Why Does Everyone Hate Stormblood? FFXIV Review

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Why does everyone hate Stormblood? I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Heavensward started so strong and the companions were just a lot more interesting. What do you think is the reason most people don't seem to love Stormblood?
Twitch: / genjigearlive

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@fredneckteddy Жыл бұрын
I think like ARR, Stormblood really picks up in the patch content leading up to Shadowbringers.
@Tauxi87 Жыл бұрын
and the extreme trials were pretty solid from what I remember.
@kelathos Жыл бұрын
When you finish 4.0, you've reached the foundation of the game. Stormblood's patch content is the build up, and what follows consumed me.
@ImPersonNation Жыл бұрын
Papalymo being the one to die really didn't hit as hard as it should've. We spent like no time with him.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Yeah exactly
@Cellybeans Жыл бұрын
Gridianian players got to spend more time with him, especially 1.0 vets such as myself. Some of the ARR trimming cut out time spent developing each of the scions, unfortunately. Papalymo was my favorite scion so for me, it was really upsetting for me to see him go. :(
@wol_ves Жыл бұрын
For me, the Stormblood patch content is what made Stormblood good. I'd love to hear your thoughts again and if they've shifted at all by the time you get to the end of 4.3!
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Oh I will, stay tuned!
@Cellybeans Жыл бұрын
yeah Stormblood post-patch is some of my favorite content, they do a good job tying up loose ends from the base expansion and really take things into an interesting twist.
@nickopkins 11 ай бұрын
The way you feel about Stormblood is how I felt about Heavensward.
@toky0line 11 ай бұрын
I personally, too, took about a half-year hiatus after finishing 4.0. I believe it was a good decision for me because let me tell you brother, it only keeps getting better from here on out!
@genjigearlive 11 ай бұрын
Just finished 4.2 today, it’s heating up for sure
@Tauxi87 Жыл бұрын
While Stormblood has its moments, the liberation of Ala Mhigo and Doma isn't as exciting as what we experienced in Heavensward. Once the patches leading into Shadowbringers start, the story starts to get a lot more interesting to me. Once you get into Endwalker, a lot of the characters from Stormblood will come back into the fold. In hindsight, it makes Stormblood better.
@r2dezki Жыл бұрын
Why are you talking about endwalker again?
@Tauxi87 Жыл бұрын
@r2dezki Because IMO, Stormblood acts to help set up stuff that happens in later expansions. The expansion gains value by events in the last two expansions. Hard to say more without getting into spoilers.
@r2dezki Жыл бұрын
@@Tauxi87 Well when you've already started why not go all the way...
@Tauxi87 Жыл бұрын
@r2dezki It's general knowledge that Endwalker wraps up a 10 year story. What I said is such a broad statement that very little is spoiled, if anything at all.
@Infeston Жыл бұрын
Hey, I think 7/10 rating for Realm Reborn, 8/10 rating for Heavensward and 6/10 rating for Stormblood are completely fair ratings. I was honestly expecting you to rate Realm Reborn and Stormblood a lot lower. I still would rate Stormblood a bit higher, because instead of other forms of media, which portray "revolutions" as this epic kind of thing, Stormblood demonstrated that revolutions need a lot of talking and convincing people etc. I think this very much resembles how revolutions in general are organized and how they happen. They are not necessarily epic like it is often portrayed in movies. I would still advise you to keep your expectations for "best game of all time" low for Shadowbringers and Endwalker and let yourself be surprised. Many people would say that Shadowbringers is better than Endwalker, but I think especially regarding the pacing I think Endwalker is a lot better than Shadowbringers. I can already tell you there will always be "boring" parts in both Shadowbringers and Endwalker, where the pacing will be slower. I honestly don't think the gameplay difficulty will necessarily increase. Difficult content you mostly get from savage raids, extremes, ultimates, deep dungeon (solo deep dungeon for example). I honestly wish there was more hard solo content in the game. But mostly all the hard content is for groups. They try to make FF14 accessible to everyone and I can kinda understand it, because I have non-gamer friends who I got into FF14 and they were really struggling with stuff, which I found pretty easy. So I understand the notion to make the stuff easy for some people. Especially many FF14 players see this game more like a social platform instead of a game. Still, I would honestly like them to include a "difficulty slider" option of some kind, where your stats can be adjusted so you can make stuff more difficult for yourself (maybe also giving more rewards like money etc. if you increase your difficuluty level?). Anyways I will continue to follow your journey and see what you will have to say about Stormblood patch content and Shadowbringers.
