Why is Tradwife Content Going Viral?

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Estee Williams

Estee Williams

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@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
Dress is from Aeterie ❤
@HPTFan 7 ай бұрын
@AprilHarmony9 7 ай бұрын
I swear I was going to ask😂 I love most of your dresses🩵
@AngryJesusPrinceOfPax 7 ай бұрын
Your makeup is fucked
@dquixal77 7 ай бұрын
This dress is beautiful. I love it. 😍
@ShaneSaxson 7 ай бұрын
Sorry girl, it’s too late, nothing is going to make men trust women of today. Something like 60 percent of men are raising other men’s babies. Gentlemen, be that other man rather than the guy who gets conned by MRS. Happily ever after.
@Ohiogardengoddess 7 ай бұрын
I remember in high school in the late 90s early 2000s having to write essays (more than one teacher did this) about what I wanted to do when I grow up and my plan how I’d get there etc. I remember deep down just basically wanting a husband, family, home etc WAS NOT THE CORRECT ANSWER and was NOT ACCEPTABLE to put in an essay. It was mentioned as one of the things we could not write about or we would be given a failed grade for the paper. It was terrible to act like I was excited about some career I didn’t actually care about for a grade. Definitely pushed women into thinking something was wrong with them for wanting anything else other than a career.
@ninaorozco2869 7 ай бұрын
Oh...that it sad and unfair...❤
@largemarge1603 3 күн бұрын
BOLSHEVIKS ruining our children.
@estyria777 7 ай бұрын
Everything in high school was "What do you want to be when you graduate?" I had to write a whole research paper on it. The entire time, in the back of my mind, I was thinking to myself that really all I wanted to do was get married, have kids, raise them, have my own home to take care of, and maybe write and read as time allowed. It feels very much like the girls that just want to get married and have kids, which has been the natural course of life for thousands of years, are now mocked for that desire. It makes me sad.
@nicolejenny3969 7 ай бұрын
Ohmigod I have made similar comments on another page I follow about how we were forced to write about what damn career we wanted in Senior year of high school! I wish I would have had the guts to actually have wrote Homemaking😂
@estyria777 7 ай бұрын
@@nicolejenny3969 Same, I wish I'd done the same, but I'm afraid my own mother would have mocked me too. smh
@UnmodernDaughteroftheKing 7 ай бұрын
Literally same!!! I remember every time someone was like, what do you wanna be when you grow up, I would say idk, but inside I was like, I just want to be a wife and a mom!!
@ccheyenne 7 ай бұрын
Except instead of "thousands of years" it's more like "about 6 decades". Being a stay at home mom is super super modern. Women have ALWAYS worked outside the home. In fact, stay at home mom is not only modern, it's only ever been possible for people above the poverty line.
@estyria777 7 ай бұрын
@@ccheyenne I did say getting married and having kids was the natural course, not necessarily the stay at home mom part. Although it was definitely more than just six decades in the US looking at pioneer times as well when there was no one close enough for the woman to work for.
@jessymason6282 7 ай бұрын
I'm so much happier. Tea dresses, aprons, decor, cooking bread, chickens.... So blessed.
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
You are truly blessed ❤ I want chickens one day ☺️🥰
@inspired1114 7 ай бұрын
So happy for you! I am single but quickly seeing how this is the key to the happy marriage and lifestyle I'm ready to enjoy with a good 'trad husband'.
@silverkitty2503 7 ай бұрын
You know you dont need any of those things to be a traditional wife or woman right??? And you can have all of them and NOT be a traditional wife?
@jessymason6282 7 ай бұрын
@@silverkitty2503 yes, but that's not the topic we're discussing little bird. Maybe go bake some bread and chill out ✨
@GetYourChicken17 7 ай бұрын
​@EsteeWilliams When I was working at Walmart, I had a coworker who always announced when the rotisserie chickens were done. Since it was the same dude every time, we all called him "the chicken man."
@leroyrussell8766 7 ай бұрын
I agree. It's not an over-correction. It's bringing balance back. We went from the message being that women should have the right to enter the corporate workplace if they wanted to, to shaming women for not doing it. This is just restoring choice. You can choose which works for you.
@TimothyStclair-v4p 7 ай бұрын
What really happen, women got promotions based on quotas and not ability. So many feminists would not have the dollars from a career if they really had to work for it on merit. AI will prove this out in the future and will eliminate 'feminist quotas'.
@sharky7665 6 ай бұрын
God’s way is definitely more balanced.
@Sandlin22 7 ай бұрын
People are starting to realize that trading a husband for a boss, home for a cubicle, and children for antidepressants wasn't so good after all.
@markbaston8147 7 ай бұрын
@sugarzblossom8168 7 ай бұрын
Depends on the person. A lot of men don't like to work either
@xstorm_8_shadowx 7 ай бұрын
@@sugarzblossom8168 Alot of that has to do with the off balance in the court (especially with kids & bank accts) system & also how women are degrading men which seems to be an nonstop issue. Ask yourself in todays day & age what does a woman bring to the table for a man besides sex & kids (which 90% of men could careless)… Men don’t really need anything from a woman except kids. Now don’t get me wrong there are good women out there but lets face it majority are ran through like a train and that peach is beat up battered & broken & I’ll tell you women out there that think a man can’t tell if a woman’s peach is busted up you better think again. We know…. Men started to flip the script for some time now.
