Why did Star Wars ships GET SMALLER over time? | Star Wars Lore

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@EckhartsLadder 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video. Support Eck! skl.sh/eckhartsladder
@jorkraven8819 5 жыл бұрын
I love you talking about the nebula like every video you can fit it in
@supsup335 5 жыл бұрын
If I Cuold choose a faction to live under after Endor, I would be the Remnant under Palion
@alienspacebat5218 5 жыл бұрын
Why are you shilling for their Adobe-related programs? Adobe engages in some pretty scummy business practices.
@EckhartsLadder 5 жыл бұрын
​@@alienspacebat5218 Skillshare isn't related to Adobe, but it does provide classes for Photoshop and Premiere, among thousands of other topics. I included them in the video, because both are phenomal programs, scummy business practices (which may exist, I don't know) of adobe notwithstanding.
@alienspacebat5218 5 жыл бұрын
@@EckhartsLadder Let me clarify: The scummy business practices I'm talking about are the subscription model, and especially the fact that the company doesn't allow users to keep using older versions of at least a couple of their products even though the newer versions have higher system requirements and have removed some features. If you want alternatives to those two programs, Affinity Photo is about as good as Photoshop (it does some things worse and other things better) and DaVinci Resolve Studio is about as good as Premiere.
@Audifaram 5 жыл бұрын
"As you all know, the Tarkin Doctrin stated ,that everything military had to be designed the most stupid way possible."
@aaronjanestrada9484 5 жыл бұрын
Big,Fat,Dumb and with no f**ks given about everything else.
@Jedi_Spartan 5 жыл бұрын
To take a quote from Spacedock's Rogue One Audio Commentary. Alasdair: "See you're terrified, that's the Tarkin Doctrine working it's magic." Daniel: "Scarier than they are objectively, tactically useful."
@swiggedyswoner7315 5 жыл бұрын
And used in the stupidest way possible cough cough deathstar cough cough
@darkinnovator2479 5 жыл бұрын
The Tarkin Doctrine is essentially "make it big and scary, but don't worry about the costs or practicality of the design". If the Empire had more ships with the command centres embedded into the superstructure themselves, like say... the Chiss Star Destroyers, especially on the SSDs then the Rebels' job would have become far more difficult. The most seemingly effective SSD design was the Vengeance-class in my opinion, since the Bridge was built more into the superstructure, not to mention it was more of a streamlined design.
@azai247 5 жыл бұрын
@@aaronjanestrada9484 Aye the Tarkin Doctrin, and fads during that time ment big slow ships with a million guns. Eckharts touched on how new republic stuff was smaller but had just as much firepower. Imo 3 fast crusiers with cap killer missiles should always be able to flank and concentrate fire on the big slow junk.
@nil981 5 жыл бұрын
Because smaller ships are cheaper, easier to man, and generally more efficient than larger ships.
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
Not necessarily. The Nebula is more expensive than an ISD while only 75% of the length.
@deriznohappehquite 5 жыл бұрын
Also, naval guns in Star Wars don’t make sense. It makes absolutely no sense to have a 10km vessel with thousands of main guns. The whole point of IRL battleships is that they could carry bigger guns, thus outranging and overpowering their opponents. Battleships would have 16” guns. Destroyers would have nothing bigger than 5” guns. In Star Wars, every goddamned ship uses the same size gun, from the SSDs to the Tantive IV.
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
The Tantive IV uses a Double Turbo Laser Turret, many of the guns from bigger ships like the Imperial II class uses Quad Heavy Turbo Lasers Turrets for the main guns, heavy turbo lasers for the broadsides, and sensible ships like the Imperial I class uses Laser turrets both beam and rapid fire for Point Defense.
@dylanwight5764 5 жыл бұрын
@@BoostedMonkey05 Nobody is entirely sure what "heavy" really denotes in Star Wars nomenclature other than it is "heavier" (more powerful) than standard weapons of its type. Unfortunately there is no standard for what constitutes a "heavy" weapon type. A quad laser turret is a good anti-starfighter weapon, but a quad heavy laser turret packs enough punch to be used against both starfighters and smaller ships. Then as you mentioned, the Tantavive-IV packs ordinary turbolasers while the various ISDs all pack heavy turbolasers. But then you have random outliers like the dual-setting heavy turbolasers of the Venator-class which could alternate between heavy anti-ship fire and rapid anti-starfighter fire.
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
@@dylanwight5764 Heavy means higher powered. although with the drawback of slower speed which is weird for a light based weapon and is more akin to magnetic weapons shooting bolts of plasma but whatever. Turbo Lasers are for big ships Lasers are for starfighters but can be occasionally used to fight small ships like light cruisers and corvettes if you're using the Heavy variant. Ion Weapons are for disabling Ships. the Venators had rapid fire lasers for PD but was mostly reliant on starfighters and escorts. Take a venator vs a wing of Hyena Bombers and the Venator is toast
@duncanmcgee13 5 жыл бұрын
I think writers just wanted to keep the Executor as the biggest baddest ship that you could use because its what Vader used
@AntonymicallyCorrect 5 жыл бұрын
*sigh* I'm so tired of politics. Thanks for always being here, Eck. I'm grateful for you bro
@elitecmb 5 жыл бұрын
*Executor wants to know your location*
@fellout2555 5 жыл бұрын
How would the star wars universe handle a flood infection?
@TheDickbeard 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent material analysis comrade
@pudlordtynan919 5 жыл бұрын
Judging by how few toilets there are on Star Wars ships, perhaps the shipwrights slowly became less and less cruel.
@dragonweyr44 5 жыл бұрын
It's either one of two reasons for that Either A. Nobody ever goes to the bathroom in the galaxy or B. Everyone runs to them like Dark Helmet running to the bridge in Spaceballs and then waiting in mile long (or km long if you prefer) lines
@richardched6085 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe people in Star Wars don't shit. The refresher may just be a sopository device that rejuvinates the user..... That sounds very unpleasant.
@Dakarai_Knight 5 жыл бұрын
Pudlord Tynan maybe their suits recycle waste......
@richardched6085 5 жыл бұрын
@@Dakarai_Knight or they swallow space pills that turn all of their waste into an oderless gas. Refresher is required when such pills or injections don't work.
@dragonweyr44 5 жыл бұрын
@Justin Jamison In space, no one can hear your explosive diarrhea
@jeffersonian000 5 жыл бұрын
Ironically, in real life larger ships are less expensive to run than smaller ships, due specifically to logistics. It takes a more extensive and expensive logistics chain to support a dozen small ships instead of a large ship of equal cost. A trend towards larger ship indicates an economy robust enough to absorb the cost of construction in order to reduce the costs over the ship’s service life. A trend towards smaller ships indicates a less robust economy that can not afford to absorb higher initial costs, which in turn means more spending over those ships’ service life. Always remember: a good general masters strategy, a great general masters logistics.
@Grubnar 5 жыл бұрын
Sure. But also in real life, you only need to get lucky once to sink some huge-ass battleship, but you need to get lucky ten times to sink ten destroyers.
@jeffersonian000 5 жыл бұрын
Grubnar, not the way we build Aircraft Carriers these days, it would take a direct contact nuke to sink a Gerald Ford, while the same nuke would also take out the entire flotilla. In Star Wars, it’s far easier to kill a dozen smaller ships than one Star Destroyer. However, my point was operating costs versus construction costs. Yes, it is cheaper to build a 100 Star Destroyers for every one Super Star Destroyer. But it is also cheaper to run a single Super Star Destroyer than it is 100 Star Destroyers. It cost roughly 80-90% of the cost to run a Nimitz class than it does a Gerald Ford, but it costs 75% of the cost a a Ford to build a Nimitz. That means 2 Nimitz cost as much as 1.5 Fords and cost 160-180% to run than one Ford. Put into Star Wars terms, and Star Destroyer is worth less than a feet of smaller Capital Ships, cost less to run, but has the same firepower and fighter complement. That makes Star Destroyers preferable over smaller Capital Ships.
