Why Blender Has to Fill the 9 Gaps

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@SimonOBrien Жыл бұрын
I've been in the 3d industry for over 20 years and in that time have moved from Max to Maya, to Modo and now Blender as my main DCC. It definitely has it's shortcomings, but the speed of progress and updates is amazing. I agree with most of the areas you flagged, but I've got to mention that file browser - it really needs some love!!
@lonelylama5222 7 ай бұрын
Can you mention some of the areas you’d like to see blender improve in the future?
@AlaskanFX Жыл бұрын
Simulation nodes are a major step forward for Blender. I can't wait to see all the stuff the community comes up with. Already I've been able to achieve things using only a small set of nodes that would've been extremely difficult if not impossible before. Super cool to see my channel featured on here as someone who's been watching for years! Keep up the great work!
@pshethia01 Жыл бұрын
Embergen.. liquigen
@Dilligff Жыл бұрын
It's an interesting thing to note that nearly all of these 'gaps' are covered by an appropriate addon that adds or improves upon the base functionality. In various Blender dev interviews the question got brought up whether or not they'd integrate these functionalities to which they basically said no. It would be the equivalent of reinventing the wheel and taking due credit from those addons original authors while simultaneously contributing to 'feature creep' in an already extensive multitool. Their focus, to their credit, has been and will be the addition of core functionality and performance optimization. This isn't to say they aren't lacking in that core functionality in many places, but those gaps are quickly closing with each new release.
@Fafhrd42 Жыл бұрын
@Symb0l1c any add-on that the Blender Foundation adopts into Blender becomes a maintenance task for somebody in the Blender team going forward, and undercuts independent add-on developers who may be paying their rent by selling add-ons. Do that too often and you both significantly slow down development of Blender because any new Blender release requires going through and fixing up popular add-ons, and you drive away independent add-on developers because if the stuff they're working on to make money is just going to get snagged into Blender and released for free, why bother working on it in the first place? A healthy add-on ecosystem is just as important as core functionality in getting widespread adoption. Almost nobody uses off-the-shelf Maya or 3DSMax or Photoshop, they all have libraries of plug-ins and scripts and customizations that they utilize to tailor them to their specific workflows.
@stevenlitvintchouk3131 Жыл бұрын
@Symb0l1c Because of the very large user base, the philosophy of Blender is a lot like the philosophy behind smartphones: "There's an app for that." The base features that come with an Android smartphone are significantly improved with the installation of various apps. With the right apps, you get better messaging, better contacts management, better file browsing, etc. than with a vanilla smartphone's capabilities. And Google Play has millions of apps to choose from. Similarly with Blender, it's "There's an add-on for that," and there are a tremendous number of such apps.
@FlameForgedSoul Жыл бұрын
Its interesting that the attitude you're describing, if it is indeed the general sentiment of the devs, is precisely the core of why We stopped using Cinema 4D; big standard features in any other DCC required a plugin, that they went subscription just drove the nail in deeper.
@Dilligff Жыл бұрын
@@FlameForgedSoul But therein lies the primary difference between C4D and Blender. C4D is a paid software, whereas Blender is 100% reliant on community goodwill and donations, with a small portion coming from a percentage of the Blender Marketplace where a lot of these addons reside. They'd practically shoot themselves in the foot if they were to just integrate those addons. As far as them aping other software features poorly you have to keep in mind that it is still a very small team of coders laying the foundations for features others had considerably more time, resources , and funding to develop. I'm not a blender zealot, but I can't help but be impressed by how far they've come with what they've had to work with and feel a bit defensive on their behalf when other compare them to corporate enterprises.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
MI wish they would at least collaborate more with the addon devs. 1D_inc has an amazing collection of add-ons that cannot be ported to the latest blender and their fairly large company is stuck with 2.79 to this day because of it. The maker of one of the sculpt layers add-ons has been seen regularly asking for a few small things that would allow their addon to really compete with sculpt layers in other software instead of being a brittle miracle of a hack.
@UlfricStromcloak Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I remember once I made a comment citing Blender's shortcomings. You replied saying that gave you an idea for a video. Great to see that video.
@akuunreach Жыл бұрын
5 Gaps in this Video You ask for some of the best features of every major 3-D software You ask for integration of features from very specialized 3-D tools You ignore that both major software, and specialty software have plug-ins and add-ons as well You crap on the coders that create blender add-ons You crap on the dev team that provide improvements to Blenders core functionality There are many tools, Blender is but one, and no one tool does everything perfectly That is why studios create pipelines, using the strengths of the different tools within it I give this video a 3 out of 10 for inspiration, only because it inspired me to write this comment And hey, if you want to see some of these improvements come to Blender, learn to code, and start bringing your vision to life
@FekLeyrTarg Жыл бұрын
A minor correction: Regarding 13:06 : You actually can manipulate the objects' origins directly in Blender with each of the transformation tools. Select any of these tools, press n to access the tool's settings, click on options/transform and select "origins". Now you can freely translate, rotate and scale the origin. 🙂
@AnthonyRosbottom Жыл бұрын
Yep. Also pressing ctrl . (Period) is the keyboard shortcut for this function
@jaye6612 Жыл бұрын
also simulations nodes didnt make it to the beta...sadly
@pamhampton2588 Жыл бұрын
Or, just put it with your Quick Keys,, I did that a while ago for Origin to Geometry and Origin to Cursor
@davidrd8240 Жыл бұрын
How can you reset the gismo after do that ?
