Why I’m not a typical adult

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@miainwonderland5052 2 ай бұрын
I had a kind of epiphany when I was on an inpatient psychiatric unit. I was scared about turning 18, as I had never planned on becoming an adult. The closer it came, the scarier it became until I realised I would just be the same person, only a day older. That’s all we really are; the same people but years older. Some are pessimistic, that’s just how they are and that’s fine. Some are optimistic, some seen as “childish and immature”, but the reality is that everyone has a different way of experiencing the world. It doesn’t matter on age, you are always the person you have been. The problem is when people start to believe that their way of viewing and interacting with the world is the only right one. Unfortunately that is very common. We need to break that and listen and learn from each other. Lovely video X
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Beautifully said! Something to think about for sure and very well put. Thanks for your insight!
@susanweller2121 Ай бұрын
I love this! 💖 Thank you for sharing. 🤗
@kennedie7031 Ай бұрын
@catherineleslie-faye4302 2 ай бұрын
Pessimists are childish. Optimists are childlike. Optimists never give up on kindness.
@JenniferKastelic Ай бұрын
@noveltycrusade Ай бұрын
@@catherineleslie-faye4302 great comment
@clacclackerson3678 Ай бұрын
My psychiatrist told me that neither optimism or pessimism are the way to go; it’s realism that is the diamond.
@noveltycrusade Ай бұрын
@@clacclackerson3678 your psychiatrist is probably making bank
@catherineleslie-faye4302 Ай бұрын
@@clacclackerson3678 realism is a cop out it is based on other peoples views of the world...
@jamesreid8638 Ай бұрын
When i noticed the cynicism of many adults, my first reaction was pity. I understand why peplle become cynical, but i think it comes, from a kind of naive nostalgia for some previous, golden age of perfection, from which everything has fallen. I am not an optimist, but a cheerful pessimist. I believe things are as good now as they have ever been, and i understand that it is our calling to build and be the change we want to see in this world. So glad to find you here, Dear🌹🌸🌻
@sparkalightnow 2 ай бұрын
Many mystics speak of this exactly quality as well. I try to remind religious folk in my life how yeshua said something like "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." yet unfortunately many religious folk are more conditioned by the dogma of human systems. Being childlike in adulthood is remembering our core essence--it's a pure merging, walking beside ourselves as both the protector and the part untouched by life's weights so we may safely take joys in all the wonders of life and openness no matter how simple they may seem. The adult in us has simply learned to discern and set boundaries so our child-self can safely create and follow their curiosity
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Very nicely said! Thank you. :)
@robot7759 2 ай бұрын
Never let the old in, keep on playing.
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Human nature is playing!
@robot7759 2 ай бұрын
@@faerysoul 👍
@thesw3atyone Ай бұрын
It always fills my heart with joy to watch a video someone created that speaks to my soul. Thank you for being you and for sharing this with us. Sending love ❤
@faerysoul Ай бұрын
Thank you for being so sweet. ❤️
@niceguy8283 10 күн бұрын
The old tower and the ruins surrounding it were so beautiful. That would be one of my happy places.🌿🌻
@oliviac6539 2 ай бұрын
You could make this narrative into a lovely picture book- lol it was giving me storybook in a great way. Wonderful work!!
@Adelbercht Ай бұрын
I sat at the side of a water today and watched the bugs dance on the water and wondered why I didn't do this more often. Then I continued my hike and got eaten alive by the bugs in a swamp. All in balance, I suppose
@amiq8748 Ай бұрын
My niece asked me when we were outside a church after her big brothers confirmation. "Are you an adult?" (She was 11 or 12 at that time, I was 34.) "Yes", I said. Later I have thought about it and came to a conclusion that actually I'm not an adult, at least not in a typical sense.
@larrytangel3580 Ай бұрын
You are an interesting human; thank you for your thoughts; a message needed today… and everyday. 🤓😇😎
@arzumardalieva3874 2 ай бұрын
I’m so grateful! Just what I needed to hear!💜🙏🏻
@kiranjoshi5267 Ай бұрын
I think its struggle between little innocent child within and outer cruel world. Taking responsibilities and dealing with practical life we are forced to compromise but we must go deeper inside so that external world and circumstances do not affect us. Thanks for sharing beautiful message 👌👍🙏❤️
@lindaraereneau484 Ай бұрын
I know what you are talking about! What is true and real is what they say is fantasy. Be like a child. No matter how difficult things are, I am always in great joy, in this great beauty that is everywhere and inside. This great order and mystery and miraculous existence! I am 78 and for myself, I define maturity as realization of joy.