@Grubnar 5 жыл бұрын
@@jeffersonian000 You make a good point. But I think that hyperdrive, and if your fighters are equipped with it or not also plays a part. I don't know how to come up with a real-life analogy for that. About sinking a carrier ... I thought that a tropeedo was not supposed to actually HIT a ship and make a hole in the hull, but explode UNDER it and make a great big "hole" in the water, effectively breaking the keel of the ship. A carrier can survive a number of holes, but it can not survive breaking in two?
@jeffersonian000 5 жыл бұрын
Grubnar, yes, modern day torpedoes are designed to proximity detonate to disrupt the structure of its target. The Gerald Fords are designed to be resistant to multiple torpedo hits due to redundant structures within the hull. Effectively a Ford is a gigantic raft that stays afloat due to hundreds of individual parts that each are buoyant on their own, each are bulwarked to isolate damage, and each can be be lost without effecting buoyancy of the whole. It’s a design philosophy dating back to the later years of WWII, that has been expended upon as technology has advanced. You can sink a Nimitz, you can’t sink a Ford. However, you still had a flotilla to move with a Ford, surrounding it with protective layers that extend early warning to the group and allow for intercepts and early responses integrated with the Combat Air Patrol that is separate from combat sorties flown from the carrier, or fire missions launched from the cruisers in the flotilla. That where Star Wars goes wrong, the lack of a flotilla surrounding each Star Destroyer. However, my point about economics favoring larger ships over smaller ships in real life still applies to the Galactic Republic/Empire.
@Grubnar 5 жыл бұрын
@@jeffersonian000 I did not know that. Thanks a lot!
@Wyrsa 5 жыл бұрын
Taking a guess before you answer: the reason for smaller ships was probably (besides improved tech) a shift in tactics towards the thrawn doctrine.
@thelonelyrogue3727 5 жыл бұрын
Plus smaller target profiles and crews.
@wesleygaray2666 5 жыл бұрын
Makes more sense in space battle where all the cards are on the table your whole fleet can be seen so having a smaller ship makes you less likely to get hit and lets you blend in with you other battleships while at a distance plus more advanced compact versions of stuff probably came out that cut costs a but kept efficiency
@veronsoel5412 5 жыл бұрын
The thing is, aside from supersdestroyer class, he is completely wrong for legend. Ship didn't get smaller, nor bigger. They just basically stopped producing superdestroyer because of their cost and time. But they continue to rely heavely to rely on destroyer class ship. Except for the New Republic who were more relying on Star Cruiser class ship. We do know the right length of Empire era ships and Legacy's era battleship. And they're the same size. Their weaponry has change, as well as their design but not their size. An Imperial Class Destroyer (ISD) in the Empirer rule was the same size has a Palleon class Destroyer (Fel's Galactic Empire). And making smaller ship is kinda stupid strategy Wise if you think about it. For if you have faster fleet, you'll need more ship, and more crew with more coordination to do, to carry as much fighter than before. Worse, you won't have as much as firepower has before, for smaller ship mean smaller energy core, meaning smaller turbolaser or canon with weaker shield. Against a big fleet of big ship wich have, by definition a better armor and better shield...It might be not the wisest thing. It would really depend on the commander's ability and the coordination of his crew. That's why you don't send Dreadnought against a Destroyer. Unless you have enough number to roll over it. Ah and by the way, he mistake Dreandought and Destroyer. Not the same category at all. Dreadnought would be ships like the Katana Fleet ( since you're talking about Thrawn) much smaller than just a Venator class destroyer of the Clone wars era.
@fadelsukoco3092 5 жыл бұрын
@@veronsoel5412 On the topic of Dreadnoughts, I think he meant Star Dreadnoughts, which is a category of very large ships such as Executors, Viscounts, Eclipses and Assertors, while you are talking about the actual Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, which as its name entails, is a smaller heavy cruiser and not a Star Dreadnought or Star Destroyer, which actually means something along the lines of a heavily-armed mainline warship with carrying capacity. As for your argument against having smaller ships having less crew and reactors and weapons and thinner armor and less-powerful engines, that is on the assumption that the technology of the faction making smaller ships and their enemies making Star Dreadnoughts and larger battlecruisers is the same. As technology advances and gets better, it miniaturizes and becomes compact. The first calculator in existence took up whole rooms, and now modern ones are just a small part of handheld phones. The same thing with other tech such as that on starships. Better armor means that you can have 20% of the armor you used to have covering all of your ship and it would be rated to stop twice the amount of turbolaser energy as the previous armor, saving a lot of material and decreasing mass and targetability. Same with shields, if shield generators are massive to produce a certain amount of shield power and you have a newer shield that can produce a shield as strong while being half the size, you take the newer one. Bigger ships do not dy definition have "better" shields, weapons and armor, they can just fit more of them. It makes up for any technological difference by force of numbers. That could work, but if you make a fleet of 100 massive battlecruisers and the enemy makes a fleet of 500 light cruisers, they would be more-maneuverable and could outflank the larger ships better and by value of resources and numbers, the force of 500 light cruisers would be able to respond to more threats and conduct more attacks than the fleet of bigger ships, thus being overall more productive in the war effort as they can be in more places.
@alexanerose4820 5 жыл бұрын
*@Fadel Sukoco* " As technology advances and gets better, it miniaturizes and becomes compact. The first calculator in existence took up whole rooms, and now modern ones are just a small part of handheld phones." I argue that as technology advances it simply increases in it's output and as such output is refined it reverts back to size so that more of that greater output could be utilitzed. For a simple example: when the first Iphones came out they were indeed small but as the tech was developed it got larger and larger until we got the Ipad even though the point of the technology was to make it smaller. We had plasam screen TV's and they got bigger which in turn provided better quality. Have you seen those things in wallmart? How about monitors? One is good but people using three so they could have greater resolution or something like that despite being advanced. In other words: sleek and slim is an aesthetic choice. " Better armor means that you can have 20% of the armor you used to have covering all of your ship and it would be rated to stop twice the amount of turbolaser energy as the previous armor, saving a lot of material and decreasing mass and targetability. Same with shields, if shield generators are massive to produce a certain amount of shield power and you have a newer shield that can produce a shield as strong while being half the size, you take the newer one. Bigger ships do not dy definition have "better" shields, weapons and armor, they can just fit more of them. It makes up for any technological difference by force of numbers." What your basically saying is the old big ships with old armor compared to new ships with better but lesser armor would indeed be in favor of the newer ship. I get what you're saying. *BUT* if you add the new armor in the same way the old armor was for the old ship you would have a stronger ship that: wouldn't have to worry about targetability since it has more of the better armor. Same thing for shields. They may become more efficient but more efficient shields would make for better shiels for the ships. Just ask the Mon Calamari. Heck even SW history reflects this as (according to Eck I think though I forgot which video) the smaller corvet style fighitng gave way to larger ships who with the same technology gave up their numbers and maneuverability to be able to outlast and outgun them. To simplify: more givess you more and more of better gives you a whole lot better. It might cost more but hey if the SW universe excells at something it's production. "That could work, but if you make a fleet of 100 massive battlecruisers and the enemy makes a fleet of 500 light cruisers, they would be more-maneuverable and could outflank the larger ships better and by value of resources and numbers, the force of 500 light cruisers would be able to respond to more threats and conduct more attacks than the fleet of bigger ships, thus being overall more productive in the war effort as they can be in more places." Yet that would add *TREMENDOUS* complexity to any operation and make it more prone to confusion and failure. True they would eb more maneuverable but what's stopping you from giving them the same kind og light engines and thanks to their size trade maneuverability for commanding space? such complexity might have worked for Thrawn because he's a genius but for most Admirals and tacticians the simpler the tools the more reliable the results. Like you *CAN* send 10 ISD's to destroy a target with the right coordination *OR* you can send the Executor in the right place and only have to worry about that one ships repairs and crew.... if the problem you're sending it at can even get thorugh the armor, shields, and turbolasers that is. To simplify: there's a beauty in utility of having such raw power in such a concentrated point. Where you see hulking target I see a tool of precise , concentrated, overwhelming force that could end battles in half the time. Quality over quantity.