@AnthonyRosbottom Жыл бұрын
@@davidrd8240 hit ctrl . (Period) again to go back to normal mode
@yasunakaikumi Жыл бұрын
The biggest problem I have with Blender is how it handles geometry in the viewport. When I try to import large Houdini Alembic simulations with over 100,000 objects, such as a collapsing building with 100,000 objects, Blender slows down to -4 fps even with a R9 5900X CPU. This is strange to me because C4D with the same specifications can play it without any slowdowns. Even though Blender is my main software, some performance aspects of Blender are difficult to use when creating a VFX scene that requires a baked simulation with many objects moving simultaneously. Additionally, simulations like cloth, fluid, and smoke still do not have multi-thread capability and GPU acceleration, although some people at Blenderforum are working on a GPU-accelerated smoke simulation for Blender. However, we do not know when it will be finished. I hope that when the viewport moves to Vulkan, there will be significant performance improvements in Blender. If not, then it will be a loss
@Arjjacks Жыл бұрын
It won't be the shift to Vulkan that improves anything out of the box, all that does is futureproof the backend since OpenGL is being deprecated. Performance will come with the rewrites of Workbench and Eevee Next to be GPU accelerated. Over time, Vulkan will make things more efficient than OpenGL, probably, but immediately.
@RyoMassaki Жыл бұрын
@@Arjjacks It goes way deeper than that. Blenders core architecture is not fit enough to deal with real complexity - although they did rewrite some of it when they switched from 2.7x to 2.8x the change did not improve overall speed, it was a downgrade at first and it took them several versions until 3.2 to get up to the same speed of 2.7x. Most of the competition did rewrite their core 5-7 years ago, for example C4d and Maya got significant faster and more flexible. I can get 10-15 times more performance out of Maya on the same hardware and there are things that are so slow/unstable or broken in Blender that certain types of works become simple impossible to do. And don't get me started on the performance and general ability advantage of Houdini compared to Blender. When the guy in the video said: "today I can safely say that Blender can handle any project" I had to laugh out loud. Evidently, he doesn't know shit about real projects in the industry. Blender fanboys need to get a proper reality check and jump off the absurd unrealistic hype-train - 90% of what they believe is wishful thinking that'll never survives a collision with reality.
@stevenlitvintchouk3131 Жыл бұрын
@@RyoMassaki THIS. For me, the biggest improvement they could make to Blender is to get it to stop crashing on large, complex models. I don't mind having to buy add-ons; they're relatively inexpensive. I do mind it when I'm in the middle of intensive modeling and Blender crashes with no error message indicating what went wrong or how I can work around the problem.
@Arjjacks Жыл бұрын
@@RyoMassaki I'm not a software coder by any means, so I can't really speak to the core architecture or its design. But I know that the processing difference between CPU and GPU is on orders of magnitude. I'm no software engineer, but I can tell there's a significant gap between 32 or 64 threads in a CPU and the tens of thousands in a GPU. You're probably not wrong about architectural problems, I honestly don't know. I'm not blind to the pitfalls of Blender, my point was that the Vulkan rewrite is not going to have any immediate effect on performance. But I find it hard to believe that accelerating the viewport on the GPU will do absolutely nothing for performance either.
@wingmansion Жыл бұрын
Working in Autodesk VRED on large CAD data sets, we only use Blender for detail corrections, UV editing, … But I cannot edit some parts with several million polys in Edit mode in Blender or even load a whole 100 million poly model with thousands of parts. Any performance update would be most welcome.
@NC17z Жыл бұрын
Jack of All Trades, Master of None, Still better than a Master of One!
@matsy7450 Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything but there seems to be one thing missing: improvements in the sculpting department. Many use Blender for sculpting, and much could be improved. One thing in particular would be enough for me: 1. handle of MANY millions of polygons (not because I want to sculpt skin pores, but simply because now it is too slow even WITHOUT skin pores...just multiply the objects on the scene because it slows down). Apart from this huge problem I would add that from my point of view Blender sculpting is already better than Zbrush, once mastered and customised. One reason is because low poly modelling hardsurface and/or subd, are more integrated with sculpting and you can switch between them quickly and fluently.
@markborok4481 Жыл бұрын
This may be because of ZBrush's proprietary technology. I don't know how many millions of polygons other sculpting programs can handle before they slow down, maybe Blender has room for improvement. Never going to match ZBrush, though.
@craigmurrayauthor Жыл бұрын
I have just started to learn blender, and the problem is obvious. Blender is amazingly complicated and capable but the uder interface was designed for experts. It is sort of like buying a high performance car but before you can drive it you have to gap the plugs, manually tune the tranny and rotate the tires. All the settings and methods are designed for maximum definition by the user. Want to change a colour, well, set these nodes and do this and leap over here. Simpler software should be, click object, select red. This start with maximum options and definitions is great to have, but it should not be required right from the start.
@Filokalee999 Жыл бұрын
Blender may not be industry standard for big studios so far. Blender foundation may have limited resources in comparison to other 3D applications which costs thousands of dollars per year (Maya, C4D, MotionBuilder, Houdini and so on). However, I see other 3D companies working to include Blender on their pipeline (Adobe Substance, Reallusion, World Creator and so on) and many Blender add-ons that makes the whole Blender eco-system a more robust solution. Paying for many Blender add-ons and other 3D applications has been feasible in cost, comparing to paying for single license of industry-standard software anually. I may not aspire to work on big studios, yet I'm able to achieve incredible projects at a fraction of the cost. Perhaps there is a different marketplace for each 3D eco-system.