@gurkmeja2021 2 ай бұрын
So many wise words, and I totally agree. 🌟 Charming video and beautiful nature scenes. Wishing you a wonderful week to come! 🍀 /Ditte 🤓 🇸🇪
@rosieburrows3410 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! This is exactly where my own thoughts have been leading me today. You have put this all together so beautifully 🤗 ❤🌸🌷
@SoulFaeWorld 2 ай бұрын
Very relatable speech 💬👍🏻
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Spinner773 2 ай бұрын
You are a comforting person. If i can share my honest thoughts, i hope that someone like you will someday like me, despite me seeming rough. I feel like i have a kind of intense, maybe dark energy idk. But im not nihilistic. I hope and appreciate how important hope and enjoying the little things, nurturing your inner child is. I guess what im saying is im afraid no one will stay long enough to see those parts of me.
@noveltycrusade 2 ай бұрын
Truly unique people don't typically broadcast it, in my humble opinion ❤
@spacebar9733 Ай бұрын
Omg I wholly disagree!!
@noveltycrusade Ай бұрын
@@spacebar9733 yeah maybe I'm wrong.
@monicaramirez51015 Ай бұрын
Right 😊
@otherworldlyfiction 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for another beautiful video. ♥
@kennedie7031 Ай бұрын
i haven't watched much yet, but i'm already grateful for the affirmation that it's okay to be living the way i am going into my 20s, with the kind of personality i carry myself with. i've been really frightened of the idea of not being a child or no longer being treated as something innocent or playful, and i want to give other people that benefit into adulthood too. life experiences aren't sanctioned by age, and there's nothing we need to grow out of. being very ill with OCD and psychosis really reinforced this for me. everything was very very hard for a long time and i can't bear that being my life moving forward. i hope we can all find joy and meaning in whatever way we please, staying innocent in our faith in the world and the things we love. edit: this video absolutely transported me, thank you so much for sharing
@kennedie7031 Ай бұрын
and i love the autistic stimming inclusion! stimming is definitely seen as childish but it's so good, and why should we have to zip up our emotions because we are adults?
@badgeswedontneednostinking5571 Ай бұрын
@JenniferKastelic Ай бұрын
Watching your video I am dreaming of Beatrix Potter.
@barboraambrozyova8735 8 күн бұрын
you have beautiful energy, thank you for sharing it 💞 its inspireing
@nicola1466 10 күн бұрын
I'm 35 and get mistaken for someone a lot younger, I'm quite petite but I think it's more my personality. I'm quite whimsical and like a simple quiet life and prefer to be around animals usually more than people. I often feel like a bit of an alien and not a "real" adult but I need to accept myself and see the beauty of my so called "childish" ways. I am also a trauma survivor and my symptoms are quite similar in ways to those with autism ie: I am extremely sensitive, I'm learning to accept myself as I am. Thank you for sharing, and helping us hsp feel seen
@faerysoul 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing, your comment was very moving to read.
@roberttravers7587 2 ай бұрын
Great video!😁
@dharmathenature3509 24 күн бұрын
2:08 MOMENTMAL .. ich bin immer verwirrt wenn ich Englischsprachige Videos sehe mit deutschen Sachen.. gleichzeitig faszinierend & spannend 😂 💚😃
@greengables3166 2 ай бұрын
Finz immer interessant, wie Leute sich an ihre zwei Ziffern klammern. Du bist die Differenz von Geburts- und aktuellem Datum. Was zum Teufel. Ich hab mit 20 beschlossen, dass ich des midm Erwachsensein nicht mitmach. Ab da war ich von den unangenehmen und unattraktiven Erscheinungsformen ausgenommen 🥰😍☺
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Heheh, schön gesagt. Aber von was für Erscheinungsformen sprichst du? :D
@greengables3166 2 ай бұрын
@@faerysoul Aaaalleeeee, die im Mumintal verboten wären!!!! Alles mit Morra 😡
@punkblanc 2 ай бұрын
@barryholland3242 Ай бұрын
You Understand the Universe .