@bradleywinters7203 5 жыл бұрын
*Yoda* "Size matters not" *Anakin* "That's what she said" *Yoda* "Something you wish to share young Skywalker?"
@veronsoel5412 5 жыл бұрын
XDDDDDAnakin: "hum...no, nothing Master yoda..." *sh**,sh** not another word, not another word...* XD
@veronsoel5412 5 жыл бұрын
XD I'm not the one who did the joke in the first place you know. I'm just giving the obvious answer x)
@veronsoel5412 5 жыл бұрын
you need to explaine a little more here then. are you saying that i fell into a classic blunder, or that the whole joke of a conversation between yoda and anakin is a classical blunder? ( btw i'm french, so even if i understand English there may be subtle thing that may still escape me^^")
@bradleywinters7203 5 жыл бұрын
@@veronsoel5412 it is a play off of how Yoda is so powerful but so short.
@tylerslagel5485 4 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t that be roasting yourself though? If she says “size doesn’t matter” to you, that has some.......concerning implications.
@spindlephysalia7564 5 жыл бұрын
Purely conjecture here, but I feel like the reason the Empire went into such large ships - in their early stages, anyway - was a case of trying to fight the last war. Like, the CIS had basically converted massive freighters into capital ships and the Republic didn't seem to have the capability to bring them down (or even really hamstring them) with pure fighters so they had to bulk up their ships in order to start slugging it out.
@BattlestarZenobia 5 жыл бұрын
Possibly, singly with tonnage those Lucrehulk’s are tanks that can soak up massive amounts of damage while the comparatively smaller Venators are rather weaker
@richardched6085 5 жыл бұрын
And this mindset simply didn't end for the Empire. They kept building larger more powerful vessels as if they had a comparable enemy power to fight.
@JordanG4117 5 жыл бұрын
It was because of the stark in Doctrine. He thought that the bigger and scarier ships would make it so that there would be no one brave enough to step up and start a rebellion.
@spindlephysalia7564 5 жыл бұрын
@@richardched6085 Yea, especially once Tarkin had given them a pseudo-justification to just keep scaling up to ridiculous sizes (and had the political power that he couldn't really be critiqued to bring sizes down)
@richardched6085 5 жыл бұрын
@@spindlephysalia7564 plus more Crewmen equals more potential casualties (Unless all that room is used for carrying ground forces or Starfighters). I could see the need to build Larger Turbolasers as existing Technology wouldn't allow for that much power in a standard sized turret.
@michaelramon2411 5 жыл бұрын
Applying this theory to Canon, it still holds up. In Canon, the First Order (I assume most big New Republic ships were made in the early post-Endor period, where they still feared pitched battle with Star Destroyers) has several reasons for depending on battlecruisers as their mainline ship. First, the First Order still uses a version of the Tarkin Doctrine, and it makes much more sense for them. Being a noticeably smaller faction than the Empire, they need fear to cow thousands of planetary defense fleets into submission without a fight. Second, the First Order seems to be almost entirely space-based, so the Empire's use of their ships as mobile bases is doubled, as FO Star Destroyers function almost like mobile planets. Third, the First Order was able to build those ships during peacetime, and 30 years of peacetime at that. They weren't terribly worried about being attacked during that period, so they could take their time building the ships, which lowers the burden of building them a lot. Finally, while the Empire nationalized huge amounts of corporations, shipyards and refineries, the First Order appears to have no civilian sector whatsoever, so they gain those advantages as well. Their ships are almost certainly being build at cost, and with brainwashed fanatics at the bottom, their labor costs may be pretty low as well.
@miles4618 5 жыл бұрын
#askeck are there any intergalactic fast food restaurants in the Star Wars galaxy? Like an intergalactic chick fil a? Day 10 Pls eck! If you read this and like you are blessed by the almighty dodge
@soaringdoge6726 5 жыл бұрын
Its Doge not dodge
@workingonanames 5 жыл бұрын
@@soaringdoge6726 No i want to be blessed by dodge hellcats.
@EchthelionII 5 жыл бұрын
"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball" *proceeds* *to* *get* *hit* *with* *wrench*
@ryankaiser2702 5 жыл бұрын
There’s biscuit baron
@roaringbeardragon4531 4 жыл бұрын
@@soaringdoge6726 probably autocorrect
@voxkine9385 5 жыл бұрын
“Ahahahahaha! Behold our MOON sized shi..... and a teenager just killed it...” “Ahahahahaha! Behold our mega weapon that turns a moon into a mega weap..... and another kid just destroyed it...” “Behold! Our reasonably priced and sized FLEET of ships that can’t be destroyed by a child in one attack!”
@istvanbrooks5319 3 жыл бұрын
Deus Ex Machina'ed to death
@HawkTheRed 5 жыл бұрын
our Lord and Savior Valiant Class Superheavy Cruiser/BattleCruiser is near.
@crgkevin6542 5 жыл бұрын
Throwing my support behind this again. It'd be nice to see some Halo content again, and the Valiant is an excellent ship!
@TK-hr7lk 5 жыл бұрын
I approve
@TK-hr7lk 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to miss seeing your comment about our lord and savoir
@solk.posner7201 5 жыл бұрын
This kind of resemble like our real life navies. Most warships are now way smaller and compact compared to those of WWI and WWII except carriers.
@guiltyofbias8818 5 жыл бұрын
Its actually the opposite for destroyers now
@jayferguson9968 5 жыл бұрын
There's a limit to how small you can make a carrier. There has to be room for all the people involved, the fighters and small craft themselves, and also the support structure for all of that. This is in addition to all of the people you normally need for a ship of that size.
@WadcaWymiaru 5 жыл бұрын
@barrybend7189 5 жыл бұрын
Carriers are getting larger with the biggest US carrier being around 250 meters. Still not massive as the Prometheus aircraft carrier from Macross at 400 meters.
@Thunderous117 5 жыл бұрын
Barry Bend and that's not even mentioning the size of the Sdf1 that Prometheus and Daedalus would eventually be attached too
@colebuckon3856 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of your points from an in-world perspective. However, I suspect the real reasons the ships downsized were: - New Jedi Order and Legacy-era writers got Sun Crusher complex. Why waste time playing the size game when you can create a small ship that is somehow superior in every way? (Disney did this, too, by giving FO Star Destroyers enough guns to take on dreadnaughts despite being only slightly larger than the ISD). - If Legacy artists had to draw huge dreadnaughts in every battle, they’d also have to draw entire fleets to scale. That could have gotten incredibly tedious.
@Nimroc 5 жыл бұрын
I really like this part of Legends lore to be honest, I'm not exactly thrilled by how the new Canon seem to just want to scale up sizes, even though realistically there should be less resources and manpower at hand than what the empire had in it's heyday.
@Vipre- 5 жыл бұрын
It's a trend now, everything gets scaled up because "Look, audience of morons, it's bigger. Bigger good. Youz likes biggerz." Even when the upscale makes no sense and leads to absurd visuals to fill all the empty space, or crew quarters that are hotel suites.
@strategicperson95 5 жыл бұрын
@@Vipre- I think Hollywood thinks the Audience really think like Hitler and Stalin in their heydays: Bigger is better aren't we right. Ex: Tiger 2, PzKmpf VIII Maus, P1000 Ratte, the entire Iosef Stalin Tank Series from 1-7 (technically 8 but that one got reclassified as the T-10), especially for 3-7 and the T-10 when they already had the superior T-54 Main Battle Tank available. And I guess I also can't forget Hitler's railway cannons. The everyday audience viewer doesn't understand that bigger weapons aren't always better. If anything they can be detrimental to your cause, as many historians point out that the Railway cannons actually hurt Germany more than it did the Allies because of their huge investment costs in setting down railway lines, having enough crew that they even had their own kitchen staff, ammunition, engineers to assemble the cannons when they reach their destinations, and guards.
@GuyInBlackClothes 5 жыл бұрын
I personally just dislike The First Order Era, only because I go by Legends on about 90% of the timeline after the First Galactic Civil War. It's just not practical to go by canon after the First Galactic Civil War. But hey, that's my opinion.