@dissonanceparadiddle Жыл бұрын
I like this take it's very realistic
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
Blender is trying to do everything half-assed. It's ok for some one like me that works on indie games but not for real world work.
@dissonanceparadiddle Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827 the long term support builds are specifically designed to be used in commercial projects for companies. I don't know why he didn't bring it up
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
@@dissonanceparadiddle Most people use Blender for small projects and as a hobby to fuck around in, and really that's what Blender is for. The problem starts when you compare Blender with tools of the trade. Blender is the swiss knife It's cool and useful at time, BUT you not going to build a house with it.
@dissonanceparadiddle Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827 right but with the 3.0 to 4.0 roadmap i think that's going to change. To be honest i personally want to see Autodesk as a company die. Maya especially
@rhashadcarter2051 Жыл бұрын
I know one thing blender may not be industry standard but if it ever becomes…i’ll be a god 😂😂
@jeffg4686 Жыл бұрын
software should be doing our retopo work automatically. Just input a level of detail you want and BAM! Maybe guided by some curves you draw to show how you want the topology to "flow" - curves meet at the pinch spots and it does the rest.
@jeffg4686 Жыл бұрын
@@agape7628 - nice
@paranoidpanzerpenguin5262 Жыл бұрын
@Agape It's still far from perfect, but it is nice if you're cleaning up in between steps. Retopo is honestly something that needs AI trained on good professional topology at various levels of detail. There were solutions that used massive databases of "good" topology to speed up manual topology, I think Disney co-developed it with a university.
@ultraozy4085 Жыл бұрын
The ability to handle big scenes and the ability to record and animate sculpting tools on many geometry layers at the same time to make 3d animation more spontaneous and stretch like 2d without having to use blend shapes
@clausbohm9807 Жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention the rigging tool add ons that can be purchased, love to hear your best in class choice.
@janalbrecht1665 Жыл бұрын
To me, one of the biggest gaps and shortcomings is Blender color management. The inability to distinguish between color space of my large gamut display monitor, working space and rendering output display color spaces. View render and color tools should respect the screen profile and rendering intent. Use of ocio cms is cumbersome...here is much space for improvement, in usability and ergonomy. Even the terminology in blender color management is confusing. I would like to use large color space through the whole pipeline and have WYSIWYG on my screen. Today, this is not simple at all.
@Filokalee999 Жыл бұрын
I see a general trend to replace professional (paid) 3D applications (strongest on specific areas) for Blender (open source)? It wouldn't be fair... 3D applications as C4D, Maya, MotionBuilder, Houdini, etc. have their history, being the best at selected areas, and their development costs are huge. Asking Blender to be the best at 3D animation, games, cinema, VFX, engineering design, arch viz, 3D printing, etc. without paying anything... isn't a bit too much to ask for?
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
In did it is. but they really need to focus on improving the work flow.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
​@@blackjew6827 whose workflow. The only correct answer is everyones but that is impossible.
@makanansari144 Жыл бұрын
The problem is Blender is not leveled, some features are so ancient and old and behind, some are so focused and developed! Simulation VFX in Blender is very old and behind! but Rendering is ahead, Texture Painting is ancient but Nodes are rapidly getting better, they need to balance the whole thing! specially the Performance!
@AyushBakshi Жыл бұрын
Same as Maya. Paint FX, ncloth (bifrost is needlessly complicated and the performance not that great), Booleans (got Lil better but still trash).. single core UV operations
@makanansari144 Жыл бұрын
@@AyushBakshi At least Maya has that Standard Industry grantee, Blender or others don't have solutions at all or not workable! I remember for Vertex Painting I had to download a plug in for Cinema 4D! or Houdini didn't have game export! but Maya has all of these features! some are old but workable! Blender here is similar to Cinema 4D and Houdini here, don't have solutions or it's out of balance completely!
@JJ_Artworks Жыл бұрын
I was a 3DSMax / Maya user, then I definetively switched to Blender that I love. But for me, the most important feature that needs to be improved is baking. I'm using Painter to texturize and Marmoset to bake my HP to LP because Blender is so slow to bake, like ten times worst. I already setuped my RTX in settings but it's still way too long, I don't understand why it takes so long just in Blender (maybe I'm missing something?). That's sad because I like to make procedural materials in Blender, but if I'm on a game texturing project, because of the baking time I won't do my material in Blender.
@gouravdas7557 Жыл бұрын
At this stage not using Blender as an industry standard software is stupidity. - Someone from future
@enkiimuto1041 Жыл бұрын
Video: Literally starts with blender devs talking about the shortcomings, and the video is just mentioning them without shitting on the software. Comments: Blender is free, what more do you want?
@hopal6612 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, one of the features that should be improved in Blender software; Modify tool. The folder solution is insufficient. it just keeps the pieces organized. As in C4D; All objects thrown into a created Null object are both grouped and you can apply a modify tool to all of them. For example, all objects in the null object thrown into Subdivison, Symetry and similar tools; While Subdivision or Symmetry can be applied at the same time, in Blender you have to apply it to each object individually.