@sugarzblossom8168 7 ай бұрын
@@xstorm_8_shadowx men degrade women a lot too but just like with women you see less of it when you go outside. Also people make a point in asking what women bring to the table without somehow realising that if woman can't bring anything to the relationship because men can do what they can that also means that men bring nothing to the table to. I am pretty sure you are right men could care less about sex and children because they seem to matter to a lot of men. Also it is pretty obvious what women bring to the table love and companionship like anyone does in a relationship. Sure it could be filled by friendship but for a lot of people for better or worse friendship isn't enough and people see them as inferior compared to romantic relationships. It is up to an individual what they want out of a relationship. And men can't tell. Because it can't get "busted up".Let me guess you still think that women get loose when they have sex?
@xstorm_8_shadowx 7 ай бұрын
@@sugarzblossom8168 since you think you know what you’re talking about you should write a book 😂 Women will never even come close to bring what a man can to the table…dont hate its a fact (not all but majority) Most men don’t care about “feelings” we just say the things you want to heat… dont hate its a fact (not all but majority) Yea your peach on the outside stretches and “things” start to hang and yes alot of sex will break a peach (dont hate)
@RondelayAOK 7 ай бұрын
People want a happy life, a happy marriage, a happy family of several children, and a nice house and car. Happy women make households, neighborhoods and communities better
@Sam97-oi4vc That's the vast majority of men. Not every single dude is an unemployed anime nerd. If you look at any construction site, landscaping crew, or mechanic shop it will be 90% genz males.
@LadyWolf6692 7 ай бұрын
Gen-Xer here..... when my children were small, I was a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Goodness gracious was I ever shamed for that, especially by my own mother. Being a trad wife (or homemaker as it was called at the time) was simply not encouraged at all. Truth be told, I felt guilty for being a "lazy mooch" and didn't work cause I couldn't afford daycare. I really wish I knew then what I know now. While home-ec was offered in junior high, I wasn't allowed to take it. I learned to cook and sew and clean by trial and error, mostly error. I'm not sure if it's still offered or not. I believe the push towards a woman being a boss babe started with the boomer generation and the feminists from the 1960s and 70s and continued from there. I was the only one of my peers whose parents weren't divorced, although my dad did pass when I was a teenager I had it drilled into my head that I could never rely on a man cause he WILL leave you, either by divorce or death, and I'd better be able to support myself.
@puerry 7 ай бұрын
I think it's wonderful that you were home caring for your children if that's what you wanted, despite what your family or peers might've said. One of the only criticisms of the tradwife lifestyle that isn't a complete strawman I've seen is "you need to have your own money in case your man leaves you," but that's such a toxic mentality, to go into a marriage planning for it to fail. People compare it to car insurance, how people don't plan to crash but it's "just in case," except... people aren't cars. It's fine to do with a car but with another human being, you have to be incredibly wise with who you chose instead of going in with the mentality that it could fail. That being said I think having your own money by having side hustles is incredibly beneficial in case a family or medical emergency were to ever happen. It's essentially doing the same thing as "having your own money if/when your marriage fails" in practice, but with a different focus and mentality behind it. Of course, people can change and things hypothetically can go south. Having a safety net or at the very least a support system who can help you is a smart idea and I don't oppose that, but you can still do that while being a traditional wife and mother and depend on a good man without living in fear. Being proactive but not to the point where you forgo interdependence, I just don't think that's necessary to go that far.
@BCIT007 7 ай бұрын
Ladywolf6692, I am also a Gen-Xer too. I have read your post, ma'am. i'm saddened (from reading) that you took heat from your mother. Why is it it considered wrongdoing if a woman chooses to be a stay at home mom instead of a career woman? You haven't done anything wrong, 100%. I respect your courage in making that decision.
@BCIT007 7 ай бұрын
@@puerry. This is a very good post. I am a Gen-Xer too (male early 50's). LadyWolf6692 clearly did nothing wrong. It's kind of strange that some people will call out a woman who wants to be in her natural role of being feminine and nurturing. I don't get it. Women have a right to choose, if if some people don't agree with it, they deserve to be treated respectfully. Women who choose to be a Stay At Home Moms and Homemakers deserve respect, because they make a difference at home with their kids and Husbands. Does anyone agree? Thank you for your time in reading my post.
@sugarzblossom8168 7 ай бұрын
Why do people call women who work boss babes? Seriously they try to make it sound negative and like these women are somehow identifying with working.
@LadyWolf6692 7 ай бұрын
@@sugarzblossom8168 I believe it was women themselves who coined the term "boss babe." I have never seen a man use that term. I didn't mean it in a negative light. I'm sorry you took it as such. Truth is, whether you're working as a traditional homemaker, work at home, or work outside the home, you're still working. It's just that the work homemakers do is very rarely recognized in my experience.
@DecapitatedBarbie 7 ай бұрын
The reason why the topic of trad wives is blowing up is because these same women who have spent years online criticizing trad wives are now on TikTok crying about how miserable they are being a “boss babe”. Getting married to a man who is a provider was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
@ml0270 7 ай бұрын
It's all fun & games until the unexpected happens! When you give someone the power to feed you, they also have the power to starve you. Just saying...
@DecapitatedBarbie 7 ай бұрын
@@ml0270 Today’s trad wives are playing chess not checkers and most are fully aware of the risks. Even though I don’t have a 9-to-5 job and my husband pays all the bills; I’m a content creator with 20k subs that makes money online that I save for emergencies. I don’t give men the power to feed me, I give men the power to protect and provide for me.
@mrchopsticks3 7 ай бұрын
@@ml0270Huh? Sounds like you married the wrong person.
@kittycat1887 7 ай бұрын
​@@mrchopsticks3this "you married the wrong person" bullshit is straight up victim blaming. just remember, all of yours belongs to him, but none of his actually belongs to you. that's a very vulnerable position you're putting yourself into.