@Waldemar_la_Tendresse 24 күн бұрын
Nachdem ich das hier und die Poesie darin gesehen habe, komme ich einfach nicht umhin, dir Auroras erstes Album zu empfehlen, auch wenn ich davon ausgehe, dass du es bereits kennen dürftest. Ich würde sagen, Naivität ist der Versuch, immer und immer wieder zuerst neutral bis positiv auf neue Menschen zuzugehen, auch wenn in unserer Gesellschaft nicht gerade wenige einen früher oder später davon überzeugen, dass es nicht gerechtfertigt gewesen ist, so auf sie zuzugehen. Jedoch kann (und sollte!) man sich von denen einfach wieder trennen.
@faerysoul 24 күн бұрын
Na klar kenne ich Aurora, hehe! 😊 Zu Beginn ihrer Karriere haben mir Freunde ständig gesagt, dass wir uns super ähnlich seien und als ich dann die Musik gehört hab, hats mich gleich umgehauen. 🥰 Zur Naivität: Ich kenne eine Geschichte über einen Mönch, der von seinen Brüdern immer eieder verulkt wird, weil er so leichtgläubig ist. Eines Tages sagen die Brüder:"Schau, draußen ist ein fliegendes Pferd!" Der Mönch schaut gleich aus dem Fenster, aber natürlich ist nichts zu sehen. Daraufhin fragen ihn die Brüder:"Wieso hast du uns das geglaubt? Du weißt doch, dass es keine fliegenden Pferde gibt!" Der Mönch daraufhin:"Nun, ich würde eher glauben, dass ein Pferd fliegen kann, als dass meine geliebten Brüder mich belügen würden."
@Waldemar_la_Tendresse 24 күн бұрын
@@faerysoul War ja klar, dass du sie kennen würdest. Dennoch: das erste Album ist einfach das beste, danach wurde es zu "angepasst". Pass dich mit deinen Bildern also nicht zu sehr an. Wenn du schon mit Mönchen anfängst, such mal bei Gelegenheit. und wenn du magst, nach "Ajahn Brahm". Der hat irgendwann die westliche Gesellschaft verlassen, obwohl er gutverdienender Ingenieur war. Ich finde, das hat genauso viel Aussagekraft, wie die Tatsache, dass Autisten in dieser Gesellschaft auch eher nicht zurechtkommen (damit meine ich, dass man sich seine Leute schon sehr genau aussuchen muss).
@alexwantschocolate Ай бұрын
Youre really cute nice and pretty 😊❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Waldemar_la_Tendresse 24 күн бұрын
She definitely has a very beautiful character, if that is the real and true her. (I mean, this is the online world, right?)
@angelicrobles6292 2 ай бұрын
Beautifully and poignantly put! @Faerysoul ✨ You expressed most (if not all) of how I have been feeling my whole life. These traits in me, they were seen as punishable, --- by grown-ups, or by my contemporaries considered more mature and experienced. These punishments led me to fear growing up. To me, it would mean turning into someone I hate, and the only reward would be the power to hatefully punish any naiveté, whimsy, or anything that didn't really fit the mould of what a proper grown-up should be. I kept being brainwashed into thinking that it will feel great to be "soooo over" all the childish things, and move on to "better days in living real life." So, the way you put it when you said being a child is like being a completely different species, that's exactly how dehumanized you feel when you "come of age", because you are suddenly expected to drop the amazingly wonderful things you learn in your childhood. To treat those values and lessons as disposable, in favour of being someone more convenient to society. To anyone here who feels mauled over by cynicism- I'm reaching out with a hand filled with love for the you who, as Faerysoul so warmly expressed, held on to what you believe in, with kindness. ✨ Have a magical day or night, wherever in the world you are!
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Awww I'm so moved by your words! 😭 You put it so greatly! 🤩😍 I felt it a very similiar way growing up! 😊 Thank you for your heartfelt and lovely analysis. 😍
@callycatus 2 ай бұрын
How refreshing you are ! always keep being you as DR Seuss said "Today you are You ..that is truer than true and there is no-one alive that is youer than you 😁
@heedmydemands Ай бұрын
O that's a great doctor suess quote, what book?