@gabrielgonach6330 Жыл бұрын
You can copy either one or all modifiers from active to selected objects in just a few clicks
@maxmaxed2887 Жыл бұрын
1. Caustics implementation. There is no reflective caustics in Blender. Refractive caustics is faked with severe limitations like no nested objects caustics. This is a major hit for anyone working on serious ArchViz projects. Blender simply can not produce physically accurate results when it comes to liquids inside glass etc. 3rd party solutions like LuxCore for Blender do produce accurate caustics, but they are either dead or not compatible with Cycles materials. 2. Reflection catcher pass. No VFX compositing is truly possible without it. Current "workarounds" are very complex and hard to work with. 3. Light linking and object light exclusion. This is a must feature for ArchViz work. When certain objects can be excluded from certain lights. Requested for years and absent for years.
@JonyKamoni Жыл бұрын
Blender is a great software for small projects but they should focus on making advanced tools because , as a Maya native, lack of tool control (on modifiers, workflow etc) get frustrating pretty fast... regardless everything mentioned in the video. But they are on the right track making a versatile software for non professional uses.
@simonzhang3D Жыл бұрын
what you mean with tool controll and modifiers?
@JonyKamoni Жыл бұрын
@@simonzhang3D for instance, deform are not reallly comfortable to work with (have to use empty to control it properly yadiyada...). Again, my point is if blender was focus on developing their existing tool instead of just adding new ones (which I admit are innovative) it might become a better software to work with.
@lonelylama5222 6 ай бұрын
It is already professionally used for all non AAA companies lol. Most companies can’t afford to pay for 5 licenses per every employee lol.
@danialsoozani Жыл бұрын
Thanks for very good and informative video. WAIT GUYS! in blender 4 there will be EEVEE NEXT!!! it's amazing following some of unreal engine lumen algorithms in realtime raytracing!
@pranavchaudhari5828 Жыл бұрын
I would also like to add that whenever we add objects in the viewport, we get the panel for adjusting the number of segments for the objects only at the beginning. Once we click away or translate the object at different position l, we won't get the option again to change the segments. This doesn't happen with Maya as it still gives the option till the object is not edited.
@MrMargaretScratcher Жыл бұрын
You can press F9 if you click away from the object
@abledog006 Жыл бұрын
@@MrMargaretScratcher I'm going to try that, thanks!!
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
That's because Maya is actually "everything nodes" underneath. Blender is many years away from coming close to that. However it shouldn't be difficult for them to add an official add-on that makes all primitives use geometry nodes underneath. They won't do that anytime soon because geometry nodes is far from a finished product, they'd want full time dedicated user interface expert to design the user interface and interaction and they haven't hired one yet. I don't think they have a dedicated ui programmer either.
@pranavchaudhari5828 Жыл бұрын
@@myztazynizta I think you must have mistaken Houdini as Maya. Maya is not everything node base. In my above comment when I mentioned about changing the number of the segments, it doesn't need nodes to change the value. There is a property panel to change the value on the right of Maya workspace.
@markborok4481 Жыл бұрын
@@pranavchaudhari5828 The "nodes" in Maya are working behind the scenes. It's not as powerful as Houdini, of course. Cinema 4D allows you to create parametric objects and adjust their subdivisions and other parameters until you make the object "editable". Of course, you can always use Blender's subdivision modifier at any point to increase the number of segments. And I've found the biggest problem with Maya's "history" feature is that it often causes glitches. Whenever a Maya project starts crashing or otherwise misbehaving, the first solution is usually to delete history.
@ShrikeGFX Жыл бұрын
Blender has enough fancy features and powerful plugins but needs to work on the basics 1. UI / UX 2. Professionalism (Accuracy, Scales, Snapping, Sizes, Pivots...) 3. Importing (Folder dialog in 2023?) 4. Exporting (FBX exports are a mess)
@Outmind01 Жыл бұрын
All your points are valid, but if Blender just implemented layers and optimized texture painting it would already be a colossal leap forward.
@dissonanceparadiddle Жыл бұрын
Many of these shortcoming are going to be addressed in the next couple of years
@3dguy839 Жыл бұрын
Trying to be great at everything almost always ends in failure In this case it's also true
@PhonedIn Жыл бұрын
Another nice thing would be crowd simulation.
Жыл бұрын
Also something missing a lot, is push alembic format more and also, make a really great integration of USD to be use in bigger projects.
@trstampf7854 Жыл бұрын
Blender = free. If want all the functionality of addons and other programs included in Blender, then can it still be "free"? Perhaps the best feature of blender is its openess so that other companies can develop specific addons for niche features, not every blender user need top of the line of every conceivable feature that a 3D progrom can do. What I like is that I can customize blender just for the features I need and want for a fraction of the price of purchasing another commercial paid program, which I had before I started using blender, and continue to use along side blender. What matters to me is the final product, not being religious about using a single program. exclusively.
@gabrielgonach6330 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Many people say "Blender still has problems, I have to use addons/third party software to achieve X thing" but... isn't it what they have been doing all this time? Are Maya, 3dsMax, Houdini, etc capable of doing everything by themselves? No, they focuses in different areas. Maya known as best for animating, 3dsMax for modeling, Zbrush for sculpting, Houdini for simulations, etc etc. Blender might not be the best at any area in particular but it CAN do most of the things you need and for FREE. Even if you pay for addons to get better results, you would end up wasting, idk, 90% less money than if you wanted to buy every other (or, in some cases, even just one) of the other sofwares. And, what's funnier, most of the people that doesn't use blender, pirate zbrush, substance, etc in order to have their capabilities for free. I know this video has no bad intention. I agree in everything but, for those that just wanna say "blender is bad" cause not having every best tool in the market, I just rembember you how, not even five years ago, all of you were saying "blender will never compare to industry standard software"... yet, here we are.