@GalyeArt 7 ай бұрын
@@kittycat1887 Correct. I refuse to be in such a dependent and vulnerable position. Also your husband could be ill, get in an accident, pass away, or just straight up leave you, that's why it is so important to talk about these kinds of lifestyle choices from a financial perspective too.
@MannyGennuso 7 ай бұрын
She's definitely someone's high school sweetheart that never lost her way
@passerby6168 7 ай бұрын
Bro, that's pure poetry. She's an inspirational muse.
@michaeljames1759 7 ай бұрын
You're amazing!! Thank you for standing up for family and tradition! Never stop!
@sambailie4773 7 ай бұрын
I'm very traditional. I'm a very feminine Christian woman but I also realised (having come from a home with an abusive father) that it's important for a woman to have a backup plan which is why I went to university and developed my own skills before marrying. Please ensure you do not financially depend on your husband as what if he leaves? Then you will struggle to feed your kids. Please do proceed with caution. My mother was a child bride and my father gave us a dreadful life.
@jackwalker1822 7 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with women getting a good education. Good men prefer smart women.
@HappyTraditionalWife 4 ай бұрын
@@jackwalker1822Yet a degree doesn’t guarantee intelligence..it’s a simple piece of paper. I don’t know very many college women who would respect a man let along stay at home and take care the home. I’m sure there are a few..but most of these women are high maintenance..expensive clothes, plastic surgery..expensive makeup. Traditional wives tend to be better at budgeting..and real life skills vs..liberal art..fashion..basically worthless degrees.
@isabelvanaswegen8707 7 ай бұрын
I am one too. With 6 lovely children Can't be more blessed!
@ATAMOPodcast 7 ай бұрын
Balance back to the pocket book as well. For those looking for a more traditional family of the man as a provider and the woman managing the home, here are some thoughts if both the man and woman are working: - Kids involved = Money for child minding - Higher tax load on the household - Both parents commuting = time + fuel - Meal prep - Easier to get take out, which is going up a lot in price. If the woman can cover off the household duties and look after the kids, the man can focus on 'leveling up' in his job. There are tradeoffs. The best families that manage this, don't look at it as trade offs. These are roles to be filled. The man will keep leveling up and advancing his career + income while the woman works to make the household run more efficiently.
@zui589 7 ай бұрын
I have a full time job, earning more than my partner. And I feel like this gives me some stability and feeling of freedom. I am not exhausted - working from home enables me to take care of our household together with my man. We work as a team and treat each other with respect. So yes it is possible to live in so some many ways and feel good. Important is to decide by yourself - what is best for you.
@natashabenjamin4222 7 ай бұрын
My husband prefers I stay home and be the homemaker while he works and does the outside care, minus garden and livestock. We enjoy it and being able to be home for my kids is a blessing to me and saves me dang near 1000$ a month in childcare.
@rp1ten 7 ай бұрын
Continue telling these facts, Estee! Great job!
@89playstation65 7 ай бұрын
I think it's blowing up because people are searching for the truth. And the truth is God. And the truth is God's word. And God's word is the Bible. And in the Bible it says that marriage is one man and one woman. It describes that the man takes care of the wife, and the wife take of the husband and children and the home. How the husband does this by going to work Monday thru Friday and providing a paycheck for the family. Meanwhile the wife will take care of the home and children. BOTH are very important jobs. The wives are doing a huge part in raising the future generations of tomorrow. And all above ALL of this is God who is above the Husband. The order goes: God, Husband, Wife, then children. That never changes no matter what age you are. It doesn't automatically change when someone turns 18 becomes an adult and no longer has to listen to their parents. That is not how it works. It's a lifetime thing.
@dstern86 7 ай бұрын
Our culture has stretched the definition of wife into something unrecognizable to it's original meaning. The work you're doing is having an incalculably positive impact on the next generation, Estee!
@s92dx 6 ай бұрын
Just a reminder that YOUR interpretation of a wife is also simply a cultural definition. There's no "natural" definition of wife, simply what culture, upbringing, etc decide. So you are personally viewing the perfect wife as something from maybe a hundred years ago in the west. Meanwhile across the globe it looked different, a thousand years ago it looked different, biblical times it looked different. You guys are just as guilty of swinging too hard in one direction with trying to label your way as correct. There is no correct. Do what is right for you and yours. The feminists I know all applaud a woman choosing to homemake and raise children as much as becoming a doctor or programmer etc. And while society definitely tipped a bit too hard against the "traditional" (if you only look at the tiniest part of history as traditional) wife, it did so with the goal of providing previously unattainable goals for women. In your warped view of history, we've regressed, when really a woman can be a wife as easily as back then, but she can also leave an abusive husband due to having economic freedom, education. Or simply pursue other goals outside of marriage. It's a net win for women
@MONGO77859 6 ай бұрын
@Sam97-oi4vc you're in no position to tell women how to live their life. Think up all the stats you want for why its ok you don't support your man like she does. I'm drawn to how caring she is. You seem like a 4th wave feminist that is a nightmare.
@Zoe-SunshineKitchen 7 ай бұрын
This is absolutely true, and I really agree with women being hungry to learn homemaking skills. Many of us raising kids right now, had parents who worked outside the home, so we didn't have that traditional mom to teach us how to can, garden, cook, etc.
@markbaston8147 7 ай бұрын
That dress is beautiful. I wish more ladies would wear that style. I occasionally see ladies wearing gingham dresses and they always look so feminine..
@tjnightingale 7 ай бұрын
Very nicely said. Fortunately, my wife and I agreed long ago that the trad family was the best. Thank you so much for your content.