@lordfrostwind3151 5 жыл бұрын
The Resurgent Class does make some sense in that the faction seems to be based more in space, so the Resurgent needs to be more of a mobile base than the Star Destroyers. But a lot of the rest is silly for a faction with access to a percentage of the resources the Empire had to possess
@connorh2215 5 жыл бұрын
Lord Frostwind ye there has been no explanation for how the first order acquired enough resources to create so many large ships in the unknown regions
@EchthelionII 5 жыл бұрын
It's partially explained in the book Bloodline, but not that well, I think it said different senators wanted the Empire to return so they were secretly building up an army and saving money to rebuild the Empire, I've read the book once and didn't really care for it.
@michaelramon2411 5 жыл бұрын
It seems pretty clear that the First Order spent a LONG time building that many ships. If the Unknown Regions are lightly populated, then there would be potentially a lot of mineral resources up for grabs. They'd need foundries and the like to process those resources, but they did have 30 years to build all that infrastructure, and that's assuming that the Empire didn't seed the Regions with some starting facilities to begin with. First Order's also presumably put almost their entire population into military, research or production, and that gets results.
@Kurayamiblack 5 жыл бұрын
TLJ Spoilers (not like nobody here already knows anyways) I didn't read the books so I only know of the 2 films, but I want more lore about how they (First Order) were formed, how they were able to afford to build or maintain the Mega Class, how they still had cash to burn on Starkiller Base, how the rest of their navy even exists after those 2 expenses alone... And finally wtf -does- did Snoke even want? He's the only villian I've ever seen appear in more than 1 movie and then croak before we even knew why he was there or what he was trying to do with all that power. I know the trilogy isn't over but c'mon... Nobody in the First Order seems to have a motive except Kylo who kinda inherited the navy but never really showed interest in leading it so... Why WAS the navy constructed?
@LoneWolf20213 5 жыл бұрын
When I hear capital ship, I think the mainline ship in a fleet that makes up the bulk of your navel ships, like the Venator, not too big, but large enough to stand its ground to me, I would like my capital ship to be at least 1425 meter's long, 500 meter's wide, and 275 meter's tall in a diamond-like shape with a Venator/Providence style build as to make a medium-sized star destroyer to be the bulk of my army In weapons, it has 10 percent heavy turbo laser's, 25 percent medium turbo laser's, 15 percent medium Ion cannon's, and 50 percent point defense laser's spread evenly to have an equal amount of firepower at any angle of the ship for flexible strategy at the cost of firepower, and they can also have a series (4-8) SPHA laser's to fire at enemies effectively it is a carrier with a ventral hanger bey like the Venator did, though it carries ships in the style of the Quasar light cruiser to carry double the compliment of star fighters with the interceptors on the racks, but this hanger bey has the medium turbo laser's and points defense laser's along the side of it to fire at enemy ship's, and it has 2 hanger bey's each on the port and starboard side that can carry 5 squadrons of fighter's each and 2 lower hanger bey's at the bottom of the ship that can carry 2 corvette's each it has 3 bridges, 2 on top like the Venator, and the main bridge in the interior behind heavy armor and turbo laser's, the port control's starfighter command, and the starboard control's logistics, the main bridge control's the ship's weapon's and movement's Main line ship doesn’t mean it’s the only ship in my navy, if this were supplemented with an ISD or Victory in battle, the carrier ship would be well escorted, thought the cost will be at 65 million credit's, i think it's credit's well spent
@veronsoel5412 5 жыл бұрын
Huh, your ship would be actually smaller than a Venator class. Although i would suggest to simply keep two brighe like for the Imperial Class Destroyer. One at the top, the other in the interior like you said. ( and like it was in the original model of ISD). 3 Bridge would be overboard. You need time to activate the secondary bridge, and if the enemy targeted your first bridge, they'll also try destroying the second if he is visible. By having the second directly Inside you gain time and ressources. ( for each bridge you need a crew, and fore each bridge destroyed, you will lose a part of that crew.). Plus even if you have only one bridge at the top, you could modify its design to still look like the original. What do you mean by SPHA however? seems an interesting weapon. For the carrier capacity...since your ship would be smaller than a venator i don't know if it would be possible though, unless you carry less troops and smaller fighter and bomber. On a side note, i always wondered why turbolaser where only above the ship and not Under too. I'd like to have my ships equipped with turbolaser turret who could switch side at will for an optimum firing zone depending on the situation ( above or Under). Aside from that, you have a pretty well thought ship here, looks cool :)
@owenparris7490 5 жыл бұрын
Legacy was and still is one of my favorite Legends eras. It's what got me into the EU. Not thrilled with the name "Galactic Federation of Free Alliances" (sounds too Star Trek to me. Always preferred New Republic) but loved Darth Krayt, Talon, Vul Isen, Cade, Roan Fel, the Fel Empire, and the ships, armor, vehicles and weapons. Hope Eck sees this.
@darman12able 5 жыл бұрын
It was meant to be a nod to the phrase Galaxy Far Far Away (GFFA) if I remember rightly.
@blackshogun272 5 жыл бұрын
Legacy is heavily underappreciated by even Legends fans. I love it but my favorite era will always be The Old Republic Era. So much happened in the past that those in the future would hardly ever believe it happened ! For God sakes, a monster created by a 40 ft tall hammerhead shark man (Rakata) clawed entire canals across a planet before The Republic was ever created ! And that's not even the most weird and OP things to happen in those times 😂
@EchthelionII 5 жыл бұрын
I have the first 2 books of that series, haven't read them yet for obvious reasons, and I'm missing about half the books that happen after RotJ.
@owenparris7490 5 жыл бұрын
@@darman12able I see. That said, New Republic just sounds cooler to me.
@owenparris7490 5 жыл бұрын
@@blackshogun272 IKR. It all seems like something a drunk spacer would make up to impress a cantina. I hope that the star forge and more about the ancient Sith Empire and Old Republic becomes Canon as time goes on. I especially want either a retelling or reimagining of Revan's tale. That'd be cool.
@SkyeKingTv 5 жыл бұрын
they got smaller with less compensation from palpatines small wii
@Wastydest 5 жыл бұрын
Who would win? #StarshipVersus #AskEck Resurgent vs. MC 85 Bellator vs. Resurgent Nebula vs. Pelleaon
@WadcaWymiaru 5 жыл бұрын
I do not know others but Bellator as fast battleship would absolutelly tear any ressurgent apart...no battlecruiser can win battleship.
@epsilon7707 5 жыл бұрын
Autumn vs Enterprise E.
@jigolocana7492 5 жыл бұрын
The mc85 would literally be torn into pieces,because the ship had few turbolasers,ion cannons,etc. even with the advance shields or heavy fighter-bomber use,the resurgent would easily overwhelm the mc85 completely, Well unless they would use the power of plot armor to hyperdrive their way to the resurgent i think its quite effective.i guess?
@Duchess_Van_Hoof 5 жыл бұрын
I second these.
@starkillerab1582 5 жыл бұрын
Jiro Locana yeah I doubt that
@kyle18934 5 жыл бұрын
The new smaller ships are like todays ships glass cannons. More fire power with more mobility with less armor. It can kill a capital ship, but is cheaper and much more mobile. One missile can kill a ship today, and depending on the armor will just be bigger to kill a bigger target. So the navy uses smaller faster ships that can evade and run easier (not that running from a missile would help (missiles are fast)). Also it's easier to guard a smaller ship with anti missile guns/ phalanxes. Simmilar where a smaller shield generator would be needed for a smaller war ship
@HappyBeezerStudios 5 ай бұрын
Plus with the development of missiles as main surface-to-surface weapon defense systems against missiles were developed in parallel.
@TheWingland 5 жыл бұрын
Vs matchup Sgt. Johnson(Halo) vs Captain Rex(Star Wars)
@DaMasterPilot 5 жыл бұрын
I would actually pay money to see a fight like that.
@codename1176 5 жыл бұрын
DaMasterPilot I got hundred bucks on Johnson
@DaMasterPilot 5 жыл бұрын
Personally I think they would get along to well to fight.
@gingerosity244 5 жыл бұрын
I'm just imagining the two arguing whether Kentucky whiskey or Corellian whiskey is better.