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
@@gabrielgonach6330 The problem is the Blender is doing everything ok, and non well. it's can be used for small projects and as a hobby but not more. it lacks focus.
@trstampf7854 Жыл бұрын
3D modeling, rendering, and animation is focused enough for a free program
@stevenlitvintchouk3131 Жыл бұрын
Yep. If someone said that they wanted Samsung to include in the basic smartphone most of the functions you can get from the millions of Google Play apps, everyone would know that's an unreasonable request. When your user base is huge, you won't be able to keep up with all the ingenious Android apps (or Blender add-ons) that are developed by thousands of people.
@yacinesan Жыл бұрын
CTL+ . (Regular dot not the numpad Dot)To move objects origin in blender
@jamesc2683 Жыл бұрын
Retopoflow fills the gap of retopology pretty well, as well as quadriflow remesher
@genesis2303 Жыл бұрын
UV's have so many add-ons both paid and free that I wouldn't count it as a potential improvement area. There are plenty of areas that are way more behind.
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
If you new to Blender you need to look all over the place for them. it's not good for Blender in the long run.
@genesis2303 Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827 If you new to blender you also need to learn some patience, and that you need to adjust software to your needs with add-ons.UV's have really good solutions already, and in line are areas that have none solutions, or really heavy ones with tones of workarounds.
@markborok4481 Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827 One of their upcoming projects is a central location for all useful add-ons. I hope they have a link from within Blender, so new users will know about it.
@denysk.1178 Жыл бұрын
I hate when people blame for being “jack of all trades”, I have seen many times passionate person is being good in two industries, better than average specialist in that respective industry. My personal wish list for blender is: - better caustics and glass/metal reflections/dispersion. - more and more geo nodes: need more of VDB to mesh and back + solver, particle collision.
@jujuboohoo Жыл бұрын
I'll be happy if they remove uv sync mode and add ability to turn on and off tools using same key. For example, comma and period keys. My can't live without add-ons are Meshmachine, Machin3tools w/DeusEx, ZenUV, UVpackmaster, 3point align, pivot transform and UVtoolkit. UVtoolkit and Zenuv both have this feature where you select an edge, and the tool will align the whole uv island vertically or horizontally to x or y but only UVtoolkit does it perfectly 100% every time.
@rhashadcarter2051 Жыл бұрын
ok but this applies to many 3D programs tbh. There’s dedicated software and that’s fine. i’d rather have multiple softwares that do one thing very very good than one that kind of does them ok. the fact that you can bring them all together is what matter. that way you can focus on what you need to when you need to
@lonelylama5222 6 ай бұрын
It’s annoying having to use 5 pieces of software to create one shot though, and it’s very slow. Better to have one program to do it all in my opinion.
@rhashadcarter2051 6 ай бұрын
@@lonelylama5222 there isn’t one that does it all good. it’s only annoying if you don’t know how to use them
@hung8969 Жыл бұрын
As much as I love add-ons. I fear a lot of the things we want we won’t see due to them. It’s just kinda like why add it when it’s already out there. They probably take things that are much larger scale more seriously and avoid the little small stuff to let add-on take it for now.
@lonelylama5222 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, it’s kinda bugging me as a person who LOVES Blender. I feel like some tools that REALLY need to be updated just aren’t because of add ons. Like cloth simulation barely works when you try to add clothing to people, it usually just glitches out. But because there is an add on that makes it better I feel that they won’t prioritize it, which is a problem.
@myxsys 11 ай бұрын
I think it's better if Blender can integrate more easily with other software that are specialized to fill those gaps. This way Blender's code doesn't get too bloated with features making it easier to maintain and optimize.
@spandanghosh9503 Жыл бұрын
The sole reason i have to use maya is cause blender doesn’t support the transferring of vertex position based of on UV which is highly required for zbrush workflow. If someone can even make an addon for that, i am ready to pay for kt
@haszoka Жыл бұрын
For me biggest gap it has to fill is Edit Poly... Can't leave 3ds Max behind without that...
@sebbosebbo9794 Жыл бұрын
In sculping mode the Blender Studio & devs. explore the gap too...to work non destructiv or with layers would be a dream...
@haszoka Жыл бұрын
@@sebbosebbo9794 I'm can't really wait for that to happen. Then I'm all in.
@Mr_Tea_Rexx Жыл бұрын
blender really needs to have its tools overhauled to be more simplified, having to do multiple steps to do a task that literally takes one in other software is painful
@abdalimharou Жыл бұрын
Blender is a strong competitor to other programs
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
not really.
@abdalimharou Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827What is the best program
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
@@abdalimharou For what? Blender is a jack of all trades, master of none. most programs just do 1-2 things super well and don't try to do EVERYTHING.