@jgkretro 7 ай бұрын
And this is why Estee is the unicorn we men want!
@jgkretro 7 ай бұрын
​@Sam97-oi4vc - Yes, sure thing. Nice try with the name-calling shaming. I think what you were looking for is the word, "men". Probably because you can't get one to suffer you.
@sethfyou4750 7 ай бұрын
@Sam97-oi4vc no man would wanna be with your annoying room temp special self, go stuff your mouth with another oreo
@1dingerr 7 ай бұрын
​@jgkretro it also requires a certain type of man who respects, provides, loves, and cherishes his wife to make a woman want to serve him in this way. It is not a woman's duty to serve a man who does not fulfill his role as a husband.
@jgkretro 7 ай бұрын
@@1dingerr Of course. The man has to have the right qualities to earn and keep a good woman. That goes without needing to be said. My comment was only about the desire for such a rare woman, not whether you're someone worthy of her.
@monocyte2210 6 ай бұрын
im a guy and I am burnt out being both the homemaker and the income earner. Families with mothers who are homemakers are the most lucky
@tereza5211 7 ай бұрын
Bless you, Estee 🌻
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! God bless you too 🙏💝
@tereza5211 7 ай бұрын
@@EsteeWilliams 💛
@makichandes 7 ай бұрын
While I don't do the dresses and makeup, I am a tradwife, proudly staying home, homeschooling our three kids and making meals from scratch if possible. The connection and the investment I'm making in our kids can be seen everyday. I love this life and am so grateful.
@Ace-v3t 7 ай бұрын
Same, my face hates makeup and why in the world would I wear a dress to scrub a toilet? I didn’t do the homeschool thing, but I’m always home.
@ninaorozco2869 7 ай бұрын
I have my at home dresses and my "go out in public dresses". 😂 Dressing nice for the day, even if I'm cleaning the bathrooms etc... feels great! It just helps me to feel good, both inside and out ... doing things I enjoy and looking good while doing them...
@AandM8 7 ай бұрын
One of the biggest reasons these videos are trending is because they’re either A) getting shredded by women who had terrible experiences, or B) young women are attracted to the curated videos that are largely unrealistic. Homemakers, stay at home mom’s, did not traditionally wear pretty dresses and makeup, and most definitely didn’t spend time showcasing their lives. They were far too busy getting up at 3 am to go milk the cows, or hunt, or work in the field (even with kids in tow). Manual labor was not just for the man but also for the woman AND children.
@ElenasBarre 6 ай бұрын
I believe you have good inyentions Estee and I think trying to get back to the traditional duties to some degree is something that needs to happen to counter balance female promiscuity and feminism. I'm glad to see there are a few women like you who are promoting traditional values. 🤗❤️🙏
@AprilHarmony9 7 ай бұрын
I agreed💯 I consider myself a TradWoman (I'm unmarried). Basic homemaking skill didn’t skip me b/c of my lowcountry southern roots🔥
@prkremer 7 ай бұрын
Let’s get married.
@bleedszn 7 ай бұрын
why is everything so radicalized and extreme now lol when i was a kid "this" was just a *mom* .. and now its a fad? tiktok has messed w people's brains, even adults 1:20 this is the worst part of the internet, she's right but the response is bizarre
@KSMO1031 7 ай бұрын
That's the goal of Tik Tok. Destroy our culture from within. Looks to be working well for the CCP.
@ogrelogre8429 6 ай бұрын
As always, I'm impressed with your sensible and insightful view of these matters. You nearly always give me food for thought.
@elizabethnelson4496 7 ай бұрын
You are awesome and I fully support what you are saying
@CassiaMdB 7 ай бұрын
I agree. God has opened my eyes to finally realize that a couple of years ago. I’m a millennial, a generation that started to kind of accept some feminist ideas, and I had some things in my mind which seemed to be right, but they actually weren’t when you plan on getting married and having a family. If I didn’t come closer to God for Him to open my eyes to that, I’d be a totally burned out woman with a lot of issues, and we’ve been seeing a lot of this lately. Women in jobs almost soaking their souls, with them having no time for their families; the increasing number of women in psychological and psychiatric clinics, etc. Feminism is destructive!
@julietteaouad7053 7 ай бұрын
feminism is about choice, without it you probably wouldn't even have an account on social media to write this comment... capitalism might be the real "evil" you're talking about here 😅
@GalyeArt 7 ай бұрын
Levels of depression and alcoholism were also very high for women in the 1950s.
@cindylee2291 7 ай бұрын
The amount of antidepressants used TODAY by women is off the charts and far exceeds male usage.
@jackwalker1822 7 ай бұрын
So many women don't want to marry and submit to a husband, so they work a career, stay single and submit to their boss. Who could care less about them and can just discard them whenever they want. Not saying no women should have a career. But giving up a family for a career is just not fulfilling for most people especially for most women.
@jackwalker1822 7 ай бұрын
@@GalyeArt Maybe so but many polls show that women in the US have become less and less happy over the last several decades.
@prilep5 7 ай бұрын
Trad wife is a real Trophy wifes.
@DeborahE7 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your channel. New subscriber here. I just transitioned my children from homeschooling them to public school this last year (3 children ages 11,13,15) and I’m STILL busy at home as just a SAHM, I just don’t have to teach high school level too. A life as a homeschooling SAHM is definitely different as a SAHM that takes her children to public/private schools. If you’d like to interview me let me know. ❤
@tsrocks2029 7 ай бұрын
We lost so much by women abandoning the home. I know a local SAHM who makes homemade sourdough and elderberry syrup. Everyone loves her and the things she makes ! I’m not fully at home yet but in the last few years have learned how to make bread, cook many things from scratch, I have spent a lot of time painting, I sew/mend things when needed, grow houseplants, I host small gatherings for my little family (brother, husband, cousins, etc) , and I am so much happier for it. I worked full time from 20-23 years old and I was so burnt out, alcoholic, depressed, you name it. I follow my passions now for work, which is part time, and my home life is my top priority. I love this life and I hope other girls in my family may see what I’m doing and be encouraged to pursue something similar.