@SephirothRyu 5 жыл бұрын
One thing worth noting though: A larger ship has a larger power-to-surface-area ratio. And seemingly, Star Wars ships don't need to worry about cooling as much as real designs do (you don't seem to see much about this other than the fact that something like the Death Star even HAS a small tube leading right to its reactor). So, compared to its size, a large ship can fit more a more powerful total amount of firepower than a a number of smaller ships with an equal CROSS SECTION. Having stronger shields also does in fairness mean that you can typically withstand more firepower before actually having to spend money making major repairs. And since power increases faster than surface area, larger ships usually = stronger shields.
@mattes4929 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Why did the CIS started creating an army and navy, if the Republic, did not had a centralized military? And what would have happend, if the CIS left peacefully and the Clone Wars never happend?
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
Well to wage war on a large system of planets is difficult when you're just a small alliance of Corporations and systems and being controlled by an incompetent Count taking orders from a "wise" Sith Lord.
@Mikalent 5 жыл бұрын
@@BoostedMonkey05 in all fairness Sidious was wise in his ability to keep the CIS as just enough of a threat to grant him more power, but not so big and scary to make Senators want to sue for peace. Dooku was just simply the figurehead to draw the Jedi into the conflict to be killed en mass.
@yoda5523 5 жыл бұрын
Most of the equipment was used by corporations like the Trade Federation and Techo Union before uniting under one Separatist Droid Army.
@Slender_Man_186 4 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Dee Palpatine needed the war to drag on for a little while, for Anakin to become more jaded to the Jedi’s ways, so he could get more emergency powers, so he could gain more control over the senate, and to give him a reason to further militarize his soon to be Empire. And yeah, that meant the CIS losing battles that should’ve been impossible to lose.
@tomsimpkins1211 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Would you consider doing a Stellaris playthrough with a star wars mod installed?
@TRoninYT 5 жыл бұрын
@andresmarrero8666 5 жыл бұрын
So Dreadnoughts should be utilized as mobile bases and fortresses as well as containing a super weapon or two to actually be functional. Not too many can be produced due to the economic factors so they better be lasting for a while.
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
The misuse of the supremacy is the biggest oopsie canon star wars has ever done.
@kercchan3307 5 жыл бұрын
big ships are nothing but easy to hit targets that can be ganged up on and destroyed unless they have a massive escort fleet.
@andresmarrero8666 5 жыл бұрын
@@kercchan3307 tell that to a fortress when doing a siege. Conventional wisdom has them heavily armored, with tons of defense systems, lots of guns, and a gazillion defense systems. It needs to be if it is to serve as a mobile base or a fortress.
@kercchan3307 5 жыл бұрын
@@andresmarrero8666 if the attacker is semi competent they can keep a larger target pinned down and unable to react, hit and run attacks against weak points those super large engines looks like a juicy target. I would go in with a faster moving heavy hitting force with smaller anti fighter forces in support while using long range attacks to weaken and when the action got to hot i would bug out and come back later when they repairing damage. historically large targets die faster because your attacker has all the advantage of choosing when and where and how to attack, meanwhile your forces are always on alert being mentally drained and stressed out. and dont get me started on how stupid placing the CIC on the outside of the ship is, it should be buried deep in the ship where it cannot be taken out in one lucky hit.
@dylanwight5764 5 жыл бұрын
A dreadnought is a fair nucleus for a battle fleet, but it ought to still act as a support unit in most situations. In the New Republics case, it is better to have and not need than need and not have. Hence vessels like the Nebula are by far the best workhorse large vessel for the New Republic's naval constitution and doctrine.
@ryderdeston8237 5 жыл бұрын
Where did the footage from the eclipse super star destroyer come from
@Admiral8Q 5 жыл бұрын
Here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/a3vPoGNuZtuGh7M
@cc0767 5 жыл бұрын
I always thought the slow developement over thousands of years but sudden "yeah this bus is equal to an ISD now" thing was weird in legacy
@BoostedMonkey05 5 жыл бұрын
Well the focus was on versatility rather than raw firepower because Tarkin wasn't thinking straight when he created his "superior" peacekeeping doctrine.
@isoSw1fty 5 жыл бұрын
Tech booms are a thing. So plausible
@wargearinternational7679 5 жыл бұрын
@@isoSw1fty Its plausible, tho powercreep usually needs an explonation in fiction.
@AAhmou 5 жыл бұрын
I think that a newly retrofit star destroyer would be better... Like seriously, the only difference are in the shield and laser techs in addition to speed though there is little that could be done to speed up an ISD. (also faster and meaner starfighters). Let's not forget that the dark empire brought to the table more military tech than anything else in that era or few eras before it.
@robertharris6092 5 жыл бұрын
@@BoostedMonkey05 tarkins doctrin is sound if it wasn't for the fact a single fighter can just pew pew the stupidly vulnerable shield generator balls on the ship them just ram into the apparently unarmored/rayshielded bridge which also for some reason doesn't have a secondary bridge.
@luigithegreat1331 5 жыл бұрын
Size is secondary to performance
@codename1176 5 жыл бұрын
Luigi the Great yeah I always thought the eclipse for example was so big because of the super laser
@richardched6085 5 жыл бұрын
@@codename1176 I always thought it was that big due to the Empire not possessing the technological knowledge necessary to build such a powerful vessel in a small (er) frame.
@KitchenSinkSoup 5 жыл бұрын
That's what they say, by size does get you through the door (if you know what I mean).
@thekoopatroopa 5 жыл бұрын
Probably for better fuel economy
@ganon01ryanoutsen92 5 жыл бұрын
tableheaded servicedronebob yea probably waste fuel
@Jfk2Mr 5 жыл бұрын
Fuel economy, you say... are we talking just about quantities of fuel or also about fuel efficiency per mass? If the former - it might be the case, if latter - unless we talk about ships vastly different in technology, then larger ship is very likely to have better energy conversion ratio
@monarch3335 5 жыл бұрын
Still no halo. Still asking for Cylons versus UNSC.
@Mikalent 5 жыл бұрын
You dont even have to ask the question, a fleet that only uses missiles versus a fleet that has heavy flak batteries, AA batteries, and numerous fighters. So If the cylons couldn't destroy the Battlestar Galactica and only kill pegasus via 5 to 1 odds and damage sustained saving the Galactica, what on Earth makes you think they can go after a fleet made up of comparable ships. Actually strike that MAC guns demolish any heavy batteries Galactica and Pegasus had in them.
@xavi-kun 5 жыл бұрын
This isn’t even a competition. As @B Mulder stated, the Cylons primarily make use of Missiles and Fighters. Meanwhile, UNSC Warships carry several Flak Cannons and Point Defense Guns, Top it all off with the fact that those weapons are typically AI Controlled/Aided. The Cylons couldn’t take down the 50 year old Galactica with those weapons, what makes you think they’d fare better against the UNSC? Plus you have the MAC Guns which can pretty much shred a Cylon Basestar with one hit. In other words, it’s either the Cylons will get their ships shredded, or they run out of missiles and fighters AND THEN get their ships shredded.
@cyanpompano8695 5 жыл бұрын
Still might be closer than you'd think. Unsc loadouts might not be quite ready for it. Now think about this one. Flood vs cylons
@gingerosity244 5 жыл бұрын
Arkforge Entertainment I don’t think it’s fair to judge the entire capability of a Cylon fleet based on their encounters with the Galactica. Firstly, the Galactica, while old, was crewed by humans who were fighting against extinction. The very nature of their war gave them unprecedented determination. The story of the Galactica is one of a war won against all odds, not of one won by technological superiority. Secondly, the Cylons still annihilated the rest of humanity, the civilization armed with ships and weapons far more modern than the Galactica, using nukes and spies that could hide in plain sight. Thirdly, FTL jumping is vastly superior to UNSC slipspace technology. FTL is so precise, it allows for insane action such as the Adama maneuver. While I agree that the UNSC has the advantage in armament, I would not discount a fleet of Basestars that could FTL jump into broadside distance of UNSC cruisers before their MAC guns could begin to charge.
