending out the humans instead of their replicas was totally fine and not breaking any immersion. The whole premise rests on this never explained oversight, to send the actual human body which must be fed, must breath, must exercise, instead of a Robot which would be immune to radiation, could be operated 24/7 by different home office astronauts etc. Edit: 16:06 no, it is made clear multiple times that the craft needs 2 people to operate, so killing Jessi to live as his replica on earth "for the rest of his days" (four years of the six year mission are left) wouldn't be many, as the human would die due to space craft failure. Edit2: Last nitpick: You picked the wrong genre for Mazey Day. It is not "supernatural" horror, as paparazzi exist in the real world.
@JustanObservation Жыл бұрын
I agree this is a logical oversight in Beyond the Sea, but it’s also a test for humans being able to survive in space in 1969 and if it takes two people to man the ship, then if one replica fails the ship automatically crashes. I’ll assume the supernatural comment is a joke haha as it’s clearly the werewolf
@oXogon80 Жыл бұрын
@@JustanObservation Thx for your reply, you're right, of course. It is about the scenario and they did well with it. I am so glad I found your channel during Succession. I adore your content.
@FDM-xu4wt 7 ай бұрын
The original seasons of BM worked because they posed questions left to the viewer to answer. The later seasons failed because they posed answers and insisted that the viewer accept them. They fundamentally misunderstood what made the originals special, and so they ended up producing schlocky Twilight Zone flavored poetic justice parables. Such a shame, but that's how all good television ends up: find something that intrigues, fire all the people who created it, hand it over to the interns and tell them to dial it up to 11.
@hanniffydinn6019 Жыл бұрын
You are wrong! His original statement was a modern “Twilight Zone “ ! So it always had different genres! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
@SosiskaTheHorrible Жыл бұрын
Broiler always said he was influenced by The Twilight Zone and Hammer horror stories, I think he just likes writing those kinds of stories. Loch Henry felt like an Inside Number 9 story to me. Brooker could write anything and I’d watch it 🤷🏻‍♂️
@_Spicymorenita Жыл бұрын
I thought Demon 79 was stellar!! I enjoyed most of the episodes on all the seasons but this along with Striking vipers and the one with pig , I can rewatch with others whom I’ve introduced the show to !!
@jamesgatz5301 Жыл бұрын
First season: What is the social and mental consequences of possible technological advances New season: What if I can have gay sex with my friend in Street Fighter.
@orionh5535 Жыл бұрын
The lesson here is; Don't milk a dead horse
@TangoNevada Жыл бұрын
Man against fire came down to the main actors choice to stay in the fake reality vs Reality. it wasn't about how soon we knew what was going on.
@gamosum Жыл бұрын
Pre-Netflix era: perfect show; post-Netflix era: disaster
@erikablu429 Жыл бұрын
I think people don’t understand Rachel jack and Ashley to, because it was made for girls like me who grew up on Hannah Montana. The reason the episode has a goofy Disney vibe is on purpose. there’s a lot of themes there, like the big ass mouse car, and how Miley doesn’t wanna get in it, sort of a diss at Disney and Mickey Mouse. I don’t really get the point of it having to be relatable. Personally, I don’t have to relate to something to think it’s a great episode. I couldn’t really relate to shut up and dance, as a female it’s very rare for me to masturbate in front of a laptop or my phone, and I certainly don’t have any dark content on it. but I still found the episode extremely well done and I couldn’t look away. I think to actually enjoy rachel Jack and Ashley too, you definitely had to have grown up on Hannah Montana because then you can relate to the younger sister who sees Ashley O as her everything, when in reality, Ashley O was nothing like her stage character, she was actually depressed and unhappy.
@HyperSquid1234 Жыл бұрын
Personally I don’t care about too much about the tech side. Yes it’s very interesting however I have found they can also make me engaging episodes without tech being the main focus, E.g I enjoyed Loch Henry. However I can understand that could be a different series as I know people love the tech side.
@VillainKinnie Жыл бұрын
while i definitely did *kind of* enjoy the episodes up until s3, NOTHING shocked me more than s3e3’s shut up and dance-my insides hurt and i felt like i had actually been betrayed by my sympathy for a main character. THAT’S when i actually started taking interest in the show. i could feel that horrible anxiety the whole way through, and the reveal abt the mc at the end made my head burn, because they had spent the whole time luring me into believing that he was fully the victim. the phone call from his mother at the end made me physically ill. i cant even imagine what it would be like to learn that someone you love, especially a member of immediate family, is that big of a monster.
@jasongreen6826 Жыл бұрын
I think people are too hung up on the technology aspect of the show, it can still tell interesting standalone stories without having to rely on technological aspects, I think it’s more about the human psyche than it is about technology
@paulflint6254 Жыл бұрын
Same ❤👍
@xxkori123xx Жыл бұрын
While I enjoyed season 6 as a whole, it didn't feel like 'Black Mirror' to me. Two episodes had tech stuff, two were supernatural and one was just horror. You could have easily put them in Cabinet of Curiosities, Love Death and Robots or some other anthology series and wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Still good episodes for the most part, but wrong series to have them in.
@Mirakelpung Жыл бұрын
I think I would have enjoyed the new paranormal episodes more if they weren't part of black mirror, I am very open to the idea of them branching off to do a "Red mirror" with paranormal stuff if they want and I'd still watch that. However like you've pointed out they feel like they don't belong among the other episodes which were always about the sideffects of technology. I think the Demon 79 episode was very entertaining but it absolutely wasn't very thought provoking, I thought the Maze Day episode was just... bleh. These stories would be fine on their own, but my reaction to the werewolf stuff was just outright confusion as to how the hell this was supposed to be a black mirror episode.