@HomesteadTradWife 7 ай бұрын
I wish I knew how to do laundry better, living on a farm I'm scared to wear beautiful dresses like you! Any tips are appreciated!
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
I don’t live on a farm so I think that can change a lot. If you wish to wear dresses while doing farm work I would recommend having a couple dresses that you aren’t afraid to get stains on or dirty and then have some that are more formal for going out that you don’t wear around the house. I do this, even though I’m not a farm wife. I think it’s nice to have formal dresses and Home dresses.
@catherinemurphy9726 7 ай бұрын
Apron and smocks really help. I find polyester dresses best for outdoor work because they don't absorb water as much as cotton ones. I wish old fashioned house dresses would make a comeback too.
@jessykaiskander8569 7 ай бұрын
There are some GREAT replica 30, 40 and 50's style dresses available at all price ranges online ,best selection is in the states and the UK (I have found). I have a hard time finding them in Canada. Happy hunting!
@HomesteadTradWife 7 ай бұрын
Thank you all for your advice! I'm a young mom and TradWife who was raised by a working mom. So it's all new to me. That's why we need these messages from you Estee! Help us connect and get back to traditions.
@sarahshanahan2222 7 ай бұрын
I am a melinnial girl raised by boomer parents. My mom was apart of the first wave of by choice women workers in the 80s. My dad was self taught and didn't get a college degree. My mom.became the breadwinner.. and my dad just sat.back and watched my mom pull the sleigh. My father was a weak man. I never learned how to cook... how to really clean... to sew on a button?!?!----> now that's some black magic. I am a single mom now. Burnt out, tired, stressed about my future and what's to come... pulling the sleigh. Why my mom chose to brake her chains…I don't know. But she started a chain I want to break. This life is hard enough without having to worry about doing it all 😢😢😢😢
@anye76 7 ай бұрын
Love your dress. That pattern is beautiful🌺🌸💙 I think everyone needs to live a way that works best for them. If you still want that Bo$$ Babe life, you can have it. If you love your Godly role as wife and mother, keeper of the home, then do that. Embrace and thrive in your life 💕💐💖
@Vic2point0 5 ай бұрын
Well said. I'm with the tradwives. My wife and I have lived this way for 16 years now (13 with a son) and we're both very glad we did.
@gg_al7874 7 ай бұрын
Even though the content is decreasing, I'll still watch you Estee, just because you're my type of woman
@Bubblebuddy7 7 ай бұрын
I love this! You are amazing; keep up the great work Estee
@shanenolan5625 7 ай бұрын
Hair looks great . Honestly i think a lot of people are unhappy with modern life . My mother didn't like it , work she preferred to be home , this has been an issue for decades. And the experiment has not really been successful. Or beneficial. To family's woman or men, children have lost as well . And it was a lie feminism. 20 percent of the female population never married and always worked, most woman worked untill they got married, only 5 percent continued after marriage. ( industrial revolution figures) the 20 is all of history. It was really just to destroy the family, Western civilisation, and a power grap . Oh, and to get more tax revenues.
@75egcg 7 ай бұрын
Trad wife isn’t really a thing. It’s just being a decent person who is interested in her family’s wellbeing.
@Vic2point0 6 ай бұрын
Well said. I also think it has a lot to do with the apparent increasing need to homeschool (given all the nonsense government schools have been trying to get away with lately). People are wanting to make sure their kids are being raised right, quite frankly, and that might be the only way in some places.
@dominantman1780 7 ай бұрын
Keep doing that nice work always
@krooks6367 7 ай бұрын
I do agree with you in all ! But the problem for the person that choose to stay at home is that is economical vunetable. If there isnt some economical backup fex money on an account or insurance and the provider in the family suddenly is gone by death or divorse and the person left is going to continue and have no income, no workexperience or no backup- then that person is to the rats. My mother stayed at home with me until i was 15 and i adore her for that. But my father forbid her to leave home. She coulnt leave and had to live with bad man. Got low pension. Could never get trips abroad or doing anything that cost money. There is a price to pay for being at home. My mother was the best thing that happend to me and my father the worst. I hope your husband has a good economical fond for you if something happen.
@uverpro3598 7 ай бұрын
“Trad wife” aka a normal, happy woman.
@DemsRNutless 7 ай бұрын
Life should be happy. What we have now isn’t happy. Progressive isn’t good. It’s unhappy.
@titaniumman_22 7 ай бұрын
I defended you on the Sky news australia interview from a few months ago. You rock Estee!!! 🇺🇸
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much! 🙏🙏
@titaniumman_22 7 ай бұрын
@@EsteeWilliams I love everything about you and what you are offering to instill the young ladies to help return to traditional values…you are a leader and I thank you!
@wendyduncan9084 7 ай бұрын
I loved staying home and raising and teaching our kids. Now I love providing insurance and income for my husband. I still keep house but he helps. I agree with not cramming either option down someone’s throat or guilting them for their choice.