@grygaming5519 Жыл бұрын
The way I picture what went down was something like this. SE: Alright Yoshida-San since FFXIV is doing so well, we are going to greenlight your next expansion and the next two expansions. We are expecting great things from you. Yoshida-San: Oh boy....so no vacation time off. SE: I fear not, but if you do well Yoshida-San...I want to offer you the ability to direct a flagship Final Fantasy Title. Yoshida-San: Will I do it without any interference. SE: Depends...but good luck on your next expansion....I hope it prints us lots of money. Yoshida -san: Oh boy....Alright team CBS-3: Yes Boss Yoshida San: We need to make a concise story for the next three expansions but we can only keep some of the Scions. CBS-3: Got you boss. Yoshida-San: We'll use the Famitisu polling to tell us what characters to keep. Now lets get onto the title. Writer 1: Boss the new title name for the patch....Storm Blood. Yoshida-san: Oh boy well if anything goes sideways we'll just break the glass and use our secret weapon Ishkawa-san. *que the script rough drafts* Yoshida-San: Alright ishkawa-san can you salvage this Ishkawa: I can, but I want the next two expansions Yoshida-san: Fair enough. Hence why 4.0 was utter dog turd outside of Othard and why the patch content was better overall. The main issue with Storm Blood was Lyse and will always be Lyse. There was none of that build up that Lyse was not Ida and vice versa. It was pretty much 'hahaha look at me I'm posing as my dead sister' after Baelsar's Wall events. So there was no impact then on top of Lyse taking a case of reset to dumb cause myself having a hard time suspending some of her antics. She was supposed to be good at diplomacy (as through ARR she was kind of ok) but she sucked at it, tactics (sucked at it) or anything that would give her some knowledge on being half way decent instead of a pure idealistic sidekick. The writer who wrote all of Gyr Abania leaned into hard that Lyse was just a muscle head beauty and Papalymo was the brains of the operation (ie hiding for Lyse's dumb). Then when you got to the Othard side of the story it was far more of an actual story, when the focus shifted off Lyse to Hien it was all relatable and believable from a writing point of view. The issue always became how to reconcile both parts of the story that were no longer mirroring the same whole. I mean you'll have your Lyse defenders and storm blood defenders saying 'it was about politics' no...if your only exposure to political thrilling stories is storm blood then you're way into a shallow pool. There's books and short stories that dive into politics and liberation that can run circles around Gry Albana. Lyse was the wrong flagship character to headline the title (Gen. Rahuban should have been the MC). If you placed Rahuban as the main person the story revolved around and made Lyse the sidekick that followed you with tweaks here and there to the story (gathering intel and allies). Storm Blood would have a good expansion but its just slightly above ARR in terms of story and that was already a low bar to begin with. Also get used to the death fake outs....and I'll actually go against you on that. Gratuitous Death ie Red Wedding makes death cheap and honestly the best thing to keep in mind is...if there's no body they are still alive.
@Syastsk Жыл бұрын
The Yda/Lyse thing makes WAY more sense in the original 1.0 story, and I think when the world/setting got handed over to the new writers they didn't really know how to handle it. In 1.0, the echo actually brought you back in time for extended periods of time, but you didn't always know this was happening and that you were in the past. The trick is, when you were in the past you were interacting with Yda, while in the present with Lyse, but since Lyse was disguised as Yda, it was like a mystery/puzzle where you slowly realized these are two different people you're dealing with. Actually very clever! Of course, that story never got finished, so it's hard to evaluate, but at least it makes complete sense. In general I think 1.0's story was exceptionally good and puts into context a lot of the more unusual parts of FF14 proper's narrative. It's really such a shame that the original author of the setting and MSQ was replaced in the ARR transition, although I haven't been able to dig up much on the details of that.