@Mikalent 5 жыл бұрын
@@gingerosity244 the entire reason they where able to destroy the twelve colonies is because the snuck a virus into the human FTL drives, something the UNSC AIs likely would've found if the same tactic was attempted. Provided the Cylons can even figure out how UNSC navcomputers work. As for that the Galctica and crew where fighting for survival, you could claim the exact same thing about the UNSC, as you are fighting a literal genocidal killing machine, there really isnt much to talk to it about. The only thing I will concede on is the FTL, as we really dont have a way to benchmark how far you can go and at what speed. Battlestar's FTL still requires that NOTHING be in the way of the jump, so while likely faster, Battlestar's FTL jumps are shorter, but HALO has "reconciliation" to deal with. So the jury is still kinda out on which is faster.
@DrakeAurum 5 жыл бұрын
I think maybe the factor you didn't bring up is that the Republic military was born out of the Rebel Alliance. As a result, they carried over much of the military doctrine of the Rebellion, and favoured smaller, more agile vessels over larger ones, perhaps even slightly beyond the point of strategic practicality.
@modmaker7617 5 жыл бұрын
Legends/EU = Ships decreased size over time (that's what she said) Disney Canon = Ships increased size over time (that's what she wants)
@akmalrafiaa4772 5 жыл бұрын
I'm just so fu*ki** tired of Star Wars galaxy-changing-superweapon that had been built for decades only to be destroyed in a matter of hours or minutes, if you're going to create a superweapon that inspires fear, respect or just utter-awesomeness then don't just incapacitate or utterly destroy said superweapon to create depth and not just throw them away in just a SINGLE MOVIE that way we can get a grip on the sense the dread and threat or the damage said superweapon has caused.
@victorbruant389 5 жыл бұрын
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm.
@FBI-ju5no 5 жыл бұрын
Funny story, first time I heard Yoda say that, i said out loud: "yes, yes I do".
@godzilla5006 5 жыл бұрын
#Askeck can u do Androids/Humanoids Compare Skynet Cyberlife Cylons Weyland Yutani
@Cobretsov2022 5 жыл бұрын
One RK800 modle Android said “My name is Conner the android sent by cyberlife”
@SexyPug 5 жыл бұрын
@@Cobretsov2022 my name jeff
@DocWolph 5 жыл бұрын
@@saberiandream316 I think it should be limited to completely synthetic constructs. Borg and Cybermen would be left to something else. Also as Borg and Cybermen are only really good at anything on the army scale, I would leave them out by default.
@seanmcgrath3826 5 жыл бұрын
@@saberiandream316 For completeness, you should also add Replicants from Blade Runner
@xxV28xx 5 жыл бұрын
Where can I find the video with the eclipse you had in the video.
@carrierominger5534 5 жыл бұрын
Reapers (Mass Effect) vs the Flood (Halo).
@QixTheDS 5 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna have to go with the Reapers on this one.
@deriznohappehquite 5 жыл бұрын
Depends on when. The flood at the end of the Forerunner Flood War absolutely stomp the Reapers.
@carrierominger5534 5 жыл бұрын
@Cepheus Talks You have the attention of those infinitely your great
@satanas6740 5 жыл бұрын
Reapers advanced technology is too much for the flood
@AAhmou 5 жыл бұрын
Depends whether or not they have an intermediary life form to thrive on.
@infranium1572 5 жыл бұрын
Thanos Ship vs Executor Class Star Destroyer OR First Order Mega Star Destroyer
@sosogo4real 5 жыл бұрын
What makes you think that is in any way a fair fight?
@wargearinternational7679 5 жыл бұрын
It would loose against a regular Star Destroyer. Its not that well armed and its durabilty is not that great either.
@infranium1572 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe a separatist cruiser then
@Duchess_Van_Hoof 5 жыл бұрын
The ISD is carrying what? Half a legion of stormtroopers, with the needed vehicles to deploy them. It is something of a planetary assault ship, that can't land on the surface.
@l1ghtd3m0n3 5 жыл бұрын
angelowl89 They can land, they just don’t since that’s a risk on the battlefield.
@barrybend7189 5 жыл бұрын
Viking mech squadron( Starcraft) vs VF-1 Valkyrie variable fighter squadron( SDF Macross). Who has the better transforming mechs.
@Thunderous117 5 жыл бұрын
Barry Bend my money is on the valks gorgeous and effective!
@barrybend7189 5 жыл бұрын
@@Thunderous117 the Viking handles Zerg so I give 50/50 chance.
@defies4626 5 жыл бұрын
Economic collapse, and the breakdown of the overall reduction in resources from apocalyptic war after apocalyptic war eventually led to a need to reduce crew sizes and overall resources spent on each ship.
@tsmspace 5 жыл бұрын
Well, large ships ARE practical, but very difficult to deploy. If a smaller ship can carry the effective weapon, then it will be more likely that the shot can be taken first,, but if receiving the shot for sure, nothing works better than a bigger target that can absorb it.
@TheWingland 5 жыл бұрын
Vs matchup Imperial light cruiser vs CR90 corvette
@Jfk2Mr 5 жыл бұрын
I say just one thing - this is not an even matchup - Arquintens and Carrack (both had that moniker) would just obliterate CR-90 in slugfest and possibility outrun (Arquintens, Carrack surely could - was specifically designed to outrun lighter ships and even some fighters) said corvette
@billyfoster1868 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck can u plz give a brief description of the yuuzhan vong war or give some good books on it
@TheWingland 5 жыл бұрын
Billy Foster he has a series of videos where he goes over aspects of the yuuzhan vong war looking at major engagements. I believe he also mentions what books to read to learn more about the war.
@hansherrman5147 5 жыл бұрын
Ships become smaller, but the prices stay the same, it's all a strategy to make more profit
@TheStarniel 5 жыл бұрын
Did any faction use nuclear weapons or some similar bombs/weapons? Since they are pretty threatening and have much power for their size.
@lynngreen7978 5 жыл бұрын
Another factor in Legacy era ships was likely RPG-based. Its hard to justify the heroes doing everything on a ship of 40,000 like an ISD. Its still a problem with 4000 crew on the big ships, but there were light capital ships with crews of 300-500 (comparable to a Star Trek TOS cruiser).
@carrierominger5534 5 жыл бұрын
United Mass Effect galaxy + the Reapers vs a Yuzhan Vong invasion (Star Wars).
@billclark5055 5 жыл бұрын
Vong win
@phoenixx913 5 жыл бұрын
For the empire I think it was merely because they had to utilize their resources better after the death of palpatine the empire started splintering and fracturing so they couldn't afford to build or crew them anymore. That along side the flaws starting to show in the Tarkin doctrine and the pros being shown with the thrawn doctrine switched the empire over to using smaller ships. For the republic/rebels it was a mix of I think resources or lack of them and manpower and also them fighting dreadnoughts and huge vessels for so long they would know better then anyone the downside of using such massive vessels. After the vong war I really do think the sheer massive causality numbers and expended resources made it so that massive warships couldn't be justified especially when there was no unified enemy or war to use them in. By the time of the Legacy Era smaller ships had kind of just become the standard and weaponry tech had vastly improved since the days of the empire and clone wars, point defense weapons in the legacy era were as powerful as turbolasers during the clone wars era and imperial era. The republic had also started utilizing old republic type designs again utilizing the scythe/hammerhead style of ship design to maximize as much firepower as possible in a small package. And then using smaller ships to flank those ships and compensate their lack of flanking and rear turrets.
@DocWolph 5 жыл бұрын
It is the opposite of the usual mission creep, where teh ships get bigger and bigger so they can perform more functions. The ships are not being asked to do more per ship. More and varied ships are being made to do more specific things. The Big ships are breaking up into smaller ships, often better at just a few things.
@fulcrum2951 5 жыл бұрын
Fighters increasingly capable of ftl travel and docking to ships primarily for rest,refuel or repairs reduces the needs for large capital ships One of the factors
@bencoomer2000 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if at least some of it was that really large vessels weren't shown to all that effective. One on one sure. But geez, all of the Empire's biggest ships in the Original Trilogy were killed by a fighter and maybe an armed freighter. Losing a few cruisers in a battle could be handled, but you're massive flagship that has all your best officers and stuff is going to be a natural target for numerous reasons. So, "we won't necessarily lose an entire battle because we lost one ship" may play a role.