@cbennett6093 7 ай бұрын
Gen X'er here. Been married to my wife for 30 years. I don't understand why the differences between men and women were made adversarial. The differences are complimentary in my opinion. Since when do women have value only if they are out there trying to act like men? I would venture to say that having a mother around the home to raise the kids properly has more societal benefit than the pursuit of material consumption at the kid's expense. Well disciplined kids who are told "no" will probably not grow up to be criminals or blights on society. As a man, I have fully accepted my responsibility to work and take care of my family. Instant gratification is another huge problem. My wife and I had very little when we got married. We built a life together and now we have everything we could possibly want and our kids have turned out well. I have no complaints since I came from a childhood of total dysfunction at the hands of baby boomers (divorce/alcoholism/abuse), learning what not to do as a parent.
@rlwetz4317 7 ай бұрын
The problem is still this: The alpha husband does not want his wife plastered all over social media. There's nothing "traditional" about, in essence, a clothed onlyfans model being coveted by anonymous strangers.
@akshaya6770 6 ай бұрын
@haleygraham2026 7 ай бұрын
Honestly I love being in my home cooking cleaning and taking care of my babies. I am in school to be a nurse. I do want to be a nurse, the reason I do is to help mommies and babies. Living in this feminine role in my home and in my career is honestly such a blessing I do love being a wife and mom and I love helping other babies and mommies too 💖
@UTube354 7 ай бұрын
I applaud the desire to be a traditional wife. Roles of traditional wives have recently changed significantly. For families to survive women would work the farm alongside men when needed and still be responsible for maintaining the household. Obligations included weaving, mending and cleaning clothing, making dish ware and utensils, repairs to furniture, walls and roof. They also had to birth, raise, educate and indoctrinate the children. Women in the home were medics, healers and assisted others in labor. They maintained the small household plot and chickens. Most of their time was spent preparing and cooking daily meals. Much of this had to change during the Industrial Revolution when two incomes were often required for urban families to survive. Not so much with the survival post WW2, more about family comfort.
@ThePhabulousYvelise 6 ай бұрын
My mom taught me how to be a wife and mom. I find that lots of women never were taught this by their mothers.
@lauracanedo1446 7 ай бұрын
You are always gorgeous! ❤️
@itsruckaswife7036 2 ай бұрын
Totally agree it’s partly down to society which is determined to blur the lines between genders.. it’s infuriating and really bad for children. That’s partly why I homeschool mine - because they already teach them about same sex marriages aged 6 (in England)
@colheg3113 6 ай бұрын
Classy Lady I can see you've got good Traditional values call me old fashioned but I'm fairly sure this is the way God wants it !!! Respect to you Estee !!😊
@Itisagreatlife91 7 ай бұрын
Asia has trad wives more than the west. But even trad wives get miserable in marriages and file divorces. While being a trad wife can make a woman very happy, being married to the wrong man can destroy that. And no one can accuse most wives or husbands for picking wrong because sometimes before marriage, they don't show the true colours. And there is a small percentage women are not built to be a wife or a parent just like there are some men who are not built to lead a family. So understand yourself. Don't be a part of political agendas blindly and follow dumb ideologies. Do what suits you. If being a trad wife is what makes you happy, go for it. If being a working woman is satisfying for you, do that.
@shugdynamite 7 ай бұрын
Of course, because that's just life. It's full of ups and downs. And sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. THAT is not the issue. The issue is about values. Traditional values overall has proven to be better for society as a whole. That is not to say that everything traditional is perfect, no. But it is being proven to be the best system in which to raise children with better prospects and who will go out and create a better societies. Notice that even though divorce might happen in Asia, they still have less divorce overall. I think that's because they still embrace mostly traditional values because they see what a total dumpster fire the west is making of its own societies with all its "progressivism".
@Itisagreatlife91 7 ай бұрын
@@shugdynamite I agree completely. I am a South Asian. Most women up to my mom's generations are trad wives. And then many career women are teachers. From 90's generation onwards women have gone to do many careers. Despite all, these core values are embedded in us as to create good families. Even working wives, when they get home, they try their best to accommodate to the family needs. The plus side is we live with our parents married or unmarried because looking after our older parents is a part of the culture. So you can see how raising children traditionally with generational values are highly integrated to that. Sometimes things don't work out in lives but these values are proven to be of a part of successful society. But understanding oneself is important. Not foolishly following the norm or the trend, understanding what I truly need and where I stand and what is needed to improve my life for the better are what help us to get to be better humans and better families.
@chrisbryden8102 7 ай бұрын
I hope everyone of these ladies that want to live a traditional life find traditional men that work hard for his family and appreciate the treasure he has at home and is commitment for life.
@oscardelta1257 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful dress and smile. IMO, its a good thing what you're teaching.
@Vic2point0 3 ай бұрын
Sad that so many don't even think this way of life is possible. Do they think everyone else was raised as they likely were? No father in the home or perhaps a deadbeat dad. Mother who took no pride in being a mom or think about what's best for her children?
@largemarge1603 3 күн бұрын
Are you familiar with the novel Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War by William Lind? He discusses our return to traditional values.
@markelmore66 7 ай бұрын
When I was in school I always wondered why all the Home Ec. Teachers were divorced…
@Daekar3 6 ай бұрын
It's amazing how little people appreciate the truly huge positive impact that having one person at home can bring to a family. It's a shame that women have been taught to distain the valuable work that their predecessors did. Glad to see your message is reaching more people!
@ShivMathur 7 ай бұрын
Maybe we can do a podcast on definition of marriage. Will you like to understand the Indian system or concept of arranged marriage ? This can be a great topic. I made a nice video on feminism recently on my KZbin channel
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
I will definitely check out your channel I’d love to watch that video you mentioned!