@negativespace261 Жыл бұрын
You really nailed a central reason I didn’t connect with Stormblood - that lack of differences in opinion is a great call out I didn’t think of. Cheers, hope you enjoy patch content a bit more!
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yeah I hope so too!
@OmegaEnvych Жыл бұрын
Another thing about Stormblood is its themes. In many cases I noticed that theme of military occupation doesn't work well really on people who didn't encounter same trauma. To be fair, patch content really improves on what was going on in Stormblood. Like really. Azimm Steppe is definitely great location and I was so fascinated with Xaela tribes, that I just wanted to read every single quest there. Btw, Nadaam is actually real thing - it's a competition festival that is still held in Mongolia (and Xaela are HEAVILY based on Mongols) Let's just say, they actually started fixing some of the issues of Stormblood in patches, but truly it's until Shadowbringers where story is going to take a turn. Yes, it does sound kinda eh, but it is how it is. Regarding character deaths it all comes to different writers. Initial MSQ writer (same guy who went on writing FFXVI) loved to kill characters, sometimes unexpectedly. And, well, Ishikawa hated the fact that he killed off Moenbryda that quick. Some other writers had same issues, hence in XIV important characters rarely die. Well, they still do, of course, but not until player gives them long sendoff - so no more Game of Thrones deaths and more of classic FF character deaths. Frankly, regarding difficulty - don't. Just don't seek challenge in MSQ content. Some fights may look hard at first, but realistically I can name 2 or 3 dungeons where party needs to be more or less careful - that would be level 72, level 85 and first level 90 dungeons - first pulls and some (again, SOME, not all) boss mechanics on them can be brutal. Otherwise most of these dungeons pose any challenge only if you're heavily underleveled or doing then on min ilvl. Challenge really comes in Extreme trials and raids (mostly in Savage and Ultimates, since normals are really easy after 2-3 runs when you get to know all the mechanics). And I am still pushing that there is no such thing as perfect game or perfect story. Shadowbringers and Endwalker also have story issues. But in comparison with Heavensward and Stormblood Shadowbringers puts more emphasis on characters, character development, has better pacing, less moments that feel filler, more moments that put an impact. Main story might seem slow but generally it's slow setup for some big event - will it be story moment, dungeon or trial or revelation. On another topic - FFXIV doesn't make cardinal sin of putting final boss at the very end. Unlike with Ultimecia or Yu Yevon, for example, you actually get to experience this boss for some time and will get enough time to understand its motives. That's mostly true for all bosses if XIV, mind you, some better than others.
@Reinshark Жыл бұрын
I’m curious if this review includes the post-patch Stormblood content-which I absolutely consider to be a part of Stormblood, and I think contains some of its best material.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t, haven’t done the patch yet
@Rennat9002 Жыл бұрын
“I’m not going to spend hours a day streaming it like I have been” We’ll see 😅 Lol but honestly, if StB burned you out, then ShB will reignite you and blast you into space. It sucks it takes this long and cycles through burnouts to get there, but it gets there.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Yeah I am excited for that second wind
@kimaclaret Жыл бұрын
I haven't been able to catch the streams recently, so I don't know if you've started showed, but I think ShB does a lot better with the things you mentioned not liking about SB. I hope you enjoy it, even if you decide to play off stream.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Yeah I have been playing FFXVI actually, still got patch content before ShB. But honestly, I have a lot of games I want to play, (Starfield, Balder's Gate, Cyberpunk DLC) so I don't think I will regularly be streaming FFXIV again for a few months, but I will still try and do a stream here or there. I'll make an announcement probably when ShB starts. I think I want to make sure I can really commit a lot of time to ShB before I start it so people can plan and join the streams.
@kimaclaret Жыл бұрын
Oh for sure, tons of great games out/coming out soon. I'm avoiding all things FFXVI until I can play it, but I'd love to see some BG3 thoughts once I've played for a bit. I'm sure people have brought it up, but most people enjoy the patch content of SB a lot more, too.