@GummiArms 5 жыл бұрын
There is something to be said for making larger, more self-sufficient warships as the Empire had. If you consider the role that Star Destroyers likely had to fill beyond just their place in starship formations, it makes a lot of sense. The Empire was fairly expansionist in a sense. They had to really clamp down on a LOT of populated planets to exert the authority that Palpatine sought, which meant building their forces around being able to effectively siege or blockade worlds, and swiftly deploy a significant enough force on the ground to hold the major cities. This would also necessitate being able to run independently for long periods of times, months or even years, with the possibility of disrupted supply lines. A single Star Destroyer could likely be responsible for controlling an entire system, so it would need to be bulky and powerful enough to fight off the local defense fleets on its own, and possibly fend off retaliatory strikes from neighboring worlds while securing a strong Imperial presence upon those worlds. (I mean, if you think about it, the Empire probably had to reconquer most of the territory the Republic once controlled because they wouldn't go along with his reign, especially along the Rim territories.) By contrast, the New Republic had an entirely different set of problems to contend with. A lot of their efforts would have centered around holding and consolidating the territories they already had, fending off attacks from Imperial remnants, and dealing with whatever other threats popped up in the power vacuum left by the Empire's defeat. They would have had a greater emphasis on operating within friendly territory, and a much more cohesive support from the populace at large. Less taking and holding territory, and more preventing sieges. Coming off of the alliance, they knew how potent hit and run tactics were. So you'd want to make less self-sufficient more streamlined warships that could quickly respond to incursions into their territory. They typically didn't need to transport large garrisons for that kind of duty and could expect to have better supply lines, so they wouldn't need to carry as many supplies.
@Tempoary_Replacement 5 жыл бұрын
Dude you remind me of when I'm in school watching all these info videos except you do starwars halo and stuff like that like if you still go to the earlier grades and agree
@imperialofficerremusblackw8452 5 жыл бұрын
One giant ship is frightening, but about 20 slightly smaller ships is both more practical and soul crushing.
@joshuadickinson4614 5 жыл бұрын
I find this explanation interesting as the increasing specialisation of ships in ledgends is almost the exact opposite of the real world with ships continually getting bigger so as to perform more roles independantly e.g the 9,800t Burke class "destroyer" which weighs more than a ww2 Leander class cruiser.
@robertharris6092 4 жыл бұрын
That's due to wanting a cheaper military from the US. A F22 is still superior to the F35 as an air superiority fighter.
@justicedunham4088 5 жыл бұрын
Personally, I would want a single dreadnaught to be my flagship, but be mostly dedicated to a carrier role. The Executor could take on fleets by itself, but was too focused on ship-ship combat. A warship the size of the Executor, but with 1500-3000 fighters on board would be a serious threat. I would still have around 500 turbolaser batteries, but switch many over to quad laser cannons. 500-1000 turbolasers and 1000-1500 laser cannons. But, there is still a need for support ships. Would it be better to have one 2 km ship or ten 400-500 m ships that match or surpass it in firepower.
@jaymikevillanueva1212 5 жыл бұрын
Ecks, but didn't the Empire also had smaller capital ships within its naval assets? The older Victory-class Star Destroyer was a well designed ship and could be a flanked and supported by whatever Venator-class Star Destroyers are left in active duty. And what about the Vindicator-class heavy cruisers? I can imagine those heavy cruisers can serve very well in tandem with Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers and Carrack-class cruisers. All these ships - if you equip all of them with TIE Defenders, Howlrunners, Preybirds, shielded A9 Vigilance Interceptors, and even shielded TIE Interceptors - would be versatile and fast enough to counter Rebel raids and small fleets.
@Jfk2Mr 5 жыл бұрын
Generally I agree with diagnose, but when I combine imperial push for capital ships with real world navy history (especially U.S. Navy in first half of XXth century) then it appear quite reasonable - in case of large war, there won't be time and resources for construction of such large vessels, so shipbuilding facilities in times of (relative) peace are just making mostly SDs/battlecruisers/battleships and in case of war those facilities would switch to pump out corvettes, frigates and other easy and quick to manufacture ships - and if that was the case, using pre Clone Wars ships like Dreadnaught until they wear out is also reasonable
@paulsteinhauser434 5 жыл бұрын
Because people thought things would be better smaller. In my opinion ships need to have some "meat on them".
@kaede795 3 жыл бұрын
I think the main reason why they got smaller was because technology got better and they managed to have better power with smaller reactors than before which leads to smaller ships with the same or even bigger amount of firepower than an ISD 1 or than an ISD 2. Edit: i just realized this Point of mine was in the Video.
@razgriz545 5 жыл бұрын
This is mostly an analysis of bits and pieces from reading most of the legacy series. You touch of most of the reasons why ships went smaller not bigger. The economic factors was i believe the largest reason. After the vong war with so much of the galaxy devastated. The economy of all the surviving governments was far more fragile then they were even at the high of the galactic civil war. So massive ships sucked up way to much resources which could be used for rebuilding and trade was down so the financial burden could cripple military budgets.. Doctrine was 2nd. You pretty much hit it on the head with the new republic being a defense force and not occupation force like the empire they could do with smaller vessels and use starfigters as there primary strike force with cruisers and frigates being supporting ships.. Now jumping to 140ABY the GA battle doctrine completly changed which lead to the ships they built. The Scythe class battlecruiser was not to be brawlers like the star crusiers and star destroyers in the past were they would trade blow for blow untill one was defeated. There amerment was concentrated in the front to maximize there firepower while presenting the smallest profile for the opponut ship to hit. They would fight like old Calvary in were they would charge in blasting through the enemy lines breaking it and escaping to charge in again. #AskEck. Do you have a email i could send replys to. Mine tend to be lengthy.
@Anon33467 5 жыл бұрын
It's always seemed like ship size has diminishing returns in the SW universe. Large numbers of smaller ships generally seem more practical and efficient than putting all your eggs in one giant basket. The sheer cost to build and man super-large ships does not seem to provide offensive and defensive benefits in a good ratio. Flagships, carriers/mobile bases, and super-weapon platforms are the exception, because they bring unique benefits based on their large size. However, plain capital ships being used as regular ships of the line just seem to be overly expensive targets for smaller ships.
@lordfrostwind3151 5 жыл бұрын
Economics is probably the main reason, not just the initial build cost but maintenance, crew, and upgrade for new tech would be prohibitively expensive, and running it with old tech increases the likelihood of loss. However I do think totally moving away from them is a bad idea, especially in a galaxy where the need for ships like that from time to time is evident. Maintaining a few dreadnoughts on standby but not active duty would a good plan. Though for a faction like the First Order that seems to be primarily based on their Star Destroyers, increasing the size does make sense since they are serving even more so as mobile bases.
@martinjrgensen8234 5 жыл бұрын
Why build humongous ships, if you can build a smaller ship that is just as deadly. The new canon sequel trilogy ship sizes is just dumb. The Raddus is a crap ship if you factor in its size. I know its small lack of guns is due to Republic politics and fear of having an actual useful military, but still.
@darthnihilus1572 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the way in wich legends happen to get better smallers ships is almost unlogical, somehow the galaxy have not really fast advances even in wartimes for about 4,000 years and now they skip that in about 40-60 years
@jnew42 5 жыл бұрын
I liked the idea that Thrawn used with the Victory II's as the size of most your larger ships, although I would constantly be upgrading. That said I would want a few Dreadnought type ships as they are not typically terribly useful but when you do need one not much else will do. Great video, thank you Eck!
@kylelantan9220 4 жыл бұрын
I would think that downsizing your ships would just be a good idea for less surface area to hit for the enemy. Only reason you need bigger ships is for carrying supplies so it can operate solo. Unless you are just going for, bigger ship = more guns, but I guess that depends on guns per ship ratios. If you can build a dreadnought that has 4 smaller ships worth of guns for 3 ships worth of resources... But I agree on a lot of the reasons you mentioned for why smaller ships would be of more advantage.