@trainernick1143 Жыл бұрын
I found Beyond the Sea genuinely hard to enjoy, because it was predicated on, frankly, an easily 'beaten' premise. I know you're probably not meant to be thinking about how to *solve* a Black Mirror episode but this one was just hard not to; the episode doesn't offer any reason at all for the humans to be sent into space instead of sending the robot bodies instead. Literally every problem that comes up in the episode is solved by switching the roles around (except Aaron Paul's marriage, I guess). I dunno, it feels like the hubris of the technology was meant to be "Look out, someone could use your personal robot for evil" when the actual hubris of it is "Space travelers don't quite understand the benefits of having robot bodies you can send into danger instead of going yourself". Plus also, if someone else is piloting your robot and your family finds them more charming than you, that's a skill issue my guy.
@originaozz Жыл бұрын
The timing,just finished season 6 (skipping the paparazzi ep)! I personally find this season quite strong, providing variety of flavors that hasn't been in Black Mirror, while maintaining a center of bleakness.
@JustanObservation Жыл бұрын
I preferred it to Season 5 and will always watch anything Brooker makes but it feels a bit lost to me
@originaozz Жыл бұрын
True, I think it's experimental for sure. But the strong episodes made more impact on me in season 6 than season 5. Beyond the Sea definitely was the best in terms of acting, storytelling, & top tier Black Mirror depressing with an ending shot to remember. Loch Henry to me was also a great story. I find the mom's choice to broadcast her video evil, as it speaks to the nature of serial killer who want to be noticed for their deeds. The son ending up ruining his own life the way true crimes creators did to many victims, instead of sticking to the uplifting story that needed to be told felt like karma.
@UrbanDecayLova247 Жыл бұрын
I think it was very on par with S4, that only had 2-3 strong episodes out of 6. This new season had 2-3 strong episodes out of 5.
@ubermalice9589 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Demon 79 despite not fitting in.
@AwijoshSun Жыл бұрын
Mazey Day could've been great if she had a transformation or monster tied to the the camera flash, as it would've tied nicely with the theme and cautionary tale of the episode.
@kendrick5501 Жыл бұрын
I mean that's what happened in the ending when Mazey Day said "Shoot me" Very divisive and too short of an episode, but the ending really felt Black Mirror PS - Mazey Day is supposed to be labeled as Red Mirror like Demon 79 due to the involvement of the supernatural, but Charlie Brooker kept it Black Mirror to hide the twist
@elyca6329 Жыл бұрын
There is something I find interesting about the episode with Miley Cyrus. I heard a lot of people, mostly guys, share your sentiment that it was the worst episode of BM (and I can certainly see why it's not liked). But when I watched it, I did find some compelling themes about being a teenage girl and the "let's bash everything teen girls like", and how the story kind of celebrated that in a flawed way. Eh, maybe it's just me, but I would be curious to know if other women felt the same.
@ethanhawkins3391 Жыл бұрын
Just here to say you consistently release some of the finest analysis and breakdown videos on this platform! Always stellar work from you 💯
@JustanObservation Жыл бұрын
Thanks Ethan!
@kevinhennig8278 Жыл бұрын
Disagree about White Bear. The episode is phenomenal and one of my favorites
@CamJames Жыл бұрын
Beyond The Sea was weak. Hartnett's character never proved to be as violent as the final twist made him out to be. They jumped the shark and skipped development in favor of fan-pleasing.
@crozraven Жыл бұрын
If there is one topic that I really wish Black Mirror talks about, it's about the relationship between faith/religion & technology. It's definitely a hard subject to tackle & even broader as my statement only mention faith/religion, nothing specific.
@thingthang2904 Жыл бұрын
I honestly feel if the order of the episodes was different, season 6 would've been better (not perfect but better). Mazey Day derails the show thematically and Demon 79 doesn't do anything to return to form. I read that the episodes were written in reverse order and it shows. Starting with Demon 79 makes the supernatural twist in Mazey Day far less jarring. Then we move onto three episodes that feel more in line with what we're used to.
@geodaet83 Жыл бұрын
I think almost every episode works on some level but most have logical flaws where you just have to suspend your disbelieve to some degree. But maybe that's a good thing because none of these scenarios should ever become a reality.
@soniavejar1 Жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with Crocodile. I thought it was soo good and kept me on the edge of my seat. It was shocking and I felt I could feel the characters panic throughout the second half of the episode.
@bryandelira8459 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed lock Henry even if there was no tech involved , they could have made it more suspenseful, beyond the sea is the most disappointing the other episodes are mid
@Triforcebro Жыл бұрын
Black Mirror was successful because it was an adult version of Goosebumps but these last couple seasons have seriously lacked in my opinion due to casting more popular actors. Stop that and keep the budget reasonable so we get more episodes per season.
@cinemuhhhhh Жыл бұрын
tbh i thought this season was rlly fun! it wasn’t like typical black mirror but as shorts themselves they’re fun & i liked them. i think joan is awful got a liitttle much with the meta stuff at times but other than that i had fun watching all of them, even mazy day
@davebaconusa1062 Жыл бұрын
I like twist endings and also high-concept stuff, so I'm fine with some of the choices.
@aystefan 6 ай бұрын
Black mirror is the only show that will have you questioning what you’re watching in one episode then close to tears in the next. It’s a brilliant show in general but it’s number of misses certainly increased with the addition of the latest season
@christopherocampogordillo4169 Жыл бұрын
Beyond the sea was incredible? It was interesting until the whole “guys falls in love with friend’s wife” thing. Honestly got pretty dull after that
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