@Arjjacks Жыл бұрын
@@blackjew6827 Except, just to pick an example, Maya. But even worse. Yes, Maya is genuinely good at rigging and animation but it also tries to be a jack-of-all-trades like Blender, except so much worse. Modelling is a joke in Maya compared to Max yet there it is. Sculpting is abysmal compared to MS Paint never mind ZBrush yet there it is. VFX simulations are a fraction of what Houdini can do yet there it is. And Maya and Max's texture painting is somehow even worse than Blender's yet, surprise surprise, there it is Blender is not the only one guilty of trying to do a bit of everything. ZBrush is not just sculptor either, you'll see plenty using it for hard surface modelling, texturing, lighting, and rendering as well, regardless of how well it does any of those. Max has sculpting, rigging, animation, simulation, lighting, and rendering tools, it is far from just a "really good modeller". And then there's C4D, offering up modelling, texturing, sculpting, rigging, animating, lighting, and rendering, not just motion graphics and simulation (which, wait, isn't that Houdini's thing?). So let's not pretend Blender's really going against the grain in trying to be a Swiss Army Knife. They're just on a fraction of the budget, even with the all new money pouring in. I'll grant that Blender takes it a bit further, but not by much. Not really.
@wileji Жыл бұрын
You forgot video editing of Blender, need better performance and function like subtitle, audio filter and more
@hendriksahertian5525 Жыл бұрын
Recently i switch to Maya, not because i dont like blender, but as character artist, i cannot think better plugin than Xgen when creating realistic hair. But i was great experience to learn blender as my first 3d software
@metamesh1 Жыл бұрын
for me the biggest problem is scalability and how well Blender works on big scenes/projects
@orlandeuce6567 Жыл бұрын
@radstorm Жыл бұрын
Blender has jumped leaps already in adding new features. I'm sure these 9 things are on the way :o) I just wish I had a sharp enough mind and maybe 3 lifetimes to learn it all.. lol
@AscendantStoic Жыл бұрын
You shouldn't ignore the fact that Blender being open source and free means that plug-ins and add-ons are easier to create and use by people, which pretty much covers most of the shortcomings in the base program and allows each person to customize it to their liking for free or with minimal cost compared to any of the other paid 3D modeling software in the market.
@theforest8882 Жыл бұрын
But huge design flaws with them stop relying on others to get your job done soon. Those addons will be obsolete. If they update them, honestly, what's up with the obsession with addons?
@kebrus Жыл бұрын
I really don't understand the argument of making add-ons built in. If your problem is solved then they should focus on things that aren't or should focus on core issues and features that allows others to take things further. It seems like all you want is to save a small amount of money from the purchase of the add-on...
@geroldwaefler9485 Жыл бұрын
I am very much happy, how Blender get bether and bether over the years ! Blender its realy very good !
@neodos Жыл бұрын
I don't see the pointing of most of these remarks, since the plugins fill in these gaps and they're fairly cheap. One thing blender needs is a proper materials manager/library, a bette r UV editor (look at Softimage XSI for these two things, way ahead of it's time).
@Chareidos Жыл бұрын
Did I miss him mentioning a smooth working pipeline from blender to unreal?
@Arthr0 Жыл бұрын
Blender is not so good standalone, but with addons it is a beast
@ageofgar Жыл бұрын
Blender is amazing, but my 32gb RAM start to suffer relatively quickly when i link three characters into a scene... With a few dynamics and stuff. Time for a PC upgrade i think.
@marcus_ohreallyus Жыл бұрын
Pass system. It must have one comparable to Cinema4d or Maya before it can be considered a serious tool for client iterations...and if you're doing professional work for paying clients, you can get by without a pass system...but your life will be hell.
@kentjensen4504 Жыл бұрын
Why no chapters in this great video?
@ytskt Жыл бұрын
10:50 can anyone pls share the link for the Materializer tutorial shown here?
@Z-add Жыл бұрын
Basically you are saying just implement the features in popular addons. That will kill the addon market.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily. Many add-on devs would love to get the hardcore part of their code directly into Blender as fastest C code and then the addon can focus on their UI on top of the core feature and not worry so much about the add-on breaking with every other update.
@Z-add Жыл бұрын
@@myztazynizta blender is open source the addon developers can already add functionality into the core. Provided that functionality is general purpose and can be used by lot of other addons.
@rothauspils123 Жыл бұрын
As an archviz artist and long time Max user, I want to switch to Blender but the lack of proper line or CAD tools is keeping me from it. A huge portion of all professional CG artists work in architectural visualization. To them, all the simulation tools, retopology and soft body modeling tools do not matter. It's a bit baffling, that the Blender Foundation has been ignoring this significant part of the 3D community. Blender archviz atists are still stuck with manually extruding walls etc. because working with CAD files or having a proper line workflow built in is still not available. That's the biggest change I want to see.
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
Blender survives on being free. the problem is if you want to do real work, you have better tools then Blender and unless you are self employed, the company you work for will pay the the tools.
@enkiimuto1041 Жыл бұрын
I only worked a little with archviz on both 3D max and blender a few years ago... I'm confused, aren't there like half a dozen archviz plugins?
@blackjew6827 Жыл бұрын
@@enkiimuto1041 That is the problem, you can't just say "there are plugins" to fix every last problem. if someone is new, they are not going to know to look for every plugin they may need.
@benveasey7474 Жыл бұрын
​@@enkiimuto1041 I'm pretty sure that 3DS Max doesn't have anything close to as good as the Blender add-on CADSketcher.