@jaesaces Жыл бұрын
I get what you mean about not feeling like you know the Scions that well. While you've done a lot with them by Stormblood, they seem more like "work friends" than people you'd be hanging out with on the regular. Like many things in FFXIV, they do improve on this as time goes on. Side note though, some optional content does heavily involve the Scions and can help you feel closer to them. For the difference of opinion thing, it's a little different because nobody good is going to side with Garlemald, but we do see a fair bit of the people who are in favor of "giving up." Lyse's big character growth is done far to subtly here, but I think they want her to grow to empathise with others more and consider that this place and its people are broken and will take time to heal: that what they need is an ongoing effort rather than a hero to swoop in, punch the bad guy, and leave. Unfortunately, since the 4.0 story is basically us swooping in to save the day it falls a bit flat and doesn't really bear fruit until the post-patch content. It's funny, the part you mentioned you liked the best was written by the same person who wrote the Dark Knight job quests and later went on to be the head writer for Shadowbringers, so look forward to that treat!
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Ah yeah, my girl Ishikawa, she’s the best. I knew there was something special about that area! Can’t wait to see what she did in the next expacs.
@heylookitsnana Жыл бұрын
PVE was really good in Stormblood. The Omega raids Savage were hella fun. We got four first ultimate as well. In general, the job changes and raid designs got their groove (tho, some of the easy raids were meh.) While there were balance issues, it was mostly perception based. (Tho WHM lilies in SB were hot garbage. They're wayyyy better now.) It was a non Meta job, DRK, that was in the world first clear group. The Alliance raids were, albeit overly wordy, very fun. This is one issue of playing a game like FF as a new player. The expansion's quality is based on the story, not the myriad of things that it brought you to the table. Also, tons of QoL updates in SB.
@patyos2 10 ай бұрын
Hardcore Raiders it’s their favourite expansion because Stormblood has the most amount of hard content
@Defixio. Жыл бұрын
i think zenos and lyse just hit people diferently
@dajungle4010 Жыл бұрын
good review, i more or less agree with your take up to this point. I do think there are some really good qualities about stormblood but most of them are in the patch content. but you are on you're way to shadowbringers and ill be surprised if you dont have a genrally positive opinion after the first few quests of that expansion
@Barnuses Жыл бұрын
I really liked Stormblood, actually more than Heavensward. Mostly for the fact that I'm not really into the whole medieval aesthetic and dragons and stuff. Heavensward's story was good, but the environment didn't resonate with me at all. With Stormblood, I was really into the psychological effects of war and prolonged military occupation. From those whose spirits were broken to those who resisted. Those who profited from the conflict. And those who joined their oppressors. There are also some interesting side quests that go into it further that I enjoyed. And the Doman Enclave Reconstruction was pretty cool. I liked Yatsuyu's story. She wasn't so much a cartoon villain to me. She was kind of justified considering her parents died so she was left with her abusive aunt who married her off at a young age to an abusive noble who died and left her with his debts. So she had to work in a brothel to pay them off. How she was powerless to the things done to her so when Zenos put her in charge she then had power to make those she felt wronged her suffer. Not excusing her behavior, ultimately you're responsible for your own actions, but it's easy to see how she got there. I liked Lyse's character development. And with Fordola serving as a foil to Lyse. Lyse's father died a hero during the Garlean invasion and Fordola's father being hailed as a traitor and Garlean sympathizer. And how those legacies shaped each of them growing up in or displaced from the occupation. Fordola embracing the oppressors because that's what her father did. And Lyse learning who she wants to be after deciding to stop living in the shadow of her father, sister, and Papalymo. And Hien kind of serving as a mirror. Both being pushed into leadership positions and both understanding freedom in different ways but wanting it for their peoples. I wasn't so much into the Gyr Abania aesthetic but the Doman areas were really nice. I think the expansion kind of suffered from the fact that they stuffed both the Ala Mhigan and Doman liberations together instead of really fleshing out each. Some things did seem rushed or underdeveloped. Like Lyse being appointed as the leader of the resistance. It should have either been M'Naago or more time given for Lyse to earn it. But overall I liked it. Main complaint is just that it was too condensed for two liberations.