@fairyfarms Ай бұрын
oooh that's one for the journal
@FoenyxFeather 2 ай бұрын
When I was in grade 1 mid 90s it was still legal to corporally punish children in my country at private schools. Rocking up to our religious school to teach my grade 1 and 3 class was a young teacher fresh out of the nunnery who I could see had a beautiful heart in some aspects but was constantly projecting some sort of fearful, hurtful, rejective mindstate towards my 5 year old neurodivergent self. I didn't know why she felt so much more threatened by me than other students - or what I kept doing 'wrong'. All I know is she kept sending me up to the front office to get the paddle so many times it was questionable, and like many baby-boomer adults at that school, was convinced I was the devil in disguise because I was a little 'spacey' and 'not normal'. I now wonder if those really hurt, rigid, and miserable adults in that superficial environment were just rejecting, ignoring, ashamed of, or repressing their inner child so much that it leaked out in the form of them completely disrespecting the perspective of naive/bright/or creative children. That actually might be something a lot of bitter adults need to heal - is their relationship with their inner child. In the case of many rigid baby boomers - they need to reconnect with, validate, and heal their inner child that was clearly neglected or worse yet, mistreated by a generation of parents before them who were desperate to cope with inner wounds they didn't understand after the World Wars. Who stuffed their feelings down deep and ignored their own hurt emotions - and that of their kids while they simultaneously tried to establish a calm, controlled, normative society.
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Oh God, really? That sounds terrible, so sorry to hear what you have been through! :o But I think your analysis is very interesting and full of insight to think about. Thank you for sharing!
@angelicrobles6292 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! I learned so much!! 😰 And I am so sorry about what happened to you. Sending a hug your way! In my case, I have always felt so lucky to have had the chance to be raised and taught by those from these generations you speak of---but who did not agree with the circumstances they endured . I watched them unlearn the mandatory punishments they experienced, and chose forms of discipline that had me free to listen and voice out my understanding of the given situation. I was so lucky they slowly broke that cycle of unloading generational trauma onto those younger than them, even at the cost of being accused of raising and teaching me wrong. They weren't above learning from me as well. They had that very uplifting belief in me, that I could teach them about what they didn't know--- working gadgets, digitalizing nearly everything, so-called norms that are now considered disrespectful. It gave me hope when they would ask "You can do that now?" or state that "If this practice happened sooner, there would be people who didn't have to go through so much pain in order to be respected as human." It was like seeing them decades younger than they actually are! Their inner child getting the chance to see the magic of finding hope in this life. ❤
@FoenyxFeather 2 ай бұрын
@@angelicrobles6292 That's wonderful! I'm really glad there were people that started breaking the generational trauma cycles back then. Nowadays many more people recognize they need to heal those cycles by healing ourselves - and so I see many more people embracing learning from children in the ways they can teach, giving them a voice, making them feel heard, but also giving them structure to learn in. It's not the easy choice pathway but it's the pathway that pays off for humanity in the end, and for each of those children's individual lives as they get old. I learned from you too, thankyou!
@FoenyxFeather 2 ай бұрын
@@faerysoul You're welcome! :)
@amandadevuonoart Ай бұрын
What a beautiful video, thank you for sharing it! I too am not a typical adult & it’s so nice to find others. Until you do find similar people you often think there’s something wrong with you when in actuality, there’s something RIGHT with you. As George Bernard Shaw said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing” ❤
@l_anar 2 ай бұрын
Seelenverwandte🤍 Ich bin dir so dankbar für dieses Video! Wenn die Menschen das nur erkennen und all diese falschen Ideen über das Erwachsensein loslassen würden.. Das Leben auf der Erde könnte wirklich so schön sein.
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
Ich finde, das ist es bereits, man muss nur den Fokus auf die richtigen Momente/Orte/Menschen legen. Deswegen ist natürlich alles Schwierige nicht weg, aber es existiert eben beides und was man nährt, das wächst dann zum Glück auch... wie alles im Leben.
@ronruger7160 2 ай бұрын
@faerysoul 2 ай бұрын
@moleculemagician8616 Ай бұрын
From a milk chocolate to a 3D animated TV series, a small mystery that your comment, the algorithm and a lost or missing YT short motivated me to solve ( at least partially).
@hannahlowry503 12 күн бұрын
I once promised myself that I would never grow up. Grow wiser maybe, but never stop being a kid. I would be like one of the lost boys. I encounter the issue of having to adult without killing the child.
@jyamesLccas 2 ай бұрын
@heedmydemands Ай бұрын
That's beautiful
@foxaleks.9176 19 күн бұрын
СПАСИБО ЗА ВИДЕО. ДЛЯ ВАС ОТРЫВОК ИЗ СТИХОТВОРЕНИЯ: Что своей рукой, запечатлеть мне? На том простом, тленном полотне, Срывается с травы, огромный жук, Трава, лоснится холодом росы, А рядом лягушачий ряд, кричит, По тем приметам, сердце успокоит....