@danialsoozani Жыл бұрын
as an architect myself who switched to blender from max (after 20 years of using max) right now I'm way more comfortable using blender. basically there are 2 ways of archviz modeling I use. 1. importing the dwg as base and modeling on top of that. 2. importing revit files which are already base modeled. right now I'm using revit and said goodbye to autocad and model the building very quickly and import it in blender for final details which is very faster than max because of good shortcuts and features max doesn't have. I dont know your workflow, but modeling on top of dwg is very slower both in max and blender than revit or archicad. and bro trust me, when you get used to it u realize how much faster it is that made me leave max after 20 years. and the rendering speed. using vray or corona in 3ds max for a medium quality scene takes me 5 to 15 minutes, while in blender with cycles I rendered 14 renders last night in 9 minutes. 30-40 seconds each. (1920*1080)
@zacksterxenres8589 Жыл бұрын
How About Being Able To Handel Billions,Trillions Of Polygons Like UE
@wakannnai1 Жыл бұрын
Blender's biggest deficiency falls in its export pipeline. A non-trivial amount of people interested in Blender are also involved in game development in one way or another. I just came off a nightmare export. Blender really needs to focus on improving fbx exporting as a whole. While it's improved quite a bit, there's enough issues for me where blender gives me data which is not compatible with the game engine I'm using. This never happens with Maya.
@yasunakaikumi Жыл бұрын
instead improving fbx export import, id say just improve USD/GLTF because support for less hassle, fbx is so proprietary that every Autodesk update made in to it pretty much destroys the compatibility of every software that tries to implement FBX. I know it's a mature format but for how long I been in VFX industry, I feel like FBX is one of Autodesk monopoly BS that needs to be gone for good.
@davidrozier1126 Жыл бұрын
FBX can't really be improved, due to it being proprietary. FBX just needs to be forgotten already as people move on.
@Glitch-Gremlin Жыл бұрын
Honestly, we don't even need them to update Sculpting, 3D Coat has a Free "3D Coat Print" which works WONDERFULLY with Blender, and it's sculpting is almost as good as Zbrush.
@lubaka8269 Жыл бұрын
For me it was simulations which broke the camel's back. Started learning Houdini and i'm loving it so far!
@lonelylama5222 6 ай бұрын
Houdini isn’t nearly as good for anything other than simulations though…
@yearight1205 Жыл бұрын
I no longer work in Blender, because there were elements of it I could simply never grasp no matter how long I spent trying to figure it out. I switched over to Unreal Engine, and just do my projects in there instead. But I can honestly say that I truly do believe that for those who do fully grasp Blender, it will be the future of many things.
@theforest8882 Жыл бұрын
I use blender for making models for games but it really needs to really start getting up there
@kitmateyawa7829 Жыл бұрын
Blender is awesome but sometime the bugs just slow you down.
@trodat07 Жыл бұрын
Blender doesn't need Metaflop.
@Dianaranda123 Жыл бұрын
Something that bothers me alot also as enviroment artist, is that the library is just super super slow, when you have the blend files on a NAS like i do.
@yasunakaikumi Жыл бұрын
id say you should report it and try to talk to the people in the Blender forum support to see what they can do imo.
@Dianaranda123 Жыл бұрын
@@yasunakaikumi I actually already did but no-one responded.
@yasunakaikumi Жыл бұрын
​@@Dianaranda123 it is possible that no one in the field works in that way. Even in big projects, I prefer to take only the necessary assets in my rig instead of dealing with a NAS, unless your NAS has capabilities similar to LinusTechTips, which can read and write at 10 gigabytes per second in LAN. If you are only using a 1Gbit LAN, the read and write speed is roughly 120mbps. Therefore, if you try to read 1000s of assets, each with a size of 50-100mb, it will take you forever.
@Dianaranda123 Жыл бұрын
@@yasunakaikumi Well with Daz3D it works just fine. Seeing as it only needs to load preview tiny JPGS to show what is what. Instead of the just retarded way Blender does it by reading the whole file and loading it in.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
Reading and writing files over WiFi to my 2014 MacBook from my windows gaming laptop has no problems. Communication with my other windows gaming laptop or the SSD plugged into my wifi router is slow and fails often.
@orizon-media Жыл бұрын
What is the best computer or laptop to run this blender properly
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
I am very very happy with a Lenovo Legion I got recently. I wish it had a faster cpu though for simulations.
@orizon-media Жыл бұрын
Can't M2 do that??
@SimplySlawa Жыл бұрын
@skeletonking4119 Жыл бұрын
HOPE YOU WILL get more better addon too you done an awesome job sir!!
@Exenytre Жыл бұрын
W video
@RandomPickles Жыл бұрын
@griptopia Жыл бұрын
if blender cost 400 a year i'd pay it...! people would pay it, 10. motion graphics improvements (compositing YES!) If it was better at that, my freelancer life would jump away from what i use now.. 25 plus years in the 3d industry and Autodesk and Maxon etc.. need to be afraid.. maxon and autodesk have tried to copy adobe's pricing system but then failed to do the really cool thing that adobe did, they left it massively flexible and lowered the price so that normal individuals can afford it. This is why maxon and autodesk are just dumb on a level i cannot even describe!
@JuanFeju Жыл бұрын
why don't blender just buy popular add on and integrate it to Blneder
@theforest8882 Жыл бұрын
OK, if you're just keep using addons at this point, you might as well use different 3d modeling software
@LordLuigi_Rigs Жыл бұрын
@efeozturk5253 Жыл бұрын
I dont believe simulation nodes will make it anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong.