@Cteabis 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe there was downsizing because of the costs of the insurance, imagine the cost of insurance on an ISD or an Executor, perhaps the banks asked for too much ??
@BjarniGunnarsson-oj5de 5 жыл бұрын
Can you make a video on the best smuggling ship and a video on how you would have started you pirate empire and how to start with nothing to a rich and powerful pirate lord. Start with you making money buy small illegal jobs and then work forward. Let's say you begin in a outer rim planet.
@Dennis-vh8tz 5 жыл бұрын
I think the post Endor factions were limited by their need to maintain a balanced economy - a limited budget forced them to build a large number of smaller ships supported by a handful of new and old dreadnoughts, unlike the Empire which had dedicated the entire galactic economy to supporting it's military and thus could build both more and larger ships.
@GarwenK 5 жыл бұрын
Something the new republic could have done, instead of having only smaller and smaller ships they could have had a hundred super star destroyer class ships in reserve, basically acting as defence platform until needed, slowly upgrading them as Tec improved but never really building more unless they became outdated, at which point scrap and replace one at a time. Much more cost effective to have these ready when needed then loose thousands of ships and planets as you haul ass to build one when you finally meet that one faction that uses them semy regularly.
@metroidgt5676 5 жыл бұрын
WOW where did that footage with the Eclipse come from?! ^_^
@ascendant2-7 5 жыл бұрын
For me, I believe that downsizing ships to a certain extent is tactical as it allows more maneuverability and flanking opportunities. Doesn't matter how large an adversary is; if you know its weak spots, it can be brought down.
@nick63090 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Were there other military-style shuttles in use other than the Gr-70s and Lambdas during the GCW?
@SchneeflockeMonsoon 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Would you ever do a Star Trek vs Star Wars story-based video series? Sort of like a battle breakdown but for a war between the two?
@BantisMedia 5 жыл бұрын
I find it very interesting that by the time of the second galactic civil war the Anakin Solo, a single if improved imperial 2 style ship was considered a huge threat. Compare that with the time the empire had 25000 of those things.
@dylanwight5764 5 жыл бұрын
Each individual ISD was considered "a huge threat" to any system it policed. Remember that there were tens of thousands of systems in the Empire which needed policing. Quite often only a single ISD was available in any system at any one time, so 25,000 suddenly doesn't seem like that many considering just how massive Imperial territories were. It's like having one soldier patrolling each street in town. Noticeable and individually powerful, but not concentrated enough to be invulnerable.
@BantisMedia 5 жыл бұрын
fair point @@dylanwight5764
@dylanwight5764 5 жыл бұрын
@@BantisMedia It does raise the question of just how advanced the _Anakin Solo_ was if it could rival modern vessels in terms of force projection. Sounds like an ISD-II refitted to Nebula-Class standards; probably superior shields, a shallower bridge structure, symmetrical keel weapon systems... there's a lot you can do with the basic ISD hull to significantly improve and modernize it.
@BantisMedia 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah well we know fir example it had its own introdiction field as well as i believe 8 experimental long range turbolasers that were used in the bombing of kashyyk (srry i know i butchered the spelling there)
@dylanwight5764 5 жыл бұрын
@@BantisMedia long-range turbolasers, huh? Interesting. How do you think they engineers achieved this? Conventional turbolasers are limited in range by the strength of their containing magnetic field which surrounds the ionized plasma. This is strongest on the dual-setting turbolasers used y the Venator-Class, but the main setting fires relatively slow projectiles, making hitting anything out to its maximum range practically impossible anyway. Turbolasers are usually only useful at relatively close range simply due to projectile velocity being limited. A long range turbolaser might more closely resemble a beam than a blob with a much longer time to accelerate (basically, very long barrels) and a narrower overall projectile as to maintain a powerful magnetic shroud but reduce dispersion over range. But at that point, why doesn't the _Anakin Solo_ just use actual lasers rather than a plasma-based projectile? Lasers would project out to these sort of ranges nearly instantly and still hit with sufficient concentration to at least overload shielding systems.
@PickleRick65 Жыл бұрын
"A Smidge", is that an Official measurement...(?)
@WiseSnake 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck I'm curious about journalism in the Star Wars universe.
@CrescentGuard 5 жыл бұрын
They got smaller because smaller capital ships are generally better.
@goldenraidz1090 5 жыл бұрын
High Speed/Mobility and High Fire Power always overcomes protection...
@flightlesslord2688 5 жыл бұрын
Which ECLIPSES any ship that came before it.... well played
@Zipplandia 5 жыл бұрын
Where is a good place to get legends books, online or offline?
@xendakakorva3267 5 жыл бұрын
1:30 whats that fighter craft on the middle left? #AskEck
@jchoneandonly 5 жыл бұрын
Improvement in technology would make small capable ships more powerful than a dreadnought
@AndrewHesterLaugh 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the old naval arms races of the early twentieth century; We build larger and larger ships with bigger and bigger guns because the other powers in the world are building bigger and bigger ships with ever larger guns.
@HappyBeezerStudios 5 ай бұрын
And with those the idea was that a bigger ship has thicker armor to survive enemy fire, and larger guns can shoot further than smaller guns. You hit and sink the enemy before they even get in range.
@samspeed6271 5 жыл бұрын
That was a pretty good video. I agree with you on flexibility, but I would like to make two points. Firstly, as tech advances you can create more powerful ships that are smaller than their predecessors with no loss in effectiveness. Secondly, flexibility, the trend can also be seen in the real world. No one uses battleships anymore, but the major naval powers have carriers. However, carriers are getting bigger because of the need for greater hangar space for aircraft. This would also apply in SW, as a carrier's offensive output is in its fighters, so more space for more fighters means more effective ship.
@bkjeong4302 5 жыл бұрын
Yep this. Size changes in ship design tend to be relatively fluid.
@clementjacquet4987 5 жыл бұрын
Can you make a video about blackout(transformers) vs b3 ultra battle droid
@dragonweyr44 5 жыл бұрын
You've got to put in the hashtag #askecks to get him to answer it
@clementjacquet4987 5 жыл бұрын
@@dragonweyr44 ohh thanks I will do this next time
@dragonweyr44 5 жыл бұрын
@@clementjacquet4987 Isn't Blackout like 40 ft tall compared to the 7 ft tall battle droid? I don't think there's much of a comparison Plus he has canons and an EMP gun to knock out electronics to as well as Scorponok
@clementjacquet4987 5 жыл бұрын
@@dragonweyr44 but the battle Droid is meant to destroy jedis
@clementjacquet4987 5 жыл бұрын
@@dragonweyr44 and he was killed by rockets from a f16 fighter
@Reyma777 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Could Gordon Freeman survive a feral stage Flood outbreak comparable to the one seen in Halo:Combat Evolved
@chrissonofpear1384 5 жыл бұрын
With an enhanced crowbar and a tau cannon? Probably.
@cr8867 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Could you please take a look at Knightmare Frames?
@jhonnoilcringeincarnato8593 5 жыл бұрын
Because in star wars capital ships are soo weak that one or two starfighters are enought to take it down hi mean we see countless times the rebels with some starfighters and/or sometimes even a modified/customized civilian ship take down the empire capital ships
@luckyfan8974 5 жыл бұрын
It makes a bit of sense that Star Wars capital ships are weak against starfighters. Star Wars takes inspiration from World War II in the way naval combat works, and it shows. In World War II naval combat, just a few torpedo planes or dive bombers could sink something as large as a battleship.
@jhonnoilcringeincarnato8593 5 жыл бұрын
@@luckyfan8974 sound right for me
@comradekenobi8146 5 жыл бұрын
#AskEck Why didn't the New Republic employ more leftover Venators instead of creating new ships?
@jessehorn6180 5 жыл бұрын
They need to make those vessels from legends to canon.
@bogustoast22none25 5 жыл бұрын
I think that those reasons are important, but we're missing the most important one, need. They needed to design more efficient ships for the near back to back wars.
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