@natuvampire 15 күн бұрын
That was so lovely! I have been wondering though, can people who need the whimsy co - exist closely with people how reject it?
@mariooooo.o3404 Ай бұрын
Ive rewatched this a few times now and everytime I find something new in it...your videos (and you!) are truly something special 😊 Its so refreshing to see someone with gratitude in their heart. Everybody around me is just complaining all the time it feels like and I'm sometimes trying to remind them how wonderful life is - but of course...^^ To be honest, I'd really love to have someone like you as a friend. I have never come across someone like you in my life and Ive been looking believe me 😅 I feel like I could tell you absolutely anything going through that weird little head of mine 😅 Love ❤ & Namaskaram to you =) 🙏 ..and a *boop* 😊
@nick005 Ай бұрын
This can be a massive struggle in life. The last few years I’ve been trying to be more what I’d call my authentic self instead of what others have wanted me to be.
@bammalam4616 Ай бұрын
i love your world view. i truly hope it will never change
@G8rquest Ай бұрын
Hell, pout or learn to help out.
@moleculemagician8616 Ай бұрын
You have chosen to hold on to a simple view, and that may be fine as long as you can live securely in isolation. However most livable parts of the rest of the world are owned by others and the world is overcrowded in the sense that others will inevitably intrude upon what is yours. It is non complicated to think that the big is in the small and that the small is in the big, but those thoughts exclude a lot of other facts. If life has been overly stressful and you need a rest, then it may be helpful to ignore those other facts for a short while, like taking a vacation from the harsh realities. The mind and body need time to heal. It is dangerous to rest for too long or you will be unprepared when the outside world barges in. The seed is like a tiny factory with some initial supplies and a program. As the life grows it gathers nutrients and interacts with its environment. Have you noticed plants growing more towards the sun or extending roots towards water? Have you seen tree burls? Or for more extreme examples in the plant kingdom consider cubical watermelons, blue watermelons, and bonsai. Why does the tree burl grow as it does? A fungus, bacterium or virus has caused this. In the extreme cases the internal programs in the small cells of the plant are altered. Amongst humans people have different capabilities, capacities, and willingness to remember. Our memories of some things which have happened in the past may be very painful, but the overall usefulness of the memories is to increase our chances of survival by helping us to choose paths to beneficial outcomes and avoid paths to damaging outcomes. Many lessons in life are only learned once, because we take greater precautions to make sure that the harm doesn’t happen again, or that we continue to benefit by a better way to do something. People don’t always have a chance to learn, because some events are lethal. It is especially important to learn from others, but also beware of them misleading and manipulating you. When you have healed sufficiently then it will be time to venture forth, at least with your mind, to learn and understand more of the world and the universe around you. Then you can make preparations to survive even as disasters like hunger, disease, war, and natural catastrophes happen all around you. Be strong and live a good life.
@dojoearth8304 Ай бұрын
What kind of energetic vomit was that? Do you spray chemtrails on fairy’s for a living ?
@moleculemagician8616 Ай бұрын
@@dojoearth8304 It is no wonder that you consider what I have written to be energetic vomit if your mind runs screaming in terror from the truth. I would not spay chemtrails on fairy tails, but I would offer them antiparasitics since they spend much time out in the wild where they are likely to be bitten by insects and come in contact with animal dung.
@mariooooo.o3404 Ай бұрын
I dont really see what you are trying to say. If you see the kindness is all things that means you have become bulletproof in a way. Only if you see that you have trust in existence and only if you have trust in existence fear goes away and life opens up to you.
@moleculemagician8616 Ай бұрын
@@mariooooo.o3404 If I walk along the edge of a cliff then I do so with confidence in my abilities including my understanding of the properties of the cliff. If the wind picks up and it starts to rain then I may be confronted with fear that it is becoming increasingly unsafe to remain near the cliff’s edge. Do you think that the universe exists just for you? Have watchful eyes and hidden hands kept you save and yet naive about the realities of the world around you? Many things are neither kind nor mean, they just are. As for people? There certainly are some good ones and some very evil ones. Life has taught me that it can take years to tell what someone is really like, because people think, and they act, and they can hide their true nature as long as they view it to be beneficial to them.
@moleculemagician8616 Ай бұрын
@@dojoearth8304 Do you put fairy dung on your sandwiches before you eat them?
@endezeichengrimm Ай бұрын
Is this in Germany?
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