@YaBoyEmoy Жыл бұрын
Does this guy know blender is 🆓 to be accessible to any one. So it's donated profit is going to cause it to take longer to improve than payed software.
@soullessgames8751 Жыл бұрын
When blender will come to big industry....: Ask RRR And Everything Everywhere All At Once
@sebbosebbo9794 Жыл бұрын
A ,,Ton" of Salt....👍but I think they work on a lot of stuff to fix color stuff faster physics simulation viewport etc...👆 first...Blender Lab needs cooperations .... second thing in mind is realtime viewport an a realtime Performance Mode for simulations & Physics and Sculping, Modeling... P.s. now a days vanilla blender is a unfinished project and wil never be a full fleadge beast... A add on tuned Blender is a complete different programm... the f.e.model edit Mode is complete garbage without add on s...so Market and Blender must come xlosser together to show what feature lay on wich side.... A beginner must know what tool is importend and what is really needed for 100$ on the modelling side f.e., so frustration is not gone happen...
@milo20060 Жыл бұрын
Out of all the flaws. I do find Blender the most user friendly out of any other application. Anything can be done. Is it the most effiecient? Probably not, but if it is capable of delivering alternative methods. It's a win in my book.
@gsudhanthiran Жыл бұрын
For god's sake, when literally every 3D software on the planet uses ALT MMB to pan, Blender goes "I'm evil, use Shift MMB" Please ditch the Blender keymap and make the Industry Compatible keymap default.
@jameslabs1 Жыл бұрын
Onward and upward.
@fabersoul Жыл бұрын
please don't get me started on blender.... good god.
@macrumpton Жыл бұрын
One thing I would like to see is a simplified version that would be good for introducing kids to 3d. There is not a lot out there besides the quite lame Tinkercad, and getting kids into it early is the best way to get new users.
@Manar80s Жыл бұрын
blender lacks for basic operation believe it or not there is no target weld operation if you wana delete face must press x key then dissolve if you wana select back face you must activate xray mode to select hidden point - edge - polygon etc. it's good free application for fun not for serious projects but don't ever compare it to leading applications like 3ds max maya c4d zbrush.
@futuregoldgames Жыл бұрын
I don't know if this is talked about, but I feel like blender needs to improve in the accessibility field like adding screen reader support for those who have a hard time to read what's on the screen. this is one of the main reasons I can't use blender.
@AnthonyRosbottom Жыл бұрын
You can scale the UI by an arbitrary amount if that helps? Also the UI is customisable and I think there is a high contrast theme included.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
A recent bug report says a tool that lets users convert voice commands into action in blender recently stopped working. How soon they get that fixed would indicate the likelihood they care about accessibility
@irishlostboy Жыл бұрын
Great advertisement for the paid for add-ons. That's all this really is.
@shadowprince7149 Жыл бұрын
@madmickey2957 Жыл бұрын
baking is very unintuitive
@philhacker2405 Жыл бұрын
It's about your lack of education. If you want a special feature then build it or pay someone to make it for you.
@toastyy9321 Жыл бұрын
@muhammadhashim5722 Жыл бұрын
Honestly blender lacks in each area execpt rendering
@IridiumZero Жыл бұрын
It lacks in that as well
@AnthonyRosbottom Жыл бұрын
As someone who has used maya, Max & Lightwave professionally, Blender’s modelling tools are better in most use cases.
@davidrozier1126 Жыл бұрын
Bruh. How does it lack in those areas?When previously Maya only users are admitting Blender is better in other areas such as modeling and materials
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
There's 2 active 20,000 post long threads full of rendering experts trying to explain what sucks about rendering in cycles and how to fix it.
@IridiumZero Жыл бұрын
@@myztazynizta Where's that?
@_casg Жыл бұрын
blender should compete with Adobe
@_casg Жыл бұрын
@@symb0l1c already did, brah.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
​@Symb0l1c shit, blender still can't compete with Microsoft Paint for some things I need to do daily.
@RoySATX Жыл бұрын
0:42 WAIT. Full stop. Did you just say the future of the Internet is the Metaverse? You put this video out one month ago, have you been working under a rock? The Metaverse has been dead for a long time and we are now dealing with AI. The Metaverse, really? My AI laughs at your silly Metaverse toy.
@SuperSuperka Жыл бұрын
Moving objects/subobjects is rather bad in Blender, unfortunatly.
@KwameGyanko Жыл бұрын
how is it bad?
@SuperSuperka Жыл бұрын
@@KwameGyanko I probably need to create video explaining this, but its not "G, Shift+Z" what I mean.
@KwameGyanko Жыл бұрын
@@SuperSuperka ok
@davidrozier1126 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperSuperka You can always customize the keymap, or switch to industry compatible keymap. Blender's keymap will never change, as to not alienate other Blender users.
@SuperSuperka Жыл бұрын
@@davidrozier1126 I know this, but the inconvinience is how selecting object(s)+ holding them to move, as I said it not (just) shortcuts. I will do the video to show how much extra clicks/keystrokes I often need for simpe operation.
@sudd3660 Жыл бұрын
blender development is going in the wrong direction, so much nonsense features is added instead of the important ones. main reason i need to learn more programs is the sluggish custom texturing and the inability to handle large scenes in viewport. eevee is a joke at this point, solid mode and cycles is fast enough on modern hardware so eevee was a gamble that only lasted a few years, soon to be replaced.
@coquibunny8797 Жыл бұрын
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