@mismismism Жыл бұрын
It was very set up heavy, Lyse was pretty much universally disliked, I really did not like the Yotsuyu redemption arc, I personally found it badly handled and for anyone who played Genshin and knows Raiden's story, it gave me that, like we're supposed to forgive her because hot woman even though she was just as evil and irredeemable for me as Asahi or Zenos. Zenos was also polarizing and it just had kind of a slow start as well for me. I would never say Stormblood is bad but just by comparison to HW and especially compared to ShB and EW, it just fell short, but it deserves praise for how much it actually set up that paid off in ShB and EW.
@shanty2782 9 ай бұрын
Do you think they will make more content on kugane and jp theme, cuz in stromblood , kugane was only used as staying place unlike ishgard
@mismismism 9 ай бұрын
@@shanty2782 That's hard to say, probably not for a while since Dawn Trail seems set pretty far away to the West so I'd guess it really depends if there's a reason to go back there story wise.
@yume989 Жыл бұрын
Sorry to say this but the Omega raids' lore is related to the main story, you can skip them but you might be confused in Endwalker later on. This is why it is the only one I would not recommend skipping at all.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
You don’t need to be sorry, 100 other people have already told me the same thing
@DantoriusD Жыл бұрын
The Problem i have with Stormblood is the Pacing. The MSQ is splitted into 2 seperated Stories. You have the whole Ala Mhigo Storyline and then the whole Stuff with Hien and his Journey to reclaim his Place as Ruler. Dont get me wrong both were not bad but all this back and forth in between didnt feel natural. On top of that the Slow Story Parts felt super slow. The whole Story about the Clan Stuff in the Azim Steps was such a snailroad for me....the Dungeon was awesome but all of the Rest i absolute hate. They did a way better Job with all the Post Content Stuff especially 3.1-3.4 Oh and on Top i really cant stand Lyse. I freaking hated her Character in the MSQ.
@mypurpletie Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed all the expansions equally. The quality never dropped for me after ARR. In fact, it only got better as it progressed. Can't wait to see what's coming next in 6.5 and the buildup to 7.0.
@rengeki12 Жыл бұрын
If you're up to 4.0, and haven't done any of the patch content, i agree with most of what you think. I was on the same boat. But stuff pays off, especially characters not actually dying. And in terms of difficulty i think people should've told you already that its not the point of the MSQ and even normal content, its pointless to expect otherwise.
@maligor Жыл бұрын
I think the most people agree with all the points raised here - hence why it's the least favourite expansion. Though I would mention one thing that might be an interesting trivia. From Azim's Steppe onwards, writing duties were done by someone else, you can feel the change in pacing with the accompanying (imo) better written characters and world. She then continues to be the lead writer through the end of Endwalker. Her writing really worked for me, and pulled me in all the various directions a story should. Maybe it will for you too? Don't want to oversell it, different people like different things, but I adored her writing :)
@sinom Жыл бұрын
"not one of the top 4 expansions" considering there's only been 4 expansions that says a lot lol
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Lol, well I was kind of including ARR, but I think you got the idea
@Eredom Жыл бұрын
As others already wrote... everything up to end of Stormblood just feels like buildup once you enter Shadowbringers, and then it only gets better from there. After all, Shadowbringers has THE best villain I have ever seen in a video game or any media at all.
@genjigearlive Жыл бұрын
Better than Heath Ledger’s Joker? Better than Ramsey from GOT? Better than Darth Vader? Better than Anton Chigurh from No Country from Old Men? Better than Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker? Better than Sephoroth? Better than Dracula?
@AutumnSteven 11 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive yep
@genjigearlive 11 ай бұрын
@@AutumnSteven lol
@AutumnSteven 11 ай бұрын
@@genjigearlive obviously its all opinions, but he’s my personal favorite villain.
@Kaslo25 Жыл бұрын
The Yda/Lyse reveal was only useful for explaining why Yda was a ditzy archon.
@r2dezki Жыл бұрын
Stormblood is a massive ramp up in quality compared to Heavensward, and if you have an eye for details, it will be so much better for you than HW too.
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