@ShivMathur 6 ай бұрын
@@EsteeWilliams could you see that video
@cbrxxrr 6 ай бұрын
Bless you for being traditional
@datsweetsansabooty 7 ай бұрын
I can see two reasons why men watch your content. Jus sayin
@bovnycccoperalover3579 6 ай бұрын
Tradwives save a fortune in healthcare and provide a tranquil home life, which is priceless.
@markallen8560 7 ай бұрын
Because God made us to serve a roll. For both men and women. These rolls are innate in our being.
@BridgeCityPassages 7 ай бұрын
dont mistake your micro universe for the real universe... none of that handmade tale shizz is blowin up
@MONGO77859 6 ай бұрын
@BridgeCityPassages got you knowing about it and watching videos. It's huge. People are sick of the nutty far left. Big pendulum swing away from that nonsense. Thanks for watching and commenting. Helps spread the word.
@soullessnight6539 7 ай бұрын
All the men in the comments wanting a traditional wife. Before blaming women for not wanting to be one, look back at your childhood, to your Mum and Dad and to your friends parents. If your Mum was a traditional wife, how was she treated by your Dad? I grew up in the seventies and eighties when most mums were traditional wives. The verbal abuse, the demeaning and having to beg for money for groceries were the norm in my family and with my friends mums too. Women nowadays may want to be trad wives but after seeing what their Mums suffered in the hands of their Dads swore they would never do that to themselves. Men are to blame why women are scared to be trad wives these days. They saw first hand how their mums were treated.
@jeffpadilla9891 7 ай бұрын
Nice to see this, having a Mom in the home always makes growing up better for children.
@morgan97475 6 ай бұрын
This lovely lady looks like nose art on a WW2 fighter aircraft.
@GraniteStateVictoria 7 ай бұрын
This might shock you but I'm more liberal/libertarian and a lot of what you say makes sense to me. Some of it I'm not sure I agree with but I absolutely agree with the idea that we need to eat good food again and skirts and dresses/femininity is so much better for me (dresses are the most comfortable clothing in the world for me, and they look better). It's also kind of inspiring that you're also a short-haired feminine woman. A lot of people associate short hair on women with being unfeminine and unladylike, but we prove that's not true at all. I exclusively wear dresses and skirts (even in winter, and in New Hampshire, you gotta be creative to make it work) and I always try to look my best. Funny thing is I was a bit of a tomboy when I was little (standing on the playground swing while it was swinging) but I became more girly at age 9 or 10 (ironically, age 10 is when I started having short hair, just a few inches past my shoulders). And a lo of homemaking skills and traditional survival skills in my part of New Hampshire are still taught. Just wanted to share my thoughts. I personally love my job working at a local hotel/lodge at the front desk and my summer tour guide job but I support 100% everybody choosing what makes them happy, as I've said before, I'm definitely a New Hampshire girl and our state motto is "live free or die", and that's shaped my mindset growing up.
@RealElenaDiaz 7 ай бұрын
Estee, where did you buy the dress? Love it! Thanks!
@EsteeWilliams 7 ай бұрын
This dress is from Aeterie ❤
@JediTiga 6 ай бұрын
The corporate world we live in has changed our culture into making our job the center of our universe. Everything revolves around it and it takes precedence over everything. This is a recent phenomena, mostly built from post-modernist feminism and late-stage capitalism. This is what big business and the government wants. An ultra-competitive market where people will compete just to commit their whole life to their occupation; this increases their profits and tax margins. It all comes down to the unrealistic desire of endless economic growth.
@Vic2point0 6 ай бұрын
Is this late-stage capitalism when we're not free to buy/sell anything without the government's consent?
@つくし生えた 7 ай бұрын
You're right. A right woman. May God bless you and take you into the right path.
@JoanJacoutot-nr8wr 7 ай бұрын
One of the top values of feminism is autonomy. Women have the right to choose to be traditional housewives just as much as they have the right to choose to run for political office. It is anti-feminist to claim that a woman's choice to be a traditional housewife is anti-feminist. Just my two cents.
@ShivMathur 7 ай бұрын
Trad wife has to come back. The modifications we did to the society by the capitalists has taken the society towards an eventual destruction. As the realisation will happen the reverse gear will be pulled to take the society back to where it was - a normal and happy existence. It’s really nice to see your views on traditional family. In fact I had written a book two years back titled “Social Pandemic” - A Terminally ill Modern Society. I would love to gift one copy to you, but I live in India 🇮🇳
@JohannaWayne-es1el 7 ай бұрын
Sometimes it's really difficult dealing with how hateful people are. I'm going to keep wearing dresses and skirts. I feel like people are traumatized by fabric. Freedom of expression is not well tolerated by other if you're a woman. There's so much conformity. Group acceptance is not love. Might, like of a group, does not make right. Maybe I don't want to "go along to get along". If I compromise my beliefs when am I totally compromised? It seems there's no room for diversity of thought in this modern culture. People aren't even tolerant sometimes. The projection other have is so horrible. Don't give ladies please.
@KorisnickoIme84 7 ай бұрын
Being a tradwife today is not a choice but a priviledge..Who makes enough money to have wife/kid at home?
@hillbillyhitman8506 7 ай бұрын
I do. My Wife is a Traditional Wife and I also support her Sister and Nephew who fell on hard times and live with us. I'm the one that works and they stay home and take care of the household.
@KorisnickoIme84 7 ай бұрын
@@hillbillyhitman8506 What do you do for a living?
@hillbillyhitman8506 7 ай бұрын
@@KorisnickoIme84 Licensed General Contractor. We live in an area where average income is $52K. I make a little over $100K a year. We have everything we need.
@hillbillyhitman8506 7 ай бұрын
@@KorisnickoIme84 Licensed General Contractor
@Conservbro 7 ай бұрын
Bless you, woman.
@DanLumo 7 ай бұрын
Sister, you are gorgeous and your ideas are exquisite.
@JeffBisCamp 6 ай бұрын
Where can I find a Traditional Wife like you !!?? It's hard to find in this messed up , brainwashed modern world !!
@kevinlewis6927 7 ай бұрын
I watched a lady that was in the feminist movement she had a congregation of beautiful women primarily home makers how she convinced them to give up that life to join her movement if beyond me when she herself wasn't so pleasant to look at for lack of better words clearly she was in this movement cause she wasn't able to get or keep a man
@gerrymcintosh4477 7 ай бұрын
Your husband is a blessed man to have such a loving wife. 🇨🇦💝🙏🇺🇸
@Linda-o8x8f 4 ай бұрын
I think your perfect stick to what you believe you and your hubby are perfect God Bless ❤
@jimgilbert9984 7 ай бұрын
Concerning your #3: Those wives who are burnt out being both a provider and a homemaker - coming home everyday after work to do the housework (cooking, cleaning, etc.) - married the wrong man. I always thought that if both people in a marriage work at jobs, then both should work together doing the housework. I've been cooking, washing dishes (my dishwasher is broken), doing laundry, etc. by myself for years. So I've always thought that my wife and I (should I ever get married) would share the housework. Maybe I'm being naive. But when I shared my thoughts with some female college classmates (who were all older than me) after I heard them complain about how their husbands refused to help around the house. They were greatly surprised that a man would think the way that I do. (In fact, one of them even joked by saying, "Where were you 10 years ago when I was single?")
@melodyclark1944 6 ай бұрын
You're correct. That's how it should work. It does take the right man. We would love to choose better but that would require men to be better.
@jimgilbert9984 6 ай бұрын
@@melodyclark1944 Yes, it would require men to be better. But there are "better men" out there. And since you think that such men are better, by my comment and your reply, that must mean that I'm one of them. Yet I sit here alone. No girlfriend and no wife. Why? Because modern women don't want a better man. They want a pretty boy, a so-called "bad boy," with all other qualities besides looks not only secondary, but falling far below that secondary mark. According to every woman I've ever met, I don't have those looks. I won't repeat what they called me here. Suffice to say that they were incredibly cruel, and after a while I gave up on trying to find a woman who would look past my looks. I guess I'm looking for a "better woman."
@Bigfish1day 7 ай бұрын
She killing that dress😍
@KaizenEnergyUS 6 ай бұрын
She is right. It saves a lot of mariages.
@jamesklapetzky8633 6 ай бұрын
Very nice and pretty dress you're wearing Estelle.
@jaydubbyuh2292 7 ай бұрын
Any man who would not embrace and appreciate your loyalty your beauty and want you to be the mother of his children and the keeper of his home and his refuge would be crazy. A real man will try to move heaven and earth for you
@zombieresponder 7 ай бұрын
Unsurprisingly, men prefer the traditional model of relationship and family structure. Unfortunately, decades of two income households and poor voting choices have generated too much inflation and poor monetary policy to make the traditional model possible for most people.
@kathryneeaston9005 Ай бұрын
There is a life that is so beautiful for you on the other side of trying to please a man and society.
@tryscience 7 ай бұрын
it's great to see strong, independent women brush off peer pressure to decide which lifestyle works best for them. Far too many women are lost, confused, and unhappy from listening to masculinized peers pooh-poohing traditional women roles, instead of deciding for theselves. This is America. You have the right to pursue happiness. And you, ladies, get to choose for yourselves, what happiness looks like.
@defaultdefault812 7 ай бұрын
One income isn't sufficient to run a house hold for most families...
@julietteaouad7053 7 ай бұрын
By being a content creator you are financially independent... you kind of sell an "ideal model" but in reality the wife would actually be 100% dependent on their husband financially. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing i just want to point ou that you're actually managing a business and that most "tradwives" don't have that liberty at all... isn't it a little lie not to address that ?
@GalyeArt 7 ай бұрын
They are content creators, influencers, they have YT channels. They are putting out work and they’re making money off of it, while at the same time saying women shouldn’t work.
@rh7968 7 ай бұрын
No man in this economy is going to allow his “trad” wife to sit at home dressing up in tight clothing and makeup for other male gaze/social media. They are not going to let women spend precious income on fancy $300 dresses and cottage core bullshit to build up a brand image, I would be suprised at all if Estee was the bread winner with a prenup.
@shugdynamite 7 ай бұрын
@@GalyeArt You both are projecting your own erroneous thought processes on these women and totally ignoring their core message. Many tradwives, perhaps most, in times past and currently, had side hustles. They sold fresh produce or did dressmaking for the community. The more artistic types did paintings and what not. Point is, part time work for either variety or to ease the burden on the breadwinner was always a part of homemaking. Therefore, this is not a discussion about women working per se. It is more about VALUES. Traditional values vs modern. Tradwives champion the idea that traditional values are healthier for society and ultimately most women. You can agree or disagree, but don't attribute something to them that they never really said.
@GalyeArt 7 ай бұрын
@@shugdynamite If they are creating content, they are working. Social media influencing is a career trajectory, and they have the ability to do this because of the very feminist values that they fight against.
@consco3667 7 ай бұрын
My wife was and is a grad wife. Dressed in vintage or retro dresses every day. Smoking hot. Hair down to her butt and it is magnificent. When I came home from work I didn’t really have to do anything as far as the house was concerned. A LOT OF TIME FOR THOS WONDERFUL CLOSED DOOR ACTIVITIES. Been married 30 years still in the honey moon phase!
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